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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. What kind of cir is this? Orange-yellow? Cirkiina saas maa loo ekeysiiye, photoshop lee iga dheh.
  2. Originally posted by Buuxo: ^loool MMA, buuxnaan kale ma iga sugeeysay? Thanks for the wlc,meelna ka ma dhicin walaalkiis .Just enjoying my summer before i have to return to a boring life of ardeynimo iyo shaqaale. Ooh, waa ilooway ileen Down Under joogtay. Summer. Lord. Meeshaan, Up Above ah, barafkii iyo dabeeshii dhagaha kaa gaduudinooyo, diif aan dhamaad lahayna kaa keenaayo. Ar enjoy the summer and the leisure holidays waaba naga maseersiisee.
  3. Originally posted by Dabshid: what is all the dirts in the streets, needs a bit of clean up. Nice video,thanks Maxaa sugeysay, paved, clean roads and streets in Auckland or Wellington? A typical, destroyed Soomaali city. And people used to call it Baydhabo Janaay, warlords baa janadii ka qaaday. I can't believe Isha Baydhabo iyo Bardaha saas u eg. ------------- know the name of the song in the beginning and where i can download it? help a brotha out plz... would sound very cool on a presentation bout somalia. Nin lagu seexdoow ha seexan was originally sung by Magool, though this new hees is a new version, la change gareeye the lyrics. It is pretty cool one, since I too am looking. I was watching the complete video of this clip xaley, which whose trip starts from Minneapolis to Nayroobi to Siyeeloow to Baydhabo to Xamar. Some really cool, nationalist songs dubbed on.
  4. Adaa mudan, duqa. We just don't need, however, to rush into judgement, though. Kistoo in la hubsado ayaa fiican xaalka than rushing to judge. Unintended mistakes do indeed happen, too. Anyway, I just posted this advisory thread in the Moderators' Office section a few weeks ago, advising and reminding myself as well my fellow moderators. It exactly deals what happened in that deleted thread. Let me repose it on benefit of all SOLers to see and know we strive to do our best. -------------- Moderating is not that easy, especially a one who moderates anything involving with Soomaalis and mid Soomaalida waxee qoraan qof masuul ka ah. Saas oo ay tahay and nonetheless, sometimes it is not that simple to moderate as best as we, though, try to be. One such fact is -- some of us delete whole posts and threads than the offending parts. This is not generally a good moderatorship. Deleting the offending parts within a post is. Deleting the whole post, especially if it only has a minor offending words and especially if it is a long one, it is not considered a good moderatorship to delete the whole post. Same reasoning with the threads. Some threads start with a good faith and some are 'controversial,' and, expectedly or not, there will be a flame-up wars and trolls. We sometimes delete the whole threads, instead of the offending posts within the threads. People do give both their time and energy to compose posts and threads, so we need to have that in mind when we delete or edit posts and threads. Also some of the 'offending' words within a post may not be that offensive to one addressed or perceieved to be insulted at. Some are intended as jokes, though may apparently seem not to when glanced from in another way. It is all about seeing the little things before we rush to delete or edit. It is a little courtesies like these that make the forum exceptional and friendly. We need to be a bit more sensible, lest others assume -- Eebbe forbid -- that we the MODS are abusing the responsibility that comes with it. We need to be a bit more courteous and considerate of others.
