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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar
Che, meeqo kamid ah u sacabtuntay? Kidding. That is why aan u dhaho dad lama raacee, aragti la raacaa. Dad change their opinions and positions oo ugu horeeyo hoggaamiye ku sheegaan meesha ku taxan, but your aragti won't. Any of them can share some of what one believes politically, but it does not mean one has to follow them. Shouldn't be.
Originally posted by Northerner: quote:Originally posted by Cadaan: No one ever did explain why "dooro" was a bad word...... Depends where you are It has a completely different meaning in the north. Something similar to 'uskag' (dirty). Not to be confused with dooro (choose). MMA Screw = bool Screwdriver = dismis Saw [jigsaw] = miinshaar Hammer = dube Chimney = saqaf [shoolad] - (saqaf = Afro Comb Shoolad = Cooker ) Nail = musbaar Pliers [pincer] = biinso (not sure) Drill = dalooliye Wrench = baanad Crowbar = sabarad Axe = faash Shovel = majarafad Kuwii hore waxaan u fasiray sida badanaa Soomaali badankeeda u yaqaanaan, sida Reer Koonfureedka, Galbeedka iyo Waqooyi Bari u wada yaqaanaan. Saqaf, biinso, kiyaawo, kashawiito iyo wixii la mid ah ayaa loogu yaqaanaa. ------------- MMA , Shovel = badiil? It's badeel ! Correcting MMA in somali,Caawa safiican baan u seexan. I know, sister, though, in badeel dad dhahaan, dad kale, however, dhaho badiil jiro. Isla dadkaas fariinka baabuurta ayee badeel ugu wacaan.
Originally posted by Shar ma'arke: And what do you call these tools in Somali; Screwdriver, saw, a hammer, chimney and a nail (not cidida). Thanks. Badanaa Soomaalida saan ayee u yaqaanaan, qaas ahaan Reer Koonfureedka. Screw = bool Screwdriver = kashawiito Saw [jigsaw] = miinshaar Hammer = burus Chimney = saqaf [shoolad] Nail = musbaar Pliers [pincer] = biinso Drill = dalooliye Wrench = kiyaawo Crowbar = sabarad Axe = faas Shovel = badiil ------------ Geeljire, "kabanyeeri" xee ahayd? Carabgajonimo miyaa waxaas? Kabalyeeri lee ku ogaa aniga. About fuundi, what about faryaamo? See lagu dhahaa faryaamo in Ingiriis? Carpenter?
'We can no longer afford to hire maids'
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to N.O.R.F's topic in General
Originally posted by Northerner: quote:Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: Interesting. Is it true that a large number of "off-the-boat" Somali girls are turned into prostitutes in Dubai by Somali "pimps" who are smuggling these young girls into UAE by the hundreds? Have we become just like the Ethiopians? I heard most Somalis in Dubai know about this sad story and they can't do anything about it. Say whaaaat? :eek: No such thing is happening saxib. Don't believe what you hear. Many visitors would attest to that. Wey dhici kartaa, weyna dhacdaa. Dad badan ayaan ka maqlay talking about xaalkaan gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed ku heysto Imaaraadka, qaas ahaan Dubeey. A few months ago nin aan timajare isku aragnay ka hadlaaye markaas kasoo noqday Dubeey, and he had no reason to lie. He was talking about the things Libaax exactly mentioned, the "pimps" and how some are abusing those sisters that Soomaaliya ka keeneen. He was even saying one magaalo laga soo wadi jiray awal, but now another magaalo loo badalay, laga soo wadaa, another fresh gabdho Soomaaliyeed. Ciil badanaa. :mad: He also added once laba gabdhood jidka ku arkay, oo meel aan seexano and wax aan cuno ma heysano ku yiri. He took them to casho, then to his hotel lodge room. Though he might have been exaggerating, still markuu hoteelkii geeye ayaa mid ka tagtay, and the remaining one told him the truth. Told him in Soomaaliya ka timid, cusubtahayna, ninkii keenayna waxaan dhex giliye, oo tan inay jirkeeda ka ganacsato ku kaliftay inay ku dhex jirto hadda in order to survive. He was just shocked. And only Eebbe knows wuxuu kale naga qariye oo uu noo sheegin. Magac Soomaaliyeed waa dhintay, waa hore dhulka lagu jiid jiiday, but it is official now. So sad walaahi. The reality is, same thing or worse is happening in Nayroobi, too. -
War Awjimcaaloow, intee ka bati, widaay? Roogtee? Miriqdaadaba yaa arkay labadaan toddobaad. War warka soo daa, xaaji.
Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Hmmmmmmmm ,, good and informative questions indeed ,,,,,,, cilmigu xishood ma leh ,,, i can see many of us benefited from this post ,,, Maxaa ka faa'iday oo garasho leh about su'aalahaan? Manoo sheegi kartaa hee. Kuwaana kasii faa'ideyso marka. --------------- Su'aal : Salaama. Waxaan ahay nin Soomaaliyeed oo xaasle ah, waxay dhibaato ka taagan tahay haweeneydeydii oo kasoo taagan u tegiddii (sexual intercourse). Macnaha iima baahna in aan u galmoodo, markastana waxay leedahay caawa idaa ama iyadoon raaali ka ahayn ayaan qasbaa. Marka haddii aan sidaa ku jiro waxaan isaga baqayaa in aan naago kale doonto inigoo Muslim ah. Wax ku cusub ma'aha ilaa maalintaan guursaday sidaas ayey ahayd. Marka ma jiraan wax daawo oo dareenkeeda kicinaya. Fadlan su'aasha waa iga daacad walaahi. [ Age: 34] Jawaab : Dhibaadada ku haysa waa mid rasmi ah oo aanan adiga kugu ekeen. Xalka waxuu ka imaanayaa iyada oo la fahmo sababta. Aan tusaale ku siiyo. Haddii aan maanta kuu sheego in nin aanu saaxiibo ahaan jirnay uu iga goostay, oo uusan dooneen in uu ila hadlo. Haddii aan damacsanahay in aan arrinta wax ka qabto, ma waxaan raadin daawo maskaxdiisa badasha, misa waxaan raadin sababta keentay in uusan ila hadlin. Waxaan kugula talin lahaa in aad adiga iyo xaaskaagaba raadisaan cid idinka caawin karta dhibaatada. Waxayna u baahan tahay wadahadal rasmi ah oo idin dhex mara adiga iyo xaaskaaga. Wadamadaan markii arrintiina oo kale imaato, qoys ahaan waxaa dadku isku dayaa wax la yiraahdo "family counseling." Haddii ay idin suurobayso in aad la hadashaan qof Soomaali ah oo ah "counselor" waxaan aaminsanahay in ay taasi haboon tahay. Mahadsanid. ************ Su'aal : Marlabaad ayaan eaxaan rabaa in aan ku waydiiyo suaasheydii ahayd maxaa lagu gartaa calaamadaha menopauseka ? Please si fiican iigu soo sharax haddii aad awoodo. [Age: 45] Jawaab : Menopause symptoms (calaamadaheeda) waxaa ka mid ah: Hurdo xumi (insomnia); kuleel qeyra caadi ah (hot flashes and sweating); hilmaan badan (troubles with cognition); foojignaan la'aan (difficult concentrating); camal xumi (mood changes): cawrada oo dheecan yaraata (vaginal dryness). Mahadsanid. [/i] ************ Su'aal : Xaniinta bidixda ayaa xoogaa i bararsan. [Age: 27] Jawaab : Xaniinyo barar haddii ay ku dhacdo qof yar, inta badan waxaa keena sadex saboobood midkood: 1) Xaniinyaha oo biyo galaan (dheecaan), taasoo inta badan iska taga 2) Infection ku dhaca xididka shahwada ka soo qaada xaniinyaha 3) Cancer Sida lagu kala saari garo sadexdaan arrimood waxay ku xiran tahay sida bararku yahay. Haddii baraku yahay mid aad moodo kiintaal biyo laga buuxiyey oo xanuun badan laheen. Waxay u badan tahay tan koowaad. Haddii qofku uu yahay qof "sexually active" ah oo cudurada sida jabtada horey ugu dhacday, hadana si deg deg ah u arkay barar yar oo la taaban karo oo hal xaniin ah, oo xanuun badan haddii la riixo, waxay u badan tahay in xaalku yahay infection (tan labaad). Haddii bararku yahay mid aan xanuun laheen oo aad moodo in dhagax oo kale yahay, waxaa qofka looga baqaa cancer (testicular cancer). Sida kali ah oo lagu kala sooci karo sababta keentay bararka waa adiga oo dhakhtar arka. Saddexda arrimohood oo aan soo xusay waxaa ugu halis ah cancerka, kaas oo ah cudur nimanka yar yar (20-40 sano) ku dhaca. Waa cancerka ugu sahlan in la daaweeyo haddii si deg deg ah loo arko oo uusan fidhin. Marka waxaan ku talin lahaa in aad bararka tustid dhakhtar. Mahadsanid. ********** Su'aal : Dr Ibraahim, marka hore waad mahadsantahay sida wanaagsan ee aad su'aalaha dadka uga jawaabeyso. [Ditoore], waxaan rajeynayaa inaad su'aashan oo aan jeclaa inaan mudo badan dhaqtar afkeyga