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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. The Master will inevitably be busy the next couple days, weeks or perhaps months to save his regime's credibility in the eyes of Galbeedka since Cafars supposedly kidnapped several Westerners in their region now. What will the minions, in the meantime -- including the Father of Stooge -- do the upcoming days? Where will they get the full instructions from? Will fawning dependants be taken care of by Mesfin, the other Tigrey Xabash foreign minister and business as usual? The Master is unavailable, what should be done, what should be please him, what should be stayed away lest he is offended. Questions, questions, questions. Five Britons including diplomats and embassy staff were among 15 Western tourists being held by kidnappers in a remote corner of Ethiopia dubbed the "land of death" because of its extreme climate. The Britons, who have links to the British embassy in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, were in one of two convoys intercepted on Wednesday in the barren Afar region close to the border with Eritrea, which is roamed by separatist rebels and bandits. Whitehall sources said last night that there was a "national security dimension" to the kidnappings and that the government's emergency committee, Cobra, had met over the incident. The second group, comprising between seven and 12 French citizens, was believed to be being held by the same kidnap gang after both convoys were stopped in the Danakil Depression, a spectacular desert bowl that contains the lowest point in Africa more than 500 metres below sea level. Independent
  2. Another day, another baraf. This time, it not only snowed. First the ground already had too much snow on, then came a real unexpected snow, then came the icy rain, then the heavy snow, then blizard, then mother of all, a winter storm of winds so strong kor ayee kuu qaadayeen. Poor Koronto. This person must be a diehard environmentalist.
  3. Gabdhaha maxee qabaan oo u diiday siyaasadda? Juudaan miyaa? Inkastoo siyaasadeena qalafsantahay, there is nothing wrong walaashiis. I personally don't mind to have a whole Cabinet that consists all-female -- in fact, I welcome, they are what we need now since kuwa na horboodaayo waxba keeni waayeen ka ahayn dal dumis, dad dil iyo maandarooyin jaad ku jiro. Gabdhihiina u istaaga dalkaas, idinka uu idin sugaa, waligiina jaamac haka sugin wax quman uu keeno inyar ka ahayn.
  4. So, it isn't an isolated case yaah. Odeyaasha inay dhexgalaan u tago la kala diro ama la xiro. Aamin la'aan waaye tan. Ii koow. Since 1977, when Ethiopia won a bitter war initiated by Somalia to annex the former's ethnic-Somali ****** region, Addis Ababa has successfully derailed attempts to unify Somalia, and it is doing the same now. Bilaal, brother, I have an utmost object to this foreign assesment I know that you didn't write. Xabashi never won a war against Soomaalida save iyadoo West soo wadan. Dagaalkaas Soofiyeedka and her clients, namely Cuba, ayaa badbaadiye. One-on-one markee ahayd Soomaaliya recaptured its rightful land illaa iyo Xarar gaarnay almost.
  5. It is byproduct of institutionalized and unreformed Soomaali axdi, which we never even gave a second thought to. A lot of problems stems from this, since this model supposedly doesn't work for us anymore. Aabiyaasheena gobanimadoonka opted this model, for they hoped, and had a good reason, to separate each power. The model gives balance and a bit of checks of each branch, supposedly like the Mareykan one. Executive, presidential and judicial. It also gives an outstanding of power to speaker of parliament, unlike other speakers of parliaments around the world. [Remember, the speaker isn't really a 'speaker' but 'guddoomiye' baarlamaan huge difference in Soomaali sense]. However, and sadly, Soomaalida only care about madaxweynimo, who sits the top. It worked during Aaden Cadde and C/rashiid's time, each knew and respected his position by strictly following axdigaas jiray, even qilaaf hadduu soo dhexgalo. The other governments that is closest to our model is Sri Lanka, Aljeeriya, Ruushka, Lubnaan, Bakistaan [pre-Musharaf], Faransiiska iyo Falastiin, who all are semi-presidential.