  5. I knew a considerable members of the so-called baarlamaan of this dowlad ku sheeg were holders of foreign baasabooro and with dual nationalities. I also knew the latest rubber stamped "cabinet's" new members were holders of various Western passports, such Xaamuud [Australian], Axmed Cabdisalaan, Jangeli [Canadians], Fahmo Axmed Nuur [swedish], but never realized the vast majority of them were holders of various nationalities. Eleven out of the 15 named so-called ministers are Western passport holders, so are two out of the five so-called vice ministers. Read the list bellow, with the passports they hold and nationalities of other countries they and their families live in brackets. --------------- Inta badan xubnaha xukuumadda cusub ee Soomaaliya oo la ogaaday in ay wataan Baasabooro ajnabi ah Xubnaha Xubnaha Xukuumadda cusub ee uu soo dhisay Ra’iisal Wasaare Nuur Xasan Xuseen (Nuur Cadde) ayaa waxaa u badan yihiin kuwo heysta dhalashada wadamo kale oo ay qaxooti ku ahaayeen ka hor intii aysan ka mid noqon Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya. Wasiirrada ku jira Xukuumadda cusub ayaa waxay badankood yihiin Muwaadiniin heysta dhalashada Wadanka Britain, halka ay jiraan kuwo aan heysta dhalashada wadamo kale oo ay ka mid yihiin Australia, Canada iyo Finland. Laakin waxaa jira Xubno tiro yar oo iyagu weliga heysta Baasaboorkii Cagaarnaa ee Soomaaliya ama midka cusub ee casriga ah, kuwaasi oo aan fursad u helin in ay dalka ka baxaan, isla markaana ay soo qaadaan Jinsiyadda Wadamada kale, waxayna kuwaasi yihiin kuwo laga keenay gudaha Baarlamaanka. Marka ay intaas taagan tahay ayaa dad badan oo Soomaaliyeed waxay su’aal ka ka keenayaan sida ay wax u qaban karto Xukuumad ay Xubnaheeda labo Baasaboorlayaal yihiin iyo sida ay ugu damqan karaan dadka ku nool gudaha dalka Soomaaliya ee aan iyagu dalka ka bixi karin haddii ay ka baxaana ay qaxooti ku noqonayaan dalka ugu soo horeeya oo ay tagaan. Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa horay loo sheegi jiray in ay xubnahiisa ku jiraan kuwo sidoo kale labo Baasaboorlayaal ah, kuwaasi oo marka ay cabaar ka qeybgalaan fadhiyada Baarlamaanka kadb dib ugu noqda dalalka ay Jinsiyaddooda heystaan, halkaasna ay isaga soo meyraan wixii walaac ahaa ee ay ka qaadeen dhibaatooyinka aan dhamaadka lahayn ee ka jira dalka Soomaaliya. WASIIRADA 1 - Saalim Caliyoow Ibroow, Ra’isu wasaare ku xigeen, ahna wasiirka Garsoorka - ( Austarlia ) 2 - Ceydiid C/llahi Ilka Xanaf, Ra’isu wasaare ku xigeen ahna Wasiirka Waxbarasahada iyo hiddaha - ( Ingiriiska ) [uK] 3 - Axmed C/salaan Aadan, Ra’isu wasaare ku xigeen ahna Wasiirka Warfaafinta, Arrimaha dhalinyarada iyo Isboortiga - ( Kanada ) [Canada] 4 - Muxiyidiin Max’ed Xaaji Ibraahim, Wasiirka Gaashaandhiga - (Gudaha) 5 - Xuseen Ceelaabe Faahiye, Wasiirka Ganacsiga, Wershadaha iyo Dalxiiska - (Gudaha balse ilmahiisa degan Ingiriiska) 6 - Max’ed Cali Xaamuud, Wasiirka Maaliyada iyo Qorshaynta - ( Austarlia ) 7 - Max’ed Ibraahim Xaabsade, Wasiirka Gaadiidka, Duulimaadka iyo Dekadaha - (Gudaha) 8 - Muuse Nuur Amiin, Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Amniga Qaranka ( Ingiriiska ) [uK] 9 - Cali Axmed Jaamac Jengeli, Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga - ( Kanada balse degan Ingiriiska) 10 - Max’ed Cali Saalax Kaange = Wasiirka Macdanta iyo Tamarta -( Ingiriiska ) [uK] 11 - Mustaf Sh. Cali Dhuxuloow, Wasiirka Beeraha Biyaha iyo Hormarinta Dhulka - ( Ingiriiska ) [uK] 12 - Nuur Iidow Beyle = Wasiirka Howlaha Guud, Dib u dhiska iyo Kaabiyaasha - ( Ingiriiska ) [uK] 13 - C/risaaq Ashkir Cabdi = Wasiirka Dib u heshiisiinta, hormarinta Gobolada iyo Arrimaha Federalka, ( Holland balse degan Ingiriiska [uK]). 