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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Soomaaliya is occupied by Xabasho. Laakiin kuma guuleysaneyso. We survived from 60 years of European colonialism, mid Xabash uma daaheyno inaa iska xureyno. Those few u shaqeynaayo, stooges and puppets as a tool, a carpet oo lagu dulmaro dalkooda, laakiin Eebbe ha idmee meel ma gaari doonaan. Waa dad yar iska nool. You will see maalintii tan Saadaam Xuseen -- noo, Saadaam dalkiisa iyo dadkiisa ayuu difaaci jiray oo maba gaaraan -- ku dhacday camal ku dhacdo waxee dhihi doonaan aan rabaa. Cabaadka muxuu badan doonaa maalintaas. I for one won't shed a tear.
  2. Baddacase, you really thought you would have received the honest, obvious jawaab? Kamoon nooh. Anagee na leeyihiin dalka ayaa dan noogu jirtaa. Qabyaalad qurunkeeda heerkaas gaarsiisay. Dowladii C/qaasin iyo tan dowlad ku sheegaan isku barbardhig. Maba isku dhawa, and they were against. The other dude supported dowladii C/qaasin because he considered C/qaasin, along with Seeraar, Goobaale and Indhamadoowe, to be in the same xaaraan ku naax group of ninka uu ugu waco "God-like, honoured and respected" ee Kismaayo loo dhiibtay, which they later ka qaateen, iskagana cararay. Maantana Xabasho ayaa soo celisay, xataa this time waxba maloo dhiiban. Jac kululaa. Kan kale jawaabta dhabta la wada ogyahay waa ogyahay himself, oo maalin Eebbe keeno candhuuftiis uu dib u laqaa wuxuu qori jiray iyo wuxuu noqday. Well, no body believed awal, hadana the vast majority see wuxuu yahay -- zero credibility, null, ee taloow muxuu isku daalinaa. I honestly decided lately in aanan jawaab siinin, for it gives credibility the likes of them. Kaadi taabasheeda laguma daahiro si walba aad ula rafatid. Same like qabyaalad iyo wixii qabyaaladda caabudo. Wax walba qabyaalad ayee toorbino ugu fiiriyaan, sidee yihiin dadka kale mooday, Eebboow ceebtooda u astur, iyagaa asturan waayee. Kamaba dhaadhacsano dad dalkooda jecel ayaa jiro maadaama waligooda iyaga kusoo dhicin taas, as one calls Soomaaliya "an idea" that can obviously be sold [to Xabash?], re-sold, disposed, recycled, etc, as long as dantooda rabaan inay ku gaaraan tan danta guud. Well, taas ma dhici doonto intaan noolnahay oo damiir Soomaaliyeed nagu jiro.
  3. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: no one si told your half. It simply means they 30 seats in parliament, more then the ever had. Please correct me if I am wrong. Also you all seem agree that it is wrong, agian what formula would be right? its easy to piont fingers but can anyone come up with a better system? Also, woman are not part of the "others" MMA. Atleast 12% from each clan has to be female. sadly, the carte formula of 25% was better. that is were we should disagree with this formula but .5 makes sense to. serously, how many Bajuni and Bantu Somalis are there? Horta mid meel aan isla dhigno: I don't recognize this stooge dowlad ku sheeg, neither the damiirful, nationalist, sane Soomaalis, who are majority. Now, let's talk about the formula 4.5 itself, not wax dowlada ku sheega Xabashka stoogeka u ah. The so-called unarmed clans have 31 seats now, and noo, it isn't "more than ever." In shirkii Carte, they had 24, out of 225 seats. The so-called armed "major" clans had 50 in that shir. In this dowlad ku sheeg, the unarmed -- "nus" -- clans have 31, out of 275. So there was no substantial increase. Their numbers went up because other seats went up, and they stayed being "half" of people. And not dumarka xildhibaano being part of baarlamaan ku sheega from the unarmed clans, you are gravely misinformed. Xildhibaan Fahmo Max'ed Nuur is from one of the unarmed clans. So is Khadiijo Max'ed Diiriye. Dumarka 12% ayaa loo qooteeye, a given quota, from all clans, regardless which group. They too were cheated. If a half-human being makes sense to you, adiga noqo, be a .50 instead of a full 1.00. Teeda kalena Jareerweyne iyo Baajuunta kaliya kuma jirto that "half-human" equation, malaayin kale qabaa'ilo kale u dhashay ku jiro this falacy-based formula. Jareerweyne -- it isn't qabiil, folks, it is qowmiyad, marka ha u qaadinina inaa qabiil ka hadlaayo -- alone, iskaba dhaaf kuwa kale, have substantial percentage in those regions: Hiiraan, Bakool, Shabeelladadhexe, Banaadir, Shabeelladahoose, Baay, Gedo, Jubbadadhexe and Jubbadahoose. In fact, many degmooyin and tuulooyin in deep South, they are the majority.
