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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Soomaaliyeey toosoo Toosoo isku tiirsadda ee Hadba kiina taagdaranee Taageera waligiinee Idinkaa isku tooqaayoo Idinkaa isku taamahayee Aadamuhu tacliin barayoo Wadankiisa taam yeelyoo Arligiina taako ahoo Sharcigaa isku kiin tolayoo Luuqaddaa tuwaaxid ahoo Kuma kala tegeysaanee Tiro ariyo dhaxalaa Sidiin laydin soo tubiyoo Ninba toban la meel marayoo Cadowgiina idiin taliyee Tuldo geela oo dhacanbaad Toogasho u bareeraan Oo ma dhilkaa dhan ee tageybaan Nina dhagax u tuuraynee Qarankan hubkuu tumayoo Toorayad dhaafaynee Oon taar samaysan karayn Uurkutaalo weynaayee Hadba waxaan la taahaayoo Toggaga ugu gayshaayoo Nin dalkiisii cadow taaboo U tol waayey baan ahayee Hadba waxan la ooyaayoo Ilmadu iiga gubataayoo Ikhtiyaar nin loo diidoo La addoonsadaan ahayee Soomaaliyeey toosoo Toosoo isku tiirsada ee Hadba kiina taag daranee Taageera weligiinee
  2. Wan meeshuu isdhiga lagu gowracaa. Soomaali haddaan nahnay anagaa isdhignay. Daaf ka daaf wareegeyno, duul ka duul wareegeyno adduunweynaha. Dalkeenana dhisan la', ku heshiin la'. Dool dhumay ayaa iska noqonay, oo awood lahayn, qola walba ku istaageyso. Eebba meeshooda ha ugu gargaaro masaakiintaas walaalaheena ah lagu dhibaateynaayo meel ay nabad u raadsadeen.
  3. Koolkat, that is qaraami? Qaraami/qaaci waxaa laga wadaa heesaha tumidooda laga soo deensaday Carabta, siiba Reer Yeman. Waana tee qaadi/garaaci jireen Axmed Naaji iyo Cumar Dhoole [Eebba ha u naxariistee] camal, oo kataaradda kaliya ah, oo aanan electrical instruments ku jirin. Not my kind isbarmuuto, though. Heestaas laakiin heersaro waaye, yaraanteey ayaan jeclaa, even ilaa hadda marmar anoo iska qaadaayo ayaan isarkaa. Aad ayaan ugu xumahay Binti Gacal xanuunka haayo sanadahaan. Hal lug curyaan ka noqotay, waana barartay. Maskiinta Eebba ha u gargaaro.
  4. Aawey waardiyaashii. Every looj hortiisa after midnight waardiyaal ayaa fariisto oo garuun iyo bud isku wato. Ooh, meesha qori ayaa ka socdo miyaa, masaakiintaas waa inay ishubeyaan iyagana. Waxaan xasuustaa waardiyaha Hoteel Ilsan oo markii la gaaro 11 p.m. irida hore quful weyn dhakab ku dhajin jiray, oo boorso jaad ah iyo bud weyn agtiisa isa soo dhigi jiray. He doesn't care waxa ku jiro oo marti ah hoteelka ama kuwa ka maqan. Habeen aan kusoo daahay guriga ayeeydeey, oo hooyadeey markaas kusoo degtayna oo ku dhagan hoteelka igu xiray. Markuu furayna lahaa, "War meeqo saac baa socotaa ..." Wah, 11:30 fiidnimo lee waaye ku dhahay.
  5. [quoteThe bed ridden guy's nickname Is more famous than his real name. You know what they call Him? You cant believe but its normal, for Reer Burco are so good at such art of Naming Individuals . By The way They call him NABICADHEEYE They say he never talks good about no one in his lifetime thus the NIcnamed him that way. Wuxuuba jiro sariirta ula koray habaarka dadka maala aqbalay? Nabicareeye? Nabiga muxuu ka kasbaday caradda keenay?
