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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Walaasheen Sahro Cabdi Xirsi qoraalkeeda hore muxuu ku saabsanyahay? Meel aan kala qabsado ayaanba kasi waaye. Gudniinka gabdhaha muu ku saabsanyahay? Qabyaalad? Dhaqanxumadda dadka Soomaaliyeed qaarkood? Qaxarka iyo dhibaatadda lagu jiro maanta? Wax badan ay soo jeedisay aragti ahaanteeda waaku raacsanahay, siiba qabiilka iyo qabyaaladda la wada ciribtiro, la baa'biyo, kor iyo hoos.
  2. T: Please wlc my Friend KK KK: Hi!!!! (walking like bajaq wiligeed kabo taako xiran) T: Hello KK wlc!! KK: Haa aboo ehehe! (jumps to T for a hug) T: Naa naga tag weesada hana jibininee!! Abaaba ciid ka ciid ayaa tukataa markaas aa dhahee weesaa ii dhowran. Jeega dheere waaxid.
  3. Buuggiisa, inkastoo uunan asaga qorin, ma aqrisay? Malcolm X himself is also a walking evidence that one can indeed educate one's self without going through rigid traditional educational institutions.
  4. Therapistfinder.com [Therapist-finder, of course.] Penisland.net [Pen Island] Powergenitalia.com [Power Generation Italia, a Talyaani energy company.] Expertsexchange.com [Experts-exchange.] Whorepresents.com [Who-represents.] Molestationnursery.com [Mole-station-nursery.] Thepenismightier [The-pen-is-mightier.] MP3shits [MP3s-hits.] Gotahoe [Go-Tahoe, Lake Tahoe's tourism site.] Speedofart.com [speed of art, of course.] More sites.
  5. Gaal = geel. I see you only know hal nooc aad gaal u taqaanid. And it is true, my awoowe owned more than that said number of gaals [err, geels].
  6. The fitting name of that occupied region is Soomaali Galbeed. It is the common interest for all Soomaalis who reside there and not to give some clan-minded an excuse to squabble. I understand it is a petty to bicker of a name considering waxa ka dhacaayo ama Xabashadda u geysaneyso deegaankaas. However and still, I don't know why some insist and prefer a clan name -- and worse, which was given by long gone colonial -- than a Soomaali-coined one. Advocating a clan name given in that region by scheming colonials -- these same people waxba ma dhaamaan kuwa leh waan goosaneynaa because long gone Ingiriis colonial ayaa dhulkaan xukumi jiray. Again, this is not the only region given a clan name in the great scheme of divide-and-conquer strategy and game; other Soomaali regions like Bari and Jabuuti both had it; both wisely were changed later. To those who are suggesting Soomaali Galbeed being in Itoobiya, it never was. The so-called xuduud beenaad was never settled or internationalized, but being provisional to this day. That is why the so-called 'border' line is not xariijin, but continuous dhibicyo. The '77 liberation war was not a failed policy. It is an insult to all Soomaalis who perished in their halgan defending and liberating their Eebbe-given land. We Soomaalis defeated Xabashi. But we couldn't and didn't defeat a then great power like Soofiyeed, plus its Cuban, Yemeni agents, not to mention Israelis and God knows who else.
  7. Maxaa ka rabtiin ninka? Soomaalidaanaa. I hope in uu ku guuleysto kiiskaan. Eebba hakuu garab galo, Cumaroow. Gaal dil, gartiisana sii; if you can't, sue him. It says Scottsdale Police Officer Chance Lovell accused Abdi of killing the officer's brother in Somalia and said, ``you are supposed to have chains on your legs, you (expletive) slave. My grandfather had 70 slaves.'' Typical redneck, arrogantly ignorant American with a KKK mentality. Well, Mr. KKK, my awoowe too had 700 gaals.
  8. Originally posted by tHe oNe aNd OnLy: on terror in 1979 wat is this i cant find anything about it on the net? does anybody have additional information? I think you should polish your online search skills. There are plenty of information about this unfortunate event out there online. Here a paragraph from the event's article on Wikipedia: "The seizure shook the Islamic world as hundreds of pilgrims present for the annual hajj were taken hostage, and hundreds of militants, security forces and hostages caught in crossfire were killed in the ensuing battles for control of the site. The siege ended two weeks after the takeover began with militants cleared from the mosque."
