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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. And they really call this snow? What you call 'snow' is flurries. Baraf baas halkaan ka da'o routinely looks like this: And the city still functions. Then again, that is Landhan. Magaalo ka cariiri badan jirin, where a typical road can't handle two passing cars.
  2. Reer Vancouver did their share of daljecelnimo. Waa mahadsantihiin. Also Qowmiyada Oromada [soomaali Aboow]. Vancouver, Canada - Jan 19, 2007 - Bannaabax ballaaran oo ay ka soo qayb galeen qowmiyadaha Soomaali iyo Itoobiya ayaa ka dhacay magaalada Vancouver ee dalka Canada. Bannaanbaxaas ayeed dadkii ka soo qayb galay ku muujiyeen sida ay uga xun yihiin siyaasadda kaligii taliyaha Mele Zenawi. Waxayna ka codsadeen dowladda Canada in ay ku cadaadiso in Ra'iisul Wasaare Mele Zenawi deg-deg ciidamadiisa kala soo boxo waddanka Soomaaliya. Click each thumbnail to enlarge. More sawiro
  3. Waxaan jeesto jeesto iyo ku xumeys ee kaa tahay, oo Soomaalidii kale in la heysto kula tahay, adigana lagu heystan. Maanta rumeyso ama ha rumeyso, Xabash Soomaalida dalkooda ayee ugu amartaagleyaan, meeshee ciidamadooda ka joogaan mise meeshee ka joogin, qof juuq u dhihi karo maleh. Maxaa ugu wacan? Xabash awood ma gaarsiin heerkaas, ee Soomaali iyagaa isdhigay [ari meeshuu isdhigaa lagu qalaa], oo midnimadii iyo qaranimadii ka doorbiday masuuqmaasuqnimo iyo qabyaalad. Haddee Soomaalida isku duubnaan lahayeen, sida ee ahayeen '60s iyo '70s, Xabash awood ee nagu soo haweysato iska dhaafee, xataa dhankeena masoo fiirin lahayn. Teeda kalena Soomaali dhulkeeda shisheeye kusoo duulo tan ma ugu horeynin, oo in la isku dhiibo ma'aha, damiirkana ma galaayo, inkastoo jeesto kaa tahay. Cismaaniyiintii baa yimid, Burtuqiis baa yimid, Masaaridii ayaa timid, Cummaaniintii ayaa yimid, Ingiriis, Faransiis iyo Talyaani ayaa halmar isla yimid, kuligoodna laga raacdeeye dhulkeene hooyo. Wax isku dhiibayna ma jirin. Maanta Xabash ciyaalkiisa xataa waxee cunaan heysan iskuma dhiibeyno, habeenkii xaley tagay. Sheeko aan hadda kahor maqli jiray ayaaba soo xasuustay. Nin ayaa laga hayaa asagoo yiri: Reer Qansax ayaa shisheeye soo weeraray, oo laaye. Juuq ma dhihin, oo maxaa iga galay. Reer Qurac baala soo weeraray, oo la tirtiray. Jiiq ma dhihin maxaa iga galay, tolkeyga ma'aha. Reer Boocbooc ayaa lasoo weeraray, la wada dhameeye. Afka ma kala qaadin, iskaba dhaaf hiilis. Markii dambe reerkeyga Reer Tiintiin ayaa lasoo weeraray, qof ii soo gurmato ayaan waaye maadaama walaalaheey la wada laaye. Marka sheekadaas ayee ku jirtaa Soomaalida, marxalada maanta jirto tol/jilib/laf/bah/reer/qoys waaka weyntahay. Halhal hala isku fiirsado, intii halhal loo dhameenaayo walaalaha Soomaaliyeed. Laakiin ma dhaceyso, as long as damiir Soomaali leh, qaranimo iyo daljecelnimo ku jirto noolyihiin.
