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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Salaan... Sheekooyinkaan wax la iska soo qaraabtey waaye. Qaarkood ani ma qorin bo. Qaarkoodna jacburis waaye. Ee wakasaa, kii hada kahor aqrisay, caadi waaye, kii kale ku bashaal hee hada iyagoo biis eh. _________________ Wiil kirishbooy iyo odeygoo Xamar ku cusbaa oo baska sugaayo oona alaab wato aa baskii u imaadey. Sheekadaan aa dhex martey wiilkii kirishbooyga {yacni kan lacagta qaado} iyo odeyga. Wiilka: Adeer kiishka makuku caawiyaa? Odeyga: Maandhoow, oo adigu kumaad ahayd adeer? Wiilka: Adeer, anigaa dabakafuul lee ahay nooh. Odeygii indhahaa soo baxay toogtaan!! "War aafadan iyo ibtiladaan la'arag. War balaaya daba-kafuulshaye. War ma'anigaaan ciroobuuba naf iga raadsaneysaa??!! Wallee Xamar waxanoo kale waan kafilanayay!!!!!! Odeygii asagoo yaaban oona sanifsan baskii xataa maraacin. ________________ Yarkoo Xamar ku dhashey kuna soo koray aa dagaaladii markii dhaceen Waqooyi Galbeed u qaxay oo laftiis ama tolkiis meshaas kasoo jedeen. Yarkii bas wadaad uuba iska noqdey oona magaalada uu joogo ku cusbaa. Maalintoo bacdal maqrib uu is dhahay masaajidka kistoo waana ka bixi. Waa istaagey, saan uu ku bilaabay: Salaama Caleykum, tutigiin. Widaayaal runtii hadaan uraacin sidii Ilaahay usoo dajiyay diinta, macalimiinta nolosha aduunka shiid aa ku dhameesanee. Qoftaadana xarashka ee kuu qabanee oo sariirta majirto aa labilabaa. Aaqirana waykugu daadanee oo Naartaa bush bushta sidii dab camal usoo bil bileyso aa ku taraaraxee. Ar markaas Ilaahey ha laga cabsado, intii hadhoow saan waaye, saan ma'aha dhici lahayd. Dadkii wacdi mee dhageystaan mise waa yabeen. Oo ku jiro aa soo boodey oona dhahay, "Waryee, war uun adiguun isla quman maxaad ku hadleysaa? Ma meshaan baad moodey suuqa xoolaha. War inanka af xumaa!! :eek: _________________ Xariifkoo aa Xamar imaadey oo ku cusbaa. Labadii bari ugu horeysay isbarmuuto {kuwiin aqaanin isbarmuuto hada ogaada waxee tahey, isbarmuuto liimo balbeelmo waaye. Hadii liimo balbeelmo aqaanin, kac waraa} uu ka dhargey. Ninkaan dadkii uu weydiiye waxa loogu waco, markii loo sheegey waa xafiday. Maalmo ka bacdi uu biibato galey asagoo ooman, kii meesha ka shaqeynaayi uu ku dhahey, "Walaaloow, shar-muuto baa doonayaa." Kii ka shaqeynaayi maqayaada, inee kas ka tahey uu modee, waa soo boodey hee, “Ar sharmuutaa, waa laguu hayaa, lakiin minan fiican ay joogaan. Mahoo Buur Karoole la dhaho aas nalkeed ka shidan yahey waana ka dhargeysaa." Waa u tilmaamey. Kii waa tagey. Maxaa kala yaalo hee meesha. Buur Karoole waxaa la dhihi jirey meelee shar-muutoyinka Xamar ka qaraaban jireen {yes, Xamar used to have a whole prostitute section, unbelievable but true}. _________________ Ninaa wagii dagaalada Itoobiya iyo Soomaaliya socdeen kamid ahaa qaxootigii usoo qacday dhulka Koonfurta Soomaaliya. Waxuu dagnaa xiro u dhaw Sablaale. Maalin asagoo duurka aadey oo qoryo soo aruursanaayo uu islaantoo isku arkeen. Sheekadaan aa dhex martey: "Hartiyoow dameerka ii soo dhaw." Naagtii aa dhahdey. Yacni waxee ka wadaa dameerka isoo garaac. Duqii inta xanaaqay oona u qaatey DHAW micnaheed in laga wado isoo BASHAALSII ama isoo dameerka aa sii sanifey oona dhahay, "Inaan Harti ahayba garataye, lakiin war uun maxee dameer dhaw ku keentay." {asaga Harti laftiis qabiilka aaba ahayd oo saas uu u qaatey, naagtiina harti waxee ka wadey NIN}, "Najis najis dhalay ooba xishoon." Islaantii yaab ninkaan sanifkiis ay la yaaban tahey. ___________________ Xarfaankoo oo kuhaayo midoo reer qac eh meel kale kasoo dhacdey shukaansanaayo oo jidka taagan aa saxiibkiis soo marey, oo ku dhahey, "Kaaba haye, maanta waa kuu