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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. looove laanta BOQORADA!!! not inaan cuno, but just the name of it..Boqorada maladhohoo horta? Meeqo marduuf goosaha kaaga dhamaaday? Jaad sadex uu u kala baxaa, in general: Laari, gisa iyo gaangeti. Waxaan afkeyga waligeeyna ma gilin, wax la cunana ma istaahilo cooskaan.
  2. Have you ever wondered why Somali immigrants are seen by others as good communities in the UK, Findland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Toronto, Minneapolis, Columbus, Ohio, Lewiston, Maine etc. and not in Somalia? I think it is because others are in charge of public affairs in these far away places. What do you all think? That is precisely. Soomaalida waxba iskuma ogola. I am not sure about the 'good community' in Galbeedka, laakiin they can stand dadka kale markee xukumayaan, but the moment a community organization la bilaabo, kala jab iyo isku tanaasul la'aan soo baxayaan. It is always like that. Galbeedka ma'ahee waa meel walba. Look at Imaaraadka, look at Kenya. Sidee ugu beecmushtaraan, ganacsigooda ugu sareeyo. Soomaalida, in general, waa dad wanaagsan, kaliya isaamin la'aanta oo badanaa keeno cudurka qabyaalad la leeyahay ugu wacan. Haddee taas jiri lahayn meel sare dunida ka gaari lahayn maanta. I have once read Norway imported the current royal family's patriarch some hundred or so years ago. They made him, a Dane foreigner from an autocrat family, a king and his lineage do still minimally rule Norway to this day. Other European countries have undertaken a similar, bold decisions like this. So we as Soomaalis too need to import dad aanan Soomaali ahayn, shisheeye ah, completely from another continent, si kale Soomaali waa isku aamini weysee.
  3. More about labadda gabdhood uu caawiye walaalkeen ee kala ah Muraayo Nuur Cali iyo Binti Jeylaani Max'ed. -------- Muraayo Nuur Cali oo 10 sano jir ah waxay la xanuunsaneysaa dhaawac culus oo ka soo gaaray nin kufsaday iyadoo 6 sano jir ah Goor Barqo ah ayaa Muraayo Nuur Cali oo xiligaas 6 sano jir ahayd waxaa kufsi fool xun u geystay nin ku sasabtay lacag duuduuban oo uu gacanta ku heystay xili ay reerkeeda dukaan wax uga soo iibineysay, kaasi oo si qasab ah u xoogay, kadibna isu faruuray. Ninkaas arxanka daran markii uu gabadha sabiga ah sidaas u galay wuu ka cararay, waxayna Muraayo N. Cali ka soo baxday iyadoo oyneysa oo dhaawac culus ah guri jajaban oo ku yaala Demada Waaberi, gaar ahaan Buundada koowaad hoosteeda, dhiig badanna ka socdo, kadibna waxay dadkii deriska ula carareen goob ay ku ogaayeen Haweeney Umuliso ah bal si ay cirbad dhiig joojin ugu dhufato ama ay wax uga qabato dhaawaceeda, hayeeshee Umulisadii waxay sheegtay in dhaawaca gabadha gaaray uu culus yahay, isla markaana aysan waxba ka qaban karin. Kadib waxaa loola cararay Dr. Ibraahim Gaandi oo ka howlgala Isbitaalka Al-Furqaan ee Magaalada Muqdisho, mar kale ayay arrinta sii murugtay kadib markii uu dhaqtarka sheegay in dhaawaca uu culus yahay, isla markaana uusan waxba ka qaban karin, hayeeshee waxaa uu u qoray dawo dhaawaceeda lagula tacaalay iyo warqad uu ku cadeynayo dhaawaca gaaray iyo in aan dalka gudahiisa wax looga qaban karin. Gabdhan sabiga ah waxaa kiiskeeda gacanta ku hayo Dalladda