  6. A very emotional and subdued Soomaali legends singing the full version of Soomaaliyeey Toosoo. It is very touching, ee marka fiirso. The legends such as Xasan Aaden Samatar, Khadro Daahir iyo Cabdiqaadir Jubba are all lined up, and joined on the stage by other notables: Nakruuma, Cabdi Dige, C/jabaar Khaliiji and the then upcoming Sheegoow Band. The show, which was a fundraising event for Red Cresent, happened in early '90s in Koronto. [Two well-known former Waaberi (and whom I personally know) guitarists are in too: Cabdicasiis Dhoore and Cali Atoore. Seeing C/casiis Dhoore oo la boodboodaayo kataaradiis, who had since become wadaad, was priceless.]
  7. Xabiibi [haa, haa, hoo, hoo] Xiddigeygii ayaad tahayee Xareed ii dadee Xeebtii Xamar adigaan Kasoo xushee Wixii la xaraaaaaaar Wixii la xaraar igu haayo Xiisahaaga waayee Hay xoorinee Xabadka i saaree Xabiibi, [haa, haa, hoo, hoo, haa, haa, hoo, hoo] Xabbadii jaceylkaaga Aan la xanuunsadee Intii aan xabaal galin Xaasil ii imoow Wixii la xaraaaaaaar Wixii xaraar igu haayo Xiisahaaga waayee Hay xoorinee Xabadka i saaree Xabiibi [haa, haa, hoo, hoo, haa, haa, hoo, hoo] Xiligaan dhexdiisa Intaan xaashi kuu dhigee Xisaab laguma gaari karee Waa xaq la'aanee Wixii la xaraaaaar Wixii la xaraar igu haayo Xiisahaaga waayee Hay xoorinee Xabadka i saaree Xabiibi, xabiiiiiiibi [Haaaaaaa, haaaaaa, xabiibi, haaaaaa, haaaaa, hoo, hoo] Alla yaa cisag. Yaa salaam. Waxaas ayaa la dhahaa hees jaceyl inta kale been. You can watch a classic video of it on here by the one and the only feynuuska fanka Faadumo Qaasin Hilowle.
  8. Shacabka gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose si carro leh iyo walaac xun ka muujiyen talaabadii xaqdarrada iyo xadgudubta axdiqarameedka iyo dastuurka federaalka oo saldhig iyo tiirka asaasiga dowladda u ah in Madaxweynaha DFKS si bareer sharciga qaranka aan waafaqsanayniin ugu xalaalaye beelo ka soo duulay Galgaduud iyo Mudug xoogna ku qabsade deegaano dad kale leeyihiin. Shacabka gobolka waxaa madaxweynaha ku la talinaayan in ragan gacan ku dhigleyaasha dambi ka galay shacabka masaakiinta waxba galabsanin 16 sano, laaye ama barakiciyey dad ku dhow 85.000 qof gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose, si naxariis darro beerahoodi iyo hantidoodi maguurte xog ku qabsaday, maxkamad “HAGUE” la soo taago ayagoo lagu soo oogayo dacwad xasuuq, kufsiga, dilka dadka masaakiinta intii masuuliyad maamul loo dhiibi lahaa oo aan waafaqsanayn dastuurka federaaliga oo awooda siinaaya dadka deegaanka u dhashay (indigenous people) in iskooda ismaamulan. Waa wax lagu danqado caqliga suubani diidaayo, qarniga maanta la joogo meel adoonsi ka dhacay Shabeelaha Hoose ayaa jirtay. Bulshadii ku nooleydi gobolka sidii la doono ayaa laga yeelay nin la dilay oo xaaskiis, gurigiis, hantidiis iyo beertiis la dhaxlay Shabeelaha Hoose bey ka dhacday. Dad beero lagu fasho, dhabarkooda bilaash lagu rarto, biyihii webiga laga gado, maatadii laga faraxumeeyo, hablaha xoog lagu dareersado dib dambena la arag,gobolada dhexe iyo meel ka fog inta la geeyo waxaa ka dhacay gobolkan oo xoog lagu aabsaday 16 sano. Waa marag madoonto waxaa gobolkan ka dhacay kufsiga, dhaca, dilka iyo xadgudubyada kale lidi ku ah xuquul insaanka shareecada Islaamka xeerka soo jireenka ah ee dhaqanka Soomaaliyed, axdiga dowladda federaalka Soomaaliyed iyo qawaaniinta caalamiga. Masiibadanii ka dhacday gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose qoraal laguma soo koobi karo, masuulkeeda waxaa iska leh raga xoog ku qabsadey oo madaxweynaha dfks ku magacowday in markale madax ka sii noqdan gobolka dambi ka galen. Ragaan madaxweynaha