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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Unfortunately what this thread and many other threads in archive 'prophecified', to coin a non-existent word, years ago became a cruel reality. Not only are Xabasho threat to our very existence today, they are almost trying to exterminate the very name of Soomaali and Soomaalinimo, when a few qabyaalad-obsessed, diinlaawe Soomaali ku sheeg maanta Xabashada usoo horseeday Soomaali, magaalo madaxdiina ku laayaan, ku xasuuqaan Soomaalidii, oo Soomaali ku sheeg kalena -- very few, thank Eebbe for that -- u alalaaso, sacabtumo. Intii halgamay dalka difaaciisa intii la qabtay qaarkood Adisababa laga tuuray, oo lagu torture gareeyo to this very moment. Marxaladaan waa laga baxaa, Eebbe ha idmo. Axmed Gurey threatened the very Xabasha's existence some 500 years ago, and they never forgot. Neither will we or our offspring ever will what is happening today.
  2. Originally posted by Paragon: MMA it seems you have foretold how things are likely to turn out way back in 2005. In 2003, this is what I remember writing.... quote: Originally posted by J11: ....secondly, this war, in essence, is much older than us or even our fathers, its echoes are symbolised by the Ethiopian emperor, Menelik II's plea to his Euro-Christian brothers in 1891, utterring "Ethiopia has been for fourteen centuries a Christian island in a sea of pagans". Funily, by then he didn't categorize Somalis into clans and regions, but for him all Somalis were "Pagans". However, the same emperor's descendants are the ones whom we look upto and hope mercy from, what a pity. Let me not drag you into that area right now but the fact is once a snake always a snake, and the ethios haven't forgotten about old enmities and grudges, they dwell on the hatred they hold against us. Ethiopia had pursued her on goals inside Somalia and will continue to finish what emperor Haile Sallase described as "The Unfinished Business" that still continues to dominate Ethiopia's strategies, just as it use to be in the days of "Scramble for Africa". Interestingly, when the Europeans scrambled for the rest of Africa, Ethiopia in turn had scrambled for Somalia and her dream to enlarge Abbyssinian empire become true with the help of her christian brothers. What a shame to this day we fail to see this union between Ethios and Europeans, while calling europeans to mediate between us. Either way, what we've read from history books or heard from our parents will be nothing compared to what Ethiopia intends for Somalia. Below is alittle touch of reality and possibilities... Ethiopia's geo-political strategy - Elimi-Nation of Somalis and Somalia from history There is a surety, and all of you have noticed that Somalia has now been divided into fiefdoms, and all these divisions are DIRECTLY or INDIRECTLY supported by the Ethiopian regime. Their strategy is to help Somalis seek autonomy from Somalia and form small, militarily ineffective regional governments that adhere to Ethiopian political and cultural ideology, whilst at the same time infiltrating our traditional values with an imposition of Ethiopian models of livelihood. This way the substance of the culture would be undermind by the strong ethio-influences, germinating from several places such as media and presence of a state that is client to Ethiopia. The outcome is deadly, or may i say THE END OF SOMALINESS. When a war of this level is waged against an entire de-centralised society, the result is erosion of basic principles that enforce law and order. The foundation is already being set for this kind of war. Statistically, many households in the provinces that neighbour Ethiopia, there is an employment of many ETHIOPIAN housemaids, who are likely to influence the mental growth of our offsprings; making them familiar with ethiopian values. So far, this is the most worrying factor, it is a war for the hearts and minds of the local Somalis. And as globalization spreads, ethiopia is likey to be successful in spreading her war in ways we wont be able to notice. It is not a wonderment to see a decline of patrioticism within Somalis because we're being systematically targetted by not only Ethiopia but by also the christian world. Insofar, it hasn't been dificult to figure out why so many Somalis are being shipped out of refugee camps in kenya and other neibouring countries. The reasons of shipments of such a large number of Somalis only constitute what some call "a historical ideological war", which as a result would make more Somalis become adaptive to western values, and it is more likely that we would see many Somalis relating to western (christian)values, which creates a possible increase of ethio-sympathetics in Somalia. By the time many of us go back to Somalia, there surely would be a clash of ideology. What threats Ethiopia poses cannot be comprehended by one or two writtings, but hopefully I wish you see things from my my angle once. Strong Ethiopia is a threat to Somali people! This thread too should be resurrected. Dankis, Jamaal, for eloquently writing what every Soomaali since Axmed Gurey [half millenia ago] knew, knows and should know.
