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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Originally posted by Alle-ubaahne: ^^Don't say 'we' because we are not we with you anymore, since you are the coward that is talking about his cowardness! Eebboow maa naga dhaaftid aflagaadadaan isdabasocoto labadaan bari. Haddii la isdhaamin roob ma da'o. Dad waa weyn ayaa la yahay, ee baliis, baliis, golahaan hala ixtiraamo and the members of it.
  2. How old was Kooshin at that time again? Probably was as he is now a '28-year-old' man, I guess. By the way, Kaastaro, he never arrived. His visa was cancelled, if my memory serves me right reading those articles back then.
  3. Waraa Imaaraadka rafaad ayaa kugu heysto. They even ban image-hosting sites? What the ... Here are a couple of them, if you really want to see that much.
  4. Ansaari, do not bring dead corpses on this forum, baliis. Especially not dead Soomaalis. It is an unacceptable and will never be condoned.
  5. Ninyahoow goormaa joojineysaa threads about yourself and other forumers? For the tenth time, this isn't Suuqbacaad or Suuqaxoolaha. You darn knew it will only bring either negative or positive responses, especially the negatives, which will outweight. This forum, especially this political section, is made for ideas, events and other public figures that can be discussed, not about discussing members about this forum; and certainly not opening countless threads about yourself. Haddaa aad isku isjeceshahay, well, furo a website dedicated to yourself. You are also deliberately flaunting the rules of the site by intentionally naming clan names. Your behaviour banned you twice before, do not again ban yourself. Rayigaaga keenso, support whoever you want, taas xaq ayaa u leedahay -- waxaadan xaq u lahayn is deliberately flaunting the common courtesy rules everyone, including this moderator, is supposed to follow.
  6. If you mean "dadkiisa iyo dalkiisa" qabiilkiisa, then aad ayuu ugu mahadsanyahay, oo garaadnimadiisa uma sahlin in uu qabiil dabasocdo maanta. Soo Xamar "dadkiisa" ma degno, oo ma'aha "dalkiisa?" Hoggaanimo waa uu wadaa inta tabartiisa ah, oo ku jiro qoraalkaan kor ku xusan, oo midnimo iyo jiritaanka Soomaaliya ayuu u taaganyahay, waana mida ku dhibeyso. Dalkiisa uu wax usoo bartay ayuu ka doorbiday in uu wax u taro, unlike qashinka badan masuul sheegto oo qabyaalad qurankeeda u horseedo. Midka "dadkiisa iyo dalkiisa" waxba u tarin waa Inawaraabe oo canshuurtii masaakiinta Soomaalida laga qaadaaye kusoo bartay wax, maantana aflagaado ma'ahee wax kale ugu gudin walaalihiis.
  7. No, I did not insist; a kind personal request ayee ahayd. Post as you please, abaayadiis. Perhaps it has to do my ookiyaal. It brightens, I guess.
  8. Gaashaanlesare Jaamac Maxamed Qaalib kuwa aad aaminsantahay inay madax kuu yihiin ee maangaaban jooga Hargeysa, ka biloow Riyaale ilaa Waraabe ayuu boqolkiiba boqol dhaamaa. He is waxgarad, indheergarad, a visionary heavyweight intellectual daljecel iyo midnimo wadaag jecel toban Soomaali la isku daro dhaamo.
  9. A long article in italics and then bolded -- it isn't easy for the eyes, walaashiis. Bring more of them. We appreciate your tireless efforts against this stooge dowlad ku sheeg and qashinka ee tahay.
  10. Yes, they do have "vision." As Honourable and Distinguished Cabdiraxmaan Diinaari surperbly said, while rebuking Xuseen Caydiid's suggestion of Soomaaliya uniting with Itoobiya and at the same time suggesting it is a long time "vision."
