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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Originally posted by Passion_4_Fashion: ma fiirsateen ruwaayada WADCI...msrkuu makki dhahaayo "moos maku siiyaa"...naagta haa ee dheehee....markaas oo isaga wuxuu dhahaa "qolka noo suubi adna isa suubi, anna waa isa suubinaa, markaas wixii la suubin lahaay aan suubineynaa".............looool xaajiga caadi ma aha yaaqe! Waa kasaa Maki Awxaaji Banaadir Abaa Xamar aan ka hadlaaye. Raggeedi. Aaheey, "moos" maxaa ka macaan? Filinkaas inaa mar fiirsado waaye, dhowr mar ayaanba magaciis maqlay.
  2. Salaan sare walaashiis. Laakiin qax ma jiro. Meeshaan bas waaye, waala shidaa hada ka bacdi, sidii Tabakaayo Madoow ama biibatadii Faay Cali camal. See waaye, ciyaarba hadee bilaabatay. Inta ciyaarta noo bilaaban, hal hees kale aan ku tuuraa, ee iigu baashaal. _______________ Wiilyahoow adigaan kugu waashee Warsan kaama helee Wadnaheey adigaa wehelkiisa ahee Waan kaa helaa Wallee waa iga wacadee Illa wadee Wixii aan kaa rabee Waagii baryaba wajigaaga aan waayo Wedna iima dhinee I wanaajisidaa Waajibkaaga ahee Waan kaa helaa Wallee waa iga wacadee Illa wadee Wixii aan kaa rabee Waxba kuuma taree Is wareerkaan Wacdi iiga maqlee Aan ku waayee adaa Kugu wareersadayee Waan kaa helaa Wallee waa iga wacadee Illa wadee Wixii aan kaa rabee Waalidkaa wax u sheegi maayee I walwaal waligaa Aan walqaado ubaxee Wakhti aan tumanee Waan kaa helaa Wallee waa iga wacadee Illa wadee Wixii aan kaa rabee ________________ Xaada ma i kacday? XuuXaaX bas lee iga soo hartay. Feynuustii iyo boqoradii fanka Faadumo Qaasin Hilowle.
  3. Ku: Muriidi Suufi Ka: Awoo Suufi ________________ Aboo Muriidi 114ta suuradood ee Qur'aanka aan kuugu salaamaa, salaan ka bacdi, unuka muggoo waa iska roonahay, Ilaaheeyaan u xamdiheena,adi ma iska roon tihido, abbaayo Shoobto ma iska fiicno, aayaday Maano ma iska roono,abboogeey Abba Shiikh ma iska fiicno, Ilaaheeyaan u xamdiheena wax mala sheegaayo, gaalka aan la joogno mana dhibo Ilaahaa nooga soo qaaday lacag, minan fiican aay na dejiyeen wax ku murjihaayo ma arkaysid, laakin cabsidoo waa nagu jirtaale, maxaa jiraa gaal mala aamini karo lug lee u laaban, maanta waa kuu qoslaa berri makuu qoslaayo, wixii aas kuu qabtayna dadka oo dhan aas u sheeg sheega, [ ] waa ku faanaa, waa shaqadii munaafaqa waaye. Ilaahaa ku xamdiheena oo naga soo waday tuugayaashii Xamar yimid iyo Marka Caddeey iska degay, markii ay alaabteena aruursadeen waxay dhaheen aaway gabdhayaashii bocoryaasha ahaa oo nuunuuraayay ee aad dhasheen iyo dahabkiina, dahabkii waa u sheegnay meeshii aas ku jiray waana aruursadeen, masas Ilaaheey ha ooga dhigo, laakin gabaryaashii waa ka kaaynay, sariirta hoosteeda aan ku qarinay, Ilaaheey ma tusin haddii ay ishooda saari lahaayeen, sidii ay dahabka u qaateen camal ayay gabdhihiina u qaadan lahaayeen. Aboo Muriidi kuwii Xamarweyne iyo Marka Caddeey minan Aw-Cusmaan naga soo buriyeen Ameerikana waa joogaan, dhacowgii iyo tuuganimadii ay Xamarweyne iyo Marka ku haayeen Ameerikana waa ku haayaan waxay u maleehaayaan in Ameerika ay tahay sidii Xamarweyne iyo Marka Caddeey oo kale, tuugayaashii oo inta yimid (Ameerika) waxay noqdeen kuwoo la qabqabto, kuwoona isteeshinka aa la geeyay oo lagu xiray kuwoo kalane jinni aa ku dhacay, jidka markii ay marmaraayaan waxaa arkaysa iikoo kaligood qosqoslaaya, Ilaaheey jinniga haku sii badiyo, kuwii la xirayna Ilaaheey haku haayo meeshooda, aakhirana naarta Ilaaheey ha geeyo. Aboo Muriidi waxaan maqlay in jasuuryaashii Xamarweyne iyo Marka ku yaalay ay eriyaal carbeed ka qeelihaayaan jasuuryaashoo kalena waxaa la sheegay in Geeloo gunbacoo la geliyay [ ], jasuuryaashii dhana waxay noqdeen abuul abuul camal, iska sabra wax kasta adduunkan waa la arkaa, masaajidka u bata shanta waqti dukta, cawo iyo maalin inkaara kuwii minankiina xoogga ku qaatay wilina ku jiro, kuwii dahabkiina qaatay, kuwii gabdhayaashii xoogay, qofka aad inkaareeysiina magaciisa sheega, waxaad dhahaysiin 'Ilaaheeyow kan minankeena xoogga ugu jiro waxaad u keentaa jirro xun aas ka kacaynin,' aboo Muriidiyow qofkii