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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Odeyga waa isceebeeye, heybadiisana u gafay, magac duqnimo Soomaaliyeedna u gafay. Magac dowlad Soomaaliyeedna u gafay, iskaba dhaaf dowlad ku sheegaan qashinka ahayd awalba. Tan ugu xumeyd waxee ahayd markuu qabaa'ilo Soomaaliyeedna u gafay. Aad iyo aad waliba. Markaas uu masuulnimo Soomaaliyeed sheeganaa. Imagine qof ka dhashay qabiilkaas uu Carabta ku aflagaadeynaayo dalkugal [fiiso] ka raadsado safaarada Soomaaliya ku taalo Qaahira odeygaan fadhiyo, oo ninkii Soomaalinimo masuuliyeed sheeganaayena dadkiisa caaynaayo. The Carab archorwoman cannot hide her qosol, walaahi. Ceebeey tacaal ee Carabta dhahaan markaan camal. Hadduu dulqaadkiis saas u yaryahay in uu telafashin caalamka soo horfadhiisto ma ahayn; minankiisa asagoo iska joogo ayaa dhaantay.
  2. "Shabshabloow shiinka Quraanka, ninkii sheega mashalaaya ..." You can't recognize this classic hees? Darn it. It was sung by the only and one, the legend, Sulfa. What a memory, aad ayaan u jeclaa markaa yaraa. This hees on this particular album ku jirto Sulfa ma qaadin, however. The singer in this album, believe or not, is an Itoobiyaan -- you can detect from his slight Soomaali accent if you listen it carefully -- an Itoobiyaan by the name of Maxamed Waryaa. His album was produced by Sheegoowband. Here is his album from Kaah Istuudiyo of London. As always in all Sulfa's songs lagu yaqaano, there is some jaceyl philosophical meaning behind it. Sulfa truly plays with his words. Shabshabloow, if you still hadn't figured it out, is the opposite of shaxshaxleey. "Geel maxaas ka kasaa....geel maxaaaaaaaaaaas ka kasaa......" Oh.
  3. Intuu kasoo baxay cunigaan shuluqa ah? Don't tell me where I think it is. Niyad jab ha igu ridin.
  4. I see meesha rag inay ku jirin, balaayo fuleynimo dishay. Baddacase, beenta badan jooji. You weren't a boy in 2003. Jooji sawirka aad haatuf.net kasoo xaday, I can give you the source ee joog. Notherner ayaaba ugu roon oo sawir keenay meesha, intiina kale... MMA a smile wouldn't hurt. I am real nomad. Real nomads kuma dhoolacadeyaan in pictures. Runtii sawirada kuma smile gareeyo badanaa. Falantiina or Barwaaqo knows, she has seen me personally taking pictures with her and other nomads -- and hardly any smile in them. MMA.....Oday baan ku heestay widaagiis I am still duq, duqa. Talented Hollywood plastic surgeons, however, should be awarded Nobel Prize.
  5. Boon Xirsi His name really is Boon? Kamoon.
  6. Samatar la'aantiisa abaar waaye runtii. His well-thought input is always appreciated. He is one of most rare Soomaali indheergarad and higly aqoonyahan left around. Dankis brother Samatar. Keep doing and exposing the qashin they really are -- Xabash stooges that needs to be quarantined and then eradicated, same like viruses. Wax taas ka yar ma jirto.
  7. The Master, Allaheey ka alla heysto. The Father of Stooge naively slumbering over what he thinks he has. Filla Soomaaliya, alas, isn't a country.
  8. LoooooooooooooooL. Marka walba waxa afka shisheeye ee 'typo' lagu dhaho ayaan 's' iyo 'd' isku garacaa, maadaama ee isku xigaan. Siyaasi, LoL. Siyaado waaye, haa. Teeda kale Afingiriiska ka ilaali mahaan. Afsoomaali kaliya ayaa loo ogolyahay, meesha aan ku neefsano, leerta ku qaado kaliya waaye oo afkeena hodanka ah laga xishmeeyo. Mid kale ana iska saxee, TB ama tiibashii waxaa ugu wacay 'xaaqo,' meeshaa ka rabay 'qaaxo.' Xaaqo beel dheh.
