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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^That Small country dear MMA, is a confederacy, i.e. each state runs its affairs. And you have been known to be against the Federal formula that I belive would go along way to solving our problems. ME. Efficiency enhancers (technicals) Well, Jananka, Iswiserlaan has three different languages and people, plus different denominations of Christianity. That is the reason d'etre and base of federalism -- having major common differences in order to unite. Tell me, marka, what major [i.e. language, religion, culture and ethnicity] differences do Soomaalis have? Nill.
  2. PS. Widaay may inka hadalo wayte dhibatada Baydhabo laka haaye, dadka meela lakadile, Marxuum Deerow dilshe may inka hadalo wayte? Horta si feyla kii salaamay, widaayoow. Intee ku batay? Roogtee mise arlaadi seeytee? Deeroow dilkiisa waa wax laga naxo, oo argagaxo waaye. Yaa dacaayadeyaa oo dilay? Wadaada ku sheega? Dowlada tacbaanka eh? Mise dadka isku diro rabo? Mise shirqool shaqsi? Again wixii xun oo dhacay dalkeena calanka waaka sareyaa. Calanka didn't do waxaas, waxmagarato ayaa sameeye. Sidaas daradeed calanka always waa iiga heybe badan yahay wax walba ka dhaco dalkeena. I have my utmost respect for it. My house in Xamar had a spot dedicated to it, so is this house. I have t-shirts that have the colour of this beautiful calan, which I proudly wear outside to the pride of most Soomaalis in this city. ________________ This article below is from pro-wadaad-ku-sheega, still the writer was deeply touched that offending incident calanka dhulka la dhigay oo la gubay. ----- Calanka Soomaaliya wuxuu ka mid yahay calamada ugu qurxoon ee adduunka wuxuu wataa Midabka Buluugga ee cirka iyo mid ka mid ah xiddigaha cad cad, ninkii alifay Alle ha u naxariista Maxamed Cawaale Liibaan wuxuu xiddigta cad ee shanta gees ah ula jeeday Shanta Soomaaliya, waayo Gumeysigii ayaa Soomaaliya u qaybiyay shan qaybood, Jabuuti in kastoo calankeedu midaba badan yahay haddana xiddigtii kama marna, dalka la magac baxay Somaliland isaguna calankooda waa midabo badan yahay haddana kama maqna xiddigtii,. Macna kale ayaa shanta gees ee xiddigta lagu fasiray ruux Binu’aadanka wuxuu leeyahay |Madax, Laba Lugood iyo laba Gacmood shantaasna midna mid kale kama maarno oo waa u baahan yahay, shanta Soomaaliyeed waa sidaas oo waa isu baahan yihiin. Maxamed Cabdulle Xalane, sida aan xasuusano mar ay isku dayeen koox ciidamo Itoobiyan ah inay dejiyaan Calankii Soomaaliya, dagaalkii 64kii, Zoonaha Tog-Wajaale ayuu wuxuu goostay inuu calankaasi bad-baadiyo, kana badbaadiyo inuusan gacanta u gelin cadowgii dagaalka la iskala soo hor jeeday si aysan u gubin ama u jar jarin, taasina wuxuu ku muteystey isagoo saaran birtii Calanka in dhowr xabbadood lagu dhufto isagoo u halgamaya Calanka Soomaaliyeed kaasoo isagoo dhaawac ah Calankii kala soo degay birtii lana soo galay Godkii dhufeyska u ahaa isagoo bad-baadinaya Calanka, mana ahayn ujeedadiisa in uu nafsaddiisa ku halligo Maro balse damiirkiisa Soomaalinimo ay siin weyday in astaanta Qaranka Soomaaliya meel cidla ah lagu tuuro., oo cadowga loo gacan geliyo. Calanka oo dhiig badan loo daadshay, naf iyo maalna loo hurey, dad loo xirey, qaar loo Masaafuriyay ma ahayn in dad aan waxba ka garanayn inay sidaa u galaan, walibana ay ku andacooodaan waa maro. Marona maxaa ka macna ah haddii la dejiyo ama la gubo, waa damiir xumo kuwa calankii astaanta inoo ahaa ku sheegaya