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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Bilaal, dadaalkaaga Eebba hakuu garabgalo. Your positive views of Soomaalinimo in this dark, historically low era of Soomaalinimo -- Soomaalis one day will appreciate, heck salute and honour you by building a taalo, for men like you. You and your daljecelnimo thoughts are worth more than a thousand qabyaalad-induced, clanish Soomaalis. It is easy to be a pessimistic in Soomaali affairs in this hardening, trying times. Keep the positive spirit and hope of Soomaalinimo up. Always. To the xabaalaha.
  2. Nuunka, aaw guku caarsanahay nurtii in Fa'moosaali galu roqo xawaan daban oo uk saabsan xaxyaabihii dhacay cadhay gadaaladii hokar. Runtii habeen dhawayd ayaanba saas ka fikiraaye ka waran? In 'museum' aan meel ku aruuriyo waxyaabihii dhacay, yaalay ama lagu dhaqmi jiray dagaaladda kahor. Xataa suu dalka u ekaa muuqaalkiis. Waxaan ogaaday saan haddii saan lagu sii socdo waxyaabo badan ayaa dhumaayo, oo jiilka soo koraayo oo haddaba qaangaaray waxba kala socon dalkeena suu ahaan jiray.
  3. Booqo sclub19.com sclub19.com They have the most collected Soomaali songs on MP3. Some of them, you have to know the little trick of how to get. Also deeyoo.com. Then there is somaliuk.com There are other sites, but those sites need some tricks here and there to retrieve the songs and see the original MP3 source. PS - Adigoo raali ahna magaca waa Soomaali, not "somalian."
  4. The 'Ndrangheta mafia along with the corrupt CEO of the named company(and many yet to be named) will be pursued and held accountable for their actions, once we get a legitimate, viable Somali government. Before we take on the mighty maafiya, we need to eradicate the men among us Soomaali nala sheeganaayo: the likes of Cali Mahdi Max'ed and Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed, who for a few hundred thousand dollars practically sold off the future of Soomaaliya and Soomaalis. It was them who collaborated what is a dire future threat that threatens the very existence of Soomaalis. The Talyaani journalist, Ilaria Alpi, was investigating on this corrupt deal between the warlords and the maafiya during the UNISOM deployment. She was on the verge of exposing this when they murdered her and her cameraman in Muqdisho in 1994.
  5. Somaliland's leaders detest Yusuf, a former warlord who invaded their capital Hargeisa in the late 1990s, and have refused to join his government -- now mired in a persistent insurgency and political split that has paralysed it. Whoa, whoa, Reuters.
  6. If some Soomaalis had this hatred they have for their mutually perceived clan enemies, if this energetic loathing they have for one another were saved for the the proper enemy -- the Xabashi occupying their own supposedly capital city and massacring, raping and uprooting Soomaali citizens in the process -- Soomaali saan kuma dhaceen. Kuwii ka badbaaday Xabashi's wrath, iyagii ayaaba iscunaayo today. Kuwii la islahaa deegaanadooda ladnaana oo Xabashadii ka fakaday ayaa saan isku dhameynaayo. Eebboow ummadeena u gargaar.
  7. Originally posted by Seekknowledge: Fatah_Al_Soomaal, Would the Alshabab and "Abu Mansur" fight also the Christian Eritrean backed ICU? I didn't know thousands of Eritareeyaan troops invading Soomaaliya and currently occupying the xudunta of Soomaaliya, Xamar. Thousands more massacred by those invading gaalo troops, masaakiin walaalaheena ahna la wada kufsado by these "Christian Eritrean" troops. I didn't too know that the "Christian Eritreans" were/are persecuting and forcefully subjugating, plus ethnically cleansing Soomaalis in their own land by cruelty and oppression of that tyrant "Christian Eritrean" in Xabashi-occupied Soomaali Galbeed. I didn't know those who were doing this were "Christian Eritrean." This news must have passed me. Ila soo socodsii what else we are missing. Ar maxaa been la isku sheegay, oo aan meel caad ka jirin qiiq laga raadiye.