  9. Another demonstrator, Abdiqadir Hassan Diriye, said, "As long as I'm breathing, I will fight with the foreign troops who are coming to our country." Saas ayaa lagaa rabaa, Diiriye.
  10. Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea: I don't think anyone would post their pic in public,because it may change the way they are approached here or talked to here.Especially if I put my picture,I am afraid I may never get any nice responses.I might become laughing stock.for that reason I shall remain in the dark alley. However, we can may be post our look likes(i.e.celebrity,famous people etc..). Nothing wrong with putting one's pictures on here. Thousands of people see us daily. Only dadka wax qariyo ayaa si kale u qaato sawirada. Same like those people iska dhigo waxee ahayn -- kuwa macho men iska dhigo online, kuwa "players" iska dhigo, kuwa wadaado iska dhigo, etc. Many us put pictures of others online, without their consent. Only cabsadaan markee tooda imaato. Many members of this site already met in life in several cities. Here, I will brave, and I hope many others as well will do. Somebody that is not allowed to be seen is edited from the picture.
  11. And I didn't know Sanlaawe was a member of SOL. For your information, this dude is a public figure. I never said public figures waxba ma laga sheegi karo. Kala saar taas; talking about public figures and opening countless threads about private members of SOL -- two complete aspects ayee kala yihiin.
  12. Awalba maryooleey, lamagoodle eh walax quman ma laga sugeynin. Minii la yaabo yaasiinka aas la dhahay, ee anigana alamtara iyo idaajaa aan ku darsado. Aan ku celiyo maahmaahdii loogu tala galay dadka qaarkiis: Geel indhakuul maxaas ka kasaa.
  13. Look at this sawir. It looks like the nigga inay iska dhaleen Vietnamese, Senegalese and Calibeesteen [Native First Nations of North America]. Balaayo qawad qabo. The dude really si si kale ayuu u egyahay. His palm shows how gacan ku dhiigle he is. Meeqo masaakiin ayuu dilay maraxa.
  14. What is SRRC [soomaali? This misnamed warlord-dominated, loosely-based pseudo-organization [soomaali Reconciliation and Restoration Council ] was a Xabash-created baby, and funded by the same Xabash, in March of 2001, whose sole agenda was to undermine dowladii kumeergaarka ahayd ee Jabuuti lagu soo dhisay. Xuseen Caydiid explaining what SRRC is: QUESTION : Why was the Somali Reconciliation and Restoration Council set up and why do you not support the Transitional National Government (TNG) of Somalia? ANSWER : We saw the country going downhill so we said we are not fighting any more and joined together in March. All the five [main] clans are represented in the SRRC, that is why we have five co-chairmen. Our main enemy is Islamism, fundamentalism. This is our main enemy. The TNG has some clans who are mixed but they are not political parties who control the country. Basically they are just a new faction, but their platform is al-Ittihad, their platform is Islamism because they are not from the tribes, they are imported from outside and funded from outside. There is fighting in Puntland, there is fighting in Mogadishu, so this group is creating civil war. We have been in power for 11 years and this group came in by airplane. We are completely against the TNG. It is a platform for fundamentalism. They are backed financially by the Arabs and fundamentalist states. Q : Why should the international community listen to the SRRC when it is the TNG which is in power? A : They are not in power. We have control of Mogadishu, they don’t have the state houses, and they don’t control the port and airport. They don’t control the land. They want to control Somalia through Islamic rule, not democracy, and we are pro-democracy. The SRRC is in power now... Q : Will you continue fighting against the TNG as long as they are in government? A : We will remove them by fighting with them. Where is their 20,000 strong army? It is finished. There is still going to be a year of fighting but we have seen the worst. After I came back to Somalia in 1995 I was branded a warlord – a few weeks earlier I had been living in California. It doesn’t cause offence; it is an inherited word, jargon. But yes we have an army, we have an armed struggle, we are not [just] talking... IRIN The relucant, untrusting participant warlords? Xuseen Max'ed Faarax Caydiid [interior Minister] C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed [Madaxyare, Father of Stooge madaxweyne ku sheeg] Maxamed Nuur Shaatigaduud [Finance Minister] Aaden Cabdillaahi Gabyoow Cismaan Caato Max'ed Saciid Xirsi Moorgan Muuse Suudi Yalaxoow C/risaaq Isaaaq Biixi "Sheekh" Aaden Madoowe [speaker of Parliament] C/llaahi Sheekh Ismaaciil [former "Foreign Minister," now the Deputy of Prime Minister] Those stooges, including the biggest and Father of Stooge ever Soomaalis seen, in bold names now hold senior positions in this treacherous, non-existent, illegimate dowlad ku sheeg. And of course the second biggest stooge, Geedi, a Tigrey-brainwashed, holds the prime ministerial position. Do they think Soomaali people will allow them to sell our collective national soul to Xabash? Ar maxee riyoonoyaan.