maro iska caadi ah balse waxaa oran lahaa aqoontiisii buu ka hadlay midka sidaa u hadlay. Dal, Urur, Xisbi, Jabhad waxay leeyihiin Astaan u gaar ah oo lagu garto, Xusbullah oo ah Urur Shiica ah, dhawaana dagaal xoog badan la galay Israa’iil Calanka astaantiisa waa midabka Hurdiga ah ama Jaalaha ah, markay banana-baxayaan waxay dhamaantooda soo qaataan Calankaasi iyagoo og in Calanka waddankooda oo ay aad u tix geliyaan kaasoo ka samaysan Midabo Guduud iyo Caddaan ah dhaxdana Geed uu kaga yaalo, Geedkaas oo tilmaamaya heshiiskii dhex maray Muslimiinta iyo kirishtaanka ku wada nool dalka Lubnaan iyadoo wadaadka xukuma Xisbullaah Shiikh Xasan Nasrullah ay Xafiiskiisa iyo Gaarigiisaba ay ka dul babanayaan calankaas geedka dhexda ku leh. Sheikh shariif sheikh Axmed oo ah Guddoomiyaha Guddiga fulinta ee Maxaakiimta Soomaaliya ayaa markii uu booqanayay wadamada carbeed gaariga lagu qaadayay waxaa ka dul-babanayay Calanka soomaaliya, ujeedada loo saarayna waxay tahay inay dadka ku nool waddankaasi ha noqdo shisheeye ama Muwaaddin inay ogaadaan in waxa meesha maraya ay yihiin Soomaali. Waagii xukuumaddii Maxamed Siyaad Barre anigoo ka qayb galaya Maharjaan ka dhacayay Magaalada Muqdishow oo ay ka qayb galayeen Ardey laga keenay waddamo fara badan, ayaa waxaan kala garan waayay ardeydii ka socotey shiinaha iyo kuuriya anagoo ku muransan ardeydaas ayaa mid ka mid ah wuxuu la soo baxay Calan, waxaan ogaaday in kooxda dhinacaas jirtey ay ahaayeen Shinees marka waxaa halkaas kaaga soo baxaysa in Calanku uu kuu kala sheegayo jinsiyadda qofka. Calanka quruxda badan ee Soomaaliyeed marka Boqol iyo Sagaashanka Dawladood ee caalamka calamadooda la dhax galiyo waa mid si aad ah uga dhex muuqanaya, haddaad fiiriso wadamada carbeed calamadooda si aad ah ayay isugu dhowyihiin, waxaana kugu adkaanaya in si dhaqsa ah aad u kala saarto iyadoo mar aan la kulmay nin keenyeeti ah uu I weeydiiyay ninkii alifay Calanka Soomaaliya, kaddibna waxaan weeydiiyay waxa uu ka rabo, markaas ayuu ii sheegay in ninkii alifay uu ahaa nin aad u caqli badan, waayo midabka buluugga ah waa midab aad u qurxoon ee indhaha soo jiita, markaas ayaan ku iri "Maad fiirisid Xiddigtana?...wuxuuna yiri “Haa Xiddigtuna way qurxoontahay". Markaas ayaan u raaciyay "La soco ujeeddo ayaa ku jirtee". Sii aqriso
  3. Me, relax. I didn't even had you in mind when I wrote that. And you should know qeylada is indeed orgiga ka weyn. Been miyaa taas? How many threads are dedicated to this unfortunate incident? Kamoon, waraa.
  4. Mr Eritrean, why are you more eager for war among Soomaalis than the Soomaalis themselves? The blood spilled will be Soomaalis, not Eritreans and the other Tigreys in Addis Ababa; the dead bodies will be Soomaalis children, elders and women, among the innocent, not the two Tigreys of Addis Ababa and Asmara. If you have unfinished conflict against with other Tigrey/Amxaar in Addis Ababa, you and other Tigreys from both sides, can take their business where it belongs. Baliis, do not come to our house and cheer for war among between those who welcomed you. It is un-Islamic. The least you can do is either observe or pray for peace in this holy month, especially since your name is salaam.
  5. They already have the means, but not the resources. It is unbelievable to be true that a huge processing data that records every phone/fax/email -- just every imaginable communication tool -- ayee heystaan, including huge disks under the seas. Yaa u sheego only Eebbe, and Him alone, can protect.
