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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Salaan... Soul: LoL. Experience says it all. LoL. Your gantaalo must made you feel as though... __________________ Macsalaama!!
  2. Salaan... Ashwaaq: It says foot-ball, and you expected what, crush-boning-ball? Or you call that football? LoL. And by the way, San Francisco used to be my team. Not anymore. I am not a fan of any American Football team anymore. Shaqsi, we will discuss this thing when the World Cup comes, Inshallah. Hokey. See, I was a fan of Premiership while back I was in Kenya, but not anymore. I watch sometimes, but not as enthusiastic as I used to be. Let the World Cup come. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  3. Salaan... Loser: I thought you were driving your truck somewhere in some state, not in somaliaonline.com. Where is it, man? Did they fire you? Or layoffed you? Kamoon, poor brother. Do not vent your anger against us only you lost a mere job. You know what I am gonna do? I am going to call Purolator and fill a racial complaint against them. Ooooh, it wasn't Purolator, sorry. I already sent my fax. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  4. Salaan... Iswaale, ha is waalin yaqeey ee is daji. I know you have that diploma from Maano Koobiyo, but better yet... Ar welcome hee. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  5. Salaan... And out of the blue, comes the blue. Welcome blue. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  6. Salaan... Ashira: Aldo? WooW. That costs too much. LoL. Well, what about Payless Shoe Store? LoooooooL. Saas waaye nooh. By the way, I bought from Aldo my last two pair shoes. They are really good. Faadumiin: We were little experts since the dawn of time. See, we are still experts of ladies fashion. Well, we read Soomaali-Style Fashion magazines too. If you don't see a one in your area, well I have plenty of them to show you. Filsaneey: Of course, uniform kaftan lee waaye nooh. Sasamaanikana waaba ka heshaa yac. Ar see camal hee. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  7. Salaan... C/nuur, I am not a lady, but the uniform stuff caught my attention. Yeah, ladies love uniforms, especially the security guard-kind uniform. And of course, they do love the macawiis. Fitishaari, too. So is sasamaaniko. And oh yeah, the the one and the only watar baruuf kinda of dacas. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  8. Salaan... Dhaq!! Dhaq!! Dhaq!! Gis! Gis! Gis! Kud! Kud! Kud! Inaaaa Lilaaaaah, Wa Inaali Raajicuun!!!!! C/nuur, you really cracked me up. Keep cracking, hokey. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  9. Salaan... C/nuur: If you couldn't possibly see the sign at the door, which twice warns any men to stay off from this particular room, well since I am the Waardiye in here, my sensed got you without being in here. I knew you were going to be here. So, before my bud gets you...Or you need my bakoorad? Oh, sorry. I am also in the barxad. Sorry, sister Indheey. I only came here to warn a certain brother who knowingly broke a certain law. And hold your babis, I am out here. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  10. Salaan... Libaax-abuu-Xuux: Inii la is caarifaa keentey ma'ahoo. Bas waaye, hada gabdhaha dhan waa i sanka ay iga qabsanayaan nooh. Adi lee waaye waxaan. Ani sheekadaan markii hore waa ku dhaarsiiyey inii qof u sheegin, maantana waa kanaa hee Been-Been-Siida {BBC} aaba ka naadinee yaah. Well, you know what, from now on adaa bajaq ii keeneysid. Sidaas waaye maxaa yeeley yaa rabi doono hee maskiinkaan dooliga iyo duligiis kasoo uraayo. Hadii mar danbo sheeko kuu sheego ha i dhihin macruuf. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  11. Salaan... Xishoow: Soomaali maxee ku maah maahdey? Fara ka ciyaal, Daba ka ciyaar aa ka danbeeyso. Ar yac, inii isku xishoodo waaye. Namja, thanks sister. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  12. Salaan... In defense of the Admins. of this site, I am totally satisfied that this site by far is the best--and so far, so good. I consider myself a one who almost all visited every imaginable Soomaali site out there, and in comparison, this site has--should I say this--seems to have more far percentage of elites than the real dimwits. I am telling you. And on behalf--though Soomaalis ay 'af nool looma hadlo, but I have to say this anyway--of who participate in here, I think we should all thank the Admins. by doing a superb job. Thank you, Admins. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  13. Salaan... Filsaneey: Ar huu, saas dheh bo. Arlaadii ki kooyti yaah. Ar Madhayta ii Moorogaabey ku waran bo? Fayta ma'ahaa? Saas lee ma'aha. Ani kii faayo, iriireey. Widaaygaan dooga si feyla ma inkasoo, lakiin shanteey lee gamee nooh. