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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Salaan... Waa idiin jeedaa inee afkiin jini idinka maqan yahee, ee kistaan kasaayo iga barta bo. B T J X KH D R S SH DH C G F Q K L M N W H Y A E I O U Shaqal dheer: AA EE II OO UU Kuun Kuun Laminaa. Laminaa Tabaarikaa. Sata-uuna Baarika. Siyeedlaa Muuminaa. Wacelaa, Kisiyaa, Baxayaa. Kadhimeey Kadhim: Koow! Kadhimeey Kadhim: Lama!! Kadhimeey Kadhim: Sadex!! Lama, Lamiskale, Lita, Litaabuure, Awluujan. Ninkii ama naagtii gariir ciyaari jirtay aa xasuusto. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  2. Salaan... What did Dubya say than saying these redundant remarks: Make no mistake? Justice...Justice...Justice? Terrorists...Terror...Terrorism? Evil-doers? May God bless America? What else? ______________ Macsalaama!!! [This message has been edited by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar (edited 01-31-2002).]
  3. Salaan... What exactly is wrong with macawiis, bakoorad, fitishaari, camaamad, koofiyad abuu barawaani iyo janbal abuu talyaani???? Aheey, ka aheen xarago lee. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  4. As-salaamu Caleykum Waraxmatulaahi Wabarakaatu. Walaal, Gacaliso, salaantaas kor ku xusan oo qiimo iyo qaayo leh baa marka hore kugu salamayaa, salaantaas oo wadato diirkii boqol iyo toban iyo afarta Quraanka cadadiis. Salaantaas oo iskugu diraan laba qof oo is jecel oona is maagsan. Salaantaas oo ifka iyo aaqiro kuugu soo marinaayo hawadaan sidii shimbiraha ugu boobaan. Salaantaan oo aad iyo aad kuugu soo salaaminaayo oo aana ka baryayaa markaa heshid adoo caafimaad qabtid oona salaamulaahna ku sugantahay. Salaantaan oo ah salaan ay isku diraan laba qof oo walaalo ah oona ku kala nooh meel aad iyo aad u kala fog, taas oona kusoo marinaayo salkaas dhexe. Salaan ka bacdi, aad iyo aad baan kuugu xiisay oo salaantii aan kuugu soo salaami lahaa aaba ii salaami weysay maxaa yeeley sidaan salaan qiimo leh kuugu haayo. Salaantaan oo hada kuugu soo qoraayo oo ah inaa marba kaa iloowi karin salaantaas oo salaan qiimo iyo qaayo leh ahaado. Salaantaan muhiimnimadeed waa salaan mustaqbal iyo maaso ahaanba xanbaarsan. Salaan ahaanteedana kasii salaamsan. Walaaleey marka hore waa salaaman tahay oo wax dhib ah majiraan ka aheen salaantaas oo dusha kore kaaga soo diraayo. Salaantaan oo xanbaarsan mid aad iyo aad u sharaf badan. Salaantaan oo kuugu sheegaayo sidaan kuugu xiisay oonaa kuugu salaami lahaa. Salaantaan waxee ahayd tii ugu salaanta badneed oona salaan ahaan kuugu soo salaami doono. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  5. Salaan... First of all, can I vote in here? If not, then qash-qashaad hee. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  6. Salaan... C/nuur: Ciyaal siyo waaxid. See camal xaa ku falee tiyiiso oo bajaq lee loogu tala galey nooh. Naga daa yaqeey. Barina maxaa dhahee? Waa niikinaa aah? ______________ Macsalaama!!! [This message has been edited by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar (edited 01-31-2002).]
  7. Salaan... What is this, advisers of Glamour HollyWaab world? Naga daaya yaqeey. Uunsi, huruud, cadar, afakaadho, doobo shamboow, luxus, liveboy, iyo kuwii kale lee la isku ogaa nooh ee shimee Victoria's Secrets soo baxdey bo? _____________ Macsalaama!!
  8. Salaan... Onkod: Xaaaaaaaaaaaaaq Tuf!!!!!!! Yaa caleeg, see u dhadhamee ii sheeg hee? _______________ Macsalaama!!!
  9. Salaan... Beydaan: LoooooooooooL. Ga naga sii yaqeey. See camalna. Mar mar bashaal waaye nooh in kaaba-atooraha loo raaxeyo. Soomaalida maxee dhahaan dadka saas sameeyo? Istiin dheh yaqeey. Ah, walashiis, is it counted if I am a nail-biter? You know. I am actually a fervent nail-biter and I used to bite as long as I can remember. It is not something related to stress, but I can't see a bit of my nails growing more than a centi-centi. _____________ Macsalaama!!
