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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Ever heard Google's Adsense. SOL has nothing to do with specific ads placed within the site. Google crawler does. It indexes the ads, relevant to any given topic people discuss within the forum. The ad was there because probably some were discussing Hitler.
  2. Cadeygii aad ogeyd uu isticmaalaa, waliba toothpaste waxaa u ah dhuxul. Ar maxaa wax lasoo maray, dhuxul lagu rumeysanaayo.
  3. Originally posted by ONE SOMALIA: Mogadishu belongs to one clan and only one clan but ppl dont want to see that. That is why so many problem is happening there. If everybody go to where the hell they belong to then the problem will end. And yaa waaye qabiilkaas? Aryans? Mongolians? Only one clan kulahaa. Xamar Soomaali isku jirkooda, aan u kala har lahayn, oo ka kala yimid gees ka gees wada dhistay, waana magaalo madaxdooda. Clan iyo qashinkaas has nothing on Muqdisho. Haddee qabiil sheegan karaana Banaadiriga ayaa xaq u leh, iyagaa Reer Xamarka dhabta ah ahee, oo magacoodaba magaalada lagu samiyee, xaafadihii asalka, originalka ahaana degnaa, xaafadaas oo degmooyin isku badalay wada ahaa Xamarweyne, Xamarjajab, Shibis, Shangaani, Boondheere iyo Cabdicasiis. Maryooleey iyo lamagoodle kooyto ayee wada ahayeen, kuwii ugu horeeyana caano ayee keeni jireen, habeenkiina moorooyinkee ka imaadeen ku noqon jiray. Sadly, same maryooleey waaye wixii burburiye magaaladii janada Afrika ahayd ee Xamar Caddeey iyagoo leh 'unugaa leh Xamar.'
  4. Bas, bas, bas. Ar dankis hee marka, intaas haddii la isku helay xaa maqan.
  5. Heey, I do know the obscured building at the back with fainting dim blue light on the top corner of it. Hayeey, sartaas meel ku aadan maala deganyahay? Bas waaye, balcony kuu soo koraa. Xuuuuuuuux.
  6. Speaking of The Onion, the following piece the site published during the last World Cup is sad reflection of our current reality and how laughing stock of the world we've sadly become. ----------- Somalia Defeats Rwanda To Win Third-World Cup KHARTOUM, SUDAN - ( The Onion )- The host city of the 2006 Developing Nations Football Championship erupted in cheers that nearly drowned out the cries of the starving and wounded Tuesday when the underdog Somali side, playing four down due to injuries and landmines, outlasted the more experienced if disease-ridden Rwandans 1-0 to win the inaugural Third-World Cup. "This is a relatively great day for Somalia," said team captain Omar Bin-Shakur, the seasoned veteran whose rise from squalor in the violent ghettoes of Mogadishu to stardom in the squalid and violent ghettoes of the Sudan is already passing into legend. "It seemed like nothing could stop us in the title match—not the great Rwandan defender Bimenyimana, not the mortar strikes, not the rotting cow in midfield, not dysentery…nothing." "They were simply the better team today," Rwandan star Calvin Bimenyimana said, speaking to reporters as the soccer stadium was transformed from a football pitch back to its usual function as an outdoor prison for Darfur refugees awaiting execution. "Yet I am extremely proud of my mates. They did well just to get here, especially after the Sierra Leone match in which Nicodemus was red-carded and shot, and our epic battle with Chad, in which they came at us with rocket-propelled grenades when our team bus attempted to cross the border into the Sudan." Bimenyimana, whose youth coaches in Rwanda considered him a natural for the sport after his hands were chopped off with machetes in 1994, was chosen as the Nestlé Man Of The Match by fans, the first-ever Third-World Cup participant from the losing side to be chosen. However, some aficionados say that Bimenyimana played a lackluster game; at press time, FIFA-3 officials were investigating reports that armed gunmen had shot and killed hundreds at designated Nestlé Man Of The Match voting stations. Somalia was only a fifth seed entering the Cup tournament, and while the Third-World Cup rankings are considered notoriously inaccurate, the nation's weak midfield, inexperienced goalkeeper, and devastatingly low rates of economic growth and standards of press freedom seemed to indicate that they would be eliminated in the early rounds. "Certainly it did not look good for us going in to be placed with Afghanistan, host team Sudan, and the [Democratic Republic Of The] Congo," said Somali coach Abdi Qani. "But every other team was at the mercy of the same sporting and economic factors. In the Third-World Cup, every group is the Group Of Death." After only surviving the first round due to inspired play, UN-supplied antibiotics, and a forfeit during the Sudan game when four Sudanese players seized control of their team and shot eight others during penalty time, Somalia assumed the unexpected status of the tournament's Team Of Destiny. "Never have the words 'win or go home' provided such inspiration to any team," Bin-Shakur said. "I am overcome with joy, as well as hunger, and I look forward to bringing the Third-World Cup trophy home to my country." The Third-World Cup trophy, an AK-47 coated with gold spray-paint and mounted on a pallet of United Nations staple foods, has already been seized by Somali troops and distributed amongst ranking military officers.