soo magacoday gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose waxaa masuul ka yihiin nolol aad u adag, adoonsi, faqri, macluul, barakac xaddhaaf taariikhda wadanka Soomaaliya xer la mid ah reer Falastiin oo dhulkooda iyo beerahooda gumeysiga Yahuudda xoog ku qabsaday iyo Afrika Koonfureed xilligii midabtakoorka cadaanka yar wadanka gumeysan jireen oo beerahii iyo dhulkii tiro yar cadaan xoog ku maquuniye. Mudane Cabdullahi Yuusuf waa madaxweynahii ugu horeyo taariikhda aduunka soo magacaabo “dad dambiile ah isla goobtii dambiga ka galeen madax-maamul ka noqdan” kaas aan u aragno sharaf dhac,xaqiraad iyo yasid loo maleeqaayo shacabka nabadda jacel ee [qabiil] oo aan ka qeyb qaadan burburinta qaranka Soomaaliyed. Falsafada gobolkaygi anaa leh- kaaga waan kuula qeybsanaa- nama qancinayso, sababta loo diday rag ka tirsa [qabiil] in maamulka gobolka Banaadir loogu daro ayagoo weli xaq ay ku leeyihiin ama gobolka Puntland iyo gobolada kale ee wadanka marka gobolkooda Shabeelaha Hoose si caddaalad darro iyo qaaynuunka ka baxsan loo faragelinayo. Jaale Madaxweyne arin xaq uma aragno koox ama qabiil xasilooni diid,dhibka iyo shiddowadayaal doonaynin nidaam iyo kala dambayn oo xoog ku haysto guryo dowladeed,dad gaar ay leeyihiin iyo hantida qaranka kale oo u diidan soomali aayaheeda ka tashato lagu abaalmariyo jagooyin gobol aan u dhalan xoog ku joogan dastuurka federaaliga waafaqsanaynin. Taariikh madoob iyo niyad jab weyn ayaa la gudbonaate shacabka gobolka oo ka rajeynaayan dowladda federaalka is bedel ku dhisan cadaalad iyo sinnaan ee waafaqsan nidaamka federaaliga. Dowladda federaalka waxaa aan ka codsanaynaa in arintan ay dib u noqdan oo ayna u dhaqman si dowladnimo oo ay shacabkooda ula dhaqman si ku dhisan cadaaladda iyo sinaan. Waxaa aan ka codsanaynaa mudane Sheekh Aadan Madoobe asago ah culumaudiin ku barbaare gobolkan kana tirsan madaxda [qabiil] iyo asagoo ah guddomiyaha golaha barlamaanka federaaliga k. Soomaaliyed kuna fadhiyo kursiga qoomiyadda [qabiil] shaqsiyyan in hormuud ka noqdo talaabadan lagu soo celinaayo sharafta iyo karaamada iyo jiritaanka shacabka gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose muddo dheer ku noolayd cadaalad darro iyo dulmi. Waxaa kale aan ka codsanaynaa xildhibaanada [qabiil] wakiilka ka ah gobolkan hurdada ka toosan codkoodana la maglo, si degdeg ahna ka shiran arintan murugta leh khatar gelinaaya jiritaanka iyo mustaqbalka gobolka. Aqonyahaanada gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose waxaa aan ka codsanaynaa in ay bilaaban dagaal diblomasiyadeed (resistenza passiva) si caalamka oo dhan loga dhaadhicin lahaa khatarta ku sugan shacabka ku nool gobolka. Waxaa kale ka codsanaynaa beelaha kale ee soomaaliyed ee nabadda jacel in nala garab istaagan si xuquuqdeeni, sharafteeni iyo maamulka gobolkeeni dib u soo ceshan laheeni. Waa waajib muqaddas ah in shacabka soomaaliyed u istaagan dhibaatada lagu haayo shacabkii aan hubeysnayn. 1. Suldaan Maxamed Cabdalle Maxamed 2. Nabadoon Cabdiqaadir Maanuur Aamiyoow 3. Dr. Xaaji Cabaas J. Maxamed. 4. Caaqil Shariif Hamsa Suufi 5. Nabadoon Aweys Xaaji Marwaale 6. Gaashaanle Cabdiqaadir Xaaji Maxamed 7. Nabadoon Baaba Abuusheekh Cismaan 10.Nabadoon Maxamed Muuse 11.Nabadoon Calaawi Xaaji. 12.Dr Maxamed Axmed Qaasin 13.Nabadoon Sheekh Macallin 14.Nabadoon Rashiidi Xaaji Nuur 15.Nabadoon Jeylaani Sayid Sanadi FIIRO GAAR:Inta damiirka leh ee ka damqanaysa dhibaatada dadka tabarta daran iyo dulmiga DFKS ka wado Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose Fadlan kala xiriir Email: dulmigadfks@yahoo.co.uk Xigasho [NB - Edited for clarification and grammar.]