la dulmiyay Ilaaheey docodiisa waa aqbala, habaarkiisana waa aqbala, ma kuu sheegino kuwii Ameerika yimid jinni aa ku dhacay inkaartii ayaa qabsatay, tuugayaasha Xamarweyne iyo Marka Caddeey joogana jinni Ilaaheey haku rido, salaatullayl soo kaca, markii aad dukataan inkaara [ ], waqtigaasna wixii Ilaaheey laga tuugo waa aqbalaa. Aboo Muriidi waxaa i soo gaartay in Macoow Maye aas la saftay tuuggii ugu weenaa ee Marka joogay, Awees Caddena aas la saftay tuugayaasha Xamar jooga kan ugu ween, u sheega kan Marka jooga in aas la safanin tuugayaasha, kan Xamar joogana saas oogu sheega, waxaad dhaheesiin nin tuug ah ma la soo dhaweesto, u sheega nin taroox ah akhwaan ma laga dhigto, u sheega nin tuug ah qaraabo ma noqdo, u sheega nin tuug ah wax ma lagu aamino, waxaan kaloo maqlay Muriidiyow in tuugayaasha kan ugu weyn ee Xamar jooga aas soo jarsaday Suufi Cadde abbaaydiisa ee Jiija, hala siinin muggoo, u sheega Suufi in abbaydiisa aas ku darin nin tuug ah, ha loo diido xataa haddii aas banduuq soo baxsado hala siinin, haddii aas xoog ku qaatana Ilaaheey ku deeya inkaarna raacsiiya. Aboo Muriidi Ilaaheey hana ammaansado meeshan aan joogno waxaa soo baxay naagayaal iyo nimanyaal aan shiixaynin oo gaallada war u sheeg sheega si ay beeso uga qaataan, waa tiftifyaashii Xamar joogay camal waaye, jaasuusyaashan dad ay dhaafayaan ma jiro xataa shiikh iyo shariif waa jaasuusaayaan, markii ay minanka kuu soo galaan tiftifyaashaas, waxay iska dhigaayaan dad sharaf leh, waxay iska dhigaan dad saaxiib ah oo maskiin ah, hoostana waxay ku wataan makrafoon iyo kaamero, dadka warkooda ayay ku duubayaan, waxay duubayaan haddii ilmaha guriga lagu baraayo Qur'aanka iyo waxa minanka lagu haayo oo dhan, ka bacdina gaallada ayay u geehayaan, gaalayaashana warkooda aay maqlaayaan, aniga waan u sheegay naagteeyda Biibi markii aan minanka ka maqanahay in ay dad soo gilinin. [ ] Aboo Muriidi adduunyo gaddoon aa lagu jiraa, Ilaaheey baladkeena ha badbaadiyo, tuugayaashana kow Ilaaheey ha u keeno, unukana gaalladan Ilaaheey hanaga soo wado, hadda waa na jecel yihiin laakin berri waxaa dhici karta markii ay ilmaha weenaadaan in ay gaallada naga raacaan kaasna Ilaaheey ma kaso khasaaro ween waaye, Shiikheena u taga cawadii tuugayaasha haku rido Yaasiinka jinni in aas ku dhacana haku inkaaro. Aboo Muriidi wixii aan bishii kuu soo heli karo aan kuu soo diraa kuna iimaan qab, meeshan Ameerika beeso ma taalo, dadka warkoodana ha maqlin oo dhahaaya Ameerika beesaa taal, kuwaasi beentood waaye, dadka beesada badan soo dirdiraayo waa tuugayaashii Xamar joogay iyo Marka Caddeey joogay camal waaye, tuugayaasha Xamar dadka waa xoogaan laakin tuugayaasha Ameerika jooga dadka ma xoogaan laakin si dhuumasho oo khiyaano ah aay wax ku soo dhacaan, laakin maxay kuugu taalaa hee markii la qabto buunkooda aa la dhawaa madax wareerna waa ku dhacaa [ ], maxaa ii geestayna waa laga keena, aan kala aankaa, ma Xamarweyne iyo Marka maas u maleeyay oo dad masaakiin ah jooga. [ ] Aboo Muriidi halkoo mar waa rabay in aan idin soo fiiriyo, laakin maxay kuugu taalaahe haddii ay tuugayaasha maqlaan in aan Ameerika ka imid bun sharuur camal ayay ii toorahaayaan, laakin inshaa Allah halkoo mar waa idin imaahaa, waxaan maqlay in qofkii Xamar tago aas ijaarto tuugayaal si waardiyo looga qabto ilaa aas ka soo baxana loo waardiyeeyo, anigana saas camal ayaad ii yeeleysiin, tobankoo tuug aad ii ijaaraysiin shantoo boqol oo dollar ah ayaan u soo qaadaa sun Ilaaheey ha oogu dhigee [ ], markii aan baxaayana waxaa tuugayaasha loo sheega in Awoo aas soo noqohaayo labo bilood ka bacdi si damac loo geliyo haddii kale way iigu toorahaayaan markii ay shanta boqol dollar ka dhammaato. Aboo Muriidi waxaan maqlay in igaarkii aas dhalay Buuwe Xaaji aas banduq wato, ha laga qaado unuka banduq ma kaseeno, haddii igaarkaas halkoo xabbad ka fakato, ninkoo jidka socohaayana aas ku dilo waxaa u soo ordaa koo walaalkiisa ah oo maxkamad been been ah furtay, mindi aas soo qaadahaa dadka aas u wacaa waxaas dhahaa arka ninkan aan mindidan gilgilinaayo, diinta ayaana saas qabtaa aas dhahaa, diin maxaas ka yaqaan tuugga. [ ] _________________ Xigasho