  9. U.S. Senator Barack Obama, right, is dressed as a Somali Elder by Sheikh Mahmed Hassan, left, during his visit to Wajir, a rural area in northeastern Kenya, near the borders with GEDO, Somalia and Ethiopia. The area is at the epicenter of a severe drought that has hit the Horn of Africa region, after erratic and insufficient rains during the April-June season Where did you get the Gedo part from? I have posted this picture in middle of last year, and was taken by an Associated Press photographer. Here is the original quote that accompanied the picture: "U.S. Senator Barack Obama, right, is dressed as a Somali Elder by Sheikh Mahmed Hassan, left, during his visit to Wajir, a rural area in northeastern Kenya, near the borders with Somalia and Ethiopia. The area is at the epicenter of a severe drought that has hit the Horn of Africa region, after erratic and insufficient rains during the April-June season. (AP Photo - Aug 27)"
  10. Uniquely in Africa, Ethiopia was never really colonised by Europeans. Why some Westerners repeat this erroneous slip as a fact. Itoobiya was colonized [well they can call it 'occupied' or whatever]; the reality is they were colonized by Talyaanis for almost five years until they were saved by the Ingiriiska in the early days of second great war.
  11. Jidkaas ma taqanaa? Laba tilaabo uu u jiray gurigeyna, oo Isgoyska Bakaaraha talaabooyin u jiray. Kii ka imaanaaye Isgoyska Sanca, soo maraaye kan Wardhiigleey, Howlwadaag, Bakaaraha, Kaasa Balbalaare ilaa iyo Tarbuunka, kuna leexanaaye Digfeer. Laakiin goormaa Jidka Wadnaha loo bixiye? Dagaaladdii Cali Mahdi iyo Caydiid ka bacdi aan filaa, maadaama jidkaas noqday kan ugu weyn isku xiro waqooyi iyo koonfurta ee Xamar. Awal kan Maka Almakurama ee ka imaado Ceelgaab oo sii jeexo Sayidka, Dabka, Lambarafar, Isbitaal Banaadir iyo ilaa Lafoole socdo ayaa ugu muhiimsanaa Xamar. Sugba jidadkii waa weynaa ee Xamar waqooyi iyo koonfur u kala goyn jirtay aanba soo xasuustee, ee waxee kala ahayeen miyaa kor haddii laga soo bilaabo jidadka Warshadaha, Sodonka, Wadnaha, Maka Almakurama, Dekedda. Saas aan filaa inay iskugu xigeen.
  12. Sakariye hooyadiis, I do know some history of Soomaalida, which of course includes some background of their clans and how they came to known. Hase ahaatee barfasoorka -- Gaandi -- ayaa u deyneynaa in uu ka hadlo taariiqdaas. Inta aan warkiisa ka heleyno, naga war sug. Laakiinse ogoow qabaa'iladda waa weyn ee Soomaaliyeed kuligood isbaheysi iyo iskaashi ayee ku imaadeen. Kuwii diiday ama waagaas awood isku filnaansho lahaana meeshee ku dambeyeen taariiqda ayaa og, oo waa baabeen, in yar kaliya ka hartay. Qabiilo badan danta ayaa ku kaliftay inay isbaheystaan, oo haddii kale ciidda ayaa qaadi lahayd maadaama awooda qabaa'iladda dariska la ahayeen waagaas ka awood badnaa, oo isbaheysi kaliya wax loogu baxa ahaa. Magacyadood ayaaba kuu xaqiijineyso, waana magacyo Soomaalida badankood ayna ogeyn meelahee kasoo jeedaan. Qabiilo badan ayaa shirarka Soomaalida markee iskugu imaadaan, mar isku daro isbaheysii hore, marna ka baxo, oo raaco meeshee dantooda ugu jirto, waana kuwa cadeystay inay tahay kaliya isbaheysi ee isirnimo ahayn. Waa boqolaal, waana kuwa kaliya cadeystay, iskaba dhaaf kuwa kale kumanaanta ah wali aan isogeyn ama in la qarxiyo rabin.
