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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Wa caleykum salaam. It is no big deal. Private message me the link and I will see what I can do.
  2. Ahahaha, Tallaabo waa iscelin kari la yahay baryahaan. A habar is a habar iga dheh.
  3. No wonder there were too many divisions because of these many garaads with their sub-sub-sub clans. Qabiilada kale Soomaaliya saan ma moodi inay yihiin. I guess Reer Sanaag are different from Reer Sool.
  4. This charlatan and his endless shameless lies. Secessionists have been paying this Soomaali wannabe dude, his master fugitive Bryden and their so-called Sahan Research. Tigraygii ee u sacabtumaayeen ayaa laga ciribtiray and has been exposed.
  5. Xasan Sh., under the fearful eye of his master dictator in Jabuuti, had not spoken about this blue revolution in Sool. Such a disgrace. Instead isku mashquulinaaye meel aan loo dirsan in Baydhabo, in which his and cronies failed miserably as well. Telefishinka Qaranka uu maamuulaaye sidaas la mid ah ugu aamusanyihiin. Telefishinka Qaranka had a wariye in Buuhoodle, who has been silenced since bishii shanaad. He is not the only one, kuwii Gedo iyo gobollada qaarkood joogay saas loo gaabiyey wararkooda. Their warar are now dominated by waxa ka dhaco Galmudug iyo Hirshabeelle after Banaadir. Universalv who are also ignoring Laascaanood iyo Sool blue wave ka socdo because secessionists pay them laaluush
  6. Deeqdii yareyd ee ka helaan beesha caalamka ayee tuugo iyo disgraced Western politicians ku laaluushaan Muuse Muqayil iyo xirtiisa. This is just one example of many. ____________________ Former UK defence secretary faces criticism for his staunch support of a breakaway African republic, after its security forces killed 20 protesters * Declassified sees evidence a UK-trained police unit may have been responsible for a massacre in Somaliland this month * Dozens gathered outside the Foreign Office in London yesterday to protest against UK support for Somaliland troops * Another ex-government minister is deputy chair of an energy firm trying to extract over two billion barrels of oil in Somaliland Since being sacked from Boris Johnson’s cabinet over the exam grades fiasco, former education secretary Sir Gavin Williamson has largely faded from the public eye. The Conservative MP for South Staffordshire has little credibility left, having already blown his second chance. Theresa May had earlier dismissed Williamson as her defence secretary over an alleged leak of national security material. Even his enthusiastic support for Rishi Sunak’s leadership campaign was only enough to earn him a two week stint as a minister without portfolio. Shunned at home, Williamson has turned his attention abroad and become a minor celebrity in the geo-strategic Horn of Africa. His greatest supporters are in Somaliland, where in 2019 he was the first British cabinet minister ever to visit. Keen to have him back, Somaliland’s Chamber of Commerce spent £4,620 flying him over last February to meet their president, ex-colonel Muse Bihi Abdi. The authorities in its capital of Hargeisa even issued Williamson with a passport, although he might struggle to use it. The region is not recognised as an independent state by the UK, something Williamson believes is wrong. Shortly before his trip, he held a debate in Parliament to highlight the plight of this former British colony. Williamson was keen to tell fellow MPs that as far back as 2001, Somalilanders had voted in a referendum for independence from war-torn Somalia. How much longer until Britain embraced the result? While it is true that historically some parts of Somaliland did suffer greatly under central rule from Somalia, as my colleague Matt Kennard has meticulously documented, the situation now looks more complicated. When we were celebrating Christmas and New Year, pro-Somalia activists took to the streets of Laascaanood (also spelt Las Anod). That’s a city in the east of Somaliland which only came under Hargeisa’s control in 2007. They rallied over the killing of a popular local politician, blaming his death on masked assassins sent from Hargeisa. They also accused President Abdi of becoming increasingly autocratic. His mandate expired in November but new elections were cancelled. In response to these demonstrations, authorities deployed armed men to Laascaanood. A doctor at the local hospital told Reuters at least 20 people were subsequently killed by gunfire. Dozens more were injured. Many of them appeared to be civilians. Among the dead was an American citizen and Islamic scholar, Bidde Farah Alin. President Abdi sent his condolences and ordered an investigation, but put the death toll at just three. UK funding The bloodshed is politically embarrassing for Williamson. Dozens of British-Somalis gathered outside the Foreign Office in London yesterday to protest against the UK’s growing role in Somaliland. Many of them had family or friends in Laascaanood who were affected by the shootings. Healthcare worker Khadija Adam told Declassified that Westminster MPs “should be impartial” and “absolutely not” be taking money from the Hargeisa