Haweenka COGWO oo Muqdisho ka howlgasha, waxayna ku wadaan nafaqeyn si jirkeeda u soo koro, waxayna soo hayeen muddo 4 sanadood ah oo ay daweyn la raadinayeen ilaa aakhirkii ay dhaqaatiirta ku takhasusay Cudurrada Haweenka ay u sheegaan in ay Muraayo Yarey u baahan tahay Qalliin iyo daweyn lagula soo sameeyo dalka dibaddiisa. Aabaha dhalay Muraayo oo lagu magacaabo Nuur Cali ayaa sheegay in gabadhiisa markii uu dhibka gaarayay loo diray saliidda cuntada lagu kariyo, wuxuuna sheegay in markii ay gabdhiisa sii maqneyd muddo 30 daqiiqo ah uu maqlay dad ku qeylinaya magaciisa “Nuur…Nuur”, kadibna markii uu guriga dibadda uga soo baxay uu arkay gabadhiisa oo la sido, dhiig badanna uu ka baxayo. Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, Qoyska gabadhan waa mid danyar oo hadana aan ka mid ahayn beelaha hubeysan haddiiba ay xaqooda xoog ku raadsan lahaayeen. Sidaas darteed cid kasta oo gacan ka geysan karta in gabadhan daweyn dibadda ah loo helo, waxay la xiriiri kartaa ciddii caaweineysa Dalladda Haweenka COGWO oo lagala xiriiri karo. ---------- Xaalada caafimaad ee gabar Soomaaliyeed oo la ildaran buro aad weyn oo afka ay kaga taala ayaa ka sii dareysa, ka dib markii Waxaa ka sii daraysa xaalada caafimaad ee Binti Jeylaani Maxamed oo ah gabar Soomaaliyeed oo la ildaran buro aad u weyn oo afka kaga soo baxday taasoo dhaqaatiirtu ay horey u sheegeen in dalka gudihiisa aan waxba looga qaban karin, waxaana xaalada ka sii dareysa ee Binti ay ka dambeysay ka dib markii ay sii weynaatay buradaasi afka kaga taala taasoo ku keentay culeys hor leh, naqaska oo ku dhega iyo xanuuno kale oo gabadhaasi kala soo gudboonaaday nabaro ka soo baxay burada dusheeda oo qaarkood uu dhiig ka baxayo, sida ay sheegtay hooyadeed oo lagu magacaabo Luul Aadan Maxamed oo xaalad murugo leh ay ka muuqatay. Binti oo saaka weriyeyaal ka tirsan boggan ay ku booqdeen gurigooda oo ku yaala degmada wadajir ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa ka muuqatay wejigeeda xaalado aad naxdin badan oo ay ka mid yihiin dhidid iyo shuxuur badan oo ka baxayey wajigeeda kaasoo u muuqday mid naxdin leh oo ka dhashay culeyska burada oo naqaska ku dhejisay Binti, waxayna u muuqatay mid ku jirta xaalad isku murugsan oo mararka qaarkoodna ay indhaha u cadeynayso sidii qof naftu ay ka sii sii socoto, iyadoo afkeeda laga maqli karo shanqarta neefta oo aad moodo iney si xoog badan dacalada burada ku soo dhaafeyso “Jiif iyo joog midna uma roona, xaalada ay wax ku cabto ama ku cuntana waa mid aanan garaneyn si aan sharaxaad uga bixiyo oo aad u silic badan” ayey tiri Luul oo ah Binti Hooyadeed oo intaa ku dartay iney jiraan dad badan oo balanqaaday iney fiisooyin iyo caafimaad dhinaca dibeda ah u qaadi doonaan kuwaasoo hase ahaatee ilaa hadda aysan jirin wax natiijo ah oo ay ka hayaan. “Waxaan ka codsanayaa dhamaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee muslimiinta ah kuna kala nool gudaha iyo dibeda iney gacan bani’aadamnimo nagu siiyaan sidii ay gabadheyda Binti ugu heli lahaayeen caadfimaad dhinaca dibeda loogu qaado, si meesha looga saaro buradan oo haddii ay sii jirto keeni karta iney nafteeda ku weyso” ayey tiri hooyo Luul Xasan Maxamed oo markaa ag-fadhiday gabadheeda Binti iyadoo indhaheedana ilmo fara badan ay soo dhaafayeen.