  4. "wasiirka socdaalka Xaaji indhoole oo maanta soo DHAGADHAGEEYEY meelo badan oo kamid ah dalkeena hooyo".LOOL. Cowke waxaas camal waa laga filan karaa. Raggeedi. Ninkaas really plays with his words, unlike wariyaasha kale oo aqriska ku adagba. Waaba ku raacsanahay, what is wrong with 'soo dhagadhageeye' instead of 'soo indhaindheeye?' 'Soo sansaneeye' would have even been better. Cowke, second from left. In 2003, the man on the far left with bidaarta banaanka Bush House ayaan ku arkay, oo markaas banaanka usoo baxay. That day we were given a special tour inside Beenbeensi, xaruntooda yarayd, because of him. Magaciis waa ilooway, I even took some pictures with him, Aadan Dhuux iyo Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Siraad, the latter newsreaders of that day.
  5. This illogic, irrational, unmathematical -- how can a wo/man be a "half" of a citizen in her or his own country of birth -- formula was first entertained by some qabyaalad-influenced participatants at Shirkii Qaahira, Masar, a dacade ago, in 1997. It quickly died there without much consideration since the shir itself didn't go further. Then it was re-raised, rehashed in Shirkii Carte, Jabuuti. After a much squabbling and la isku mari waaye other formats, someone brought this unbelievable idea back. It reached to Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle, the madaxweynaha Jabuuti, who wanted anything that saved shirkaas. He thus advocated it. There were some expected and unexpected opposition groups. The unexpected happened to be a few disgruntled clan supremacists who believed their clan -- and only their clan -- was bigger and larger than any other clan in Soomaaliya, and thus deserved some more seats and prestige. The opposite spectrum was shouting match from other group, who rightly objected the nus, half part of man they were reserved. They were alliances of so-called unarmed clans. If they themselves counted together, they are larger any other so-called "major" clan. Also it was vehemently rejected by the few educated, sane, anti-qabyaalad, damiirkooda qabo nationalists. As said, they were only few and were won over, particularly with arm-wrestling, great pressure and tireless lobbying from Cumar Geelle. Thus the mess we have now. It didn't make sense by then, and neither does it now. It, instead of downplaying clanism, re-enforces and institutionalizes into a system. Also it is unfair and unjustified qof Eebbe hal ka dhigay in la yiraahdo "nus" ama "qeyb" ayaa tahay, oo u qalantaa. Soomaalida wax qabyaalad la dagaalamo, not wax u horseedo, ayee u baahantahay. We will overcome this, Eebbe haduu idmo. The always reliable, indispensable Amiin Caamir pens up in a nutshell.
  6. Aad ayee u mahadsanyihiin reerkeyga ila degan ee Reer Koronto, who finally braved the cold wind current and snow. Dankis Reer Koronto. Mudaaharaad ay soo qaban qaabiyeen Jaaliyada Somaaliyeed ee kunool Toronto iy Nawaaxigeda iyagoo la kaashanaya ururo Ajnabi ah ayaa lagu qabtay magaalada Toronto. Mudaharaadkan oo ka dhacaya ka soo horjeeda Qunsuliyada dowlada Maraykanka ay ku leedahaya magalada Toronto, ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb galay dad aad u fara badan oo ay ka muuqato Qiiro iyo Xamaasad, iyagoo watay BOORAR ay ku qornaayeen Ereyo lidi ku ah Dowlada Itoobiya iyo Dowlada Maraykanka. Keynaan Reer Koronto So far we had seen banaanbaxyada dibadjooga ka dhigeen from: Reer Minneapolis, Mareykanka Reer London, Ingiriiska [two times] Reer Ottawa, Kanada Reer Frankfurt, Jarmalka Reer Helsinki, Finland Reer Stockholm, Iswiidhan Reer San Diego, Mareykanka Reer Oslo, Norway Reer Geneva, Switzerland Reer Koronto, Kanada Reerahaas dibadjooga kor ku xusan dhamaantood dhan aad ayee u mahadsanyihiin. Also a special thanks goes to Reer Nairobi iyo Reer Koonfur Afrika, kuwaas oo warar banaanbax laga maqlay, oo sawiro laga heynin. Laakiin maxaa ku dhacay Reer Denmark? Australia? Holland? Belgium? New Zealand? Columbus, Mareykanka? Mise waa dhigeen wararkooda mala daabicin? Kamoon, hala kaco. Jiif ma jiro.