  10. Salaan... We had seen alot of new members flooding in here in the last couple of days. So, to these new members, fill this incumbent page. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  11. Salaan... A+: Yaa kuu diiday saas. Caadi waaye nooh. It wasn't really that emabarassment. Haye midkeey waa kanaa hee. As a young boy back home late in 1991 when Cay iyo Cali were in a constant conflict, our family moved from Xamar--as a result of Qax--to Afgooye. We stayed there several months, and oh boy, to live in Afgooye, it was a demanding thing to do. If you are a new comer, then you must first taste a disease, usually a bad calool-xanuun. This is mostly related to because of drinking the water from the river. There were no other choice, but only the water from the river. Ah, in the first month it was all good, but until then the expected calool-xanuun started. By having this calool-xanuun, one day it stroke me greatly and the ache was unbearable. I rushed to the washroom, soon to discover that it was occupied by someone. Ah, I found myself running around the house like an idiot seeking something idiot. Finally, I made a decision. To go to the luuq between the house we stayed and the neighbour's one. It was a good, narrow jiiro. I was in that luuq and having my painful aax when suddenly my brother-in-law caught a glipse of me. He checked and found me sitting there and shi!ting. Ooh, God. There were alot of people having a conversation on that tarjiino. And immediately seen me, he started saying alot in order others to hear, "There sits Macruuf oo bashaal xaaar kujiro!" Ooh, man. Everybody came and looked at me. It was a time frozen moment. My shi!t even took a notice. I couldn't feel any pain or ache. I forgot where I was. Dumbfounded. Emabarrassed. Big time. So, now the situation turned how could I leave from that luuq and avoid the spotlight. Because there was only a one way out and that way is located directly where these people who saw me were sitting. And of course, across the section were filled by the neighbour's and they heard it, too. I stayed in the jiiro in the next thirty minutes. Soon, my mother heard it and she was so that she came up and told me to come out and it is hokey. That brother-in-law thought it was a funny, but he nearly killed me. Oh, try not to make me to remember it. Though, he later apologized that he didn't know what situation I was and also didn't know that I had a terrible calool-xanuun, that it was a painful mistake. But, the damage had been done. And it was done effectively. _____________ Macsalaama!!
  12. Salaan... Couldn't you just try to say this in paltalk? And by the way, I never had a pal, let alone a talk with him. Ooh, you mean by that for my third leg. Oh, don't worry. We always talk. Especially, talk about his two junior sons. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  13. Salaan... Unixguru: Close to five months now, and what do we still see? You answer the question. _____________ Macsalaama!!
  14. Salaan... Meesha seyruuq aaba laga ciyaroyaa miyaa. Abkeey abkoow. See camalna gantaala maxaa ka danbeysiin. Ar bajaq gantaalo waa weyn ku yaalin hadii ay kugu soo aado maxaa sameyn lahayd? Mid qaaf maa usoo gadi lahayd oo aa ku nuursatid. Ar kac dheh. _________________ Macsalaama
  15. Salaan... A+: Waa kuu sheegey. Aqiyaar iska dhig ee garoonka isgeey. Halmar ka badan maa dhimanee. See camal. Beysaani aaba kuu maleynayee. Naga daa yaqeey. Is xaadari nooh. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  16. Salaan... Faadimiin: Aarbiitaro hadii noqoneysid adi lee waaye. Xarish iyo Madax aa ka ficnaan lahayd nooh. Mise kabaa la turaa. Cag iyo Cagteed lee la fiirinaa. Haye, A+ maku raacsinidoow? ______________ Macsalaama!!
  17. Salaan... Silent-Guy: Mahad Alla hee. Aqiyaarta tan waligiin ma maqasheen. Hooyoow Gacaloow Gurigii Asluubta, Ubax Lagu Gudoomaa, Guuleesoow, Waligaa Guuleesoo!! Hooyoo Gacaloooooow, Gurigii Asluubta Ubax Lagu Gudoomaa, Guleesoow Waligaa Guuleesoo Ar heestaas maxaa faanto iyo kooko hooyadeey ugu cabay dukaankeena. Ar maxaana u xiisay lee. Waa u qadaa lee nooh, faanto dhakab lee. Mise caanihii warshada. Hooyo la'aan abaar waaye. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  18. Salaan... A+: Oh, noo, Sir. You are a too good gentleman, and gentlemen are always first. I am merely a sinyore; we sinyoris are second. _________________ Macsalaama!!