jedaa waa kugu jirtaa ee si fiican ugu qabo yee kaa fakan." Kii aa soo boodey, "Waraa haa nooh. Jiijadaan aa haroosanaa ee ga iga sii abaa." Xariiftii uu shukaansanaayi ereyga ‘haroosanaa’ ay maqashay waa soo boodey, "Aga, ma’anaa i arooseysaa??!! Hoogayeey!! War af xumaa. War uun hada uun baa is aragnee, war arooskaa sheegeysid muxuu ahaa?" Asaga haroosanaa wuxuu ula jeedey tanaa biyo biyeesanaa ama tana waabsanaa waabsanaa ay iyada waxee u qaadatey tanaa aroosaa in loola jeedo. Afkeena mashaqo ahaa. ____________________ Haye, aqiyaarta tan ma maqasheen. Labadoo reer Gaalkacyood aa is wareersanaayi oo Xamar joogey. Oona koo ciyaal Xamar eh ag fadhiye labadood. Mid kamid ah reer Gaalkacyoodkii aa soo booday oo dhahay, "War dhulkii maxaa laga sheegay? Roob ma da'ay?" Intii kii kale soo jawaabin bo aa reer Xamarkii soo galay hadalkood, saana uu dhahay, "Hee adiga haddii roob aad ahaan laheed, Gaalgacayo muku da'i laheed??!!!! Run sheeg nooh. Mahaas roob xataa naftiis aas u cabsahaa." Maxaa kasoo yeersiiye waxaan, waala jug dhaway yaqeey. Maskiin. _____________________ Xariifkoo Xamar ku cusbaa oo ciyaal siyo iskadhig isdhahaayi aa maalin maqaayad loo wadey. Markii wixii la wado cunay oo laga dhargey aa kabalyeerigii imaadey oona weydiiye dadkii meesha fadhiye, "Maxaa kale oo idiin kenaa?" Mid kamid ah kuwii meesha fadhiye oo wadey ciyaal gobolka aa dhahay, "Istakiin bas noo keen." Ileen ninkii Reer Gobolka ahaa beysaani iska dhig uuba is dhahee, masoo boodaayo hee, kulahaa, "Wallee waan buuxaa. Istakiin haba sheegin." Xariifkaas istakiin wuxuu u qaatey in wax la cuno yahey. Dadkii meesha fadhiye ciyaal waalan lee ahayeen oo waa lagu sii camirtey. Istakiin wax yar waayaa aa la dhahaa. Asagana waa soo bodaa, "Habeenkii xaley tagey inaa cuno cunto kale." Maan. ___________________ Xarfaankoo Toronto dagnaa is atooree intuu is dhahaayi uu midoo ku qabtey. Oo wuxuu maalin iyo habeenba ugu wici jirey ‘honey, warka keen; honey, aa saas eh, saan eh.’ Iyada ereygaan ma fahmin oo Ingiriis saas maba u aqaanin. Markuu ereygaas ka bad badiye, ay maalin soo boodey, "War uun adiguun ku heesid ‘hani, hani’ orodoo hadii aad dooneysid iyada aad, nakala masaamax." Iyada ereyga honey waxee u qaadatey inii Hani gabar kale oo magaceed uu ka wado uuna ugu sheekeynaayo ma walba. Maseer xaliimo dhawaa, aqiyaarta. _________________ Xariiftoo Reer Waqooyi iyo xariiftoo Reer Baydhabo aa is aroosay. Qurbaha waaye. Maalin xariifkii aa kasoo wacay meel kale oo taleefoon usoo diray, "War uun waran? Yaa kula jooga?" "Shaleeydeey." Ay ugu jawaabtey iyada. Shaleeydeey means KALIGEEY or I AM ALONE {remember Xasan Aadan Samatar's song Shaleeydeyaa Shub lee Hadee...}. Kii waa sanifey. "War maxuu ahaa Shaleeydaan aa sheegoysid. War inanta indha adkaa. Anigii bee saas igu leedahay. War mahubtaa inuu Shaleeydeey kula joogo?" Iyadii waa yaabtey, saying, "Wah, kiin sheegay shaleedeey rooga." Kii waa sii sanifey. Wuxuu u qaatey nin Shaleeydeey la dhaho aa ila joogo in lagu dhahay. Iyada xaaskiisa lee waaye, maxaa kale yaalo hee. Maseer jaamac madheero, too. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  2. Salaan... Absolutely and definitely, I would say C/raxmaan C/casiis Sudeysi. :cool: Others are merely in sub-categories. This man has a VOICE! Voice with a CAPITALIZED words. He can easily be the best singer {to me at least} if his voice accompanied by some musical instruments. But, he is our xafidul Quraan oo Sheekh eh. Some say it is C/baasid {or is it C/basiit?