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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Originally posted by Halgan: You can get away with calling people who disagree with you clanists. Time and again we have witnessed how you call ppl who disagree with you clanists, supporters of clan courts, and what have you. Moderators, this is what could cause name callings and eventually lead to personal attacks. I don't know how on earth this is tolerated. Is is a case of " responding to the messenger " or the message? How should we respond when the messenger is the same as the message? Some help needed here. Obviously this thread had touched a nerve. Some jawaab ma istaahilaan, let alone debated with. Just continue the points about this Xabashi informant and spy, so-called Ashari. Discard and disregard the little noise some make on this thread or others, because this thread, once again, obviously touched meel isog oo qeylada iyo wax walba ka keenay. Indeed. I will, obviously, continue to watch and report this rascal, charlatan so-called Ashari and his ilk. Noisemakers, go ahead, make some little more noises. It is music to our ears.
  2. The Xabashi informant, shameless charlatan opportunist Xabashi spy and a diplomatic Xabashi baasaboor holder also was on Aljasiira Carabi's The Opposite Direction political show prior to that Ingiriis interview. Here, he is unabashedly and fiercely defending his Xabashi Masters, who raised him, claiming those who were dragged the streets of Muqdisho were not Xabashi soldiers, but Soomaali. [This was about the second dragging where it was all over the internet.] The rascal wishes the misfortune to Soomaalis than his Xabashi Masters. Marka qof saas ah wax laga sugo ayaaba iska yar. Here is the translated part, where the Xabashi informant Ashari is vehemently defening his Xabashi Masters. Read on. ------------- Shameless Ashari: No, no, no, no. On the contrary, those who did [the dragging] and those who were dragged in the streets were [all] Soomaalis Feysal Qaasin [the host]: So you are right and all the world's media is wrong! [ ] Shameless Ashari: Yes, of course. Feysal Qaasin: Mashallaah! [ ] Shameless Ashari: Because the media can't distinguish between the Soomaalis and Ethiopians. Feysal Qaasin: But they showed you their [Ethiopian military] clothes, their [Ethiopian] ID cards, their [Christian] crosses -- Soomaalis are 100% Muslims. Shameless Ashari: No, no, no, no, no ... [la, la, la, la ...] ------------ His last prolonged 'la, la, la, la ...' perhaps has to do him believing Soomaalis in Soomaaliya not being a 100 Muslim. Perhaps he is not sure about himself being Muslim, methinks. Magac Soomaali ayuu ceebeeye, cannot even see the mocking tone from the host. You can watch the clip on .
  3. Another political masterpiece essay from one of the few most respected aqoonyahan and waxgarad Soomaalis, who always defends Soomaalinimo. A true son of Soomaaliya and a true daljecel, indeed. Waligaa jir, Inaqaalib; la'aantaa iftiin la'aan waaye.
  4. Mogadishu Calm As the Government Asks for Support of Clan Leaders Mystic, my dear sister, what so-called "government" are you talking about? I don't know why some of you refer this nonexistent, nefarious, treachery puppet entity, dowlad ku sheega ah TFG or whatever. It is an insult to the respected word 'government,' and even more insulting to unflattery ones like regime, junta and totalitarian. They are nothing but an assembled, hand-picked Xabashi group that marba si laga dhigan karo, like a kastuumo. Awood malaha, oo xataa cannot pay their toilet paper tissues, iskaba dhaaf wax kale ay qabtaan. Call them what they and their Frail Traitor Stooge of Xabashadda really are -- treasonous stooges, puppets. They never ruled and never will. Our Soomaali spirit is as high as it ever was. Remember, the early days of Janaayo, what the Junior Stooge Geedi claimed? To hand over the weapons? That Muqdisho was safe? What happened since then? Believe me waxyaaba xun ayaa soo socdo, things the old sycophant, manservant Frail Traitor Stooge of Xabashadda and his Xabashi masters had never experienced before. You watch and see.
  5. He even beats the claim that Azhari has a PhD that he recieved when he was 26 to a distant second place! Bii-Ej-Dhii? The informer has PhD? Maan, maxaa la bililiqeystay titlenimo. The informer, the Xabashi spy, is well-known who have spied for Xabashada since dawn. He carries Xabashi diplomatic passport. That is why he loses his little cool everytime people raise his munaafaqnimo being Xabashi informer and spy. It was and is an open secret. That is why he both lost his temper the two Aljasiira interviews -- both Carabi and Ingiriis ones -- when Ibraahim Caddoow and Sakariye Xaaji both told him so -- how low he is being a Xabashi informer so long. Koley maadaama uu yahay qof cuqdad isku qabo, he easily loses his little temper, never realizing he is at an international media platform. I would take Darmaan any day than the Xabashi informer Ashari. At least Darmaan Xabasho ma keenin dalka, kumana faraxsano Soomaali la xasuuqaayo, la leynaayo. Magac Soomaali ayuu ceebeeye the so-called Ashari. The rumour goes the nick Ashari asagaa isku bixiye, instead of the way usual Soomaali nick names develop, where others call you the nick names. Oo saas waayeba maadaama isku kalsooneen, Ashari hadduu la baxo ma muxuu ismooday in mutacalin waaye dadka u maleyn doonaan? Marax seenbari, had iyo jeer marax waaye.
