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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Shiidnimo.com Odeyaasha si xun ayee ula dhaqmeen. Laakiin goormaa Hoteel Wehliye dib loo furay? Mise kii hore ma'aha ee mid kale waaye kan? Kaas meeshuu ku yaalay Dabka ahayd dagaaladdii kuwii ugu qaraarsanaa ka dhacay, inkastoo sarta wali taagan, xataa qaboojiyaashiis [ACs] ku jiro ilaa hadda.
  2. Originally posted by Tagsiile: LOL Everyone in here are a bunch of goody-goody's. I've tried almost everything under the sun(before I became Muslim, of course) and I think that's part of what turned me away from khat. I was told "Have you ever tried this stuff? It's great!! It keeps you up all night and you want to talk more, and it gives you more energy, and blah blah blah.... and to top it all off, it's Halal!!!!! ". So finally the day came when i found out a friend of ours had some jaad, and he invited us over. I was like "All right!! I'm gonna get mirqaan!!! I was all excited because I'd never tried this thing before. But I was extremely disappointed when I tried it. It was disgusting, and I didn't really feel anything(I thought I was gonna get high or something LOL). But it turned out I was chewing it wrong and I was swallowing it as well, not supposed to do that, apparently. But I didn't learn my lesson because I did it about 6 or 7 times after that. Oh well, at least I never had to pay for it...... I think you need a little background about jaad and its effects. Jaad, unlike other drugs, needs certain time span to be consumed or chewed or otherwise the leaves' juice will try out within days. A one who chews the leaves when it is few days old does not experience the same effect the one who did chew when it was fresh off from the soil. That is why the banana peels are wrapped on it, to prolong its freshness. The jaad that gets into Kanada or Mareykanka [uS] is usually certain days old, some even upto ten days old, after passing its routes from Holland, then to UK and then its secret travelling to North America. That is where your bitter taste and least effect you got it from since it was probably some days old. Jaad also has three kinds: Laari, gisa and gaangeeti. Gisa is the most expensive, the shortest and with the most juice. I know this, despite and although growing up a household where my abtis and older brothers and other male relatives chewed jaad almost daily in Nairobi in the idle days of sponsor-waiting of early '90s, yet it had never occured to me to taste one leaf, even when I saw my childhood friends from Xamar who started chewing it in Nairobi in their early teenhoods. About jaad being 'xalaal," I don't think any sane Soomaali believes that. It is a drug after all, as mild as it is. However, some Soomaalis at the same time do think jaad is a social habit, just a little rank above sigaar. Comparing jaad to cannabis or marijuana or xashiish, it is unfortunate. Jaad is not that advanced drug. It may give to those who chew a mild euphoria or it might shut the talkative, while it looses up the quiet one -- still jaad iyo marijuana iskuma dhawo. Jaad never fully alters one's mind, the maanka. The chewer is always aware his surroundings. Some say balwad waa loo dhashaa ee la iskama dhigo; I think I might believe it since jaad, sigaar, clubbing, et cetera, never attracted to me in my boyhood and I don't think it will into my adulthood now. I have lived here Kanada and Mareykanka more than a decade, I have yet to set a foot at a club, especially considering I was a teen when I came to North America.
  3. The last editorial cartoon by Amiin Caamir needs that famous soundtrack from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly's one of its film scores. Dharara dhararan dhararaaaaaaaaaaan Dhiriri dhii dhiid dhiiiiiiiin We have both the 'ugly' and the 'bad' in that political cartoon. Kalint Istuud's the 'good' is missing, though.
  4. I remembered another speech at the United Nations last year this time around. Where were the Xabashi stooge's speechwriters when he was at the Qaramadda Midooway last year where the old stooge embarrassingly pronounced the words such as nature as "natuur" [as a Soomaali-sound]? They should have helped him by inserting Soomaali pronunciations as a transliteration "neyjar," as that American buffoon seems quite helped at. Natuur kulahaa, balaayo ku tuurtay. He also embarrassed himself again at the Jaamacadda Carabta [Carab League] meeting last year, where he opened his speech in his halting Ingiriis, which was an ultimate political faux pas. There were dumbfounded looks around. Siyaad Barre's Carabi, in those kinds of meeting, was not that good either, but he had helpers who transliterated the Carabi words into Soomaali, so one can easily read and Carab heads of states present would never know.
