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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. You reminded me, Daa'uud Waraaqle, about this Soomaali guy who once saw me just pressing and playing around with some piano keys. He asked if aan aqaano. You bet ku iri and fake lines qabac qabac ah u garaacay. Iska reer baadiye iska ahaa, so I think he might have believed that crap on that night.
  2. Wafdi ka socda Isbaheysiga Dibuxoreynta Soomaaliya oo Mareykanka kula kulmay Xildhibaanno ka tirsan Dowladda Mareykanka [Not the lapel pin miniature flag on Rep. (D) Keith Ellison; he is appreciating Soomaalis who voted him in droves.] Wafdi ka socda Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya ayaa waxay booqasho ku tageen Dalka Mareykanka, halkaasi oo ay kulamo kula qaateen Xildhibaano ka tirsan labada Aqal ee Mareykanka oo kala ah Donald Bayne, Keith Ellison, Maxine Waters, Norm Coleman, Senator Amy Klobuchar iyo Senator Mark Dayton iyo madax sare oo ka tirsan xafiiska Arrimaha Dibadda ee dalka Maraykanka (State Department). Intii ay socdeen kulamada labada dhinac dhexmaray ayay xubnaha ka socday Isbaheysiga Dib-u-xoreynta Soomaaliya waxay u gudbiyeen Xildhibaanada Mareykanka Dukuminti maqal iyo muuqaal ah, kaasi oo ku saabsan xaaladda uu haatan ku sugan yahay Dalka Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan dhibaatada ka taagan Caasimadda Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho. “Dhamaan kullamada ay la yeesheen madaxdaas waxay u gudbiyeen dekumenti MAQAL IYO MUUQAAL ah oo la xiriira xasuuqa loo gaystay Ummadda Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan dadka laga barakiciyey guryahoodii iyo bililiqada loo gaystay hantidii shacabka oo laga dhigay wax la bur buriyey iyo wax loo rartay suuqyada Addis Abbaba” ayaa lagu yiri Warsaxaafadeed uu soo saaray Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya. Xubnaha ka socday Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya oo kala ah Prof. C/raxmaan Xaaji Aadan (Ibbi) oo ah Kaaliyaha Guddoomiyaha Isbaheysiga iyo Drs. Fowsiyo Maxamed Shiikh oo ah Xoghayaha Xuquuqul Insaanka iyo Danbiyada Dagaalka ayaa sidoo kale mas’uuliyiintii ay la kulmeen waxay kala hadleen sidii ay Dowladda Mareykanka gacan uga geysan lahayd in Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ay ka baxaan Dalka Soomaaliya. “Madaxdii ay la kulmeen oo dhan waxay aad uga xumaadeen xasuuqa waxashinimada ah ee lagu hayo Ummadda Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan markey arkeen sawirrada dadka lagu laayay dagaallada sida Haweeneydii medka ahayd ee la arkay iyadoo uu nuugayo canugeeda oo labo bilood jir ahaa” ayaa mar kale lagu yiri Warsaxaafadeedka uu soo saaray Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya, kaasi oo uu HOL soo gaarsiiyay Saleebaan Colaad Rooble oo ah Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Warfaafinta iyo Wacyi-galinta Isbahaysiga Dib-u-xoreynta Soomaaliya. Warsaxaafadeedkan ayaa sidoo kale lagus heegay in xubnaha labada Aqal ay sheegeen in ay dowladda Ethiopia sharci darro ku soo gashay Soomaaliya, ayna tahay wax maanta lala yaabo in qarniga 21aad ay dowlad Afrikaan ah ay ku duusha dowlad kale oo dariskeeda ah, isla markaana ay xasuuq ka geysato. Ugu dambeyntiina, Masuuliyiinta ka socotay Isbaheysiga Dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya ayaa sidoo kale waxay kulan la qaateen Garyaqaanno ku xeel dheer arrimaha Xuuqul-Insaanka, kuwaasi oo ay u gudbiyeen Gal ay ku qoran yihiin Dad loo heysto in ay Xasuuq ka geysteen dalka Soomaaliya. ______________ War warbaahineed soo saaray Saleebaan Colaad Rooble, Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Warfaafinta iyo Wacyigelinta ee Isbahaysiga Dibuxoreynta Soomaaliya Email: suleimanolad@gmail.com
  3. Q : People all over the world are being brainwashed with the assumption that Somalia is a failed state; you as Somali, do you consider this interpretation accurate or not? Are the Somalis the sole responsible for the 16 years instable situation or there has been foreign involvement too? Abdillahi Ahmed : This is not just mere propaganda; much more, it is: A well orchestrated plan intended to trigger the destruction of the Somali State. An imperialist commitment aimed at distracting Somalis from their natural, patriotic target, i.e. the institutional resurrection of their State, the return of Law and Civil Order A clearly colonial and most determined commitment aimed at disrupting Somalis’ regular livelihood. As such, it consists in a deliberate effort to prevent mutual understanding among Somalis, thwart any Somali attempt for unity, reconciliation and respectably and commonly shared nationhood. A deliberate effort to spread confusion, and deliberately use it in order to create an illusive, non-existing phenomenon called “Terrorism” that would supposedly legalize intervention in, and occupation of, Somalia. An intentional pseudo-reconciliation (as in Kenya 2004), falsely pretended to help Somalis, which in fact contributes to Somalis’ misleading. A premeditated orchestration of fake – events prearranged to fail, and thus spread despair and further discord A false interpretation of facts and factoids that involves putting the blame on the Somalis exclusively An unreasonable rejection to recognize the only true reconciliation - without any outside interfering – which was held at Arta, Djibouti, whereby the Somalis were able to form a government, but the UN, EU, US, Ethiopia, and Kenya did not recognize. Q : Many people all over the world believe that the Somalis turned out to be a nation of Islamists and fanatics; how do you evaluate this? Abdillahi Ahmed : That is what western media want others to believe in order to cover up their hidden agendas. Somalis are 100% Muslims, who like to live the way of their forefathers. The Somalis were never known to be fanatics, never forced their beliefs on others. If