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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Salaan... Sheekadaan aa hada kahor ka dhacdey Australia ee iga qabsada hee. Xariifkoo iyo Aabihiis aa warka fiirsanaayi. The main focus on that night's news was the impeachment of the former Indonesian president C/raxmaan Waaxid {popularly known as *** Dur pronounced like *** Diir}. After watching the news, as usual, the father asked his son what the news anchor was really speaking about. So, in other works, the rough translation of it. So, this conversation took place: Aabaha: Aabe, maxuu sheegey warka uu ninkaas ka sheegey? Wiilka: Aaba madaxweynaha Indoneyshiya {Indonesia} darajada aa laga qaadayaa. Aabaha: Walee. Aabe, magacii asaga? Wiilka: *** Dur {remember it is pronounced as like *** Diir in Indoneyshiyan}. Aabaha: Inaa Lilaah, Wa'inaali Raajicuun. Soo Muslim ma'aha ninka hadee aabo? Soo waxa iskuma xishoon maayo? Wiilka: Haa aabo. Wadaad waaye xataa. Lakiin *** Diir lee la dhahaa. Aabaha: Balaaya dhacdey. Hadii wadaadgood waxaas loogu waco, munaafuqoodka maxaa loogu wici doona? Wiilka: Ha-Ha!! Ma ugi hee, Aabo. Aabaha: Nin fiican oo koofiyad Muslim ah ooba ila ekaa, lakiin waa nin balaayo heshay waaba ku fiicna in jagada laga qaado. Balaayo dad ceebeysay. Wiilka: Haa, aabo. Guskiis Diir lee waaye {wuu ku ciyaraa nooh aabihiis}. Aabaha: Ar aamo. Mar kale ha igu soo celin magacaas. Bismilaahi Raxmaani Raxiim. Waligeey magac waa maqli jiree, waligeey kanaa maqleysaa ma is laheen. ________________ Madaxweynahaas magaciis C/raxmaan Waaxid waaye lakiin *** Dur lee loogo yaqanaa wadankiis. And by the way, *** Dur means in Indonesian Culumo or wadaad. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  2. Salaan... So-So...Lol. !!! ______________ Macsalaama!!
  3. Salaan... Onkod: Alxamdulilah would have been perfect, and verily preferred instead of JiniLuuya. Or simply Ilahaa Mahad leh. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  4. Salaan... Faanta: You are late. Sorry. Next departing train's time is unknown and its location likewise is unknown. But, hey, be patient. Now, I see you realized that it does exist. _______________ Macsalaama!!! [This message has been edited by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar (edited 01-25-2002).]
  5. Salaan... C/nuur: You don't know Hawl-Wadaag Dhexe? Man, I think you had never been to Xamar, let alone to Soomaaliya. Iskool Xamar ku yaaley aa Hawl Wadaag Dhexe la dhihi jiray. Kii aan dhigan jiray waaye. Ah, and my major was Kacaanka. To prove what I learned: Guulwadoow Siyaad, Aabihii Garashada Geyga Yagoow. Hadaan...Ha-Ha-Ha!!! Noloow Siyaad Noloow, Nabey Nooma Talin, Naskax Nooma Roon, Nacabkaa Hajaboo. Aabihii Dalkoow Siyaad, Aabihii Ummadoow Siyaad. Siyaad Siyaad Siyaad. Fatma: Golden State? Darn it. My brother aa meshaas kistoo isbortigood u shaqeeyo nooh. Runtii iniis is aragteen aaba filaa. Inkastoo ay weyn tahey. Labaatan iyo lama sano uus dagnaa mahaas oo Soomaali ma arki uus ku hayaa mar walba ee ii raadi nooh. LoL. _____________ Macsalaama [This message has been edited by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar (edited 01-25-2002).]
  6. Salaan... C/nuur: You don't know Hawl-Wadaag Dhexe? Man, I think you had never been to Xamar, let alone to Soomaaliya. Iskool Xamar ku yaaley aa Hawl Wadaag Dhexe la dhihi jiray. Kii aan dhigan jiray waaye. Ah, and my major was Kacaanka. To prove what I learned: Guulwadoow Siyaad, Aabihii Garashada Geyga Yagoow. Hadaan...Ha-Ha-Ha!!! Noloow Siyaad Noloow, Nabey Nooma Talin, Naskax Nooma Roon, Nacabkaa Hajaboo. Aabihii Dalkoow Siyaad, Aabihii Ummadoow Siyaad. Siyaad Siyaad Siyaad. Fatma: Golden State? Darn it. My brother aa meshaas kistoo isbortigood u shaqeeyo nooh. Runtii iniis is aragteen aaba filaa. Inkastoo ay weyn tahey. Labaatan iyo lama sano uus dagnaa mahaas oo Soomaali ma arki uus ku hayaa mar walba ee ii raadi nooh. LoL. _____________ Macsalaama [This message has been edited by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar (edited 01-25-2002).]