14 - Cabdi Max’ed Tarax, Wasiirka Boostada iyo Isgaarsiinta - ( Finland ) 15 - Khadiijo Max’ed Diiriye, Wasiirka Horumarinta haweenka iyo Arrimaha Qoyska - Gudaha WASIIR KU XIGEENADA 1 - C/kariin Axmed Cali, Wasiir Kuxigeenka Arrimaha Debada iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga - Gudaha 2-Xildhibaan Carab Cali Diiriye, Wasiir Kuxigeenka Dib u Heshiisiinta, Hormarinta Gobolada iyo Arrimaha Federaalka - Gudaha 3 - Cali Muumin Ismaaciil, Wasiirka Maaliyada iyo Qorshaynta- Gudaha. 4 - Fahma Axmed Nuur, Wasiir Kuxigeenka Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Amniga Qaranka - ( Iswiidhan ) [sweden] 5 - C/kaafi Macalin Xasan, Wasiir Kuxigeenka Howlaha Guud, Dibudhiska iyo Kaabiyaasha - ( Iswiidhan ) [sweden] Xigasho
  6. The original thread, titled as above, was posted a few days ago. Unfortunately, as I learned later, within the same day fellow SOLers exchanged some insults, thus facilitating its deletion, which should not have happened. Courtesy of our brother Ciise/Paragon/Jamaal, a fellow long-time SOLer himself, here is a complete, satirical piece, reposted fully. [NB - We can take criticism very well, especially constructive, positive ones for it comes with the package of moderating, particularly amongst maryooleys. Being thick-skinned should be part of the volunteering. Mistakes do happen, too.] --------------- Yay some say, and others, Nay! Yay say, supporters of Yeey Let him stay! Long live Yeey! Oh nay and never, opponents say He cannot stay! Not even a day! Say all you want or even vent! Yeey’s our beloved president! Whom none shall ever prevent! No he’s not, not our president! The man’s simply Meles sent! He’s a killer, evil and hell bent! Yo admin, isn’t this your site? Calling Yeey evil can’t be right! Edit the posts and make it right! Otherwise we may have a fight! Yo admin, just ignore these fools None of us broke the site’s rules These guys are the simple mules Meles and America use as tools We aren’t mules, tools or stooges We’re heroes acting as bridges Helping people living in the edges Bring them all on peaceful ridges No, you are just the evil minions! Killing many, displacing millions! You are a curse on our civilians! Kept afloat by America’s millions!
  7. Originally posted by Isseh: You know its hard to get 'things' off your chest in SOL lately. Not that I have anything to get off my chest. Only that I should be allowed the right for humourous expressions that may have mild criticisms in them. Nothing more. PS: Indeed things are becoming personal as of late and I sense the development of personality cult syndrome in these boards...though I see no need for it. Because I wrote the above (which contravene none of the rules of the site) this post, or even thread, may get deleted, and I apologize well in advance if it gets deleted. Sorry in advance, Ghanima. If its not deleted then all is well . If aan u maleeyo the thread you are referring, whose first post I only read, then it shouldn't have been deleted. I don't know what happened after it, but let me repost, if you don't mind, and a courtesy of you being it. NB - Koley in gadaal la iska afxumeeye u maleynaa, ama dhacday aflagaado, still the culprits' posts should have been edited, than instead the thread's original post itself. It is unfortunate when this happens, wiping out the whole thread, instead deleting or editing the offending posts within.
  8. Buuxo, ma joogtay, yaaqeey inaa waa hore buuxsantay moodee. Welkam back abaayadiis. Intee ka dhacday? Hadduu Coward Howard tagay adigana ma tagtay? They voted you out of the office too miyaa. ------------- Originally posted by Dabshid: "Inaa Abti" la islu sheeg, guur ka wacan ma jiro, laakin inadeerta is not popular in Somalia. Sometimes I get angy with the fellow who married my Inabti! Horta maxaa ugu wacan? Soomaali ilma'adeer isqabto dhif dhif waaye, laakiin ilma'abtiga aad iyo aad. Ilmahabreedka waa badanyihiin, too.