  6. Bambo/Xamar/Salaad Jeelle, SOL does not allow members to have two or more usernames simultaneously. [it is on rule number two: Accounts: each forum member may have only one account. If you are caught double posting, both of your accounts will be deleted.] It was and is deception of you to register to more than one username, and when one was suspended, to reincarnate this 'parked' one. This too will be suspended.
  7. This thread is closed. I gave you a caution not to post absent-mindedly images that absolutely bear no messages accompanying other than wasting a bandwidth. It is trolling. SOL also has a maximum of eight images per post, not one picture per post. Instead of devoting an image per post, post once and for all in one post. At that, at least it can be accompanied if it has a message. This thread has no message other other than being a troll.
  8. Salim Lone Saturday April 28, 2007 The Guardian Inside Africa's Guantánamo [ The only way the US can prop up its client regime in Somalia is through lawlessness and slaughter ] This is the most lawless war of our generation. All wars of aggression lack legitimacy, but no conflict in recent memory has witnessed such mounting layers of illegality as the current one in Somalia. Violations of the UN charter and of international humanitarian law are regrettably commonplace in our age, and they abound in the carnage that the world is allowing to unfold in Mogadishu, but this war has in addition explicitly violated two UN security council resolutions. To complete the picture, one of these resolutions contravenes the charter itself. Comment Inside Africa's Guantánamo The only way the US can prop up its client regime in Somalia is through lawlessness and slaughter Salim Lone Saturday April 28, 2007 The Guardian This is the most lawless war of our generation. All wars of aggression lack legitimacy, but no conflict in recent memory has witnessed such mounting layers of illegality as the current one in Somalia. Violations of the UN charter and of international humanitarian law are regrettably commonplace in our age, and they abound in the carnage that the world is allowing to unfold in Mogadishu, but this war has in addition explicitly violated two UN security council resolutions. To complete the picture, one of these resolutions contravenes the charter itself. Article continues The complete impunity with which Ethiopia and the transitional Somali government have been allowed to violate these resolutions explains the ruthlessness of the military assaults that have been under way for six weeks now. The details of the atrocities being committed were formally acknowledged by a western government for the first time when Germany, which holds the current EU presidency, had its ambassador to Somalia, Walter Lindner, write a tough letter - made public on Wednesday - to Somalia's president, Abdullahi Yusuf. The letter condemned the indiscriminate use of air strikes and heavy artillery in Mogadishu's densely populated areas, the raping of women, the deliberate blocking of urgently needed food and humanitarian supplies, and the bombing of hospitals. This is a relentless drive to terrify and intimidate civilians belonging to clans from whose ranks fighters are challenging the occupation. There was a time when security council resolutions were hallowed in most of the world, as for example resolution 242 demanding the return of occupied Palestine territory in exchange for peace. But in our new world order, the powerful decide which UN resolutions are passed, and whether they need to be honoured. So the United States, which was violating the UN arms embargo on Somalia, rushed through another resolution in December that it thought would better serve US goals - and then proceeded to violate that one as well. The new resolution forbade neighbouring countries from being part of the regional peacekeeping force the security council authorised for Somalia; but Ethiopia went much further and unilaterally invaded, with the covert assistance of the US - which also joined the war by bombing Somalia. This December resolution actually contravened the charter itself, because it made the security council the aggressor and turned a clearly peaceful situation into war. The resolution linked the Islamic Courts government to international terrorism and mandated peacekeeping force, on the basis of chapter VII of the UN charter, to address the "threat to international peace and security" that Somalia posed - when every independent account, including Chatham House's on Wednesday, indicated that the country was experiencing its first peace and security since 1991. The resolution paved the way for the Ethiopian invasion that has led to the bitter conflict that many independent analysts, including those at a meeting in Addis Ababa organised by Ethiopia's Inter-Africa Group, had warned would be the inevitable result. A government imposed through force by arch enemy Ethiopia was never going to hold sway. The long silence and the refusal even now to announce measures that might arrest this slaughter mark the lowest point in the big powers' abdication of the "Responsibility to Protect" mandate - adopted, with British