  9. A call to stop installation of an illegal adminstration ROCHESTER, MN- Southern Somali Union expresses its deep concern over the returning systematic victimization of our unarm[ed] population of Lower Shebelle, Jubas, Gedo and coast of Banadir residence who have suffered excessively during the past sixteen years under the brutal warlords. We call and urge Somalia’s Transitional Federal government authority to stop its clandestine hostility covered under the name of Administration building, favoring former oppressors of Southern Somali citizens to control and dominate recently launched administration for these regions. We are deeply troubled by the official announcement in print out of the Transitional Federal government office in Mogadishu relating to published activities to bring back a remnant of former notorious warlord Yusuf Indhacade’s men who have perpetuated unimaginable crimes against the local people over a decade now. Any consideration given to incorporate these know criminals into the fold of a genuine administration building process desired by the people of these localities will bring back grievances related to the past abuses and injustice that has not been resolved. We call on the President to do the right thing and ask his administration to take back these nominations of criminal intent. We also make a similar call and request to the Members of Transitional Federal Parliament to show some courage and nullify this unjust decision. It is least to say, we are utterly disappointed these men can even be considered to administer a place they had ransack for many years, and are under direct implication of being partially if not fully responsible of delegating their militia-men from central Somalia to murder, gang rape, arrest and deport innocent civilians out of their homes. They had forcefully confiscated many fertile farmlands belonging to these victims, and in the process cut off their source of food and shelter creating total dependency and starvation. Henceforth, we the Southern Somali Union believe that Somalia needs effective political and administrative government institutions were the Federal Charter is used as medium to safeguard any confusion that can stem from its application. The Transitional Charter specifies a decentralized federal government where everyone is entrusted to peacefully govern their region without any fear of criminal intruders being rewarded to score political pointers. Therefore, we call on the Transitional Federal Government and Members of Parliament to uphold and abide by the Federal Charter and correct any mistakes that was made in this process as soon as possible. Sheekh Nuur Abuukar Qaasin Chairman of International Affairs Southern Somali Union sheiknor@gmail.com Dowlad ku sheeg aan awood lahayn iyo caddaalad ka dheer ayeeba jawaab ka sugayaan.