  6. But Somalia's government spokesman, Hussein Mahmoud Mohammed, has warned that unless AU troops lead the disarmament process the killings will continue. Xuubsireed of idamaale.com now mysteriously is 'government spokesperson,' aha? Already promotion miyaa, I thought he was the mouthpiece of his Stooge uncle, who nominated him, which has nothing to do with dowlad ku sheega dowlad ku magacaaban, iskaba dhaaf dowlad ku sheegaan. Then again they are treacherous dowlad ku sheeg oo Xabash nuujiso, barbaariso, koriso, who don't know meelaha ee u kala qaabilsanyihiin.
  7. Originally posted by Dhubad: Cayrow, is a myth.....is Like Baasabuur (a serial killer who used to hunt down his victims between Baardhere and Baydhabo ). No one has ever saw him, you only hear, he was seen in this village, he killed this person and that... Illeen Baasabuur, aka Kaligiihalgame, waa taqanaa. Dad badan ma maqlin ninkaas kaligii halgame ahaa, a one-man effort against the last regime, though masaakiin ayuu dhibi jiray. Laakiin, yes, wuu jiri jiray Baasabuur; he is a historical fact. And yes, Ceyroow too exists. We may have never seen his picture, nonetheless waa nin jiro. Turkiba sawirkiisa miyaa aragnay? Maya. Labadaas nin ma jeclo sawiradda in laga qaado iyo meeshee ku sugan yihiin la ogaado, waa dad isqariyo.
  8. Dagaallo culus oo mar kale ka dhacay Deegaanka Baarmoog ee [soomaali Galbeed] Arbaco, Febraayo 28, 2007 (HOL): Wararka ka soo baxaya dhulka ismaamulka soomaalida Itoobiya ayaa sheegaya in dagaal culus uu mar kale ka dhax Qarxay dhinacyadii dhawaan ku dagaalamay deegaanka Baar-Magoog, iyadoo dhanica kalana la sii dayay odayaal dhawaan lagu xiray dagmada Feer-feer si ay nabad u dhax dhigaan dhinacyada is haya. Gudoomiyaha Maamulka Gobalka Hiiraan Xuseen Mux'med Maalin oo ay HOL la xirirtay isaga oo ku sii jeeda dhulka colaadu ka taagan tahay ayaa sheegay in dagaalku jiro walow aan si Rasmi ah loo ogeyn qasaaraha uu sababay, waxaana uu intaa ku daray gudoomiyuhu in isaga iyo waliba xubnaha la socda ee halka ku wajahan xooga saari doonaan sidii loo soo afjari lahaa colaada si loogu gudbo wada hadal xal lagu gaaro. Dagaalkan u danbeeyay ee ka dhax qarxay dhinacyadii dhawaantan dagaalamay ayaa marka dhinac laga eego sii kor dhin kara khasaaraha labada garab ka soo gaaray colaada u dhaxeysa iyada oo dagaaladii dhawaantan dhacay ay ku dhinteen in ka badan 30 ruux dhawaacuna intaa ka sii badan yahay. Dhanka kale waxaa lagu guuleystay in la sii daayo 14 Oday dhaqameed oo dhawaantan ay xirtay dowlada Itoobiya iyaga oo ku sii jeeday deegaanada colaadu ka taagan tahay , waxaaa sii deyntoodu ku soo beegan tay wax yar uun ka dib markii ay degmada Feer-feer gaareen Xubno uu hor kacayo Gudoomiyaha maamulka Gobalka Hiiraan. Marka la eego colaada ka taagan dhulka Ismaamulka Soomaalida Itoobiya oo beelaha ku dagalamaya yihiin kuwo wada dega gudaha gobalka Hiiraan, ayaa hada waxaa soo baxaya cabsi weyn oo dadka gobalku ka muujinayaan in dagaalku noqdo mid ku soo fida gudaha gobalka, maadaama aysan jirin cid hada u taagan in arintaasi si foojigan isha ugu heyso, walow dhawaan gudoomiye ku-xegeenka maamulka gobalka Hiiraan Xuseen Cumar Xasan Gacamey uu ka digay in dhinacyada dagalamaya colaadooda ku sii fidiyaan gudaha gobalka. Xigasho Xabash does not care, really, intee Soomaali halhal isku dhameyneyso, inay dhexgisho haka sugin habeenkii xaley tagay. Kuwii kalena dalkooda haku duulaan, kuwii kalena dhulkee xooga ku heysatay ha isku fiirsadaan iyagoo isleeynayaan. Waa kanaa dagaalkii labaad less than in two weeks ka dhaco Soomaali Galbeed, this latter war which started itself two weeks ago.