  4. Lacala haduu Max'ed Dheere ama Qanyare ama Muusi Suudi Awyalaxoow soo saari lahayeen baaqaas, Sareeye Guude taloow saan muu u hadli lahaa? I can almost see him typing furiously, "Max'ed Dheere [Qanyare, Awyalaxoow, etc] is irrelevant, money-worshipper, novice..." Ironically, these descriptions exactly fit this Cadde dude. Lacag xoog ku raadis iyo political neophyte uu isku darsaday, same like Max'ed Dheere and et al. Muxuu dhahay iigu soo celiyaba? Haa, Wasiirka Koowaad ayaan kalsoonida kala noqday, maha maxaas mooday igaarka laakiin? Tim Hortonkii Alta Vista ee Ottawa ku yaalay uu fadhin jiray?
  5. That is both a unique and beautiful name, isn't it? Yes, it is a real name. It belonged to a victim of today's latest incomprehensible Muqdisho war. He was shot by a deliberate sniper -- he was opening a window, on a second floor of a two-story house. [Perhaps he needed a fresh air, perhaps it was his curiosity that got him to see who was fighting whom since the intense fighting literally was taking place right on their front gate.] Somehow, the sniper didn't even allow him to open the window fully. He was immediately head-shot after opening one window. My sister's house -- as is my grandmother's and aunt's houses, who all happen to live in three triangle homes across from one another -- was located at xaafada Taleex, facing the long Carwada wall, just on the right block of former warshada kookada. [Those who know well xaafada Taleex ayaa si fiican u garanaayo waxaan ka hadlaayo.] The victim, Xukun, who was a young man attending Muqdisho University, preparing his final exams, waxaa korsaday walaasheey since 1988, since his boyhood. He was a nephew of her husband; he also was both rajo and agoon, since both of his waalid geeriyoodeen dagaaladda sokeeye kahor. From a dhibloow boy to an upright young man. I vividly remember him -- when I went to Xamar in 2003, I couldn't believe he was the same Xukun at all, quite completely becoming a genuine, respected man. Perhaps he could've been saved, perhaps tiisa ayaa soo gishay finally, laakiin dhiigbax ayuu u dhintay. Waxa iga yaabiye to ilaa daqiiqadaan is the sniper deliberately and intentionally targeted him, [and it could have been any person, a boy, a girl, a woman, anyone who've opened that fateful window] for there was no enemy fire whatsoever from that side. Waxa kale iga yaabiye isbitaalka Madiina markii la geeye, by a nephew of mine and another person, hoobiye and other hub kale kas loo soo gamaayo ayaa kusoo dhacaaye agagaarka isbitaalka. Xaasidnimo heerkaas ayee gaareen dadkaan dagaalamaayo oo xataa dadkii hubkooda ku dhaawacmay isbitaalka ugu fakan la'. Isbitaalkii danta guud ee kaliya shaqeynaaye ayaa hoobiye lala dhacaaye the whole day. Gabalka ayaa ugu dhacay my nephew and yarkii kale qaaday marxuumka because qofkii isbitaalka kasoo dhaqaaqo sniper meel ee joogaan aadan ogeyn ayaa shiishaayo. Hadii isbitaalkiina lagu jiro hoobiyo ayaa korkooda ama geeskooda ku dhacooyo. Dadkii markaas ayee isku daba yaaceen, waxee sameyaan garan waayeen, argagax. Qoraxda ayaa saas ugu dhacday. Dhaqaatiirtii awalba iska yaraa see ku yimaadaan ayee waayeen. Dadkana ma qaxi karaan, because jidadkii Xamar ka bixi jiray dhan dhamaantood dagaal ama waa wada xiran yihiin. Jidka Afgooye aado ayaa ugu caansan kaasna inta la gaarin Lambar Afar in la maro waaye ama dhanka Digfeer, meelahaas oo dagaal ka wada socday. Dhexdiina jidgooyo weyn ayaa taalo, aaga Lafoole. Same with northern exit, oo another dagaal ayaa ka socdo meesha Balcad iyo Jowhar laga aadaaye. Jidka Dayniile asagana waa xiran yahay oo dhufeys la iskugu jiraa, kii Jasiira asagana saas camal. Intee ka baxaa meel alle ayaan maqli jiray, rayidkii ayaa sidii xoolaha camal loogu ciyaaroyaa inta dhexda la gishtay. Dadkaan awood raadiska ah yee xukumi doonaan hadeeba dadkii dhan wada tirtiraan. Xukun iyo intii kale waxba galabsan dagaaladaan iska soo dabanoqonaayo ku geeriyooday Eebbe ha u naxariisto dhamaantood. Xaqdarada maanta socoto maalin ayaa la isla xisaabtami doonaa, maalintee ahaataba.
