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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. In the recent several months and weeks, it is almost daily occurrence dad lagu sheego 'ciidamo' si bareer ah u dilaayo shacabka, mostly bajaajleyda iyo darawalada kale ka shaqeysto Xamar. Yesterday, there two more incidents on different locations. Suu Xasan Socdaal meesha u yimid, dhibkaan ayaa laba jibaartay because ciidamadii awalba moooryaan u badnaa mushaarka laga goostay, jaadkiina loo fasaxay.
  2. Wariye Aljasiira ka socdo ayaa ku wajahan Laascaanood.
  3. Somaliland's military assault on Las Anod looks like an over-reaction by the state government and could scupper its independence ambitions "After Hargeisa's security forces reacted to peaceful protests in Las Anod in December and January by shooting marchers dead, some thought the situation would calm – but the opposite has occurred and over 200 people are believed to have been killed so far in a massive escalation of the fighting, including shelling..."
  4. Safarada Xasan Socdaal ee dalxiiska ah. Imaaraadka  Turkiga  Eritareeya  Kiinya  Jabuuti  Tansaaniya Masar  Ugaandha  Kiinya (again)  Mareykanka Ingiriiska  Mareykanka (again)  Itoobiya  Ugaandha (again) Jabuuti (again)  Suudaan  Aljeeriya  Masar (again) Eritareeya (again) Jabuuti (3rd time) Sacuudiga  Mareykanka (third time) Qadar  Talyaaniga Jabuuti (fourth time) - waala qariyey Itoobiya (second time) - maanta ______________ Soomaaliya Rabiyaa u maqan.
  5. Correction: USC ayaa jabisay Kacaanka and no body else. What deegaan were SNM ruling in the Waqooyi Galbeed in late 1990? No where. Markuu Siyaad Barre Xamar ka baxaaye late Janaayo, 1991, ciidamada militariga Soomaaliya Hargeysa iyo deegaanada kale ee Waqooyi Galbeed sidooda ayee u joogeen. 'Your clan should have been mindful...' Who is my clan?
  6. I wanted him to win the selections if it weren't Farmaajo or Xasan Kheyre. He is a decent person, and I think why he keeps failing at the selections is that masuqmaasuqa kuma dheeraado, unlike Xasan oo ah tuug aanan naxeynin.
  7. Odey dhaqameed 'lol' sida loo isticmaalo yaqaano waaba qatari saana. Garaadka Reer Ingiriiska ahaa miyaa intuunan garaad noqon?
  8. No body 'betrayed' him. Kamaba tirsaneen USC and joined it late to lead the military wing. USC was led by the dadkii SYL ka tirsanaan jiray oona ku dhisay jabhadaan in Rome. People like Ismaaciil Jimcaale Cosoble, an avowed opponent of Kacaanka. He unfortunately passed away in Talyaaniga just few months before the fall of Kacaanka. Hadduu Ismaaciil Jimcaale noolaan lahaa, taariikhda Soomaaliya would have been dramatically different in the last 32 years. My father was invited to shirka Jabuuti, but didn't want to attend. He left for cumra Sacuudiga weeks before dagaalka Xamar ka qarxay. He was stuck in Sacuudiga and went to Jabuuti in order to find a flight to Xamar. Abtidoon ayaa shirkaas ku dhawaaqay at the same time and asked him to chair. He didn't want to participate, let alone chair, telling them siyaasad 1969 ka fadhiistay. However, Cigaal, for some reason and who didn't trust the competing sides pf qabiilada Caydiid/Cali Mahdi iyo Maxamed Abhir/C/risaaq Xaaji Xuseen and his folks, insited him to chair. Cigaal and other SYL leaders were persistent my old man to chair the shir since he was the 'legitimate' leader of the last elected government. My father reluctantly chaired the shir. Alas Maxamed Abshir and co. immediately nominated Cali Mahdi since he claimed to be the one who was funding USC and used to be SYL xildhibaan back in1960s. He was also part of The Manifesto group that issued that famous Baaq. Cigaal didn't like this haste arrangement, but his group was minority. Sidaas Cali Mahdina loogu caleemosaaray. My old man didn't really care, declined any position they offered and since he just wanted to catch the soonest flight to Xamar, he did what the majority at the shir wanted. Remember, this shir did not have jabhado leaders present since they were not invited. Those who crowned Cali Mahdi badly miscalculated, assuming jabhadaha hubka dhigi doonaan. They didn't, especially Caydiid who didn't personally like and distrusted the old elites from SYL signatures of Manifesto. In fact maanifeesto became a derogatory word in Caydiid's Xamar in 1991-92. Any opponent of his were declared 'waa maanifeesto.' Cigaal also went back to Hargeysa as a pissed off politician. That 'pissed off' is what was the primarily fuel of declaring secessionism. It was never a forethought idea, just another idea stemming from xanaaq siyaasadeed. They thought they can bargain for a bigger pie of any future government. The rest is history.
  9. I thought Reer Garoowe had bii'em and such madaafiic meelo fog ku dhaci karo. Ma toban beri ayee saan ku fiirsanaayaan Reer Laascaanood and not bring madaafiic loogu jawaabo argagaxisadaan marqaansan. Shilka, suu' iyo baroomo looma baahno since coward terrorist secessionists meel fog hub ka soo tuurooyaan and is not face to face war. Mid loogu jawaabo meeshee joogaan loo baahanyahay. Reer Garoowe waxaa u leeyahay iyagaa ugu dhow Laascaanood oo Reer Nugaalna isku ah ee saan si ma'aha aad daawaneysaan.
  10. Xasan Socdaal dalkeena waa xaraashay. Allloow naga qabo tuugadaan aanan dad, dal iyo diinba u naxeynin.
  11. Another casualty of Muuse Muqayil's terrorist attack against Laascaanood. Training that was expected in Berbera moved to Kiikuuyoland.
  12. Needs to be confirmed, nonetheless it shames Xasan Socdaal toddobaad Talyaaniga dalxiis iskaga joogo. What a shameless charlatan. He has zero leadership.