we were what others are falsely propagating, today only Muslims would populate the whole region. Q : In fact, there are some Somali Islamists; but today they are few, dispersed and have no impact on the Somali Liberation War. But where are they? Is Islamic extremism limited in the Somali South? Or one can find Islamic extremist groups in Puntland? In Somaliland? Abdillahi Ahmed : Somali Muslims are fed up of Western conspiracies and unjust provocations. Islamists and nationalists both have been deliberately smeared by fanatics so that foreigners invade our country and we never live in peace. If there are fanatics in the Horn, it is due to American political ignorance. The outcome is very clear as we Somalis believe truth will prevail, and tribes and nations will live under the flag of Justice. Q : Are there pro-Western Somalis? Abdillahi Ahmed : Yes, but their number is shrinking very rapidly. Q : What is the weight of the Somali Diaspora? In numbers and in impact on the political decision making? Would you name the major centers of Somali Diaspora concentration? Abdillahi Ahmed : It really needs deep and thorough study to answer in detail. Generally speaking, I would say the great centers of Somali Diaspora are London, England, Minneapolis, US, and Toronto, Canada. Q : To what extent are you happy with the American foreign policy as regards Somalia? Abdillahi Ahmed : It is colossal failure, a "bricolage", a do-it-yourself approach, and we cannot be happy with a great nation like the US acting as a wildcat. Q : To what extent are you happy with European countries', mainly England's and Italy's, foreign policy as regards Somalia? Abdillahi Ahmed : The Europeans, in their general policies, act more maturely than the Americans, but when it comes to the nations you mention their policy reminds me the classical ‘wait and see’ attitude; this makes me think of the French proverb ‘qui se tait, consent‘ (whoever keeps silent agrees). Q : To what extent are you happy with African countries' attitude towards, and interest in, Somalia? How do you assess the foreign policy of South Africa, Sudan, Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria and Eritrea more particularly? Abdillahi Ahmed : For the time being, AU is a phantom organization run by Ethiopia. AU agreed whatever IGAD proposes without any consideration of the possible outcome. AU just gave blank check to Abyssinian policy toward Somalia. Some African countries are now discovering Abyssinians’ hidden agenda for Somalia, and in the process they also start realizing that Abyssinians were always against the interest of Africa. As a matter of fact, we thank Eritrea for standing on our side in this difficult moment. Q : To what extent are you happy with the Arabic speaking countries' foreign policy in the case of Somalia? Abdillahi Ahmed : Somalis feel deep sorrow for the lack of Arab support, and I find this occasion propitious to remind Arabic speaking countries’ diplomats that Somalia never kept silent when their interests were at stake. In a forthcoming article, we will publish Mr. Abdillahi Ahmed’s last part of interview.
  4. World Somali Congress Vice-President Abdillahi Ahmed: No to premeditated destruction of Somalia American Chronicle December 3, 2007 I n a first article Peace and Unity in Somalia – One Way Ticket to Africa’s Future , we presented the Mission and the Principles of the World Somali Congress, as a preamble to the first part of the interview we had with Mr. Abdillahi Ahmed, their Vice President. In the present article, we publish the second part of the tripartite interview. Interview with Mr. Abdillahi Ahmed, Vice President of the World Somali Congress – Part II Question : In May 1991, Somaliland declared its independence; what were the links of the Somaliland leadership with the Amhara Abyssinian communist tyranny of Haile Mengistu? And what are their links with the Tigray Abyssinian pseudo-republican tyranny of Meles Zenawi? Abdillahi Ahmed : This was a colonial legacy and the many mistakes made before and after the independence. Bitterness and lack of understanding of the History of Horn of Africa drove some Somali tribe to blindly help our archenemy, thus becoming the means for the destruction of the Somali state. The sole purpose of the current invasion that has been supported by the West was to occupy the entire country; however, due to miscalculations involved, the disintegration of Abyssinia is near. Q : To what extent is the Somaliland regime representative, expressing with its political choices and secessionist attitude the wishes of the majority of the Somalis included in that enclave? Abdillahi Ahmed : Most of the people in these regions are captives of the situation. They have been living in a state of hope for recognition, but by now they came to know that in reality a group of selfish thugs have tricked them for long. These rulers are just surrogates for their master tyrant Meles Zenawi. Q : Are there ethnic, linguistic, religious, tribal groups in Somaliland that are oppressed by the current Somaliland 'president' Rayaale? Abdillahi Ahmed : No, Somalis are 100% Sunni Muslims, Shaffie, with one language (involving different dialects) Q : What is your idea about the Kulmiye party, and the Northern Somalis for Peace and Unity? Abdillahi Ahmed : We believe that both, Kulmiye party and the Northern Somalis for Peace and Unity (NSPU) represent genuine and positive political expressions of patriotic Somalis in the northern part of the country that is currently ruled by Somaliland. Q : What is at the epicenter of the present problems of Somalia? Abdillahi Ahmed : US-‘Ethiopian’ occupation is the focus of evildoing against Somalia; it is a vicious plan geared to cause divisions among people, Civil War, starvation in great numbers, ceaseless killings, raping, crimes of all sorts at an incredible scale. [Continues.]