  6. Widaay, nice suggestion. I will send it to him now. And, aqiyaarta, why aan ugu jawaabay this illegal solicit email waxaa ugu wacnayd this email account of mine, unlike the older one which almost approaching its decade, is fairly new, a year or so old since it was created. Therefore, very few spam emails ayaa soo gaaro. Marka ninkaas reer Galbeedka Afrika meel uu ka helay ayaan la yaabay. Saas ayaana ku damcay inaa dhibo maraxaas.
  7. Wixii ka dambeeye qabtii odey dhaqamada hab dhaqankaas quruxda badan ayee u labistaan. Koofi barawaaniga awal waa jiri jiray, laakiin camaamadaas qaaska ah ayaan la yaabay Soomaalida kaliya saarata garbaha, siiba odey dhaqamada oo garbaha iyo dhabarka saarto. Waagii hore camaamad cad ayee garbaha saaran jireen. Intee laga helaa camaadadaas? Soomaalida maa sameeyo? Aad ee u qurux badan tahay, specially with koofi barawaani lala xirto, it makes you truly a gentleman, plus camaamad Carbeed ma'aha. Fiiriba sharafta ka muuqata ugaaskaan from Hiiraan:
  8. Through him, some kids as young as five or six in Koronto unconsciously recite Careys Ciise's [Eebbe ha u naxariistee] saars. This niece of mine surprised me one day when I caught her singing in a not-so-conscious Careys Ciise's style of chanting: Wataa...hadii kale waxaan lahaa...aaheey. Shimaali did before him by bringing forth Carey's Ciise's style when he incorporated one of his songs in that that Kalifoorniyaa tagee album. To many of us, it forced us to realize how wonderful the contribution Careys Ciise made to our culture truly was.
  9. Salaan... When a 60-year-old habar kor iyo hoos isla aado, sidii wax jini kusoo dagay, it is a fine art, culturally approved dhaqan, and should be applauded. But when a 20-year-old shakes her thang, it is completely and unbelievably discouraged, not based on religion by regional sensitivities. But ask any person, which one should s/he prefer: Either watching a granny sidii boorana camal wax kusoo dagay u bood boodeyso or that niiko? Anyway, ninba iyo naagba tiisa ayaa la quman. And speaking of niiko, I was once having my hair cut in a Soomaali baarbiyeeri, where the studio next door [actually they are separated by an inner door] -- the studio, that infamous Hall of F[sh]ame, was playing a newly arrived niiko video from Shabeellada Dhexe. Oh, Lordy. Maxee dadka ku shamuunsanayeen. Mid walba alaabteeda maxee soo dhigtay. Finally, an old man ayaa la dhahay gal, oo la ciyaar gabdhaha. Understandably, he refused. Again, waala barye. Still insistently refusing. However, ugu dambeyntii waa yeelay. Ar dadkii baryaaye wax ayee ogaayeen. Ninkiiba isla markiiba jini kusoo dagay. Ninkiiba no more old man yahay. Cirka uu joogaa. Gabdhihii waxooda lux luxaaye intii hoosta laga galay, saan idinku sheego ma kasaaye, but I remembered whoever wrote the lyrics of adi lee barakadaa bukeen karaa or ...soo hoobiyee, halahoo isii, midig ka dhaw, bidix ka dhaw sii sii malaboow sanjab, sanjab had indeed seen that old man's heyday in action. He was indeed both bukeening and dhawing at the same time. I therefore call that a true art, buraanbur too may be, but not in that league.