  4. Aidid said: "This is just speculation and we have not received any information." Of course. Yaala tashanaayo qashin. Their master, Sanaawi, knows what happens in Jubbooyinka than themselves since beforehand loogu sheego asaga by his own American master, maadaama uu maanta dalka dhan uu occupier ku yahay, asagaa lala tashtaa. Even Xamiid Qarsaay, as powerless and lame duck as he is, is informed when masaakiinta reer Afgaan lagu laayo bambooyinkaas Galbeedka u adeegsadaan dadkaas maatida ah. Then again Xamiid Qarsaay at least controls Kabul.
  5. Naceyb Soomaalinimo halkaan ayee dadka gaarsiisay. Xabash qofna kaaba haayo, ee u tag, isku dhiib. Dhulkooda kaama dheero maadaama aad Hargeysa joogtid, starting right after Xarare on the highway to Addis Ababa, ugu tag meeshaas.
  6. And what, pray tell, would one call a Soomaali isku sheeg, supposedly Muslim, supporting and cheerleading into an ultimate alalaas Xabash's airbombing of Soomaali cities and towns, in the process murdering and eradicating Eebbe knows how many innocent mothers and grandparents? How can one even dare to stand where there is no ground by supporting the mother of shame, un-Islamic and un-Soomaali, when the Sanaawi Xabash boasts killing thousands of our youth, barely coming out of their ages, yet the cheerleading squad are the loudest? What would a madaxyare Father of Stooge madaxweyne ku sheeg of dowlad ku sheeg that without a prior knowledge or consultation from Americans [that alone tells qashinka uu yahay, a nobody lagu shaqeysto], from the American's massive airbombing poor gaaljire nomads in forests of Jubbooyinka, and their so-called madaxyare Father of Stooge immediately labelling them "terrorists" -- what would one, again, call those easily qabyaalad-corrupted folks who support men like that old, senile man? Waa yaab. Ifkii ayaa la gadaalgadiye. Gaduudkii ayaa cagaar laga dhigay before our very eyes. Muslimkii ayaa gaal laga dhigay, gaalkii Muslim noqday. Sokeeye ayaa shisheeye laga dhigay, sokeeyihiina shisheeye ah. Gaaljirihii, hooyooyinkii iyo carruurtii ayaa "terrorist" laga dhigay, Xabashkii a historical enemy isku ahayn, terrorist Soomaali public ku ahaa, oo soo duulay, invaded our country, dad iyo dugaagna u dhaafin waxba, laga dhigay widaay sokeeye oo "halgame" ah. Yaab iyo yaabkeeda.
  7. I just knew it. She is paid to monitor Soomaali sites regarding this mafia, Maldives-registered company called Rangers. Yes, that is right, this shady company and others it is affiliated with, is registered in Maldives. That alone tells you something.
  8. Ababaay, Reer Windsor, Ontario, Kanada, did indeed their share. Saas ayaa la rabaa aqiyaarta degan magaaladdaa degnaan jiray. I can even recognize old pals from the pictures. Well done, Reer Windsor. Banaanbaxan ayaa waxa uu ka dhacay Bartamaha magaalada Windsor, Ontario, ee dalka Canada gaar ahaan xafiiska laga xukuma magaalada Windsor ee City Hall maalintii Jimcada oo tariikhdu aheyd January 19, 2007. Banaan baxan oo ay soo qaban qaabiyeen ururka Midowga Jaaliyad Soomaaliyeed ee dalka dibadiisa ku dhaqan United Somali Diaspora. Waxaana taageero u fidiyay banaan baxan kana soo qeybgalay ururada Bulshada ee magaalada Winsdor oo ay ka mid yihiin: Windsor Peace Coalition oo ah urur mar walba u taagan kana soo horjeeda dagaalada lagu qaado dadka iyo dalalka laga awooda badan yahay ee xaq darada ah. That is Maxamed, my old schoolmate, high school isla aadi jirnay back in late '90s. W. D. Lowe, baby. Saas aa lagaa rabaa, macalinka. Keep holding the beautiful flag. This guy deserves an honorary Soomaali citizen. Waa nin ka fiican qashinka Xabashka u kabadhaqaayo. Qashintaas uu dhaamaa boqolkiiba boqol. Soomaaliya ha jirto waligeed, indeed. Max'ed Calicaliyoow [in the middle], well done, duqa. Long time iga dheh. Another non-Soomaali who deserves in laga dhigo Soomaali. More pics _________________ Next banaanbax already waxaa sameeye Reer Vancouver. Nicely done. Stay tuned for the pictures and info.