  3. I don't shy away condemning Xabasho, neither do I fear them. Do you? Do you fear inay Hargeysa kugu yimaadaan? Oh, they already there? Well, so soori to hear that.
  4. Acupuncture? Maya, maya, sigaarkiis yariiska ayaa u fiican. He only smoked large Cuban ones, which was shipped from Sacuudiya pre-war once a couple months in cartons, and we ship the Keenyaatiga one, another hard, kuleel one, now.
  5. Ugandans are shelling Xamar and committing genocide? I don't want to laugh in a serious matter like this, but let's be honest. Should one want to condemn what happened in Xamar, one should condemn unequivocally without deliberately leaving the perpetrator out, in this case Xabashada. I am just trying to say that. Put Xabashi name there, if one is sincere. Who wrote that baaq rightly condemned the powerless dowlad ku sheega, yet shied away mentioning the maroodi in barsada.
  6. Widayaoow, booto meesha iyo wax kale ma yaalo. "Dowladaha shisheeye" wax loogu gambado ayaaba iska yar, when I, you and practically everyone knows who did commit the genocide: Xabashada. So there is nothing to shy away. Xabash did commit that genocide in Xamar and will do again. One should criticize by mentioning Xabashada, hadee dan kale jirin. Mise wax laga cabsadaa jiro, fear of unknown from Xabashada? Kamoon. NB, nothing political correct about condemning what Xabashada did to Xamar and her people. Nothing. Mise heer maanta waxaa gaarnay xataa Xabashada online kaga cabsano? Eebbe forbid. They may temporary occupy our nation, but not our free spirit and maankeena. No, never. NB again, this is not the first time. I had heard even Siilaanyo, a man I respect, shy away mentioning Xabashada as well on Beenbeensii. Then there was that Waraabe character, who condemned what is happening in Xamar solely as the result of Stooge Father of Xabashada and no one else, when we all know Xabashadda is who occupy and shell the city, not a Stooge that is not even bothered to be informed where is going to be shelled next. And he, Waraabe, amazingly, then flew to Adisababa the next day. And then there was another statement, another baaq, from a secretary general from a political party in Waqooyi, who again shied away condemning Xabashada by not mentioning their name. So, I gather this is a new trend, a fear of...what? I don't think it is a political correctness. Soomaali iyo Xabasho wey istaqanaa. Those same men don't shy away criticizing Jabuuti whenever an opportunity presents. Oh, well...
  7. Anagoo ku hadlayna magaca waxgaradka iyo aqoonyahnada shirka isugu yimi kana metelaynana bulsha weynta Somaliland waxanu ugu horyan u aragnaa in hubka ay dawladaha shisheeye ay garaacayaan rayidka ku dhaqan muqdisho ay tahay cadownimo ka baxsan baniaa'danimada. What is there to shy away mentioning Xabashi's genocidal heavy shelling, artillery and airbombing of Xamar? Mise 'dowladda shisheeye' kale aan anaga la socon ayaa maanta Xamar iyo maatideeda garaacaayo, duqeynaayo? Anyway, waa ku mahadsanyahay qofkii qoray oo Soomaalinimo ka ah, inkastoo magacyo la socon baaqa.
  8. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Hayfaver is the SANBOOR ???????? then i must be talking about something elese ,,,, Meel walba afkaa la galee, adigoo hubsan xataa. Hayfever yaa ogaado ereyga fever ayaa ka kastay, ciyoowba feebaro mooday ama qandho yaah? Tukaale, sanboor wax la iska dhaxlo waaye, umana maleeyi inay jirto daawo baabineyso. This is from a guy who suffers from an extreme form of it, kana keenay, like the most of the family, my aabo, who have had an even extremer one that only temporary relieved by his smoking harsh Cuban sigaars and the small one produced by Keenyaatiga diiqa ku sawirnaan jiray, another sigaar kuleel badnaa he favours to this day because it makes him briefly to relief from sanboor. His sanboor xataa wuxuu keeni jiray neef. Anyway, in Waqooyiga Ameerika, a genetic drug that goes under the brand claritin is very effective -- temporary, that is.
  9. There is an old thread I posted a year and half ago, long before Xabashi wada qabsatay dalka oo idil. The thread, titled 'de facto Itoobiyan towns,' should now be changed, I believe, 'de facto Itoobiyaan country of Soomaaliya.' Soomaali Galbeedkii ayeeba apparently xoogee ku joogeen ku qanci waayeen. Such degmooyin as: Gedo: Dooloow, Buuloxaawo, Luuq Bakool: Ceelbarde, Yeed Hiiraan: Feerfeer Galgaduud: Balanbale, Matabaan Mudug: Galgodob [Galdogob] Togdheer: Buuhoodle Intaas oo degmooyin markee rabaan ayee soo galaan, markee rabaana ka baxaayeen the last decade. Some long before ayba qabsan dalka ayba dageen, like Dooloow and Feerfeer iyo Ceelbarde.
