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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Birthday ma u dabaaldegi as a principle, but Muniira, Eebbe cimri dheer iyo wanaagsan oo caafimaad lehba haku siiyo -- aamiin, aamiin.
  2. And he is the "president" of the republic, which includes Waqooyi, miyaa? Asaga lee banaanka isa soo dhigay. But then again, mar walba uu afkiis furo qashin ayaa kasoo baxo, ka horsocdo. Maba isbadalo. Then again qof kusoo barbaaray ama moodo iska hadalka micnadarada inay tahay ragnimo, blame malaha markaas. We, however, la yaabanahay wuxuu u yahay hoggaamiye, aamisana mowqifkiis.
  3. Originally posted by Intel: quote:Originally posted by Skipper: I would love to know how he did it. how he did what? How hal dhagax ugu dilay laba shimbirood. Hashiiba aaba wareer laga joogaa, kan laba hal mar dalaq minanka keensaday. Eebba ha u garabgalo.
  4. Soomaali haddaan runta isku sheegno, dhibaatada dalkeena dhamaad la'aanta ah Soomaali kaliya ayaa xal u heli karto. Soomaali saafi, nadiif kaliya ah hadddee hoggaamin lahayeen. Soomaali Soomaalinimada dhab ka tahay. Qaramada Midoobay wax eed ah malaha xaadirkaan. Soomaaliya wey u gurmadeen, oo 32 dal walaa Muslim iyo gaal ah iskugu jiro u gurmaday, the largest ever to happen; Soomaali iyagaana iska soo ceyriye, soo buriye, la dagaalamay, ciidankoodana qoorta ka jaray. Soomaali dhan ma ahayn ee odey qabqable waalan dan siyaasadeed shaqsi ahaan lahaa iyo xulufadiis yarayd ee moooryaaneed la jirtay bas ahayd. I always ask what would have happened had the UNOSOM stayed firmly and had not left prematurely. If only.
  5. I have read this some few years ago, and I am sure some of you as well did, still it is one of the most hilarious written piece I had ever read online. What a boisterous piece of writing. Pure comedian genius wrote it.
  6. I once posted this, let me repost it, a classic masterpiece hees daadis in ruwaayadda Rafaad iyo Raaxo, and from the one and the only Iikar Jeesto, Eebba ha u naxariistee. Ma hurdee Har iyo habeen Adigaa i horjoogtidee I hoggaami Adaan kuu soo noqdee -------- Jaceyl ma i maheysidee Halkoo kale waa helaysaa Kuuma raad qabee... [Eesh caleeg.] Can anybody guess who that lovely singer is [i know she is lip-singing]? She looks, especially in that dirac, pretty lovely.
  7. Tabeelahaan, taken from in Cadaado district of Galgaduud, si luu smile iiga keenay.
  8. Originally posted by nuune: ^^^ Soomaalidu iney madax adagyihiin waxaa kuugu cad, waxaa jirta oraah dhahayso "naag qurux badan ninbaa qabo loogama haro" ee ka soo rido naagta ninka, ha uga harin, marka hala is ilaaliyo Nuunkeey, waxaaga xoog waayee laakiin. Ka soo dhacso miyaa sheekada.
  9. Typical Kenyaati doorasho. Confusion, chaos and a flare-up violence here and there. Then the old, former colonial ruler, now unseen and behind the scenes, soo faragishanaa as usual and the players will be satisfied which leader of the already elected they choose. Is Oginda Odinga, Raila's father, still alive? I still remember his Ford Asili party in early '93 elections. Kanu juu, Ford... mee ahayd the slogan waaba iloowee.
  10. Qof dhintay kabahiis dhaamo maqli jiray. She is dead, ee waxee ahaan jirtay iyo see ahaydba, her politics and policies included, she is dead. Iska dhaafa ee waa qof Muslim, ee dambiga, siiba keeda, ha iskugu soo rogina in uu kiina noqdo.