  7. Salaan... Xafsa: Mayaa, Habar Iisho waaye. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  8. Salaan... Insha Allaah, Xamar. Xamar lee. Ilaahoo Xamar Xamarkeed kadhig. Xamareey waa lagu xumeey xaalkaa see waaye? ______________ Macsalaama!
  9. Salaan... C/nuur: I attended Hawl-Wadaag Dhexe. Hey, com' on. That is the school I attended and mostly cherished its memory. Ar maxaa kasoo boodey iskoolkaas. Ar maxaa ganjeelka kan bareega ilaaliyo baryey oo iga fur dhahey oo inaa baxo lee. Ar maxaa been iyo barmugaato oo jiro qaaf eh sheegey. Aduun xaalkiis lee. __________________ Macsalaama!!
  10. Salaan... C/nuur: I attended Hawl-Wadaag Dhexe. Hey, com' on. That is the school I attended and mostly cherished its memory. Ar maxaa kasoo boodey iskoolkaas. Ar maxaa ganjeelka kan bareega ilaaliyo baryey oo iga fur dhahey oo inaa baxo lee. Ar maxaa been iyo barmugaato oo jiro qaaf eh sheegey. Aduun xaalkiis lee. __________________ Macsalaama!!
  11. Salaan... Yuusuf: Never, never believe what you read on the Western media. And I congratualate you for already doing it. And speaking of qaat or jaad, it is a mild-stimulant plant; when you chew you feel like as though you drank ten cups of full coffee in three minutes. That is how it affects you. How powerful its effect is. It is mostly and largely chewed by Somalis, Yemenis, Kenyanis, Ethiopians, and some people from the Arabian Peninsula. And this means unfortunately most users are Muslims. The reason they use is because the scape the realities of daily world and try to live in a world of dreamland. While chewing they build a full, virtualized world of fastasy. You couldn't believe it. They are several kinds of jaad. Namely: Gisa {the shortest and most powerful affective}. Laari {the middle one, a mild}. Gangeeti {the tallest and the least affective}. __________________ Macsalaama!!
  12. Salaan... Saalaxudiin: We do know that you are an artist. But, we never thought that you were in that league! Marka naga qaleey hee. You could simply listed them. And welcome aboard. Please, list your name in the registration form. Not the one you already did, but to clarify who you really are. __________________ Macsalaama!!
  13. Salaan... Oh yeah, I at least have a common folks who share what I feel. Good to see you all. Beydaan: Waa lagu wayee. Iskoolka kawaran hee? Caadi dheh. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  14. Salaan... Ismahaan and Jawaahir: I only know Caadil Imaan. Perhaps, another guy, but I don't know his name. But, I would give you a bit description about his acting career. He used to act in 'masaasilo' dramas. One of this masaasilo was broadcasted in prime time in Xamar at that time before the Qax. This guy was a student in some university in Qaahiro, and was so poor that he only had a 'one shirt, one jacket and one pant.' And soon, he fell in love with another student in his class whose family had a plenty of wealth. And as you guess the rest of drama, it was this that sometimes my family members made them cry. Walaahi, even those who didn't understand the 'carabic' language. Sometimes, even me. I was so young to understand it, but really it made me see my tears. C/nuur: Sir, step aside. This isn't your typical league. Sorry. Members only--meaning those folks who at least had a glimpse of the Masaari {Egytian} movies, dramas, comedies, etc. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  15. Salaan... I can see that many among ourselves, Soomaalis, use the term Soomaaliyan {Somalian} to describe our identity. This bothers me. It is not only incorrect historically, but it is useless and unnecessary while we have a name of our own that we named ourselves. And it is not only a foreign, but a misguided one. So, Soomaali is an appropriate one with a historical connection. To those who advocate the word 'somalian,' then think again. You don't call a French a 'francian' or an English man a 'Englandian.' ________________ Macsalaama!!