  5. Bush's UN Speech Full of Fone-eh-tick Pronunciations for World Leaders Never before has the White House released a draft version of the President's speech to the annual United Nations General Assembly. But this year, a glimpse of how the President sees his speeches was accidentally placed on the UN website along with the speechwriters' cell phone numbers. Pronunciations for President Bush's friend French President Sarkozy "[sar-KOzee]" appeared in draft #20 on the UN website. Other pronunciations included the Mugabe "[moo-GAHbee] regime" and pronunciations for countries "Kyrgyzstan [KEYRgeez-stan]" and "Mauritania [moor-EH-tain-ee-a]." Most leaders submit a text in advance, especially to help the many translators who simultaneously turn the speeches into more than half a dozen languages. The teleprompter also needs to be loaded with a copy of the President's words so it will appear on glass screens in front of the lectern. The Bush White House is unaccustomed to providing advanced texts suitable for reporters to publish before he actually speaks. During an afternoon briefing, White House Press Secretary Dana Perino said, "there was an error made in trying to make sure that interpreters had what they needed. I don't know how the draft of the speech -- it was not final -- was posted, but it was, and it was taken down." Perino said it was "not unusual" to include phonetic spellings for various countries in the speech though when asked if the president had a hard time pronouncing some of those country names Perino declined comment saying, "I think that's an offensive question." The White House also added that no one has called the speech writers' cell phones. ABC News
  6. Compare the stooges to C/qaasin, who is eligible. ------------ Who is up for Africa's $5m prize? Mark Doyle BBC News The Mo Ibrahim Foundation is next month due to award over $5m to the former African head of state adjudged to have demonstrated exemplary leadership. The presidential prize is aimed at encouraging best practice. The lucky recipient of what the organisers call "the world's biggest prize" will be named on 22 October. The winner will then be paid the $5m in tranches over a period of 10 years, with a further $200,000 for life thereafter. The international panel of judges includes former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, former Irish President Mary Robinson and the respected ex-Finance Minister of Nigeria, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. All 13 African heads of state or government who left office between 2004 and 2006 are eligible for the cash prize - including, perhaps surprisingly, the former transitional president of war-torn Somalia . Others in the running include the former presidents of: Benin - Mathieu Kerekou Mozambique - Joaquim Chissano Tanzania - Benjamin Mkapa Seychelles - France-Albert Rene These candidates could advance a claim to have behaved well. Mr Kerekou, for example, was the first mainland African head of state to have allowed free multiparty elections - and to have then stood down when he lost. Mr Chissano played a key role in ending the war in Mozambique. Mr Mkapa kept Tanzania on a relatively stable political course despite unrest in neighbouring countries. And Mr Rene also looks a strong contender, with Seychelles ranked as one of Africa's best governed states. Tempation Curiously, the late military strongman of Togo, Gnassingbe Eyadema, who died in office, is also on the list of possible recipients. A spokesman for the Mo Ibrahim Foundation stressed that the list was a "long list" of all the former heads of state or government and not a "shortlist" chosen by the prize committee. One of the men named in the "long list", former President Bakili Muluzi of Malawi, told me through a trusted contact that he did not think he qualified for the prize because he does not want to be an "ex-president". Mr Muluzi intends to stand for office again - and is currently engaged in a controversial political and legal battle to do so. A senior diplomat posted to Malawi told me Mr Maluzi's new bid for power had caused "political deadlock". He speculated that the prize raises the fascinating possibility that it could end that deadlock by tempting Mr Muluzi into retirement with a handsome pension.
  7. Ma kuwaanaa dowlad ah. I said it before and I will write it again: kuwaan magac dowladeed ayee ku ciyaareen that those stooges are no near anything resembling a dowlad and an institution, whatsoever. Xataa the military junta that rules Burma ayaaba dhaamo, iskaba dhaaf Afgaanistaan, Heyti [Haiti] and Ciraaq, to list a few from those in Soomaaliya's league.