  6. Salaan iyo soon wanaagsan. Aawey dadkii Afsoomaaliga foortada ku ahaa? Iskeena barxada. Leyliga caawa: Aalaa Kabxa Qaboono Qamaameen
  7. Salaan iyo soon wanaagsan. I think some of you have, if I can liberally suggest, a sinister agenda on this unfortunate case. Some of you even seem gleeing, almost jubilant. Kamoon, folks, wixiina sounds like qeylada or ooyinta orgiga ka weyn. How come there is still no outpouring uproar articles and other threads about masaakiinta badda lagu shubu that seems to happen every season in gobolka Bari. Or where were the outpouring articles about wiilashii gacmaha laga gubay with saliid shiilan, including the allegations of xaniinyaha laga saaray? Did anyone or body have been arraigned, arrested or officially accused pertaining to that case [the known perpetrators are still out there]? One shouldn't take advantage on a sad, gut-wrenching unfortunate incident to score against a perceived competing political, opponent region. Wadaadka xiran Eebbe ha u gargaaro -- aamiin.
  8. Saa dalkaan u imid, waxba waa iska caadi. Absolutely nothing iga yaabiso no more. Madadax luxlux ka soco ayaa noqday. Bin aadenka or insaanka can be lower than xoolaha ugu hooseeyo sometimes, as the Quraan attests.
  9. Maan-hadal Very fitting, indeed. Maanhadal. Maandeeq iyo maansoor iyo maangaab waaba maqli jiray, maanhadal aa soo baxay. Again, it fits the chewers, high in marqaan only maankooda ayaa hadlo, that they don't even know. The chewers would never dare to share those thoughts if they were sober.
  10. You ever been a radio talk show personality? Waa dhoormata! But how can I forget, your nickname says it all-Caodweyne Oodweyne ma laga wado codweyne, macalinka. Ood [woodsticks] and weyn [big, great] = Oodweyne, which means big sticks. That is the literal translation. Oodweyne has this username because it is a degmo's [district's] name up somewhere in the Waqooyi gobol of Toghdeer. By the way, Me [or Aniga], baliis edit that lengthy article with full qabiil names. Soori, I don't have no time to edit.
  11. War the whole world does it, even practised by the so-called democratic regimes, including Bushists. Hello the fancy phrase of "extraordinary rendition" torture and other things. That international camp at Cuba run by Mareykanka shames bini aadenka and every progress made to date, and puts the spotlight the hypocrites of "freedom-loving" regimes. Waa ayaandaro, hadee dhacdadaan jirto that the name matching the cajalka qofka ku jiro, qof Soomaali iyo Muslim ah saas loo galo, and by Muslim iyo Soomaali ah. Waxaaba la yaabay why ee Muslimiinta ugu koreeyaan when it comes to torture iyo wixii lamid ah. Marooko iyo Suuriya iyo Masar iyo Sacuudiga [even Jabuuti] xataa heer waxee gaareen qandaraas ku qaataan -- the "outsourcing of torture" -- cruelly tormenting their own citizens for the purpose and advantage of the third countries, like Mareykanka, whose regime currently wants to define what "torture" is. [What the world is coming to!] Waaba la kasi lahaa if that information helps them, waa Suuriyo iyo wixii lamid ah, as deplorable as torture is, but torturing your own sons, who most are innocent victims, for the sake of gaalo's so-called safety, waa caqlixumo iyo ayaandaro weynaatay.
  12. Switzerland is ranked #1 There is something unique, particular, exceptional about this small country. It indeed is a very, highly civilized nation state. It tops among the very few nations, besides ours, that I have utmost respect for. There is something about this landlocked nation with one of the oldest federal charters with three different and equal and competing languages and people that almost never had a major war -- neither dagaal sokeeye nor dagaal xuduud, even includin being Hitler's neighbour-- almost a thousand years, where not a year went when all their neighbours had had squabbles, skirmishes and wars all the time. Another interesting fact about Switzerland is that almost every internationally compiled list, it is among the top five. Whether the list is about the top and best lived cities or whether the countries has the best and highest quality of living in life. Switzerland and her cities [Zurich, Geneva] always has a spot on the top. My abti lives there for a decade and half, alone. He refused to leave for UK, where most qaraabo live, and I can fairly understand why now.