  11. i dont know when this riwaayad was made but was my favourite , its called Shumeey. "Shuun dheh, adeer, shuun." what were the names of the movies from the 60's 70s and 80s? i remember seeing black and white movies on old video tapes long time ago as a kid does anyone have pics or names? Old ruwaayado and movies had increasingly funny, philosophical and unique titles. You can find some clips of them on Youtube and Bartahama.com Ruwaayadaha, which were mostly staged live in tiyaatarka Xamar: Sharaxii la tumay sheekaa ka dambeysay Ma damci lahayd dumaashidaa? [ ] Mataanihii ismaagey maxaa loo mehrin waayey [ ] Darajo iyo xil yaa mudan? Beeneey waa run Miyir maleh maseertooy Quud aan jirin qoryo u guro Waa maandeys adduunyadu, dadkuna wey matalayaan Hablayoow hadmaad guursan doontaan Qabanqaabada guurka iyo qisaddii ka dambeysey Hoy maleh naag habaabday Arooskii Abooto Kutubeey Shan iyo tobankii Shumeey Markey foolataa sirteeda la ogaaday Isumaqado Noogayee inteen ku neebsadaa Axdi iyo amar waalid Janadii burburtay Imtixaanka Adduunka Cadaabta Caashaqa Xishood iyo Jaceyl Qabrigii Jaceylka Ifka iyo Aakhiro Aflaanta [filimaanta] ugu caansanaa: Cilmi iyo Caado [The one Daleys ku jirto, jinigiga dadka ka tumeyso. "Jinigii dhulka, cirka iyo badda...] Rafaad iyo Raaxo [iikar Jeesto ayaa ku jiro, the best jilaa/actor in this dramatic film ooyin kaa keenaayo. You can find some clips of it on Youtube.] Magaalo Joogxumo
  12. Qof meeshaan ku jiro aad uu u jecelyahay the tiniest division of Soomaalida, trying to prove where there is nothing by believing and bringing forward fabricated, unsubstantiated news as a source. Marna afkeena ayee ahayd oo Afsoomaali laba u kala baxo lasoo shirtagay; marna hidaha iyo dhaqankeena ayuu dabasocday oo dhaqan Soomaaliyeed ma jiro ku tilmaamay; hadana Soomaali "gaalo" ayaa dalka ku sugan ayuu in uu naga dhaadhacsiiyo rabaa. Some of you are failing to his tactics -- his seeking of the tiniest unexistent division of Soomaalida: Making them to be "gaalo," dhaqan malaha, kala dhaqan waaye, isku af ma'aha, et cetera. Baliis, do not fall a person such as this character, who cannot swallow and stand seeing a proud people such as Soomaalida being homogeneous since he himself isn't Soomaali, only ku koray dalkeena, maadaama uu Carab yahay. His Islaanimo unity uu meesha ku haayo has more to do with Carabnimo than with Soomaalinimo. Three interlinked Christian propagandic amateur sites, sourcing one another does not make news. There were and are no Soomaali "gaalo," save one well-known missionary-raised family. There is and was no "church" in Soomaaliya, save a one built by Talyaani colonials, which only themselves -- not Soomaalida -- worshipped at. It is destroyed now. There is no orphanage "Christian" humintarian homes that raise ciyaal Soomaaliyeed in Soomaaliya or other countries. Keen evidence, otherwise your wish of Soomaali division is only a wish, nothing more than that. Hay'adaha gargaarka dano ayee leeyihiin, dantoodana qof walbaa og, but theirs can hardly be called "Christian orphanage centres," and their headquarters can hardly be called "Christian churches." Every darn creature can create a website claiming to be Soomaali and "Christian." Just show us any Soomaali in Soomaaliya that is "Christian." Qurbaha, of course, a few waxmagarato ayaa diinta si kale u fahmay oo diinta iskaga baxay, and some of them kusoo noqday diintooda suubban. Hardly dibadjoog can be compared Soomaalida Soomaaliya degan, as this fabricated news tries to make wax jiro. Two complete people.
  13. This is an obviously fabricated news, so SYL why did you bring on here? The title and the attacks that happened today do not even match. It again doesn't even have a reputable source. Perhaps the "church" is this International Christian Concern, which masquerades as an humintarian organizaion. Well, if they are propagating gaalnimo to poor Soomaalida, waa u qalmaan xaruntooda in la weeraro. And if they are attacked, since when did foreigners become "Soomaali Christians?" Waligeey World Vision ayaa ka shakisnaa, who never hide their Christian agenda, unlike others like Oxfam, Care, Save the Children, SOS, etc, who at least aren't that obvious. World Vision xataa ma xishoodaan, having a burning cross hidden in its logo
  14. Sh.Mukhtar Raabow Abu Mansoor Rooboow dheh, duqa. Rooboow ['Rainy']. What a name! Rooboow, an authentic and original Soomaali as it gets iyo Abuumansuur, magac aan waligiis la maqlin, intee isku raacaan? Perhaps Rooboow iyo Maansoor aala qaatay.