  5. His name and surname are typical Soomaali His tri-origin in the Horn is typical for a Soomaali His forehead is typical Soomaali but is he really a Soomaali? But his dhagadhago is not. Anyway, good for him wuxuu yahayba.
  6. How about Mandeeq! shes really so kool on the phone and pics, but when u pick her up at airport, u keep passing her saying to yourself...hell no that aint her in your head. but its her. You disconnect your phone after she leaves lool. MMA, saa u socotay, saan maa keentay hadana? How many Raaxo Raggeedi aaku soomareen? Runta sheeg? I know waaaaaaaaay too many Haboon Haads...Good for them thou... Maxaa, runteena lee maahinoo. Qosoling at knowing many Haboon Haads. Kuusha mee ku dhahayn. MMA, loool, waxbaba kama aadan taginbe, ar boojaalahaan gacmaha kala bax aan ku dhahey ama qumaati gacmaha ula gal! Nuunka, labadda lug inay labada dhinacba ku jirto yaa diidaayo hee. Waala isku walaaqaa waliba. You should have stick to your principles yakhii. LoL, Daahiya, principles aah. In aan meesha dadka ku shidaa rabay. That is all, sister. MMA thanks for sharing, it was entertaining and amusing. Even though it is good to avoid generalization, some of it could be true. A bit amusing ayee ahayd, not that much, but a bit. Kuwa kalena a bit more offensive.
  7. Haye, goormaa Dabdamis la bixi doontaa horta? Ar welkam mar labaad.
  8. Meeshaan grievance maa ka socoto? Hokey, anigana aan keensado mideeda. The hero did not like my mother tongue ee Afmaay, supposedly laga haayaa asagoo leh, "Af gaal ama mid Muslim aan idinku imaano" when he came to dhulkii Arlaada. Our Siid also said, fad ama ha fadin waa lagu fadsiin... markii dagaal ma fadaana lagu yiri halyeeyga iyo daraawiishtiis. Ar Siidka Eebba janadiis ugu wanaagsan, ugu sareysa haka waraabiyo -- aamiin. Halyeey halyeey ah. Halgankii u halgamay dalkeena waxmagarato ku dheeshay maanta. Aabihii ummadda Soomaaliyeed indeed.
  9. Haye, haye, ma bilowday? Dagaalkeena maa rabtaa? Hokey, if you do wir xariijintaan aan dhulka ku sameeye tirtir. Car. Mr I’m-So-Educated - LAME should be his middle name... Usually we love an educated man, they are intelligent and ‘with’ the world. But Mr Educated has been left in a time wrap, back to an era when education was reserved for the privileged, those who could afford it and those who had the right connections (at least in the Western world we live in). He will constantly refer to 20th Century Philosophers and great Classical thinkers to try and impress you with his knowledge. His favourite past time is quoting from text books we have all at some point read or heard of at university or in general. Avoid him if you don’t want to be bored to death.
  10. "We should build up the parts that are functional and box in" unstable regions, particularly around Mogadishu, said the defense official. ---------- "The State Department wants to fix the broken part first ," said the defense official. "That's been a failed policy." You've a comprehension problem, my friend. They are just changing and shifting the gears. From constantly trying to fix up the broken parts first, they want to change the strategy to first running the functioning part [i.e. Waqooyi] of Soomaaliya and then "boxing in" with the rest after that. So nothing changed.
  11. The woman's lawyer, Saeed Al Ghailani said: "The 23-year-old sister took pictures of herself and forwarded them to my client. My client discovered that her younger sister spent time chatting with men over the internet. My client posed as a German man and logged into the same chat room. The victim chatted with her sister [mistaking her as a man] and forwarded her own pictures." Waxaan see u socdaan. Wax isleh iskuma eko. Carabta iyo qooqnimadooda maba ka dhamaato.