  19. Salaan... Really? But, I thought he lived in the White House and a very 'long' time ago I heard from a reliable source that he 'fainted.' Was that, too, true, American? ______________ Macsalaama!!
  20. Salaan... Najma: LoL. Speaking of telephone stories, there is this story I heard. It happened in here, Toronto. This mother--not literally a mother by blood but a kind enough to care a child--used to care this poor young sister who was labelled innocently to belong a qabiil-less world--in other words, a midgaaaan {I am sorry aqiyaarta, but I had to say this}. So, whenever this sister was called or labelled this such thing, she used to call this caring woman to counsel her and the protector always used to remind her to be strong and that qabiil is nothing. So, she believed and always thought that she was more than her protector. Ah, one day this situation changed forever. The protector-mother was called by on the phone an old friend who arrived from somewhere and who came to Toronto inee isdhiibto. But, in her isdhiibasho application, she called herself that she is midgaaaan. The better to have the worst qabiil, the best of the result to be accepted as a legal refugee claimant. This lady had called her old friend and inquired about if she had known anything about midgaaaan. The protector-mother told her that she always cared a girl who is midgaaaan. So they called her in the extended third line. But, the midgaaaan girl was busy at that time and told them she would call back as soon as possible. They waited and waited and waited while they were having still some phone conversations. After about an hour, they called back again in the third line, this time there was no one on the other line, and the beep of the message came up. With both old ladies conversation, they heard the message line, but thought the cancelled the phone. Not so. The beep went and had their conversation recorded obliviously. So, this time the protector-mother was a bit mad at the midgaaaan girl for not calling her back in the firt place. So, she told the old folk how she felt that, 'a midgaaaan, always a midgaaan.' And remember the message line is still recording. And she again recited some unfortunate midgaaan stories and bashed that qabiil like unthinkable. The other lady, too, is too xariifad to be xamiraad. Ah, finally this poor midgaaaan sister had listened the message and was SHOCKED to discover all of those years who mostly cared about her now is BASHING her big time. She never called the protector-mother back. But, the caring mother was honest that she told her that never in her life she uttered those words and that was the first time. Asked to be forgiven. Not accepted. This apology thing continued in a whole year. Even meelo aa la isku imaadey oo inee iska cafiso rabto. But, the girl insisted NEVER and NEVER. The poor surrogate mother had never beg a someone like that before. She never wanted anything, but only forgiveness. But, the girl insisted never to. Still the situation remains that. Ooooooh, what a stubborn sister. ______________ I do have some emabarrassing moments, but I think I am too embarrassed to share with you.
  21. Salaan... Why not? Absolutely. Oh, of cousse I am not a perfect, but I am very content the way I look--or supposed to look--today. Any further personal questions? __________________ Macsalaama!!
  22. Salaan... Geedi: Com' on, Geedi. Were we not this 'civilized' before? Yeah, this site is as cool as t gets and the old one--somalinet.com/forum--is in its last stage of life-support. Walaahi, that place is dying terribly. Geedi Shaamboow, welcome now. And have a seat. And enjoy the show, though it is in its early stage, much more would come soon. ______________ Macsalaama!! [This message has been edited by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar (edited 01-26-2002).]
  23. Salaan... Maryam: Sister, we see how you feel, but we might not know fully what is going on those conversations he has had on those phones. We just speculate it. First, sister, you have to understand the nature of Soomaalis. By nature, we Soomaalis are social and very social. That means, while we are on the phone, even with the opposite sexes sometimes, we talk and talk and talk very looong. That is the way we are. Just a part of our nature. And to answer your suspicion you have about him, I don't know what to say. He himself is a wadaad and knows that flirting over the phone is as xaraam as in a real action. Secondly, as you guys are in Sweden, he can't marry a second wife. That means, if he finds someone on that phone, he must at least divorce you. But, that is unlikely and won't happen. But, sister, I assure you that on that phone, really he isn't talking something shouldn't be talked about. We Soomaalis care ourselves very much and we love that way. Yes, you have every right that he must make you to be in his priority. But, again, he is a preacher of adacwa, and he needs a time for people who call him personally about several Islamic related situations. I hope you find the best of the possible in this position. _____________ Macsalaama
  24. Salaan... Yuusuf: Brother, but, the constitution--both the former constitutions and the one now in effect--says that to be a president or a prime minister in Soomaaliya, you must be a Soomaali by nature--that is, your parents as well must also be Soomaali. Well, we think we can change the constitution and vacant you a position in there. ___________________ Macsalaama!!
  25. Salaan... Oh, the *** stands for Gu$!! ______________ Macsalaama!!