  10. Dowlad ku sheeg stooge Xabash u ah awalba wax wanaag habayaratee ma laga sugeynin. Taas aan iska dhigno meel horta. Indhamadoowe iyo Maxkamadihii ayaa lagu xaman jiray Shabeelladda Hoose inay ku amarfaleen, oo ku amartaagleen jireen, oo dadka deegaankaas deggan aan xaqooda la siin. Well, what did the dowlad ku sheega Xabashadda puppet u ah did? Those are the men they nominated to gobolkaas mid walba xaaraantiis ka quursan la.' [The bolded names were those who worked with Indhamadoowe's regime.] So-called Maamulka Gobolka: 1. Cabdiqaadir Shiikh Maxamednuur – Gud. Gobolka. 2. Cabdullaahi Muuse Abuukar G/K Arr. Siyaasadda 3. Maxamed Ibraahim Xuseen G/K Arr. Dhaqaalaha 4. Maxamed Maxamuud Weheliye G/K Arr. Nabadgelyada 5. Jaamac Yuusuf Warsame G/K Arr. Bulshada 6. Korneel Aadan Xasan Cali Taliyaha Nabadsugidda 7. Dhamme Cabdinuur M. Sh. Maxamed T/K/X/Nabdsugidda 8. Cali Aadan Cali Taliyaha Booliska 9. Gaashaanlehexe Siidoow Shiikh Xassan T/K/X/Booliska 10. Cabdullaahi Cabdi Cumar Xoghayaha Gobolka 11. Korneel Xasan Ibraahim Aadan Taliyaha Asluubta 12.Gaashaanle Maxamed Cali Macalin T/K/X/Asluubta 13. Sh. Sayid Sh. Abbaa Sh. Calimaye G/Maxkamadda 14. Maxamed Shiikh Cali G/K/X/Maxkamadda 15. Dr. Shariif Cali Kuuloow G/M/Racfaanka 16. Dr. C/Raxmaan Muuse Maxamed G/K/X/M/Racfaanka So-called Maamulka Degmadda Afgooye: 1. Maxamaed Cumar Muudeey G.Deg.Afggooye 2. Xasan Axmed Macallin G/K/X Arr.Nabad 3. Dr.Cali Cusman Siyaad G/K/X/Bulshada 4. Cali Cismaan [Cali Kuus] G/K/X/Dhaqalaha 5. Dr. Max’ed Shukri Sheekh. XisaabiyahaD/Hoose 7. Mukhtaar Qaasin Cali Ag.W.H/Hoose 8. Saciid Maxamed Faarax Ag.W.M/Canshuraha 9. Maxamednuur Sheekh Cadde Qasnajiga Degmada 10. Sh.Maxamed Xirsi Siyaad G.Maxkamadda 11. ......
  11. This thread inta laga gaaraayo Kowda Luulyo maalin walba sadex calan ayaa laga taagaa oo xuska dalkeena ah.
  12. MMA, I used to love this song in 2000, until my heard me listing and said "naa maxaytahay heestaan calaalka ah, oo maalin kaso markaan gaariga sookoro kuu daaran, ma nin baa u oyn"... Gabar aan shaqo isla adi jirnay waagaas -- 2000 -- ayaa iyadana ku qafiiftay Qabrigii Jaceylka markaas mar labaad soo baxday oo la cusbooneysiiye. Baabuurkeeda ee shideysaba cajalka asagaaba isdaari jiray. Qabrigii jaceylkoo, quraankaan ku mariyee ...
  13. Another ultimate cabaad iyo calaacal classic video by the one and the cute Mariisa Karboone. [Originally sung by Luul Jeylaani.] Gafkaan guddi oon u gaystee Iiga garsoora maala waayee Gindi waaye jaceylkee Waaye jeceylkee Adigoon geeriyoobinee God kaama dhaafaayee Waa I gubee Waa I gamaariyee Goor dhaaxaan gegsahaayayee Gebagabeysa la soo gaaree Gogol yaa loo dhigaa oo Ii gargooniyaa Anigaa go’doomayee Garabkeyga go’ayee Goojiyaahee Guulba la bilo Guul aan giyo waayee .... Mariisa Karboone [is she alive qofta horta?]
