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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Sacdiya Axmed Sahal, a sister, a mother and a nursing student, and along with her daughter, Hana, is still missing and possibly trapped under that murky waters of Mississippi River after that doomed bridge collapsed in Minneapolis last week. Still no word of her and her two-year-old daughter several days after the bridge collapsed. Her family and the two young victims themselves need our prayers. Please, pray for them. Eebba ha u gargaaro walaasheen, hana ku nabad yeelo meeshee joogtaba -- aamiin.
  2. Hal Sano ayaa ka soo wareegatay Markii la dilay Cabdalla Deerow Isaaaq, iyadoo ilaa iyo hadda la Maxkamadeyn ciddii ka dilkaas ka dambeysay Muqdisho, 30/July/2007 - Muddo hal sano ah ayaa ka soo wareegtay maalintii Magaalada Baydhabo lagu dilay Marxuum Cabdalle Deerow ***** oo xilligaas ahaa Wasiirkii Dastuurka iyo Arrimaha Federaalka Soomaaliya, waxaa dilka Marxuumka fuliyay nin Bustoolad ku hubeysanaa sida ay sheegeen dad arkayay markii dilka dhacayay. Waxay ahayd maalin Jimcaha taariikhduna ahayd 28 Luulyo 2006 waxaa magaalada Baydhabo dil toogasho ah lagu dilay Marxuum Cabdalla Deerow ***** oo ahaa siyaasi iyo aqoonyahan maqaam sare kaga jiray taariikhda siyaasadeed ee qowmiyaada [qabiil] e uu Marxuumka ka dhashay. Dilka Cabdalla Deerow oo salka ku haya shirqool siyaasadeed abaabulan oo si gurracan loo soo maleegay ayaa wuxuu ku reebay laabta dhammaan dadyowga [.......] utun iyo gocasho waarta oo hore u gilgishay kuna reebtay xasuus xun oo maskaxda iyo wadnaha gunta u fadhida oo loo aanaynayo dilalka ku salaysan shirqoolka siyaasadeed eel ala beegsaday Marxuumka xilli uu Salaada Khudbada ama Jimcaha ka soo baxay. Dilka Marxuum Cabdalla Deerow ***** wuxuu dib u soo nooleeyay xasuustii murugada leh ee dilalka abaabulan ee gaamuray oo lagula kacayay Siyaasiyiinta Soomaalida, gaar ahaan dadka [.........] waxay qabaan in dhawr jeer oo hore dad iyaga ka tirsan la dilay qaarna dil qorsheysanaa ka badbaadeen sida hogaamiyihii (HDM) Ustaad Cusmaan Maxamed Xuseen oo ahaa hal-abuurihi nidaamka federaalka ee Soomaaliya oo bishii Maajo, 1952-dii shirqool abaabulan lagu dilay. Waxaa kaloo xusid mudan in sanadkii 1957 siyaasigii waynaa ee [.......] Marxuum Cadiqaadir Maxamed Aadan "Zope" uu Ilaahay ka badbaaday isku day dil ku salaysan shirqool siyaasadeed. Haddaba dilka Marxuum Cabdalla Deerow ***** ayaa Magaalada Baydhabo ka abuuray maalintaas iyo wixii ka dambeeyay rabshado keenay in ganacsigii Magaalada uu xirmo. Waxaa dilka Marxuumka loo xirxiray ilaa iyo 20-meeyo dad ah kuwaas oo markii dambe mid ka mid ah la rumeysanaa in uu isago geystay dilka. Ilaalada Madaxtooyada Dowladda Federaalka ayaa la sheegay mar in uu damac ka galay in ninkii geystay ama la rumeysanaa inuu Deerow dilay dibadda loo dhoofiyo markii ay isku deeyeen inay xabsiga kala baxaan, waxaase arrintaas ka hor yimid qoyska Marxuum Deerow. Mid ka mid ah Xaasaskii Marxuumka ayaa xilligii uu socday shirkii Khartoum ee lagu dhexdhaxaadinayay Dowladda iyo Maxkamadihii Islaamiga waxay qaylo dhaan Caalami ah ku sheegtay in dilkii Nin-keedi ay ka dambeeyeen Maxkamadihii Islaamiga, laakiin taasi waxaa beeniyay Ibraahim Xasan Caddow oo xilligaas ugu sareeyay ergada wadahadalada Maxkamadaha Islaamiga u tagay Khartoum. Dad badan ayaa markaasi u arkay hadalka Xaaskii Deerow in ujeeddo Siyaasadeed laga lahaa oo uusan ka dhab ahayn. Mar aan bishii Janaayo kula kulmay Xamdi oo ahayd Xaaskii Deerow ee eeda u soo jeedisay Maxkamadihii Islaamiga Hotelka Global ee Magaalada Muqdisho waxaan weydiiyay hal arrin oo ahayd in ay ii sheegto caddeymada u haysato in ninkeeda ay dileen Maxkamadihii balse jawaab fiican waxay ka bixi weysay arrintaas. Waxaa jirta in dad badan ay aaminsan yihiin in falkii lagu dilay Deerow ay ka dambeeyeen xubno ka tirsan Madaxda Dowladda Soomaaliya, laakiin warkaasi ma kala cada maxaa yeelay Dowladda waa ay ka war wareegtay inay sii daba gasho kooxihii ka dambeeyay dilkii Deerow. Shaki kuma jiro in dilka Deerow uu ahaa arrimo Siyaasadeed, waxaase dhici karta in xilligan wax kasta lagu dhawaaqi Karin. Hadaba Qoyskii Marxuumka ayaa u baahan maalin maalmaha ka mid ah inay arkaan dadkii ka dambeeyay dilka Deerow in Maxkamad la soo taago lana mariyo cadaaladda. TAARIIKHDII MARXUUM CABDALLA DEEROW ***** Marxuum Cabdalla Deerow ***** wuxuu sanadkii 1950 ku dhashay Tuulada Ceelgaras ee gobolka Bakool wuxuuna waxbarashadiisa dugsiga Qur’aanka ku bilaabay isla Tuulada Ceelgaras oo u dhaxaysa degmada Tijeeglow iyo degmada Xudur ee gobolka Bakool. Marxuumka ayaa waxbarashadiisa aasaasiga (Scuola Elementare ) wuxuu ku soo qaatay magaalooyinka Xudur iyo Baydhabo, wuxuuna markii