  13. The script and the fine printed instruction ayuu keenay the Xabashi wasiir yaah? If all news signs we've read are aligned, as it seems, then the most so far known stooge and trusted Xabashi sychopant besides Geedi is Cabdikariin Xuseen Faarax Laqanyo. Watch his name. Will their Xabashi masters parachute him from Koonfur Afrika, where he is the bogus ambassador now? All to be seen. However, we should also know, this time Americans, the poor stooges' masters' own master, are involved. They compelled Xabashi to force Geedi out. Until then, shimbiryaaloow heesa, hees wanaagsan heesaa. [Of course shimbiraha are Xabashi puppets.]
  14. Yaab iyo yaabkeeda at the first post on this thread. If a Xabashi ku xaaro one's own house today, for some waxee murankooda kusoo koobi lahayeen yaa walaaqay xaarka. Walaalaheen la kufsanaayo, caruurtii la xasuuqaayo iyo ciribtirnimo isirka Soomaaliyeed ka socoto Soomaali Galbeeed, markaas ayaa haddana arkeysaa mid Soomaali ku sheeg ah meel aan loo joogin wax qodid ka raadinaayo because of qabyaalad qurunkeeda.
  15. U Gargaar, walaal, wiilkaan aad u dhibaatesayn ee dhashay isagoo aan gacmo laheyn Allaha kuu gargaaree Jaaliyadaha Soomaaliyeed ee qurbaha ku dhaqan ayaa dhagaha ka fareystay xaalada wiil yar oo dhiban kaasoo gacmo la’aan isagoo ah uurka hooyadiis ka soo baxay. Wiilkaan yar oo lagu magacaabo Cismaan Xalane Xasan ayaa wax gacmo ah laheyn, isla markaana ku dhashay gacmo la’aan waxaa intaasi usii dheer xanuun xoogan oo habeen iyo dharaar haya kaasoo dhaqaatiirka Soomaaliyeed ee gudaha dalka ku dhaqan aqoon waayeen waxa uu yahay xanuunkaan, iyagoo sheegay inaan wax looga qaban Karin xanuunka cunugaan yar gudaha dalka. Ganacsato Soomaaliyeed iyo Shaqsiyaad uu ugu horeeyo Cabdifitaax Axmed Maxamuud ayaa waayadii ugu dambeeyay ku howl-lanaa sidii ay gargaar ugu heli lahaayeen Jaaliyadaha Soomaaliyeed ee dibadaha ku dhaqan si howl caafimaad dibada loogu qaado cunugaan dhiban balse taasi ilaa hada ma suurta galin. Hooyada dhashay wiilkaan oo ah hooyo aad u dhibaateysan dhinaca dhaqaalaha ayaa waxa ay idinka codsaneysaa cidii wax u awoodi karta wiilkaan yar iney gar gaar bani aadnimo usoo fidiyaan. Hooyada wiilkaan dhasyay ayaa sheegtay ineysan heysan wax ay wiilkaan wax ugu qabato iyada iyo wiilkana ay isku kor dhibaateysan yihiin, waxeyna shacabka Soomaaliyeed ka codsaneysaa inay gargaar bani aadnimo usoo fidiyaaan. Wiilkaan ayaa aabihiis geeriyooday, waxuuna ku jiraa xiligaan nolal adag, isagoo ay la dhasheen caruur fara badan oo dhamaantood agoon ah. Wiilkaan ayaa hadda waxa uu ku sugan yahay Magaalada Hargeysa isaga iyo hooyadiis, kadib markii howlo caafimaad loo keenay halkaasi. Wiilkaan ayaa maalintii ugu yaraan 17 saac oo ka mid ah 24-ka saac ilmeynaya taasoo ah mid aad looga walaaco, lamana oga waxa haya ee ka oohinaya, dhowr baaritan ayaa lagula sameeyay magaalada Hargeysa balse dhaqaatiirta ayaa sheegeen inaan dalka wax looga qaban karin xiligaan, una baahan yahay gar gaar deg deg ah oo dibadeed. Hadaba Walaalaha Muslimiinta ahow u gar gaara wiilkaaan dhibaateysan ee aan gacmaha laheyn. Ciddii doonaysa inay Gargaar lacageed u soo diraan Wiilkaan gacmo la'aan ku dhashay ee dhibaateysan, waxaa laga codsanayaa inay ugu soo hagaajiyaan Cabdifitaax Axmed Maxamuud Tel: 0025224455566 Email: ugargaar@yahoo.com . Xigasho
  16. Haye, tee waaye tan Adisababa 'ninkeyga' waaye sponsor kugu soo diri doonto? Mid ilma'adeertaada ah? Mise mid kale loo taabtay kistoo $$? Ar amaa ku qarxinaa inay mid hore kuu joogto in Waqooyi, oo aad mar hore ka dhashay shan. Waqtigaan iyo dibad imoow iyo isdhiibid rafaad ahaa. Eniweey, hakuu suurowdo and should it happen successfully, here is an early welkam to qaxootinimo.
