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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Salaan... C/nuur: I see you're practicing those days how to alternate your typings. Good on you. And stylish, too. Luula: If you asked me a question like this three or five years ago--as being an innocent and post-teenage syndrome--I would probably have said being TALL!! I was tired of being tall at that time. Walaahi. But, now I don't know how I appreciate it. Oh, yeah. Big time. And by the way, sister, you only ask us some weirdo questions. They aren't that weird, but, hey, com' on. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  2. Salaan... Unikis: Darn you!! The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!!!!!! What do the Talyaanis call? They do have a nice title for that film nooh. Oh, yeah: IL Buono, IL Bruto, IL Cattivo!!! Waa iiga hormartey nooh. Filinkaas sidaa ugu danbeeyo lee. Siiba foorida lee. See loo foorinaa hee: Danaa-daanaa naanaa!! LoL. Wagaan Soomaaliya joogey makasi jirin oo ciyaal maamo lee iska ahaa, lakiin Nayroobi aan ku fiirsadey. Balaayo waaye nooh. Nin Soomaali fiirsadey oo neceb filinkaan ma arkin waligeey. Aheey, magac ayba ugu wacaan Clint Eastwood {Eastoot ay Soomaalida dhahaan}. And, ah, by the way, filinkaan oo Gaalkacyo laga shiday inaa aragtey aa fiicneed. "Eeyga Eeyga Dhalay!! Garaca Garaca Dhalay!!" Waxaas lee maqlee nooh. And yeah, I want to watch other 'spaghetti-western' movies acted by Clint Eastwood. Especially, 'A Fistful of Dollars' one. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  3. Salaan... Barwaaqo: Ar saas maa laguu hayaa. LoL. Naga daa yaqeey. Simple, if the one who loves the person has--as you stated--a genuine love, then you would go with that person. No matter what. Though, yeah certain restrictions depending on the indivual. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  4. Salaan... Yeah and we know that he never read once--even a verse of it--the Quraanka Kariimka. And would we care? No. Same as from the days of Jaahiliya up to now and to the future. We will always see a people like him, no matter what day it would be or time. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  5. Salaan... Caydiid: Ki Ki Ki!! Xaa tiri? Siteey Manoogto. Iyaah, Ciyaal Bilaajo Carab iska dheh bo. Mise, ciyaal Kaasa Bal-balaare. Iyaah, ar magac aas u heshay nooh. Siteey fariinka ka fakadey dheh bo. Dhaq Dhaq Dhaq. Kud Kud Kud. __________________ Macsalaama!!
  6. Salaan... C/nuur: Aheey waardiyihii waa kanaa. Magaceey hadii la raaco asalkiis kistoo walax lagu wareero waaye, ee marka ii samar waxaa dhihi doono. I used to call myself Waryaa--but suddenly I realized it was a very common name used by the anons. So, not to be confused with that aspect, I decided to add an extra one. It thus became Maskiin Waryaa. Ah, again, I realized that it isn't really a matched name. So, I needed another name to add that starts with the letter M or W. It, hence, then, became Maskiin Macruuf Waryaa. I searched a one that has a letter W with a fun side too. But, I couldn't come up with one. I sometime decided Waardiye would do better. But, If I called myself Miskiin Macruuf Waryaa Waardiye, I would feel there is something missing. So, eventually I substituted the Waardiye part with Aqiyaar. Miskiin Macruuf Waryaa Aqiyaar was finally formed. And ever since it was like that. Oh, yes, in somaliaonline.com I use MMA because the register side wouldn't allow me to have a four-worded name. So, I dropped the Waryaa part. Saas lee waaye. Unix: LoL. Waraa. Magacee aa ku dilay yaah. Kac waraa. Ha iga cunin nooh. Baydan: Sister, sax waaye 'fruit' aa la dhahaa baydaan. Hadii 'baydan' yahey ma ogi lakiin shaqal dheer markiis laga dhigo oo baydaan yahey fruit la cuno oo Xamar ka bixi jiray aa la dhahaa. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  7. Salaan... Kik Kik Kik. Gis Gis Gis. Kud Kud Kud. _____________ Macsalaama!!