uu dhamaystay noqday macalin PP (Primary Programme Teacher), wuxuuna markii danbe uu ku guulaystay imtixaanki loo geli jiray Kulliyadii Tababarka Macalimiinta ee Lafoole ( Lafole College of Education) oo uu waxbarasho ka billaabay wuxuuna ku takhasusay English (Major/History (Minor). Markii uu ka qalinjebiyay Lafoole bishii December 1979 ayaa waxaa loo diray degmada Xudur wuxuuna noqday maamulaha Dugisga Sare ee Xudur intii u dhaxaysay 1981-1990. Ka dib markii la riday xukuumadii uu madaxda ka ahaa Maxamed Siyaad Barre wuxuu Cabdalla Deerow ku biiray ururkii SDM (Somali Democratic Movement). Cabdala Deerow ***** wuxuu door lama ilawaan ah ka qaatay u gargaaridda dadkii ay ka habsadeen masiibooyinkii uu beni'aadamku abuuray ee sababay in ay macluul u geeriyoodaan maalin kasta boqolaal ka mid ah dadkii ku dhaqnaa gobolada Baay iyo Bakool wuxuuna Cabdala Deerow ***** ka hawlgalayay xaruumaha quudinta magaalada Baydhabo iyo nawaaxigeeda asagoo la shaqaynayay ururka samafalka ee magaciisa loo soo gaabiyo CRS (Catholic Relief Services). Marxuum Cabdalla Deerow ***** wuxuu ka mid ahaa ragii fara ku tiriska ahaa ee joogay Baydhabo 17/09/1995 markii uu general Maxamed Faarax Caydiid uu xoog iyo faramaroorsi ku qabsaday magaalada Baydhabo uuna afgembiyey maamul goboleedkii ugu horeeyey ee ay samaystaan qowmiyada [.......] wuxuuna Cabdalla Deerow ***** ka mid noqday ragii abaabulay kacadoonka lagaga hor yimid general Caydiid wuxuuna ka mid ahaa aasasayaashii ururkii RRA oo dhidibada loo aasay Oktoobar 13, 1995. Cabdalla Deerow wuxuu halgankiisii ka sii watay halkaas wuxuuna ka dhex muuqday muuqaallada cajalad muuqaal ah (video) tii ugu horraysay ee laga soo duubay dagaalyahaniinta RRA oo 06/06/1999 gacanta ku dhigay Baydhabo wuxuuna noqday Xoghayihii Guud ee RRA. 15/05/2000 waxaa uu hogaaminayay ergadii ee uu maamulkii RRA u dirsaday shirkii Carta, Jabuuti wuxuuna shirka Carta ka noqday shir gudoomiyaashii ergadii ka soo gaybgalay shirka oo Soomaalida lagu heshiisiinayay waxaana 20/ 08/2000 ka dib doorasho socotay afar (4) saac Caabdalla Deerow ***** uu ku guulaystay jagada GUDDOOMIYAHA GOLAHA SHACABKA ee KMG waxaana 21/08/2000 loo dhaariyay Cabdalla Deerow Guddoomiyaha GOLAHA SHACABKA ee dawladii Carta. 10/09/2000 ayaa wafdi uu hogaaminyay Cabdala Deerow waxay ka duuleen Madaarka caalamiga ah ee Jabuuti iyaga oo ku sii jeeda wadanka NIGERIA oo ay kaga qaybgaleen shirka Baarlamaanada Afrika. Sanadkii 2002 Cabdala Deerow ***** wuxuu hogaaminayay ergadigii dawlada TNG (Transitional National Government) wuxuuna intii uu shirkan socday uu aad ugu ololeeyay in ay lama huraan tahay in dalka Soomaaliya lagu maamulo hannaanka federaalka si loo helo qaab ku ay nabad iyo wada noolaansho ku helaan bulshada Soomaalida wuxuuna ka mid ahaa 24-tii hogaamiye ee saxiixay heshiiskii xabad joojinta iyo dhisidda dowlada federaalka. Bishii September 2004 Cabdalla Deerow ***** wuxuu ka mid ahaa murashixiintii loo baratansiiyay jagada Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ee dawlada federaalka ee uu ku guulaystay Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan, wuxuuna Cabdala Deerow ***** shirkii dib u heshiisiinta Soomaalida ee muddo labo sano ah ka socday dalka Kenya dawladii ka dhalatay Golihii Wasiirada lagu soo dhisay loogu magacaabay Wasiirkii Dastuurka & Arrimaha Federaalka wuxuuna xilkan hayay ilaa dilkiisa. Marxuum Cabdala Deerow ***** wuxuu ahaa nin bulshay ah oo bashaash ah oo dadka aad u ixtiraama runtana aan ka gaban oo marna aan ka baqin in uu si bareer ah oo saraaxad leh ugu cadeeyo mowqifkiisa siyaasadeed siiba masaaliixda siyaasadeed ee qowmiyaada [.......] warbaahinta iyo siyaasiyiinta ay jaalka ahaayeen taasoo aakhirkii u horseeday in loo maleego shirqoollkii lagu dilay. Marxuum Cabdala Deeow ***** wuxuu ifka kaga tagay 7 caruur ah iyo laba xaas. Xigasho
  3. Originally posted by Caravaggio: Nayruus.....Waagacusub ma ahoo da same people claimed askari Amxaar shan mar madaxa iska toogtay. Waxaaba ka daran kuwii si aan la hubsan u rumeeye beentaas dilac bilaashka ah ee weyn.
  4. Goth(A great Islamic scholar and Pioneer who is father of education of Dilla) as his family spells it. I spell my middle name Goud so I do not receive any roughing, stones thrown at ,some jabs or upper cut thrown by someone who is mad about something any member of that family wrote or said at anywhere. Ma dhibaataa haddii Good la dhaho, as it is the correct Soomaali spelling. Why knock meel aan loo dirsan mispelling and perverting the good Soomaali names unnecessarily. "Goat, Goad, Goud, Goth ..." My, my. What is next? The good name of Bood will, too, be spelled "Boat, Boad, Boud, Buud, Both" ??? Soomaalida and their tendency of pleasing others.