  8. Wa salaan, walaasheey Xaniifo yaa Nafiisa. Ciid wanaagsana horta. Maxaa tiri, Saskatchewan? Ma Regina ayaa isgeysay? Bisinka. "Jikadii" [ ] ma nacday aan kugu ogaa? Soomaali badan maa joogto taloow deegaankaas, koley waa hubaa inay Soomaali joogaane. Ar abaayadiis iska ilaali meesha, kaligaa meel aan lagaa aqoon degnoow dhibaato waayee. Haa, jinijini 'cartoonka' ayaa la dhihi jiray. Dadka waa weyn ereyga Talyaaniga ee 'tubiliini' ayee isticmaali jireen. Kan calibeestaan ayaa iga yaabiyo runtii. Ma'ogi Soomaalida meeshee kasoo alifeen. Koley filin qof fiirsaday ayaa alifaa filaa, oo filinkaas kasoo raacay, sida Cali Dheere camal. Soomaalidii hore sida ciyaal internetka u isticmaalaan 'faarax' ayee 'cali' u isticmaali jireen. "Jaangowracan" maxaa laga wadaana? Yaa gowracee? Ar ha isoo marin haddaa dad iyo jaanba gowraceysid. ------------ Af jinni. does any1 speaks them nowadays? Aah. Da'iga kamu dahashaa?
  9. I think you have missed the satire, though mostly doted with factual events, in this piece. Again, you also mistaken the overall grand scheme Xabashi leadership are planning currently. The Soomaali "unity" Xabashi want is about, it seems, a necessity for the current leadership in Adisababa, not the failed Xeyle Salaase, which you alluded. Though they have a dilemma which scheme they would like to opt: a dismembered Soomaaliya or a unital one with a puppet, weak clan-based pseudo-states, each controlled from Adisababa. To them, it is a better to have a weak, unrecognized Waqooyi than have it have a full international recongition. Thus that is why, in private, waxa ay ku maaweeliyaan Riyaale and his separatist followers, that Xabashi are on their side and lobbying for a recongition. Why buy the cow when you can milk it free, as the aphorism goes. You don't have to underestimate what Xabashi are doing in our fragmented country. They are now even trying to open an "embassy" in Bari, which we can guess to be another espionage agent post. Xaalka meeshaas ayuu maroyaa, ee muran macno weyn ku fadhinin looma joogo about some long-ago protectorate and whatnot. The author completely got his main points together -- which is what matters after all -- for what bigger Xabashi outline is all about, though it was presented as a satiric article.
  10. Odayaasha Beelaha [...] oo sheegay in Madaxda Dowladda Federaalka uu ka soo baxay Xaqii ay Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ka galeen Axad, Oktoobar 14, 2007 - Odayaasha Beesha [...] garabka uu hoggaamiyo Maxamed Xasan Xaad oo maanta hadal saxaafadeed ka soo saaray khilaafka u dhaxeeya Madaxda sare ee Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in uu ka soo baxay madaxda Dowladda Federaalka xaqii ay shacabka Soomaaliyeed ka galeen. “Hal booliya Nirig Xalaal ah ma dhasho, Nimankaas markii horeba kuma socon dhabihii Dowladda, waxa hadda ka dhexguuxayana waa cuqubadii iyo dhibaatadii ay Umadda u geysteen, waayo waxaa maalin walba dhibkooda ka cabanaya dad birimageydo ah oo Islaam ah, sidaas darteed waxaan leenahay Illaah u towbad keena oo cafis weydiista,” ayuu yiri Axmed Diiriye oo intaas ku daray in ay ugu baaqayaan dhinacyada uu khilaafka u dhaxeeyo inay wada hadlaan oo aysan khilaafkooda gaarsiin in ay dagaallamaan. “Waxaan ku talineynaa in ay Raggaas khilaafkooda xaliyaan, isal markaana aysan iyagu isdilin, Dadkana dilin, annagu had iyo jeer waxaan ka dignaa dhibaatooyinka shacabka ku imaan kara”ayuu yiri Axmed Diirye Cali. Axmed Diiriye oo sii hadlayay waxaa uu ugu baaqay madaxda sare ee Dowladda ee khilaafka uu u dhaxeeyo in ay meelahooda kala joogaan, isla markaana ay ka fogaadaan in ay dhibaato hor leh u horseedaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo awalba dhibaateysnaa. Afhayeenka Odayaasha Beesha [...], garabka uu hoggaamiyo Maxamed Xasan Xaad ayaa intaas ku daray in aaney dadka Soomaaliyeed dhibaato kale u noqonin, isla markaana waxa ay u baahan yihiin ay tahay in la badbaaadiyo oo aan dhib iyo dagaal dambe loo celin. Mar uu ka hadlayay Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ah ee haatan ku sugan Soomaaliya waxaa uu sheegay in aaney Itoobiya weligeed cag soo dhigin Soomaaliya, hayeeshee ay madaxda Dowladda keeneen, “ 800 sano iyo wax wehliya ayuu dhisan yahay Xamar wixii la soo maray oo gumeysi ahaana Itoobiya cagahooda ma soo dhigin, iyagaana markii la doortay Dalka keenay ,” ayuu hadalkiisa ku sii daray Axmed Diiriye Cali Afhayeenka Garab ka mid ah Golaha Dhaqanka iyo Midnimada Beelaha [...]