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  14. Salaan... Sisinta: The drama of your mono-qabiil world is contunuing by even thinking I was minored by a girl because of my qabiil!! WoW!! No, you hadn't touched the wrong button. But you definitely clicked the wrong signal. Well, keep living in your real dreamful world of mono-qabiil, and I will dearly wait what it leads to. And by the way, this is soomaaliya-online and most of who use it are qabiil-free, a diseaseless people; a people whose minds are not as corrupted as you sound. And for your information and since every particular qabiil has a website that is keenly theirs, then why don't you simply visit your particular qabiil-oriented site. That will broaden and help you gain more mono-qabiil knowledge--exactly your type of the world! Really. I mean it. Or you will get bored of reading a people who has a mind exactly like you. I am anti-qabiil-oriented man. I respect qabiil, but I can't stand a one who is full of self-glorification of his/her qabiil. Noooo. I can't stand a people like that, and unfortunately you are among them. Truth be told: Every qabiil has it adversaries and its friends. But, we are all bonded together by simply brotherhood of Islaam and Soomaali. And the language. And the dhaqan. And the...However, unfortunately you are among us. And the only hope we hope for you is to better educate yourself and free that qabiilful cage you imprisoned yourself in. The world is wide, wide open. Today I thank my parents who raised me in a family of multi-qabiil world. In that family, we were all taught to respect every qabiil regardless of what is good or bad about them. And we should never judge a person because and simply of his/her qabiil. Noooo. That was not the world I was bred in. And I do really appreciate for doing that, especially seeing a one like you. Libaax-abu-Xuux: Sometimes facts kill people. Or truth hurts, as they say. It is no joke. It is reality this girl needs to open her eyes wide. _________________ Macsalaama!!
  15. Salaan... Sisinta: Ah, still living that cage, full-filled world of mono-qabiil, ehe? Well, enjoy it. This is exactly what tranformed you into this complete ignorant person by living a one-viewed world from a particular eye--your only qabiil, nothing but only yours. And your ill-thought conclusion about canbuulo? Only those of who do not belong your four-walled qabiil eat canbuulo, right? Isn't that what you were writing? This exactly proves the urgent need to explore the reality of qabiil-less world you need, particularly toward to Soomaalis. I am telling you. You really need to educate yourself. Every Soomaali from all walks of life I had seen used to eat canbuulo. And hokey, hokey, I got your point if you are desperate to be an Italian by being so proud of eating baasto. Or being a proud member of Indian by simply being again so cherished eating sabaayad, sabaayad or jabati is originated from India. Canbuulo is your African food, and best your Soomaali food. I don't know if you worship your little qabiil so much so that you even think to be the above one, it is not a good advice to eat canbuulo. What a pity! Yes, I am maskiin to my people, regardless of their qabiils. I am proud of my qabiil. I am also proud of me being a Soomaali. I am proud of other qabiils. Qabiil was not to supposed to be to despise and subject one another but to know to whom we belong. However, the ignorance of you is pouring; the thoughts of me, my, mine and mine kinds only would let you get nowhere. I am telling you. And for your information, miskiin also does mean a one who is humble, innocent and kind. Next time, try your best to understand the definations behind each word of my name. And by the way, what is exactly wrong with these: Magan Alla, Magan Rasuul!! Nothing. Ilahaa ka magan galney, Rasuulkiisa asagaa Doortey oo raacsanahey. And the ignorance continues by thinking only a certain qabiil had been those who begged on the streets of Xamar. Ah, what a qabiilful world you are raised in. It is really pity and sad. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  16. Salaan... Sacad: Sax!! Canbuulo la'aan abaar waaye. Wali canbuulada galeyda dheh oo saliid macsaro wadato iyo sokor abuu gaduudeey dheh bo. Sisinta: Sisin aa igu labo-labo badneed aan cuno. Aheey, cagaarshoow aas qabey. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  17. Salaan... Hibo: Adi ummaydaa markii fud kusoo siineysay aduunka dhan hees Soomaali ay ahayd aan filaa. Yac, waxaas ka dareey waaye. Saan lee maa jaceel iyo nuskiis kuu haayo oo u xafidey waxaan oo yac-yac hees eh. Ah, teeda kalena 'dooga si feyla in kasaasa yaah hooba hakaba banaansheed goradaasa.' Bas waaye dogaasna hadii ila kasaasa, wal ki ereey shiid iyo nus kiintaagey. And by the way, I see Xasan Aadan Samatar himself every while and then, so if you want any lyrics about his songs, I can give you his real home phone number. And that is a bonus. Ar kac, dey see u rabta. Inaaydaa iinsheg. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  18. Salaan... Sisinta: Good for you little qabiil too. Keep living the four-walled room of your world. And see not what is out there, especially the qabiil-less world. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  19. Salaan... Hokey walashiis waa tanaa: Ninkii Qabri wada bee Geerida dhibeysaaaaa, waqtigiiiii dhamayoooooo waa dhaqaaqi donaaaa. Jaceel soo aniga malihi? Haa!! Haa!!Jacburis soo aniga malihi? Haa!! Haa!!. Ninkii Qabri wade bee Geerida dhibeysaa, waqtigii dhamaayo waa dhaqaaqi donaa. Jaceel soo aniga malihi? Haa!! Haa!! Jacburis soo aniga malihi? Haa!! Haa!! Ar intaas lee aqanaa. _______________ Macsalaama!! [This message has been edited by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar (edited 04-02-2002).]
