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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Some Somalis tried to reconstruct the image of Ahmed Gurey as Somali Nationalist( in the modern sense), or a clan hero for their respective clan; neither are true! And this is based on what? Axmed Gurey is Soomaali, as Soomaali as you and me are now. "Axmed Gragn" or him being attributed to Oromo is rubbish, reconscructed and re-written as history by those who do not like Soomaalis shine, cadowga Soomaaliyeed.
  2. Originally posted by Dabshid: War nimanku maxay cuneen? Cambuulo iyo calooleey.
  3. The Other Side of Midnight (1973 Windmills of the Gods (VERY GOOD)(1987) The Sands of Time (1988) Memories of Midnight (1990) The Doomsday Conspiracy (SUPER! Aliens) (1991) You are missing the most interesting ones. You should read If Tomorrow Comes, Rage of Angels, Master of the Game and Nothing Lasts Forever. Those four are among his best, and especially if you think Doomsday Conspiracy was superbly written, you will find those listed above much more fun to read. I've read all his books in late '90s to 2001 save his last one. The man is just brilliant, a writer bestowed with an astonishing amount of talent. I don't think I will see anyone who can write the way he wrote. I don't read fiction usually, but his books forced me to. One just can't put them down. I can't believe you read his books as a kid, though. I too was a teenager, and those days reading his novels, some scenes just used to shock me. I just used to turn over the shocking pages and paragraphs then. Skipper, Sidney himself said that that his books will almost always have a heroine. He was a small-f feminist. It wasn't a problem for me, though, seeing all of his main characters always being a female; what just fascinated was his absolute talent of writing that completely captures all of your attention, not to mention being humourous, suspense, thriller...
  4. Saas maa Shariifka loogu dambeeyaa? Waaw. And who can guess the two lonely voters who voted odeygaas ibtilada miiran?
  5. What state are you talking about to be an anti of it? Do you even know the real definition of a state? Last time I knew, Soomaaliya was not some Tigrey province, as you assume a state to be the state like Minnesota. Soomaaliya is a country state and it is currently occupied by Xabashis, thanks to that stooge whose poor, cult-like painted poster was put where a Soomaali heroine's statue was on, a heroine who fought and perished for the very country that is now occupied by the very enemies she was fighting against. It is too tragic to be ironic his overpolished, exaggerated image being put where her statue was.
  6. This site is moderated, any comments against the rules will be deleted, especially advocating clan cleansing against some Soomaali clans. Once again, we remind you to respect the rules of the site.
  7. "We were trained as children because the clans used to fight. All Somalis are trained," he said with a slight chuckle. The man waa kaftamayaa ileen. On a related note, here is what the confused ra'iisul wasaare ku sheega leeyahay. Saan ayuu xil ku sheeganaa. Maarso 6, 2008 -- Ra'iisul wasaaraha DFKMG, Kol. Nuur Cadde ayaa wax laga weydiiyey waxa ay (DFKMG) kala socdeen weerarkii (Maarso 3, 2008) ee diyaaradaha dagaalka ee Maraykanku ay ku qaadeen magaalada Dhoobley, waxa uu ku jawaabey, " Arrintaas iyada ah wixii laga dhehi lahaa waa laga yiri, waana laga yimid waqtigeedii ..." Wariyaha idaacadda Codka Maraykanka, Cabdisalaan, ayaa markaas weydiiyey su'aal ahayd, "Laakiin dadka faraha badan ee mudaharaadka ka dhigay magaalada Dhoobley ee weerarkaas ka soo horjeedey iyo kuwa leh Bakaaraha ayaa dhibaato naga soo gaartey, haddaad dawladdii tihiin maxaad idinku ku oraneysaan?" Kol. Nuur Cadde waxa uu ku jawaabey: " Waxaan filayaa Maraykanka iyagu in ay ka hadleen wixii halkaas ka dhacay , annagana haddee wixii... haddii... dad dembiilayaal ah baadigoobkoodii difaacooda kolley horaa looga hadlay...." [ Xigasho ] Saasaaba xil lagu sheeganaa. Yaab iyo barkeeda. Ma meesha Mareykan ayaa dowlad ka sheeganeyso markuu leeyahay iyaga dulmiga wado ee duqeynaayo masaakiinta hala wareysto. Xiligeedii waa laga yimid kulahaa, masaakiin dhan la dhameeye waxba galabsan.
  8. What about Califooriye [California]. Yaa kuwaan hoos ku qoran Afsoomaali ku sheegi karo? Isku tijaabiyaba. Bulldozer Excavator Hauler Rig Piledriver Trailer truck Tractor Elevator
  9. "She only said she wondered around town for three days. She says she slept in hotel lobby's because she had no money for a room," a Brussels police spokesman said, according to the ANP news agency. [ Xigasho ] Wah. :confused:
  10. Unfrigginbelievable! Meeshii taaladii Halyeey Xaawo Taako ka taagnaan jirtay lagu dhajiye this octogenarian stooge's airbrushed cult-like almost caricature? I just can't believe this.
  11. Haye, atariisho, Portland ka waran hee? Roob maka da'ooyaa? Haa, caawa, ookiyaalkiina wuu iga dhumay, ma ii soo raadinee, ani ma arkiyee. Amuuba Portland iiga dhumay, sug aan soo raadiyee.
  12. Portland aah? Shimee Oregon tagtay, ar meeshaas inaa soo arkaa rabaa walaalkeey deganee. Seattle ma u dhaweynoo horta?
