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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Salaan... Luuleey: Soomaali waxee dhaheen bajaq la'aan abaar waaye. If you only know that. Guys never get uncomfortable as long as a girl talks about his muscular body. Ain't I right, guys? C/nuur: Well, I think I am not a guy then. I don't talk about girl's body twenty-fours-to-seven-days-a-week. I talk about it every split second. Perhaps, this is the boy's league, not guy's ones. _____________ Macsalaama!!
  2. Salaan... Ismahaan: Qatari sana runtii. How smart you are. Runtii. I thought the guy was going to fool you, but you caught him in a nutshell; especially, on the electric train trick. In that one, I thought you might be tricked this one, but again you are really brainy. C/nuur: Next time, try harder. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  3. Salaan... Ismahaan: Qatari sana runtii. How smart you are. Runtii. I thought the guy was going to fool you, but you caught him in a nutshell; especially, on the electric train trick. In that one, I thought you might be tricked this one, but again you are really brainy. C/nuur: Next time, try harder. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  4. Salaan... Jamaal: How about majaajilo? Saas waaye. Waxaa kaaba laadar ka ahaan doono Awjini. Aheey, majaajilo kaaba laadar ays qabtaa nooh. Lakiin hal feer maku jiri doono hee. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  5. Salaan... Does geed tilaal count? Or perhaps, boobooc would help. Lamadaan geed midkood aas galaa. Qurac aah, Allaheey Alla! ______________ Macsalaama!!
  6. Salaan... Kowneyn: We all do know there is absolutely nothing wrong calling salafis themselves to be a salafi. I am sure there is nothing wrong with that title. And by the way, most salafis prefer strictly to remain as Ahlul Suna Wa Jameeca. It is the people who are perhaps like you that are so loathsome and who are also name calling against the people of Ahlul Suna. Brother, everyone with a clear sharp mind can distinguish between when it comes to choose the right suna path and who is on that path on these two people: salafi and suufi. Behold carefully on these unspeakable stuff that suufis do: Dancing or whirling {thinking they are united with Allaah. Allaah forbid!}. Digri {as far as the suna goes, the Prophet would rather preferred if he was praised in a good way, not an annually gathered mawliid}. Mawliid. Saint over-praising. To praise those who died like kings. Not working {the Prophet worked and he does all his social life. He did not ignored to take care his family}. Denying the basics of life {Allaah gave you life and its pleasure, you should also enjoy it. Islaam is a balanced faith--a moderate one. A middle one. You should keep in this life as well as in the hereafter. You neither neglect either}. Eating jaad {soomaali and yemeni suufis do this}. Causing to allow suffer their bodies--not eating days and nights. Neglecting life completely and thoroughly. Not marrying {the Prophet married}. Asking for help those who passed away. Asking to intermediate on behalf of Allaah {Allaah forbid!} Bidca! Bidca! Bidca! And don't tell me some suufis do this or that. Almost all do some bidcas. Personally, I don't really call myself any name than to be a good Muslim who really follows his Prophet's path--the Suna. And If you think I am closest to the salafis, then it is all good. The salafis are the real followers of the Prophet. Bula: They are mad at Sheekh Cabdiwahaab because he wouldn't allow them to worship the Prophet's tomb. Walaahi. That is the very first and main thing they are really mad at. Also, the Sheekh told them digri with mawliid is wrong too. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  7. Salaan... Faadumiin iyo C/nuur: I ain't live in America. I live in Canada. That means, our health care system is free--supposedly called Universal Health Care System. . Oh, yeah, nothing is free, but we pay our taxes and our taxes guarantees us to have a reasonable free access to health care anytime we want. And this is one of the main reasons I like about the living situations in Canada. ________________ Macsalaama!! [This message has been edited by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar (edited 03-09-2002).]
  8. Salaan... Yuusuf: I have nothing personally against suufiyah. What I detest is what some of them do. And worship. Ever heard darawiish {or as it is known in the West dervishes}? What some suufis practice is far from the Islaamic beliefs. And certainly, very far, far, far from the suna of the Nabi {s.c.w.} ______________ Macsalaama!!