  15. Soomaali badan ayaa ku wareerto, siiba kuwa u turjuma hay'adaha iyo goobaha caafimaadka dadka waa weyn. Maadaama ee saas tahay, boggaan waxaa ugu tala galay jiroonka jiro magacyo Soomaali leh in lagu keydiyo. Hadaa taqaanid, intaa taqaanid ku siyaasi. Aniga intaan ayaa caawa ku bilaabaa, oo kuwa ka badan ayaa jiro oo aan mar kale kusoo ridi doono. Cagaarshoow = jaundice Jadeeco = measles Busbus = chickenpox Furuq = smallpox Oofwareen [koolboaariyo] = pneumonia Dabeesha = polio Xaaqo [tiibisho] = TB Duumo [malaariyo] = malaria Qandho [feebaro] = fever Sokoroow = diabetes Dhiigkar = high blood pressure Madaxfurad = migraine Hargab [ifilo] = influenza, cold, flu Neef = asthma Gaastariiko = ulcer Qoorgooye = meningitis Juudaan = leprosy Daacuun = cholera Shuban = diarrhea Cuncun [isnidaamis] = herpes Bahaloow = rabies Tufoow [tuf] = rheumatic Kud = anthrax Teetana = tetanus? Indhagaduudoow [indhacaseeye] = yellow fever Waraaboow [bajo, isfiilato] = syphilis Intaas ha inoo joogto. Hadduu qalad ku jirana waa la iga sixi karaa.
  16. Baddacase, ma hubtaa? Ar soo bandhig hee, aan aragnee. Tii koowaad waa ku dhacday, xataa Che oo lamagoodle iska ahaa ayaa ku gartay. This time yihooy walaxaa isku heysid maha keen. [Erayadaas u dambeeyo kan afka ciyaal Xamarka ma'aha ee haku wareerin already yaah. ]
  17. Awalba dowlad ku sheeg maxaa ka sugeysay. Actually, this non-existent entity Xabash naas nuujineyso iyadaa isdileyso, oo qashinka ee tahay ku biiri doonto soon. Shariifka is still recognized by Jabuuti and Midowga Yurub. Iyagaaba isku wareeri doono. Dad la heysto waaye kuligooda Xildhibaano ku sheega, maxee dooran karaan, the whole thing Xabash ayaa heysato, including the very country they say represent, and they can only vote their man, who cannot even read Afsoomaali. Kuwii aqoonta lahaa do not even bother inay tartamaan because they know meesha inay Xabash joogto la heystiyaal yihiin and kan ee wataan kaliya soconeyso, who always happens to be kan ugu aqoon yar. Kuwii damiirka lahaana maba joogaan, only 200 ayaa joogtay and 75 ka maqan. It would even been less than 150 had Keenyaatiga did not force out some of them their cushy hotels in Neyroobi. That alone tells you something.