  17. Adigoo waxba kaa jabjabin calankaas faraha ka qaad. Mar aad dhahdid waa gubaa iyo mar aad xaar ku sheegtid, waxa kuu geystay ma'ogi, edebdaro iyo ciyaalnimo waxee tahayba, calankeena mar labaad faraha kala bax, intaadana farahaaga ku guban. Mise attention ayaa saan loo raadiyaa? Mar labaad anagaa ku jecel wuxuu yahay, nac ama diid ama ku sas, it is here to stay. Hoo hadiyad ka dhigo kuwaan:
  18. One of the most ingenious marriage proposals. Three thumbs up.
  19. Ninka mowduucan furay, hadduu Afsoomaaligaaga heersare yahay, noo micneey hoos ku qoran. Hees sahlan waaye, oo Afsoomaal dhab lagu qoray. Diinleeya, adale Diinleeya, adale Diinleeya, adale Diinleeya, adale Aduunyadaan la deera la waayee Deeq ii maal Daraja lan diida la waayee Malagii ku dilay lahaay sidiisiyo Aakhiraa lan doona la waayee Diinleeyaa, adale Diinleeya, adale I duleysadee, i duleysadee Caashaquun i duleysadee Alloow i daawee Hees micno weyn ka dambeyso about nolosha ifka, qof jecleysi, hanti jecleysi iyo adduun ka daba orod. Very powerfully philosophical, yet simple.
  20. Originally posted by Armchair Politician: He's a complete nobody, and he was picked by default, he's the only deputy PM that wasn't a close ally of Geedi. A/Y says as much "he's temporary until I can pick someone else". He was Geedi's professor, during his tenure at Lafoole. They were very close until a few weeks ago, when some extra $$$ bought him. Qashin qub kuligood.
  21. 'We have decided to take your life' Abukar Albadri Los Angeles Times October 29, 2007 MOGADISHU, SOMALIA -- The voice on the other end of my cellphone was oddly calm, but intent. "Abukar, I am calling to inform you that we have decided to take your life," the caller said. I glanced down at my phone to see the caller ID, which read "private." "You're not worthy to live," the man continued. "You have three hours to tell your family and say your last words." "Who is this?" I demanded. "I am a man," was the reply. It wasn't my first death threat. As a journalist in Somalia, I've received more than I'd care to count. In some, angry callers curse me as a "puppet" of the U.N.-backed transitional government in Baidoa and the Ethiopian troops that support it. Others accuse me of being a "terrorist" supporting the Islamic insurgents. But this call came at the end of one of the darkest days of my life. Just a few hours earlier, I'd attended the funeral of a friend and colleague, Mahad Ahmed Elmi, a radio host gunned down that August morning. Then, as my fellow journalists and I drove back from the burial, a roadside bomb struck our convoy, killing Ali Iman Sharmarke, another prominent media figure in Mogadishu. This month, gunmen shot another friend, Bashir Nur Gedi, acting manager of Shabelle Radio, who had been arrested and detained by government forces in September. International journalist organizations say at least seven reporters have been killed in Somalia this year. No one has been caught or punished in any of these attacks. After I hung up, dozens of questions ran through my mind: What am I guilty of? Who is my enemy? Why am I being targeted? But for the first time, one question would not go away: Should I leave Somalia? Many times I'd stood over the graves of friends. Now I imagined friends and family weeping over mine. I began working as a journalist 10 years ago, at age 19, because I wanted to alert the world to the untold stories of Somalia. I had always admired an older cousin who had worked as a radio correspondent during the Mohamed Siad Barre regime, which fell in 1991. As a journalist in the capital, Mogadishu, I've covered street battles, assassinations and public executions. I've had guns pointed at my head and I've stepped over twisted bodies on the road. I've been summoned to news conferences in the presidential palace only to be detained by corrupt officials who demanded a bribe. Over the years, I've watched governments and authorities come and go. Warlords, Islamic courts, transitional governments. One thing stays the same: When new groups rise to power, they attack the media. Today journalists who have dedicated their lives to telling the stories of Somalia find themselves