  20. Salaan... Sisinta, maya Hell's Angels waaye. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  21. Salaan... Nubiyaan: MMA could have been enough. As most use to write that. No need to spend an entire minute on it, then. And thanks. _________________ Macsalaama!!
  22. Salaan... Kana hee. Alla qurux badanaa. Gurigeena ay ku dhagsaan jirey kaas. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  23. Salaan... Ninba Afkiis, Nabiyoo Ummadaa. Cartan, sax. Afkaan wax ka fudud maleh. Dadaa dhahaayo adeeg waaye. Af walba qoraalkiis adeeg waaye, qoraal hadee noqotana af Soomaali aa ugu fudud oo loo hingaadiyo dhawaaqo uu qofka ugu dhawaaqaayo. Af Soomaali hadii ka fahantid guud ahaan qoraalkiisa fudeed waaye oo dadaa dhibo sidii Ingiriis camal ugu dhawaaqo ereyadaan oo dhib ku eh ama isku qaldo: O iyo U. Shaqal dheer iyo shaqal gaab. Kuwana wixii fudeedka aaba u gooyey oo ah: X, Kh, C, Y, Q. Kuwana maba kala bixin karaan: Kh iyo Q. K iyo G. Sida Qayr iyo muKHtaar camal. Eed maleh Soomaali luuqad sodon sano kaliya qorideeda socoto waaye, lakiin hadii isku tijaabisid fudeed caleeg waaye. Teeda kale kuwa dhahaayo markii la qoraayo af Soomaaliga adeeg waaye. Been iyo nus. Saas Ingiriiska u qoreysiin aa u qori kartiin af Soomaaliga. Markii af Ingiriis qoreysiin waxaa isticmashiin midka jidadka {ama informal miyaa?} loogu hadlo. Marka af Soomaali oo midka jidadka loogu hadlo aa qori kartiin. Maxaa yeeley waa wareerteen markii af Soomaali qoreysiin waxaa rabtiin inaa qortiin kan abuu asal ah. Mayaa sida Ingiriiska camal waaye. Informal iyo formalkiisa waa wada qabaa. Ani keyga af Soomaaliga informalka loogu waco waaye, saas waaye. Markuu af Soomaaliga kaliya ku dhibaayo waxaa waaye markii aa iska doon dooneysid inii sidii Sayidka camal wax u qortid. Kaas dhib waaye, lakiin mid abuu jacburis caadi saana waaye. Intaas lee. Marka mida kale kii ku dhalan Soomaaliya oo sheego afkeey ma aqaano, booto iyo nus uu sheegey. Boqolaal ku dhalan Soomaaliya oo 7, 8, 9 iyo 10 jir ah aa arkey oo af Soomaaliga kaa badiyo bo. Qoraal ama hadal. _________________ Macsalaama!!
  24. Salaan... Rap-Mistress: I thought you kinda like rapping and these stuff. But, what is with Khaalid bin Walid Masaajid. Ani maa wareerey oo rap iyo khaalid bin walid aa isku meel ka dhaca? Sheekh Bashiir must be laughing hard. LoL. Ha u bixin hee, sister. It's nice of you to work there. And especially on this Youth Conference. Is the guy who is from Texas still there? The guy who gave the Khutba on Friday? I wanted to be there today, unfortunately I couldn't make it. Heey, keep some bariis for me, hokey. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  25. Salaan... Rap-Mistress: I thought you kinda like rapping and these stuff. But, what is with Khaalid bin Walid Masaajid. Ani maa wareerey oo rap iyo khaalid bin walid aa isku meel ka dhaca? Sheekh Bashiir must be laughing hard. LoL. Ha u bixin hee, sister. It's nice of you to work there. And especially on this Youth Conference. Is the guy who is from Texas still there? The guy who gave the Khutba on Friday? I wanted to be there today, unfortunately I couldn't make it. Heey, keep some bariis for me, hokey. _______________ Macsalaama!!