  7. Ee qof believe gareeye the story inay runtahay camal u hadashay.
  8. The satire site The Anyan [Onion] wali online mee ka socotaa? Goormaa igu dambeysay. Geeljire, warka waa satire, not real.
  9. I reached up to 20 seconds after a few tries. There is a pattern, one has to master if one wants to play. One can get up to 35 seconds eluding the wall and kuwa ku daba socdo if you follow the pattern and if your mouse is good, reacts fast.
  10. Duqa, walaaloow, xaa ku haayena oo isku falfaleysaa? Maxaa rabtay in laguugu waco? Kaabo? Macalinka? Xaajiga? Jiifka? Waraa? Waryaa?
  11. Intee waaye meesha? Rwanda? It looks like they ripped off guntiinooyinka iyo bahalkii dhexda laga gilinaaye our sisters wear of hidaha iyo dhaqanka.
  12. Hadduu adeerkaaga yahay, anigana abtigeey waaye hee. Mala isku dhadhajinaa dadka haddana? Yaab ahaa. Eebba ha u naxariisto Cawaale Liibaan.
  13. It was fine day, indeed, having a great intellectual debates with my newspapers -- remember, Aaliya? First Toronto Star seduced me, offering some intellectually stimulating heated discussions about what is happening in Kenya and why. Then Globe and Mail defended eloquently why Hillary is worth more in the White House than Obama. We also had great discussions about current events in Afganistaan, Bakistaan, Cuba and other hot spots around the world.
  14. I spent some considerable time with someone I really, really like the later part of the afternoon and early evening long tonight. It was a fine day. Glad I am, glad I enjoyed it very much. Only musikadii Jeopardy! ayaa ka maqnayd, though. Dhiidhiidhindhin.
  15. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: ^Well fine, go be independent...Ha iceebeen laakiin, adna abuu kakab meel hasoo suran...Something original la imoow and if you need help just holla at your girl, after all it was my uncle who designed the beautiful Somali flag... Waa wareey, who is this adeer? Sheekaaba keentee, calankii maa haddana gorgortan galay. Adeerkeey kulahaa.
  16. Soomaali haddee isku sameyso ama isku sameynin, iyaga isdhalay, iyagaa isla koray, iyagaa isku af, diin, dhaqan iyo dal iyo dhul wadaag wada ah. Haddee isdilaan iyo haddii kale iyagaa beri geed Qurac hoostiisa ku gogol bixi karo, iskugu shir imaan karo, ku heshiin karo. Aboow heeloow Xabashi xuu u sheegaa Soomaali? Afkiiba ugu horeeyee kuma hadli karee, iskaba dhaaf diin iyo wax kale. It is never the same walaalo dagaasho iyo mid shisheeye ku dhex jiro ka faa'ideysanaayo dilkooda, markii dambena la dilaayo kan kale walaalkiis. About xasuuqa, we need to remind ourselves to this fact. Always to, lest some forgot or try not to see this xasuuq socoto. Ma i fahantay, Kuusha?