  4. We need thousands more like walaalkeen Cabdicasiis Gacal. Eebba hakuu garabgalo.
  5. It is always sad. The written report accompanying the video: Al Jazeera's Mohammed Adow and Andrew Simmons travelled to different parts of Somalia to witness first-hand what is going on in the anarchic Horn of Africa nation . Moving through the chaotic capital of Mogadishu, one comes across a grisly scene: several artillery shells had just hit the capital's Bakaara market. Dismembered bodies, blood and severed limbs lie everywhere. And as is often the case, all the victims are civilians. Such scenes are not uncommon in this theatre of war, but they are rarely captured on camera. Those lucky to escape the attack run for dear life. But in this city, there is nowhere to hide. This is not a conventional war and no one is spared the violence. Here good Samaritans struggle to save the injured. They bundle them on to vehicles and hand-carts. They will join many others lying in the city's few and congested hospitals. "I was injured by a remote-controlled landmine targeting Ethiopian troops," says Hussein Issack, a recent victim of the violence. "A friend I was with died on the spot. I am really saddened by these attacks. Those targeted usually escape and it's [us civilians] who get hurt." Civilians 'targeted' Many Islamic Courts' Union fighters are still licking their wounds from the fighting with Ethiopian forces, but they remain bold enough to venture out into the streets. They have also become increasingly confident in recent months. Along with Ethiopian forces, they are also accused of targeting civilians, a charge they strongly deny. "We are the people and the people are us. We are not any different," one Islamic Courts' fighter told Al Jazeera. "We are victims of our enemies who attacked our land after Somalis enjoyed six months of peace and tranquility under the Islamic Courts. "They are the enemies of Allah, Muslims and the Somali people." 'Nowhere to run' Later, while travelling in to Mogadishu, less than 10km from the city, we can hear the sound of bombardments and shelling. It is also the road to the city where the displaced have set up camps. On either side, hundreds of thousands of people live in terrible conditions. They want to return home but cannot while the violence continues. Tens of thousands others also remain trapped in the city. Marooned by the fighting, they have no escape route. Physically disabled Hussein Osman Gessey is one of them. His wife died a few weeks ago, leaving him to care for his seven children, including a three-month-old baby. "I have nowhere to run to. I have nothing to transport them and no place to take my children," he said. "Should I worry about what they eat or where they will get safety? Most of my neighbours have fled. I now rely on what I am brought by kind friends who are aware of my problems." Hussein's misfortunes are shared by many Somalis today. Every tale you hear is more heart-rending than the other. Hospital overwhelmed Mogadishu's desperate situation is echoed in other parts of the country. In Galguduud, a town several hundred kilometres north of the capital, aid workers from Medicins Sans Frontieres Belgium struggle to treat those in need. The organisation's staff have strict procedures: they have security guards wherever they go, whether in the drive to work from the compound in which they live or to the hospital where they work. They are not allowed to venture anywhere else. The morning meetings have a common theme - where to put more admissions and what to do with those waiting to be assessed. The hospital's outpatients department is always absolutely inundated. The health needs in this conflict are unlike so many others, because there is no basic infrastructure and the children are the most in need. In one ward alone there have been 30 admissions in the past few days and Dr Carolina Batista Santos, the doctor in charge, rarely gets a break. Small successes In this hospital, we attract people from faraway places, sometimes hundreds of kilometres away. We see a lot of diseases that are preventable from immunisation that is not going on. Not only that, but many children arrive here too late because their parents often do not realise the importance of taking them to hospital. And in a country with no health service, traditional healing is followed by many parents. One three-year-old boy has a potentially fatal disease called kala azar. On his skin are welts from where a traditional healer burned him in a futile attempt at a cure. Left too late, all of his internal organs will fail. Nevertheless, with the hospital's care they are hopeful he will survive. It is not war that keeps the hospital full in Galguduud. There are domestic accidents, burns from spilled cooking oil, poor nutrition, neglected illnesses and ailments that come from poor sanitation and no running fresh water. Dr Santos is doing her best and she makes the most of her successes. But she knows that any gains are set against so many lives lost in a country with overwhelming needs. Aljasiira
  6. Majority of SOLers -- at least those who are active members -- were born somewhere between late '70s to early '80s. They range in age from between 26 to 30. I just turned 28 this month, so if it makes you good to know that, there you go.