. Odayaasha Beesha [...], garabka uu hoggaamiyo Maxamed Xasan Xaad ayaa dhawaan waxay kulan kula yeesheen Magaalada Muqdisho Ra’iisal Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geeddi, iyadoo kulankaasina uu ahaa mid lagu dhameynayay mad-madow u dhaxeeyay Odayaasha iyo Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya. Ugu dambeyntiina, Khilaafka u dhaxeeya Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Ra’iisal Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa wuxuu noqday mid ay Dadka Soomaaliyeed farta iyo wadnaha isku hayaan, iyagoo ka baqaya in khilaafkooda uu faraha ka baxo, isla markaana uu sii kordhiyo dhibaatada xasilooni la’aaneed ee haatan ka taagan Soomaaliya. Xigasho
  11. It seems the stooges meeshee tagaanba qaraxyadana waa daba socdaan. Qaraxii labaad waaye in as many days. Qaraxyo xoogan oo caawa fiidkii ka dhacay magaalada Baydhabo Qaraxyo xoogan ayaa caawa fiidkii ka dhacay magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta gobolka Baay xilli ay ku sugan yihiin madaxda sar sare ee dowladda KMG oo khilaaf xoogan uu hareeyay. Qaraxyadaan oo loo adeegsaday Bam gacmeedyo ayaa lala beegsaday Hotel Farjanaay oo ay dagan yihiin mudanayaal ka tirsan Baarlamanka Somalia sida ay ku warameen goobjoogayaal ku sugan magaalada Baydhabo. Qaraxyada ka dib ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda KMG ah ee Somalia ayaa isku gadaamay halkaasi, lamana oga wali wax qasaaro ah oo ka dhashay. Qaraxyadaan oo si weyn looga maqlay magaalada Baydhabo ayaa waxa ay saameyn ku yeesheen dhamaan howlihii ganacsi ee ka jirey halkaasi oo gabi ahaanba istaagay. Lama oga wali kooxaha ka dambeeyay weeraradaan bambaano oo lagu qaaday Hotelkaasi. Dhowaan ayay aheyd markii qarax loo adeegsaday gaari laga soo buuxiyay walxaha qarxa lala eegtay fariisin ciidamada Itoobiya ay ku leeyihiin warshad ku taala magaalada Baydhabo. Arimahaan ayaa waxa ay ku soo beegmayaan xilli khilaaf xoogan uu ka dhex jiro madaxda dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya, khilaafkaasi oo ku baahay golayaasha dowladda KMG ah. Xigasho
  12. It is unfortunate, the slow declining of historical Baardheere town. Now, its heart, the buundo that linked the two parts of the town as well as the wider region of Gedo, NFD and Jubbooyinka is broken. Buundadaan gumeysigii Talyaaniga ayaa dhisay, dowladihii Soomaaliyeedna cusbooneysiiye and the final renovation took place during the UNISOM years of early '90s. ------------- Baardheere 14 Oktoobar, 07 - Waxaa Gabi ahaanba go'day buundadii degmada Baardheere ee gobolka Gedo, iyadoo gabo ahaanba ay istaageen gaadiidkii iyo dadkii ka gudbi jirey buundadaasi sida uu ku soo waramayo wariyaha shabelle ee gobolka Gedo, Saalixi. Buundadii degmada Baardheere oo halbowle dhinaca nolosha ah u aheyd kumanaan dad ah isla markaana isku xiriirisa isku socodka dadka iyo gaadiidka u kala goosha deegaano ka tirsan gobolada Gedo, Jubbooyinka iyo dalalka dariska ah ayaa shalay galinkii dambe go'day, waxaana gabi ahaanba istaagay dhamaan isku socodka dadka, xoolaha iyo gaadiidka. Dhacdadaan ayaa timid ka dib markii shalay galinkii dambe ay mar qura ah mareen in ka badan 10 baabuur oo xamuul ah, kuwaasi oo ku sii jeeday dhinaca magaalada Ceelwaaq ee gobolka Gedo, taasina ay keentay in mar qura alwaaxdii iyo birihii isku hayay buundada ay go'aan isla markaana ay ku dhacaan biyaha wabiga. Daahir Yuusuf oo ka mid ah Mas'uuliyiinta degmada Baardheere kana mid ah boqolaal dad ah oo shalay galinkii dambe isugu soo baxay hareeraha wadada ayaa dareenkiisa ku muujiyay sida uu uga xun yahay dhibaatooyinka adag ee dhinaca nolosha ah ee soo foodsaaray dadka deegaanka. Waxa uu ka codsaday hay'adaha samafalka iyo cid kasta oo gacan ka geysan karta in dib loo dhiso buundadaasi ay ku soo biiriyaan wixii ay awoodaan. Xigasho
  13. Ereyadaan qaarkood oo Afsoomaali dhab ahaan ahayn oo lasoo deensaday, sidaas oo tahay Afsoomaaliga waa kasii guurayaan. Adoo maqashid goormaa kugu dambeysay? Jinijini => cartoons Calibeesteen => native North American tribes Boorsamiinto => movie trailers Moolo moolo => slow motion scenes in the movies Kaabalaadar => the top bad guy in films Kuwaan aflaanta ama filimaanta ayee ku jiri jireen iskaga soo xasuustay caawa. Kusoo dar wax kale haddaa xasuusatid.