  5. Google is seriously tarnishing the good name of Muslims or something is seriously, yes, wrong with Muslims and their obsession of sex. It was a few years ago when I've come across this behaviour of 'sex' word search being dominated by Muslim-majority nations. Well, according to the latest figures, it seems it has changed a bit since the last time seven of these ten were Muslim nations. Bakistaan for once is out the top ten, probably authorities have started blocking, I guess. Egypt India Turkey Morocco Poland Belgium Thailand Netherlands Switzerland Australia Also Carabi is the top language searched in non-English languages. I am also sure certain that some more Muslim nations would be in the top ten if the authorities in those countries had not censored certain words and sites.
  6. Originally posted by Nephthys: quote: ** Hooba naar galaasa, bartaa ay la aragnee, tiimbooy! ** MMA, I've always wondered waxa hoobanaaya ee naarta galaaya, oo bartaas aad ku aragtay, oona hadana tiimbo-naaya, wuxuu yahay. Thanks. Bishaaro, I've sharaxed that maahmaah on the first page of this thread. You've guessed close, but you misinterpreted the crucial word: hooba. Hooba in Afmaay has not the same meaning of 'hoobanaya' in Afmaxaatiri. Hooba = haddii in Afmaay. So the maahmaah is: Haddaa naar galeysid, bartaada yaala arkin ee tiimbo. Waxee ka hadleysaa if you want to do something major in your life, do it completely or otherwise faraha ka qaad ama kala bax. Hal lug aa igu jirto and lugta kale banaanka ii taalee ma soconeyso waaye camal.
  7. Are you now sending me private messages to threaten me about moderating this section? What has my moderatorship has to do with this thread? Did I break any rules? Anyway, I am so scared about your, ooh, coming wrath. What do you think Somaliaonline is, controlled by despotic men in the last regime? Bring whatever facts you want as long as you and I both obey the rules of the forum. Is that clear? Truth will always be told. If it is brutal, don't blame us. Blame whoever's concoction and fabrications of history you believed in. By all means, go ahead. Do continue.
  8. Any informed person about current world events or any astute political observer has known, any Carab nation that buys or receives a $1 weapon from Mareykanka, Isra'iil will freely a weapon that is twice/thrice valued and much destructive. It always was that American policy, however not always this open as was publically admitted by an Isra'iili prime minister in this report. US accused of fuelling arms race with $20bn Arab weapons sale Dan Glaister in Los Angeles Monday July 30, 2007 The Guardian The Bush administration is facing claims that it is fuelling an arms race in the Middle East following the disclosure of a plan to sell $20bn (£9.8bn) of advanced weaponry to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states. The plan, which will be announced today, will be balanced by a 25% increase in US military and defence aid to Israel. A further $13bn will be pledged to Egypt. "This administration does not have an arms sales policy, except to sell, sell, sell," said Daryl Kimball of the Arms Control Association. "That approach in the Middle East can be like throwing gasoline on a brush fire." The plan, which Pentagon officials outlined to members of Congress last week, more than doubles what officials had estimated when the plan first became public in the spring. The $20bn, spread over 10 years, aims to provide Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates with advanced satellite-guided bombs, upgrades to its fighters and new naval vessels. US defence secretary Robert Gates and secretary of state Condoleezza Rice are due to arrive in the region today. The visit comes as the US strives to build support among its Arab allies for its opposition to Iran. The administration is also keen to reassure Gulf states of its long-term commitment to the region. An administration official said Mr Gates would reassure the Saudis "regardless of what happens in the near term in Iraq, that our commitment in the region remains firm, remains steadfast and that, in fact, we are looking to enhance and develop it". It appears that Israeli acquiescence to the deal was secured last month on a visit to Washington by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert with a pledge to preserve Israel's "qualitative advantage" . " Other than the increase in aid, we received an explicit and detailed commitment to guarantee Israel's qualitative advantage over other Arab states ," Mr Olmert said yesterday. "We understand the US's desire to help moderate states which stand at a united front with the US and Israel in the struggle against Iran." But it is the role of Saudi Arabia in Iraq that seems most likely to fuel political opposition to the deal in the US. Major arms deals require Congressional approval, and several members yesterday pledged to oppose the plan. Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner, who plans to introduce a resolution to block the deal, told the Washington Post that there would be broad opposition: "The reputation of the Saudis has taken quite a beating since 9/11," he said. "And despite the fact that the administration has done everything to portray them as part of the moderate Arab world, members of Congress of both parties are increasingly sceptical." Another Democrat, Tom Lantos, criticised the build-up of arms in the region. "This is not a sale at Macy's that you go in and buy a bunch of stuff."
  9. Originally posted by Ghanima: 1-Luuq Luuq maroow laazim laamigaas imaahaa. Short cut taker arrives with badness 2-Canjeelo sidii ukala koreeso aa loo kala qaataa. You can distinguish the difference in canjeelo and judge when it was made. 4-Awkeey dooli diloow dad nool maas udaahaa. Where is the insect basta*d, people who are alive are never this late! Ooh, maan, how could I possibly miss this? Whoever came up with those memorable aphorisms needs to sue you for butchering the words.
  10. Aawey musqushii laakiin? Sariirta hoosteeda? It just looks like what we humans centuries ago lived like -- simple and environmentally friendly.
  11. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: i wonder dadkan moqdisho isku cafinaya in ay agendaha ug jirto dhulkan leysku haysto. Hal gobol, say Shabeellada Hoose or Shabeellada Dhexe, qeyraadkiis Eebbe ugu hibeeye ayaa ku filan Soomaalida dhan meel walba ay joogto. Waxa kaliya loo baahanyahay waa maamul wanaag, oo masuqmaasuq ku dhisneyn and hanti wadaag qeyraadka la wada wadaago. Also no body, including me, is against Soomaalida inay ka degaan meeshee rabaan dhulkooda hooyo. I actually advocate Soomaali inay isku wada qasmaan and clan lands ka tirtirmo. Waxa laakiin igu sababay in this thread inaa soo galo was about the blant, aan loo aaba yeelin lies about and against settled, known historical facts. By such unprecedented distortions and concoctions -- and even the complete fabrications -- of history, one cannot stand on the stand. Anyone maankiisa wanaagsanyahay should tell the truth and nothing but the factual truth.