  9. I didn't read this thread's posts, so pardon me. I can bet on my life, though, one silent lurker will respond: Art. Is she already in, if not art, where art thou? Kamoon awt. Mention this mafia company called Rangers, and art mysteriously re-appears.
  10. Ayaandaro. Yaa ogaado Addis Ababa ayaaba already loo qaaday and torturing him has started. Maskiinka Bashiir, Eebbe ha u gargaaro.
  11. In Soomaali politics, it is called looma dhamo. A very familiar misused phrase, that burburiye the last 14 conferences. It is either I-will-have-all-and-nothing mentality. Compromise, wadaagnimo iyo tanaasul ma jiro.
  12. Muqdisho 22, Jan. 07 (Shabeelle) -- Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa ka dhoofay galabta magaalada Muqdisho, isagoo ku sii jeeda magaalada Adis-ababa ee xarunta dalka Ethiopia... [sNIP] Safarka Madaxweynaha Somalia uu ugu kictamay dalka Ethiopia ayaa yimid, ka dib markii maanta xarunta Villa Somali ee Muqdisho kula yeeshay kulan wasiirka Arimaha dibadda ethiopia Sium Musfin oo markii ugu horeysay soo gaaray caasimadda Somalia. Mr. Sium Musfin iyo Madaxweyne Yuusuf ayaa halmar ka wada duulay garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo halkaasi ay ku sii dhaweeyeen xubno ka tirsan dowladda Somalia. Shabeelle Siyaaradda to Addis Ababa and the Master there is getting shorter and shorter. Whereas it was once a month, now it seems in every three weeks. Perhaps wuxuu ka dhago adeegay the Mini-master loo soo diray, and now the big Master in Addis Ababa ayuu warkiisa ka maqli doonaa, whose war always be followed or else! Why the siyaaro now, though? The junior worshippers of Sanaawi -- Geedi and Yuusuf -- had a little friction lately, which usually is taken care by the Mini-master Musfin. Remember Baydhabo a couple months ago when Geedi xilka laga qaadi rabay? Mini-master mysteriously landed and suddenly there was an agreement. Before that, it was in Nairobi, where the Mini-master Musfin took care the mastery business about the treachery stooges.
  13. Me, dad ina Waraabe ka daran ayaa maanta joogo. Wixiisa waa hadal, just hadal. Awoodna xataa ma u laha maanta in uu fuliyo hadalkiis. Laakiin kuwii Xabashada keenay waa the worst Soomaali ku sheeg, for I don't think I can call them Soomaali. Inaa kuwaas qashinkooda ku saabsan dabagishid ayaa ka fiicnaan lahayd intaa Waraabahaan iyo wixii lamid ah awooda lahayn hadalkooda dabasocotid.
  14. Aaheey, ninkii soo joog laga waaye, uu yiri Awkoombe, soo jiif aa laga helaa. Ninkii Xabash keenay meeshuu ku dambeyn doono surely won't be jiif.
  15. MMA,do you remember there was one MiG that crushed during one of those Oct.days? Cajalkaan at the end of '80s waaye, particularly if you look at the end of the tapeka, where you can see a large billboard celebrating the 19th anniversary of Kacaanka, which coincides, if I am not mistaken, the Oktoobar of 1989. Those miigga dhacay, saa u maleeyo waxee dhaceen mid '70s, right after wadaaddadii la toogtay. Dad aayaa dhihi jiray ishii wadaaddada ayaa kasoo baxday. It didn't happen in Oktoobar celebration, though; garoonka diyaaradaha ee kasoo kaceen oo Afisiyooni ku yaalay, degmada Waaberi iyagoo kormaraayana isku dhacay, saa maqlay.