  9. It was early one morning in July when 400 Ethiopian soldiers came to Ridwan Hassan Zahid's village of Qorile, 120 miles southeast of Degehebur, Ethiopia, a dusty market town. The small settlement of ethnic Somalis in eastern Ethiopia was suspected of supporting separatist rebels from the ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF), and the government troops were out to exact revenge. They took Zahid, another woman, and eight men to the nearby village of Babase, where, she says, the soldiers chased away residents and burned the village to the ground. "I became like plastic," she says. "I couldn't feel a thing." On the third day after her capture, the soldiers divided the prisoners into groups. As the other captives looked on, soldiers hung one man from one of the parched region's few trees; another was taken out of sight. Soon it was Zahid's turn. A small group of soldiers dug a hole in the sandy ground. They forced her into it and pinned her down by pressing the barrel of an AK-47 to her throat. As she tried to choke out the words to a final Muslim prayer, she heard two other captives screaming for mercy nearby as a noose was slipped over her head . Two soldiers jerked up on the rope, lifting her out of the hole by her neck, and she lost consciousness. ------------ The conflict has been visible enough for Ridwan Hassan Zahid, who miraculously survived her would-be executioners. Left for dead, she was found the next day by Somalis from a nearby village who came to bury the corpses. The other nine were not so lucky. Some had been hung from trees, others hung over holes in the ground like Zahid. Some of the men had been stripped naked and their tongues had been cut out . Zahid hid in the countryside for three days, but eventually she was told the army had learned she was still alive and was searching for her. Then began a two-week odyssey on foot, camel, and finally by truck to safety in a neighboring country, which she asked NEWSWEEK not to disclose. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Waxaa kasii xanaaq iyo caloolxumo badan Soomaali ku sheega u sacabtumaayo Xabashadaan, oo Soomaali kula sheeganaayo. Ciil, ciil badan badanaa. Walaasheen Ridwaan xataa inay maanta qarsato cabsi daradeeda dhulka ee Soomaaliya ka joogto, inay sheegto xataa qarineysaa, xataa ay ka cabsaneyso in loogu daba imaanaayo, ama Xabashi loo gacan gilinaayo.
  10. The girl in the middle is wearing guntiino, others alindi. The beads in Soomaali is called kuul. An old-style dirac; she is dancing a traditional dance called buraanbur. The in-style, current fashion of dirac. [WiiiiiiW *Sigh*] Guntiino, again. Guntiino. Another one.
  11. Originally posted by Dr.Galbeyte: quote:Originally posted by me: So whats your stance on Somali unity? Whats your opinion on khat crazed lunatics? In your classification who is a lander and who is not a lander? Somali Unity Depended ON Mogadishu. Looking at what was a peaceful Mogadishu less then 18 months ago I'm not sure who'd want to be part of anything called Somali Unity anymore. Currently Lobbying for the Independence of GalMudug State may i add. Jumuuriya Al GalMudug (JGM) *tears shedding down my fearless eyes in a patriotic fashion. Let me pull a Qalafesque, calankeena baluuga xidigta leh oo qiimaha iyo qaayaha badan noo dhig nooh. Seriously, inaa quusatid ma'aha. Maanta midka aan ku jirno mid ka daran ayee soo mareen many nations of this Earth, maantana calankooda iyo heybadooda caalamka laga aqoonsanyahay. Soomaaliya and Soomaalis need you now, more than ever. Inaa meel ka bilowdid waaye oo maxaa u qabtaa Soomaali and Soomaaliya intaa meel mundul yar isku soo oodi lahayd and ignore the rest of your brothers and sisters waxa masiibo ku dhaceyso. The dismemberment of our nation that you may think can bring solutions may in fact bring countless new problems than the few it solves. New, unintended, unforeseen obstacles will arise, whose solutions would be much difficult to solve than the current riddle we are currently in. Ka fiirso the big picture than the current challenging one, which sooner or later, hopefully, laga wada bixi doono. Soomaalis functioned fine, hundred of years. We also functioned fine in a modern, democratic state. We can once again function and join the peaceful, civilized nations of this caalam.