ku hadlaya inaan weydiiyo. [Dhaqtaroow], mudo saanad iyo bar laga joogo ayaan dumarka jirkooda ka ganacsada u galmooday anigoon wax difaac ah isticnaalin (condom), kadib waxa igu beermay shaki ah inaan AIDS qabo ma aanan weydiin dhaqtar sababtoo ah waxaan joogaa wadan Carbeed oo aadan arrimahaas ka hadli karin mida dhaqtar. Wax cudurkaas calaamadiisa ah iskuma arag, mudadaas ka dib miisaankeyga waxaa ku kordhay 7KG. Su'aasheydu waxay tahay cudurkaas halmar malagu kala qaadi karaa? Calaamdahisana qofku mudo intee la'eg ayuu isku arki karaa? Mase laga dhici kartaa qof qaba cudurkaa in miisaankiisu siyaado? Ilaah dhamaanteen hay naga hayo, [dhaqtaroow]. Waad mahadsantahay. Jawaab : Sida aad la socoto cudurka AIDSka aad ayuu ugu badan yahay dunida oo dhan hadda. Inta badan, inkasta oo uusan sida Hepatitis B oo kale aanan si fudud loo kala qaadin, laakiin dhibaato waxay ka dhacday mar marka qaarkii hal mar oo kali ah oo aad la kulanto ayuu u baahan yahay. Mida kale, qof kasta calaamadihiisa horey kama soo saaro. Dadka qaarkiis ee cudurkan qaba waxay ku qaadataa 5-10 sano inta ay dareemayaan wax calaamado u ah cudurkan. Waxaan intaan ula jeedaa, haddii aadan laheen wax calaamada ah hadda, macnaheedu ma'aha in aadan cudurka qaadin. Waayihii hore ee uu cudurka cusbaa daawo fiicana eeyan jirin, dhakhaatiirtu kuma deg degi jirin in ay u sheegaan dadka in dhiig la iska qaado (baaris). Laakiin, wax yaabo badan ayaa cudurkan iska badelay. Hadda, haddii mar hore la ogaado in cudurku jiro, waxaa la haayaa daawooyin fara badan oo wax ka qaban kara. Mida kale, haddii aad cudurkaan qabto laakiin aadan laheen calaamado, wali dad kale waad qaadsiin kartaa. marka, waxaan ku talin lahaa haddii aad isleedahay waxaad u degtay qof aadan si fiican u aqoon, aadana isticmaalin "protection" waxaa haboon in lagu baaro. Waxaa isbaari kartaa adiga oo aanan magacaaga qofna siin (anonymous testing). Mida kale, haddii aad ogaato in aadan cudurkii laheen, niyada ayaa kuu degeysa oo walwalka waa kaa yaraanaa. Haddii nasiibdaro ay dhacdo in laguugu arko cudurka, sidii waayihii hore oo kale ma'aha oo hadda waxbaa laga qaban kara. Marka, inkastoo miisaankaagu saa'idayo, waxaan ku talin lahaa in aad isbaarto. Dhakhaatiirta badankood way fahmayaan arrimaha ku saabsan qarsoonida waxyaabaha qaaska u ah qofka caafimaadkiisa. haddii aad isbaarto oo nasiib wanaag cudurka lagugu arkin, macnaheedu ma'aha cudurkan ma qaadi kartid oo waxaad doonto ayaad sameen kartaa. Waa in aad u aragtaa in ilaahay mar ku badbaadiyey, marka labaad lama hubo sida ay noqon doonto. marka isilaali. Waad ku mahadsantahay su'aaasha fiican. Su'aalo haddaa qabtid, weydii Dhaqtar Ibraahin. Ha shiixina, aqoontaadana caafimaadeed kororso.
Mogadishu security improves and taxes to be collected...
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Awright. Advices and cautions were not obviously heeded. This thread is now closed since it seems waxna kasoo socon meeshaan ka ahayn aflagaado. Hala iscafiyo iyo masaamax. -
Mogadishu security improves and taxes to be collected...
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Dumarka intaa kala dajin lahayd isku sii diree. I am reading kulahaa. Diraca iyo sifaleetiga kala biibaayo inaa fiirsatid maa saas u jeceshahay? Shaxaarigaa taacun maxaa dhahaa. Sisters, sheydaanka iska naara idinkoo mudan. Afxumo meeshaan lagama ogola, idinkoo mudan naga daaya aflagaadada. -
And here are some of the current notorious warlords, wannabe warlords and leader ku sheegs. And here, their matching magacyo. Liiska Xaabsade, Dabageed, Saransoor, Cumar Jees, Ilqeyrte, Cumar Finish, Cabdi Waal, Cabdi Shukri iyo baando badan kale ka maqan, though many are in the expanded list.