  12. Of my six years on here, I never participated any gender wars. Frankly, I find those topics and this subject pretty boring and quite childish. Nin isku kalsoon gabdhaha walaalihiis wanaag uma diido. Nonetheless, once in a while, I keep receiving a particular caasho-bashing forwarded email. I am sure many of you had read some version of it before. It is a bit offensive, and not that much amusing. Here it goes, anyway. Xaliimo types 1) Sacdiyo Shacni She's very religious. Listens to BBC Soomaali. She only knows how to read and write Soomaali. Very tribal. She know everybody and their clans. For her, there is nothing called a date; if you want her, come to her dad's home officially. Caution, guys She's one of those girls that most Soomaali men in West marry when they go back home; apparently until they realize that the poor girl can't differentiate between a piriton and an aspirin. 2) Haboon Haad She's over 30 and still single. Economically, she's all good. She drives a 4X4. She's suspicious of all men. Caution, guys She has had seen every men and their tricks, so be careful with her; don't be the fool who tried to talk to her with some tired lines. Be creative. 3) Raaxo Raggeedi You will probably spot her wearing jeans. She hangs out around Starbucks or you will spot her window-shopping. She never buys at JC Penney -- she subscribers to Vanity Fair or Vogue magazines. She knows Tom Cruise's middle name. First time you meet her, she gives you some concocted name like Rasina Intisaar, Tahaani, or even Ishwaaq until you realize she is called Faaduma. She just finished reading Dennis Lehane's 'Mystic River.' She is currently reading Steven Levitts' 'Freakonomics' Caution, guys The problem with this kind of girls is not that can I shukaansi her, the problem should be can I maintain her? You can take her out to restaurant and you order the good old coke and fries, and there she goes ordering Veggie Lasagna with Jamocha Shake and topings. Next day your wallet will be hospitalized for severe bankruptcy -- I am not joking guys. 4) Ardo Abaayo She probably finished high school. She acts hard-to-get even if she's dying for you. She listenes Jubba's and Samatar's songs. She hangs around with her friends which makes hard for men to approach her; she says no to first dates (as if first dates should be turned down from the men). Caution, guys The only way is if you tell her you love her very much, she will trust you until she got you cheating -- she will never forgive you in her life! 5) Baxsan Baashaal Every teenage boy knows her You will spot her in every wedding videos and parties If there's rumour that tonight a party is cancelled, the whole town calls her to confirm the lie -- easy to hook-up. Caution, guys She's falling in love with more men than she care to drop -- that's why she's getting played; easy on her, though, she's got a clean heart. 6) Waris Wiilo She is always in the middle of the boys. She watches soccer. She know Ronaldo's first name, middle and last name. Like a true boy, she changes the lighting bulb at home and can fix a broken cupboard. She's the one who answers the door bell every time it rings. Caution, guys She's more of a boy than a girl.
  13. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Waa wareey, xaa ku baray juba, aaka aaka? Classic iga dheh. Xiddigihii Durdur, Sahro Dawo iyo Baastoow in their prime. If you, however, only knew what they meant shololob in the song.
  14. The is is the most classic and well-known niiko song. It is originally ku heesay by Aweys Khamiis Mabuuse. Kuwa ku niikinaayo waa a laba isqabo ee couple oo Xamar aad loogu yaqaanay ahayeen, Sheekh Abuukar iyo xaaskiisa Kaltuun (Faay) la niikineyso. They still niiko together in Dubai now. Aboow, batiiqoow Bocor iiga keen Beertii jaceylkaa Balanteen ahee Bakara, bakara Baabuurka ii jooji Meelaan ka daahoyaa Beertii jaceylka Balanteena ahee Bitoow, bitoow Baabuurka soo fuulee ------------ Beydaankaa Soo hoobiyee Halahoo isii Midig ka dhaw Bidix ka dhaw Sii sii malaboow Sanjab Sanjab --------- Soo bood bood Bara waa tanaa Adi lee baraakadaa Adi lee baraakadaa Bukeen karaa ------- Iyeeyoow Iyeeyoow Geedkii jaceylka Culeeskiisa isoo galee -------- Gabaryahay Gambaalo aan ku wadaa Hoo gareyskaan Gurigii ku geen lahaa Ee go'aan noo ahaa [Tan niiko ma'aha]
  15. Qolkaan ereyadda dhan dib loogu noqdo waaye. Qaarkood si qaldan loo micneeye. Ma saan ayeeba idinka tahay Soomaaligiin? Dib aan u fiirino kuligood. Restrictions = xanibaad Compliance = addeecid/addeecis Organisation = urur Qualification = aqoonsi/shardi/xaddidid Confidential = qarsoodi ah/sir ah Observation = indha indheyn Recommendation = talo Hindsight = dib ka ogaansho Discovery = soosaaris Foe = cadow Search = baadigoob/raadin Injection = durid/mudid Infrastructure = aasaas Coincidence = isku aadid aan la fileynin Shock = naxdin Terror = argagax Invasion = dal gelid/dal qabsasho Manipulation = si xirfad u xukumid Optimism = wanaagfilid Extract = ka saarid/ka miirid Romance = qiso jaceyl Enhancement = wanaajin Compatible = isku dhigma Cultivation = Cararog Instant = isla markiiba/islamar/durba Friendly = saaxiibtinimo leh Continuous = socda/xiriir ah Corruption = Masuqmaasuq Dazzlement = Indhadaraandarid [dazzle = indhadaraandar] Ban = Joojin/mamnuuc [banned = joojis/mamnuucid] (Koley mamnuuc waa Afcarabi.) -------- Ereygaan micneeya: Turuufatoore.