  13. Allah! Really? What a fool I've been - if it is made into sweet tea - what possible reason can I have from staying away from it Dadka ilkaha beelay see jaad u cunayeen ayaa tunto, sida qurfo iyo heyl shaaha lagu kariyo camal, doing it in kal iyo mooyo, then chewing it with their bare jaws. They drink it with plenty of cabitaan, mostly shaah, that is why the jaad itself became 'tea' then. I used to see them before the war back in Xamar, dad badan ilkahooda bololay calaajin karin xataa no more, tabar beelay, yet rafaad haayo and doing everything they can trying to chew. Jaad asagana dhan qasaaro socoto waaye. Ilkahaaga aad u jeedid ayaa ku beelee. Hurdo la'aan. Cuntadii dhadhan makuu lahaan doonto no more. No appetite. Dhafar. Madax xanuun. Addictional. Withdrawal. Depressional. Low sexy drive. Wasting lacagtaada, qasaaro. Waxaan oo jiro still dad ayaa cuno, waa iga yaabiyaan runtii. Eebbe iima dhaweynin cooskaan.
  14. Salaan iyo soon wanaagsan. This letter is for exclusively our misguided brothers, led by a man by the name of Turki. ________________ I am forced to write this letter on behalf of offended nationalist Soomaalis everywhere and anywhere because of your unbelievably irresponsible, injudicious and careless comments regarding our honoured flag, by referring to it as nothing more than a mere "maro." Yes, lest you do not believe, "maro." As in cloth. Garment. Textile. In other words, you refer to our dear flag nothing but anything that lagu tirtiran karo, as in istaraasho, discarded anytime one desires. It is flabbergasting this coming from a power-hungry man with this anger, who wants to rule the Shanta Soomaali the star of the flag represents, yet with this ill-advised comments. If the publicly-funded, taxpayer-supported, free education, all this on the courtesy of and thanks to halgamayaashii calankaan you despise usoo halgamay did not help you; if, perhaps, then you were already infatuated and daydreaming these days about installing a Sacuudi-inspired governance in Soomaaliya, let us remind you that our cherished calan, which you thoughtlessly referred to as nothing more than "maro" is indeed is much more, more, more than "maro." We may also kindly and ironically remind you and your cohorts the one -- which looks like an ancient, forgotten pirate's flagpost -- you put up itself is "maro." And to top it all, having the two cross-checked seefyo [swords], which, of course, attests seef laboodnimadiina la idinku yaqaanay. Nothing wrong raising an Islaamic flag; it wouldn't, however, substitute our symbol and unity, and should therefore have respected it. It is not an isolated incident. When you wadaad ku sheegis captured Jowhar, the same of you did this, though not many people know. You removed the coat-of-arms that hung the meeting room wall where Geedi and his ministers used to meet, instead placing another "Islaamic-based" banner in that conference room. It isn't once again an isolated incident for a few weeks ago when Korneel Aweys on a radio interview, on a passing reference, said "Maxkamadaha" is thinking about changing the flag, in order to make more "Islaamically" appealing. This admision, once again, slipped the masses, missing the subtle hints of what is to come. Mudane Turki, I will come back now to why the flag is more than a mere "maro." Thousands of people honourably died for and ku shahiiday what you disrespectfully call a "maro." What would Xaawo Taako say today upon hearing your misguided comments that lack any sentiment. What would the people of Dhagaxtuur say and view you? What would the man who swallowed a full paper to hide its content from gumeystihii tagay would think of you, since he committed it in the name of this flag you taunted? What about the honourable men and women who died for in two wars of '60s and '70s defending this flag would think of you today? Were their blood shed in vain, Mudane Turki? How will the halgamaashii the Kenyans call "shufto" would view of you today if they hear your aghast laga fiirsan comments, an insult to their blood and naf? What would the Aabayaashii Gobanimada, especialy the founders of SYL, think of you? An insignificant person with silly comments, perhaps, but still would they envisioned one day a Soomaali having a mentality like of yours? Would have they? What would, indeed, Timacadde would have said if you were standing beside him when he sung kana siib, kana saar. What would even the Sayidka, though the flag came after him, think of you? [i already heard they are comparing you to Sayidka. I say to those people: They are as in erroneous as you are.] And what would the living millions of Soomaalis maalkooda iyo xoolahooda u huray for this flag would, really, today think of you? What would they, indeed? Baliis, save your inane comments to yourself and stick with what your know best, i.e. your seef iyo waran laboodnimo, and leave our esteemed flag alone. It already has too many external enemies. Shame sometimes has no face and too many.