}. Some say the best Quraan reciters reside in Masar. Well, to me, it is none other than that Sheekh. And you must agree with me. Or else. Feer iyo faralaab dhab eh aa laguu karsinaa hadii diidid. And the last vital reason I choose him, Sheekh Sudeysi is the Grand Imaam of masaajidka Al-Xaraam in Makka Al Makkurama. He is the primarily imaam when it comes to the salaatul Tarawiix and Leylatul Khadar on the Ramadaan. If he was merely a good reciter, he wouldn't hold a position like that that long. Noo. And yes, is it me or that this Sheekh has double voice, interchanging simulteneously. Is this a foolish of me or is it true? Some friends of mine say he got TWO voices. And changes his tune whenever he pleases. Surprisingly, his both voices are as good as one another. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  3. Salaan... Shaqsi: Maskiin, sheekadee kaa jib jibiyeen yaah. But, kamoon, shukaansi Alla yaa Cisag aaba ka socdo meesha. Two people with a wide spectrum ideas from two different planates are having a good lesson about shukaansi. It is about time you, Shaqsi, get your jiinbaar or kursi jiif or wanbar and watch them. It is free after all. And you will really learn some new terms that is latest shukaansi lines. Now, get your notes and the session, as you can see, once again started. I am busily noting too. But, She-Cool is a good player, making him to go with the wind. What a good player and a good goalkeeper. We are watching. Let the lines come. And yeah, baliis do continue so. __________________ Macsalaama!!
  4. Salaan... Aqiyaarta, waxaan aa soo shaxaadey ee iga qabsada. Kii hada kahor maqley, aboosto aa tahey. Tii kalena, ila aqri hee hada. Some of them isn't my words, only edited it. _________________ Xariifkoo ayaa taleefoon wuxuu u diray gabar ay saaxiibo yihiin gurigooda. Duqdoo gabadha ayeeydeed aa ka qabatay. Markuu salaamay kabacdi ayna u sheegtay in qoftii joogto ayuu waxuu ka codsaday inay u gudbiso. Duqdii iyadoon taleefonka meesha looga hadlo gacanta saarin ayey gabadhii oo dhow ku tiri, "Maandhey, iga qabo waa mid qamri kasoo ureyso ee." Xariifkoo oo yaabsan markee gabadhii ka qabatey uu wuxuu ku salaamey, "Ar duqda sandheeraa, abkoow abkoow." ___________________ Xanfarkoo aa qaxooti isku soo diibay dalka Canada. Markaas aa waxaa lagu celiyey kaniisad Buffalo, New York, kutaalo. Marka gabar walaashiis ah ayuu Toronto ka soo wic wici jirey, malintii danbe ayaa gabadhii talefoonkii laga jarey markaas aa cajaladii la hadashay oo ay tiri, "Please hung up, and try your call again." Markuu saas maqley uu wuxuu ugu jawaabey cajaladii, "Naa heedhe, Faadumo, waan ognahay inaad af Ingiriis baretee ee nala hadal, waa sidee." Markii danbe waa sanifey :mad: , thinking she is really ignoring him and making him fool. ___________________ Xariiftoo reer gobol aheyd oona qurbaha ku cusub aa xariifkoo kale damcay in uu shukaansi ka gaarsiiyo. Markuu lamberkeed ka qaatey uu malintii danbe soo wacay. Wuxuuna ku dhahey, "Haye, abaayo, maxaa isku dhacaya? {what is up!}." Markaas ay waxee ku dhahdey, "Walaal waxba. Ma sharqan baad maqashey?? :eek: Maan. __________________ Koo aa Nairobi lakeeney oo magaalo ku cusbaa, iska dhaaf horta xataa taleefoon wax la dhaho. Maalintii danbe aa taleefoonka guriga yaaley soo dhacay asagaana u dhawaa oo qabtey. Salaan ka bacdi qofkii soo wacay aa dhahey hebel majoogaa. Kii Magaalo-ku-Cusboow aa jawaaabey asagoo madaxdiis lux luxaayo {shaking his head}. He is shaking his head because he is giving an answer as NO. Qofkii soo wacay aa ku celiye, "War nala hadal, hebel majoogaa?" Still shaking his head. Kii soo wacay waa xanaaqey, "War maxaa noo inkireysaa oo maa hadashid?" Xariifkii Magaalo-Joogxumo aa jawaabey toogtaan, "War uun maya kuuguma malihi tan iyo markii." He thinks that person can see him his shaking head. Umaddeenaa. _________________ Macsalaama!!