caught between suicidal insurgents and the blazing guns of the transitional government's mad soldiers. Each is trying to make the media its puppet. This year the government has arrested more than 50 journalists; eight remain behind bars. Officials have attempted to close media outlets and have imposed laws that restrict the activities of reporters. Somalia is the second deadliest country in the world for journalists, after Iraq, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. At the same time, insurgents have attacked and harassed us, distributing leaflets in many neighborhoods threatening to kill any journalist perceived as supporting the government. This summer we were flatly warned that we faced attacks if we covered the government's reconciliation conference. I used to think that with commitment, dedication and a strong heart, I could survive. Now I'm not so sure. This job can be rewarding. But sometimes it feels like a curse. During the reign of the Islamic Courts Union in 2006, I watched a guard tie a 50-year-old man to a stake after he was found guilty of stabbing another man to death. Then, in accordance with the regime's interpretation of Islamic law, the son of the victim stepped forward and cut the accused from his groin to his collarbone. Some women began to ululate in support, but many spectators vomited or passed out. I turned away. The scene took place outside a primary school, as students peered over the wall. I thought to myself: What is happening to my country? It got worse: In March angry crowds dragged the bodies of government soldiers and burned them on the streets. With bullets and missiles flying, I decided to take a couple of photographs, scrawl some quick notes and get away. As I was getting ready to leave, I felt a gun at my head. A militiaman ordered me to drop my camera. I did. I emptied my pockets, raised my hands and pleaded for my life. He took my camera and cellphone, then turned to an angry, questioning crowd and declared me a spy. The crowd began cursing me and chanting. "I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist," I shouted, showing my press card. Sweat poured from my body. I feared I would end up like the government soldiers. The militiaman, however, had a different punishment in mind. He led me away to his leaders, eager to show off his captive. I was lucky. The militia leaders knew me, and vouched for me. They let me go. Still, those experiences were not a turning point. It was the killings of my two colleagues in August. But it was not an easy decision. I was born and raised in Mogadishu. To leave would feel as if I were giving up. Instead I went into hiding, leaving my house, suspending my work and limiting my movements. I grew suspicious. I viewed every passerby as a potential assassin. One day, a friend and I were moving from one of our hide-outs to another when three young men came up behind us. We started walking faster. They walked faster. My heart raced. We stopped to let them pass, and one of them muttered something as they went by. We thought we were safe. But a few minutes later, as we arrived at our destination, we saw the same three men approaching from the road ahead. We froze. I began praying and asking for God's forgiveness. My friend said something to me, but I couldn't hear his words. I closed my eyes and waited for the bullets. I remembered the man on the phone days earlier, the chilling hatred in his voice. Then the young men passed us by, with a simple nod and hello. Were they just trying to intimidate us? Had something distracted them from their attack? Were they simply three men taking a walk? It didn't matter anymore. My decision was made. Five days later I left the country. [ Albadri has worked as a journalist for several Western media outlets, including the Los Angeles Times. He is currently living in Djibouti and hopes one day to return home .] ------------- I remember reading walaalkeen Abuukar Badri's Soomaali news reports on Markacaddeey site in early '00s. Haddii saan lagu socdo war la'aan inay ka dhaceyso dalkeena waa soo socotaa. Marba markaa isdhahdid we have reachest the lowest ebb, xaalka kasii daraayo..