  7. A biyiitiful Virginian Soomaali singing Soomaaliyeey Toosooy at their public school. Quite touching waaye, baliis try inaad dhageysatid. An audio version can be found here [click at the bottom, where it says 'music']. PS, Soomaaliyeey Toosooy became the official national anthem at shirkii Carte in Jabuuti in the year 2000.
  8. I am sure it is on late '80s, perhaps 88 or 89. Ar diyaaradahaas miigga aad aan u xasuustaa, maxaa jeclaa, always looking forward to each Oktoobar. Every ciyaal loved them, the way ay isku bursan jireen, like birds. Kor intee aadaan ayee caadka kasoo baxayaan iyagoo xoog ku socdo, you would think inay kugu dhici doonaan and then turn sharply. Kummaandooska, too. Mas ma cuntaa? Haa! See u cuntaa? Ham! The whole street of Tarbuunka from Jidka Sodonka ilaa iyo Lambarafar dadweyne aad u badan aa taxnaan jiray. Indeed, waagaa heybo lahayn.
  9. Lately with all murugo dalkeena ka socdo iyo ayaandarada, I started listening sometimes Beenbeensii. One of the newsreaders now is Axmed Xasan Cowke. I remember as a young boy watching him on telafashinka Xamar. I was always fascinated by his ways and his professionalism when it comes to warbaahinta. His weekly show, Socdaalka Adduunka, was about that week's quirks, odds and strange news that made the headlines, his broadcasting style even making it more weirder. His newsreading really is something I had never seen in other Soomaalida, both on TV and radio. Unlike most Soomaalida markee war aqrinayaan, he doesn't shigshig or miss a word or letter, always smooth. The closest that comes to him in this is Cagamadhige. I don't know why Beenbeensii didn't hire him yet. Now, Beenbeensiiba daradiis aan u dhageysaa, his caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawa iyo caalamka never misses his trademark subtle, comedic style he hides in his newsreading. One night mid warka aqrineysay uu hoosta u giliye, "Caaaaaaaaaaaaawa iyo caalamka waxaa inoo aqrinaayo Heblaayo Hebel, abaay..." Wey kuday, obviously didn't expect 'abaay' from Cowke. Maba oga ninka xariifnimadiisa.
  10. Federalism. This idea is not new to Soomaalida. It was first raised and advocated after the World War II, and during the Talyaani trusteeship, by a party that dominated in Southernwestern part of the country: HDM, a party unashamedly named after clan names. It was a party later led by a fiery man by the name of Cabdiqaadir Soobbe [Eebbe ha u naxariistee], whose endless wish and sole party's platform were federalism and the official status of Afmaay dialect [language to him and others who supported him]. He feared the then natural ruling party of SYL and its dominance in Soomaaliya. He thought that party was dominated by pastoralists than farmers, though he himself several times joined when opportunity was abound and left when there was none, that very party he was politically against. However, the wider public and constituents he claimed his party represented did not see vis-a-vis -- they instead preferred unitary than federalism, voting an overwhelming majority of SYL members from these deeggaano. The reason federalism failed in '50s? HDM movement was a reaction to colonial policy of land alienation in 1945. The HDM, adopted a new name, HDMS, and called for the establishment of a federal form of government in Somalia. The call for federalism died with the assassination of Ustad Osman, one of its leaders. Xigasho I Who assassinated Ustaad Cismaan -- a politician from Afgooye? To this day, no body knows, though it was generally assumed anti-federalists were behind it. It was one of the many mysterious assissinations, some largely blamed on Talyaanis and their stooges, that occured in late '40s and throughout '50s. Federalism did not, however, die with Marxuum Ustaad as the article alludes. C/qaadir Soobbe continued that party's crusade into late '50s and sometime off and on in '60s. A pivotal debate in the Legislative Assembly of Italian Somaliland centred on the question of a unitary versus federal state. The HDM pushed for federalism fearing domination by the SYL, who won the debate in favour of a unitary state based on its numerical strength