  10. This is just in: France recognizes Quebec!!!!!! Jean Charest and French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin sign a declaration. [Duly note the flag at the back, lest you forgot my point.] Another news just in: Mexico recognizes Quebec!!! Unbelievable!!!! Mexico's Economy Minister Fernando Canales Clariond and Quebec Premier Jean Charest. [Ah, do not overlook the flag, baliis.] Breaking news: It is official, Belgium finally recognizes Quebec!!! Jean Charest with Yves Leterme, the Minister-President of the Flemish Community of Belgium. Oh, the mighty US recognizes Quebec!! The world is ending, the world is ending... The Premier with Homeland Security Secretary, Michael Chertoff. [The Quebec flag is obscured by Chertoff, lest you missed.] Oh, the impossible. The impossible. European Union does indeed recognize Quebec: Quebec Premier Jean Charest gave a speech on federalism and globalization at the European Parliament. ______________ Haye, masii wadaa? Should I bring official pictorial recognition from Shiinaha? Jabbaan? Barasiil? Ingiriiska? Hallloow, anybody out there gettin' my drift and paying attention? Hallooooooooooooooow[!]
  11. joy******@yahoo.fr From: Mrs Joy ****** Add:43 rue de ***** djibi ABIDJAN COTE D'IVOIRE WEST AFRICA Good Day, Please, kindly pardon me for any inconvenience this letter may cost you because I know it may come to you as a surprise as we'have no previous correspondence. I got your contact as i was searching for helping hand in your country, this is why I decided to appeal to you directly for assistance because I' have no relations or friends in your country for help I am Mrs. Joy ***** from Ivory Coast. I am a widow being that I lost myhusband a couple of months ago. My husband was a serving director of the Cocoa exporting board until his death . He was assassinated last january by the rebels following the political uprising. Before his death he had a foreign account here in Cote Ivoire up to the tune of $6.5M which he told the bank was for the importation of cocoa processing machine. I want you to do me a favour to receive this funds to a safe account in your country or any safer place as the beneficiary . I have plans to do investment in your country, like real estate and industrial production.This is my reason for writing to you. Please if you are willing to assist me and my only son Frank, indicate your interest in replying soonest. Thanks and best regards. Mrs Joy ****** _______________ Yes, I will help you, Mr Clever. But tell me first, which country do I reside in? You need to figure that out first. Regards, Jinoole _______________ Dear friend Thanks for your mail very well.The most important thing is for you to help me out so that the bank transfers the money to your account in your country then l will come over there and meet you for investment which you will assist me as you know that l do not know any business in your country. So you send your full name and address with your phone and fax numners.On receipt of it l will go to the bank and submit it to them presenting you as the foreign business partner of my late husband so that the bank transfers the money to you. Dear, also on the 10% which I offered you I believe that it is okay for you as you will help and manage any of my investment in your country. I await hear from you. Joy ***** ______________ Yes, sir, understood perfectly. But before I provide my full address, shouldn't it be fair that you do it first? Your complete full name. Your complete address. Your complete phone number. And about that 10%, it isn't exactly much. But tell, since I am not good in math, how much exactly will it be in dollars? Can you crunch the numbers for me, please. Thank you. PS, you hadn't answered my earlier question, which still stands: Which country do I LIVE in? Jinoole ________________ Dear Jinoole Thank you for your mail and your willingness to assist me with the execution of this transaction for our mutual benefit and to liberate me from my present situation here in this country. I received your mail with joy in my heart and praises to God for providing someone like you in this time of need. I pray that this will mark the begining of a good family and business relationship. I am the wife the late Mr. Steve Kouakou, with our only surviving son Franck ***** This where we are living: Postal Address: 01-BP *** Abidjan 01 Home Address Reu 154 ****** **** Telephone: 00225084***** Abidjan Cote D' Ivoire I enjoined you to cooperate with me to get this funds released from the bank and transfered to your bank account then you can deduct your share of it and I collect my own share too and invest it in your country with your help. I will like to use this opportunity to give you more details about my needing your assistance. I choosed you from my hearts after praying believing that you would be like a father and brother to my son. I decided to trust you out of my own personal conviction believing that it is God that choosed you for me. Considering the present political situation here in Ivory Coast I cannot wait any longer, just some few months ago a war broke out here with the rebels fighting the incumbent government and a lot of people lost their lives. I do not want to stay here and loose my lives too, hence my decision to contact you for help. When i just got to this country i went to the bank and Director demand that i come to make an official introduction of your person to the bank as my gaurdian/investor for easy recongntion when you personaly contact them to instruct them on the mode of transfer that you want, he demanded for the following: Your full name, address, telphone and fax numbers, age marital status and nationality. Please send these to me. i will go for the introduction as soon as i have them and get beck to you with the out come of my discussion with the director. Finally sir I am entrusting the life and future of my son into your hands believing that you will not disappoint me. Please here attachment is me and my son pictures,and our