authorities. “They attacked our people – they were letting out bullets into the crowd,” she said. “They want them to join Somaliland by force. But when the British coloniser left Somaliland, we freely chose to join greater Somalia.” Another demonstrator, who asked not to be named, believed Williamson was “in the pocket” of Somaliland and said the situation was “very heartbreaking”. The massacre also has wider implications for Britain’s policy towards the region. Although Somaliland is not officially recognised, the UK has been willing to work closely with its security forces. These include the Rapid Response Unit (RRU), an elite police team implicated in the Laascaanood killings. Elham Ismail, a criminology student who visited the city soon after the massacre, told Declassified that 100 RRU paramilitaries with a dozen armed vehicles were responsible. She shared photos in which the group’s distinctive black-clad uniforms are visible among demonstrators. The RRU was funded by British taxpayers from around 2013 until 2020, despite long-running concerns over its human rights record. Britain’s Foreign Office did not respond when asked to confirm if the RRU had shot protesters in Laascaanood. Abdullah Hirad, a medical doctor in Birmingham who attended the London protest, commented: “As a British citizen, I feel very disappointed and angry that our tax has been paid to such criminals. We are in a volatile area in East Africa. The UK should not encourage the eruption of a new civil war in this part of Somalia.” Even if a different police unit was responsible for the killing, there’s a high chance they too have received UK aid. Britain built Somaliland’s police headquarters, training academy and a pre-trial detention facility. Vehicles and generators have also been donated. In one year alone, this support cost Britain £1.4m. Yet for all this money, the UK’s ambassador to Mogadishu (Somalia’s capital) merely said she was “concerned about the violence in Laascaanood resulting in civilian deaths and casualties.” Britain’s representative to Hargeisa has not commented separately. Several soldiers are also seen in images from the incident, and it’s possible the UK trained their unit too. When Williamson visited Somaliland in 2019 as defence secretary, he appeared thrilled to meet its top army general. He was accompanied by Sir Mark Carleton-Smith, the then head of the British army and a former head of UK special forces. The following year, Lieutenant Colonel Huan Davies, Britain’s defence attaché in Mogadishu, went to Hargeisa to discuss increasing support for Somaliland’s military. The UK Ministry of Defence has previously paid Adam Smith International, a security consultancy, to train Somaliland’s military intelligence. Stability in this region is regarded as of paramount for international trade, with a major shipping lane located along Somaliland’s coastline. DP World, the Dubai-owned logistics firm that fired 800 P&O workers, opened a new terminal in Somaliland’s Berbera Port last year. Its staff there briefed Williamson on his recent visit, and the company is close to the Conservative Party, who fancied it for their Brexit freeports. British company Genel Energy is trying to extract over two billion barrels of oil in the disputed region. Genel is well connected to the Tories, with ex-energy and defence minister Michael Fallon as its deputy chairman. Former shareholders include disgraced chancellor Nadhim Zahawi. Somalia’s government in Mogadishu rejects Genel’s claim to own oil rights in Somaliland. Historically, Laascaanood played a leading role in the movement against European imperialism. As a result, many residents remain deeply suspicious of Western agendas in the Horn of Africa and what they see as attempts to break up Somalia. Sam Ahmed, a policy advisor, told Declassified that UK involvement in Somaliland is “profit driven” and “not altruistic”. Read more on the link above post.
  7. Baroorka si fiican ugu baroor, yaa secessionist. This won't bring back Sool. Where Mahad Qalaaye is a head of security, constant security failures are expected, if not even supported by his connectios to them. We all condemned that in the last eight months after his appointment. Anyway, baroorkaaga ku noqo.
  8. Aan kaftamee tolka garaad badanaa. Does every jufo hoosaad have their own garaad? Reer Sool iyo Boqortooyadii salaadiinta ahaa ka talin jirtay dhulka wabiga Jubba maro xaruntooda ahayd Luuq in 19th and 20th ayaa title garaad isticmaalo. Reerkaasna iyagana geraad ee dhahaan.
  9. One thing is clear: Secessionists cannot go to beesha caalamka now and ask the ever elusive aqoonsi. I am sure safaaradaha Reer Galbeedka Xamar joogo are being shown these powerful images and videos. Secessionists beentee sodon sano ku riyoon jireen maalmo kooban ayaa la tusiyey beentooda ee jiifka kula jireen. Alloow u raxmo Saado Cali. I wished she was alive to see this.
  10. Himilo indeed. Our chief secessionist resident, Xunjuf, will claim it is a photoshop from Buuhoodle.
  11. The garaad of all garaads is in Laascaanood today after 15 sano. Guul iyo hambalyo Reer Sool, calankaas suuban babanaaya ayaa na deeqa. Ka naxoo nafta waa.