  12. Originally posted by Makhirian: Who is Tony Montana? Mr. Say-Hello-To-My-Little-Friend ma taqaanid?
  13. Aflaagada meesha ka socota looma dulqaadan karo. Not now, not awal or tomorrow. Dadka afxumada wado wey isgaran doonaan la islaaha, but if ay saan kusii socoto, we have no choice but to either edit and close this thread. Reminder, this is a moderated forum with clear Rules. Kuwa isku sii diraayana, isku juq juqleynaayana walaalaheen, iyagana waxaa u sheegi lahaa meesha moora ciyaal inay ahayn ee ciyaalnimada iska saara.
  14. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: The government is from the good people ,,,, shooooooooot We're trying to help those you killed, displaces, demolished their houses and never let them get some sleep. You??!!?? Ninkaan Cambodian iyo Mongolian wuxuu yahayba ismooday yaa u run naqa. War hooy, Soomaali haddaa iska saareysid, si quman iskaga saar. Hargeysa is in Soomaaliya. It is a magaalo Soomaaliyeed, waa deegaan Soomaaliyeed. Degmo Soomaaliyeed loo qaxayna tan ma ugu horeynin, Soomaali deegaanadooda u qaxaan, be it from Raaskambooni to Raascasery to Seylac. Nothing new in this. The only thing new is that calling them, your own Soomaali brothers and sisters, 'refugees' and still isla qumantahay. The UN will not accept and label them refugees, but displaced people in their own country. Don't politicize our brothers' and sisters' misfortune.
  15. Masiibada wali waa socotaa. Imtixaan adduun Soomaali heysato waayadaan. Eebba ha u wada naxariisto
  16. "Qaxooti?" Soomaalis moving to another city in their own darn country are qaxooti now? Maxaa la wareeray. Dadka waa barakaceen ee qaxooti ma'aha, displaced people in their own country are not refugees. Wah.
  17. Waaaw, waaba la isla dhacay meeshaan. Yaab iga ahaa. Haddaan meel iska dhigno the silliness, absurdity of this thread, though, wax kalaa i cajabiye, laakiin. Waa kuwa iskugu waco "landers," oo waliba isla quman. Dalal badan caalamka ayaa jiro oo dalalkooda magacyadooda suffix ka ah 'land.' Isla dalalkaan, though, the locals don't call or refer their country what others, especially the English-speaking people, call it. Such nations, giving an example, are the following [local names in brackets] Switzerland (Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera), Thailand (Mueang Thai), Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat), Finland (Suomi), to say a few. Do our brothers in North even thought about the grammatical implications of it? Do they really intend to Soomaalinize this out-of-place and time noun, "Somaliland." It is both grammatically wrong in Soomaali and in Ingiriis. If one wants to Soomaalinize it, it should have been Soomaalilaan [or the way old folks used to call it, Soomaalileen]. Waa mid la garay localizing it. It is grammatically also wrong because none of 'land'-ending countries' people call themselves somelanders, exception being New Zealand folks. You won't see an Icelandic call him/herself a Icelander; you won't hear a folk from Swaziland calling himself while among his people Swazilander. Same with Thais, they don't call themselves Thailanders. So are Finnish people, not Finlanders, not even in English. So is Netherland or Holland. The Dutch are Hollanders? [ ] Greenland. Poland. Ireland. Scotland. England [the grand of it all, whose own people speak the native language, they don't call themselves Englanders.] Kuwa kale iyagana these days iskugu waco "Puntlanders" waxba ma dhaamaan.