  10. Eebbe ha u naxariisto inta dadweynaha aan waxba galabsan ku geeriyooday, laguna xasuuqay. Eebboow ummadaada dulman u gargaar.
  11. Axmed Jalaabi and Mareykanka at least mutually benefited one another. [And may I add he more did than they did.] He misled the ignorant and arrogant neocons into Ciraaq and his nemesis, Sadaam, to be toppled, thus profiting financially in the immediate chaos that resulted. For that, the guy was shrew and knew what he wanted, unlike the Stooge Father of Xabasho. He was used before, discarded and imprisoned, and once again is being used and already being discarded since he does not even know where a fight is taking place. His Xabashi Master Sanlaawe said a few weeks ago, words to the effect of these: We went to Xamar [soomaaliya] not to get power [dowlad ku sheega] in Soomaaliya, but to get rid of Maxkamahada/i]. Such a dire circumstances and causing the wrath of overwhelming majority of Soomaalida, no mutual benefit xataa, aha? That just certained what the vast majority of Soomaalis already knew. Used and discarded. That should be his nickname, in addition of Stooge Father of Xabashi. That shortly upcoming day oo banaanka loo dhigo his hoosgundi and this time completely discarded [and Xabashida are already doing negotiating clan elders while Stoogeka oo meesha taagan], maalintaas ayaa rabaa ciyaal kuni kuniga ka daba dhareero Stoogekaas see u cabadi lahayeen. Don't say on this coming day Xabashi were our enemies awalba. No, don't ever try to do that.
  12. The Stooge Father of Xabashada who made his nephew, the notorious fabricator/slanderer/libelious as his personal spokesman has zero credibility to begin with. The Stooge Father of Xabashada who insults wives -- unheard of in Soomaali dhaqan -- has wax heybo iyo wax sharaf iska dhaafee, qashinka ayaa ka heybad wacan. The Stooge Father of Xabashada who brought Xabashada, and then committed genocide on Soomaali people, maxaaba u haray aakhiro iyo adduunba? Anyway, it was yesterday Stooge Father's now own hand-picked 'spokesman' who photoshopped this: Nin qashinkaas sameynaayo ayaa maanta Stooge Father of Xabash u ah afhayeen. At least Qaranimo.com/Dayniile.com, which this audio is pasted from, are not official spokespeople of any person, iskaba dhaaf qashinkaas Father of Stoogeka ah.
  13. So what is new? You were expecting the Father of Stooge to say what? Ninkaas maxaa ka baratay ka ahayn ... Asaga kaligiis laakiin in la eedeeyo ma'aha. Ku darso kuwa asaga isdabasocdaan oo Xabashada u adeego kamid yihiin Gacmadheere, Geedi, Max'ed Dheere, Dhagaxtuur, Jeelle iyo iwm. Eebboow u gargaar masaakiinta Xamar eber laga dhigay.
  14. Ka waran kuwii timaha weynaa ee Waqooyi ka imaan jiray? Wali ma joogaan kuwaas? They had a big xir at xaafadda Kaasabalbalaare, across from Shaneemo Shuun. Timaweynta were fashion-challenged, though. Hoosgundi underneath big qamiis, kooyo with iskaalsho, big bakoorad, an extra big tusbax qoorta kasoo laadlaado, with their always present cadey/rumey afka ugu jiro and not to mention the big timaha weyn, afro.
  15. 2000 kun oo Ciidamada Itoobiya oo ku soo food leh Laasqoray Haddee waxaan tahay run, then the complete occupation of Xabasho meel walba oo dalka ayee gaartay. Almost from the tip of Raascaseyr to the tip of Xaafuun, to the tip of Seylac [soon, I guess] to the tip of Raaskambooni.
  16. Kuwaan barbarad waaye, isa soo xasuusinaayo wixii hore jiri jiray. Want to see a real digri Soomaali, the real one Soomaaliya balaayada ka ahaa pre-war? I think they are members of Jameecaddii Baardheere or somewhere nearby. Look at that man garka gaduudan waaba lagu soo dagooyaa. Xir aan loo gali karin eyba u egyihiin.