  8. Why did you leave the last paragraph of the article? Is that why you don't sometimes like giving sources? Kamoon. Here is the last paragraph you left out: "Some analysts say Somaliland does not want stability in Mogadishu but without a proper referendum it is highly improbable that Somaliland can gain recognition. Yet with the transitional government in Mogadishu being dominated by Puntland supporters, Somaliland does not expect neutrality and negotiation to come from Mogadishu TFG officials." You didn't like some words in there, I see.
  9. Didn't know Kashafa in uu ahaa nin shirba. Haddaaba fahantay geeraarkaan nin halis Afsoomaaligiis loo gali karin ayaa tahay.
  10. Originally posted by -: Kaalaya sheeko aroos kama dhaashiin miyaa? The whole forum is inundated with threads about kusbands, wives, relationships,marriage,etc. What's about the end of summer that got everyone excited? Some are still in qooq season nooh, hence the constant threads about those subjects. Markana summer too wali ma dhamaan ee dhaaf dadka hakaa baashaalaan. I had never seen in a late Siteember days being this hot as it was today.
  11. Oobis, I didn't realize she did edit. Raali noqo, Keyf. I should edit mine. Kuusha, gabadha wey xishooday ee ka daba daa waxaa ka daba wadid. Not many of us are that brave to publically admit the vanities of youth some did. I did give that to our sister, Keyf.
  12. Ciidamada Itoobiya iyo kuwa dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa maanta [siteember 24] baaritaan ku saameeyey xarunta Jaamacada Muqdisho oo ku taala inta u dhexeysa qabuuraha Barakaat iyo iyo Isgoyska Carafaat ee wadada warshadaha xilli ay halkaasi waxbarasho uga socotay arday aad u fara badan oo duruus kala duwan halkaasi ku qaadaneysay. Ciidamada DF oo iyagu ku hormaray gelitaanka gudaha Jaamacada Muqdisho ayaa galay fasalada iyo qeybaha kala duwan ee Jaamacadaasi ay ka kooban tahay oo xiligaasi ay ku sugnaayeen arday aad u fara badan iyo xubno ka tirsan maamulka Jaamacadaasi, waxayna ciidamada oo circa u ridayey rasaas argagax gelisay ardayda jaamacadaasi ee gudaha ku jirtay oo waxbarashadoodii ay hakad gashay maanta intii uu howlgalkaasi socday, waxayna amar ku bixinayeen in loo furo meel walba oo xiran taasoo keentay in la jebiyo qolal ka mid ah xarunta Jaamacadaasi oo xirnaa furayaashoodana ay hayeen xubno xiligaasi ka maqnaa oo ka tirsan maamulka Jaamacadda. Ciidamada DF ayaa ardayda Jaamacadaasi ku sugneyd ka urursaday telefoono mobile ah oo ay heysteen iyo qalab kale, kuwaasoo ay ka buuxsadeen kiishash ay wateen, waxaana arinta la yaabka leh ee halkaasi ka dhacday ay aheyd markii ciidamada DF ay ka baxeen Jaamacadda ayaa ciidamadii Itoobiyaanka ahaa ee dibeda joogay ay ka soo qaadeen telefoonadii iyo alaabadii kale, iyagoo dibna ugu soo celiyey ardaydii laheyd ee gudaha ku jirtay taasoo ka yaabisay ardayda . Sii wado aqriska ------------- Mooryaaan aan xishood, damiir bini'aadenimo iyo ixtiraam toona lahayn kii u dhiibtay inay wax maamulaan ka gardaran. Xataa heer Xabashadii ka xishoodsiiyaan gaareen. Xabashadii ayaaba la yaaban. Waxaas ayaa Soomaali sheeganaayo. Disgusted.