  9. I don't know and understand why one has constantly to defend Xabashi's cruel actions, even if they don't committ this barbarous murder, they are still Xabashi, an occupier force in Soomaaliya. They are still Xabashi who care less one less Soomaali person dying in torture. The point is not whether they tortured and killed this poor man, the point is they are even more capable something worse than this -- shelling a city of two million in wee hours of salka dhexe. Dad baa Xabasho see u difaacayeen iska noqday Xabash, unknowingly to themselves. Eebbe ha u naxariisto marxuumka.
  10. LooooooooL leersaneysaa. Dhaaf qoftaas maanta ayeeyo afaraad waaye, ha leersatee.
  11. Originally posted by Laba_Xiniinyood: These pics are from Sheeko Magazine, aren't they? Macawistu walle wey ku wacantahay wax dibadda loogu baxo! Saa yaa laydh yaroo macaan xagaageynu aragnay diidi kara? I do. Banooni markaa u socda ayaan ku aadaa hoosgundi. I am not even alone, some others do. I also go out with my proud hoosgundi to grocery stores. I have several of them and I can't imagine going to hurdo without a hoosgundi either. Who cares waxee others think? Certainly not me.
  12. Looming Genocide in Soomaaliya Press Release [war saxaafadeed] February 27, 2007 The prospect of Somalia entering again a cycle of civil war based on clan affiliation is inevitable if the World bodies lets it slide into the current path Somalia is being stirred towards by the TFG and their commanders the Ethiopian occupying forces. Contributing Factors to possible Clan War: The unjustified and illegal occupation of Ethiopian troops in Somalia and in particular their concentrated presence in Mogadishu. The presence of what is termed as National Army but actually is clan militias affiliated with President Yusuf in Mogadishu – hence hindering and completely undermining the reconciliation process and the structuring of a viable and trusted National Army and security forces – additionally their daily hostilities and authoritarian presence in Mogadishu (with the aid and support of thousands of Ethiopian troops) could spark a unprecedented, irrevocable, and long lasting civil strife based on clan war. The unilateral and authoritarian rule and grip on the TFG by President Yusuf (again with the aid of occupying Ethiopian troops) - the TFG formed two and half years ago with Ethiopian influence was aimed to bring aboard all Warlords of Somalia including President Yusuf – now of all a sudden the lot , apart from him, are discarded from the power sharing in the TFG, questioning the reconciliatory factor of the TFG. Fragmentation and diminishing the authority and democratic power of the Legislative Branch by President Yusuf. In order to seriously safe Somalia from unforeseeable future of apathy the above mentioned basic errors should be amended with the immediate effect by the World bodies such as UN, AU, EU, ICO, etc. – they should insist, urge, encourage and most of all make sure that the TFG is rectified: The timely announcement of Ethiopian occupation troops and replacement by either AU or EU peace-keeping troops. The participation of all clans and militias based in Somalia in the structuring and establishing of National army and security forces – plus the fair sharing of its commandment by all clans of Somalia in the same format which was set to share power in the TFG (before it became headed by a warlord Yusuf and his clan Ethiopians). The limitation of the powers of President Yusuf by bringing back power sharing rule among all clans of Somalia. Re-establishing Sharif Hassan as the head of the Legislative Branch of the TFG and moving the seta of the parliament where it is not guarded by the Ethiopians and clan militias loyal to Andullahi Yusuf. Calling for and the immediate convening of a reconciliation process that includes this TFG, the ICU, Civic societies and others who are not included in the TFG. Unless such drastic attempts are made Somalia would reach a point where the World bodies would be hoping they did something when they could have. The international organisation should beware that endorsing or being silent and incapacitated supporter of n authoritarian rule aided by invading forces is not a solution for reconciliation but rather the utter opposite. Mr. Cawaale Kulane Leader of the New SYL Fax: 44-20-8458-3715 Phone: 44-70-9287-7136 ---------------- Our brother Cawaale is dreaming if he thinks this dowlad ku sheeg non-existent, treacherous entity can be redeemed.