  17. Ani ha qoslin iyo ha kaftamin maku dhihin, oo anigaaba kaftan badana ku dhexjiro waana wax wanaagsan. Mid 'sensitivity' la dhaho ayaa jirto, laakiin. Oo meel ku haboon kaftan iyo meel kalaa jirto. Ma'aha in mar walba afka la leeriyo, lest you know taqsi kaa gali doonin. Runtii Xamar waxa ka dhacaayo maanta waligeed kama dhicin, oo die-hard dadkii ku ahaa Xamar the last 16 years ayaa meel ay ugu cararaan ugu socdo. Malaayiin Soomaaliyeedna walwal iyo murugo aad ugu haayo. Taas inaa la socotid ayee ahayd.
  18. "The whole city is being shelled indiscriminately," Salado Yebarow, who lives between the main stadium and the presidential palace, told Reuters by telephone. "Whoever is doing this is not human. They have clearly never had a grandmother or children to think about." Yebarow's elderly, disabled neighbour, Awrala Adan, said she was cowering behind furniture in a corner of her small house. "I've lost faith in this world to help us now," Adan said.
  19. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: waxbaa ka dhacay Waar meeshii ma lagu kala adkaan waayay ?? Goormaa ka koree " " aad had iyo jeer ku heysid in an inappropriate threads? Mise waxba kaaba galin Xamartaas gubaneyso maadaama hal naf kuu deganeen. If it is the latter, well, anagee NAFO nool noo deganyihiin, and the least you could do is keep your " " qosol to yourself.
  20. Indhahaan aan waxba galabsan fiiri. These innocent eyes cry for why, why, why, for what unexplainable reason? Whoever brought waxaan ka dhacaayo maanta Xamar, the slow genocide, should one day answer before a court, be it on this world or a Divine one hereafter. One day maalintee ahaado.
  21. It is called living room syndrome [LRS]. Very contagious if one is qabyaalad-minded and weak-minded, iska jir. I don't know sometimes which one is silliest of the one: The ludicrous, preposterous clanist conspiracies spewed at those living rooms warka kasoo maqlaan dadkaas or those who succumb believing those xaardibi.
  22. Ma magacii Daraawiishta ayee hadana qabyaaladayeen, wax walba waa laga soo tagee. What is the next indha sircaad? Axmed Gurey in uu u halgamay Xabashada, instead of fighting against them? I wonder which qoor Siidka's waran ama seef ku dhici lahayd today, had he been alive? Ah, no need to wonder. Waxyaabaha la qoraayo qaarkood jawaab uma baahno, wax jawaab istaahilina ma'aha those trolls, and I never did respond those sillies. Laakiinse sometimes indhaheyna soo jeedo ayaaba la isku deynoyaa in la xiro ama la been habaabsiiyo. I will, however, await wixii ku xigo markii the Father of Stooge laga saaro Soomaaliya [and he will be shortly], dowlad ku sheegana by name only treacherous ah burburto, as it already legitimately is -- I will await maalintaas iyagoo leh Soomaaliya waaka goosanay, oo dhulkee aaminsanyihiin inay kasoo faractameen leh waa 'dal' gooni u taagan, that the so-called 'secessionist' ay ku qafiifeen, ku waasheen in this forum, calling others that name as a jest, in that day -- mark those words -- iyagaa noqon doono, as they are worse than a separatist today. They are and reached ebb of low of Soomaalinimo, maankeyga mar horaa ka saaray inay Soomaali ila wadaagaan kuwaan Soomaali ku sheega ah. [One of them long ago on this forum already called Soomaaliya an idea -- and not a nation, not a dal jiro -- that clearly, we assume, be discarded and disposed at anytime or used when it is needed to take some advantage ama meel lagu gaaro.] Halgamiyaashii Daraawishee xaalkiina ba'.
  23. This thread waala xiray as well. If two above gentlemen want to have personal talks, PM sole existence is that, waaba sida loo sameeye.
  24. As Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan, our respected neighbourly tukaan-owner used to say to ciyaalkeena markaa ku dhibno tukaankiisa dhexdiisa: Leersada, leersada, leersada. Hala kala leersado, baliis. Such a gentlemen, who can surely make, we assume, their points and positions clearly, reduce themselves to this, umm, low, well, wax kale aan dhahno maleh. Maati badan Soomaaliyeed ayaa dhiigooda ku daadanooyo Xamar, idinkana wax kale iska dhaafee inaad isdabasocotaan, solely about personalities ku heysiin meeshaan. Well, waala xiray qolkaan. Soori, but the whole thread hal hal ayaa la isku dabasocdaa, and it is unfortunate to see absolutely no dood about grave issues at hand.