  5. Salaan... Baydan, runta sheeg nooh. That happened to you. You slightly changed that application from Batuulo Kuuseey to Greg Bulmash. Run iska sheeg, no one ku blame gareynaayo hada. Aboosto ay ahayd, and quit visiting these humour sites these days. Tan dhuusada eh aaba kasii daran. I thought you were Canbaro, canbarooyin would never discuss dhuusooyin nooh, let alone give us a graphic explanation of it. __________________ Macsalaama!!
  6. Salaan... Nice game there, abaayadiis buubto-ka-biibto. But, we all cheat, what only keeps you is several key strokes you type in google.com or alltheweb.com And this answer I am going to answer, I CHEATED and got from there! What is the punishment of such an act? To chop off my fingers!! :eek: Noo. Are you insane? Where is the cadaalad yaa shareeca? Maan. Noo, baliis, I am not going to cheat again, Kabiir Macalin anaa yaa Saqiir inta yacni kama Naxariis. What kind of Carabic is that? LoL Back to the question. Three kinds of shirk are: Shiir abuu shirk. Sharkaan abuu sharkuun abuu shirk. And... Oobis, this ain't no joke. I don't want no more chopping of any of my fingers again. Back to the real answers: To associate anything/anyone with Allaah {s.w.c.} Making sacrifice to something or someone other than Allaah alone. By swearing, you MUST always swear and rely on Allaah's name. Absolutely nothing else. My questions. Sheega sadexdii dugsi ay Soomaali raaci jireen before the advent of Aqwaan Muslimiin, jilbaab, or Gardheere. Before that and even now, Soomaalis used to follow three dugsi ahlul suufi ah. Name the three, baliis. If you are confused, and I know this is a very easy question, I will give you the first dugsi: Qaadariya. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  7. Salaan... Sheeko jacburis kale lee, oo meel kale laga soo shaxaadey. ________________ Waxaa hada ka hor dhacday in xariifkoo macalin qatari saana ahaa aa Faaraxoo uu bilaabay inuu u dhigo af Ingiriis oo iskool luqada Ingiriiska lagu dhigi jiray. Maalin maalmaha ka mid aheyd ayaa macalinkii usoo dhigay dhowr xaraf oo Ingiriis ahaa laguna dhahey, "Aw Jimcaalow, hadaadan isticmaalin erayadaan, waa dhumayaan ee isticmaal xaad mar kasta la aamusan tahay." Wuu soo baxay asagoo xaafadiisii usoo socda ayuu soo maray meel dhalinyaro banooni ku ciyaaraayeen markaas aa banoonigii ku dhacay markaas ayuu intuu u yeeray kii ku dhuftay banoonigii ku dhahey, "Aryaa Boyoow, xaad boolka {ball} iigu dhufuhee; waxaan aa fadar {father} soo dirsahaa, asay maadarna {mother} cuno u karee." ________________ Xariifkoo kalaa turjumaan ahaa. Dakhtar uu u turjumi jirey. Maalintoo aa haween xanuunsan u imaatey. Saan ay ku dhahdey kii turjumaayi, "Maandoow, u sheeg in waraaboow igu dhacayee." Xariifkii aa soo boodey, translating for the doctor, "She said she was bitten by a hyena." That can roughly translated back in Soomaali as "Waxee i leedahay waxaa i qaniiney dhurwaa." :eek: The old lady got some unpleasant 21 cirbadood oo loogu tala galey dadka qaniino eyga qabo cudur raabiyada. Maskiin. By the way, what is the equivalent way to describe this waraaboow disease into English? :confused: _________________ Macsalaama!!