  14. [ The literature you are about to read is divided in four parts. Its contents are based on facts and fictions. The players are the stakeholders of Somali politics and blights: Ethiopia, warlords, fadhikudirir, ICU and the rest of the world. ] Cabdiqaadir Aaden Jangeli Oktoobar 13, 2007 Who spoiled Ethiopian Dreams? Part II After a week Minister Zirrow and his advisors met again in his private, red, sound proof room attached to his executive office in Addis. They needed to wrap up last week’s agenda regarding Somalia’s destiny. Zirrow : I spoke with a dozen head of states and I explained how Somalia is important to our region. I emphasized how we, Ethiopians, care about Somalia and how we would never accept a divided Somalia. Therefore, I accentuated that Somaliland not be recognized as an independent state. I reminded them that Somaliland’s desire can influence a lot of people in Africa. It can lead to a very dangerous precedent, and it is not in the interest of our region, or Africa as whole, to have nations continue to split. Girgis : Mr. Minister, did they buy it? Did any one of them raise their eyebrows and question your sincerity for Somalia’s unity? Zirrow : Girgis, you need diplomatic training. Heads of state do not argue or go into detail about their concerns, especially if you are a regional power like us, or a global power like the USA. In case of a misunderstanding, they do a follow up to see how the matter is resolved. The main leaders I was interested in were Mr. Ghelle and Mr. Moi. We know Mr. Ghelle’s position and there is no need to put pressure on him about Somali unity. Although, he has only been in office for 7 or 8 months, I believe he will follow in his uncle’s footsteps for supporting Somali unity. We have different goals, but we are taking the same route. As for Moi, I think we should all be clear that no Kenyan leader would oppose an Ethiopian leader’s agenda, especially when dealing with Somali affairs. I gave him a signal about our intention, because I want him to be part of our program. My worry is, he is getting old and he will not be able to keep such important information secret, but I’ll try to coach him about Somalia’s issues when we attend regional or International conferences. I also pointed out to those head of states, that it would not be fair to ask or compel Somaliland to attend any of Somalia’s reconciliation conferences. Somaliland is unlike Southern Somalia, it is a peaceful place that is flourishing in every aspect, so there is no reason for them to deal with the warring factions in the south. Asfaum : Yes, Mr. Minister it sounds good. But, did you contact Mr. Blaise Compaore? Girgis : Who is Compaore? Asfaum : He is the president of Burkina Faso and the current chairman of the Organization of African Unity. Zirrow : Why should I contact him? He should contact me; the Organization of African Unity is Ethiopia and Ethiopia is the OAU…Capisci….Just think about why the world affairs is run by the USA. Girgis : Because the United Nations headquarters is in New York. Zirrow : And...? Girgis : And OAU Headquarters is in Addis Ababa; therefore all African affairs should be run by the way we want them to run! Zirrow : Bravo Girgis, what else do these two cities have in common? Girgis : Both have Mercato … Italian mercato Tessafa : No, both are full of incompetent diplomats! Zirrow : Wrong, their names have the same meaning... New Flower. Barhanu : Well, Mr. Minister, thank you for your report. It is very encouraging! Also Tessafa and I contacted most Somalis who we believe can play a role in helping us reach our goal, but we did not contact Mr. Egal. We left him for you Mr. Minister. He is a heavy weight, and as you know he is a shroud politician. He can easily figure out our intentions... Girgis : Ah! Is Mr. Egal different from other Somalis? Barhanu : YES!! Girgis : How? I thought they were all the same! Asfaum : Brother Girgis, please save your breath. Not all Somalis are as predictable as you think. You will be amazed to know that many of them are proud of their national-hood; especially those who fought for Somali freedom and independence decades before you were born, like Aden Abdulle Osman, Abdirazak Haji Hussein, and Mohamed Ibrahim Egal. Girgis : Sorry, Tassefa told me they all have a clannish mentality and as long as we support their kin, they will forget about their subsistent state. Tassefa : Kahkahkahkah... Yes, I explained to you how clans are more important than their nation, or even their religion, but you have to take the qualities of each leader into consideration. Girgis : Yes, yes, Tassefa you are right. But let’s get