Dadkeena maxee dhibaato dishay, quwado awood ifeed leh u awood sheegtay. Gaaljire tiisaba heysato la leeyahay waa 'argagaxiso.' Xaqdaro intaas la eh.
The pillaging by xaaraan ku naax continues
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar's topic in Politics
Caamir, ciidankaas madaniga camal ayee u baahanyihiin Reer Shabeellaha Hoose iyo Jubbooyinka. Unfortunately, waxmgarato hub heysto ayaa saas u galaayo deegaanka, oo aanan deegaanka u dhalan waliba. -
Kuwa sheeganaayo inay u taliyaan Waqooyi Bari ha noqdaan kuwa sheegto inay u taliyaan Waqooyi Galbeed, oo warkooda ha caddeystaan, oo banaanka ha isa soo dhigaan. Waa gooni isku taaga badaxbanaani ah. Labada lugood labada dhinac ee noogu jirayaan ma soconeyso. Ama gooni ha isku taagaan oo warkooda banaanka ha keenaan ama midnimo Soomaaliyeed ha u taagnaadaan. Why I am blah blahing about this? Because axdi ku sheegaan cusub sidii dal camal axdi u dhisan ayaa loo qoray, not mid maamul goboleedka uu sheeganaayo. Sii aqri. --------------- Gogoldhigga in Puntland laga Gooyo Soomaaliya... Ilaa hadda waxaan si gaar ah uga soo hadallay qodobka la xiriira Khayraadka Dabiiciga ah ee Puntland, waxaana qaybtaan kusoo bandhigeynaa qodobada muujinaya gogoldhig ay madaxda DGPL u samaynayaan sidii Puntland looga goyn lahaa Soomaaliya. ( Taas oo dadka siyaasadda Puntland la socda ay ku tilmaamaan in ay tahay arrin ay madaxda Puntland ku doonayaan in aan khayraadka dabiiciga ah lagala hadlin, haddiise lagala hadlo waxay qorshaynayaan in ay hirgelinayaan dastuurka cusub .) Qodobbo kamid ah Dastuurka Loo Samayanyo Puntland 2008. Qodobka koowaad oo ku saabsan magaca iyo hiliada: Farqaddiisa labaad: Himilada Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland waa taabbagelinta nidaam dawladeed oo ku dhisan wadatashi, dimoqraadiyad, sinnaan iyo caddaalad bulsho una horseedi Kara dadkeeda nabad iyo xasillooni waarta iyo horumar dhinacwalba ah oo ku jihaysan kor u qaadidda heerka nololeed ee dhammaan muwaaddiniinta Puntland iyo ka qayb-qaadashada in himilooyinkaas ay gaaraan dhammaan dadka Soomaaliyeed Qodobka sadexaad oo ku saabsan hanaanka xukunka. Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland waa qayb ka mid Somaaliya, xil ayaana ka saaran hirgelinta dawlad Soomaaliyeed oo ku dhisan habka Federaaliga ah. [Haddii federaal la diidana maxaa dhici doono?] Awoodaha Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland ay ku wareejin doonto dawladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaliya iyo xuquuqaha ay yeelanayso Puntland waxa ay ku imaanayaan wadaxaajood dhexmara dawladda federaalka ah iyo Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland Inta laga dhammaystirayo dastuur federaal ah oo afti dadweyne lagu meelmariyey, Puntland waxay lahaaneysaa awood dawlad madaxbannaan Hannaanka siyaasadeed ee dawladda waxaa gundhig u ah mabaadi’da: Shareecada islaamka Dimuqraaddiyadda Maamulwanaagga Wadatashiga Danta guud oo laga horumariyo danta gaarka ah. Tartanka xisbiyada badan Xukunka oo lagu baahiyo dhulka oo dhan QODOBKA afaraad oo ku saabsan dadka: Dadka Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland waa dadka leh jinsiyadda Puntland Qof kasta oo u dhashay ama ku dhashay Puntland waxaa loo aqoonsanayaa inuu leeyahay jinsiyadda Puntland Jinsiyadda waafaqsan faqradda labaad ee qodobkan waxaa dammaanad qaadaya sharciga. Sharci gaar ah ayaa qeexaya sida lagu heli karo ama lagu waayi karo jinsiyadda Puntland Qodobka tobonaad oo ku saabsan calanka, astaanta iyo heesta Dowlad Goboleedka PuntlandIYO: Calanka Puntland Waa (tartan furan) Astaanta Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland waa (tartan furan) Heesta Calanka waa (tartan furan) Qodobka sodon iyo toddobaad oo ku saabsan muwaadinnimada: Qof kasta oo leh jinsiyadda Puntland da’diisuna gaartay 18 sano waa muwaaddin Puntland Muwaadinka Puntland luminmaayo muwaddinnimidiisa haddii uu qaato jinsiyad dal kale Qodobka afartan iyo sideedaad oo ku saabsan khayraadka dabiicaga ah: Khayraadka dabiiciga ah ee Puntland waxaa leh dadka puntland waxaana looga faa,iideysan karaa si sharciga waafaqsan Dawladda Puntland ayaa ka mas’uul ah ilaalinta iyo ka faai’iidaysiga kayraadka dabiiciga ah. Dawladda puntland waxay heshiis la geli karta shirkado waddani iyo ajnebiba ah waxayna siin kartaa ruqsadda ka faa’iidaynta khayraadka dabiiciga ah Ruqsad kasta oo la xariirta ka faa’iidaynta khyraadka dabiiciga ah waa in Golaha Wakiilladu oggolaado muddadeeduna aaney ka badnaan 25 sano. Qodobka konton iyo koowaad oo ku saabsan shirkadaha wadaaga ah: Xukuumaddu waxay samayn kartaa, kana qaybgeli kartaa shirkado wadaag ah oo ay saamilay ka yihiin maalgeliyayaal waddani ah iyo kuwa ajnebi ahba Madaxda shirkadaha wadaagga ah waxaa isla magacaabaya wasaaradda hawlaheedu la xariiraan iyo saamileyda gaarka ah Xigasho