  16. this whole time I am picturing 6'4", 300lb, dark as hell nin eh...loooool. And what is wrong with those men? Sheekaaba noo tuureysaa caawa. Nin 6'4" oo intaas pound jiro millionaire waaye badankood, either basketball or football ciyaaraan. Maba heli kartaa.
  17. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Good sentiment there yaa MMA. But Bishaaro’s point does not really contradict what you wrote there. She did not question the principle of fighting Ethiopia. She did however question the strategy with which to achieve your objectives of ejecting Ethiopia’s occupying army out of Xamar. What we see today on the ground and the detached pronouncements coming out of Asmara do not fit together adeer. There are millions displaced, thousands killed, and thousands more maimed in the south. I, or Bishaaro for that matter, would be less concerned if Somalis equally share the cost of fighting Ethiopia and America and other Somalis to remove this misguided leadership and reclaim our republic. But the brunt of this burden yaa MMA is being taken today by one segment of Somali community in and around Xamar. The Baydhabo next door is peaceful. Hiiraan is largely peaceful. Puntland and Somaliland are largely peaceful. Kismayo is peaceful. I mean there is no sense of lets fight Ethiopia in the ereas I mentioned. They may be at each other’s throat but certainly not in a war footing with Ethiopia. Confronting those glaring facts, how could you object to any peace gesture is really beyond me? Is it out of pride, conviction, or you see it convenient to support or prolong this conflict till the resistance achieves tangible victories to boost their standing and it’s then that you would accept or heed calls for peace? I find the parallel drawn between the fight in ****** and the one in Somalia quite erroneous! The strategy there is to frustrate Ethiopia till she exhausts resource and stamina for her desire to hold onto that Somali land. The means is guerrilla warfare. Both the strategy and its means are working in my estimation. But in Somalia, we are utterly divided to even come up an agreed strategy to drive Ethiopia out of Somalia. Fighting Ethiopia in Xamar proved to be a very clausal mistake, both in terms of our national pride, and in terms of lives lost and properties destroyed with no tangible returns to show for it. In fact new refugee camps are being established in Ethiopia to commence speedy resettlement programs for our displaced. When you blindly support the continuation of a fight that you are undisputedly losing and oppose any hint of peace talks, you do defy reason adeer. Perhaps you are unwittingly falling into enemy’s plans to destroy what’s left Somalia and displace as many of her people in the name of security and stability. We should think a little deeper before we promptly obey the raw commands of our heart…we should be thinking with our heads, and not with our hearts! What you have in mind is a lofty, ideal goal. An admirable, in fact. If only, though, it was that simple and straightforward. What exactly is there to negotiate? Honestly. Ma qof gurigaaga xoog ku heysto, kuna xaar xaaraayo ayaa halala hadlo leedahay? What will you negotiate and put on the table in this? Give a particular place uu ku xaar xaaro and to leave the rest of your own home? Or you will negotiate the toothless few cheerleading boys inside the house who apparently think the odour smells good? Wadahadal iyo wadatashi qof kasoo horjeedo maleh. Iska hadal iyo madadaalo is, wholly, another matter. From what I can understand, you are suggesting that the resistance groups should sit down with the stooges at a table, without a precondition requirement of Xabashi's withdrawal as a must before any talks begin, and the stooges will [hopefully] agree a scheduled time frame of gradual Xabashi pulling out? Is that what you are suggesting? Wow, what a splendid idea, indeed, if it only were that simple. You honestly think Xabashis, having lost thousands of their men, will quietly go without getting a huge political favour in return, if not a whole junk of the country? Or you want the south to be just another entity controlled from Adisababa, sida ay hadda yihiin Waqooyi iyo Bari? Waxba yaanan la isku madadaalin, la isku jilin ruwaayadda, Xabashi is not -- and NOT again -- going anywhere unless forcefully removed. I mentioned and elucidated my points of why they will be there unless resisted on my last post of this thread. Your assumption of them quietly leaving is dead wrong. Wrong both politically, militarily and speaks a poor political judgement. A miscalculation that is both unprecedented in this world, where an occupying army quietly leaves without getting huge political favour back or a installing a proxy, obedient regime in. The occupying Xabashis, if not resisted today, will -- and it is a sure guarantee -- make bases; they will control and patrol the seas soon [they are already training marine and naval units and have permission from this illegitimate entity of a so-called dowlad]. And you are expecting this not to continue? What exactly is to negotiate and talk about in a circumstance like this again? Meeshiiba Falastiin ka dhigtay, oo every few years shimbiryaaloow heesa loo keeno. About why Muqdisho is resistance's primary target, there are more factors than the eye meets. We don't have to make wrong assumptions, speculations and presumptions. It is just wrong. The factors: One, Muqdisho is the capital of Soomaaliya. It has a political heavyweight on the international legitimacy and makes sense politically. Secondly, Muqdisho is a major city, where guerilla