back to business. Mr. Minister, are you going to talk to Mr. Egal? Zirrow : About what? NO! I am not talking to him. He has never directly requested that Ethiopia recognize Somaliland, so why should I open that door. Let it be in that limbo state. Anyhow, most observers see him as a national figure and they say he has not yet given up on Somalia. Right now, we need to focus on men who we know are on our side. Girgis : So let us discuss the criteria for these “good” guys? Barhanu : Yes, if the Minister allows me, I would like to lay out the most important traits for the gentlemen we want running Somali affairs for the decades to come, until it ceases as a nation. Zirrow : Berhanu please continue. Barhanu : Well, these men: Must have ambition to rule. Must be merciless. And they must be truly loyal to us. These three characteristics are key, but there are a couple of other elements that we need to consider for the selection, like past performances in the civil war, and clan compassion. Zirrow : Very good. I believe together we will make history, one that has not been achieved in this century. We must be confident, firm, and uncompromising in our goals, so help us God. Tassefa : Before you close the meeting I would like to share some intelligence coming from Hargeysa regarding Mr. Egal’s call for Somali reconciliation. He is planning to meet some prominent southern politicians to explore hosting a national conference in Hargeysa. Burhanu : That is not a good sign Mr. Minister. If we let Somalis have a conference, without our input, it may end up as successful as the one in Borama. They can easily reach some sort of agreement and understanding, which could lead to a functioning central government. Zirrow : Mr. Tessafa, will you please contact all the warlords, especially the diehard ones, and warn them about the danger glowing from Hargeysa. ------------- Historical Facts : In September 1999, while President Mohamed Ibrahim Egal was exploring the possibility of national conference in Hargeysa, President Ismail Omar Ghelle attended for the first time the UN conference as President of Djibouti. In his speech, Mr. Ghelle, suggested to the UN General Assembly that a conference should be held to plan for the rebuilding of Somalia. Unlike, previous conferences he wanted to give a chance to the civil society: Diaspora, elders, intellectuals, business communities etc. Mr. Ghelle informed his plan to colleagues and members of OAU, EGAD, Arab League, Islamic Conference, EU and so forth and requested support for rebuilding Somalia. He decided not to wait until the regional and international colleagues responded to his appeal; instead he called citizens of Djibouti to host a national conference for Somali reconciliation. Hundreds of Djiboutian families vacated their homes to accommodate the conference attendees. With zero or little help from outside, Mr. Ghelle succeeded to open the conference in Arta in May of 2000 to over 2,000 attendees. Another Meeting Called Again Mr. Zirrow and his advisors met in their usual meeting room for a quick briefing and to also find out the progress of the Arta conference. Zirrow : Please give a round of applause to Tessafa for the good job he did about the Arta conference. Girgis : What did he do? Zirrow : I was telling the whole world that we are supporting Ghelle’s initiative for Somali reconciliation, while Tassefa was revealing the opposite to our good guys. He called them to boycott Ghelle’s conference. Girgis : Wow... so Mr. Minister are you telling us that Tassefa’s word was heard better than yours? Tessafa : Hey...hey... Girgis stop joking around! Can’t you decipher the Minister’s expressions? Burhanu : Mr. Minister, how about Arabs? Are they supporting Arta’s process? Girgis : Who cares! Have you ever seen a problem that an Arab has solved?! Assfaum : Yes, Algebra...kahkhakahkahkah. But seriously speaking, we cannot forget that Somalia and Djibouti are members of the Arab League!!! Girigis : So what? If the Arabs care about Somalia they would have helped to solve their crises a long time ago. The Arabs are incapable of solving even a small issue, like lifting the ban on Somali livestock, which is crucial for their economy. Zirrow : Well said Girgis! Sometimes your bluntness amazes me… People don’t like the naked truth, but after all it is the truth. This meeting is adjourned. Remember that in the next meetings we will be devising a strategy to destroy any outcome of the Arta conference. ----------- [The players: First Minister Zirrow of Xabashi state, with his top trusted advisers: Berhanu, Wolde, Tassefa, Asfaum and Girgis. You can read Part I on here.]