  12. Kiikuuyadii markuu arkay inaynan rabin keligiitaliskii Geelle in uu wax ka raadsado u doontay, asking ciidamo Jabuuti Kismaayo loo geeyo.
  13. Secessionists, Reer Diintaada W**, ka been sheegaayo qof Muslim muumin ah. Nothing new. Meantime in Hargeysa's marfishes and Muuse Muqayil:
  14. And when the likes of Xunjuf has a Twitter account official sheeganaayo, this happens: Such a petulant response. Meeshaba meel marfish ee moodeen.
  15. Another jac kulul. Secessionists baraha bulshada ka calaacalaayo. On January 13, U.S. Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) personnel conducted a site survey visit to the port of Berbera. The visit comes in advance of the U.S.-led multinational military training exercise Justified Accord scheduled for February 2023. Justified Accord is designed to increase multinational cooperation in crisis response and counterterrorism operations and prepare regional partners for UN and African Union-mandated missions. In addition to the port of Berbera, Justified Accord exercises will take place in Botswana, Djibouti, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda with the participation from 20 partner nations, including Somalia. The U.S. military routinely surveys potential operating locations to prepare for contingencies and exercise readiness or adjust force posture as directed. Safaaradda Mareykanka
  16. Protests in breakaway Somaliland call for reunification with Somalia Even as the US and UK are increasingly legitimizing secessionist rule in Somaliland, whose sovereignty has no international recognition, a unionist movement seeking a united Somalia threatens to unravel the self-declared republic Protests against secessionist rule are spreading across the Sool region of Somaliland, the breakaway region of northern Somalia. Unionist protesters are calling for reunification with Somalia and Somali activists and observers opine that the protests might soon spread across Somaliland, questioning the legitimacy of its unrecognized claim to sovereignty, which the US and UK have been seeking to strengthen with recent overtures. On Sunday, January 15, protests were reported from the Taleex city, where Somaliland’s tricolor flags were removed and replaced with the blue flags of Somalia. Taleex is about 160 kilometers northeast of the epicenter of the protests, Las Anod, Sool region’s capital city. Las Anod was captured by Somaliland from Somalia’s autonomous region of Puntland in 2007. The protests began in the city on December 28. In an attempt to put them down, security forces killed at least 20 civilians over the following five days, before reportedly retreating to the city’s outskirts on January 5. Somaliland’s commander of Armed Forces, Brigadier General Mahad Ambashe, has, however, indicated his intention to take back the city, saying that his troops “shall continue staying in Las Anod and Sool region to ensure law and order has been followed by residents.” Defiant, the clan leaders of the region held a meeting in Las Anod on January 12, calling on Somaliland’s forces to withdraw from Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn (SSC), where a majority of the people have been historically opposed to secession from Somalia. Pro-unionist troops under the command of the head of the Dhulbanate clan have taken over the city and sworn to defend it from Somaliland. “Everybody is waiting for the tribesmen in Las Anod to fully announce a war against Somaliland. And you will hear this very soon as they have formed a committee of 33 heads to come up with a roadmap to remove Somaliland from SSC,” Elham Garaad, a UK-based Somali activist whose unionist parents migrated out of Somaliland, told Peoples Dispatch. The protests had spread to the city of Kalabaydh, 70 kilometers to the southwest of Las Anod, by January 12. Two days later, unionist demonstrations broke out in Xudun, 100 kilometers to the north of Las Anod, and in Boocame, 80 kilometers to its east. Protesters also took to the streets of Boocame’s neighboring Tukarak on January 15, and blocked a minister from visiting the city. Badhaan, a city in Sanaag region, and Buuhoodle city in Cayn region, have also witnessed protests. The three regions together had formed the Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn (SSC) state of Somalia, before being forced into Somaliland by the secessionist Somali National Movement (SNM). Waving the blue flag of Somalia, the protesters have been demanding the “right to self-determination” on the question of reuniting with Somalia, which was fractured after the civil war that ended with the collapse of its federal government in 1991. “Most regions in Somaliland oppose secession” “Until 1991, there was no such thing as Somaliland, except when the area was a British Protectorate,” Mohamed Olad, a Somali activist studying law in the US, told Peoples Dispatch. “The idea of forming a country on the basis of this border of the British protectorate,” separating itself from the part of Somalia under Italian occupation, was opposed by two of the three original states of Somalia that came to be part of the self-declared Republic of Somaliland after 1991, he said. Support for secession was largely limited to the North West state, a stronghold of the SNM, which fought in the war against Somalia’s federal government led by Mohamed Siad Barre. SSC and Awdal “have historically opposed” the notion of Somaliland, Olad explained, adding that Awdal was captured by the SNM with the help of Ethiopia during the civil war. Read more