  15. Libaax, sheekada gadaashaa iska badashaa filaa. A considerable percentage of Soomaalis do now own their own units. Even the article mentions this: "I've lived in Canada for 17 years. I pay taxes here and I'm a landlord of two condos," he said, gesturing to a nearby building at 370 Dixon. "But they handcuff and beat me up and say, `You shouldn't be in this country. Go back to where you came from.'" The problem is Soomaalis do not have a greater power at board of directors, elected by condo owners, where Soomaalis still are relatively minority. Still the Board is in disarray now and, accordding to the article, is led by a court-appointed administrator.
  16. I told you, jentalmaan, use lower-case letters in your titles. Too many titles with upper-case letters messes up the list. Goodness.
  17. Salaan iyo soon wanaagsan. Came across this on today's local's front page paper, Toronto Star, about the harassment our people face daily in one of the most famous places our people call home in qurbaha -- Xaafadda Dhigsan [Dixon]. ________________ Residents allege harassment Security firm issuing tickets, banning people Manager cites drug trafficking in Dixon Rd. complex Sons cannot visit families. Mothers can't pick up their children from daycare. And the disabled have been banned from their relatives' homes. Some Somali-Canadians who live in three Dixon Rd. high-rises, also known as Little Mogadishu, complain they are being harassed by a security company that is issuing tickets to residents, banning them from some buildings for up to three years — with a warning that showing up again will get them arrested for trespassing. While some claim the trouble results from a misunderstanding of how Somalis mingle socially, others blame outright discrimination. At least 50 residents, joined by members of the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty, gathered last week to protest their treatment by Intelligarde, the firm that provides security at 320, 330 and 340 Dixon Rd. Their complaints aren't new. Fifteen years ago, Somalis who were fleeing civil war and settling in the Dixon Rd. area faced similar problems with another company's security service, amid complaints their customary evening gatherings were too loud. [ ] "We don't know our rights. That's the problem," said Burhan Mohamed. He said neither he nor his wife, Faduma, have been allowed to pick up their three kids from the daycare that's located behind 340 since Faduma was issued a trespassing ticket while compiling signatures on a petition against the security firm. (He had been issued a ticket earlier.) Faduma claims the guards followed her back to her apartment and then ticketed her. She has proof. On a videotape she took of the incident, a guard, shown writing a ticket in front of her neighbour's door, says: "You cannot go into 330, 340. You live at 320." Intelligarde's president, Ross McLeod, said his firm was hired to deal with a drug-trafficking problem in the buildings. McLeod claims that large amounts of khat (or qat), an amphetimine-like stimulant popular in the Middle East and East Africa, are being bought and sold within the buildings. Legal in some countries but listed as a controlled substance in Canada since 1998, khat is typically chewed or made into a tea. It is a traditional part of social gatherings in the Somali community. "The issue there is the place was used as a ... sale point for this drug, and even running a business out of a condo unit is contrary to all the declarations of the bylaws, and certainly selling an illegal drug is even more so," McLeod said. McLeod added that he is not concerned with anyone who uses it mildly or "consumes this product in their own apartment." "Maybe some people see it as an attack on their culture. It certainly is not from our point of view. It is an action against people who are in the business of selling an illegal drug. "Is there some level of misunderstanding at the level of individual consumption? I have no doubt there is," he added. Among those joining Friday's protest was a limping man who has formally complained to police that he was handcuffed and beaten while paying a visit to the complex on Sept. 17 — so badly so that he was hospitalized. Abdulkadir Al-Jellani said he was visiting friends, including a disabled relative