address: I hope to hear from you soon, May God bless and be with you and give you the strenght to assist me in this time of need. Greetings to your entire Family. Yours Sincerely Mrs Joy ****** ________________ Thanks. But still you haven't answered another important question: How much the ten percent of that millions you've on your account translate into cash? See, I am not really good in math. Also, you phone number happens to be a cell phone [mobile], I want your real home phone number. Also can you provide me your bank's account number. Anyway, I am going to Africa in the coming months. Perhaps I will give a brief visit to Ivory Coast. Should we meet? What do you think? I also would like to sponsor an African child to my country, perhaps your son might fit that description? What do you think this too? Regards, Jinoole _______________ Dear Jinoole Thank you for your mail and your willingness to assist me with the execution of this transaction for our mutual benefit and to liberate me from my present situation here in this country. I received your mail with joy in my heart and praises to God for providing someone like you in this time of need. I pray that this will mark the begining of a good family and business relationship. I am the wife the late Mr. Steve ******, with our only surviving son Franck ****** This where we are living: Postal Address: 01-BP *** Abidjan 01 Home Address Reu 154 ***** ***** Telephone: 00225084***** Abidjan Cote D' Ivoire I enjoined you to cooperate with me to get this funds released from the bank and transfered to your bank account then you can deduct your share of it and I collect my own share too and invest it in your country with your help. I will like to use this opportunity to give you more details about my needing your assistance. I choosed you from my hearts after praying believing that you would be like a father and brother to my son. I decided to trust you out of my own personal conviction believing that it is God that choosed you for me. Considering the present political situation here in Ivory Coast I cannot wait any longer, just some few months ago a war broke out here with the rebels fighting the incumbent government and a lot of people lost their lives. I do not want to stay here and loose my lives too, hence my decision to contact you for help. When i just got to this country i went to the bank and Director demand that i come to make an official introduction of your person to the bank as my gaurdian/investor for easy recongntion when you personaly contact them to instruct them on the mode of transfer that you want, he demanded for the following: Your full name, address, telphone and fax numbers,age marital status and nationality. Please send these to me. i will go for the introduction as soon as i have them and get beck to you with the out come of my discussion with the director. Finally sir I am entrusting the life and future of my son into your hands believing that you will not disappoint me. Please here attachment is me and my son pictures,and our address: I hope to hear from you soon, May God bless and be with you and give you the strenght to assist me in this time of need. Greetings to your entire Family. Yours Sincerely Mrs Joy ***** _______________ That was the last mail I received. I don't know what to write back. Note, though, the guy didn't even bother to compose a new email, instead pasting his earlier one word by word. Marka it is all yours now to write what you think will be in the next email. A waste of time? Shaqo-la'aan.marax? Well, sometimes madadaalo waa loo baahan yahay.
  12. Munaasabad lagu xusay Maalinta Dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed (15-ka Maajo) oo ku beegan 63-guuradii ka soo wareegatay aasaaskii ururkii SYL ayaa maanta ka dhacday magaalada Baydhabo. Munsaabadan oo sanad walba Soomaaliya laga xuso ayaa lagu maamuuusay markii dhidibada loo aasay ururkii magaciisa loo soo gaabin jiray SYL (Soomaali Youth League) oo la aasaasay 1943, muddo laga joogo 63 sano sidii dalka Soomaaliya uu noqon lahaa dal ka madax banaan gumaystaha. Munaasabadan lagu xusay Maalinta Dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed ee maanta ka dhacday Baydhabo ayaa waxaa soo abaabulay Wasaaradda Dhalinyarada iyo Isboortiga ee dawlada federaalka iyo ururka Dhlinyarada Gobolka Baay oo uu Gudoomiye u yahay Cali Sheekh Xuseen "Cali Shiino" Dadwaynihii ka qaybgalay xuska ayaa waxay socod ka soo bilaabeen Hotel Edin ee magaalada Baydhabo waxayna socod ku soo mareen wadooyinka waawayn ee magaalada Baydhabo waxayna isugu soo urureen garoonka kubadda Cagta Baydhabo (Ayuub Stadium) Waxaa dadwaynihii isugu soo baxay garoonka kubadda Cagta Baydhabo la hadlay Wasiirka Dhalinyarada iyo Isboortiga Axmed Cabdullaahi Jaamac Daakir. Wasiirk ayaa sheegay in dhalinyaradu ay laf-dhabar u yihiin ummad kasta asagoo xusay in aasaasayaashii ururkii SYL ay ahaayeen 13 dhallinyaro ah oo u guntaday dhulkooda, wuxuuna dhalinyarada reer Baydhabo uga mahadceliyay sida quruxda badan ee ay uga qaybqaateen xuska Maalinta Dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed. Aabiyaashii Gobanimadoonka: Yaasiin Xaaji Cismaan Xaaji Maxamad Xuseen Cabdiqaadir Sakhaawadiin Khaliif Huudoow Macallin Max'ed Cismaan Baarbe. Cismaan Geedi Raage Max'ed Faarax Hilowle Dheere Xaaji Dheere Max'ed Xirsi Nuur [siidi] Max'ed Cabdalla Xayeesi Max'd Cali Nuur Cali Xasan Max'ed [Faranaaji] Daahir Xaaji Cismaan [Dhagaweyne]
  13. Cacaacal.qam iyo baliis-baliis.quuq Su'aal : Waxaa maamulkii Cabdiqaasim kuu doortay mar ra'isal wasaare, laakiin waxaa la sheega in aad laguu xumeeyey, Somaliland gudaheedana aan lagaaga yeeleen wixii koonfur lagaaga yeelay, sharaftaadii ayaa meel lagaga dhacay, cabdiqaasim-na wuxuuba kugu tilmaamay nin aan tallada reerkiisu xitaa ka go'in, ma waxaasi oo dhan oo ku gaadhay ayaad leedahay Somaliland weli kuma qanacsani gooni isku taageeda iyo karaamadeeda? Jawaab : haddii uu masayr shacab yahay sidaad sheegayso maxaa beesha caalamku idiin aqoonsan wayday mar hore... Jawaab fiican maxaa la siiye.