  13. Where is 'art'? Mention Range Resources in a thread and 'art' will be there in a supersonic speed. It also seems on SOL, a certain other individual will only surface out from the lurking, in order just to defend the indefensible Cadde Muuse. It seems a bit tad of being a cult worship. He doesn't care whatever else happens in Bari or Soomaaliya, but the corrupt Cadde Muuse u daran difaacidiisa.
  14. Originally posted by Keyf: :eek: :eek: :eek: -------------- Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Me too... I never tired it... You never got tired of jaad? WaaaW. Meeqa marduuf ayaa cuntaana maalintii? Just pulling your leg, I know it was a typo. So, who else is going to admit something? Well, let me confess as well nooh. I once tried eating cambuulo with caanoboore.
  15. They stole my brother's shoes in Dubai airport's masaajid last week. He slept in that little masaajid while he was waiting his flight. Haka saarto, dacas uu ugu degay garoonka diyaaradaha ee Copenhagen ee Denmark on his way back.
  16. I am deeply saddened by hearing this. Of all capable, choosing Indhamadoowe and of all posts, giving him the senior and prominent post of "difaaca/gaashaandhiga" very unfortuante. I thought by now the leadership in Maxkamadaha have learned a valuable lesson. The influence, it seems, is two-fold: Boiling pressure by Korneel Daahir Aweys behind the closed doors and Indhamadoowe's supposed presence in Muqdisho. He is assumed to be in Xamar and in charge qaraxyadda ka dhacaaya meeshaas, along with Ceyroow. Many capable men are available and were -- and still are -- at their disposal, men the likes of Korneel Cumar Xaashi Aaden or even Jen. Jaamac Max'ed Qaalib. They are at least military experienced men and much less controversial. They are also eloquent speakers and political mature men aan hadalka ku deg degin. All those isqabqabsi ka socday meeshaas the last couple days must have related to Indhamadoowe. I am sure many kasoo horjeeday his nomination meesha joogay. If they had the need to satisfy Indhamadoowe's sub-clan tol, they could have had many capable men from that tol, I am sure. Heck, give it to Jen. Galaal.
  17. Don't call Max'uud Axmediinajad a nut, crackpot, Rudy. He says as he sees. And I like him in that style of his, same with Chavez of Venezuela. I got and watched a partial part before I went to work today at his speech at Columbia University live on Aljasiira English today; it was much interesting. Tough questions were they asking him, but not giving what they wanted to hear, even some getting frustrated and booing. Many others applaused incessantly and cheered his jokes and evading answers.
  18. Acuudi bilaahi ... Ma Soomaali ayaa saan wax u qoraayo? Such a fiery hatred and ardent animosity. Bisinka iyo murdaha. Eebboow. Waxaa laga dhadhansan karaa qoraalka oo isleedahay dadkaan -- waa kan qoray suu Soomaalida isdileyso u arkee -- waa dadka kala jaad iyo isir ah, oo naceyb weyn qarniyaal jiray inay ka dhaxeyso, not dad isdhalay, isla dhashay, isku af, diin iyo dhaqan ah. Falastiin iyo Yahuudba saan mar mar iskuma necba. Shuud.