  8. Salaan... VCR. I never tried DVD yet. And brother Legend, you have 18 posts now, dare I remind you that you have to do 32 more posts. How crueling. It is not fair, you should submit a join-complaint to Admin. And yes, I will root you. Mircood or Gob? Isbaandhees or Raqeey? Seytuun or Canooni? _____________ Macsalaama!!
  9. Salaan... Barwaaqo and rest of London folks, some facts about London. What I will list will be true, because almost close to 100 of my immediate family members live there. And hardly a week goes by someone calling from there, telling us how this or that the place is, mostly negative. I must admit: I never visited it. Everytime I want to visit, something happens. But, surely upcoming months, I will. And the facts. Those will only be facts, according to my brothers, sisters, uncles, uants, cousins, etc. This is what London is: No Enough parking space. You can't park your small car even. Your park your car right next to your house. Or even small appartment if you live. No side yard. No greenery in the city. Restricted side walks. No two person can walk at the same time and pass each other. Landhan needs land. Public phone. You can't put one quarter and talk as long as you want. Noo. Unlike North America, in London you have to constantly put your cents, dimes, etc in order to keep talking. What a world! If you do have a licence, but don't have a car, you can't drive another car. You can only drive YOUR car. The taxis. Even Kenya tagsiyadii yaaley aa dhaamo. Especially, tagsiyadii Joomo Kenyata Airport ka shaqeyn jirey. Modelled in same style. Old buildings. Old people. Old Queen. Old Monarchy. Old Clock. Old Greenwich Mean Time. Old trains {and expensive}. Old Baarlamaan--and this barlamaan seems like a circus game. Everyone is shouting. A politician whistling. Maan. Yes, while the prime minister is in a speech, they can protest by whistling--Fiiq Fiiq :eek: --or pounding their fists. Some even do sacbis or throw objects to other members of this Losers House {and they say this is democracy in full, maan}. Even this baarlamaan is full tight. No space. The Blair Witch waxuu isku cariirinaa laba wasiir dhexdiis. My Lord. You don't have to know your neighbour. None knows his/her neighbour. There was this story on BBC a couple of years ago. This old man died in his house and none discovered him after five years. :eek: He had children. He had neighbours. He lived in the centre of London. And he died in his house and none discovered for five years, well besides his bones. Can you believe that? And I am not even talking about the weather. The constant rain. I heard some part of that country, rain plays like a jarkaboodooy game. In the morning, it rains, afternoon a quick sunshine, and again, it rains. Maan. The mass-circulated cheap jaad, too. Jaad iyo mahaas gacan aa u daaye. I know yaqeey. I might have been biased. But, as far as I listed that, I am sure some are as true as they seem. Reer London ha igu sanifina yaah. It is all some kaftan lee yaqeey. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  10. Salaan... Aamina and Mujaahid, I hate to disappoint you. Especially, Aamina. Fine? You mean these folks are fine: This is your representive team from Yuu-Kee {UK}. Look at them. Just look at them. Look the guy on the far right side. My God! Is that a belly or what??!! Even Homer Simpson doesn't have a belly like that. And he is playing banooni with that belly. Oh, Lord. It is about time the guy got a reason to explain what gym means these days and why doesn't he go there--according that belly. Teeda kale, what is the all-white jerseys? Is it their kafan? I mean, I had never seen all-white jersey. That explains it all. The guys don't even have a sense of fashion, let alone a stylish game. Now, yes. Look how FINE Banaadir folks are: Look our homie boys. Maba u dhawaan kartiin. Calool kuusyaasha aa keensateen, oh baliis, naga ceshta. And don't send them back next year. I only seen the final game, still I can imagine how England played with that GUY. _________________ Macsalaama!!