  18. Ar maxee been isku sheegeen. Dad markee hadlayaan xataa candhuufta celin karin, afkaas ayee noo faalinayaan marka. Awal aaba la dhahay Awgeel [geeljire] indhakuul maxaas ka kasaa. Aaheey. Kaastaro, adigaa labada afba soo arkee, maraxyadaan maa wax u sheegtid. Xataa maba kala saari karaan Xamari [the hardcore Reer Xamar speak in Shangaani, Xamarweyne, Xamarjajab, Shibis and Boondheere] and afka the rest of Reer Muqdisho; the latter a melting pot that have had combination of many accents together, founded by particularly ciyaalkii Xamar ku koray. Xamari words badanaa ereyada saa, haa, yaa, aas iyo kuwa kale ayee ku dhamadaan, sida tusaale ahaan 'maxaas sheegahoyaa igaarkaan' [meeshee ka dhahaan ciyaal Xamarka 'muxuu dhahoyaa kan']. Haddii afka idiin gooye, caadi waaye, yaala sanifin. Waala bartaa, laakiin iisi on nooh noohda. It absolutely and perfectly fits in some sentences, where a true speaker can only know when and how. NB, about the videokaas, I personally know the guy who is trying to "sound" like a gabar. It can easily be la garan karaa; he is also providing the other voice of Aaden. Ar maka joogoo laakiin, amee ka ban gareyaan that masaajid.
  19. Darn. Didn't know Seynab Cige looked like this. Heestaan ayaa romantic la dhahaa inta kale been. in original. Illeen heestaan bilaash caan kuma noqon. She is crying in the song. She looked cute and so gorgeous. Time illeen dadka waa rafaadiyaa.
  20. Simply the best ever -- ever! How did I ever forget this since telafashinka Xamar laga soo saari jirnay anigoo yar. Aboow batiiqoow Bocor iiga keenee Geedkii jaceylka balan noo ahee Bakara, bakara Baabuurka ii jooji Meelahaa ka daahooyaa... XaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaX Taloow manooshahay qoftaas maanta?
  21. Another masterpiece hees daadis from the one and the only Iikar Jeesto, Eebboow yaa raxma. Ma hurdee Har iyo habeen Adigaa i horjoogtidee Can anybody guess who that lovely singer is [i know she is lip-singing]? She looks, especially in that dirac, well,
  22. Reer flight 13 or Reer Otaanga should have appreciated like this. Saan ayaa wax loo amaanaa ama shib la iska dhahaa. Eed inku farahsana, dadka Maaymaay ama Mahaatiri...geega mey ki farahsanaa feestada sanadka ... 2002 [ennn 2006 ], isina garab nii weeleen ni fadheesideen, unugana ni si aragoona. Eed iyo eed, dank yuu, dank yuu, dank yuu. Dank yuu, dowla Mareykan, dank yuu.
  23. Xee tahay qosolkaan iga koreeyo? Kax kax kax kulahaa, fuusto maa soo socoto? At least qax qax qax aa dhaanto oo qufac u eg. Che, dhaaf ereyga jinooleey. It has some special meaning to this jinoole nooh. Tan Waaleey ama Baalbaaleey ugu wac.
  24. Haye, makuu dhamaatay quuqda? Ma xabeebtay mise wali wax ayaa kuu haray? Good. Now, hoo shukumaanka, iska tirtirka dhididka bilaa micna la'aanta ah. I for one don't read your posts nor open your threads -- and I only do it because I am forced to read sometimes waxaa qortid because it is being part of the moderatorship. If you break the simple rules, you are reminded and reprimanded. If you keep breaking, then we have no choice than forced to do other means. Haddaa "popular" tahay iyo haddii kale, hawshaas aniga ma ii taalo, ee baliis [and this is for the last baliis for you] respect the rules of the site, a simple courtesy, and should you not be able to follow, you will be forced to follow.
  25. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: ^^Don't say 'we' because we are not we with you anymore, since you are the coward that is talking about his cowardness! Eebboow maa naga dhaaftid aflagaadadaan isdabasocoto labadaan bari. Haddii la isdhaamin roob ma da'o. Dad waa weyn ayaa la yahay, ee baliis, baliis, golahaan hala ixtiraamo and the members of it.