  15. Originally posted by me: ^What is buunsho? The closest meaning I can find in English for buunsho is hay, a soft version of it. Marka la tumo any galey [corn] or qamadi [wheat] wax kasoo baxo oo korka ka saaran inta aan la tumin waa buunsho. Waxaas jil jileecsan dufka miiran kasoo baxo dooradda ayaa la siiyaa. Buuxo, buunsho maa cuntaa, LoL? Koley cereal [or even corn flakes for that matter] wax Afsoomaali lagu dhaho ma keeni karo, laakiin if you meant qamadi, whose extraction produces cereals, then what we only know is that qamadi is wheat.
  16. Gaalo madoow can be any gaal that is "madoow." Since the ereyga 'gaal' has the same roots and meaning with geel and was referred, by Soomaalida, to Oromadda, who have had plenty of geel/gaal in those days. Or probably Oromo called themselves gaalo then, but some disapprove and dislike this word now since some groups use it as a derogatory word. It is a pre-Islaamic term, applied to any shisheeye Soomaalida encountered. In those eras, the most furthest shisheeye Soomaalis had encountered were Oromadda and Oromadda were called gaala, as some still call them. When the Soomaalis embraced diinta Islaamka, they have kept the term, giving a new twist -- non-believers of Islaamka. When the caddaankii colonials arrived at our land, the term, yet again, acquired a new meaning. It mostly and almost solely became associated with those white colonial non-believers and infidels, particularly with those with Masiixi beliefs. Then Soomaalis further encountered other Africans claiming to be followers of Masiixi as well. Soomaalis now didn't know what to call them since gaal as an adjective has solely became a one associated with caddaanka. Marka hence the new term gaalo madoow, siiba madoowga Kenya degan, sida Kiikuuyada. What is interesting is that Soomaalida had never applied or called this term to Xabashadda; however, then again, like Soomaalida themselves, some Soomaalis do not consider Xabashadda as a "black" group as other Africans, though they are still Xabashi. That is why Soomaalida say markee arkaan Afrikaan kale "madoowgaas fiiri/war madoowgaan muxuu rabaa," though practically themselves ayaa ka madowsan. In the flawed Soomaali terminology, 'madoow' does not only refer to how one's skin appears to be, but the overall physical differences of one's ethnicity, since Tamils of Sri Lanka too are as madoow as some Soomaalis, but you never witness a Soomaali calling them madoow.
  17. What is Max'ed Qanyare Afrax up to these days? In the last couple months, Qanyare is portraying himself to be an ideal man who is only defending the Axdiga. In that process, he, along with Muuse Suudi Yalaxoow, has also became a fanatic defender of Geedi and his little dowlad ku sheeg. Wax ayaa loo sheegay. Whatever happened to Cismaan Caato, the all-time record holder of being a -- if not the -- ruiner of every attempt of building an adminstration Banaadir since 1991. We missed Cismaan Caato on the political scene. Probably nursing in somewhere and being sick.