  22. I see another clean-up rabto this section. If this insults and counter-insults continue, another sweep ayaa ka dhaceyso this section, as it happened during last spring. Hadhoow yaala qeylinin. Haddaadan la isxishmeyn, si aad isku xishmeysiin ayaa arkeysiin. Idinkoo raali ah, afxumada iyo aflagaadadda ka daaya meeshaan. Don't force us to edit and delete your posts.
  23. Well, maxaa cusub? If he can afford it, mar horuu jar jari lahaa dalkeena. Laakiin maku dhacaa. It also does not serve his Xabashi interests so far. Qof dhan ra'iisul wasaare dal madax banaan sheeganaayo, in xoog loogu waday magaalo madax kale asagoo rabin, xoog wax loogu soo dhaadhacsiiye, xoog loogu soo celiye, xoog isku casil lagu yiri, xoog lagu casilay, xataa qudbadiis loo soo qoray. Eebboow hana ceebeen adaa heybo na siiyee. Hadduuba dalkaas hoggaamintooda saas ku dhaqmaayo ahaan lahaa dal hormaray waxba maba ahaateen, laakiin Xabashi, the poorest of all people, saas kuula dhaqmaayo? Soomaali maxee god Xabashi gishay, maalinba midkood iskaga soo saxaroodo.
  24. Soomaaliya is just experiencing what every nation on this earth violently experienced. Some fared worse. We hope and pray sooner than later this nightmarish reality to end. Some of us are on the verge of being Soomaali version of zombies, the living dead. Dad whose body iska nool, but damiirkii iyo maankii ka dhintay. Waxaa maqli jiray xaafadii la dhihi jiray If iyo Aakhiro, so-named because the xaafad used to be a former xabaalo before the long-buried bodies were relocated. It now seems a cruel, ironic joke.
  25. Someone is finally digging the historical facts about Soomaalida and qabiiladooda ay ka koobanyihiin and how they came what we now do know. I for long suspected and knew many major Soomaali clans ku dhisanyihiin isbaheysi siyaasadeed, not isirnimo ama dhiig ahaan. In fact, all of them, at least on the top. Qaarkood magacyadooda ayaaba self-explanatory ah. I am glad now this issue is finally tackled by a very credible and highly educated person, Barfasoor Max'ed Cabdi Gaandi of Besancon University [Faransiiska]. The question is, will the masses wake up now? Or it will shock them into numbness and into wildness of fierce denouncement? Or probably denying it all together? ------------ Qabiilka Soomaaliya: Ma Isir baa Mase Waa Isbahaysi? Dhammaan dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool London iyo nawaaxigeeda waxaa la ogaysiinayaa in la qaban doono kulan looga hadlayo ama lagu soo bandhigayo dood ku saabsan in Qabiilka Soomaaliya k a jiraa yahay mid Dhiig iyo abtirsi dhab ah ku salaysan iyo inuu yahay mid isbahaysi ku yimid Dhammaan dadka Soomaaliyeed ee ku nool London iyo nawaaxigeeda waxaa la ogaysiinayaa in la qaban doono kulan looga hadlayo ama lagu soo bandhigayo dood ku saabsan in Qabiilka Soomaaliya k a jiraa yahay mid Dhiig iyo abtirsi dhab ah ku salaysan iyo inuu yahay mid isbahaysi ku yimid Prof Maxamed Gaandi oo wax ka dhiga jaamac ku taalla dalka Faransiiska oo muddo aad u dheer baaritaan ku samaynayey Qabaa'ilka Soomaaliyeed iyo sida ay isugu abtirsadaan ayaa ku doodaya in qabiilka Soomaaliya ka jira uu ku salaysan yahay isbahaysi duruufo gaar ah ku yimaada ee uusan dhiig iyo abtirsi ahayn. Hadaba ma laga yaabaa in doodani wax ka badasho sida aad u haystay qabiilka soomaliya ka jira iyo in aysan ahaynba kooxo badani qabaa'ilka ay ku xiiqayaan! Onkod Kulankaas the past Saturday ayuu dhacay. Anyone tagay meesha? Any information?