  18. [K]a dib markii uu curiyay riwaayaddiisii ugu caansanayd ee Shabeelnaagood... Qof walba oo Soomaali ah waxa aanu illaawayn labadiisa heesood oo midna dadku ku soomijiray “Marxab marxab yaa Ramadaan” iyo, heestii Waabberi ku furan jirtay riwaayadaha “Halkan waxa u timaaddeen, waa naga helaysaan” Marxuumka marka koowaad Eebbaa weynee haka waraabiyo janaadiis barwaaqo. Xasan Sh. Muumin waa maqlay, laakiin maba ogeyn in uu aasaasay ruwaayadaas caanka ahayd ee Shabeelnaagood, kaba sii daran warba uma heynin in uu ahaa alifihii heesta Marxab, marxab, yaa Ramadaan iyo furitaankii oraahda ii dhehda caanka ahayd ee Halkaan waxaa u timaadeen waa naga heleysiin. ------------ I wonder why MMA did not report this Maxaa jiro, duqa? Ma geeriyaasha dadka geeriyoodo inaa naadiyo u qaabilsanahay? Bar labaad Eebbe ha u naxariisto marxuumka abwaanka sare ahaa.
  19. Originally posted by Ducaysane: Congrats,.....she need to get the name of her country right thou........it is Somalia You wouldn't let that go, miyaa? Walaasheenana meesha haka sii wado dadaalkeeda.
  20. Intel, it is called Church of Navity, err Nativity. MMA, yaa u diiday? Soo Somali ma'aha.. Yarkaa eedada leedahay u diiday.
  21. I think Hall of Shame studio of Koronto comes closest. They have some of those old images in their studio. The singers' images on the wall that I can guess from the picture: Faadumo Qaasim, Sulfa (or is it Axmed Rabsha?), the image where Shareero is underlined. Then there is Saado Cali. Kuwa kale yaa sheegi karo?
  22. Waala marqaansanyahay. Mihii la wareero maxaa la dhihi jiray? Magaca Soomaaliyeed yaa ku siiye markaa xigsaneysid?
  23. Now, Soomaalidii qaaxo socoto laga dhigay? Waaw. Ar maxee dadkeena u dhameeyeen. ------------ Somalis arrive in Emporia with tuberculosis Health officials acted quickly as refugees came for meat jobs EMPORIA — When hundreds of Somali refugees began showing up to work at the meatpacking plant, nurses Lori Torres and Renee Hively were among the first to get to know the exotic, new arrivals. "We got notified a day in advance that 70 Somalis were being transferred from a (Tyson Foods) plant in Nebraska," Hively recalled. "That 70 soon grew into 400, seemingly overnight." "We literally had droves in our waiting room, waiting to see a public health official," Torres said. Torres is the case manager for about 160 Somalis in Emporia who have been diagnosed with latent tuberculosis. Hively is her supervisor at the Flint Hills Community Health Center, which also serves as the Lyon County public health department. State health officials say the influx of refugees to Emporia could have produced a calamity. Instead, thanks in no small part to Torres and Hively, the situation has been a model for dealing with unforeseen circumstances. "What could have been an ultimate public health crisis has really just been an increase in public health work," said Phil Griffin, director of tuberculosis control and prevention for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Kansas usually has about 3,000 cases of latent tuberculosis a year. "Latent" means the disease isn't contagious and responds to medication. Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection that most commonly attacks the lungs. In its active state it is communicable and deadly. It has been largely eradicated in the United States, western Europe and other developed regions. But it remains widespread in Africa and elsewhere around the globe, killing 1.5 million people in 2005, according to the World Health Organization. Latent TB, if untreated, can become active TB. Quick and flexible Before the Somalis began arriving in Emporia, the local health department tracked about 30 latent cases a year. Now Torres manages about 200 cases, about 80 percent of which she said are afflicted Somalis. She also handles the cases of two patients with active TB, one of whom is Somali. Griffin credits Torres, Hively and Flint Hills' leaders for their quickness and flexibility in dealing with the surge in tuberculosis cases that hit Lyon County with the arrival of the Somalis, many of whom had spent years in refugee camps before arriving in the United States. Tyson requires its workers to have at least basic health insurance, so most of the Somalis in Emporia have health insurance, officials said. Griffin said the number of tuberculosis cases reported in Kansas this year will increase from 