  11. Salaan... What a game! ______________ Macsalaama!!
  12. Salaan... Of course ciyaal suuq. They know some stuff of you-know-what-I-mean. By considering to the other group, they seem to belong in the middle path. At the top are ciyaal fay cali and ciyaal tokyo. Isbishiini or Isbatoore? Qaarkiin maba kasi doonaan. That is my betting. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  13. Salaan... Rafaad iyo Raaxo. Lakiin, Lakkad, abkoow abkoow. Dumaashi aa la damcaa aah. Mayaa. Fiiri hee Ma Damci Lahayd Dumaashidaa yaa ku jirey? Iikar Jeesto {Ilahaa u naxariisto} maa ku jirey? Inaa fiirsadey ma xasuusti nooh. Kumi or Taano?? I know which one the baqeelyaasha will choose. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  14. Salaan... Shaqsi: Haye, kaaba do you really want to hear all of these stories? Hokey, iga qabso hee sheekooyinkaan. ________________ Afar maraa la igu soo daadiye {biyo kuleel, that is}. Sadax mar aa kabbo {kabbo taako eh, that is} la iga soo daba tuurey. Shan mar dharbaaxo yaa Carab hoo qabso hee la i dhahey. Laba mar feer iyo faralaab aa la igu saqarjoojiye {xaliimo saniftey waa feertamee miyaa mise...}. Hal mar salboolada dhexdeed aa hal qanjaruufo la igu dhajiye {xaaax, xanuun badanaa, caashadaas xaasid xaasidiina ay ahayd }. Timo jareernimadeey canbuulonimada eh hal maraa la rifay {meel walbaa ka buusnaa nooh oo kuwii horaa isoo buusbuusay, tan marka timaheey ayba aadey}. All of these happened because of this reason {and try not to laugh}: That is right. That is my face. And upon seeing it, every xaliimo faints because I told them from the net that I looked so cool and perfect. I know, I know. It was my fault to tell them that I looked that good. For those who weren't good enough to faint gave me the above mentioned punchlines. None give themselves a chance to know me what is in my heart. And how sad. I am still crying. Istif-Istif-Istif Noo, kool-kat, blossom, rock's chick, noo, I don't need no comfort for now. Dankis, but no dankis. _________________ Shaqsi, honestly brother, there is no interesting story that happened to me personally. Oh, yes, there was one that was so good, and this one can't be mentioned. After that, nothing that seems interest. Good or bad. Ee marka saas waaye. Nice topic, by the way. And is that business of yours still open? I mean can I invest in it? Kamoon. And when it comes it to be like Enron or WorldCom, my money will be on the desk. Or feer iyo feerkiis. I don't care inside trading. Or lousy accounting. My money is my money. And I expect, whethere there is a bankruptcy or not, my money back. And fast. Or face the furious. _________________ Macsalaama!!
  15. Salaan... Nuune, mey erti widaayow? Tiiem aah. Ebidkaa ma isoo marin. Mise bii-em aa ka wadaa. Carab gajahaa taacun. Lakiin xariifka waxaa isoo xasuusisay markii dagaalka dhacaayi anaga ciyaalkeen waxaan aa qaadi jirney: Madfad kaare, hoobiyo jiib; bii-em bagaase, bee-bee shee; em sigistiin {M-16} dhaawac maleh, saar sideedan sidaaso kale... Ar wey socon jirtey. Maan. Can I have a third speller? I mean a third singer. You know these two are far from what I consider my own sound singers. Hmm, kamoon, allow me to say a third party. And aheey, the third party is Shimaaaaaali Axmed Shimaali Yaa heestiis iloobi karo. Shamsooy...Kasheegee, kuu sheegee kaa sheegeeye kusii sheegeeyee, kasii sheegeeye... Xariif Xaaji dheh. I might also say Sulfa. Hokey, hokey. If you insist I have to draw one of them. C/qaadir Jubba or Xasan Aadan Samatar. Hmm... I would say Xasan Aadan Samatar. See, maay-maay markii uu ku heesaayo lee fahmi karaa. Xariish or Mundul?? ________________ Macsalaama!!
  16. Salaan... Of course, fadhi carbeed. Maaan. Soomaali waa ilbaxdey nooh, walaahi, almost 50% guryaha maanta Soomaaliya familkood dagan yihiin fadhi carbeed ay qabaan, which is so good. Haye, game-kaan wali waa socdaa miyaa bo? Hokey bo. Xaaji Qamsiin or Caasi Waalidiin??? Oobis, yaqeey of course I hope you know what I mean. Xaaji Qamsiin iyo Caasi nooh. Basaskii Xamar Cadeey. __________________ P.S.: Dadkiin kuhaayo this game is getting bored. Jidka noo baneeya, bil axsaan. Ferma bil fafagoore. Xoog ma'aha. Either participate or keep afkaa as silent as it was markii fud laguugu soo siiye aduunkaan {or if you were crying at that time, keep crying}.