for whom he buys groceries, when a security guard asked for his identification in the elevator. When he refused, he was taken out of the elevator and beaten, he says. His case is awaiting a court date. "Everybody you see has a complaint has a pain (injury). We are not complaining for nothing," Al-Jellani said. "I've lived in Canada for 17 years. I pay taxes here and I'm a landlord of two condos," he said, gesturing to a nearby building at 370 Dixon. "But they handcuff and beat me up and say, `You shouldn't be in this country. Go back to where you came from.'" McLeod said the company's employees have the authority to ask for a visitor's ID. "If new people just appear to be hanging out, or going to known drug units, yes, then they may be asked for identification. Establish two things: Either you live here or you're a legitimate guest," said McLeod. Property manager Joe Natale estimates 4,000 people live in the buildings' 900 units. The board of directors elected by the condo owners was disbanded over administrative problems, replaced by a court administrator. Natale agreed that "the harassment has to stop," after he was surrounded by protesting residents showing him tickets they'd been issued. He said it's important to single out those who traffic in khat but he has also agreed to co-ordinate a meeting between residents and Intelligarde. Some non-Somali residents welcome the security company's vigilance, including one man who said he had been jostled by men in the corridors. But Ahmed Jama, who still rents an apartment at 330 Dixon, is staying away in fear after being ticketed for causing a disturbance. The mentally disabled man said he was issued a ticket when guards found him leaving his aunt's home at 320 after he had dinner with her. He claims they threatened to lock him up for three years. Tenants recently created an association, and workshops are underway at which Somali Canadian National Council members teach residents about their rights. From left, Faadumo Max'ed, Xaliimo Xirsi and Ismaaciil Max'ed are among residents who say they are under siege by security guards. [To those who hadn't had the privilege to see Dhigsan in person, the Saraha Dhigsan is at the back, where four of the six buildings are visible.] Xigasho
  18. I think it is time they should pack and leave... Easier said than really done. It isn't that simple. Badankooda sharci kuma heystaan, inkastoo loo dulqaato. Badankooda, again, came through by land, an arduous journey from Keenya-Ugaanda-Tansaaniya-Malaawi-Musambiik-Sibabwe-Saambiya-Koonfur Afrika. It isn't always this straight route, but involves several of these countries in each route. In that previous journey, they already risked plenty. Meeshee nabad ka raadiyeena in jirkooda gudihiis la baarto ayaa la gaaray, dilkii iskaba dhaaf. The few who had passports from Galbeedka countries already left in the first murder wave, only masakiinta meel ee aadaan jirin ayaa ku haray. Intee ka baxaa, meel Alle ayaa maqli jiray. Dadkeena habaar ayaa heysto.
  19. Seylac, you've used enough qabiil names, again and again, marka bas ka dheh. Stating qabiil names aren't allowed, and you knew that. No more, baliis. Do not explicitly name any qabiil's name anymore. Aniga or me, adigana tartiibso, widaayoow. Ma fiicno name-calling nooh. Even though, politically, we are adversaries, still in magacooda lagu xumeeyo ma fiicno. Calling Amxaaro am-xaar ma fiicno. Hala is dhowro, baliis.
  20. Ooooobis, raali noqo duqa. Damn. "Edit" aa taabtay, meeshaa "quote" ka rabay, mana ogeyn. Aad aan ugu xumahay. Waa kusoo celin kartaa hadaa rabtid, kuweyga intaa ku qoraa. Raali mar labaad. And the "shisheeye" that goes through the trouble of reading this forum would have difficulty finding someone to translate the above? Unfortunately, adigaaba qarxisay. Runtii shisheeye badan ayaa aqristo meeshaan. Ma aamini kartid inta Soomaali interest ku eh oo Soomaali ahayn, be it the country or its people. Teeda kalena how is Kaastaro, maka soo baxay isbitaalka oo ma qabtay shirkii Ururka Dhexdhexaadka?
  21. Baddacase, comment on the issue, iska dhaaf who initiated the thread. So, what do you think? They don't believe isku-tag [federaalnimo, which amazingly I and them agree], so what are your views? Hala soo boodin waqtigaan Waqooyi Galbeed waqti laga hadlo ma'aha.