warefare is much suitable than any small-town. Third, Once Xamar is liberated, it is much easier on other towns. Not vice versa. We need not, again, to dwell the pointless and unnecessarily debate of why the resistance groups are focusing in Muqdisho and not other towns. That is not for us to understand. Those who assume the resistance forces comprising from one clan are downright wrong. They are also wrong to assume the suffering Soomaalis, who la barakiciye being one clan. They are wrong in that sense, because their rationing is filtered from a clan perspective. There are many in there who are fighting for Soomaalinimo and Islaanimo. Turki, Rooboow, Shangole, to name a few, and as the junior stooge Max'ed Dheere says, are not "reer Banaadir" [as though he was one]. Yet, they are fighting there for Soomaalinimo. Why they are not focusing on other towns again? Personally, I don't know. Can I understand their political reasoning, for any? You bet I can. It is just what it is -- small towns. Nevertheless, they are lately changing their strategy and taking the warefare resistance to countrywide now. Already Hiiraan, Bakool, Galgaduud ka socoto qabanqaabis. You must also know I don't personally agree kuwa dhalinyaradda la baxay Shabaabka and their political ideology; isku aragti manihin, go'aan iyo mowqif aan isku dhawnahay maleh, laakiinse maxaan heynaa oo meesha yaalo? We are forced to support them, they are the only major group fighting and resisting. We have no option but to support, come rain or drought. I can bear living under an authoritarian Soomaali regime, whose political ideas I don't agree with, than a Xabashi one. Any day, night and time.
  18. Interview with Mr. Abdillahi Ahmed, Vice President of the World Somali Congress Question : Mr. Abdillahi, would you narrate briefly for our readers your family background, and your formation years in Somalia? Abdillahi Ahmed : I was born in Djibouti where I completed all my education, graduated from the Teachers’ Training School. I worked subsequently as teacher, and I got involved with several parties of the Somali opposition, until I emigrated to Canada for political reasons. Q : Would you give us an outline of your studies and career? Abdillahi Ahmed : I graduated from the University of Quebec in Outaouais with major in International Studies. I am currently completing my Master’s Degree in regional development; my research is focused on the Horn of Africa region. In parallel, I work as part-time administrator. Q : For 16 years, Somalia has been divided and at times constrained to fratricide strives. What is the origin of these problems? Is there in Somalia a long colonial shadow? To what extent is the present situation due to the quadripartite colonial (French, English, Italian and Abyssinian) division of Somalia? Abdillahi Ahmed : The problems that we are facing today in Somalia are mostly the result of the colonial partition of the country, the latest phase of a long struggle for survival, which lasted for over 100 years, and the Quest for Somali Nation Unity. Western Colonial Biases in favor of Abyssinia Q : Let's come closer to our times; if we go back to 70s or the 80s, was there anything that would be considered as alarming signal for a forthcoming division and fratricide war? Could one anticipate developments? Abdillahi Ahmed : Yes, to mention view here is some points: The multifaceted aid that colonial Europe had offered to the Abyssinians, involving both arms and political guidance, and more particularly in the case of the Abyssinian invasion and occupation of Somali territories i.e. Herar (1882). The partition of Somalia into British Somaliland, Italian Somaliland, and French Somaliland, and the transfer of part of British Somaliland into Abyssinians hands (1897-1954) The persistent attempt of colonial advisors to prevent Somalia from achieving independence (1950 - 1960), and the constant colonial instigation of tribal divisions aimed at eternalizing the colonial tribal partitions (See Omar Osmaan Rabeh: Republique de Djibouti ou roue de secours d'...Ethiopie, Silex, Paris, 1985. L'Etat et le Pansomalisme, Editions le Derwish, Paris, 1987, etc.) At the end of the Trusteeship (1958), the colonial advisors based the first Somali Government on tribalism, although the Somali Youth League, who had led the fight for Independence, and the first Somali Prime Minister, Abdirizak Hajji Hussein, were against. Amhara Communist Mengistu and Tigray Neo-Nazi Zenawi: crueler than Somali Dictator Siad Barre Q : Many Somalis from Somaliland complain about the treatment they had at the times of the late Somali President Siad Barre. They insist on the fact they were then persecuted, and kept out of the administration of the country. Do you agree with this? Abdillahi Ahmed : This topic needs very careful consideration since people do not have the facts; in addition, we have to admit that there were several well-orchestrated agendas involved. Here are some explanations: Tribal colonial policy of divide and rule (pitching tribes against each other) Mistakes made by the late dictator Mohamed Siad Barre. Our enemy, Abyssinia, took advantage of existing problems. Q : As many still speak negatively about Siad Barre, what is your opinion about the last president of (a united) Somalia? Was it finally good or bad to oust him? Abdillahi Ahmed : Whatever he might have been, down-to-earth reality shows that Mohamed Siad Barre was far better than those who overthrew him. These criminal thugs are today responsible the misery that our nation is in. They couldn’t agree on anything, let alone anticipate