Mogadishu security improves and taxes to be collected...
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Tii la yiri doon ayee ku timid, kii la dhahay dameer ku imaaday iyo kuwii la yiri doolnimo ayee ku kusoo dhumeen, Soomaali Soomaali lee isla nahnay, dalkeenana dalkeena waaye, dadkeenana waa wada dadkeena. -
Mööryaan dhar militari loo giliye. Mööryaan will always be a mööryaan, regardless what tuute one wears.
The pillaging by xaaraan ku naax continues
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar's topic in Politics
Xaalufinta Deegaanka oo weli ka socota Degmada Baraawe Degmada Baraawe oo xuddun u noqotey xaalufinta deegaannada Koonfureed ee Soomaaliya ayaa weli waxaa ka socta dhoofinta dhuxusha ,iyadoo jarista dhuxushu ay haatan si aad ah uga socotaa Gobollada Shabeellada Hoose, Bay iyo Bakool, dhuxusha halkaas laga soo jaro ayaa si toos ah looga dhoofiyaa Dekadda Macmalka ee Degmada Baraawe. Dhirta dhuxusha laga jaro ee Degmada Baraawe ayaa mar hore dhamaatey iyadoo deegaanka Baraawe maanta lagu tilmaami karo mid la xaalufiyey, markii ay taas dhamaateyna loo jeestey dhirta Degmooyinka Kunturwaareey, Qoryooleey, Diinsoor, Buurhakaba iyo Qansaxdheere oo dhamaantood ka tirsan gobollada aan soo sheegney. Qalabka loo adeegsado jarista dhuxusha ayaa ah mid ku shaqeeya Korontada kaas oo xita ka taganeynin geedaha yaryar iyo kuwa aan loogu talagalin in dhuxul laga shido.waxaana si isdabjoog ah Dekadda Baraawe soo gaaraya gaadiid waaweyn oo sida dhuxusha laga soo jaro gobollada Bay iyo Bakool. Waxa magaalada Baraawe ay la ciirciireysaa dhuxul aad u fara badan oo buuxisey dhammaan xeebta Degmada oo dhererkeeda lagu qiyaasey 2 KM, waxaana meel kasta oo banaan ee Degmada haatan ku diyaarsan dhuxul aad u fara badan oo la doonayo in la dhoofiyo,dhuxusha hadda halkaas taalla ayaa lagu qiyaasey ku dhowaad 10 markab oo waayeyn,waxaana dhaqaalaha ugu badan ee laga helo dhuxushaas ka fa’ideysta Maamulka uu horkacaayo Dhuxuloow iyo ganacsato ay isku beel yihiin. Xaaluufinta dhirta ee ka socota Deegaanka Baraawe iyo Gobollada la deriska ah ayaa weli jirin masuul ka hadlley ama wax ka qabtey, maamulka gobolka iyo xukuumadda dhaxe ee Soomaaliya, iyadoo xaalufintan ay keeni karto masiibo deegaaneed oo hadhow wax ka qabashadeedu adag tahay. Dhinaca kale waxa jarista dhirtu ay saameyn ku yeelatey geed miroodyada la beero ee ku yaalla beeraha gobolka Shabeellada Hoose,arrintaasna waxa hormuud ka ah ganacsatada sameysa alaabta loo yiqaanno moobilka ee guryaha loo isticmaalo, waxaana dhirta hadda la jarayaa ka mid ah cambaha, bambeellmada iyo canuuniga iyadoo ganacsatadu geedaha ku gataaan lacago aad u yar, dabadeedna ku jara makiinado, waxana dabadeed lagu sameeyaa in isla goobta laga jarey lagu jeexjeexo, sidasna lagu baabiyey geed miroodyo aad u fara badan. Guddoomiyaha gobolka Shabeellada Hoose oo aan awood sidaas ah laheyn ayaa wuxuu soo saarey haddallo digniin ah oo uu u jeedinaayo Ganacsatada ku howlan jarista geed miroodyada, asagoo sheegey inay si degdeg ah ay u joojiyaan jarista geed miroodka,haddii ay hadalkaas u hoggaansami waayaanna uu sharciga la tiigsan doono,waxaana Guddoomiyaha looga fadhiyaa xaqiijinta joojinta jaridda geedmiroodka Gobolka uu madaxda ka yahay. Xigasho -
Raul Castro and Soomaaliya
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar's topic in Politics
This quote, from Fidel Castro, seems a bit interesting too, as well. I was well received in Somalia. I had asked them not to have any public demonstrations. Siad Barre was very friendly during our first dinner. Prior to my arrival, I had received his reply to a letter of mine regarding the question of relations between Somalia and Ethiopia. I had also sent an envoy to Somalia for discussions with Vice President Samantar and Interior Minister Suleiman. Samantar held to leftist positions, while Suleiman was a representative of the right wing. The discussion of our representative with him was very severe. I had already received considerable information in the PDRY regarding the situation in Somalia. The power and influence of the rightist group continue to increase. The Interior Minister, Suleiman, is doing everything possible to bring