  9. Salaan... And I thought Caydiid was 'nayaa.' Mea culpa! _______________ Macsalaama!!
  10. Salaan... And I thought I was shaxaari too. Noo, noo, I am qor-qode. Or perhaps, qamarji. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  11. Salaan... Beydaan: The only Shakespearean work I ever read was Hamlet. And that was really my very first impression of hearing who Shakespeare was. And this was in late 1998 at an English class. At that time, I read Hamlet and I still remember vividly. Both movies you mentioned by Mel Gibson and Kenneth, I both watched them. Ooh, kamoon, the Kenneth's version is far better off than any other Shakespearean movies I had seen. I am telling you. See, it is really good when the characters are really British. And also the setting was perfect. Who was Hamlet's favourite friend? Horatio? Do you also know this question you are asking me were also asked by the English teacher at that time. I had an essay on this. I preferred as I choose now the Kenneth's version. ____________ Macsalaama!!
  12. Salaan... Beydaan: The only Shakespearean work I ever read was Hamlet. And that was really my very first impression of hearing who Shakespeare was. And this was in late 1998 at an English class. At that time, I read Hamlet and I still remember vividly. Both movies you mentioned by Mel Gibson and Kenneth, I both watched them. Ooh, kamoon, the Kenneth's version is far better off than any other Shakespearean movies I had seen. I am telling you. See, it is really good when the characters are really British. And also the setting was perfect. Who was Hamlet's favourite friend? Horatio? Do you also know this question you are asking me were also asked by the English teacher at that time. I had an essay on this. I preferred as I choose now the Kenneth's version. ____________ Macsalaama!!
  13. Salaan... C/nuur: To rephrase your sentence. Why non-Muslim men shouldn't babysit. To correct a little mistake. See, I consider myself a good waardiye. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  14. Salaan... Kowneyn: Macalinka, did you come here to tarnish the Salaafis and praise the Suufis? We did very well know who is really on the right track of suna when it comes to a suufi and a salafi. We do very also know that some suufis went into extremism and incorporated every faith on earth by saying every religion is one. And also unbelievably they also further stated that they are within Allaah; Or that they are living with Allaah. Allaah forbid! I can further expose what suufis believe. It is beyond our Islaamic perception to hear what they hold dear and try to convince us. And saying that the Quraan can only touched by the clean-persons, like medieval Christianity preached centuries ago believing their holy book is touched by only the priests, you are convincing us now that the Quraan can only touched by to those who learned. Anyone can touch the Quraanka Kariimka as long as that person has a ritual clean--clean-mind, clean-body, clean-thoughts, etc. Yes, the Quraan is a hidden book, but it is also a plain book without doubt: "Here is a plain statement to men, a guidance and instruction to those who fear Allaah." {Al-Cimran, 138} "And Allaah makes the signs plain to you: for Allaah is full of knowledge and wisdom." {Suuratul Nuur, 18} And this one directly deals the likes of suufis and to those would rise later times: "It is Who has sent down to thee the Book; in it are verses basic or fundamental (of established meaning); they are the foundation of the Book: others are not well-established meaning. But those in whose hearts is perversity follow the part thereof that is not well-established meaning. Seeking discord, and searching its hidden meanings, but no one knows its true meanings except Allaah. And those who are firmly grounded in knowledge say: "We believe in the Book; the whole of it is from our Lord:" and none will grasp the message except men of understanding." {Al-Cimran, 7} Suufis manipulated that above verse so much so. It is not that the Quraan not plain, but rather we affirm after all the Quraan is fully and completely only known to Allaah alone and Him alone, none else. Wabilaahi Towfiiq! ________________ Macsalaama!! [This message has been edited by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar (edited 03-07-2002).]
  15. Salaan... Jamaal: Can you try to broadcast and satisfy in a fullnews from all corners of Soomaaliya and from abroad {qurba} at same time a people in these locations: Gaalkacyo, Marka, Baydhabo, Buulo Xaawo, Jawhar, Dhuusamareeb, Afmadoowe, Dooloow, Qoryoleey and Afgooye? I am sure, you can't satisfy them all. Unlike you, these people who live these locations don't have an alternative news source than the Been-Been-Siidaa {as I call it}. But, their only mainstream news is from Been-Been-Siidaa. So, I don't really blame BBC, but whoever manipulates it. Of course, like other corporations, it is all about business. And the last half century, BBC had done much to profiting it. Though, it is a public service, still... No news sources is perfect, from Reuters to AP. Every news source has an agenda--hidden or not. ______________ Macsalaama!! [This message has been edited by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar (edited 03-06-2002).]