  11. Teeda ayaa soo celisay, waxaa la dhihi jiray qof hadduu dhimanaayo afartankiis bari u dambeeyo laga gartaa. Malakamoodkeed soo celiye. Eebba ha u naxariisto.
  12. This one is a bit relevant, I think. ------------ Jac kuleel One evening last week, my girlfriend and I were getting into bed. Well, the passion starts to heat up, and she eventually says, "I don't feel like it, I just want you to hold me." I said, "WHAT??!! What was that?!" So she says the words that every boyfriend on the planet dreads to hear: "You're just not in touch with my emotional needs as a woman enough for me to satisfy your physical needs as a man." She responded to my puzzled look by saying, "Can't you just love me for who I am and not what I do for you in the bedroom?" Realizing that nothing was going to happen that night, I went to sleep. The very next day I opted to take the day off of work to spend time with her. We went out to a nice lunch and then went shopping at a big, big unnamed department store. I walked around with her while she tried on several different very expensive outfits. She couldn't decide which one to take, so I told her we'd just buy them all. She wanted new shoes to compliment her new clothes, so I said, "Lets get a pair for each outfit." We went on to the jewelry department where she picked out a pair of diamond earrings. Let me tell you -- she was so excited. She must have thought I was one wave short of a shipwreck. I started to think she was testing me because she asked for a tennis bracelet when she doesn't even know how to play tennis. I think I threw her for a loop when I said, "That's fine, honey." She was almost nearing sexual satisfaction from all of the excitement. Smiling with excited anticipation, she finally said, "I think this is all dear, let's go to the cashier." I could hardly contain myself when I blurted out, "No honey, I don't feel like it." Her face just went completely blank as her jaw dropped with a baffled, "WHAT?" I then said, "Honey! I just want you to HOLD this stuff for a while. You're just not in touch with my financial needs as a man enough for me to satisfy your shopping needs as a woman." And just when she had this look like she was going to kill me, I added, "Why can't you just love me for who I am and not for the things I buy you?" Raggeedi.
  13. While you are doing some calaacal on here, here is what some of Reer Landhan girls [with some Landhan boys] are upto. Or here. Change your spots aan ku dhahay, if you want a real baashaal.
  14. Originally posted by Red Sea: MMA, Ever thought of composing 'niiko' style national anthem for the flag. It would be fun to say 'everybody up for patriotic niiko'....isii habartee kii abuuree kudhaartee calankee waaye, sakac, midig laabta saar, bidixna dhex ku qabso, sakac sakac. Waraa waa ku dhufataa u maleynaa, don't disrespect calan like that, mise mid kugu niikiso in laguu keenaa rabtaa. Amee ku jibjibisaa hee.
  15. I and Jew girl were the only ones working that day. So heck we did deserved everything we got . It's not like I was given the money for no work at all. Really? The whole package, everything? Maxaa la isku reebay taloow. I hope the workplace had closed-circuit cameras inside, balaayo aa dhacdee.
  16. Quraansaar miyaa. Tahliisha adiga kasoo biloow dhankaaga hee, aan aniga xaaqo tuf ah ugu daree.
  17. 2-POLICEMAN SLAYS SOMALI PRESIDENT; Assassin Seized After Shot Kills Shermarke Instantly -- Curfew in Mogadiscio President of Somalia Is Slain; Policeman Seized as Assassin This guy indirectly and probably single-handedly changed the Soomaali history forever. If he only knew that one gun trigger he fired would change the fate of millions of his fellow countrymen present and in the future, I think he would have second thoughts. He is our own version of Gavrilo Princip, whose shot killed the Austro-Hungarian prince in 1914. Does anyone even know his name? We only know he was sentenced to death and was shot a few days after Kacaanka.