  14. Cumar Shooli u sheeg asagaa calaacalaayee, ani ha ii sheegin nooh.
  15. Freedom had been granted without a fight; no insurgency like Kenya's Mau Mau or civil war as happened in Zimbabwe. The ultimate misinformation and misleading #1. So, Md. Riyaale, Sayidka [Eebba ha u naxariistee] was fighting against some walls, aha? And his jihaad took place in Saambiya miyaa? omaliland was seen as a place of promise, where races, religions and people from different backgrounds got on well. Misinformation #2. There were no different races and religions in Soomaaliya. Not even a significant ethnic issues, since almost all were Soomaalis by ethnicity. In 1985 , the North known today as the Republic of Somaliland sought to regain its independence and so began a war of liberation. MIsinformation #3. [PS - What was Riyaale doing in 1985? Fighting in the bushes for the 'liberation' and 'indepedence'? Or interrogating and imprisoning as a senior official of the regime the poor masses who were anti-Kacaan?] ...along the banks of the Maroodijeex river that flows through Hargeisa... Misinformation #4. There is no 'river' that passes in Hargeysa. It is har, which bears the name sake of the city "har" iyo "gees" -- har-geeska. Historically, our marriage with the South wasn't that long when you think of countries like Czechoslovakia, which lasted almost a century before creating the Czech and Slovak republics. But like the nations of Eastern Europe that split from the Soviet Union, or Eritrea in its break from Ethiopia, the divorce is permanent and this is the key to understanding Somaliland. Misinformation #5. Comparing Czechslovia and Soomaaliya is completely even outside of usual oranges and apples formula. Nor the Itoobiya's forceful annexation and occupation of Eritrea. ------------ It was a day of celebration. Freedom had been granted without a fight; no insurgency like Kenya's Mau Mau or civil war as happened in Zimbabwe. Fond of the brutal British colonialization #1. Indeed, many of the British civil servants were sad to leave and some stayed on as welcome members of our new republic. Fond of the brutal British colonialization #2. English — our second language in the North — was spurned by the Italian-speaking south Fond of the brutal British colonialization #3. We were separate for 80 years as a British protectorate, gained our independence with the Queen's signature on it... Fond of the brutal British colonialization #4. Riyaale, nice try. Even the neocon and anti-Islaam paper, Washington Times, cannot help you with all those deliberate misinformation, I guess.
  16. Dumar kale ma caashaqin Hadal dambe kumaan oran Dooqaagu wuxuu rabo Kolan deenba kuu galo Wali diiday kuma oran Dadku wuu dagaalaa Dabadeed heshiiyaa Inaad raacdo duul kale Ma wax loo dulqaataa Naftaydii diidayoo Kama daadigaysee Adaa seegay dowgee Iga durug walaaleey Haatan dayradaadaa Ku dadaalayayoo Ima diirinaysidee Ogoow dumarku kaa badan Waan kaa daldoorsaday Dusha ha iga xaganinee La dabaalo La dabaalo caashaqa Waan kaa daldoorsaday Dusha ha iga xaganinee La dabaalo La dabaalo caashaqa Dambi kaama aan gelin Duleed kagamaan tegin Hablaha da'daadana Daandaansi daayoo Dibnahayga uma furin Adigey daraadaa Daqaradu ii gaareen Inaad iiga durugtaa Ma wax loo dulqaataa Daruur ii da'aysiyo Dabeel caafimaad baan Deeqooy ku moodee Waxad tahay tu ii daran Haatan dayradaadaa Ku dadaalayaayoo Ima diirinayside Ogoow dumarku kaa badan Waan kaa daldoorsaday dusha ha iga xaganinee La dabaalo La dabaalo caashaqa Waan kaa daldoorsaday dusha ha iga xaganinee La dabaalo La dabaalo caashaqa Dambiga waxaa dhigay Wadnahayga doqonkee Kaa doortay dumarkoo Aad daryeeli weydoo Wali daacad kuu qaba Dadbuu ku moodee Adiguna dad naariyo Inaad dacalka goysaa Ma wax loo dulqaataa Dayaxoo aleeliyo Waa duulkii suleeqaan Dadka kaaga soocdee Waxaad tahay habeen dama Haatan dayradaadaa Ku dadaalayaayoo Ima diirinayside Ogoow dumarku kaa badan Waan kaa daldoorsaday dusha ha iga xaganinee La dabaalo La dabaalo caashaqa Waan kaa daldoorsaday dusha ha iga xaganine La dabaalo La dabaalo caashaqa Heestaan ayaan mp3 ka dhageysanoyaa beerka ayaa i jilcay. Waala i taabtay wax [qof] baas soo xasuustay.
  17. Because the our beautiful Soomaali calan is unique in African sense, unlike the pan-Afrikan [which is based on the original Itoobiyaan colours] and the pan-Carab flags usually found on the continent. Ours is unique in that sense.