in the Assembly. Xigasho II The writers of this document faced two sensitive issues: the form of government -- federalist or unitary -- the new nation would adopt, and nationalist aspirations concerning Greater Somalia. The first issue was of great interest to the HDM, whose supporters mainly were cultivators from the well- watered region between the Shabeelle and Jubba rivers and who represented about 30 percent of the population. The HDM wanted a federal form of government. This preference derived from concerns about dominance by the SYL, which was supported by pastoral clans that accounted for 60 percent of the population. Not surprisingly, the SYL advocated a unitary form of government, arguing that federalism would encourage clannishness and social strife. In the end, political and numerical strength enabled the SYL to prevail. [Library of Congress] The debate wasn't won only because of SYL's "numerical strength in the Assembly." It was won by a thoughtful rationalization and a need that was bought by the overall general Soomaali people. Federalism did not make sense in a land of one language, one culture, one religion and one ethnicity. Neither can federalism subdue Soomaali's chronical, timeless disease -- qabyaalad. It, our forefathers in SYL right observed [encouraging clannishness and social strife], instead kor u qaadeyso unnecessary tartan qabyaaladeed lagu qariye a faderal system. It will only encourage, officially sanctioning qabiil-based, uncooperative, wary fiefdoms. Obviously federalism appeals to those with inherent problems of at one of the above mentioned points: Different, competing equal languages [for example Switzerland, Kanada, Belgium...]; ethnicity [Hindiya with its numerous, untrusting ethnic people]; religions [Nigeria]; culture [most federal states currently have one aspect of different cultures]; and landmass [Jarmalka, Kanada, Australia and Mareykanka, whose large landmass fits federalism. There is a reason why UK did not opt federalism in that small island.] Considering all that, it will likely and miserably fail again. Unitary was indeed the only way forward. And it will indeed likewise be the only way.
  11. Perhaps waxee la xiriirtaa that other word with almost close spelling and pronunciation, boorane -- yacni mingiska iyo saarka mida la xiriiro, boorane. Waligaa ma lagaa tumay or seen qof laga tumaayo? I did as a boy, and I don't want to see it again. Boorama means beautiful Ma hubtaa? A whole degmo can't be named beautiful nooh. Dhulka can be beautiful, sida meel barwaawo, ilsan, indhadeeq, maandeeq iyo sareero camal, laakiin degmo gaar ah ma filaayi in la siiye magac saas camal, oo qaanuunka Soomaalida magacaabaan degmooyinka ma u eko. That maloo fasiri karo beautiful.
  12. Reer Oslo, Norway, aad ayaad ugu mahadsantihiin. Oslo (Calanka) 18-Janaayo-2007 Waxaa maanta ka dhacay magaalada Oslo ee dalka Norway banaanbax balaaran oo ey soo qaban qaabiyeen jaaliyadaha Soomaaliyed ee ku dhaqan dalka Norway, kaasoo lagu taageerayay Maxkamadaha Islaamka loogana soo horjeeday duqeynta Mareykanka uu ku hayo dalka Soomaaliya iyo ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ah ee ku sugan gudaha Soomaaliya. Calanka-dhot-kom Next, banaanbixii Reer Koronto, coming up. Stay tuned.
  13. Micnaha Boorama dad yaqaano maku jiraan inta? Boor [bus] mee la xiriirtaa, oo degmo boor badan miyaa?
  14. Soori, walaashiis. I didn't see this. I was told this banaanbax last weekend. I will try to be there, though meel kale ayaan u socday. Will see what happens, Eebbe haduu idmo.
  15. Of course, I deliberately added the last part to let the sister know. Runtii, theirs is the best musqul aan arko of any maqaayad.
  16. Baddacase, Soomaali saas camal aa jirto. Maqaayado shisheeye wax ka cuno, timajare shisheeye ka jarto, tukaamo shisheeye hilib xalaal ka gato kan Soomaaliga ku dhegan la rabin. Horta xaaraantii mala ilooway, siiba maqaayado indhayar. Xaaraan ka sakoow, maba haweysteen maqaayadahooda. Our sister should come to Koronto and experience a classic, unforgetable dinner night at Xamdi, a computerized maqaayad, including their washrooms, five-star iga dheh.