  18. Xildhibaan Qanyare oo si weyn u cambaareeyay go'aankii shalay ay qaateen 22 wasiir Muqdisho 12 Oktoobar, 07 - ( Shabeelle ) - Xildhibaan Max'ed Qanyare Afrax ayaa cambaareeyay go'aankii shalay ay qaateen inta badan wasiirada ku jira xukuumadda Ra'isulwasaare Geedi. Xildhibaan Max'ed Qanyare oo maanta ka hadlayay munaasabad ka dhacday magaalada Baydhabo ayaa wax lagu qoslo ku tilmaamay go'aanka ay qaateen 22 wasiir oo ka mid ah golaha wasiirada xukuumadda RW Geedi. Max'ed Qanyare ayaa yiri "Ma waxa ay ka tahay aqoon darro mise wadaniyad xumo wa wax laga yaabo go'aanka qaateen". Waxa uu intaasi ku daray in aanu sharci aheyn dalabka ka soo yeeray wasiiradaasi oo ay ku dalbanayaan in Baarlamanka la horkeeno xukuumadda Cali geedi oo ay kalsooni weydiisato. Waxa uu ku dooday in xukuumadda Ra'isulwasaare Geedi ay heysato waqti Dheeraad ah oo ay ku hirgaliso qodobada lagu heysto oo ay ka mid yihiin in dalka laga hirgaliyo nidaamka Federaalka, waxaana uu sheegay in waqtigaasi ay ka dhiman tahay muddo ka badan halsano isla markaana haddii xilligaasi la gaaro uu Baarlamanka wax ka weydiin karo xukuumadda waxa ay ka yeeshay hirgalinta arimaha federaalka iyo waxyaabaha la midka ah. Max'ed Qanyare ayaa waxa uu sheegay in arimaha ka soo yeeray golaha wasiirada aanu aheyn wax sharci ku saleysan isla markaana ay tahay mid la doonayo in madmadoow lagu galiyo howlaha sharciga ah. Mar la weydiiyay in hadalkiisa uu qeyb ka yahay olole balaaran oo muddooyinkaan uu waday isla markaana uu ka horistaagayay in baarlamanka la horgeeyo xukuumadda Ra'isulwasaare Geedi ayuu iska fogeeyay arintaasi, waxaana uu sheegay in isaga uu ku dadaalayo in sharciga wax lagu hago. Hadalka Qanyare ayaa ku soo beegmaya saacado ka dib markii 22 wasiir oo ka mid ah xukuumadda Cali geedi ay ku ku dhowaaqday in ay is casilayaan haddii xukuumadda aanu mar kale weydiisan Baarlamanka codka kalsoonida.
  19. Originally posted by Dabshid: it is time MMA should resign from his post, adeer meesha raga kale u banee, waa iska soo tagan tahay, mise waa awood jacaylkii soomaalida, inta aad iskaga tagri fashid baad hadana soo fadhi meesha, it is wrong to paint a whole clan as theives. it is only bunch of thieves who control and terrorize the innocent pple in Kismaayo, and they will be removed soon. Politicacs Section Moderators candidates. 1)Duke 2)Jacaylbaro Horta ciid wanaagsan. I hope inaa xalwadda Iimaaraadka wax noogu reebtay. Duqa, aftaagyaasha qaarkood uma jawaabo, dhulkee yaalaana ma u foorarsado. Hadal waa raqiis. Heybo baa la igu dhalay, not xaaraan. Xalaalna waa la igu soo quudiye, not xaaraan or booliqaran. Waxee rabee dhihi karaan, hawl ii taalo ma'aha. Though this thread is not about me, it is xasuuqa Kismaayo ka socdo loola kacaayo that some do want to sidestep, oo meel aan waxba jirin wax ka raadinaayo. However, you do deserve a reply. Intee ku caaye qabiil? Here is my two posts in this thread that aan ogahay kululeeye xaaraan ku naaxs moooryaan militia that brutally occupies Kismaayo and their clan worshippers. It is the few clan militia that brutally subjugates, represses Kismaayo's native residents, loots its properties, deforests its deegaan for dhuxusha la dhoofiyo [which was documented by the United Nations] and now the daylight xasuuq of innocent people, including wadaado. Waxaas wax no Soomaali damiir leh indhaha ka qabsan karo ma'aha, as we did condemn waxa ka dhacay, ka dhacaayo Xamar, we will likewise condemn waxa lagu sameynaayo the native Kismaayo residents. Damiir ayaa Eebbe na siiye. The exposure will always continue, come calaacal or quuq iyo qiiq iyo nac nacda dalac bilaashka ah. Hawshaas aniga iima taalo. I will quote the two regarding posts I contributed in this thread, which was never edited and never will: The xaaraan ku naax clan occupiers of that city do not mind the Xabashi "sirdoon" in their midst. Ar maxaa Xabashi laga cabsaday. Where is Kashafa, who mistakenly believed these xaaraan ku naax occupiers of Kismaayo were anti-Xabashi. And this: Xiinfaniin, the xaaraan ku naax clan occupying militia from that village of Cabuudwaaq know inay ku daaheynin that blessed city of Kismaayo. It was a reason they couldn't even fire a single bullet to defend the occupied Kismaayo during Maxkamadaha's incursion. Now, they are shamelessly bedding and bidding with their loots with their Xabashi masters, protecting a Xabashi spy agent in their midst or sending their traditional ugaasyo envoys to Adisababa to beg the Xabashi master to leave them alone since they have nothing against Xabashi invading the country. No wonder, though, as they always bed anyone who they think that can prolong their clan occupaction, be it Indhamadoowe or Seeraar or Xabashi, or even as that warlord they worship as a lord [God-like, respected and honoured] said infamously, even they will bed the Yahuudis if it helps their occupying cause. They lack a clear, political insight of the future of this Soomaali polical games. No clan occupation ever lasted in Soomaaliya. That is the only clear conclusion we have got from this prolonged unnecessary clan civil wars. These are the two posts. Meel aan qabiil oo dad wanaag iyo xumaan ku wada jiro aan meel ugu dhacay ma jirto. I only blamed the xaaraan ku naax clan militia that occupies that city with their clan leaders. Nothing else and nothing more. Quuqda badan meeshaan lagu haayo yee kuu been guurin, Dabshidoow. The issue, once again, is not about me, but the murdering of innocent people aan loo naxariisan. Mar labaad, ciid wanaag iigu ciid, widaayoow.