  18. Originally posted by nuune: Nin Socoto ahaa, ayaa markii ugu horreysay booqday Yurub, wuxuuna fariistay Beer weyn oo kuwa lagu nasto ah, oo ku taalla "London". Wuxuu la yaabay qaabka ruux dhallinyaro ah oo meesha marayay. Qof weyn oo agihiisa marayay ayuu weydiiyay, oo uu yiri "waar ruuxani meesha marayaa, ma wiil baa mase waa gabar?" . Qofkii ayaa ku jawaabay:" "wiil ma aha ee waa gabar, aniga ayaana dhalay!.." Ninkii socotada ahaa ayaa yiri "waan ka xumahay, iga raalli noqo, ma aanan moodayn inaad adigu tahay Aabihiis" . Qofkii ayaa ku jawaabay "maya, anigu ma ahi aabihiis ee waxaan ahay hooyadiis!". Duunya aan la kala garaneyn ragga iyo dumarka anagaa markii horeba imaaney oo gardarrada iska laheen Nuunka, aniga sheekada mala yaabani, ee afka lagu sheekeysanaaye la yaabanahay. Afkee ahayd? Serbian?
  19. 8. We are ruled by an enemy who wants to divide our country into pieces. Some of us welcome him with open arms, open trade offices for him and offer him our ports to import his goods. Some of us die with him in the same trenches killing our own people. Some of us exploit the refugees the enemy displaces and make them pay for the trees under which they seek shelter. Soomaali walba should read this paragraph again and again.
  20. Originally posted by AYOUB: MMA Hypocrisy is in the eyes of the beer-holder. SOL archives have the record of what you have said about the Islamic Courts fighters. Cut the BS mate. If aad dhibsatay the 'hypocrisy' word, I did not call you one, a hypocrite. Anyway, jawaabtaada intaa ka heleysaa, especially the post addressed to Dabshid in the middle. It is a year ago I posted that, which, however, still sums up my beliefs. I just don't have time to repeat myself all over again and again, laakiinse tan aan ku dhahaa: Any Soomaali, that ku jirto damiirnimo Soomaaliyed, that is resisting the Xabashi occupation, I am with him/her. I don't care his or her political ideology for the moment, waa ii Soomaali, iyagaa iiga dhaw Xabashi i gumeysan lahayd. I would rather live under a regime led by Indhamadoowe and other Shabaabs [whose idealogy I do not agree or share at all] than any Xabashi or Xabashi soo dhoob dhoobtay one. Nothing labafoolenimo [labawajiilenimo] about that.
  21. Ma tagtay waligaa Seylac? This historical town is unfortunately neglected by the successive Soomaali adminstrations, pre- or post-war.
  22. Why is every Somali an amateur propagandist? Whoa, whoa, Mr. Fadhikudirir, since when did you meet every imaginable Soomaali, then come and conclude in this weighty statement as a fact?
  23. One year and thousands of innocents la xasuuqay later, we, unfortunately, will always remember and mark this depressing day. Eebba ha u wada naxariisto dhamaantood walaalaheen Xabashi iyo kuwa kabaha u sida xasuuqeen -- aamiin, aamiin.
  24. Saaxiib, you can have a flag, a 'national' anthem, a military force, etc, but that does not change the fact Waqooyi is part and parcel of Soomaaliya. There will not be any so-called border, imagined or otherwise. Soomaaliya is Soomaaliya, one of one. If it helps you sleep well at night, there are some 'states' that practice and have what I mentioned above. The Canadian province of Quebec is one of them, having the whole nine yards, including an own internationally recognized flag, an own "national" language, an own "indepedence day" they celebrate each late June, heck even having their "National Assembly" legislature; participated [and still does] on its own merit the international Francophonie organization. All this does not officially change anything on the ground -- the province is still part of Kanada. Mareykanka's states have their own organized military, but the states are still part of United States. You get my drift? Heck, I welcome Waqooyi enter the World Cup tournament, as other non-state states Wales, Scotland and others do.