  16. There are the direct occupation of Soomaali cities and towns in Soomaaliya by Xabashada. Then there are those satellite, on the spheres of Xabash influence, cities and towns in both Waqooyi Galbeed and Waqooyi Bari, just as Soviet Union had a huge swath of influence in Eastern Europe.
  17. ETHIOPIAN MINISTER ARRIVES MOGADISHU Korekshan, baliis. Xabash Mini-master arrives in Muqdisho in order to take the Father of Stooge to his Higher Master for his monthly Siyaaro in Addis Ababa.
  18. Dankis. Thousands more would have been there had there not been a bitter wintery wind and snow. Still, it is great to see my magaalo represented. Well done.
  19. Soomaaliya is occupied by Xabasho. Laakiin kuma guuleysaneyso. We survived from 60 years of European colonialism, mid Xabash uma daaheyno inaa iska xureyno. Those few u shaqeynaayo, stooges and puppets as a tool, a carpet oo lagu dulmaro dalkooda, laakiin Eebbe ha idmee meel ma gaari doonaan. Waa dad yar iska nool. You will see maalintii tan Saadaam Xuseen -- noo, Saadaam dalkiisa iyo dadkiisa ayuu difaaci jiray oo maba gaaraan -- ku dhacday camal ku dhacdo waxee dhihi doonaan aan rabaa. Cabaadka muxuu badan doonaa maalintaas. I for one won't shed a tear.
  20. Baddacase, you really thought you would have received the honest, obvious jawaab? Kamoon nooh. Anagee na leeyihiin dalka ayaa dan noogu jirtaa. Qabyaalad qurunkeeda heerkaas gaarsiisay. Dowladii C/qaasin iyo tan dowlad ku sheegaan isku barbardhig. Maba isku dhawa, and they were against. The other dude supported dowladii C/qaasin because he considered C/qaasin, along with Seeraar, Goobaale and Indhamadoowe, to be in the same xaaraan ku naax group of ninka uu ugu waco "God-like, honoured and respected" ee Kismaayo loo dhiibtay, which they later ka qaateen, iskagana cararay. Maantana Xabasho ayaa soo celisay, xataa this time waxba maloo dhiiban. Jac kululaa. Kan kale jawaabta dhabta la wada ogyahay waa ogyahay himself, oo maalin Eebbe keeno candhuuftiis uu dib u laqaa wuxuu qori jiray iyo wuxuu noqday. Well, no body believed awal, hadana the vast majority see wuxuu yahay -- zero credibility, null, ee taloow muxuu isku daalinaa. I honestly decided lately in aanan jawaab siinin, for it gives credibility the likes of them. Kaadi taabasheeda laguma daahiro si walba aad ula rafatid. Same like qabyaalad iyo wixii qabyaaladda caabudo. Wax walba qabyaalad ayee toorbino ugu fiiriyaan, sidee yihiin dadka kale mooday, Eebboow ceebtooda u astur, iyagaa asturan waayee. Kamaba dhaadhacsano dad dalkooda jecel ayaa jiro maadaama waligooda iyaga kusoo dhicin taas, as one calls Soomaaliya "an idea" that can obviously be sold [to Xabash?], re-sold, disposed, recycled, etc, as long as dantooda rabaan inay ku gaaraan tan danta guud. Well, taas ma dhici doonto intaan noolnahay oo damiir Soomaaliyeed nagu jiro.