  8. Salaan... Faaduma and Hiboos: Com' on. Canbuulo calool xanuun lee ma'ahee. See camal hee. Walaahi, aboosto waaye nooh. Ogoow kii cuno inii habeenkaas meesha 'diyeesha {10}' ka noqonaayo. Oh, man, how I missed it. Oh, those days I am enjoying it since I moved to this new house with a family and sometimes it is cooked in here. Yeah, before that I used to miss it. Not anymore. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  9. Salaan... Heeeeeey, guys. This is so unfair. What happened our tradition names. No one mentioned them. Com' on. Most of you know that. We have a whole set of tradition names, including: Xaawo Xaliimo Xabiibo Shamso Shukri Asli Khadiijo Muslimo Sahra {after the 60s} Naciima {after the 70s} Saciida Awliyo Com' on. At least someone would have included them in their list. Oh, me included. But my names were brief. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  10. Salaan... C/nuur: I would let my 'waardiye' do that. To dig the facts of my name and its meaning and its implication and its reasoning and its choice and its why. So, baliish, wait until he comes back. __________________ Macsalaama!!
  11. Salaan... C/nuur: Hey, man, I didn't say you 'should' speak to them in Soomaali. I wrote it in Soomaali doesn't mean you should speak to them in Soomaali. Com' on. Who would anyway understand it--the Soomaali since they aren't Soomaali. __________________ Macsalaama!!
  12. Salaan... Yuusuf: Yes, brother, theorically and ideally I am Salafi. But, when it comes to how some of us distort the image of Salaafi, then it is really something that bothers me--they equate the Salafis to be those beardos or something like that. At this contemporary world, this word is so mis-used by pro-Salafis and anti-Salafis. And by the way, I am a follower--as are all Soomaalis--of Shaafici {Shafi'i} school of thought. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  13. Salaan... Hibo: Sister, all of that are unneccesary. I am telling you. Simply put, those would keep the night to be smooth and cheap: Baaquli buuxo oo Canbuulo Galeey eh. Koob Caano Garoor eh. Iyo Caano Geel, too. After the 'kaanbiyo' kuwaan aa lagu sii wadaa: Soor abuu Caano Lo wadato. Miinshaari. Shaah abuu cadees kuwada jiraan dhamaan wixii oo dhan--qurfa iyo heel, sanjabiil, dhago yaro, etc. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  14. Salaan... Xigmad with a Xishmad!!! Or would you call it respect? Or ixtiraam? ______________ Macsalaama!!
  15. Salaan... Yaasmiina!!! Or Mulki!! Or Hanaan!! And no further comments. Or explanations. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  16. Salaan... C/nuur: Gis Gis Gis--Kud Kud Kud!! Kuwii wad. ____________________ Macsalaama!!
  17. Salaan... Redka: Isug qamuuskaa soo qaadana hee. Hokey. Aqiyaarta kale: Beysaani idinkaa eh oo fahmi kartiin nooh. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  18. Salaan... Ay-Faay: If my wife does almost of those stuff you mentioned, ah I would live in a world of its own--PERFECTLY!! I wish our sisters--and brothers, too--would heed to what that book says. We would really live in a perfect world. _____________ Macsalaama!!
  19. Salaan... Faadimiin: LooooooL. Iga qaleey yaqeey. Ani Surwaalgaab lee, nooh. Gargaas Cusama bin Laadin aa loo dhaafey. ____________ Macsalaama!!