Somalia closer to Saudi Arabia and the imperialist countries. Samantar is losing influence. Everything seems to indicate that he is being driven into a corner by the right. ------------ Only that evening did we begin to discuss specific problems, at my residence. It was clear to me that we had to be careful because surely the interior minister had installed bugs. This same evening Siad Barre finally talked about Ethiopia. He compared it to the Tsarist Empire and said that Ethiopia was the only surviving colonial power. Thanks to Lenin's wisdom, the Tsarist Empire had disappeared, but it lived on in Ethiopia. He had proposed to the Ethiopians, some time ago, to establish a federation or even a unification of the two countries. Ethiopia had not reacted then, but was now itself proposing this solution. He spoke very enthusiastically about his efforts to reach a solution with Ethiopia. I used the occasion to tell Siad Barre that I would travel to Ethiopia the next day and asked him if he would be willing to meet with Mengistu. He agreed. -
Mogadishu security improves and taxes to be collected...
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Flight_13: One Somalia, I’m very sure you don’t know anything about history of Somali’s, for that you indeed are a Hypocrite! I’ll love to go on and on…but I’m sure I cannot add anymore then that has been said that YOU could ever understand. Ps; Ninwaliba dameer kiis, keekalana doontees… I hope you understand what I mean. Plus, I’m suggesting you should change your nickname… No need to attack her, sister. Qof walba his or her opinion ayuu ka yeelan karaa arrimaha Soomaaliya and its history. Xoog ma jiro. -
Raul Castro and Soomaaliya
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar's topic in Politics
I found this piece as well, I think it may be a bit relevant. It was a meeting between East German leader Erich Honecker and his Cuban counterpart, Fidel Castro. Circa March, 1977. The following excerpt is Fidel Castro told Honecker in East Berlin. ------------ Siad Barre had arrived in Aden that morning. Mengistu did not arrive until the afternoon. I had a conversation with Siad Barre in which he bared his claws. He told me that if Mengistu was a real revolutionary he should do as Lenin, and withdraw from his territory. Siad Barre took a very hard position. I asked him whether he felt that there had been no real revolution in Ethiopia and that Mengistu was not a real leftist leader. He told me that there had been no revolution in Ethiopia. While in Mogadishu he had shown me a map of Greater Somalia in which half of Ethiopia had been annexed. After my talk with Siad Barre, I told Mengistu about Barre's attitude, and asked him to remain calm. I already felt bad about having invited Mengistu to Aden while there was still a powder keg situation back in his country and that in such a tense situation he was to hear out the Somalis' territorial demands. With regards to my question about the situation of the Ethiopian army, Mengistu said that there were still difficulties but that he didn't think that there was an acute danger of a coup. When the meeting started, Siad Barre immediately began speaking. Siad Barre is a general who was educated under colonialism. The revolution in Somalia is led by generals who all became powerful under colonial times. I have made up my mind about Siad Barre, he is above all a chauvinist. Chauvinism is the most important factor in him. Socialism is just an outer shell that is supposed to make him more attractive. He has received weapons from the socialist countries and his socialist doctrine is [only] for the masses. The Party is there only to support his personal power. In his case there is a bizarre symbiosis of rule by military men who went through the school of colonialism and social appearances. Something about socialism appeals to him, but overall there is still a lot of inequality and unfairness in the country. His principal ideas are nationalism and chauvinism, not socialism. His goal is old fashioned politics: sweet, friendly words. Siad Barre speaks like a wise man; only he speaks. He is different from the many political leaders that I know. [Egyptian President Anwar] Sadat, [Algerian President Houari] Boumedienne, [Mozambique President Samora] Machel, [Angolan President Agostinho] Neto and many others are strong characters. They can also listen and do not take a dogmatic attitude. One can speak with them. Siad Barre really thinks that he is