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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Maadaama aan arkay shabakooyinka Soomaaliyeed oo maqaalo, qoraalo badan dad soo bandhigay. Badana maqaaladaan, awalba iska jaabo jaabo loo qoray, waxaa ugu sii darnaa dadka qaarkiis iska daaye inay wax la aqrin karo soo bandhigaan, waxeeba iska ilooween muhiimadii ay lahayd shaqaldheernimada iyo shaqalgaabnimada. Xataa heer waxaa la gaaray magacii "Soomaaliya" iyo "Soomaali" laga dhigo shaqalgaab, oo qoraalo warar ku qoran Afsoomaali ayaa arkeysaa iyagoo loo hingaadinaayo "Somalia" iyo "Somali." Wahsinimo, aqoondaro, dayacanimo iyo inay xushma la'aanta afkooda naxwadiis u degan iyo barashadiis ka tahayba ma'ogi. Maxee muhiim ama laga maarmaan u tahay shaqaldheernimada iyo shaqalgaabnimada. Inta aan u guda galin aan isweydiino horta maxaa laga wadaa ama loola jeedaa labadaan erey. Maxee yihiin shaqaldheer iyo shaqalgaab? Shaqaldheer haddaan afka qalaad ku dhahno waa "long vowel," kan gaabna waa "short vowel." Afsoomaaliga waa ku muhiimsanyihiin, maadaama afkeena hodanka ka buuxaan ereyo isku dhigmo, oo haddii shaqaldheer iyo shaqalgaab jiri lahayn lagu wareeri lahaa qoraal markee noqoto. Tusaalooyinka: Gaal [camel, unbeliever] iyo gal [enter], sar [building] iyo saar [traditional play], fal [doing] iyo faal [astrology], mar [pass] iyo maar [bronze, copper], dur [inject, pierce] iyo duur [wild, jungle], bur [flour] iyo buur [mountain, hill] iyo kuwa boqolaalkale fara badan. Marka saas ayee muhiimad ugu leedahay maadaama hal shaqal oo yar haddii ereyga laga badalo micno weyn kale oo ka gedisan yeelanaayo. Duruuf kale ayaa jiro oo aanan dad badan la socon, taas oo ah in shaqaldheernimada kaliya tahay laba xaraf oo shaqal [vowel] kaliya ah israacaan; Shaqaldheer ma noqon karo sadex xaraf ama ka badan oo shaqal ah israacaan, sida Bu'aale ama la'aan. Markee sadex xaraf saas camal iskugu toosaan ereyga, waxaa loo dhaxeysiyaa hamsa [apostrophe oo ah (')]. Qofkii su'aal qabo ama wax iga saxaayo, soo dhawaada.
  2. ps, is it me mise kuligood scar aa madaxa uga yaalo...sorry, xaasameeyaahee hadee indhaheyga notice gareeyeen.. Wax aan loo joogin aragtaa. Balaayo sideed indhood ah, weershe ilbuunsan yaa dhaho. Adigana meel can jeexan ama il jeexan ka hadlee, iyagiina ciyaal rafaadsan ah. Their smiles, however, just makes you to rethink about what you really know about life, particularly considering their daily hardships and they are still smiling like that.
  3. Originally posted by Haneefah: ^Axem, dib u akhri title-ka Inaay [eedo ], Afmaayga in uu yahay Afmaxaatiriga hooyadiis maba ogid miyaa? Wah. Hooyadii la leeyahay afkaaga ku hadal, oo gabadhaada kaa af badiso. Wah mar labaad.
  4. Samir iyo iimaan, intii Soomaaliya lagu xasuuqaayo by Xabashis iyo wixii u daba taagan. Eebba ha u naxariisto walaalaheen la xasuuqaayo dhamaantood. Just watched a new clip on Aljasiira a few minutes ago, seeing the blodied bodies of today's xasuuq at Suuqa Bakaaraha. So sad. So ciil ku qabto.