leadership, at a summit-level meeting of the security council two years ago. The world's most impoverished people are now being ripped to shreds with no effort whatsoever to get the perpetrators to desist. A huge campaign must be launched to press western governments to end this slaughter, which is almost entirely the work of those in control of the country. The European Union warned a month ago that war crimes might have been committed in an assault on the capital last month - in which the EU could be complicit because of its large-scale support for those accused of the crimes. Human Rights Watch has documented how Kenya and Ethiopia had turned this region into Africa's own version of Guantánamo Bay, replete with kidnappings, extraordinary renditions, secret prisons and large numbers of "disappeared": a project that carries the Made in America label. Allowing free rein to such comprehensive lawlessness is a stain on all those who might have, at a minimum, curtailed it. Work must begin to derail the astounding proposal from the United Nations secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon, which is to be discussed by the security council in mid-June. He would like to mount a UN-sanctioned "coalition of the willing" to enforce peace and restore order in Somalia - in other words, the UN would help Ethiopia and the United States achieve what their own illegal military interventions have failed to accomplish: the entrenchment of a client regime that lacks any popular support. Such an operation is unlikely to succeed in any event, but it could further threaten the turbulent Horn of Africa, which is already teetering on the brink of chaos. The Somali government is busy crying "al-Qaida" at every turn and offering lucrative deals to oil companies, in a bid to entice greater western support. But this war was lost long ago. In turning to the arch enemy Ethiopia, the transitional government's fate was sealed: the nation will not abide an Ethiopian-US occupation. Only a political solution will resolve this crisis. Africa must step up to the plate and show spine and leadership in a drive to protect its civilians, and work with Europe and the UN to convince the US to swiftly terminate its latest destabilising adventure. - Salim Lone, who was the spokesman for the UN mission in Iraq after the 2003 invasion, is a columnist for the Daily Nation in Kenya salimlone@yahoo.com Saalim Lone had been a lone non-Soomaali champsion of Soomaalis lately, participating as many conferences as he could attend and raise the profile on the Galbeedka media the massacre, carnage and genocide Muqdisho has became committed by Xabashadda. I thank The Guardian for publishing this piece.
  9. Folks, you ain't seen nothing yet. This informer -- who is said to spy for Xabasha, long before this -- is among one of the treasured 'ilmo'adeero' and supposedly the most 'educated' of them all. You haven't heard yet the grocery-worker wannabe and self-proclaimed "Soomaali ambassador" to Mareykanka, Max'ed Kooshin. He is also a con, who tried to forge a fake diploma and credential. Then there is that Ciid Bedel guy at United Nations. And the dude called Baribari at Midowga Yurub's Brussels headquarters. And then there is that guy, C/rashiid Seed, another self-nominated "ambassador" to Ingiriiska. Those are just a tip of a long list. Of all, Ashari is the one availed to speak to international media most of the time. And we see how he behaves like. When people are recruited because of ilmo'adeernimo, not merit, then waxaas camal ayaa arkeysaa. Tons of them waaye. Markaas ayee kuwaan dowlad ku sheega ah "dowlad" kuu sheeganayaan. Ar magac dowladeedoow xaalkaa ba', maxaa magacaas lagu dheel dheelay.
  10. H.E. Abdinur A. Darman The president of Somali Republic was born in Somalia to Ambassador Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Darman and Ashkira Ali Shendile, on 24th October 1952. He left the country when his father was accredited to the United Nations in 1962 . He remained out of the country until his return in 1992 with Operation Restore Hope. Elected Chairman of the United Somali Republic party in 1999, the first political party since the military coup of Said Barre 1969. Became the President of Somali Republic on June 5th 2003 at the National Reconstruction Conference in Somalia. PRESIDENT Email: president@somaligovernment.org Phone: +252 5 920889 Phone/Fax: +252 1 222567 Voice - Daytime (9am - 5pm, Mogadishu), Fax - Nighttime Post and Courier Address: Presidential Compound, Mogadishu, Somali Republic War ninka Cabdinuur Axmed Darmaan maba naxaayo. He knows his stuff. Nin ku raagay waaye dibad. I mean dalkii intuu gobonka qaatay [1962] ilaa iyo qabtii [1992] wuuba ka maqnaa. Bisinka, waaba sodon sano. Laakiin ad iyo aad ayaan ugu raacay that the Frail Stooge of Xabashadda in maalin maxkamad lasoo taagi doono, mid adduun ama mid aakhiraba midee ahaato.
  11. Maxee dhahoysaa islaantaas? Sugba aan dhageystee mar kale. Hmm. Haa, waxee leedahay, "Iska dhaaf waa jirantahay gabadhaan; dhibaatadda Illaah haka qaado ..." I think one of the producers/directors of that show -- which I never watched, as any other show -- must be married to a Soomaali woman.