  17. Cabdillaahi Yuusuf Axmed will sell himself if someone told him to be a president. Ee waxba ha u xiisin. Ninkaan dan malaha ka ahayn dantiisa oo ah kursigaas, which he never be able to rule. Teeda kalena Sanaawi ayaa u taliyo arrimahooda, and Sanaawi of course likes Soomaali la kala gooygooyo. He will believe whatever Sanaawi tells him, including to let Waqooyi Galbeed and Waqooyi Bari go. Sanaawi will also tell him, asagoo awood lahayn, to let other regions as well to go out. Kursigaas kaliya ayaa u daran, even kursigaas hadduu yahay kii dalka uu sheeganaayo oo xukuumadiis isku sheega tahay lagu kala jarjaraayo. Nonetheless a kursi he can never rule from, both to Soomaalida iyo Soomaaliya.
  18. This is Dhigsan. When did it become a "ghetto?" mise waala iska murmoyaa? The last time aan ogaa Saraha Dhigsan condo ayee ahayeen, inkastoo apartment isku badashay the pricekooda. Libaax, Yonge St waxaa kugu dambeysay aan filaa waagee one-dollar, pop-and-mom cheap stores ku taxnaayeen jidkaas dheer. Ar waa isbadaleen, siiba after College St ilaa iyo Dundas St oo isku dhaw tukaamo qaali ee ka fureen, including Eaton Centre mallka iyo banaankiisa.
  19. Again another dankis goes to Reer Jineefa [Geneva], Iswiserlaan. Sabtidii oo aay taariikhdu tahay 13.01.2007, ayey Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee Switzerland ku qabatay xarunta qaramada midoobay ee Geneva horteeda bananbax weyn oo looga soo horjeedo qabsashada itoobiya ee Soomaaliya iyo weerarada dhulka iyo cirka ee lagu hayo shacbiga ku dhaqan dagmooyin badan oo ka tirsan J/Hoose ee koonfurta Soomaaliya iyada oo lagu marmar siyoonayo argagixisa ayaan raadinaynaa. Sii aqriso
  20. Baddacase, you can call Cabdillaahi Yuusuf iyo wixii lamid ah public figure eh "dabadhirif" iyo any other name aad u heysid; others as well can as well call Riyaale iyo wixii lamid ah "secessionist." It is only dadka meeshaan ka qeyb qaato loogu waco waxaas, since they aren't public figures. Same rules applies others calling you "secessionist" and "SNM mujaahid." Both are mild, not that offensive, oo waa loo dulqaadan karaa; however and nonetheless people are overdoing it and overabusing. It is also where name-calling starts from, it starts from mild and before you know, laba ayaa af isku heysata. Taako, "jukebox," like other names I mentioned above, wax weyn ma'aha, but it refers qof af weyn, yacni afweyne robotic eh. Si fiican u dooda, hadaadan name-calling ka resist gareyn karina, iskala dhaafa. Xoog majiro, wah.
  21. Jimcaale, labadii xaaraan ku heshiiso maxaa la dhahay? I see todobaadkii honeymoonka waa dhamaatay. Will Indhamadoowe's message be repeated once again: Anagaa kuu dhiibanay, anagaana kaa qaadanay. Cabdillaahi Yuusuf Axmed maxaa ka galay arrimaha Kismaayo, asagoo ka yimid Mudug oo ka shisheeyso kan kale meesha Xabasho keentay oo ka yimid Galgaduud. Arrimaha "madaxweynenimo" miyaa? I thought dadka deeggaan inay soo dhistaan deegganadooda, who are Reer Waamo, neither kuwaan isku qilaafaayo ahayn. Anyway, nin Korneel Koojaar lagu magacaabo aa u taliyo meeshaas, nin ciidamo Xabash wato Soomaali sheegto.
  22. Folks, listen: This name-calling isn't going to no where. Will you guys, baliis, stop it for once and for all? You argued to death. None can change one's opinion, ee marka afxumeynta maa joojisiin. Mise our "baliis" ayaa si kale loo qaatay. Don't force us to use other available means. We really value the difference of opinion, in a respected way. Dadka magac ayee ku leeyihiin meeshaan, "dabadhirif" iyo "SNM mujaahid" magacyadooda ma'aha. Baliis, baliis, respect the the forum's rules and its reputation. Meeshaan ma'aha suuqbacaad iyo suuqsiinaay. We cannot accept aflagaado in any way, in any means, intended or not. Wax la aqbali karo. A serious warning.