  14. Maakhir, the article alludes that they are minority. They certainly aren't, but they are unarmed. Can you believe the guddoomiyaasha of Afgooye, Marka, Baraawe, Awdheegle, Qoryooleey and Daafeed [Wanlaweyn] all hail from one sub-clan, who historically or not has no business in there to be? Plus the guddoomiyaha of the whole gobol? Unfortunately, or fortunately for the occupiers, the native residents of these degmooyin still have the old mentality of peacefulness, that everything, like in gumeysigii Talyaaniga, will be good one day. Nabad waa wax muhiim ah, oo laga maarmin for any human being. Laakiin dadkaas lagu heysto gobolladaas wali waa riyoonoyaan, believing, like gumeysidoonkii, all will be good in the long term. Ma'oga this ain't gumeysi duullaan ku yimid oo shisheeya ah, but a gumeysi dhow oo dhul balaarsiga raadinaayo, marna diin ku ganbanaayo, beerahoodana ka xalaaleystay. They can't even go fishing now; they pay extra "tax" or royalty to fish their Eebbe-given right to fish their own native ocean they ever knew. They now are changing, though, testing Indhamadoowe's brutal rule. They started low-level campaign, bombing his xerooyin at night in many degmooyin, thus he started bandow, a curfew at night most degmooyin. It isn't working, since the last two nights already two different bombs occured in Marka, his strongest base. They also distribute waraaqo loogu digaayo and lagu dacaayadeynaayo his brutal rule. Ha ogaadaan unless sidii Caydiid Junior looga soo saaray dhulkii Arlaadi, in Indhamadoowe meelna u socon unless sidii Caydiid Jr. loo galay ku dhicin -- a forceful removal asaga iyo wixii lamid ah.
  15. Dankis and appreciation, Sincere. I made it and here it is: http://www.petitiononline.com/Jinoole/petition.html Folks, sign it now, you were fearful before your name to appear on SOL, now no more. And foward it to your contacts. Dankis again all. PS, I will feature this topic now.
  16. Originally posted by AYOUB_SHEIKH: Bro this chap you keep quoting has lost it, if you ask me. If he thinks images of a boy stabbing knife in another man's neck is an excuse that is somehow's gonna win me over, he must be nutts, to put it midly. What a looney! Qabiil caabudid heer waxaad gaartay xataa Islaanimadii, Soomaalinimadii iskaba dhaafee, xataa bini aadenimadii aad lose gareysid. Eebboow ha naga qaadin humanitynimo. Nin tiir lagu xir xiray, oo wiil yar tooreey loo soo dhiibay ku sur suraayo, xataa in aad ku qososhid iska dhaafee, maanta waxee taagan tahay heer aad ku jees jeesteysid. Eebboow, dadka cuqdada ka saar, wadnahooda daahiri, inteeba saas u dhiman iyagoo ganfuur taagaayo iyo Soomaali ka carar iyo naceyb. Aamiin.
  17. Folks, hadee dhab inaga tahay our intention, magaceena aan ku biirino then websiteyada kale aan u gudbino. Aan iska bilaabo. C/salaan Sh Mukhtaar
  18. Wakaalada maxaa-la-sheegay news waxee lee yihiin, though very unreliable and untrusted, she apparently took her life because of difficulties she had at her school in New York. Hadee taas run tahay, it is very unfortunate.
  19. Originally posted by Castro: quote:Originally posted by HornAfrique: "We need help but instead [the faction leaders] have been feeding us bullets for the last 16 years," she said of Mogadishu's faction leaders. "It is our children they are killing. Their children are in safe countries." Can someone get a list of the warlords participating in this current Muqdisho conflict (whether pro or against the courts)? And also a list of where the families of these cowards live in the diaspora would be great. I don't know waxaa ku sameen lahayd, laakiin just last Sunday in Koronto, a young man by the name of Qanyare Cabdiweli Max'ed Qanyare married in a hall across from the masaajidka Soomaalida. Obviously, a grandson of that notorious warlord. One time or another, this city had plenty of warlords' families, living freely. You name them, from Max'ed Faarax Caydiid the Senior, Cali Mahdi Max'ed, Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed, and now this Qanyare. Cabdi Qeybdiid's brother also lives here. Laakiin waxee kasbadeen aabayashooda ama awoowyaashooda in jiilkooda lagu dambi daro ma u maleynaayi. Magac can't make a person guilty by association.