developments, and their shallow mindedness was clearly demonstrated when they invited our archenemy into the country. Today, our Nation is in deep trouble, more than before, and average Somalis, innocent people, are massacred without any reason on daily basis. [soomaali Galbeed] will be cut off from Neo-Nazi, Fake ‘Ethiopia’. Q : The foundation of the modern state of Somalia in 1960 was somewhat incomplete, as occupied [soomaali Galbeed] was still under Abyssinian occupation. To what extent was ******'s liberation, and the completion of Somali Unity, a priority for the Somalis between 1960 and 1977? Abdillahi Ahmed : It is not only Somalia that suffers senseless colonial partition, but Africa at large was forced to accepted existing boundaries. European Colonial powers and the Abyssinians, Africa’s single and denounced colonialists, were behind the formation of these irrelevant borders. This is the reason that there would never be a peace in the Horn of Africa. The liberation of Somali-West (Soomaali Galbeed) and the Quest for Somali Unity was root cause of the disintegration of the last Somali Government. Q : A great national Somali effort was deployed in 1977, in the [soomaali Galbeed] Liberation War; although the Somali army reached close to Finfinne, the old Oromo capital that has been re-baptized by the Amharas as Addis Ababa, finally Somalia lost the war because the late Soviet Union abandoned Somalia, sided overtly with Abyssinia, and even then the US failed to support and sustain the anti-colonial effort of the Somalis. How traumatic has been the experience of the Somalis, and what traces did this undeserved attitude leave down to our days? Abdillahi Ahmed : After we won the 1977 war against Abyssinia, both the West and the East ganged up against us, and finally took away our hard won victory. Thus, they granted what we call an "artificial victory" to the Abyssinians. As you mentioned, we got close to Finfinne, but unfortunately, our victory was snatched in front of our eyes by far greater enemies of Somali Unity than the one we fought. It had a drastic experience on our moral, and had a very unhappy ending; however, in the long run the Truth will prevail. * I inserted Soomaali Galbeed to respect the site's rules.
  19. Peace and Unity in Somalia – One Way Ticket to Africa’s Future American Chronicle November 30, 2007 To better illuminate the real dimensions and the unnoticed aspects of the Horn of Africa grave problems, we planned on giving space to genuine and influential Somalis, who can offer an authoritative analysis of their country’s problem. The mass media failed at the a global scale to properly inform the average public allover the world, focusing mostly on impressive incidents, not insightful analysis. Yet, there are many critical dimensions of the Horn of Africa problem that unfortunately are totally ignored among Western readers. That is why we decided to start our Horn of Africa interviews with the World Somali Congress, and their Vice President, Mr. Abdillahi Ahmed. The organization principles are solemnly stated. Principles of the organization The World Somali Congress respects and subscribes to Muslim tradition. The organization will respect and use the positive elements of the Somali culture, the national experrince and any good human experience. The organization will defend the independence and unity of the Somali republic. The organization subscribes will respect constitution, rules, standards and conventions both national and international. The organization intends to support all initiatives which aim to the re-establishment of peace and justice in Somalia or any other area. The mission of the Organization This organization was created in the current context of despair, desolation, tribal division and the lack of a central government. The causes 1 - The dictatorship of the last government and its political errors, nomad mentality, and its tribal organization, and the clash with the State nation. 2 - The persistence of the crisis can be attribute to the Warlords who hold as an hostage wells and populaces for their only interest. 3 - Also the permanent interference of Ethiopia and others nations to the internal affairs of Somalia. It is of primary importance : To restore peace, the unity, forgiveness, justice and the capacity of a central government. To fight poverty and dependency. The organization set as priorities : The defense of the nation, the faith, the State and the people The return of the political structures like the parties, assembly etc. The return of Democracy Conscientisation of the population and the Diaspora Development of a political, social, and economic program to prevent any return towards a similar situation, and to help Diaspora toward an effective integration with programs Activity and programs To build a new mentality and a new Somali personality Popular Education: denunciation of the tribal system, conscientisation and the making of a spiritual and rational awareness to end the crisis. Means used: conference, round table, debate, interview, etc. Propagation of any idea impregnated with justice, peace and reconciliation Alliance with any organization with similar goals in order to be effective Our organization will do everything possible to establish relation between Diasporas and the inhabitants of the Horn. Our organization will get involved in any activity which contributes to peace, justice and development. Building of schools to help and educate the youth Our organization is opposed to any external interference without invitation of the national community or the international community.