  23. Shariifka mar horaa u sheegnay in uu iska casilo jagadaan qaabka daran, for he doesn't deserve dowlad ku sheeg Xabash nuujiso, kor iyo hoos ugu heyso. It is just the Stooge and Puppet of Xabash, oo uma qalma meel wasaqdaas eh in uu ku dhexjiro. Kaadi ma lagu daahiro, si walba aad iskugu dhibtid, Shariifoow. It is good now, those who were giving a bit legitimacy internationally -- as that American ambassador seems to discover -- ayaa arkaayo this dowlad ku sheeg ain't what is cracked up to be, just the Stooge imitating his Master Sanaawi's regime. Already Midowga Yurub threatened to cut lacagta ee ku bixiso so-called Xildhibaanada in this so-called, dowlad ku sheeg, treacherous dowlad. Shariif, qof Soomaalida damiirka leh, the majority, arkeen ayaa tahay, qof Xabash u istaagay iska dhicisteeda, kuwii kale markee Stooges noqdeen. Soomaaliya and Soomaalinimo will never forget you, daljecelnimadaada iyo wadanimadaada. I hope to see you participate dowlad dadkeeda soo dhisteen, not mid ku sheeg eh Xabash nuujiso, soo korisay, hadana dabada ka wadato.
  24. MOGADISHU, May, 1999 (Xinhua) -- "The Voice of the People", a radio supporting faction leader Hussein Aidid returned to the air Wednesday again by broadcasting the usual programs and anti-Ethiopian propaganda after more than three months' silence. The radio quoted Aidid as strongly condemning the Ethiopian policy toward Somalia in a press statement issued Tuesday night. The statement charged that Ethiopia has unlawfully attacked and violated the territorial integrity of Somalia by "crossing some of its troops into Somalia." The radio has also accused Ethiopia of sponsoring a meeting for some Somali factions inside Ethiopia for the sole purpose of what it called instigating more Ethiopian attacks against Somalia. The strongly-worded statement also accused the Ethiopian forces of planting land mines in several regions in central and southern Somalia including Bay, Bakol, Gedo, Hiran and Galgudud. The statement complained that these land mines are continuously causing fatalities and injuries to lives of both human beings and mine. However, many of the estimated one million land mines buried in Somalia have been laid down during the height of the civil war. Aidid also said in his statement that Ethiopia is attacking parts of Somalia by "using the pretext of Oromo nationals and weapons being brought to southern Somalia." He said that the Oromo nationals in Somalia are refugees who fled Ethiopia in 1964 during the war between Somalia and Ethiopia. Nonetheless, between 500 and 700 Oromo nationals, and weapons have allegedly arrived for Aidid two weeks ago on a vessel chartered by Eritrea which docked at the natural port of Merca town, 100 kilometers south of Mogadishu. Some of the local newspapers have reported that many of the Oromo soldiers have already crossed into Ethiopia a few days ago for possible hit-and-run attacks against the regime of Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. In conclusion, the statement called on the international community to put pressure on Ethiopia to refrain from what it called the intervention in Somalia's affairs. The statement also called on the Inter-Governmental Authority for Development, the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity to intervene into the problems between Somalia and Ethiopia.
  25. When we were supporting this nascent dowlad for the sake of Soomaalinimo, they were against, for what, perhaps fiercely being Anti-Xabash and mid dalkeeda jecel. The questions, though. Dowladii Cabdiqaasin Salaad Xasan sababta loogu soo horjeeday maxee ahayd? Why wasn't it given a "chance," as they empty-beat to faintly lecture us now? Why were some people seeking its demise? Legit questions, no admission of obvious answers from the usual suspects, though. Why didn't dowlad dadweynaha soo dhistay, without a warlord ku jiro, loo siin waaye again a "chance" to function? Dowlad Xabashdiid ahayd waliba. Hmm, legit questions, obvious answers. [Qaybaalad.] It had same formula with this current dowlad ku sheeg, Xabash stooge. It was internationally recognized by Qaramada Midooway [united Nations], Jaamacadda Carabta [Arab League], Dalalka Islaamka [Organization of Islamic Conference] and Midowga Afrika [or its predecessor, Organisation of African Unity]. It had the 4.5 power-sharing equation formula. It had a president, a daljecel president who liked his country and respected diinta Islaamka. It had a speaker. It had a prime minister. Ah, legit questions, obvious answers. [The man didn't belong a certain clan. He did not kowtow to Xabash. He told to @#$& them, yet they were against him. Markaas ayee na leeyihiin we have the interest of "nation," a nation they call an idea that can supposedly disposed of anytime.] Keep beating the empty drums. Shimbiryaaloow heesaa, si fiican iskugu heesaa... Waligiinaba.