  15. Koonfur Afrika is the most powerfully trained army in the continent, better than kuwa Masar u dhashay. It was the only nuclear-armed country in the whole qaarad of Afrika, though Mandela completely abandoned it for the sake of world-wide peace. They are not also ignorant waxa ka dhacaayo Afrika, and strongly are pro-Black Afrikans. They don't interfere other Afrikan countries' internal issues, otherwise Mugabe ayee ka bilaabi lahayeen. This entity dowlad ku sheeg let them beg poorly armed, civil-war weary likes of Rwanda, Angola, Congo, Mozambique and et all, who are glad to send their militias masqueraded as forces to outside paid by the UN -- they, however, aren't that ignorant, either, oo dagaal sokeeye and its quagmire aad ayee isku yaqanaan. Maxaa ugu toban iyo shan ah waxaa ka dhacaayo Soomaaliya?
  16. I remembered an anecdote. I've had a lakad older brother, the most lakad I had ever seen, who for no apparent reason -- perhaps it had to do with his lakadnimo, who never agreed with the masses, even if they go to jano, asaga naar uu aadaa -- was anti-Kacaan. He worked at my hooyo's tukaan after school. He would put upside down Siyaad Barre's picture whenever he is working that shift, at the derision of my hooyo. See, the minishiibiyo would fine you haddeenan arkin sawirka Jaalle oo meesha surneen, labelling you anti-Kacaan. So asagoo saas ahaa ayee ardeydii galaaskiis ku jirtay, his whole class loo doortay meerijaankii inay matalaan at Oktoobar 21 celebrations. He refused to participate, si walba la yeelay, even the principal came to our house. Markii dambe haye uu dhahay. Maxee kugu taalaa, war xun aa dhacdee. On that day, when Oktoobar 21 came, his class waxee u qaabilsanayeen a larger-than-life face of Max'ed Siyaad, where each student had a part of the face. My lakad brother particularly had one of the 'eyes.' Markee other students wada taageen, asagii ma taagin, so the whole picture looked like Awjaalle Siyaad without an eye. He would later tell us the principal was perspiring like qoraxda wax loo dhaweeye, cabsi daradeeda, kana maba ka qasno waa ugu jirtaa. Ayaantiis, lamaba arkin. Otherwise that poor principal who trained his class waxa ku dhici lahaa Eebbaa ogaan lahaa, for si kalaa loo interprete gareyn lahaa and my brother himself, particularly haddii la ogaan lahaa qoyska uu ka dhashay.
  17. Maskiin, indeed. Makulaalahaan laakiin sida Soomaalida camal ayee xiitoxiito iyo xayeesi u yihiin. The brief description also matches their namesake's people characteristics: "They are smart and lively, but also alert and curious. They are freedom-loving and must have plenty of room to roam and explore." So I see they are also fiery, independent-loving nomads.
  18. Btw, you sure the article didnt come from jihadwatch? The article was written by Max Boot. Who is is he? Max Boot (born Moscow, Soviet Union) is an author and military historian noted for his support of a strong U.S. leadership role in the world. [A] contributing editor to The Weekly Standard [a right-wing, neocon paper owned by Murdoch of Fox], a weekly columnist for The Los Angeles Times and a regular contributor to other publications including the Financial Times and The New York Times. He is also a consultant to the U.S. military and a regular lecturer at U.S. military institutions such as the Army War College and the Command and General Staff College. He has previously worked for The Wall Street Journal and the Christian Science Monitor.
  19. Another day, another flip-flopping. Only nin loo taliyo, oo aan tashan karin, ayaa saas u dhaqmo, a big stooge. [Maxee ahayd maahmaahdii? Rag waxaa ugu xun, ugu liito matashade, matoshe iyo matashiishe.] Raiisal wasaare Geedi oo bedelay mowqifkiisa ku aadan Golaha maxkamadaha Ra`iisal Wasaaraha Somaliya Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa maata ka sheegay magaalada Neirobi in ey ku laaban karaan magaalada Muqdisho dhamaan xubnirii maxkamadaha masuuliyiintoada iyo taageeradoodaba. Prof. Geedi ayaa sidoo kale waxa uu ka codsaday dowladda Kenya in ey kusoo wareejiyaan gudoomiyaha golaha fulinta maxkamadaha Islaamka Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo isagu iminka ku jira gacanta boliska dalka Kenya eyna suaa lo weydiinayaan. Hadalkan ayaa ra`iisal wasaaraha waxa uu ku macneeyay in ey qeyb ka tahay heshiis la doonayo in la isugu keeno maxkamadihii laga awooda roonaaday iyo dowladda federalka oo iminka gacanta ku haysa dhamaan K/Somaliya. Geedi ayaa waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay in ey dhamaan teegeerada iyo masuuliyiinta maxkamadaha ey ku laaban karaan magaalada Muqdisho iyadoo amaankooda ey damaanadqaadeyso dowladda Federalka. Xukuumadda Geedi ayaa cadeysay in ey doonayaan in ey wadahadal la galaan Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed iyo xubnaha kale ee qunyar socodka ah si loo dhameeyo khilaafka yar ee ka taagan iminka dhexdooda. Ololahan la isgu keenayo labadan garab ayaa waxaa la sheegay in ey wadaan dowlado shisheeye oo ey hor kacayaan kuwa reer galbeedka. Calanka.com, via Qaranimo.com
  20. I thought you wrote that. Oh, it was a copy-and-paste miyaa? It wasn't a Reuters-worthy article, so I thought inaa adiga soo summurize gareysay. Next time its source soo raacsii. Yes, the word Soomaali/Samaale is a tribe, like Kiikuuyo, faraciisana clans u kala baxo. Of course they are non-ethnic Soomaalis that are Soomaali by nationality, but waa yaryihiin kuwaas.