  7. Cayaartoy reer Canada oo ku biiray xulka qaranka Soomaaliya 10 Nofeembar, 2007 - Calanka - Saddex cayaartoy oo ka mid noqonaya xulka kubadda cagta soomaaliyeed ayaa maalinimadii axaddii aynu soo gudubnay ka soo kicitimay magaalada Toronto isla markaana gaaray magaalada Jabuuti. Cayaartoydan ayaa xulitaankoda, qabanqaabadooda iyo diyaarintoodaba waxaa lahaa macalinka kooxda Banaadir ee magaalada toronto Daahir Boodaaye. Macalin Boodaaye oo ka jawaabayey codsigii xiriirka kubadda cagta soomaaliyeed ee ku aadanaa sare u qaadida awoodda kooxda xulka qaranka ayaa waxa uu xil iska saaray sidii uu u soo diyaarin lahaa cayaartoydan isla markaana ugu raadin lahaa dhaqaalihii safarkooda taaso uu sida uu sheegay uusan ku guulaysan lahayn haddii uusan helin taageerada bahwaynta cayaaraha magaalada Toronto, ganacsatada magaalada iyo waliba shakhsiyaad asagoo u soo jeediyey amaan aad u fara badan dhamaan dadkii ka saaciday soo ambabixinta cayaartoydan. Saddexdan cayaartoy oo lagu kala magacaabo Cali-Baashi, Fuaad Yare iyo C/Casiis Dhageey ayaa ay markani tahay markii ugu horeysay ee ay ka mid noqdaan xulka qaranka inkastoo kal hore ayaguna cayaartoy kale ee ka tagay dalalka qaaraddan Yurub ay ayaguna sidaasoo kale xulka qaranka kala soo qaybqaateen cayaaro. Xulka qaranka kubadda cagta soomaaliyeed ayaa cayaar ka tirsan isreereebka koobka adduunka ee 2010 uga hortagi doona xulka Jabuuti ayadoo inta badan xulka ay haatan tababar ku qaadanayaan magaalada Muqdisho ayna ku xaraysan yihiin xerada naadiga Elman. Macalin Boodaaye iyo cayaartoydan ayaa waxaa garoonka diyaaradaha magalada Toronto ku soo sagootiyey qaar ka mid ah bahwaynta cayaaraha Toronto ayagoo u rajeeyey guul. Waxaa warbixintan magaalada Toronto noog soo diray Daauud Axmed Dheere. Xulka qaranka ayaa sanadkaani waxaa uu yahay mid ka badalan sidii hore waxaana haatan ku jira in badan oo cayaartooy dibada laga keenaya walow aan la ogayn faa'iidada ay keeni doonaan ayadoo ay dadka qaarkiina ay arintaani dhaleeceen waxaana aaminsanyihiin in cayaartoo badan ay kusuganyihiin gudaha wadanka Soomaaliya kuwaasoo ka qibrad fiican kuwa dibadaha ka imaanaya.
  8. North, wax maa isku heysaa. If you do, sure then. Dad banooniga yaqaano ayaa joogo inta Kanada, though. I am glad dadkaas ayuu maanta waday qaarkood. I am sure you have faced that Baashi dude. Ar maxaa qaarkood hilfaha u qaaday, never participated an official tournament because buuqooda ma rabi, laakiin markaa si kale u ciyaareyno those who participate those Soomaali tournaments eberaa ka dhigaa. I play in Maldini's or Franco Baresi's position, #5 [jiinguwe] dhexda ah. Darbi camal ugu istaagaa.