  12. Walaahi waa yaab iyo bar. One cannot believe the blatant attempts to reinvent, distort, concoct and fabricate historical facts. Facts both Soomaali and non-Soomaali scholars have considerably written about in many historically impartial, authentic books that deals about Soomaalida. Not the bogus so-called history by the oppressive last dictatorial regime that tried to fed the then illiterate masses such historical reinventions by misusing the state's wealth at their disposal. I really did not want to come to this thread, but the sheer manipulation of settled, factual history ayaa isoo celisay. And this is for the last that I will attempt for once and all the obvious. Historical maps will be present this time, and for a fairness, by non-Soomaalis. First was taken from the celebrated book The Cambridge: History of Africa, on this publication by the author John Edgar Flint, and first published in late 18th century and continuedly re-published through-out the 19th century and beyond. The map we are dealing now is from the 19th century publication. Since the map is a captured screenshot one, courtesy of Google Books [the map is on page 53], which has a computerized version of the book on their site; I simplified the map into two parts for convenience sake. The first part deals northwestern and northeastern part of the country and clans that settle those lands. The second part is about southwest and southeast and their clans. This is the part that deals Baardheere and the clans. Map I This one deals again northern parts. Map II This part of the map is what concerns this thread and finally once and for all puts the lies in their place. A blind person can even see where Baardheere clearly is included in. The second, detailed and more marked large map is from University of Texas. It is found here on their university site. Baardheere is approximately located right next to the first letter of the word 'Maalim.' You can also see, from the map, the north of the Jubba river and Baardheere is settled by Gabyoow's clan [sPM]. Also the map clearly shows who settles in Ceelwaaq and Luuq.
  13. Cities officially need planning zones. Without it, it is doomed. What many Soomaali towns are doing today do not have any plans, just growing haphazardly. Also cities need tree canopy. It is about the percentage of trees a city has as opposed against whatever is built in the city. Ottawa, for example, is said to have around 25% tree canopy in its city. The Soomaali nomads do not at all value trees and plants. They are not attached to the land, either, and that is where the ignorance originates from. And about the grass, no need to have artificial grass. Anyone who've been to Iimaaraadka, especially Dubeey, knows, trees and grass can be maintained beautifully in scorching and hot countries. It just needs a constant maintainance and daily watering. First, we need to find the water, though. Northern and the central regions of the country have little rainfall and do not have adequate mineral water supplies, iskaba dhaaf wax lagu waraabiyo geedaha iyo cowska. Salty waters can be converted to regular water, laakiinse it needs huge financial investment and filtration plants.
  14. Xiinfaniin, it is honestly ridiculous to inform, not even debate, about the historical facts, not camouflaged fabrications, by a boy under the product of 21 years of misinformation by a dictatorial regime and the kutiri kuteen living room 'history.' The truth is brutal, and it is especially more hurtful when it is by a third, impartial, neutral foreign group. Some to this day believe that Max'ed Siyaad Barre was born in Luuq, not not some tuulo in Soomaali Galbeed; that same beenhawaas-style lie extends to his cousin and half-brother, C/raxmaan Jaamac Barre who last time in shirkii Kenya claimed to be born in Baardheere! By the way this blatant lie ku socoto, C/raxmaan Jaamac Barre might even claim to be born in Kismaayo the next time! Or perhaps Raaskambooni. Xaaraantii lagu soo quudiye iyo booliqaranimadii ayee rabaan inay na marsiiyaan maalin cad. Honestly, I cannot even believe the distortion of history about Baardheere, let alone Kismaayo inta la gaarin. Tomorrow they might even be inclined to present the founders of Baardheere were not the Jameecadda. Let's see if he challenges the facts again on that recent report by an impartial NGO from Scandinavian countries of Sweden and Norway. Someone's English might be limited if he cannot even understand the simple word of 'visited' or cannot comprehend the easily digested words of 'fact-finding mission.' Alas, information is easily available, unlike the state-sponsored where the truth and facts were routinely wrapped under the rugs. Not anymore. If it is brutal to those who were fed this misinformation and lies, that is not our problem. The report clearly states in the first paragraph: Background to the mission The Danish and Swedish Immigration Services carried out a joint fact-finding mission to the Gedo region in south-western Somalia from 15 to 30 October 1998. The mission followed on from a previous Danish and Swedish mission to the southern part of the Gedo region in the spring of 1997. [sNIP] The Bardera district in the south of the Gedo region was visited by the Danish and Swedish Immigration Services in the spring of 1997. Then after the visit, here what they report: The Bardera district is far more complicated than the other districts of the Gedo region in its clan make-up. In its note on the Gedo region, the UNPOS states that, before civil war broke out in 1990, Bardera was mainly the homeland of various [native] clans: [shaatigaduud's clan; Xaabsade's clan; Fowsiyo Max'ed Sheekh's clan; Shariif Xasan's clan, etc, are listed.]. There were also [Gabyoow's clans] in Bardera. The Bardera district consists of over 180 villages, mainly inhabited by [native] clans . The [siyaad Barre's clans] traditionally, before the 1969 October revolution, formed a minority in Bardera . At that time only one village, Serinly, in the Bardera district was inhabited by [siyaad Barre's clans]. Ooh, lalala. Truth is once again brutal. And I am out of this qabyaalad stinking thread. I didn't even started the Luuq and its documented sultanate history, which was suppressed at length by the last regime. However, I will briefly quote a report commisioned by World Bank [it is a 'doc' document] and written in last year, about historical Luuq's sultanate and other sultanate's in Soomaaliya. Marked by internal squabbles, the [a qabiil based in Afgooye] Sultanate had been split into two as a brother to the Suldaan established the [a qabiil that is native to Luuq's name] Sultanate in Luuq. Luuq, which is located in the Southern region of Gedo, shares much of the history of the [large clan name] and the [Afgooye-based clan] Sultanate as their [Luuq-based clan] Sultanate was closely linked with the [Afgooye-based clan]. Today, they have formed a guurti, which they claim is like the one in Somaliland. They would like a system like that in all of Somalia. The chairman of their Guurti is Ugas Adan Manow who represents the [clan name] in Luuq.[/qutoe] Even while Luuq is not fully in the hands of the natives, the leader of the 'guurti' is from the original sultanate. About Luuq's founder: One of the oldest sultanates in Somalia, founded by Aw Kalafow [Awqalafoow], popularly known as Aw Maadow (thus, his royal seat, Luug Aw Maadow), who took the royal title gereed [garaad] instead of sultan. According to oral tradition, Greed Kalafow was the great grandson of Muhamed Gasaargude, the Arbiter (from gar, legal dispute, and gude, “judge”), the eponymous ancestor of the Clan whose name over time became [clan name]. Gereed Kalafow is said to have died c. a.h. 839 (about 1435 C.E.) and his grave is a shrine that pilgrims visit in Luug. It is also remembered as the era of the great conquest, when his sovereignty reached as far as Tiyeglow to the northeast and Buur Heybe in the south. He defended the sultanate from ... [sNIP] The inadequate Gereed Liibaan, who succeeded Gereed Kalafow, was overthrown by his cousin, Ali Hir. This led to a series of succession crises in the sultanate, which hindered further economic progress and political stability in the region. The sultanate suffered from a devastating civil war and lost territories gained during the reign of Greed Kalafow. Nonetheless, this dynasty founded by kalafow ruled much of the [qabiil] land from the 14th to the 19th centuries. Most of the [qabiil] gereeds were descended from the line of Gereed Kalafow. He left behind six sons - Liibaan, Hilowle, Umur, Amin, Keerow and Maadow - from whom the six subclans of the [qabiil] are descended. More on Luuq's sultanate history and its people.