  18. Me, Soomaaliyeey toosooy ma xumo. Have you listened the anthem based on Soomaaliyeey toosooy? Aad ayee u maqal wacantahay. Abwaan, dad ayaa calankaas caalamka laga aqoonsanyahay, oo quruxdiis loo jeedo ayaa maseer ka haayo. Kaaga sii daranee calanakas waa kooda, meeshee ugu farxi lahayeen ayee bogus history lasoo shirtagayaan. Calankeen waa jiraa, wuuna jiray, waana unique, asali ah, oo adduunweynaha laga wada aqoonsanyahay muuqaalkiis wanaagsan oona Soomaalinimo u taagan. Diida ama naca, idinka lee ha isnicina. Mar labaad ka naxoow nafta waa. Calanoow waligaa jir. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: quote:Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Calan Soomaali diidoow silic u ... dh ... [/QB]Ha xishoon nooh sideyda camal ee dhameystir oraahdaas.
  19. Qoloba calankeed waa caynoo Inaga keenu waa cirkoo kale ee Aan caadna lahayn ee caashaqa Xiddigyaheey cadi waana ciidamisee Cadceedda sideedaa u caan noqo ee ------------ Calan suubanoow Samadda u ekoow Maalintii la suray .............. Waa in aynu u sara kacnaa Salaan la hortagnaa U sacabtumaa [shax shax shax] ------------- Ka naxoow nafta waa. Calan Soomaali diidoow silic u ...
  20. Xaniifa, ever been to Windsor on early July? There is a huge, huge fireworks arranged by both municipal governments of Windsor, Ontario, and Detroit, Michigan. It usually happens the days between the 1st and the 4th of July. [Which is mostly either the 2nd and 3rd.] Equally, the fireworks is sent from the middle of the international river between the two cities. That is what I call some real agreed mutual compromise. However, there is no compromise of where people watch from the fireworks. By vast overwhelming majority, including the Michigan residents, watch from the Windsor side since it has cleaned waterfront parks. Detroit does not have that, nor is it safe to be downtown at midnight.
  21. Criteria After a quick survey of outstandingly good and bad flags, I was able to come up with some basic rules or advice to countries designing flags. Rule 1: Do not write the name of your country on your flag. This just seemed obvious to me. Nevertheless, there are some countries that will flout it (like Guam), and they need to be severely punished. Perhaps they think that their citizens might forget the name of their country. This rule turns out to be difficult to police because of the silly things that countries like Rwanda and the U.S. Virgin Islands will do to get around it. And there a deeper problem of unoriginality here. It's just wrong to have writing on your flag. It subverts the ideals of flag design. Hence: Rule 1a: Do not write on your flag. I also felt that I ought to pick out some types of written things on flags for special punishment, besides the name of the country. Rule 1b: Do not write some ****** slogan on your flag. British colonies and former colonies love putting widdly little coats of arms on their flags with Latin slogans like 'et cetera' and 'Caecilius est in horto' on them (e.g. Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands). This is because junior civil servants in the Crown Office of Naming Other People's Countries want to show off how valuable their Etonian education is. Even this is not the worst. Some British civil servants do not even have an Etonian education. [sNIP] Rule 2: Do not put a map of your country on your flag. When someone is travelling around your country, where do you think they will look if they need a map? Bzzt! No, they won't look at the flag. Especially not if it has such a bad colour scheme as Cyprus's. Quite apart from the total uselessness of having a map on your flag, it really shows that a country hasn't gone to any effort if that's the best they can think of. I mean, if we just let people put maps on their flags, everyone could do that, and then there wouldn't be any need for any design effort to go into flags. Actually, to generalise this rule a little, you can't just put pictures of things on flags. It looks wrong. Flags are supposed to be iconic. They're a shrine to the national spirit, not a tourist brochure. Accordingly: Rule 2a: Do not put a picture of anything on your flag. That's right: no pictures. Especially not of sheep (are you listening, Falkland Islands?) or parrots (this means you, Dominica!). Stylised logos based on representations are OK (Albania is pushing it) but representational art is out. More
  22. How does the Soomaali flag fair in the international flag competition by aesthetic and design? Some guy compiled and rated them. Our flag rates fairly well. In the fourth place, receiving an A or 86 out of 100. Not bad. Only Gaambiya's, Bakistaan's and Jabbaan's flags, respectively, are ahead of the Soomaali flag. The following is the rate given. I think this one beats Vietname by just a little, owing to superior colour choice and a smaller star. The labels given to Soomaali flag: Good colours Good shape Simple The site is fun ee check it out. I like the colonial nonsense label given to some flags that have miniature of British flag on the top of their flags. Australia, New Zealand, et cetera. Plagiarism label, too.