  17. Salaan... Manaala, baliis, afka noo jilci yaqeey. Kirishi? Mirishi? Abkoow, abkoow, filin Hindi maa noogu soo qabatey ereyada? Ga naga sii hee. Ebidkeey ereyadaas ma maqlin nooh. Cajiin maa ka wadaa? Even though, I still have no idea, so maxaaba choice sameyaa, but I will nonetheless take kirishi; see, it sounds too fine. Makulaal or Yaanyuur?? Oobis, they are same. LoL. Waa idiin been goorey nooh. Hokey, hokey. Been Hawaas or Cigaal Shidaad?? _________________ Macsalaama!!
  18. Salaan... Jamaal and Kaamila: We have a real case in here. May we therefore have your attention, baliis? Dankis. We of the Nomad Community need a logical, rational reason from you two. And quickly as possitive. We of the Nomad Community had known you more than yourselves. And you got married right behind everybody’s door. None--to my knowledge so far--had been invited to your private or unprivate aroos. We deeply feel we had been let down; uncared; or even ignored. We of that community felt that we were close-knit nomad family members, so if one happy occasion comes around, we will all celebrate; and likewise if sorrow comes, we will all show our anguished faces. But, and yes, your aroos came. And what did we see? Xalwo la iska qarsanaayo. No nikaax. Nothing. Forget even about the soori. Even the imaam of somaliaonline.com had not been invited; imaam must be present and it is mandatory and religiously to perform him the nikaax, at least. Yes, the imaam is our brother Mujaahid {in for Taqwa, who is in an extented vacation}, and so far he said nothing to his knowledge did he know this. So in that case, we even suspect it to be a void contract. Not one witness that can come out forward and testify to your marriage yet. And yes, dare I remind you, Jamaal, to this. We were even witnessing when you two got together. Or rather acquaitanted together. It was we, even, who suggested Kaamila to register her user name; see your both poetic praisings were out of hand on public. If you even dare to deny it, well this is the link: http://www.somaliaonline.com/cgi-local/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=7;t=000064;p =2 So, we have a real case. And we need a real quick explanation from you two. Now, the ball is on your side. ________________ Macsalaama!!
  19. Salaan... Darn, did somebody say C/raxmaan Sudeysi??!! Maan, does this guy have a VOICE or what? Walaahi, cod Ilaaha siiye sheekhaan. The best voice I had ever heard. Whether in music, in quraan or basickly in hadal caadi an. This sheekh, C/raxmaan Sudeysi, got an unchallenged, surperb voice. Not only one voice? But, he can simultenously switch to another melodic one. Got at least two wonderful different voices. Oh, God. Kool-Kat, your question had been asked, to my memory I believe, not once but twice. Well, hokey, I will try to say it again. Somalinet, of course. LoL. Since you know the answer yourself, why aa noo daaline hee yaqeey. Back to the Raxiima's one also: Political Science. Why? Kamoon. I am when it comes to siyaasad, as siyaasi as sayid siyaad. Faryaamo or Fuundi?? ________________ Macsalaama!!
  20. Salaan... Oh, yes, brother A+, Soomaalis got the most talented prayers in Africa currently. No need to say on the 2010 Koobka Aduunka, we can suitable fill and play on the one held in Germany four years from now. Let me tell you the very talented players our country has to offer. Some did, minimally, retire. Others still refused to do so. On squad, currently, with their usual nick-names: Max'ed Xirsi Morgan {balaayo kula moorganaate, OFFENSE} Max'ed Qanyare Afrax {farax u daa igaarkaan. DEFENSE} Max'ed Xasan Nuur Shaatigaduud {ar shaatiga iska soo badal, baliis. DIYEESHE} Xuseen Max'ed Faarax Caydiid {who can even insult him, let alone he accept it, OFFENSE} Cusmaan Caato, {our favourite skinny striker. Off-Defense. Otto} Aadan Nuur Gabyoow {oh, he has a lot of poetric words under his curtain, which in turn can influence his co-players. Playing with injury, thus minimizing his ability to score and defend. Kuwaataro} Muuse Suudi Yalaxoow {aree xaa la yalaxee? OFFENSE} Cumar Xaaji Masale, {basal aa dhaanto kan. DUWE} Jaamac Cali Jaamac {your typical jaamac with a lot of endevour. Best associated with the skills that equalize C/laahi Yuusuf. DEFENSE} Cumar Jees {our most famous favourite boy, who has a unique ability to make people to admire his JEESTO to handle the ball. He can make RONALDO like a park's kid. SEMI-OFFENSE} C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed {a hard core defensive player. Surprised most of the commentators on his quick offense to score a HUGE goal a couple months ago. DEFENSE} The coaches: C/qaasin Salaad Xasan {coached two years in row so far, achieved what the critics never expected. WORST coach ever} Kaahin Riyaale {assistant coach. Tries hard to tell the COACH it is HIS way which is better--his FOLLOW-OR-I-LEAVE way} C/lla Deeroow Isaaq {second assistant coach. Had no influence so far} Retirees: Cali Mahdi Max'ed Cali Nafta {retired, currently on the bench, however he can reshape and can strike any day with his tactical plays. DEFENSE} Generaal Caydiid Senior. C/raxmaan Tuure {completely retired from the game}
  21. Salaan... There was a tournament week held in Toronto this past week. It is held every year. Participated by teams from all over the world {a little exaggeration there though }. This year's participating teams were from Holland, England, Ohio, Minneapolis, Rochester, Atlanta, and several teams from within Toronto itself. Its final conclusion game was held on yesterday. And I went. God, was I surprised or what. I must have to say this. I was really flabbergasted or rather astonishly surprised to see my fellow Soomaalis fill the stadium on the final day, and cheer the two oppossing teams, without resorting the USUAL tactics out of the game that was associated with this tournament in prior years. It really touched my heart in a special way to see my brothers and sisters sitting there, cheering and nothing but supporting. I say I am surprised because we in general Soomaalis is known to criticize the least minor things. We enjoy to find fault with that. But Ilaahaa Mahad leh, to my very surprise it was really a good game. What even surprised me was that there were all walks of life of Soomaalis were there. A wadaad with a gar like God-knows sitting or sharing the spectator stand with canbaro with tight clothes there { :eek: , see you don't see that in many places}. A faarax who was enjoying the game, rather than giving the usual dacaayad against his fellow faaraxis--players or otherwise. I hope this supporting continues and expands to the other Qurba countries we Soomaalis reside. By the way, the final teams were Banaadir and Soomaali Star. I heard--see, I and my friend left after half-time due to the unexpected stormy rain that forced most of us all but to leave--and Banaadir won, so it had been said.
  22. Salaan... Rock's Chick: I don't know. I am faarax, I guess. So, I wouldn't be able to choose one--see, I don't even know it. Or since I am a faarax, I would say JANBAL TALYAANI, instead of Dacas. LooooL. Oh, speaking of shoes and you living in Koronto. What about this choice: Aldo or Pegabo?? If you don't live in Koronto {noo, not Kanata, but Koronto} don't answer that question. Only Koronto folks know these stores.
  23. Salaan... Buubto, walashiis this is so unfair. This is one of the hardest little chooses I had ever seen. Maaaaan. Maka Xaaji Banaadir. Or Awkuuku. Maaaaan. My head is spinning on. Can I go with both? Baliiiiiis. Hokey, I have to choose a one. Hmm...{still scratching my head} I would say, finally, MAKA XAAJI BANAADIR. This guy has some unusual way of making you laugh so hard. Have you watched a clip from Shirkii Jabuuti? He was there, comparing every imaginable leader of the 20th century to the warlords. Even Madaxweynaha Jabuuti Ismaciil Cumar Geele, who couldn't possibly understand some of the Xamari words Maka was saying, was even laughing so hard. So, again, I would go with Maka Xaaji Banaadir. Ninac loos or Ninac lubaani?? __________________ Macsalaama!!
  24. Salaan... Filsaneey, maxaa kalee, shaah abuu shaax yaqeey. Casariiga noo shub yaqeey. . Dankis walashiis, Haye, how about: Dee or Nooh??? If you are a qaldaani {oobis, no xag-xagasho yaah, kaftan lee} or xamaraawi {walaweyn, } STAY OUT TO CHOOSE this time, baliis. It is intended people who neither use these most frequent used informal words in Soomaali lingo. _______________ Macsalaama!!
  25. Salaan... LooooooL at Desktop. You nailed it, brother. This is really what this game is all about. Xarash or madax. LoooooL. Fu'aad, my God. You are kidding, right? Can't I choose a middle path that neither has a foot on fat nor skinny. It depends on the circumstance though. If I was now in Xamar, I would say FAT, of course. But, in here, in Koronto, I would choose being skinny. Kisi or Dhaban??? _________________ Macsalaama!!