  15. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: quote:Originally posted by Ghanima: [qb] I think all my friends had a meeting and decided to have their weddings one after another!. Do you hate the fact that people are getting married and having wedding to celebrate it, or the fact that it is not you who is getting married? Ouch! Laakiin isn't that how most girls in certain age feel? It is called if-only syndrome with a dose of enviousness. Why go to an aroos if you don't want to begin with? Yaab badanaa. Soomaalida will have the tiniest details to criticize arooska, aroosadda iyo xafladooda, when probably half to three quarters of the people there are not even invited and are unknowns to the groom and bride.
  16. MMA, could these towns who first founded on the north bank of the river grow both sides of the banks of the river? The Afmaay dialect is called riverine language because it starts right off in Afgooye [the town's name itself is self-explanatory, meaning it is where both Afmaxaatiri and Afmaay dialects meet and end, thus af gooy], which where the Shabeelle river abruptly turns from, instead of going to Xamar, turns to deep Shabeellada Hoose. On the other end, nothern boundaries, Afmaay dialect officially ends where both the towns of Baardheere on the northeast and Luuq on the northwest; both towns are separated by Jubba [formerly Ganaane] rivers, though in Luuq's case, the river encircles the town, hence the town's name being Luuq. Instead of the Afmaay dialect going far north, it follows both the Shabeelle and Jubba rivers and, interestingly, also ends where the rivers end just before Kismaayo la gaarin. That itself alone can tell you about the deegaan's history. PS - I forgot about directly answering your question, though what I wrote above indirectly answers it. On Baardheere's case, on one side of the river, the peace-loving Gabyoow's clan traditionally lived and interacted with peacefully the other side of the river towners, which was larger and where the historical Jameeco was based at, lived by Afmaay-speaking clans. By the help of last dictatorial regime, the clan from Cabuudwaaq pushed the Gabyoow's clan out of the fringes of town on their side. Then they tried to take the other side of the river, by crossing the river. This is where the larger conflict is now. Gabyoow's clan members did not either forgot their stolen part of the town.
  17. Aniga boys lama doodi. Ee taariiqda aad ka been sheegeysid lee iska yareey. According to this impartial European NGO fact-finding report, whose fact-finders visited Gedo: [E]xtensive resettlement by [siyaad Barre's] clans in the Gedo region had been going on for some considerable time. Back in 1977-1980 the [soomaali Galbeed] war between Somalia and Ethiopia triggered large movements of people, with many [siyaad Barre's clan] members being transferred from Ethiopia to Luuq and Bur Dubo in particular. The Somali Government at the time, headed by Siad Barre, assisted [siyaad Barre's clan] settlers in Gedo with farm implements , among other facilities, while a Japanese NGO tried to persuade the [the native clan settlers] clans to accept the new [siyaad Barre's clan] settlers , arguing in particular that this was a temporary arrangement . The [siyaad Barre's clan] settlers were at present still living in those areas, with the [the native clan of the region] and [another native clan] clans being squeezed out there as a result. [sNIP] [R]egarded that seizure of power (by occupation of remnants of last regime, my words) as the culmination of a long-term strategy by the President at the time, Siad Barre, with the Gedo region having been established back in 1974 in order to create a regional base for the [siyaad Barre's] clans. [sNIP] Staff at the UNOPS/SRP in Mandera listed the relative positions of the main clans [of Gedo] as follows: [Reer Arlaadi] clans; [siyaad Barre's] clans; [Gabyoow's ] clans; [C/llaahi Sheekh Ismaacil's] clans . Gedo region was generally considered a [siyaad Barre's clan], the [siyaad Barre's] clans formed only the fourth largest clan group in Gedo. Both the [the native clans of the land] and the Bantu clans were present in far greater numbers than the [siyaad Barre's clan]. [sNIP] Luuq district is divided into an eastern and a western part by the River Juba. The one side of the district capital, Luuq, is inhabited by [native clans] Moalim Weine, Gobawein, Gasar and the other side by [siyaad Barre's clans]. [sNIP] The Bardera district is far more complicated than the other districts of the Gedo region in its clan make-up. In its note on the Gedo region, the UNPOS states that, before civil war broke out in 1990, Bardera was mainly the homeland of various [native] clans: [shaatigaduud's clan; Xaabsade's clan; Fowsiyo Max'ed Sheekh's clan; Shariif Xasan's clan, etc, are listed.]. There were also [Gabyoow's clans] in Bardera. The Bardera district consists of over 180 villages, mainly inhabited by [native] clans. The [siyaad Barre's clans] traditionally, before the 1969 October revolution, formed a minority in Bardera . At that time only one village , Serinly, in the Bardera district was inhabited by [siyaad Barre's clans]. The full report . ----------- I think that is enough. Qabyaalad qurunkeeda dad, especially boys, ayaa ku dhex dabaasho. But taariiq jirto lagama been sheego. Never would I allow that. I will not, however, redeem nor lower myself anymore to that lowly qabyaalad qurunkeeda dadka qaarkood ku jiraan level. Ee meeshaan waa ugu baxay, even though Luuq's and Ceelwaaq's history ayaan rabay inaa sheego.