  20. The xaaraan ku naax occupying clan militia killed another innocent wadaad again. ----------- Shiikh kale oo xalay Magaalada Kismaayo lagu dilay Khamiis, Oktoober 11, 2007 - Wararka naga soo gaaraya Magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta u ah Gobolka Jubbada Hoose ayaa waxay sheegayaan in xalay magaaladaas lagu dilay Shiikh kale oo si weyn looga yaqaanay magaaladaas. Kooxo hubeysan ayaa xalay waxay ku dileen Xaafadda Calanleey ee Magaalada Kismaayo Shiikh Maxamed Shire oo ka tirsanaa Culumaa’udiinka sida weyn looga yaqaanay Magaalada Kismaayo. Horay ayaa gudaha Magaalada Kismaayo waxaa loogu dilay labo Shiikh oo kale oo lagu kala magacaabi jiray Shiikh Jeylaani Cali Macallin iyo Shiikh Yuusuf Dheere, kuwaasi oo ay iyana dileen kooxo hubeysnaa oo aan ilaa iyo haatan la ogaanin cidda ay ahaayeen. Magaalada Kismaayo ayaa muddooyinkan waxaa ku soo badanaya Dilalka loo geysanayo Dadka muxtarimiinta ah ee ay ka midka yihiin Culumaa’udiinka, iyadoo ay sii dheer yihiin dilal kale oo salka ku haya aanooyin Qabiil, kuwaasi oo iyana magaalada ka dhacaya. Dilka xalay ka dhacay Magaalada Kismaayo ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo maalintii shalay ahayd uu magaaladaas ka dhacay Qarax loo adeegsaday Miino dhulka lagu aasay, taasi oo loola dan lahaa in lagu dilo Maareeyaha Garoonka Diyaaradaha Kismaayo ninkalagu magacaabo Maxamed Cali Shire. Dadka ku dhaqan Magaalada Kismaayo oo si weyn uga walaacsan dilalka qorsheysan ee loo geysanayo Culumaa’udiinka iyo weliba Qaraxyada ayaa waxay sheegayaan in falalka Nabadgelyo darrada ah ee ka jira Magaalada Muqdisho loo soo xawilay magaalada Kismaayo oo in muddo ah deganeyd, walow ay ka gaabsanayaan in ay sheegaan cidda u soo xawishay falalkaas nabadgelyo darrada ah. Ugu dambeyntiina, Ururka Xuquuqda Aadanaha Faanoole ayaa wuxuu cambaareeyay falalka nabadgelyo darrada ah ee ka soo cusboonaaday Magaalada Kismaayo iyo weliba dilalka loo geysanayo Culumaa’udiinka oo ka dhan ah Shareecada Islaamka, Baaqa Caalamiga ah ee Xuquuqda Aadamiga iyo Xeerarka soo jireenka ah ee Soomaalida. Xigasho
  21. Originally posted by Dahia al Kahina: Today I am rejoicing the "SOMALINIMO",I got off paying a parking ticket just because I was a Somali sister to the Somali brother that was issueing parking tickets, where I parked by mistake hurrying to a meeting...He cancelled as soon as he realised I was Somali...God bless him! God bless the Somali bus drive for stopping where he shouldnt stop to pick me up.. See, this is the true spirit of Soomaalinimo. I will always remember the kindness this Soomaali brother welcomed us, two young teenagers new to America. We were walking on the pavement and his car drove us past, but realized we were Soomaalis and screeched back, asking us if we were new to the city since that city, and particularly his area, hardly had any Soomaalis. Without asking our names, he took us to a restaurant, then to his home and asking us excitingly how we were doing and what we think of America, and how we were always welcome to his house from now on. The next night, his iskaabulo friend came and picked us up as well, doing the same. Waxaas ayaa Soomaalinimo la dhahaa.