  9. Eritrea pursues expensive and dangerous adventurism in the Horn. Eritrea materially supports extremists to undermine the internationally-supported Transitional Federal Government in Somalia. While other nations of the Horn and the wider international community pursue a common strategy for lasting peace and stability there, Eritrea encourages unending violence, especially in Mogadishu. Eritrea is also believed to support Ethiopian insurgents, including the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF). Well, a few words changed, here is what we get: "United States pursues expensive and dangerous adventurism in the Horn. United States materially supports Xabashis to undermine the internationally-respected border of Soomaaliya and its integrity. While other nations of the West and the wider international community pursue a common strategy for lasting peace and stability there, United States encourages unending violence, especially in Mogadishu, by sponsoring Xabashi occupation. United States was also believed to support, especially financially, Soomaali warlords, including the notorious Max'ed Dheere, Bashiir Raage and Cabdi Qeybdiid."
  10. Raggeedi Daahir Raage Boodaaye. He changed the team, already Kanada ka kaxeeye some of the best Soomaali players around here, including Cali Baashi kan la yiraahdo. I hope he entices other good Soomaali players from around the world.
  11. As he shook hands one by one with his players after the 1-0 loss to hosts Tanzania in the Cecafa Senior Challenge Cup, Somalia coach Dahir Rage told his charges "hold your heads up, you are not disgraced." Captain, Abdigadir Oman, particularly appeared downcast. The look in his eyes suggested, he thought a draw would have been a fair result. "The Ocean Boys" as Somalia are referred to, had given their all and kept a clean sheet until the 55th minute when Michael Chuma breached their defence for Tanzania’s only goal. "We shall be back, organised and better next year in Uganda," vowed Rage as he patted the captain’s back. It is easy to dismiss Rage’s vow since it is Somalia and because with the war that has ravaged the Horn of Africa country, nothing can be certain. But if what Canada-based Rage, nicknamed Bodaye, said that he would comb the whole of Europe, North, Central and Latin America for players of Somali origin, then Cecafa members should brace themselves for tougher encounters in future competitions. "We have many players out there. What needs to be done is to bring them together. I believe we can do it with a little support from any quarter," Rage says. The outfit in Dar es Salaam defending the sky blue flag has been unbelievably combative. Rage’s boys gave Tanzania’s coach Brazilian Marcio Maximo questions to answer from an insatiable battery of journalists after slim 1-0 loss to the hosts. Elementary mistakes aside, theirs is raw determination - a collective spirit desiring to triumph in adversity. Against Tanzania, for instance, they took the game to their hosts, defended in numbers, stifled explosive Al Tadhamon (Kuwait) duo of Nizar Khalfan and Danny Mrwanda and Michael Chuma of Vaerlose (Denmark) to the distress of the home fans. Coming from a country that has not known peace since the early 90’s and without a running football league in the past three years, it was hard to believe they could last 90 minutes of intensive play, let alone three group matches in a week. "We trained in Djibouti for four weeks before coming here. Our Djibouti brothers gave us the chance to live and train in their country after the World Cup preliminary qualifier which we lost 1-0," said Rage. "It is really hard to motivate these players especially when they are losing their loved ones each passing day back home. They are also not playing for any monetary gain and from whom anyway if they were to? Theirs is to keep telling the world Somalia exists," explains Rage. Presence of Ethiopian troops "We have always taken Cecafa Challenge Cup seriously and we will continue doing all that is humanly possible to honour matches in this tournament," he adds. " The presence of Ethiopian troops on our soil has not made things any easier. Football has become secondary in view of their presence. People have to think first of how to defend their motherland . We have been