  17. Locals suggested the killing was linked to a drug turf war between local Somali groups and the T-Block gang from Thamesmead. There were also claims that youths pointed a gun at one man who tried to halt the attack. One teenager said: "There are lots of Somali boys who hang around this area to deal drugs. They are all closely knit together in the Woolwich Boys gang." Barbaarteena waa waasheen, oo meel laga qabto la layahay, especially kuwaas Ingiriiska ku sugan. Kuwii la islahaa iyagaa ka badbaadee dalkeena masiibadii heshay, oo mustaqbalka dalkooda iyaga ku xirantahay la lahaa ayaa saan u dhaqmaayo. Qaas ahaan siiba waalidiintooda keenay ayaa ka shaleynooyo maanta, and Eebbe knows rafaadka ee usoo mareen see u badbaadiyaan ubadkooda. Acuudi bilaahi.
  18. Habartaan iyo yarkaan dhagaha waa weyn waa naga bad badiseen ma isdhahdeen, Reer Mareykanoow? Not all of us live in Mareykanka nooh. Yes, Mareykanka's policies affect the rest of the world and soon one of them might be the closest leader the world over has one; however, still, until then ka gaarayaan aan aragno. Laakiinse waxaa igu yaab badan meel advanced 'democracy' ka jirto la leeyahay and nepotism maka jirto la dhahaayo, yet we see a president called Bush followed by another president called Clinton followed by a Bush followed by a possibly another Clinton, all this happening while the poor masses blindly following excitedly, thinking there will a change in Aqalkii Madoowaa. What is a government like this called horta? Aristocracy? Ultimate nepotism?
  19. Maalin walba ayee Soomaaliya [ku jirto Soomaaliya Galbeed] ku xaar xaaraan, waliba xuduntii Soomaaliya ee Xamar maalin walba ku xasuuqo intaas oo qof aan waxba galabsan, not to mention intee kufsadaan, oo ay kufsadeen, intee barakiciyeen, intee saldhigyada ku heystaan, intee dhaceen, intee baa'biyeen, intee bililiqeysteen. All this happening daily in Soomaaliya and the top news today is odey stooge beerlaawe ah la dharbaaxay by one of his own Xabashi masters, and kaaga sii daranee people debating about if it is true or not. Our priorities wax ayaa ka qaldan.
  20. Haye, waa ku salaamay abaayadiis. Those little chicks waabsanaayo makulaashaada yar goormee ay mindida yar u gilin doonaan, waxooda baad waayee. Sifaleetiga u xiran sida loo xirtay aaba i dishay. Qatari cadiim, waa ka garan kartaa chicks Reero Tookiyo ee Wardhiigleey inay yihiin, kusoo barbaarayna. Ka cabso.
  21. Your link is not working, but i think you had this in mind.
  22. Caamir, intee taagnaan jirtay markaas camal? Jidka Taleex yaa ogaado, oo Carwada ku taalay.
  23. Those lines maa ka booday? Maba ogeyn since aanan aniga qorin, but edited only. Heestaan si ayee cajiib u tahay, and can always be attributed to whatever era we are in, especially nowadays in Galbeedka aan joogno. There are those who think those so-called gender wars inflamed in the West, but always some issues jirtay, even back in '60s. N.B -- Ma taqaanaa abwaanka alifay heesta?
  24. Originally posted by LayZie G.: For instance, MMA waxa aan ku necbahay sometimes is that he goes and broadcasts others affairs accompying with images via a link in this forum, and his excuse is that it was already made public, so what's the big deal?(MMA, I made example of you because you have done that more than one occassion, nothing personal ofcourse Whoa, whoa, Ms. Caajisleey, xaa ka hadleysaa? I don't care qashinka meeshaan ka socdo, but xaa keenay magaceyga? And since when did I ever "broadcast others affairs, accompanying with images?" Since when????? War eeba ii keentay atariishada. If you are referring to this thread, which I do think you do, since when did public figures' names become private? Niman wasiiro sheeganaayo magacooda ha sheegin ayaa leedahay miyaa haddana? Privacy ayaa qalad ka fahantay, qalad weyn waliba. If I put Stephen Harper's picture and his name [oobis, I already did, I guess], adigoo leh why reveal his identity ayaa lagu arki lahaa. N.B. - Hillary Clinton's name waa private too, ee ka daba har maalin walba aad wadid.