  21. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: no one si told your half. It simply means they 30 seats in parliament, more then the ever had. Please correct me if I am wrong. Also you all seem agree that it is wrong, agian what formula would be right? its easy to piont fingers but can anyone come up with a better system? Also, woman are not part of the "others" MMA. Atleast 12% from each clan has to be female. sadly, the carte formula of 25% was better. that is were we should disagree with this formula but .5 makes sense to. serously, how many Bajuni and Bantu Somalis are there? Horta mid meel aan isla dhigno: I don't recognize this stooge dowlad ku sheeg, neither the damiirful, nationalist, sane Soomaalis, who are majority. Now, let's talk about the formula 4.5 itself, not wax dowlada ku sheega Xabashka stoogeka u ah. The so-called unarmed clans have 31 seats now, and noo, it isn't "more than ever." In shirkii Carte, they had 24, out of 225 seats. The so-called armed "major" clans had 50 in that shir. In this dowlad ku sheeg, the unarmed -- "nus" -- clans have 31, out of 275. So there was no substantial increase. Their numbers went up because other seats went up, and they stayed being "half" of people. And not dumarka xildhibaano being part of baarlamaan ku sheega from the unarmed clans, you are gravely misinformed. Xildhibaan Fahmo Max'ed Nuur is from one of the unarmed clans. So is Khadiijo Max'ed Diiriye. Dumarka 12% ayaa loo qooteeye, a given quota, from all clans, regardless which group. They too were cheated. If a half-human being makes sense to you, adiga noqo, be a .50 instead of a full 1.00. Teeda kalena Jareerweyne iyo Baajuunta kaliya kuma jirto that "half-human" equation, malaayin kale qabaa'ilo kale u dhashay ku jiro this falacy-based formula. Jareerweyne -- it isn't qabiil, folks, it is qowmiyad, marka ha u qaadinina inaa qabiil ka hadlaayo -- alone, iskaba dhaaf kuwa kale, have substantial percentage in those regions: Hiiraan, Bakool, Shabeelladadhexe, Banaadir, Shabeelladahoose, Baay, Gedo, Jubbadadhexe and Jubbadahoose. In fact, many degmooyin and tuulooyin in deep South, they are the majority.
  22. "wasiirka socdaalka Xaaji indhoole oo maanta soo DHAGADHAGEEYEY meelo badan oo kamid ah dalkeena hooyo".LOOL. Cowke waxaas camal waa laga filan karaa. Raggeedi. Ninkaas really plays with his words, unlike wariyaasha kale oo aqriska ku adagba. Waaba ku raacsanahay, what is wrong with 'soo dhagadhageeye' instead of 'soo indhaindheeye?' 'Soo sansaneeye' would have even been better. Cowke, second from left. In 2003, the man on the far left with bidaarta banaanka Bush House ayaan ku arkay, oo markaas banaanka usoo baxay. That day we were given a special tour inside Beenbeensi, xaruntooda yarayd, because of him. Magaciis waa ilooway, I even took some pictures with him, Aadan Dhuux iyo Cabdirisaaq Xaaji Siraad, the latter newsreaders of that day.
  23. This illogic, irrational, unmathematical -- how can a wo/man be a "half" of a citizen in her or his own country of birth -- formula was first entertained by some qabyaalad-influenced participatants at Shirkii Qaahira, Masar, a dacade ago, in 1997. It quickly died there without much consideration since the shir itself didn't go further. Then it was re-raised, rehashed in Shirkii Carte, Jabuuti. After a much squabbling and la isku mari waaye other formats, someone brought this unbelievable idea back. It reached to Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle, the madaxweynaha Jabuuti, who wanted anything that saved shirkaas. He thus advocated it. There were some expected and unexpected opposition groups. The unexpected happened to be a few disgruntled clan supremacists who believed their clan -- and only their clan -- was bigger and larger than any other clan in Soomaaliya, and thus deserved some more seats and prestige. The opposite spectrum was shouting match from other group, who rightly objected the nus, half part of man they were reserved. They were alliances of so-called unarmed clans. If they themselves counted together, they are larger any other so-called "major" clan. Also it was vehemently rejected by the few educated, sane, anti-qabyaalad, damiirkooda qabo nationalists. As said, they were only few and were won over, particularly with arm-wrestling, great pressure and tireless lobbying from Cumar Geelle. Thus the mess we have now. It didn't make sense by then, and neither does it now. It, instead of downplaying clanism, re-enforces and institutionalizes into a system. Also it is unfair and unjustified qof Eebbe hal ka dhigay in la yiraahdo "nus" ama "qeyb" ayaa tahay, oo u qalantaa. Soomaalida wax qabyaalad la dagaalamo, not wax u horseedo, ayee u baahantahay. We will overcome this, Eebbe haduu idmo. The always reliable, indispensable Amiin Caamir pens up in a nutshell.