  22. Evidence for Somalis being Arabs: -Hear say -Myths -My ayeeyo told me Me, runtii, dadkaan know as certain as their existence that inay Carab waxba iskaga galin, iskaba dhaaf faracnimo, ka ahayn Xaawo iyo Aaden. Of course Soomaalida Carab waa ku jirtaa -- they are called Banaadiri, Reer Xamar ugu horeeyo, who took great leaps to Soomaalinize themselves, beginning with clans with Soomaali names. And yet we have the madoowest of madoow of Soomaalis in general claiming Carab and other bogus, unsubstantiated legends and myths. Soomaali language does share a lot of words with afka Hindida, yet I have yet to see a Soomaali claiming descending from the historical Hindiya. [Perhaps they exist, and I hadn't seen them -- actually their credibility is certainly more plausible than Carab lineage since there seems a lot Soomaalis who do look like Tamils.] C/llaahi Yuusuf recently said Soomaalida inay 'garac' yihiin iyo in kale lama kala yaqaano. He is, of course, wrong. Soomaalida waa dad jiray, dad jiri jiray, oona jiray waligood, but unfortunately dad kamid ah kalsooni isku qabin in their inferior mentality and who couldn't dispel what they hold in dear, si walba ha loogu sheegee ama loogu sharxee ama loogu tusiyee, what awoowe said always ka horeeyo the reality. Since it is human nature, I don't blame awoowe or ayeeyo, since iyagaba kasoo maqleen their awoowe and ayeeyo. However, in this enlightened and informational age, where knowledge can easily be accesed, it is fitting and time to put the hammer on the final nail on the coffin of this chronic self-identity crisis and myth -- for once and all. Glad to see, though, finally we are realizing and separating the fact from fiction. Mansa Musa, ha i dhihin adigana kuwa Carabta aaminsan aa tahay. I hope not! NB -- Shisheeye badan ayaa aqriyo meeshaan ee Soomaaliyeey ceebtiina asturta, waxa qaarkiin soo qoreysiin anaga dhexdeena ayeeba yaxyax iyo yaab naga keentay.
  23. At least, on the surface, our Jananka and Baddacase, do agree finally on something: Descending from "Carab" lineage, though never proven. Teeda kale waxaa kaaga daran the darkest Soomaalida ah ayaa ku leh Carab ayaan nahnay, kuwii real Carabta ka yimid, such as Banaadirigiina Soomaali ayaan nahnay ku haayo, oo ku adkeysto maalin walba. Adduunyo wareer socoto waaye. Oromadii ayaa joogo. Canfartii ayaa joogo. Kuwaas oo midab, muuqaal, af iyo xataa diinta qaarkood meel walba aan la wadaagno, ma arkeysid iyagoo waligood leh Carab baa nahnay, waxaan isku mashquuliyo. Soomaali cirka kama soo dhicin. Soomaalida Islaamka kahor waa jireen, waa joogeen, oo meesha hada joogaan ayee joogeen. Carabna ma joogin waagaas. Ereyga kaliya "waaq" ayaa kuu sheegaayo, oo degmooyin, qabiilo iyo ereyo badan la dhaho, kana buuxo afkeena hodanka ah. Dad baa iska foggeeyo leh waa erey Oromo, oona og beentooda, in uu yahay erey Soomaali, oo Illaah Soomaalidii hore caabudi jireen. Xataa our traditional dress consisting white go' iyo guntiino kuu sheegaayo, in uu ahaa soo jireen.
  24. Salaan... Can we, baliis, Baddacase, separate Cabdillaahi Yuusuf Axmed from the dowlada kumeelgaarka. Soomaalida wareerkaas ayaa heysto, always comparing who is a head of state to the entire dowlad la dhiso. This confusion of personality cult by comparing or equaling or one person being synonymous to overall goverment in general, is nothing, indeed, new -- it started the day we had our independence, beginning with Cabdillaahi Ciise's interim adminstration. We thus are still struggling to separate an individual from an institution. About wadaad ku sheega's ambition of extending their authority to Hargeysa, ha is dhihin waligaa they won't, with latest attesting coming from Turki, a promiment member of wadaada ku sheega's Golahooda: "Kismaayo, Hargeysa, Burco, Boosaaso, Gaalkacyo, Baydhabo iyo qolada meel ku gaarka ah kuligood webi isdhex socda ayey jiifaan waxaan kula talin lahaa inay soo raacaan islaamnimada iyo wadaninimada," ayuu Sheekh Xasan Turki ugu baaq u jeedinayey dadka iyo maamulada ku dhaqan gobolada dalka. [Xigasho] I hope you won't change your views markee daadaas kusoo gaarto.
  25. Dharkengey-15.September.2006 Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali oo ka tirsan issimada gobolka Sool ayaa sheegay inaysan u dul qaadan doonin in ciidamo shisheeye ay sii joogaan deegaamadooda. Soomaali heerkaan ayee taagan yihiin naceyb ee isku qabaan dhexdooda. If only that naceyb was directed their real, external enemies, mainly Amxaaro iyo wixii lamid ah. Amxaaro every other day ayee Buuhoodle soo galaan, no body juuq iyo jaaq ka yeereyso. "Ciidamo shisheeye," yaab ahaa. Goormee Soomaali shisheeye noqotay?