at the summit of wisdom. Until now everything has gone smoothly for him. The Italians and the British made him a general. The revolution was accomplished in a minute, with hardly a shot fired. He put on a socialist face and got economic aid and weapons from the Soviet Union. His country is important strategically, and he likes prestige. Barre is very convinced of himself. His socialist rhetoric is unbearable. He is the greatest socialist; he cannot say ten words without mentioning socialism. With this tone he began to speak in the meeting with Mengistu. He began giving a lecture on Ethiopia and demanded from Mengistu to do as Lenin had done: do away with the Ethiopian Empire. Mengistu remained quiet; he said that Ethiopia was ready and willing to find a solution and that there needed to be the first concrete steps on both sides to achieve a rapprochement. Siad Barre theatrically responded that he was disappointed with Mengistu and that he displayed the same attitude as the Ethiopian Emperor. The Ethiopian revolutionary leadership had the same mentality as Haile Selassie. The meeting had begun at 11 PM and a solution was not in sight. -
It was said it was Raul Castro's -- not his older, then-ruling brother Fidel -- keen idea of sending Cuban troops to Soomaali Galbeed to help Xabashis. It was him as a Cuban defense minister who suggested to his brother to help the crushed and overpowered Xabashis, and soon implemented that plan. He even flew to Adisababa to lead his speciallly trained troops. Some 1,000 Russians and 2,000 Cubans arrived with the hardware, and they may not all be just advisers: both Eritrean and Somali rebel forces claim to have captured Cuban combat troops. Underscoring Moscow's new urgency about the battle of the Horn, Raul Castro, Fidel's brother and Cuba's Defense Minister, arrived in mid-January, apparently to help Mengistu run his dual war against the rebels and his political opponents in Addis Ababa. [ Time magazine - Feb. 06, 1978] The Soviet Union is arming Ethiopia in the battle, and U.S. government sources said last week that Raul Castro, Fidel's younger brother, is in Ethiopia to direct a counterattack that might involve Cuban troops. Somalia issued a statement Monday asking "the world at large and especially friendly and peace-loving nations to fully support Somalia to quell... [ Modesto Bee - January 18, 1978]
Ogeysiis to Reer Ottawa
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar's topic in Politics
Were you there today? Anyone? A related news article. ------------ A chance for Canadians to get involved Ottawa Citizen February 29, 2008 An Ottawa computer programmer organizes an academic workshop to address Somalia, its grim situation and its possibly peaceful future, Louisa Taylor writes. The news from Somalia is grim - worse than in most of the 17 years since the East African country has had a functioning government. Fighting between Ethiopian troops and the fragile transitional government on one side with Islamic insurgents has become so intense in the capital, Mogadishu, that hundreds of thousands of residents have fled the city. The United Nations estimates almost a million Somalis have been forced from their homes and many of them are now grappling with acute malnutrition, leading to a humanitarian crisis that is getting little attention abroad. But it gets lots of attention among Somalis in Ottawa, and one has decided he had to do something to further the cause of peace. Salim Hagi is a computer programmer with Statistics Canada, but he also runs a popular news website, Markacadeey Media , which has kept the Somali diaspora informed about the situation on the ground. Now he wants to raise awareness of the situation in Somalia among the wider Canadian community. "It's almost 18 years now that the Somali crisis has been going on, with fighting and killing each other, and now it seems the situation is the worst it has ever been," said Mr. Hagi. "I said to myself, nothing is going on with the Canadian government. What if I do a workshop - maybe then something can happen." With the help of Pierre Beaudet, a professor at the University of Ottawa, Mr. Hagi has organized a workshop on Saturday, bringing in academics from Canada and the U.S. The program will begin with presentations on the background of the conflict and its causes, and then move into a discussion of possible peace initiatives. Mr. Hagi received funding for the workshop from the International Development Research Centre