  20. Been Been Sii Or Dayniile.com Idamaale.com Or Shabeellenews.com Anyway, This Minute has 22 Seconds still on? Mr Ranter, Rick Mercer.
  21. Jen., you've every right to report what's happening in Xamar. Xamar was and, still in a way, is a metropolis that was founded by a civlized people, then settled by all Soomaalis. A lot of us xudunteena ku duugaan, which still makes it our favourite, treasured city, regardless gibberish some express it to be a X clan city, thus wrongly mistaking any negative news from there against certain clans. Xamar yaa naga xigo? Ma kooyto iyo rer gadaal-ka-gaar? When so-called fake surwaalgaab wadaads behave like this, as worse as a declared dagaal-ooge, hadana isla saxan, aakhiro samaan iska sug. When an occupier, a man who is xalaalizing public properties such as Indhamadoowe calls 'jihaad' against his fellow warlords whom obviously doesn't believe he is one of them. In that same speech, he declares henceforth [on that night], he is 'milkiilaha' [owner] of Warshaddii Baastada ee dowlada dhexe. When another fake wadaad such as Korneel Daahir Aweys declares this dagaal is 'xalaal' oo waa laga maarmaan ah, then maxaa la sugaa meesha yaalo? Soomaalida finally are awakened, waana arkeen waxee yihiin wadaad ku sheegaan, just another power-hungry fanctional group, doing their way whatever it takes to achieve, regardless wixii ciyaal, waayeel, haween iyo maato ku geeriyoodo. Aamiin Caamir, as always, is on the point:
  22. Bishaaro, abtina mac sii hee, xaa ugu reebanee macda?
  23. Salaan... Jen., thanks for initiating such an endeavour. I will try to compile a one, though it may rather border ranting than a legitimate petitition. _________________ We the Soomaali people of Diaspora... We the exiled Soomaali people... We the tired, war-weary Soomaali people... We the hopeless, hapless Soomaali citizens... We the powerless Soomaali nationals... We the afflicted, inflicted Soomaali citizens... We the disgruntled, wretched Soomaali nationals... We the mentally anguished Soomaali nationals... We the agonized, demonized Soomaali nationals... We the tormented Soomaali communities inside the country and out... We, a tired, a broken community of us, disenchanted at the state of a nation of ours, a disconnected, disconsolated, discomforted people of us -- we are simply tired of this unending, prolonged clan conflicts, of this tenth-century clan mentality, of this backwardness -- simply, tired, tired, tired of it... We the Soomaali refugees, immigrants, we tahriibs, we who are perishing in Red, Mediterranean Seas; perishing silently at Saxaras of Suudaan, of Masar, of Liibiya, of Yemen, of Sacuudiya; perishing at, too, small seas and border wilderness of Turkey, of Qubrus, of Gareek, of Malta, of Talyaaniga... We the Soomaali refugees in xerooyinka of Daddaab, Iffoow, of xerooyinka at Yemen... We the starved Soomaali people, starved because of famine, because of little knowledge... For the sake of our: Our contaminated, poison-filled ocean... Our environmentaly damages rivers... Our man-made ongoing deforestation, desertification... Our people, sandwiched between to choose consumption of expired medicines imported by merciless, exploitive businesspeople or not having any of these cheap-shot medicines... We Soomaali people considering all calamities above condemn in the strongest, unequivocal possible term this senseless, inexcusable, unwarranted war. We Soomaali brothers and sisters everywhere demand an immediate halt to this senseless bloodshed -- the blood of innocent children, women and men. We simply are a tired community, whose burden can no longer tolerate of this endless fratricidal, inter-clan war recyclements. Really, enough is definitely enough.
  24. Mideeda kale, she could be qoosaarad waynaatay claiming to be 11 (maybe the smuggler told her so.) Allahu yaclam. Qoonsaar aan maqlo shimee igu dambeysay. Dadkiina sheekadeena ama afaaraheena qarxinaayo ogaada waaxda socdaalka ee dalalka reer Galbeedka inay aqrinayaan shabakaddaan, haddii dad badan loo diidana isdhiibitaankooda idinkaa ugu wacdaan doono.
  25. Maxaa ku dhacay xabbad joojintii? It really bleeds my heart, having two waalid there, plus an ayeeyo who joined them recently from Neyroobi, plus a sister and her children. All living three different houses, albeit same degmo of Hodan. The elders refuse to leave Xamar, as my old man did in early '90s, vowing they will die there maalintee tooda soo gisho. Really, walaahi, naxdintii ee naga dhameeyeen. Yaa nagu soo diray inkaarqabiyaashaan. Sidii habar camal ma u habaari karnee.