sending out word around seeking anybody who could play and these are some of the players who responded. It kills me to see the government sanctioning their presence ," Rage said dismissing repercussions of his statement. " Don’t worry about me. I will be safe. I will fly directly to Canada after the championship ," he says. Somalia assembled in Djibouti from where pay television channel, GTV, the tournament’s sponsors airlifted them to Dar es Salaam. Funds from the world football governing body, Fifa, have been instrumental in helping the Somalia Football Association meet its financial obligations, said Rage. "The FA president Said Nur, too, has helped the team a great deal, but as you know an individual’s contribution is limited." Rage took time off his youth coaching job in Canada to volunteer his services after Djibouti bundled Somalia out of the World Cup qualifiers in a one-legged tie in early November. For the four weeks, he has been in charge, he has instilled defensive discipline in the team and is still working on their individual ball handling techniques. "It will take time, but you can be sure to see a changed side next time. Once I have a few experienced players, it will be easy to build a team around them," Rage enthuses. One of Somalia’s big names, striker Mohammed "Sharkey" Nor, is reportedly playing in the Norwegian league. Issa Midnimo, who played for Tanzania’s Simba, is also said to be in Norway after a stint in Malta. Egypt-based defender Mostaf Sheikh "France" Hassan too is one of the players Rage targets to bring to the fold. Current captain Abdiqadir Omar Ibrahim fondly referred as Gadudow which means red is happy to mingle with the rest of East African neighbours. "It makes us feel we are part of a family. We are going through difficult years but that won’t last forever," Gadudow says summing up the infectious spirit of determination pervading their camp based in Liibna Hotel in Dar es Salaam. As I left their hotel after the interview which started in their van after the loss to Tanzania and infected too, with the spirit I could stop asking myself why my team Harambee Stars would lack such a fight spirit, even if an iota. East Standard
  12. "Governmente municipaale...." Carabigaas wali ma gaarin aniga. "I am beautiful, handsome" aaba igu sii daran. Nin isfaanshay, dooro iskuday.
  13. Here we go again, how it looked like maanta outside.
  14. Maxaa makiinad cajiin kaasmaayo yaryariis laga shukaansaday, Dhubad.
  15. Powerful image iga dheh. Eebba ha u garabgalo. Even teens and boys ku jiro halganka.
  16. Originally posted by Dhulqarnayn -alSumaale: This topic is kinda like two brothers bringing their severly 'beaten up' third brother to a Hospital and then proceed to bicker like simpletons about 'who' was the most helpfull of the 'two' Bro1 It was my car we used Bro2 But i payed for the gas Bro1 I knew the directions Bro2 I called Hoyoo iyo Abo Bro1 I'm the one paying half of the medical expenses Bro2 So? I'm paying the other half The Third brother wakes up after a week, with his two brothers besides his bed still bickering BRO3 Wasaqiin!! coughs why did you guys watch when those Ajanabis ganged on me and beat me? you guys were there, why didn't you help me? The third brother weakened falls back into sleep, and the hospital room is silenced by the grim reality of ''Shame'' and ''cowardice' Waranlehs rise... Nicely put.
  17. Both Diradhabe and Xarar have Soomaalis names. That is enough for us. The word xarar degmooyin iyo tuulooyin badan Soomaaliyeed loogu magacdaray, sida Xarardheere, Xararyaale... Diradhabo oo micnaheedana ah meeshii la isku dhameeye -- dirir [fight] iyo dhabe [a place of...], example Baydhabo [a place of Baay tree].
  18. No wonder when I read a prominent hotel chain's particular hotel's manager's interview a few months ago. He was asked at the end a simple question of what he would carry when travelling: He said a pillow [barkin] and a bed sheet, adding that he doesn't trust pillows and bed sheets provided by the hotels. He knows inside out, I guess.
  19. Micnaha areebo waxaa laga wadaa qof reer magaal ah. Ani areebo maraxnimo lee u aqaanay the last time, though. Si kale waligeey kuma maqlin. Yacni qof hadduu dhaho areebahaas naga daa, ani u qaato maraxaas naga daa in laga wado.