  16. Salaan... Qori: Com' on. I never twisted. I just wanted to prove the real thing behind this so-called freedom of jini and jinoole. Runtii. And there is nothing wrong wearing a picture of Cusama bin Laadin--of course, he himself wouldn't allow it because it is deemed to be un-Islamic--on your t-shirts. And it doesn't signal any hate messages. No. A Hero of Islaam isn't a hate message. Don't get me wrong. What it does signal, unlike the rest of those too-proud-Americans-waving-their-flags-and-showing-their-patriotic, is to whom you are loyal to. Cusama bin Laadin is never proved to commit any crimes they are saying. And where did you get that he is immoral, let alone a criminal to the extent of Ku-Klux-Klan or Aryans? He is a David against the Goliath of this modern world. And please, stop watching too much Sii-En-En or Been-Been-Siidaa!!!! ______________ Macsalaama!!!
  17. Salaan... Luula: Yes, cover them up. You wouldn't then worry about showing them off to mere strangers. And, yes, I am a man--even though we men are not invited to participate, but, hey, it isn't fair to be a spectator. ___________________ Macsalaama!!
  18. Salaan... Luul: I am 22. Why? Jawaahir: Speaking of Masaari films, ever heard the name Caadil Imaan? Oh, man! That man is really an actor. A real actor. What I call a real actor. Though, too young to remember him--my sister used to love his films and would sometimes let us watch--I still remember him. Vividly. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  19. Salaan... Buubto: Yes, it does 'exist.' And I am very sure for it. To prove it, I will go no where but only to the Quranka Kariimka. What will it say about it? Just a perspective from the Quraanka Kariimka, this is what it says about love: "And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquillity with them, and He has put LOVE and mercy between your {hearts}: verily in that are Signs for those reflect." Exactly, that ayat is speaking love and its sign. Is there any where better to be expressed than in there? _________________ Macsalaama!!
  20. Salaan... Unikis: Noo. That proves 'something.' __________________ Macsalaama!!
  21. Salaan... Imaam: Who on earth would know if the Imaam himself wouldn't figure that question out? Yeah, aduun xaalkiis even imaam xataa su'aal uus qabaa oo bajaq iyo kaasmaayou quseeso? Mucjiso lee ahaa. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  22. Salaan... Najma and Luula: Were you guys born after the 90s? Com' on. What are those movies. They are so new. You must have a classic movie to make it so favourite. And speaking of my favourite, once again, this is, with along the Good, The Bad and The Ugly, the best favourite movie: The Message ________________ Macsalaama!!
  23. Salaan... This is an old joke widely circulated at the demise of Siyaad Bare's regime. It is one of my favourite jokes. Siyaad baarbiyeerigiis 'xamarigoo' uu ahaa. So one day in the last years of his regime, Aabe Siyaad went to his personal barber to have some hair cut. And this conversation took place. Baarbiyeeri: Aabe Siyaad, may I ask you a question, Sir? Siyaad: Yes, what is it? Baarbiyeeri: What's all the excitements in the countryside? Siyaad: You Xamaris never understand anything. It is just the 'regional games.' What do you think? Baarbiyeeri: Oh, very interesting. Then aren't the finals going to be held in the 'capital?' ________________ If you don't get the 'joke,' try it. And try it. And try it to re-read. Still if not, then give up. _______________ Ah, and Soomaali maxee dhaheen markii Hargeysa la rusheynaayi: "Aw-waraaboow?" "Hee." "Hargeysa aantee?" "Haa." "Xamar kidar ba." "Kidaree." Waana kudarey. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  24. Salaan... Qori-Xabaalan: You gun isn't buried yet. Freedom of speech in America, ehe. I see. But, baliish, let's test how this little most decepted thing works. Baliish, I want you to wear this particular thing on tomorrow on the whole day--that is if you are in U.S. or in some Western Yurubiyaan countries. The thing is: Wear a Cusama bin Laadin t-shirt splashed both sides by his giant picture. And on the front side put those words: "A Hero of Islaam." And the back side: "David against Goliath's Wrath in Modern World." Please, do so. And we will see how this 'freedom of speech or thought' works. Don't tell me anything else of any buts, ands and ifs. Just do it to prove me this free thoughts of yours works! I will wait you at this time around tomorrow, Insha Allaah. If you are lucky enough to reach here--not in hospital or in some disaster area--then you are absolutely proved your beliefs of free thoughts and worships. _______________ Macsalaama!!