  19. Cutubyo ka tirsan ciidamada DF oo xalay fariisimo cusub ka sameystay meelo ka mid ah Muqdisho iyo qaar dadkii ay soo ag dageen ka mid ah oo bilaabay iney barakacaan Ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda federaallka Soomaaliya oo wata noocyada kala duwan ee gaadiidka dagaalka iyo tuute isugu jira milateri iyo boolis ayaa fiidnimadii xalay fariisimo cusub ka sameystay qeybo ka mid ah magaalada caasimada ah ee Muqdisho, iyadoo qaar ka mid ah dadkii degenaa xaafadihii ay soo ag dageena ay bilaabeen iney guryahooda ka barakacaan. Goobaha ay xalay fariisimida ka sameysteen ciidamada DF ayaa waxaa ka mid ah meel u dhexeysa Isgoyska Aadan cadde iyo xarunta madaxtooyada Vila Somalia ee magaalada Muqdisho, gaar ahaan agagaarka halka loo yaqaano Suuq Sacuudi ee degmada Wardhiigley, waxaana ciidamadaasi ay ku faafeen xaafadaha iyagoo gaaray ilaa Geed Jaceyl iyo nawaaxiga masaajidka Cabdalla iyo Cowreere ee isla degmadaasi. Sidoo kale, Ciidamada dowladda federaalka ayaa fariisin cusub ka sameystay gudaha Ex-xaruntti taliska ciidanka Cirka Soomaaliyeed (Afisiyooni) oo ku taala degmada Waaberi ee magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaasoo soo galay, isla markaana xalay gaaf wareegayey qeybo mid ah degmadaasi gaar ahaan wadada Via Liberia oo iyadu ah goob habeenkii si aad ah loo soo camiro uuna ka jiro dhaqdhaqaaq ganacsi oo aad u xoog badan, waxaana dadkii halkaas joogay iyo kuwii kale ee meheradaha ganacsi ku lahaa oo aan arki jirin ciidamadan faraha badan ay bilaabeen iney dhaqso goobahasi ka kala tagaan, waxaana qaar ka mid ah dadkan deegaankaasi ay sheegeen in falal isugu jira dhac iyo baarashaba ay kula kaceen ciidamadan, ayna ka qaateen waxyaabo kala duwan sida Mobilo iyo lacago yar yar oo ay jeebka ku siteen. Ciidamadan fariisimada ka sameystay qeybo ka mid ah degmooyinka Waaberi iuyo Wardhiigley ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa khal khal iyo cabsi fara badan ku abuuray dadka ku dhaqan goobaha ay soo dageen, kuwaasoo qaarkood bilaabay saaka iney ka barakacaan goobahaasi, iyagoo ka cabsi qaba iney waxyeelo ka soo gaarto haddii ciidamadaasi ay soo weeraraan kooxaha ka soo horjeeda oo had iyo jeer bartilmamaeedsada ciidamada, lamana oga ilaa hadda sababaha rasmiga ah ee keenay in ciidamadan ay goobahaasi degaan, iyadoo aysan jirin wax war ah oo arintaasi ku saabsan oo ka soo baxay Dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya. Tixraac ------------- They are cancer virus ah waliba. Meeshee u dhawaadaanba, fariisimo ka dhigtaanba, maasaakiinta u agdhaw ka cararaayo, ka qaxaayo.
  20. What is the first post about? News article? Editorial piece? Opinion comment?
  21. Everything, ka ahayn cibaadaadda, is useless in this ever-obsessed, ever-increasing materialist world. At the end of the day, godkaas ayaa ku sugaayo: Adiga iyo Eebbahaaga. Higher, postsecondary educations in Western society has become a business -- the more enrolment a university or a college has, the better the tuition or government-funding or grants are for the institution. Dad badan ayaa nool jaamacadaad waligood cag dhigin, and doing much, much better than dad badan aan arkay jaamacadooda kasoo baxay, with debts Eebba knows see ku bixin doonaan, plus the ribadda ku socoto.
  22. M aalintii shalay Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka oo markiisa hore ku aragta ahaa Ra’iisal Wasaare Geeddi ayaa goor dambe Afhayeenka Baarlamaanka waxaa uu kulan la qaatay Sarkaalka Itoobiyanka ugu sareeya ee jooga Magaalada Muqdisho waxaana lagula taliyaya Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka inuu ku aragti ahaado Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf balse Sheekh Aadan Madoobe waxaa uu Saraakiisha Itoobiya u sheegay inuu dhexdhaxaadin doono Madaxweynaha iyo Wasiirkiisa koowaad. [sii aqriso .] ------------ The two of the three senior stooges are not seeing face to face in these days. The boss' representive in Xamar -- and the de facto ruler, Jenaraal Gabre -- has to enter the scene and give the script instructed from Adisababa. Apparently and despite the news article above, though, their Xabashi boss in Adisababa has a little dilemma. Their favourite stooge is too corrupt and swindler of public funds, but neither do they trust other stooges as they do with Geedi. So a little stalemate and don't know what to do with the little three puppets. If it gets too hot, though, expect an immediate forced appearance at master's headquarter, Adisababa.