  13. Dad baa malag wado. Nin tiisa gishay wax ka celin karo maleh. Ha arkaan waxee ka dheefaan, yee carari hadhoow.
  14. Originally posted by Jimcaale: Che, that thread is dead. I started this page hoping we discuss ideas and the claims this man is making instead of calling names, insults and doubting his deen. Talib, Niqaab was widely adopted right after the fall of Barre regime but does that mean it has not been practiced in some areas of the country. I don't have the history background so where are the SOL historians. Jimcaale, indhashareerka Banaadiri qeyb kamid ah oo aad u yar, oo saas aan u badneen ayaa gisha jiray the pre-civil war. They mostly wore it for the sake of dhaqankooda Carabta ahaa ay aaminsanayeen. Banaadiriga dhan ma ahayn, waxaa u badnaa siiba kuwii deganaa Shibis [bilaajo Carab], oo la baxay Camuudi, kuwaas oo heystay badankooda dhalasho Yemani. Soomaali maryooleey and lamagoodle [marolaaweey and labago'le, respectively, as they Banaadiris call us to this day], indhashareer meel ma isku arkin. The very derogatory word of 'lamagoodle' itself is self-explanatory. Laba go' ayaa gishan jirnay, mid hoose iyo mid kor. Midka hoose hoosgundi nimanka dhihi jireen, kan korna go'. Gabdhaheenana guntiinada isku dabalaabanto. In this sense, Nuurudiin is absolutely correct, waa saxsanyahay, waana ku raacay. Indhashareer dhaqan Soomaali ma'aha. Dad ayaa hadalkiisa badalay oo ka dhigay in uu xijaabka wax ka sheegay. He didn't. He only talked about the alien jilbaab and indhashareer oo Soomaalida ku cusub waana mid taariiq ahaan dhab ah, si walba dadka qaarkood u dhibsadaan. Illaa iyo hadda kama jawaabin to those who deride walaalkeen Nuuridiin why it is different from garbasaar and why don't they consider garbasaar as a genuine xijaab garb. Dadka surwaalka gaaban maanta socda, oo soo baxay, waa wareersanyihiin, iyagaaba isku wareeray oo isaaminsanayn, mar ee isku wacaan 'salafi jadiid' iyo 'salafi takfiir.'
  15. "What this [Kooshin] man has been doing is bouncing around from person to person trying to find a way into this building," says a State Department official in a position to know Mohamed's status, speaking on the condition of anonymity. " This man has no bona fides. He's presenting himself with all sorts of different titles he doesn't have ." Meesha muxuu mooday, Suuqbacaad oo bootada iyo beenta la iska gadaayo? Poor dude.
  16. Folks, again, would you kindly stop personalizing the issue. Let's stick the topic at hand, naga aayara afxumeyna, hanjabaata iyo personalizing forum members. ---------------- Originally posted by Dhubad: ^Miskiin, Just out of curiosity, where did you get this info from? Are you a private detective or something... It is publically available, duqa. Google gareey those names. Is it, however, a coincidence, all three la magacaabay ama ismagacaabay, but not recognized by the meelaha loo magacaabay sida Mareykanka, Midowga Yurub iyo Ingiriiska, are all ilmo'adeero? Marxuum Max'ed Siyaad Barre ayee wax ka sheegi jireen, waligiis saan kuma dhaqmin, umana dhawaan, qabyaaladna saan uma ahayn uu wuuba xishoon jiray marmar, I mean at least his personal, closest bodyguard was Cabdi Madoowe gadaashiis dabataagnaan jiray, kaas oo ahaa qof ayna meel iska galin. Siyaad Barre safaaradaha dalalka Galbeedka waxaa u fadhin jiray dad wax bartay oo karti leh Soomaalinimo ahaa, sida Caddoow ee Mareykanka fadhiye. Then again waxaan awalba dowlad ku sheeg ayee ahayd oo Xabash nuujiso, kuriso and barbaariso. Without Xabashi kaaro, one day ma last gareyn lahayn and it won't last either.