  12. Editorial from my favourite Western paper. ------------ Return of the Warlords The Guardian Leader [editorial] Abriil 26, 2007 Once again, the residents of Mogadishu are cowering under the hammer blows of shellfire. Once again, the capital is in the grip of warlords, clan leaders and foreign armies. Once again, the body count is mounting. More than 320,000 civilians, between a quarter and a sixth of Mogadishu's population, have fled. The UN says Somalia is suffering one of the worst humanitarian crises in his history and suspects the transitional federal government (TFG) of stopping aid from getting through to refugees. Have we been here before? The answer, of course, is yes. That brief period when the Somali Council of Islamic Courts restored order, removed the roadblocks and the rubbish from the streets and reopened the airport and the harbour (before being swept away by US-backed Ethiopian forces last December) is starting to look like a golden age. But it is more complicated than that. The Islamic Courts lost a lot of their credibility among the ******, Somalia's largest clan, by sending volunteers to their deaths against an Ethiopian army which was better-trained and -equipped. Having provoked the battle, the Islamists did not stand and fight. They melted away in the city or the heavily wooded areas in the south. Many fled into exile and won no affection among a population left to suffer the consequences. A top military leader has since been told by his clan that he is no longer welcome back in Mogadishu. But if the Islamic courts are a busted flush, Colonel Abdullahi Yusuf's transitional government has lost no time in doing the Islamic Courts' propaganda work for them by terrorising the civilian population. There are two main questions that Colonel Yusuf's and Ethiopia's western backers should now ask themselves. What was gained by encouraging the Ethiopian army to topple the Islamic Courts? The US allowed Ethiopia to arm itself with North Korean weapons and also participated in the turkey shoot by using gunships against suspected insurgents hiding in villages near the Kenyan border. Washington was convinced that the Islamic Courts were sheltering foreign terror suspects. But how many did they get and what price have Somalis paid? Six weeks ago the TFG said it would end the insurgency in 30 days. An assessment released yesterday by two Chatham House academics, Cedric Barnes and Harun Hassan, claimed that more than 1,000 people were killed and 4,300 wounded in the offensive that followed. It has still not ended, and this leads to the second question. Why is the EU funding the TFG, when its leader is using the presidential compound to shell civilian areas? Is this what state-building is supposed to mean?
  13. Originally posted by me: Hold up MMA, although you got points, allot of hardworking Somalis have lost properties in this war. What do you have to say about them? Why focus on niman gacanta lagu tirin karo waxay dhaceen? Its unfair of you to focus on what few men did MMA. Edit: the issues of the looted properties haven't been adressed for the past 16 years, why are they being addressed now? Waa in lays cafiyo, wixii laysku leeyahayna laga xisaabtamo. Xabashidan waxay sameenayaan cid walbaa way aragtaa, lakiinse maxaa laga qaban karaa, hadii aan xaqa laysku raacsaneen? Marka hore aan anagu isla xisaabtamno. Me, dib ugu noqo waxaan qoray, qaas ahaan baragaraafyada ugu dambeeyo. It seems we might've practically agreed, only a minor point, which is Xabashadda. As long as Xabasha heysato dalkeena hooyo, who looted the whole country, taas la iskama indhatiraayo. Those who raise this looting business lately as an issue are not sincere since they do know themselves for that. They do know inay ka ahayn caring about their nation and people, dal iyo wax ay ka tahayba midna ma jirto. They have exhausted any darn excuse to sugarcoat Xabasho's presence of dalkeena, thinking this bililiqo business of theirs will rejuvenate, while blindly ignoring the real maroodi in the room. I am sad you fell for them for now. Addressing bililiqeystay properties is not for now. The reason I brought back the looted national lands, farms, etc, in the name of 'hantiwadaag,' I brought this forth inay la socdaan that bililiqo inay bilaaban post-war. That bililiqo was state-sanctioned -- heck, state policy -- and as you wrongly alluded, were not limited to a well-connected "few men." They were not few men [or women for that matter], those names mentioned the first post were only given as an illustration. Mass bililiqo in the name of state is worse than a privately bililiqeysi properties. Yet, as I said Soomaalida had forgiven and moved on, oo taas lama dabasocdo, oo qof beertuu 30 sano kahor Kacaanimo iyo qabiilnimo ku helay soo celi la leeyahay ma jiro. It was a reminder to those who may not like to acknowledge this known knowledge about plundering of our natural resources the former regime. And lest you misunderstood again: No, I am not -- and never am -- condoning those who bililiqeystay dad xoolahooda iyo maalkooda si xalaal ku shaqeystay, be it guri, baabuur iyo wax kale. Yes, they are some who ka dhigtay 'xalaal' waxaas ay bililiqeysteen. I had seen them on my own eyes in Xamar 2003. I condemn those, regardless meeshee ka bililiqeysteen. Taas oo tahay, mar labaad aan ku celiyee, maanta dalkii la heysto in laga hadlo ma'aha. ------------- YOU HAVE GOOD POINT THERE, BUT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO PICK MY UNCLE IN ALL PEOPLE AS EXAMPLE (YOUR FORGIVEN) Xogogaal, yaa waaye adeerkaa? Xoosh? If he is, he doesn't need your defense. Does he still live in Virginia?