  20. Originally posted by Nephthys: quote: The only way the Asmara group will have dialogue,is when Ethiopia is out of Somalia. If the TFG is able to address this issue,i am pretty sure Sh.Shareef will negotiate with them. But will they will they? Will this PM address this issue? Doubt it!! We all know getting Ethiopia out of Somalia is not a workable option for the TFG. Obviously a compromise of some sort has to occure at this point. It's about time the Asmara group gave peace a chance. If not for themselves, then for the rest of the Muqdishu civilians and forget about revenge, which is the road to more ruins. Already 6000 dead, how many more of their own people are they willing to sacrifice? It's crazy! I beg to differ for an ominous and unpromising fact –- the fact that you are completely forgetting that this dowlad ku sheeg will keep the Xabashi occupying forces for the foreseeable and near future in Soomaaliya. Those stooges absolutely have no problem, no trouble with this as long as they remain as subordinates in a little power. Having written that fact, there are other factors that negotiating and pleasing Xabashi lackeys is futile. Fact I: They are toothlessly powerless, an irrelevant entity that wouldn’t last a week should the occupying Xabashi abandon tomorrow. They also have no power, whatsoever, to say NO to any Xabashi demands, now or any time, let alone promising Xabashi occupying army’s withdrawal in a time frame. It would make a lot more sense to directly negotiate the real problem -- and enemy -- who can call the real shots –- the occupying Xabashi army. Fact II: Xabashi army is not superpower nor that mighty invisible army. We should not lose this focus as a fact; they are poorly-armed and one of the lowest organized army in the developing world [third world], barely a step away from being an unorganized ragtag militia. Their weapons and arms is not that sophisticated, not that modernized; an outdated arsenals supplied by the no longer existing Soviet state, most decades old and dilapidating. Fact III: The Xabashis do not have the means to sustain a prolonged occupation, even if they desperately needed and wanted to. A poor nation cannot keep fighting in a perpetual guerilla war, and Washington, always known being an impatient new empire, will soon get tired of funding this soon to be protracted, abiding war. Time is indeed on the side of our gallant and heroic resistance groups. Fact IV: The so-called Xabashi's "Itoobiya" is not a nation on the true definition of the word. It is a Band-Aided nation, la isku kab kabay, desperately clinging to its last legs; it is a "nation" always protected by a current superpower of the world, be it old Burtuqiis, the collapsed Soofiyeed's Ruush or Mareykan. A nominal "nation," which at its basic root barely functions and sustained constinuously by foreign aid, which without it this so-called nation would disintegrate in no time. A poorly banded "nation" ruled by a very minority elite Tigreys, with vast majority of the citizens it claims to represent subjugated. Those repressed people's long struggle for liberty are rightfully resisting, including Oromos, who form the true majority. Fact V: If Xabashi occupiers are not resisted today, reclining and giving up our Eebbe-given rights, expect the xasuuq that is currently happening -- and for a long time happened -- in Soomaali Galbeed. If they see there won't be any resistance any longer, they may then reduce their army to save funds; they may not, however, completely abandon Soomaaliya. Ciidan kumanaan bilaash uguma dhiman if you think they will leave peacefully and don't have a sinister political agenda. They will plant -- and they already did this -- moles in every facet of Soomaaliya, making the already distrusting Soomaalis higly suspicious of one another. They are already trying this trick by building an "embassy" right next to the supposed official residence of a real madaxweyne, Filla Soomaaliya. This is a deliberate, calculated political strategy. There is no nation that I know of, under occupation or not, that allowed another foreign country to build an embassy right next, wall-to-wall of the official residence of a nation's head of state. Adduunka waligeed taas kama dhicin. If they are successful in this political game, expect dispirited Soomaalis being high, consider Soomaalinimo morale being low; daljecelnimo down, dejection up. And ultimately Soomaaliya as a free, sovereign nation to the dustbin of history. Soomaaliya will be a proxy, half-Xabashi and the other, limited half governed hyena-like by the Xabashi sycophants, uselessly competing to please their Xabashi master in their little fiefdoms. Fact VI: If we cannot resist Xabashi occupation army now, whom has four open war fronts, from Eritareeya to Soomaali Galbeed. This ragtag, shabby army cannot again possibly sustain to keep these four open fronts in a continual warfare.This is the best opportunity to continue the struggle. This struggle will also teach the stooges that we would never accept any foreign subjugation. We will also teach and show a firm warning to the future generations how to deal the puppets when the Xabashis are kicked. They will not survive. Them and their thoughts will be eradicated, forever gone with them. We will never allow another generation u shaqeyso Xabashi. In conclusion: Xabashi shan boqol sano dagaal iyo colaad naga dhaxeysay, they only know in ay shantaada kaa celineyso. This colaad will continue as long as they keep their agression and expansion into Soomaali lands; as long as they keep occupying Soomaali lands.
  21. From this: Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Indeed it is a powerful tool that is why the jouralists are targeted in Muqdisho To this: Some should learn this is not xamar ,,, Ma iska qortaa waxa, mise meeshee dabeesha Riyaale ee Sanaawi u adeego aado iska raacdaa? Hadalkaaga dabeel miyaa? Does it have a principle? Let this teach you as a lesson: No where in Soomaaliya is free and out of Xabashi's tightened influence and factor, from Muqdisho to Hargeysa to Boosaaso to Baydhabo. It is sickening. I hope wariyaasha Jabuuti aadaan.