  18. Quuqda ee ka badisay maskiinka, oo markaas gees isku nabay. He should go to Tim Hortons, as many poor Soomaali jaamacs do, to take a salvation from qeyladeeda iyo qaxarkeeda. Qarka suu iskugu nabnabaa igu daran.
  19. Originally posted by AAliyah416: quote:Af joogo looma adeego = A closed mouth catches no flies. af Joogo looma adeego = you dont speak on behalf of some one who is present. As I said in that prior post, I was not directly translating the maahmaahyo. I just used the closest English proverbs [many of them are foreign ones translated into English themselves] I can find. By the way, maahmaahda dadka hadal badnaanta badan see u af xunyihiin ayaa loola jeedaa, oo dadka afka cuncunaayo hadal jeclaan ahaan, ee loolama jeedo speaking on behalf of those who are present, which you literally translated to.
  20. Baardheere and Luuq each also had two MPs [xildhibaano] elected representives during the democratic decade of '60s. I will let the fabricators of this deegaan's history to tell us who were those elected MPs? Oh, they can tell us who represented Buuloxaawo and Garbahaareey. Alas, there were no such towns then. They didn't even had elected local councils, let alone national MPs, which Baardheere and Luuq each had 15 elected councilors.
  21. As usual bogus, fabricated history lala soo shirtagaa. And as usual, no one buys this fabrication laga been sheeganaayo history. The whole Gedo la sheegaayo waa wax la isku kabkabay. And without two historical degmooyin, it wouldn't have existed -- Baardheere and Luuq. Baardheere, which has nothing to do with the then villages Garbahaareey and Buuloxaawo, xoog ayaa loogu kabay by the former dictatorial regime to boost the population of newly created gobol called Gedo, instead of not being part of Jubbada Dhexe or Baay. Labadaan degmo, unlike Buuloxaawo [which was probably founded in 1940s and the eponymous lady Xaawa, who is said to be still alive in that tuulo] and Garbahaareey, two recent tuulooyin-made-degmooyin by the regime, unlike them, Baardheere and Luuq have had deep, historical roots to the Southwestern region. Let's take Baardheere -- which used to compete with Baydhabo during colonial era as a centre of commerce, in addition of religious headquarter, in the then Alta Jubba [Jubbadda Sare] -- first in this post. Here is a brief history about Baardheere, from Baardheere.com: "Baardheere is one of the oldest settlements in the interior of Somalia. It is renowned for its community system and its indigenous institutions of learning. A religious group led by Sheekh Yabaroow founded Baardheere community in 1776. Their mission was not only to set up an ideal community whose members are ruled in accordance with the Islamic ideals, but also to attain economic development and social justice for the newly established community. It grow in size and influence and helped the spread of Islam in the southern Somali interior, which was characterized at the time by the proliferation of saints and religious settlements that evolved later as territorial confederacy. This has brought confrontation with adversaries. As a result Baardhere fought many wars, the most known of which is the one with the Geledi Sultanate [which was based in Afgooye], when it was defeated. The town was burned and abandoned for 20 years, when it was re-grouped and reformed. After reformation Baardheere community continued to be a conservative Muslim society and the home of religious learning for Somalia. The emergence of foreign powers initiated the most profound disruption of Somali history i.e. the marginalization of indigenous institutions and their slow but sustained diminishing power and influence. The liberation from colonial rule and the forms of state practice that followed didn’t bring any sustainable alternative to the indigenous rule." More history and in Afsoomaali. Who was Sheekh Yabaroow, the founder of the town in 1776? "Sheikh Ibraahim inta uusan soo aadin Baardhere wuxuu degganaa meel magaceeda la yiraahdo " aw Cusmaan ". Sheikh Ibraahim wuxuu ahaa nin aqoon dheer u leh diinta islaamka, shaqsiyadiisana ahayd mid aad loo sharfo oo laga heebeysto degaankiisa iyo banankeeda intaba. Waxa illahey Sheikha ku ilhaamiyey in uu aasaaso magaalada Baardhere. Sheikh Ibraahim wuxuu la tashadey asxaabtiisa in ay ku garabgalaan fulinta hawshaas ilhaamiga ah. Fikradaas waxaa soo dhoweeyey qaar ka mid ah asxaabta sheikh Ibraahim. Waxaa la diyaariyey dad Sheikha la safara wehelna u noqdo illaa Baardhere, taas oo uu aad ugu farxey una soo dhaweeyey. Sheikha iyo asxaabtiisa waxay isu diyaariyeen oo u sahay qaateen safar dheer iyo in ay u adkeystaan dhib iyo daal badan. Sheikh iyo asxaabtiisa waxay ka ambabaxeen magaalada Aw Cusman iyagoo ku sii jeeda Baardhere. Waxayna inta badan guureyn jireen habeenkii. Socdkooda wuu yaraa maalintii. Waxay ku qaadatey muddo dheer oo aan la cayimin in ay ku gaaraan Baardhere. Sababtoo ah dhulka ay marayeen ayaa wuxuu ahaa mid hawd jiq ah oo dugaagta ku fara badantahay. Sheekh Ibraahim wuxuu u sheegey asxaabtiisa in ay degayaan meesha ama goobta ugu horeysa oo ay kula kulmaan geedka baarka loo yaqaano. Sheikh Ibraahim iyo saaxiibadiisa markii ay gaareen Baardhere waxay la kulmeen dhul aad iyo aad u geedo badan oo geedaha laamahooda is-qabsadeen sida hawdka dhul-baraha. Waxay bilaabeen in dhulka la baneeyo oo degaan la isu diyaariyo. Isla markiiba waxay bilaabeen Skeikha iyo asxaabtiisa in ay dhisaan masjid, oo ah