  14. Another Yaawalad akward moment on Aljasiira's Inside Story program. The shameless Xabashi informer and holder of Xabashi diplomatic passport, Yuusuf Ashari was there, along with Ibraahin Caddoow from Maxkamadaha the other day. Just watch the clip at the bottom, especially at the end, at 10:40 minutes. Another Yaawalad classic piece. Ashari cries like a big boy, losing his already delicate, hot temper even more and takes his frustration on anchorwoman and Aljasiira since he couldn't neither elaborate nor articulate his points as Md. Caddoow cooly did. [Perhaps they should have interviewed him in Aftigrey or Afamxaar.] Ashari: But why do you impose on me your questions, while you are not imposing on him [Caddoow] with those questions ... Absolutely, absolutely, this is unfair of Jasiira, and Jasiira that is why they are losing audience and losing their prestige around the world right now, starting from the last time in Jordan. What a character. Answer the darn kuweeshinis, or meesha ka tag. Crying on international platform. Cry a webi, baby stooge.
  15. The map is from during Mussolini's adventure to Xabashi land in early World War II, which he eventually occupied for few years. He hadn't either attacked or captured British's colonialization of Waqooyi or Faransiiska's Jabuuti. I don't know why they used that map, perhaps having a Waqooyi exclusion as a British colonial was the point?
  16. Back in the capital we visited another hospital, the Benadir, and saw some of the most harrowing scenes of all. There were no beds. In one bare room after another the concrete floors were covered with emaciated children lying on filthy rugs, tended by desperate mothers. There were 700 of them, most under 5, all suffering from dysentery and cholera contracted in the refugee camps. Nowhere in Somalia is safe any more. The casualties fill its foetid wards, corridors and overflow tents, and lie under trees outside. They are people like Ruqio Muse, a 22-year-old mother of three young children who said her thigh was shattered by an Ethiopian sniper’s bullet as she retrieved goods from her clothing stall in one of the city’s battlegrounds. Next to her lie two semi-comatose girls — 16-year-old cousins — whose skin was burnt from their faces by a landmine explosion. Ahmed, 14, has had a leg amputated. Said Muhammad Abukar, a mere 40 days old, lay grey and trembling on an operating table in Madina hospital. His tiny stomach was slit down the middle. Doctors were searching for shrapnel in his abdomen. There was a large hole in his lower back. Muhammad Abukar Ahmed, Said’s distraught father, told The Times that eight members of his family had been about to flee from war-torn Mogadishu when a shell hit their house in the residential area of Mahad Alab. The building was destroyed. It took Mr Ahmed, 25, a teacher of the Koran, 15 minutes to dig himself out of the rubble. “I didn’t know if I was going to live, let alone my son,” he said. Saida Ali Muhammad, 40, had fled Mogadishu with her children but returned to sell milk when she was hit by shrapnel in both legs. “This is shameful,” said her uncle, Farah Rage, as he tried to cool her with a fan. “We are in the middle of two crazy groups, one calling themselves insurgents and the other saying they’re the Government. Both are in concrete buildings so it’s the civilians who die.” Hussein Dhere, the hospital’s despairing deputy director, said his staff were working round the clock and “if this lasts another ten or twenty days we can’t cope. I feel very sorry. Sometimes I’m angry. Our people are dying.” Abdirahman Figi, the hospital chief, said the Ethiopians had shelled it, stolen its money and medicines, then commandeered it for barracks. He said thousands of refugees were at risk from the onset of the rainy season and then winter. “The Islamic Courts brought peace and we were happy,” he said. The new Government was “worse than the warlords”. More than 50 died as fire raged through the camp’s rickety shelters made of wood and plastic sheeting. All that remains is an expanse of ash littered with the blackened remains of cooking pots, lamps and corrugated iron. “My family fled to the countryside,” said Hussain Ibrahim Yusef, a young boy standing alone in the devastation. “We were separated. I don’t know where to follow them.” Waxaan wax la aqrin karo ma'aha, runtii. Shisheeyihii ayaa dareenkooda celin waaye, not only shisheeye but a journalists, who are trained to control their emotions.