  5. Yahoo! also asks this: "Hi i am somali and i am a male , and i have a brown skin so what shall i use to get a lighter skin?" [No kidding. Check it and responses following it.]
  6. Originally posted by Dhulqarnayn -alSumaale: quote:Originally posted by Kool_Kat: quote: Originally posted by Dhulqarnayn -alSumaale: I wanted to laugh at the name Mississauga thinking it's Jaceylbaro's abused form of Mississippi but it really exists lol Heeeeey, leave my city alone... I'm serious before this topic i never knew a city in the world existed with the name missisausage (j/k) I agree with Puja this group of individuals at the house should be held accountable aswell unless they arrived after the incident. Daa'uud, Mississauga -- pronounced as Misisaaga -- is Koronto's little sister city, literally next door with some 700,000 people, many of them South Asians.
  7. I think the person who asked meant or confused about the forehead. She asked in a wrong way, I guess.
  8. Taloow baasaboorkee uu ku socdaa? Cagaarkii lee iga dheh.
  9. Why do Soomaali people all look so similar? first of all i need to say that im not at all racist, but to me all somali people look very similar. Do somali people think that british/ americans all look similar? I guess it must be something to do with genetics or something- but how come you cant tell which country other african people come from? no smart as s answers please, thanks for your answers in advance. Your answers are needed here.
  10. Originally posted by Caamir: Blessed Our difference is that I am a civic nationalist where as you sound like an ethnic nationalist. I conceive of our nation-state and its membership in and loyalty to it in terms of citizenship, common law, (discount Somali’s break down) and political participation, whereas you conceive of our nation-state’s membership and loyalty to it in terms of lineage and nomadic culture. Hence I am not driven by a political desire to impress ethnically defined interests on the agenda of the Somali state, and in the process deprive our Somali people of their right to political participation and citizenship. It is beautiful to achieve the collective aspiration and unity of our entire Somali Speaking community, but that is a reckless adventure and it has been a recipe for extremism, exclusiveness, secessionism, and last but but least a possible international anarchy. You are wrong and contradicting the constitution of 1960, approved by the vast majority of Soomaalis in a referendum. Yes, there are two sets of Soomaalis: The Soomaali who is both ethnically Soomaali as well as a Soomaali by nationality and those who are not ethnically Soomaali, but are Soomaali by nationality. "Soomaali Bantu" [a term I don't agree with] community is the latter. To those who are ethnically Soomaali, but live the occupied and neglected Soomaali Galbeed or NFD, they are automatically Soomaali by nationality as well, as per set by by that constitution of 1960. That is why many residents of Gaarisa, Mandheera and Wajeer, as well as those who were born in Jigjiga, Diradhabe and Qabridahare travelled around the world carrying Soomaali passports, obtained in Muqdisho no questions asked. You naively consider Soomaali Galbeed to be part of "Itoobiya." It is not. It is occupied, regardless how long or decades it is. Reer NFD as well, which never was part of so-called Ingiriis isku kab kabay Kenya in colonial times. As the very name itself suggests, it was a remote frontier post, controlled separately from other lands that became later part of Kenya. The residents of this region also approved overwhelmingly to be part and parcel of Soomaaliya. Gumeysidoon Ingiriis refused to recognize.
  11. It is a wholly different matter, though, being mapping who controls what of some far-flung hamlets and villages in Soomaaliya. What you coloured today will not be there in days or weeks, let alone in months or years. Soomaaliya and its regions, including towns, is in a continuous stage of endless evolutionary cycle. Nothing lasts and settled unless a true central government rules. What you are attempting should be commended for informing the uninformed about the political reality on the ground; however, it is a waste of time since it will change in a few months.
  12. What is with you and maps? Does little dusty villages and towns in Soomaaliya changing hands -- albeit temporarily since there is no permanent, save a few towns -- fascinate you? What if you started mapping Soomaaliya and its regions monthly since 1991? Waaba ku dhufan lahayd by now.