  20. Salaan... Sheekadaan inaa maqasheen ma ogiyee, ee kii maqlin waa tanaa. Xarfankoo Dhoore la dhaho aa kasoo baxay Burco oo Xamar uu usoo socday. Ceelgaab uu kasoo dagey. Xaafadii uu kusoo dagi lahaa baskiis aa losoo tilmaamey. Baskii soo qaatey. Booskuu fadhiyey laba laba loo fadhiisan jiray oo midaa bananaa. Bas marka, baskii markuu dhaxda soo maraayo aa Xarfaantoo xarageyneyso soo kortay. Dhinaca xariifkaan Dhoore fadhiyey ay soo aadey. Inuu ka dhinac u baneeyo ay rabtey, lakiin waa u baneen waayey. Markaas ay saan ku dhahdey: "Duqa, jug dheh." "Jug." Xarfankaan inii 'jug dheh' oo jug la dhahaayo uu u maleyaa nooh. Iyadana inee durug dhahdo ay rabtaa. "Ar laa ilaah ila laah, ar jug dheh nooh. Maxaa isku dhagooleynee?" "Jug." "Ar kan intee laga keeney. Jug maba yaqaano nooh. Ar jug dheh yaqeey." "Jug." "Ar dhoorahaana maxaas ahaa." "Dhoore?" Ileen xarfaankaan Dhoore magaciis aaba la dhihi jiree, waa yaabey nooh. Inee taqaan uuba u maleyaa. "Huuno, kumaad ahayd. War ileen magacii waa uun gareneysay?" Ninkaan ku qabo uusba bilaabey. "Ina adeer ii sheeg ma Habar Yaxaas baad ahayd?" "Mayaa, habar libaax badeed lee." "War maxaa ku hadleysaa?" "Adaa iga daran nooh. Habar kulahaa. Ma ii jeedid miyaa horta iniis gabar abuu siibito ahay." "War Habartaa uun maa ku weydiyee, ee iisheeg ma Habar Yaxaas baa adiguun?" "Waa kuu sheegey habar libaax badeed lee ani." Ar bas sidii sii la iskugu qeylinaayo lee lagu kala tagey nooh. Tana 'habarta' u maleyso inee tahey caytin, asagana u maleyo inee 'dhoore' loola jeedey magaciis. Ar Soomaali maxee af jini ku hadlaan. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  21. Salaan... Buubto: Noo. A Sacuudi man would definitely say: Mahad Alla!! _____________ Macsalaama!!
  22. Salaan... And yeah another one. This is really a funny one. I kept it a bit. But, now I cannot resist. Hokey, here it is: "Satan Husane invades Kiwi and Sandy Arabia." _____________ Macsalaama!!
  23. Salaan... And yeah another one. This is really a funny one. I kept it a bit. But, now I cannot resist. Hokey, here it is: "Satan Husane invades Kiwi and Sandy Arabia." _____________ Macsalaama!!
  24. Salaan... Consider to define a college: Ah, what a world of enlightening. A place to pursue of higher learning. Where the formal eduction formally ends the 'theory' of education at there. Where acquiring of wisdom is beyond all other places. Ah, what a wonderful world of knowledge. Think again. Read those thoughts by students from various colleges, universities, and others who wrote those stuff. It was compiled by a professor in three decades. He finally those compilation in a book called, 'Non Campus Mentis.' Here are some of what some students wrote on their thesis, on their tests, on their essays, etc: "Plato invented reality. He was {a} teacher to Harris Tottle, author of The Republicans." This student, I believe, has no sense of time or history at all. "Lust was a must for the Epicureans." "The Boston Tea Party was held at Pearl Harpor." "Zorroastrogism was founded by Zorro. This was a duelist religion." "Americans...wanted no involvement in the French and Indian War because they did not want to fight in India." "During the Dark Ages, it was mostly dark." "Christianity was just another mystery cult until Jesus was born." "Machiavelli, who was often unemployed, wrote 'The Prince' to get a job with Richard Nixon." They are all true. Hokey. No joking. The professor who compiled them really swears they are as truthful as the students intended. As if students like those who wrote what are mentioned on above or others who really attend a college and likely would write something like that, then I consider if a college is really a place of higher learning. I have yet to attend a college. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  25. Salaan... Consider to define a college: Ah, what a world of enlightening. A place to pursue of higher learning. Where the formal eduction formally ends the 'theory' of education at there. Where acquiring of wisdom is beyond all other places. Ah, what a wonderful world of knowledge. Think again. Read those thoughts by students from various colleges, universities, and others who wrote those stuff. It was compiled by a professor in three decades. He finally those compilation in a book called, 'Non Campus Mentis.' Here are some of what some students wrote on their thesis, on their tests, on their essays, etc: "Plato invented reality. He was {a} teacher to Harris Tottle, author of The Republicans." This student, I believe, has no sense of time or history at all. "Lust was a must for the Epicureans." "The Boston Tea Party was held at Pearl Harpor." "Zorroastrogism was founded by Zorro. This was a duelist religion." "Americans...wanted no involvement in the French and Indian War because they did not want to fight in India." "During the Dark Ages, it was mostly dark." "Christianity was just another mystery cult until Jesus was born." "Machiavelli, who was often unemployed, wrote 'The Prince' to get a job with Richard Nixon." They are all true. Hokey. No joking. The professor who compiled them really swears they are as truthful as the students intended. As if students like those who wrote what are mentioned on above or others who really attend a college and likely would write something like that, then I consider if a college is really a place of higher learning. I have yet to attend a college. ______________ Macsalaama!!