  17. So, I see, lately, SOL's favourite Political section catch phrase is resonating with, umm, 'loot' iyo 'bililiqo.' Do you honestly want to talk about looting? Really, you do? Hokey, let's talk about looting. Let's, for real, talk about the real looting in the name of 'hantiwadaag' iyo 'danwadaag.' Let's talk about how C/raxmaan Jaamac Barre, Moorgan, Xuseen Kulmiye, Maslax Max'ed Siyaad and practically each person who had higher Kacaan connection have had some farms in the best fertile lands of Afgooye and beyond to Jubbooyinka. Where did those best lands come from? They bought them? Oh, baliis. Have you ever asked who owned [and owned here is the keyword] those lands before they were confiscated, appropriated in the name of the socialism? And how come it never went for the greater good of the public, but, ironically, individually owned? Oh, let's talk about Xoosh and his [in]famous booliqaran prime estates at Wadajir [Madiina] discrict, all in the name of 'hantiwadaag' supposedly. Oh, should we continue this looting, which seemingly seems to be the current past time of this section to continue? Do you want? No, we don't. That was then. Soomaali people forgot and forgave, and moved on. That is the other perspective. What many of you ignore or try not to know. Nonetheless. There are genuine concerns about some bililiqo properties in Soomaaliya and it needs a real dowlad with an own wasaarad u qaabilsan. Laakiin hala ogaado, the current looted meel walba inay ka dhacday since post-civil war, from Hargeysa to Baydhaba to Kismaayo. My own uncle's large property and baqaar were looted in Baydhabo in front of my own mother, who is his sister. So maxaa Xamar loo daba taaganyahay marka? Xamar is the largest city? I understand, laakiin maanta ma'aha this flimsy, tenuous excuse in laga dhigto a central point where all other points are obviously exhausted because there is no defense, no other way, no ostentatious, no sugarcoating [to borrow this phrase from a Soomaali writer], nada, about what Xabashadda are doing in Soomaaliya currently. Xabashadda, heck, are looting the whole country, while some of us meeshaan ku sugan guri ayaa la iga heystaa ku haayaan. You can get your guri -- and kaligiina idinkama maqno -- back. It has to wait, though. First Xabash and their stooges needs to go. You need to support that, for you own guri kaa maqan's sake, hadaaba wax kale aadan ku support gareyneynin. Do not think Xabash will free those houses for you while it is occupying the whole country and massacring masaakiinta. Ha iska dhaadhacsiin taas. Don't.
  18. Tobikaan intuu ka socdaa, oo u socdaa? Waaba la qabsan waaye, oo si walbaa u aqriye, oo cursory glance ugu sameeye since it is too long to read each post? Should we discuss the original first post about leadership ku sheega at Bari and their alleged 'extraordinary rendition' of wadaadadda to Amxaarland. Then it was hijacked from left to right, right to left. Then it turned to personal accusasions of what one supposedly, innerly believes. Then personal insults. Me, I hate to interfere, but you cannot simply and directly call members of this site 'liars' without bringing forth any evidence. That last post will be edited, unless you bring wax caddeys ah oo dadka beenaale ugu tilmaamtid. Until then, it will be edited. I, however, do agree some qeyladooda orgiga ka weyn about Xabasho invasion. It seems, yes, more oxymoronic and contradictory. However, I don't believe you should have raised those points now, at this crucial stage. Nevertheless, you did, so let me add a few taano of mine. Some's SOLers grievance what is happening today in Soomaaliya stems from more about Maxkamadaha's defeat than seeing Xabasho occupying Soomaaliya, especially Xamar. To them, showing a real concern to a particular political movement or group is better than the subject of occupying Soomaaliya and her citizens suffer. Some have personal clan issues against the Frail Stooge of Xabashadda, C/llaahi Yuusuf. Some others already ayaa laga hayaa inay Soomaalinimo jirin dhahayn, and they don't believe in Soomaalinimo, yet show that much concern about Soomaaliya because of "Islaanimo." Well, Kaashmir Muslim ayaa joogto, maalin walbana la isku laayaa; same with Falastiin, yet no body has shown about their plight more than this emotional, conflicting state of ours on SOL. What is happening in Soomaaliya touches us more than what is happening in Kashmiir, Shishiin, Falastiin or any other Muslims oppressed, suffering on their land. What is this touching? Of course Soomaalinimo. It is a real sad to see some comparing and equaling Soomaalinimo to the Stooges of Xabashadda -- i.e. Cabdillaahi Yuusuf and Geedi and their ilk -- and their qabyaalad-influenced few