and the University of Ottawa, and also raised money in the community. "Our intention is not to support one side or another but try to put the problem on the table and see what scholars think the problem is," says Mr. Hagi. "There's no magic bullet, but we're trying to help, particularly on the humanitarian side." Mr. Hagi has been spreading the word by handing out flyers at Friday prayers, writing announcements for Somali radio programs and posting bulletins on his own website. "We want Canadians to play an active role, a leading role, particularly on the humanitarian side." Through the Canadian International Development Agency, Canada gave $7 million in aid to Somalia in 2005-2006, in the top 10 of donors to the country but below the aid from other countries, including the United States, Norway and Italy. Humanitarian organizations made a joint appeal last November for $406 million, the figure they estimated was needed to meet the needs of all the displaced people in Somalia, says Denise Shepherd-Johnson, spokesperson for Unicef's Somalia program. For several weeks there was no response, and Unicef feared that it would have to close its 10 feeding centres in the south of the country at the end of this month. Money has now started to come in, particularly from the United States and Ireland, and the feeding centres will remain open, Ms. Shepherd-Johnson said. (A CIDA spokesperson was unable to confirm Canada's response to the appeal at press time.) One of the speakers at Saturday's workshop is David Shinn, adjunct professor at George Washington University and former U.S. ambassador to Ethiopia. Mr. Shinn says he sees reason for a bit of optimism at the moment as the "new prime minister is truly trying to reach out and have discussions with his opponents, and his opponents seem to be somewhat impressed by this." But for now, hundreds of thousands of Somalis are living in camps, without clean water and adequate food, grappling with the trauma of fleeing their homes, says Ms. Shepherd-Johnson of Unicef. "This isn't the latest sexy new story, but people might forget that we are talking about a child, a woman, a family," says Ms. Shepherd-Johnson. "The Somali people are resilient and they manage to keep going, in the hope that people will watch and respond." -
Meel qamri lagu gadaayo Eebba ima geeyo. Meesheeda ha iga joogto. Ani quite sometime ruwaayad Koronto kama aadin, and the last time aan ogaa xanta fanaaniinta inay backstage kusoo cabaan la socday. Haddiiba in meeshii loo soo badalay in lagu gado, allaheey ka alla hee. Ma iinjeeda.
Originally posted by Lois Lane: While peace is a great thing and the efforts of the northern regions are absolutely amazing, theres nothing greater then Somaliniimo. If the same efforts of separatism were put in uniting Somalis, the north would be even better then it is today. Its about time that all Somalis be part of the solution. Preach garee, sister. U sheeg dadka qaarkiis qabyaalad indhaha tirtay.
[Five] years ago Soomaali shows were serving pepsi for drink, but nowadays there is Heineken and Corona light. In this episode, the debate was: How can you stop that? And what caused the gap between our elders and the teenagers (youth). Watch the "debate." Though I didn't watch it fully, laga doodaayo aaba i dishay. Wey ii dhineyd ruwaayad qamri lagu gadaayo, ar waa horaa meesha igu dambeysee. That itself a bit surprise igu ah. Eebboow ummadeena samatabixi -- aamiin. A person, supposedly a Soomaali, wrote this on their comment's section: "I think smoking weed is part of Soomaali culture..we had and still have beer in Soomaaliya - Shalaboow has more alcohol than Vodka! These Soomaali people need to integrate and the second Soomaali generations are becoming part of America - I hope the third generation Soomaalis be more progressive and more assimilated." Waaba la isla qumanyahay.
Dumar kale ma caashaqin
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar's topic in General
Kk adiga oo aboowgaa iyo nuuneeydaada haystaba hadaa calaacaleesid maxaan ka sugaa MMA oo wali cidlo qaboow ku dilay iyo Aaliyah oo dadka u ganbanaysay? Qaboow? Aniga? See camalkaana, abaayadiis. Feynuus weyn ii shidan aniga, see waaye. Dadka shumaca u shidan ayaa barafkaan dilay, ani waaka barmoosay yaaqeey. Kuusha haye, Beledweyne iska dhaafee, gees ka gees la ii joogaa, qofteyda meel walbee ka muuqataa nooh. From Baddacas to Bari to Beledweyne to Baardheere to Baraawe ayee iiga muuqataa, dhankaa fiiriyaba iyadaa arkaa.