  21. Clans wars, dear. Clan = qabiil [isku jinsi ah, kala ah laakiin jilib/bah/tol/reer/iwm], ethnically the same. Tribe = qowmiyad, ethnically different [kala jinsi]. Kiikuuyu, Masaay and other tribes in Kenya and other patched up tribes into made-up countries of Afrika by colonials consist tribes, unlike the ethnic Soomaalis, who are clans.
  22. Somalis have a striking, which, combined with their ruddy, has earned them the nickname of "fox" in some circles. Abyssinians and Somalis share the same personality (active, intelligent, playful, curious) and appearance. Like Abyssinians, they have a dark rim around their eyes that makes them look like they are wearing kohl. Temperament They are smart and lively, but also alert and curious. They are freedom-loving and must have plenty of room to roam and explore. [AKA being nomads.] Behaviours and patterns There are four main Somali colors officially accepted: Ruddy, red, blue, and fawn. European Somali organizations have a different naming convention: "Usual" for ruddy and "sorrel" for red. Genetic problems Many purebred Somalis had significant dental problems due to congenital problems magnified by inbreeding. As a result, many Somalis had to have all their adult teeth removed. More on Soomaalis simplified.
  23. A Hamburg lawyer's office provides an intriguing example of what she means. Thirty-six-year-old Nils Bergner prays to Allah five times a day. The German convert works together with a Turkish friend Ali Özkan, also a Muslim. The two visit the mosque together, but it's only in the German's office that the prayer rug is regularly rolled out. "I just can't manage it," says Özkan. "The first prayer is at 6:00 a.m. — much too early." Recently, they were invited to dinner. The desert was tiramisu. Bergner hesitated because of the alcohol in the recipe. "I said, you can't be serious," Özkan recalls. "Go ahead and eat it, I said. It's just a flavoring." But Bergner left the tiramisu untouched. Kii Muslimka u dhashay ayaa qamriga caadi la ah, kii soo Islaamay ayaa diidaayo. Adduunka maanta si si kale ayuu u shaqeynoyaa, walaahi. This is the "moderate" and "extremist" Bush, allies and Western media talk about. You can have a bit of aalkolo, a piece of doonfaar, miss the salaadda, etc, because you are a "moderate." If you defend your land and not be submissive, you are a "violent person" that should be airbombed to death in your own land, because that defending one's nation from "terrorists" aren't "violent," says Bush. Try to defend yours, you are a "terrorist." George Washington was a defender of his land, was not a terrorist, but a "freedom fighter" and "anti-imperialism" goes the American propaganda. So was Lincoln, who killed thousands of fellow countrymen.
  24. Horta I wonder why are those subway stations in that city so deeeeeeeep down? I once read it had to do being shelders during the airbombing of Hitler in World War II. Yea, it is old city, but that is still not snow -- flurries waaye.
  25. Xaniifa, nice to see you again, walaashiis. Haka walwalin qashinka ee qoraan Soomaali ku sheega inta ku jiro, maba aaminsani inay saas u badanyihiin. Internetka ay iskaga noolyihiin because you can never see them in real life or don't dare to say that in real life waxee inta ku yada-yada-yada ku leeyihiin, for I hadn't seen qof dowlad ku sheegaan Xabashada wadato taageero, meel walbaa tagee, qabiil walba haka soo jeedaanee. Qashinkee qoraan dhag jalaq ha u siin, sister.