worshippers of theirs. They have nothing to do with Soomaalinimo, and some of you are doing injustice equaling Soomaalinimo to those few individuals. They are opportunists, Soomaali ku sheeg ah, let alone being caring about Soomaaliya plight. I will, however, for the sake of finishing this long post, tell you what Soomaalinimo is and is all about. Soomaalinimo IS about iskaashi, isbaheysi, iswehelsi, iswadaag, isdhowr, iskufilnaan, istaageerid, midnimo, walaaltinimo, cadaalad -- these and much, much more are qualities about Soomaalinimo, not what a few Soomaali ku sheeg stooges and puppets of Xabashadda do. Soomaalinimo is not about what some Soomaali ku sheeg leaders claim. Soomaalinimo is about what you feel when you had never seen a Soomaali some few years and suddenly come across in some foreign land's small town -- you come across a Soomaali person. It is about exactly what and how you feel inside your beerkaaga iyo uurkaaga. The happiness, the comfort, the walaaltimo, the almost-cannot-wait welcome you have for that individual. Soomaalinimo is about why you never feel stranger to a Soomaali person around you. Never. If iskaashi iyo isbaheysi naga dhaxeeyo, Xabash nama soo haweysan lahayn, let alone kuwa usoo horseedo dalkeena. That was tested in both 1964 and 1977, both which Soomaali gacmaha iswada heysato defeated Amxaaradda. Can we defeat currently Xabashadda while each clan enclave is watching halhal loo cunaayo the other limb of Soomaali body? Yes, Eebbe ha idmo. However, it will be long way, a long way to go, especialy looking the current Waqooyi and Bari leadership are practically sovereign in their local affairs and both juuq iyo jaaq Xabasho ma u dhihi karaan; worse, they try harder to see which one pleases more the Master in Adisababa. They are both avowed enemies of one another, unnecessarily shedding our young brothers' blood. A misplaced hatred, though, where the real enemy is just right there, in our midst. We blindly ignore it. We, even worse, consult with the historical foe how to kill the brother, how to deceive, how to subject, how to enslave. That is what it is, what Xabasho always wanted, having each clan enclave isku ah waraabo iyo dawaco, oo cadowtinimo isku qabo. They also, almost, got other things they wanted the last 500 years -- broke, disunited, each clan enclave under their sphere of influence and domain. The South soo hartayna iskaba dhaaf waxyaabaha ka dhacaayo ma sheegi karno. If Soomaali isbiirsan lahayd waxaan ma dhacayn. We collectively as a Soomaali dareenkii naga dhamaaday and are practically watching what is in Xamar, watching to see part of our own Soomaali body Xabash cuneyso. Why there is no uprising in Baydhabo? In Kismaayo? In Beledweyne? In Bari? In Hargeysa? Why? Anaga waa iska adagnahay, laakiinse the moment Xabasho soo gisho meesha, shib shib naga dhacdaa, cabsi iyo psychological waxee tahay Eebbaa og. Look at Kismaayo today? Laba qabiil xoog inay ku qabsadaan rabo meel ayba shaqo ku lahayn, which is not the point and I digress. The point is the same week Xabasho soldiers abandoned that city to Xamar, maalmo kama soo wareegan when suddenly clan wars started. Many of us do not know this fact, oo la iswada heystaa. Sad. I am not accusing anybody, including myself, but we at least need to be honest, some of us at least have to. That is where the healing of unity starts from. Soomaalinimo haddaa ka cararteen, ogaado nothing, absolutely nothing else will unite Soomaalida. Taas bal ogaada. The only golden time we all united in one goal, from late '40s to mid '70s, we reached the pinnacle of our collective Soomaali height. What united those yesterday Soomaalis? Soomaalinimo. Soomaaliyeey, aan hurdada ka kacno. Soomaaliyeey, aan wada toosno.
  19. Waa lug ina dhaaftay bakhtiga, dhiig badan oo Muslim Chechan ah ayuu qabaa. Haa, oo dagaaladdii hore ee 1994 ciidamo usoo diray dhulkaas Shishiin. Laakiin markii dambe faraha kala baxay markuu gubtay, practically giving them a de facto state of their own. Inkaarqabaha Putin la yiraahdo ayaa dib ugu soo celiye ciidamadda Ruushka in '99, oo dagaal kale lagu ba'ay, lagu jabay koow bilooway. Booris Alkuluuste ma xumeyn, inkastoo dalkiisa ku dheelay dhaqaalihiis where few close so-called 'oligarchies' men la wareegay hantidii dalkaas markuu Soofiyeedka dhacay.