  13. maxaa rabtay, sida reer abtigey inaa ku dhahaa 'waxaa itiriba lagu yiri'...lol Reer abtigaa yaa waaye? Calibeesteen miyaa mise Iskiimooskii?
  14. Originally posted by Suad: MMA....** Hooba naar galaasa, bartaa ay la aragnee, tiimbooy! ** Ariikanh way la fadaayey ini adeh maay ing abtuk teh. Inaay, mee eraase? Ar dooga si feylana in goroda kiinjeeda, ee intee ki baratay? Heer Arlaadi etee? Ki salaami, ha dhawoow.
  15. Huuwaaya, huuwaa Huuwa caddeeya, huuwa Habartaa ma joogto Kal iyo koonfur aaday Kabaheedee qaadatay Soo socotaayaa ma'ogi Sii socotaayaa ma'ogi Huuwaaya, huuwaa Huuwa caddeeya, huuwa Maxaa malaayiin ciyaal Soomaaliyeed lagu seexiye.
  16. Their teasing hearteaseness smiles is worth just anything you can think. Thoroughly beautiful Soomaali children in Jabuuti, though as sad as their predicatement and environment around them looks, including the discernible poverty. Still biyuudhiful and cute, especially at dhoolacaddeyntooda, their tender smiles just forces you to smile back. --------- More
  17. Originally posted by Red Sea: ^Whoaah Modesty.. Prayers, Eid lunch. Take the kids to somewhere fun maybe to mall of America' rides or something. And then come back home to have family dinner. Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Kids aa? Shimee la guursaday, ukun camal loo dhalay, then saas u koreen? Aah, I got it -- nephews iyo nieces iska dheh nooh.
  18. Tanaa! Afkii la galaba wey soo galee. Jinooleey iga dheh. Waa isdhiibay.
  19. Even the persistent droughts and famine that gripped the country did not extinguish traditional sense of Somali community, he said. When he was 7 years old and his father's entire herd was wiped out in the 1974 drought of 1974, he recalled, his neighbors insisted he be evacuated on a plane before them. "My feet never touched the ground. People carried me on and off the plane because back then, people really cared for each other," he said. "Today there is so much clan hatred nobody cares for anyone." Waa kaasaa Soomaalinimadii waagaas jirtay. Abaartii Dabadheer ka hadlaayaa, see iskugu gurmadeen Soomaalida. Eebba ha idmo, Soomaalinimo will return.
  20. Waxaas Jarmal ma'ahee waa Ruush, maraxyahee sankaas kuusan taageyso afka Ruushka haku ciyaarin. Что вы знаете о России!! [Cursing in Russian. ] Shigshigoow is my middle name, by the way.
  21. Muxuu dhahay speakerkeyga hadal kama soo socdee? Some points soo kooba, if you can folks.
  22. wee, meey ki dhiiyi posts kaleeto? Wah, wah, wah. Caawa waala hadlayaa. Inaay, iinsheeg ay ki baray dooga? Si feyla in gorodee. Wee, mee ki oga walaagii ki dhiiyi other posts. Surwaalkeey in uu gaabanyahay yaa ku tusiye hee. NB - Ani califalaax gaaban gishtaa, you-know-what-I-mean.
  23. Aawey kuusha, kusoo dar hee liiska kale jaamacyaasha. Waa sugeynaa. Kuwa kale dhiman, sida faaraxyada fadhi ku dirirka iyo surwaalgaabka, I mean the real surwaalgaab.
  24. Kamoon, hala isdhaamo yaaqeey. ------------- About this topic, they also did this to other masaajido. You can view sawirada on Dayniile [here through google, first link on the top] site sidee Xabashi u gishay xaafadahee xoogga ku heysteen the last few weeks. Waxba ma dhaafin, walaa meel caafimaad, xarun shirkad, masaajid, guri shaqsi, baqaar, tabakaayo, ... Fartooda qaabka darneyd iyo calankooda baas darbiyada igu qoreen xataa, kuna rinjiyeeye. Shuud.