kan maanta loo yaqaano 'Jaamaca' Baardhere. waxaa lagu dhisey ul-geed (sida oodmadow iyo jambe) iyo caleenta baarka iyo caw kale korka laga saarey. Markii uu dhamaadey dhismaha masaajidka wuxuu sheikh Ibraahim iyo asxaabtiisa raadiyeen hilo ay biyaha ka cabaan webiga hareerihiisa, markaas ka dibna waxay bilaabeen sidii loo degi lahaa iyo dhismihii magaalada. Markii ay degeen ayaa Sheikh Ibrahim la weydiiyey sababta uu u doortey in ay magalada Baardhere halkan noqoto. Sheikh Ibraahim wuxuu ku jawaabey sidan, "habeen kasta inta aan safarka ku soo jirney waxaan arkaayey iftiin horteyda ka soo baxa, waxaan ku hanuuney in meesha iftiinka ka baxay noqon doonto meel la deggo. Markan soo gaarney meeshan aan hadda degney iftiinkii bidhaamayey wuu isballariyey kor ayuuna u kacay. Sidaas ayaan ku hanuuney in degaanka Baardhere uu halkan noqdo". Shaqooyinka wanaagsan ee uu muddada yar ku qabtey Sheikha waxaa ka mid ahaa dhisida masaajidka iyo Hagaajinta il-biyoodka. Sheikha wuxuu asxaabtiisa ka codsadey in la adkeeyo nebedgeliyada ilaalo xoog lehna la sameeyo. Waxaa degaankooda hareeihiisa deggana dadka loo yaqaano Booran. Waxay degaankooda ku wareejiyeen derbi dhis ka sameysan. Sheikh Ibraahim wuxuu noolaa 8 malmood oo keliya markii ay Baardhere yimaadeen. Ka dib tii Rabbi ayaa u timid Sheikha waxaana lagu aasey masaajidka jaamaca dhinaciisa. Illa iyo haddana waxaa lagu aasaa ulul Amriyaasha iyo dad aan badnayn oo loo gartey. Waxaa la sheegaa in Sheikh Ibraahim uu ka tirsanaa dariiqada qaadriyada loo yaqaano "Naqsha Bandiya". Waxaa wax lala yaabo ah in dariiqadaas loo haysto in uu Sheikha ka tirsanna aysan raad ku yeelan Baardhere. Sheikh Ibraahim Xasan Yabbarow geeridiisa ka hor wuxuu ku dardaarmey in Sheikh Cali Dhurre oo ahaa dadkii asaasiyaashii jameecadda lagu wareejiyo hogaanka iyo maamulka jameecada Baardheere." And the last sheekh -- Sheekh Mursal Macalin Caliyoow -- of the Jameecadda, killed by followers of haraadihii regimekii hore in 1992, just before the United States' army's Operation Restore Hope reached there. "Sheekh Mursal Macalin Caliyoow (25 Sanno, 1968-1992) Sheikh Cabdulcasis geeridiisa ka hor si toos ah uma magacaabin qofka la wareegi doono maamulka jameecada. Haseyeeshe waxaa la sheegey in uu bixiyey tusmooyin tilmaamaya in uu qofkaas yahay Sheikh Mursal. Markaas waxaa la qabtey doorasho xubnaha lixda firqood ay dooranayaan ulul-amriga jameecada. Waxaana markaas u sharaxnaa Sheikh Mursal Macallin Caliyow iyo Sheikh Cabdiraxmaan Irdhe oo ahaa Sheikh aad looga yaqaano dalka Soomaliya iyo dibadiisaba, dad badana wax soo barey". Sheikh Mursal wuxuu qabtey mamulka jameecada markii dadweynaha lixda firqadood ay si wadajir ah ugu doorteen in uu hoggaamiyo maamulka jameecada Baardhere. Sheikh Mursal wuxuu bare ka ahaa culuunta shareecada islaamka, wuxuu casharo ka bixinjirey masaajidka jaamaca Baardhere. Wuxuuna ka mid ahaa dadka sida weyn u soo fidiyey diinta islaamka iyo naxwaha afka carabiga. Intii uu haayey maamulka jameecada Baardhere waxaa jameecada sida dalka intiisa kale la soo gudboonaadey jahawareer weyn oo aan horey loo arag. Waxaa awoodii xukuumada Somalia la wareegey militeri oo ku caan baxay wax maqal la'aan, xoog sheegasho, qab weyni iyo maamul xumo ay u dheertahay eexasho, qabiilaysi iyo fasahaad weyn oo ka dhan ah diinta islaamka. Ficiladaasi waxay sababeen dib-u-dhac dhaqaale, tuhun siyaasadeed ummada soo dhex galay iyo guud ahaan waxaa burburey qaabdhismeeddkii bulshada. Waxaa xukunkaas astaan weyn u ahayd neceebka diinta islaamka iyo ciddii ku dhaqanta oo ay u arkayeen caddow. Sheikh wuxuu ka dhawri jirey xubnaha jameecada in ay dhacaan iska horimaad. Markale waxaa jamecada Baardhere soo wajahay dagaal aaney diyaar u ahayn, oo aaney u qalabeysnayn. Maamulka militeriga wuxuu ku dhisnaa cadaadis iyo wax kasta oo caqliga aadanaha fayow aan oggolaan karin. Markii si lama filaan ah u burburey maamulkii Soomaaliya, talana faraha ka baxdey jameecada Baardhere waxaa qabsadey masiibo weyn oo col iyo gaajo ah. Ummadii waxaa lagu ridey argagax, naftoodi waa la gooyey, xoolohoodi waa la dhacay, bakaarahoodi waa la furtey, dumarkoodi waa la xumeeyey, culumadii waa layasey laguna xadgubey. Cid badbaadey in aaney jirin waxaa ka marqaati aha ulul Amrihii Sheikh Mursal oo la dhacay dhowr jeer, afxumo iyo jirdil loo geystey oo markii dambena la dilay maalintii 17kii Disember 1992. Waxaa wax aad loola yaabo ah in Sheikhi jameecada baardhere dadkii diley ay si caadi ah u joogeen baardhere, oo aan jirin cid raadsatey ama maxkamad soo taagtey. Taas oo ku tuseysa in arrintaas ay ka dambeeyeen hogaanka beesha Mareecxaan oo boobka ku heystay degaan, xasuuq badana u geystey maatada aan hubeysnayn. Masiibada ku habsatey Sheikha waxay tilmaameysa sida Haraadiga maamulkii hore ee militeriga ugu xaggubeen xuquuqda dadweynaha aan waxba galabsan. Baardheere iyo Baidoa waxay ku tartameen magac magaalooyinkii geerida. Maalin walba waxaa macluul, gaajo iyo dagaal u dhimanjirtey in ka badan 200 ruux. Marka aan soo koobo Baardhere waxay meelaha aadka loogu hoobtey naf iyo maalba oo dabka colaada aan ka damin tobankii sanno ee la soo dhaafey." The names of Jameecaddii Baardheere the first sheekh to the last martyr sheekh. Taariiq ma qarsoonto, and it will never. It is same like xaaraantii iyo booliqaranimadii dadka qaarkood lagu soo quudiye in the name of hantiwadaag, oo hantidii and muruqmaalkii dadka lahaa lagu qaraabtay. Lies will always be exposed. Luuq will be next.