  20. E' nata a Mogadiscio , parla tre lingue ed ha un passato molto fortunato da v.j. per il programma MATCH MUSIC . Ha successo come ospite nei locali più famosi d' Italia ed estero. Protagonista assoluta di " MTV TOUR ". Attualmente e' resident al Café' Atlantique e al New York Bar di Milano . Janet ha affascinato letteralmente il pubblico della notte,grazie al suo carisma e all'ottima e ricercatissima musica . Professional experiences from 1994 to now : 1994/1997 : DJ and Vj for Match Music TV around Italy ; 1997/2003 DJ : Ibiza DC 10 - Pacha Ibiza resident summer '99 - Ibiza km 5 - Amnesia Ibiza (resident summer '98) - Escape (Amsterdam) - Echoes (Riccione) - Pacha (Riccione) - Villa delle rose (Riccione) - Peter Pan (Riccione) - Cocorico' (Riccione) - Tenax (Firenze) - Imsomnia (Pisa) - Fitzcarraldo (Arezzo) - Starcake (Bologna) - Zenith Pacha Ibiza resident summer '99 - Chalet delle Rose (Bologna) - Alien (Roma) - Le 7 (Cannes, Midem 1999) - La Villa (Cannes. Midem 2000) - Le 7 (Cannes - Resident May 2000)- DC 10 (ibiza) resident summer 2000 - Piper (roma) resident on Friday, Winter 2000/2001 - Salvation Ibiza , resident summer 2001 : Salvation Milano, Dehor di Desenzano - Tribeca (Brindisi) 2001/2004 : Mtv One Night 2002/2003 :Kama Kama resident (Viareggio) 2003 : Matis (Bologna) - Divine Follie (Bari) - Nafoura MTV ONE NIGHT 2003/2004 : Mtv Party In Town 2005 : Ral 3018 (Svizzera) - Morandi (Svizzera) - Loft (Roma) - Diabolika (Roma) - Metropolis (Napoli) - Valentino (Ischia) - Kinki (Bologna) - Sottovento (Porto Rotondo) - Movida (Palermo) - Pacha (Palermo) - Prince (Riccione) 2006 : Santo Domingo - Santiago - Tokyo - Miami - Spagna - Svizzera - Italy now : Resident Dj at NEW YORK BAR; Café' Atlantique Milano ; Resident Dj MTV ONE NIGHT-TOUR Music : Absolute House! Languages : English, Spanish, Italian Planning : Play music around the world and fun fun fun!!! Talyaani Courtesy of Google to those Aftalyaani challenged: [she was] been born to [in] Mogadishu, speaks three languages and has a past much lucky person from VJ for program MATCH MUSIC. It [she] has succeeded like host in the more famous premises [people] of Italy and foreign country [internationally]. Absolute protagonist of “MTV TOUR”. Currently [a] resident to the Café Atlantique and the New York Bar of Milan. Janet has literally fascinated the public of the night, thanks to its [her] carisma [charisma] and optimal and ricercatissima music. Professional experiences from 1994 to now: 1994/1997: DJ and Vj for Match Music TV around Italy; 1997/2003 DJ: Ibiza DC 10 - Pacha Ibiza resident summer '99 - Ibiza km 5 - Amnesia Ibiza (resident summer “98) - Escape (Amsterdam) - Echoes (Riccione) - Pacha (Riccione) - Villa of the roses (Riccione) - Peter Pan (Riccione) - Cocorico” (Riccione) - Tenax (Florence) - Imsomnia (Pisa) - Fitzcarraldo (Arezzo) - Starcake (Bologna) - Zenith Pacha Ibiza resident summer “99 - Chalet of the Roses (Bologna) - Alien (Rome) - the 7 (Cannes, Midem 1999) - the Villa (Cannes. Midem 2000) - the 7 (Cannes - Resident May 2000) - DC 10 (Ibiza) resident summer 2000 - Piper (Rome) resident on Friday, Winter 2000/2001 - Salvation Ibiza, resident summer 2001: Salvation Milan, Dehor di Desenzano - Tribeca (Drinks a toast) 2001/2004: Mtv One Night 2002/2003: Kama Kama resident (Viareggio) 2003: Matis (Bologna) - Divine Madnesses (Bariums) - Nafoura MTV ONE NIGHT 2003/2004: Mtv Party In Town 2005: Ral 3018 (Switzerland) - Morandi (Switzerland) - Loft (Rome) - Diabolika (Rome) - Metropolis (Naples) - Valentino (Ischia) - Kinki (Bologna) - Leeward (Round Port) - Movida (Palermo) - Pacha (Palermo) - Prince (Riccione) 2006: Santo Domingo - Santiago - Tokyo - Miami - Spain - Switzerland - Italy now: Resident Dj at NEW YORK BAR; Café” Atlantique Milan ...
  21. Buuxo iyo Aaliya, shaashkiina waa isa saari kartiin, anytime aad rabtiin, laakiinsi ogaado the purpose ka dambeyso shaashsaarka iyo micnihiis. Meel islaamo joogo oo idin og inaadan guursan wali ha iskugu saaranina shaash, haddii kale qarxiskiina meesha ka dhacaayo. Waxyaabaha kale ayaa saaran kartiin sida qamarka ama sifaleetiga.
  22. Eebbe ha u naxariisto, oo u dambi dhaafo -- aamiin, aamiin.
  23. Originally posted by Northerner: Aada la aada, dabamiinshaar/dabajeex miyaa waxaas? Bisinka. Kan ka horeeyo suu u foorarsaday ayaa igu daran, dhawaaqaas yaa u adkeysan karo korkaaga laga ridaayo. Xamareey, dagaal makaa dhamaado. Kistii yarayd ka hartay magaaladdaa ifka ugu jeclaa lasii burburiyo. Oh, Xamar.
  24. Originally posted by Castro: And where was the coward yeey in 2002 when Meles made these unsubstantiated allegations? Probably in an Addis brothel. The Stooge, learning the spinning art of lies from his Master, was, too, talking about argagaxiso joogto dalkeena, specifically a place called Shimbiraale.
  25. Posting same pictures again and agian without a purpose, with one picture each post, that is called trolling and, worse, wasting the site's bandwidth. If you don't have a message than mindless pictures of some individuals in each post, then this section is not for that. This section is intended for debates, not evaluating some men's pictures.