  16. Salaan... Ismahaan: Yes, there is Dahabshiil, Towfiiq, Salaama, Dalmar, etc but meshaa joogtid tuulo waaye nooh. So, they can't reach there. And of course, there is always an excuse. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  17. Salaan... Wiilka: Are you really joking or what? Mar mar joke-ka in laga fiirsado aas fiican {and try not to copy-and-paste whatever you read on the Gaalo's websites}. God ama Ilaahey joke ma galo. Makastey hee. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  18. Salaan... C/nuur: Waraa ga iga sii yaah. Yeah, I am maskiin and macruuf on the core, but wasqaan and waawareey inside. Ar fiiri waa waabiyee. Fuleey xaar weyn. Barwaaqo: Ar thanks yaqeey. Walaahi idinka la'aantiin meshaan maba imaan laheen nooh. See. We are a part of a big nomad family. Beydaan: LoooooooooooooL. See camal? Iga qaleey hee. Hadii maskiin saas ahaan lahaa mar horuu afar kaasmaayo uus qabi lahaa nooh. Saas ma'ahoo, aqiyaarta? Libaax: Xuuuuuuuux!! Dey hee. Yaa libaax la dagaalami karo bo? Allaheey Alla! Habeenkii xalay tagey. Adorable lee miyaa xataa mise kuwaan xataa: sweet, cute, charming, sensitive, delightful {haye, thesauruska masii wadaa hee? } adi lee waaye nooh. Haye, marka ha igu soo boodin hee. _______________ Macsalaama!! [This message has been edited by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar (edited 03-05-2002).]
  19. Salaan... Faadumiin: Naga daa hee, shimee weersho noqotay. Afar indhoodh lee kugu ogaa nooh. Bas waaye, ookiyaalkii Cali Khaliif Galeyr aa laguu soo raadinaa kaas aa wajigaa si fiican u qarinayee. Beydaan: If school is out for few days, I have something fun for you than the school. I bought for you a two-volumed Shakespearean works. Com' on. Hamlet would do better. Then, Much Ado About Nothing would follow suitably. Unlike this picture, you can clearly understand that guy's works--with a clear vision and, of course, observably. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  20. Salaan... Faadumiin: Naga daa hee, shimee weersho noqotay. Afar indhoodh lee kugu ogaa nooh. Bas waaye, ookiyaalkii Cali Khaliif Galeyr aa laguu soo raadinaa kaas aa wajigaa si fiican u qarinayee. Beydaan: If school is out for few days, I have something fun for you than the school. I bought for you a two-volumed Shakespearean works. Com' on. Hamlet would do better. Then, Much Ado About Nothing would follow suitably. Unlike this picture, you can clearly understand that guy's works--with a clear vision and, of course, observably. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  21. Salaan... Silent-Guy: Ever heard this: "Af daboolan dahab waaye." So, I should keep my obligatory silence. I--Shuush!! Eeh, see--Uss!! _____________ Macsalaama!!
  22. Salaan... Ismahaan: Sure. How much? Credit? Cheque? Cash? Oh, you said cash. Lakiin Barakaat waa la xeray, sorry. Xawilaad kale ma aqaani nooh. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  23. Salaan... Aamina: Jah wareer aas kugu riday miyaa, walashiis? Naga daa nooh. Ani ani lee waaye. Am I a contradictor or what? Naga qaleey hee. C/nuur: Yeah. Big time. You are very, very kind. Heey, ha u bixin yaah. Kaftanka mar mar waala isku lee yahey hee. ______________ Macsalaama!!
  24. Salaan... Ismahaan: Had seen all of them. Really, it wasn't that hard. If you get the first one, then all would suitably follow. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  25. Salaan... Ismahaan: Had seen all of them. Really, it wasn't that hard. If you get the first one, then all would suitably follow. _______________ Macsalaama!!