  22. Lix dhalinyaro ah oo ku dhaawacantay [istuudiyo] ay ku jireen oo lagu gubay Talaado, [Luulyo] 31, 2007 - Kooxo hubeysan ayaa habeenkii xalay ahaa waxay gubeen Studio Cajalada Maqalka iyo muuqaalka ah lagu kireeyo, laguna iibiyo, kaasi oo ku yaala Degmada Huriwaa ee Gobolka Banaadir. Ilaa 6 dhalinyaro ah ayaa la sheegay in ay dhaawacyo kala duwan soo gaareen kadib markii ay kooxdii hubeysneyd ay dab qabadsiisay Studiyaha, isla markaana albaabka Studiyaha kala istaageen Bastoolado ay wateen. Daqiiqado kadib markii uu Studiyihii gubasho bilaabay ayay kooxdii hubeysneyd halkaas isaga tagtay, iyadoo kadibna halkaas laga soo saaray dhalinyaradii oo qaarkood ay suuxeen markii uu naqaska ku xirmay. Dadka degan nawaaxiga halka uu Studiyaha ku yaalo ayaa sheegay in intii aan la gubin Studiyaha ay kooxda hubeysan u tageen dhalinyaradi joogtay, kadibna ay yiraahdeen “ma dhaafeysaan waxyaabaha aad ku guda-jirtaan”, iyadoo dhalinyaradii oo cabsatayna ay yiraahdeen “waan dhaafeynaa”. Laakin wada hadalkaas kadib ayaa waxaa dhacday in uu goobtii tegay Nin ordayayay oo watay Caag Basiin uu ku jiray, kaasi oo la sheegay in uu ka tirsanaa Kooxda Studiyaha gubtay, dabadeedna basiinkii ayuu ku shubay Studiyaha, wuuna gubay , waa sida ay dadka deegaanka xaqiijiyeene. Lama garanayo ilaa iyo haatan sababta ay kooxdaas hubeysan u bartilmaameedsatay Studiyaha, marka laga reebo in ay ka xumaayeen ganacsiga ay dhalinyaradaas ku hayeen goobtaas. Falkaas waxaa si weyn uga xumaaday dadka ku dhaqan Muqdisho, gaar ahaan kuwa degan halka uu falka ka dhacay, waxayna sheegeen in falkaas uu ahaa mid ka dhan ah Bani’aadannimada. Ugu dambeyntiiba, Magaalada Muqdisho ee Caasimadda Dalka Soomaaliya ayaa tan iyo wixii ka dambeeyay markii ay burburtay Dowladdii hore ee Soomaaliya waxaa ka dhacayay dhacyooyin curato cusub ah oo ka dhan ah Bani’aadannimada, kuwaasi oo loo geystay Dad Rayid ah oo aan waxba galabsan. Laga soo xigtay ----------- Intaas Xabashi u adeegeyso ku sugan Xamar, oo Xabashina gumeysi ku heysato kuwa saan geysanaayo -- saan u maleeyo dadkee yihiin -- ma Xabashi ay weeraraan waayeen markee masaakiin waxba galabsan meel iskaga jiro gubaayo iyo hantidoodda, haddana qoryo iridda ugu hor istaagay? Dadkii bini'aadenimadda yarayd ku hartay kasii tageyso runtii.
  23. Ninkaan tahliil in loo tufo waaye oo Carabnimada naceybkeeda laga saafiyeeyo. Waxaan naceyb siyaasadeed waa dhaaftay.
  24. Soomaali maahmaahyo and their closest Ingiriis counterparts. Af waakoo mey liki aamee = Talk is cheap. Af joogo looma adeego = A closed mouth catches no flies. Af daboolan dahab waaye = Silence is golden. Af macaan gacan macaan baa dhaanta = Money talks. Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words. Lan banaan maroow faragsheey geed ma daaraaw = Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Lan alifsheey humaadi albaqri mikitoosaaw = He who fails to prepare, prepares to fail. Beeni raad ma leh = The truth will set you free. Bidaari sibiq bay kugu gashaa = He who lives too fast, goes to his grave too soon. [Closest proverb in English.] Ninkii soo joog laga waayo soo jiifa laga helaa [by Awkoombe] = He who lives by the sword dies by the sword. Kaadi badane waa loo gogol badiyaa = Kibir waa lagu kufaa = Arrogance is a kingdom without a crown. Hadal nin si u yiri, ninna si u qaaday = Lost in translation. Caana daatay qabasho ma leh = Don't cry over spilt milk. Mar i dage Alle ha dago, mar labaadse anays dagay = Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Gacantii oo aadan goyn karin, waa la shumiyaa = Give credit where credit is due. Nin kaa dheer wax looma tilmaamo = A little knowledge is a dangerous thing [?].