  17. The old Stooge of Sanaawi Xamar bil ku dhaw aa ugu dambeysay, for he couldn't sleep madaafiic Filla Soomaaliya ku dhacaayo, now meelahaas ayuu iska wareegayaa sida Neyroobi, Landhan, Adisababa iyo Baydhabo. Xamar waaka cararay, fuleynimo iyo nafjaceylnimo u geysay.
  18. How do you personally pronounce it? Googal or guugal? A month or so ago, I was reading the paper when I came across an article about what they eat at Google campus -- all free. The feature story mentioned the employees do have at hand several high-end chefs who make couture cousines in addition of myriad basic American breakfasts, brunches, lunches and dinners. And of course I googled. One employee of theirs keeps a photolog of some of the dishes available. Hmm. Not that bad, I guess. A bit healthy. Guugal.
  19. Haa, duqa, it can be biyuudhiful, weyna noqon kartaa biyiidhiful oo lahjad ahaan. Ingiriis awalba afkeena ma ahayn, LoL. At least waa Soomaalini gareynay. Horta adaaba afkaan jini ila yaqaano, ay layk to rayt in dis weey samtaymis. Qoftaan aa ka helay. Very confident. Taloow manooshahay. Jiilkeeda jiilkee sii dhaleen waxee sii dhaleen ayaa maanta joogo yaa ogaado.
  20. Col. Cabdillaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo haatan ku sugan magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Ethiopia... Haa, siyaaradii Addis Ababa wali ma dhamaan. Af waakoo, mey liki aamee ayaa la dhahay. Ha isgeeyo Filla Soomaaliya uu ku qafiifay, which uu ka maqan yahay almost a month fuleynimo daradeeda. Odey ka fuleysan, oo ka xukun jecel waligeey kan oo kale ma arkin. Filla Soomaaliya waa kasaa ha isgeeyo geesinimo hadduu u dhashay, intu dhahaayo meel walbaa kula dagaalameenaa asagoo waliba ku sugan minanka kaabalaadarkiisa ee Master Sanaawi.
  21. these are not the real pictures ,,, it is just imagination and fiction based hand-made pictures of your people Waa in laguu dhigaa history of photography [consisting the Gariig words of 'photo' meaning light and 'graph' meaning draw/paintbrush], maadaama aad u egtahay qof waligiis aanan meel arag. Photos were not always digital nor on films. Sawirada from throughout the 1800s and early 1900s saas ayee u ekaan jireen, on everywhere taken, because of what was used. Intaadan iska hadlin, ogoow waxaa ka hadleysid horta. ------------- Roko, aren't they biyiidhiful ciyaal, duqa? Dey shuur aar.
  22. Buraanbur. Biyiidhiful kidhis. Qaxwo iyo bun. More historical photos on the archive.
  23. 'Bimbo Somalo.' LoL. Xirsiga waa suranyahay. Xirsigaan waa weynyahay, never saw it. Can you build an aqal? You can't??? How dare you call yourself a nomad, marax waaxid. Ka cabso. WaaaW. Nice guntiino. Britney Spears, this is how it properly shaved.
  24. Waayadaa isku kalsoonaan jirnay, haddaan Soomaali Soomaali ahayn, oo kii noo imaado kud iyo kir lagu dhihi jiray. Aaaaaaaaah. Sawiradaan reminds waayadaas, waaba ku qiirooday. [These historical images were taken in early 1900s] Don't mess with him. Gaashaanka [the shield] iyo waranka [the spear] waa u jeedaa diyaar waaye. Hairstyle aa i dilay. WaaaaaaaW. The serenity of the scene, salaadda iyo cibaadda. Wonderful. Wiilkaas yar ayaa sagaaro qaban jiray waayadaas, maantana kuwa dibadaha ku dhashay macmacaanka ka batay hal wariiri ma qaban karaan. Webiga Shabeelle