  13. Any book written by the late Sidney Sheldon. The only fiction writer's works I had read.
  14. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Duke, when I see people come at you with their usual nonsense BS, I am like "OH HELL!"...I then read your reply, and think to myself "Aaaah, that's my inadeer"... Lakiin waxaan ka baqi, dad badanoo halkan jooga dartaa inuu dhiigkar ugu dhoco...I hope they have some sort of health insurance... Waxaan isku hiilis waa dhaaftee iyo ilma'adeernimo, ee see camaleeto? Difoosonimo uultimo iga dheh, oo laga ciyaaro Milano.
  15. Duqa, ereyga "chimney" Afsoomaali wax lagu dhahaba maku jirto. Very few people use it, and kan ugu dhaw ay isticmaalaan waa saqaf aan arkay, ku jiro aniga. Saas lee ula jeeday.
  16. Aniga xan waxee igu soo gaartay in meeshiina shidantahay than meesheena. Marka inaa soo indha indheeye rabay nooh. Babababa, meel miyaa mise meel kale. Meel walba wada new waaye, casriyeysan. Laakiin unfortunately, siriq aan ku dhacay, oo xagiina wanted aaba ka ahay now. Hadda haddaan imaado gaad gaadan iyo isqaris iyo anigoo indhashareer soo xirtay ku imaadaa. Ha i caarifin yaah.
  17. Xabashi haddee dalkeena dhaafi lahayeen, amaan ayee iga heli lahayeen aniga. As long as farahooda iyo lugahooda iyo gacantooda kula jiraan afaaraheena, anigana kama haraayi nooh, overused or not. Intee roogtay hee, makiin jeedinba, arlaadi Koronto haayta ku waranba? Baraf iyo adigana yaa raayina.
  18. Originally posted by Adam Zayla: Yasmin Warsame on the other hand is magic, she has a strong connection with her community on multiple levels, has a stable family life, doesn't need controversy to be in the spotlight quote: Yasmin Warsame Born in Somalia and now living in Toronto, 24-year-old Yasmin puts family first. Never mind late nights with the gals at Bungalow 8. her favorite diversions are snowboarding and skating with her 4 year-old son Hamzah. “He’s my little prince. He keeps me grounded,” says Yasmin. i want to be her slave. Yaasmiintaan waa naga bad badisee, do you want her #? I can get it for you nooh, heck even her address and her car's plate number in a day or so. Ma rabtaa? Soo sheego.
  19. Kuwaan dharka Canfariga wato Canfari ku jiro. Dharkooda hidaha iyo dhaqanka ah waa isku dhownahay, sida Oromada camal xataa. Koley Soomaalina waaka muuqataa meesha.
  20. Haye, Billie Jean noo qaad hee haddana.
  21. Kan keyboardka teesteynaayo aaba i dilee. Haye, Kuusha, waa ku salaamay, abaayadiis. Intee ka dhacday labadaan beri ma lagu arkinee?
  22. This new versionka uu ka hadlaayo intaa ka fiirsan kartaa. Heavyweights ku jiro, kamid ah Xasan Aaden Samatar, C/qaadir Jubba, Nakruuma, Khadro Daahir, Cabdi Cige, C/jibaar Khaliiji, the then upcoming Sheegoow Band iyo faniin kale oo badan. It was recorded in Koronto, back early '90s. Waa hees lagu jirjiricooda, lagu qiiroodo, dhiigana ku kicineyso aad iyo aad by anyone dhibic Soomaalinimo ku jirto. Another lady singer adds: “Ummadeeni caydhowdoo Umul iyo dhib baan arkayaa Eedaadka aad ku jirtaan Baan anfacada la diidaayee” Our people have become destitute They live in misery and hardship The situation they are in Prompts me to avoid all sustenance "Another lady" uu ka hadlaayo waa Nakruuma. See u yartahay igu daranba.
  23. That was typo, of course. Of course, Maxkadamaha ayee ka wadaan and in 2006, though referring them a 'government' wey dhici kartaa, at least wax dowlad u eg ayee u maamulaayeen, unlike kuwaan dowlad ku sheega magac dowladeed huwan ee Xabashi u adeego. About the dharbaaxada, which I don't personally believe happened, at least dharbaaxada ayaa dhaanto than odey tabardaran sheeganaayo madaxweyne Soomaaliyeed saaran kaare Xabashi Xamarna u qabtay. What is more sadder -- and even more humiliating before the Soomaali eyes -- than Xabashi Xamar kuu qabto, adigoo kaarahooda saaran, dadkaagana isla kaarihii la wada mariyo? Or isla Xabashkaas ku dharbaaxo? You don't have to tell nin qaawan in uu qaawanyahay. He is already naked odeygaan, waxna u harin. Dharbaaxo wouldn't add or subtract any more chagrin disgrace than what was already known done to him and his ilks by their Xabashi masters.
  24. Originally posted by Lois Lane: The sad thing besides the many lives that perished is the fact that we wont know how far Hargeisa and its citizens could've gone had this not happened. This is another great example that we must voice our unhappiness and fight to make our country stronger. Keep in mind walaal that while many lost everything and ultimately their lives, the same can be said by other cities in Somalia today. Thus, for that alone we must fight together for a better Somalia! Wanaaga aa ku hadleysid saas kusii wad, walaashiis. Soomaaliya iyada dhan ayaa dhulka taalo maanta, oo meel iyo dad badbaaday iska yar.
  25. Che, meeqo kamid ah u sacabtuntay? Kidding. That is why aan u dhaho dad lama raacee, aragti la raacaa. Dad change their opinions and positions oo ugu horeeyo hoggaamiye ku sheegaan meesha ku taxan, but your aragti won't. Any of them can share some of what one believes politically, but it does not mean one has to follow them. Shouldn't be.