8 percent to 10 percent attributable to what is happening in Lyon County. In 2006, about 60 percent of the state's tuberculosis cases were in foreign-born individuals, he said. "The scenario that happened in Emporia has been somewhat unique in that it is refugee resettlement activity going on with a particularly large population moving in all at one time," Griffin said. "But that same scenario could happen anywhere in the state where there is a large employer with any number of refugee groups." Griffin said health officials in Emporia are particularly praiseworthy because they immediately recognized there was a surge in tuberculosis cases, determined it was linked to the refugees, and took quick steps to meet their needs instead of sitting back and waiting for the Somalis to figure out how to cope in their new environment. Most of the Somalis are young men who have spent most or all of their lives in refugee camps. Most have little or no formal education, and many arrived malnourished or with other health problems. Griffin said Torres had done an extraordinary job gaining the trust of the Somalis, whose culture is conservative, Muslim and patriarchal. Hively said when tuberculosis cases were less common, each of the department's nurses divided the case management responsibilities, but with the surge it was decided Torres would take them all, in essence creating a full-time tuberculosis nurse position. They also persuaded the clinic's managers to hire a full-time Somali translator. Jobs at Tyson Chuck Torres, Lori's husband, was working as a health nurse at the Tyson Foods beef processing plant when the Somalis arrived. After years in refugee camps with limited skills and poor nutrition, many had trouble adjusting to the rigorous demands of meat plant work. "Six-foot-one and 110 pounds," he said, describing some of the young men he saw for pre-employment exams. "They were not really physically wrong for the job, but sometimes they were a little slow to assimilate. I tried to caution them it was hard work. I can see why a lot would develop stress-related illness." In February 2006, Tyson closed two of its plants in Nebraska. Among the nearly 1,700 affected workers were the Somali refugees who were offered replacement jobs at the Emporia plant. In the decades since it was founded, Emporia, first because of the railroad and then because of its meat plant, has been a magnet for immigrants. Mexicans came for the railroad work and a couple of generations later new waves from Mexico, Central America and Southeast Asia came to work at the meat plant. The Somalis are the most recent and perhaps most exotic wave for this city of about 25,000 people. Not everyone in Emporia has been welcoming. There have been incidents of vandalism and an armed robbery attempt at the Ayan Restaurant, a Somali-owned eatery that also serves as an informal community center for the refugees. An article posted Nov. 3 on the Emporia Gazette Web site about a state grant to Catholic Community Services to help the Somalis settling in Emporia drew scores of angry, anonymous reader reactions, including this one: "Emporia is going to be its own 3rd world country before long because of all the damn, bleeding hearts." "They came post 9/11. They're black and they're Muslim," Hively said, describing some of the hostility demonstrated toward the Somalis. "Emporia didn't have many black people before. This is a small town." Lori Torres and Hively are involved with the Emporia Refugee Resettlement Alliance, a group that includes representatives from Tyson Foods, the justice system, social service agencies and others working to ease the strains of the influx on the community and the Somalis. The total Somali population in Emporia is thought to be between 750 and 1,000, and the expectation is that the number will continue to grow as word of jobs spreads to Somali enclaves in Utah, Minnesota, Maine and Ohio. Somalia has been strife torn and more or less lawless since a civil war began in 1991. Thousands of Somalis fled to neighboring countries and many are still in refugee camps in Kenya. Xigasho
  24. Waalidkeyga waa nabadooda, Eebba mahadiis. Baydhabana war kama haayi, adiga camal lee ka ahay. Qansaxdheerana galbeedka waqooyiga Baydhabo ayee ku taalaa, dhanka Gedo, jidka Baardheere aado markii lasii raaco. In this map, meesha "Ganzardera" ku qorantahay waaye, oo Diinsoor korkeeda ah.