  23. Juun Labaatan iyo Lixdeeda waa maalintii ugu horeysay dhul Soomaaliyeed gumeysiga ku jiray laga saaray, calanka muuqaalka qurxoona laga taagay, ee u dabaaldageeda waaba xaq. Kowda Luulyana waxee u taagantahay maalin midnimada Soomaaliyeed laga dhabeeye. Waana xaq saaran Soomaali walba, adiga Soomaaliya ku sugana ka koow in uu ahaado la rabay, in uu u dabaaldego. ------------ Originally posted by Nephthys: I can start putting together some home made explosive's for the special day, I also know a place to fire them off. Getting there is a different story laakin! We don't have to make or buy fireworks or firecrack anaga on here. Kanada does it for us officially for Kowda Luulyo. Baless Kanada. O, Kanada, our harsh home and native land of marax and maraxnimo...true thy ciyaal kuni kuni sons command...forsaken north, weak and unliberated...
  24. Originally posted by rudy: come again miskiin! u seem to be speaking the phorah language... can u translate that into somali... baleez Shur, waay noot. Kooy wal kiin sheegee, hooba dheegta doogeyga adi goroda doonta. Kastee, widaayoow, mise in kiiga noqo fadaasee?
  25. Have anyone watched the interesting documentary by PBS of some Soomaali ['Bantu'] refugees original ordeal and how they adjusted when they got to Mareykanka? From the refugee camps in Kenya to the shock of seeing the first snow [and cutely wondering the 'smoke' from their mouths, without smoking] at their arrival in a New Jersey airport on their way to Massachusetts. It was re-broadcasted tonight, which I think was a week after its original broadcast. Very, very interesting characters. I especially was touched by a brief scene at the end of the documentary, when Arbaay's daughter, Khadiijo, marries. On the wedding reception, it was very traditional, very Soomaali-like, the complete hidaha iyo dhaqanka. They are still proud of their Soomaalinimo, in spite of every hardship soo mareen, oo loo geystay. Aaden Iidoow and Madiina Cali Yuunye family. And Arbaay Barre Cabdi family. And their struggles in America. When the heating at Aaden and Madiina's home is cut-off. Their food stamps cut off as well. And finally moving from their expensive rental apartment to a public housing. Their oldest child dropping from high school after a year because the courses were too hard on him. I think the documentary should be available online by now. ------------ After more than a decade in a refugee camp in Kenya, to which they had fled to escape the civil wars tearing apart the Horn of Africa, two Somali Bantu families are stunned to learn in early 2004 that they will finally be allowed to immigrate to America. The resettlement plan began under Clinton in 1999, was interrupted by September 11th, and began again late in 2003. The families are, in a Somali Bantu expression, grateful recipients of bish-bish, which translates literally as "splash-splash," indicating the first rains after a long drought ("rain in a dry land") and, by extension, resettlement in America. In a world teeming with desperate refugees, where barren camps like the U.N.-supported Kakuma in Kenya become permanent rather than temporary fixtures on troubled borders, a ticket to the United States may be the ultimate bish-bish. "Rain in a Dry Land" chronicles, in their own poetic words, the first 18 months of the American lives of Arbai Barre Abdi and her children and Aden Edow and Madina Ali Yunye and their children. Beginning with "cultural orientation" classes in Kenya, where they are introduced to such novelties as electric appliances and the prospect of living in high-rise apartment buildings, the film follows the Muslim families on divergent yet parallel paths as they learn that the streets in America are definitely not paved with gold, especially for poor immigrants. The families' sponsors — Jewish Family Services in Springfield, Massachusetts, and World Relief in Atlanta, have pledged six months of support, which gives the families a daunting learning curve to take themselves from the 19th century to the 21st. The film measures the distance from an African refugee camp to an American city and asks what it means to be a refugee in today's "global village," providing answers in the stories of two families whose response to 21st-century culture shock presents an uncommon portrait of human persistence in the face of social disorder and change. More