  20. 2nd NORTH AMERICAN SOMALI DIASPORA CONFERENCE Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar Raising awareness on the plight of the Somali people and solidifying the efforts of North America Somali Diaspora Organizations On November 30 & December 1, 2007 approximately two hundred Somali-Americans and Somali-Canadians convened a major conference in the Washington, DC Metro area. The attendees agreed to forge a unified front to free Somalia from occupation and oppression, and to bring a lasting peace and freedom to the Somali people. The attendees agreed to urge all Somalis to: Transcend tribal and regional divisions while embracing national identity and unity as our guiding principles Promote the principle of tolerance, fairness, and that injustice to one is injustice to all Play an active and a positive role in bringing lasting peace to our homeland by joining forces with "Somali Cause" Develop an all-inclusive, competence based system for post liberation governance to avoid the return of warlordism and chaos Increase universal awareness on the plight of the Somali people brought about by the occupation and tyranny The attendees agreed to urge the international community, particularly the United Nations, United States Government, European Union, Arab League, African Union, and Organization of Islamic Conference to: Demand the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from Somalia Compel the Ethiopian forces and the Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG) to immediately cease shelling civilian areas and to stop denying food aid to the displaced people Replace the Ethiopian troops with forces from Muslim & non-frontline African states, equipped with a clear mandate Provide urgently needed humanitarian assistance to the over one million internally displaced people (IDP) in Somalia, especially in and around Mogadishu Demand the immediate halt of the rampant human rights abuses, the closing of independent media, and the arrest of journalists Facilitate an all inclusive reconciliation conference in a neutral and safe environment Respect the unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia while addressing the legitimate grievances of regions Establish an international criminal court for Somalia to rigorously investigate and prosecute war crimes and human rights violations that have been committed by any party against the civilian population Demand the immediate release of all political prisoners and victims of widespread arbitrary detention Somali Cause, a first of its kind of union of Somalis across tribal and regional affiliations, was founded by the following organizations: Alliance for Peace and Development (AFPD), Columbus, OH Baltimore Somali Community, Baltimore, MD Greater Boston Somali Community, Boston, MA Somali American Peace Council (SAPC), Washington DC Somali Canadian Diaspora Alliance (SCDA), Toronto, Canada Somali Diaspora Network (SDN), Fairfax, VA Somali Institute for Peace and Justice (SIPJ), Minneapolis, MN United Somali Diaspora (USD), Minneapolis, MN We invite and encourage others to join with the Somali Cause in bringing justice, peace and stability to Somalia. To join Somali Cause or for more information, please email us at info@somalicause.org or call us at (202) 285-0780 or mail us at 1425 K ST NW STE350 Washington DC, 20005-3514 C/qaadir C/raxmaan, Somali Cause, Chairman [ More sawiro ]
  21. From this: Omar also testified that her family had assets in Somalia that gave her the money to spend on the house, car, dental work and school tuition, despite the fact that her brother was receiving Social Security disability payments and her mother was receiving medical assistance. To this: Jurors found Omar guilty of all 46 counts. They also determined that the purchase of two of her three homes, as well as her custom car, were obtained with tainted funds, making them subject to forfeiture. And this iigu sii daran: "The case is bigger than the defendant. It's as if the Somali community is on trial," said Omar Jamal, executive director of the Somali Justice Advocacy Center. War magaca Soomaali daa. Tuug la qabtay, talo maleh ayaa la dhihi jiray. She tried to milk the system, waana la qabtay. Duqeedana in uu cararo ma ahayn fuleynimo daraadiis, in uu iyada ugu tago meesha kaligeed to face those charges.
  22. And you never lied? You never fabricated and embellished to spice up your hardship stories to claim asylum? Waxaadan hawshaada ahayn hawl laga dhigto ma fiicno. Kashifaad iyo iscaarifid kulahaa. Adiga lee mugoow ha isqarxin.
  23. Horta "Itoobiyaanka" ee hooyadeed ku sheegeyso, maxee ula jeedaa? Aniga "Itoobiyaan" Amxaar iyo Tigrey u aqaanaa. Haddee Oromo iyo waxaas ka wado, it is different. Koley hooyadeed Amxaar mise Tigrey waaye maadaama indhihii waa weynaa kuwaas lagu yaqaanay leedahay.