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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: quote: The founder of ADAL Ahmed Guray, who was an Arabian with his real name Ahmed Al-Ghazali In 19th Century, Somali dictator Mohammed Siyad went war with Ethiopia in 1964 and 1977 one day, the Somalis will come together and unite and win against the Christian crusaders Toorbino ayaa u qabsatee. 19th Century war, Max'ed Siyaad Barre iyo 1964 xee iska quseyaan aniga magoow waa yaabee. Ninka waxaas qoray probably masoo dhigan taariiq iyo juqraafi subjects lagu dhigi jiray primary schools.
  2. Waligaa tan ma cabtay? Ar shimee igu dambeysay.
  3. ONLF and the separatist Somaliland. The separatist ONLF has more legitimacy than the latter for the glaring fact that the Somalis... Whom are they separating from? I thought Xabashada inay dhulkeena ka kiciyaan ayee u dagaalamoyaan those halgamiyaal women and men. Marka our brothers' and sisters' struggles and liberating our land from Xabashis cannot be considered a 'separatist' struggle. Dhulkeena ayaa soo ceshaneynaa. Do not speak or write like a Xabashi, iyaga ayaa waxaas camal dhahee. I know the term slipped from your tongue, but kuwa ka fiican ayaa use gareyna kartaa, since this one makes you qof dhanka Xabashada kasoo hadlaayo, from their occupying position. ----------- Abtigiis, run ahaan haddii loo hadlaayo dad ayaa jiro jecel gobolkaan inay ugu wacaan magaca qabiilkooda, just because qabiilkooda inay maqlaan jeclo. Wey jiraan, waana qabiilistiyaal. Dadkaas camal ayaa undermine ku sameynaayo halganka jabhadda maadaama Soomaalida kale iyagaba qabyaalad u ah cudur, the slimiest excuse u raadinaayo. Jabhadaana has my ultimate support. Eebbana ha u sahlo hangankooda -- aamiin.
  4. Originally posted by Hayam: this is so exteremly unethical. when you argue for abortion as a woman's right to have control of her own life and body at a crucial moment of their lives is something else. What is 'women's rights' about killing an innocent child, whose no fault of her/his own to come to this world? And what about the child's rights? Does s/he not have any right to life, a right to get born, live at least the life his conceiver wants to live? Nothing "something else" can justify about abortion: Abortion is an abortion, aborting a life as though it was some robot or computer program. And what is even more ironic is that, in this society, once a person is born, that person has a right to necessity of life, a right to be provided by their caretakers. Same with mentally challenged people, elders, handicapped, et cetera. The caretakers who neglect it will be charged criminally.
  5. Ar Jimcaale, intee meeshaan noogu cidleynee hee? Naga daa, meesha shaah la'aan maaka dhacday. Kaftaning around, my brother. Just drop by once ina while if you can, ee Reer SOL hakaa warqabaan. Haye, meeshii masoo booqonee this summer again? Mise last year kugu filneyd dheh, LOL. Ar brother, hope the best in this life and hereafter. Mar labaadna hala iska warqabo. Wa salaan.
  6. Simple letters ayaa lagu badalay miyaa sheekada. "B" "F" "K" "S" or "O"??? Naga kale yareeya magaca qabiilka, baliis. You can call that region Soomaali Galbeed, a neutral name. It is simple and adheres the site's policy of not allowing explicit qabiil names. That rule does still exist, if some of you forgot. Same with using letters that stand qabiil names. Yes, it is an innocent term and Western media use that term, yet if we allow this qabiil name on that region on this site, marka maxaa ka dhihi doonaa dad inta ku jiro haddee isticmaalaan Bari's former colonial name, which was named after a local qabiil in that region? or Jabuuti's? We will have no answer for it but being hypocrites.
  7. Originally posted by Buuxo: I think its time to make a visit to my qaraabo in Shanghai. War Buuxooy, in reerkaaga Reer Bakiin ahaayeen mooday, ileen Reer Shangaay ahaayeen? Soomaalida waagii hore -- and still do -- maqaayado, hoteelo iyo baarar ayee ugu wici jireen Bakiin. Baar Bakiin, Hoteel Bakiin ayaa maqli jiray, ileen waagaas maba ogeyn magaalo madaxda Shiinaha ugu magacdareen -- Peking, before its spelling was changed to Beijing.
  8. Maxaa magacyadaas magaalo ee Boosniya CNN ka xafiday in '93 iyo '94, waagii Nayroobi la joogay. Banja Luka, Bihac, Mostar, Srebrenica, Tuzla ...
  9. Originally posted by nuune: Sidoo kale I think it was in Yemen, naag baa ayadna iska alxantey or iska malaastey! Acuudi bilaahi. Meeshii dhan hee? Weyba shamiinteysay? Bisinka. Ninka alaabtiisa iska gooyana, Soomaali horey ayee u tiri, Qooq ma jabee, ninkiisa jabo. Mid kalena wey ku maahmaahaan: Nimaan qooq dilin, maroodi ma dilo. How true of both. Mise ha iska gooyo, mise yuunan iska goynin, qooqiisa waa ku jiri doonaa.
  10. Soomaalida waxee leeyihiin mush mush iyo mash mash ma sameyno, at least on public, haddana intaas oo ereyo ayee u leeyihiin. Actually, category ayee kala siiyeen. Many of you may not know, but afarta magac la xiriira shumiska gooni ayee u kala baxsanyihiin: French kiss = dhuuqmo Kissing = dhunkasho Kiss on the cheeks = mac mac A gentle, soft kiss on the [fill in the blank as you wish -- forehead, hands, caloosha, xabadka ... -- any part you want] = shumis
  11. Bal ka waran those few misguided Soomaalis who believe the more mythical and unsubstantiated grand fantasy of Soomaalis originating from Carabs [who are Semitics]? Kuwaas ayaa ka daran kuwa aaminsan Kushtik inay yihiin. Kushtik is not per se about ethnicity, it is classification of languages and loosely related cultures. We are Kushtik in that sense. The closest people to us Soomaalis on this Earth are Reer Diinle [Rendille], Canfars and Oromos, whom we share closest to from language to cultural costumes. We also share with them the closest distant biological DNA. They -- not Carabs -- are the only non-Soomaalis nearest to us, according to scientific research.
  12. Dad ayeeba damaashaad u tahay waxaan shaqaaqa ah ka dhacaayo meeshaas. You can almost smell the euphoria on the surface on the disintegration of Waqooyi. Dad ayaa aad ugu farxaayo. Xaasid saan u camalfalaayo waxba ma dhaamo xaasidka dhanka kale joogo oo ku faraxsan waxa ka dhacaayo Koonfurta. Soomaali wax sheeganaayo saan xaasid iskugu noqday. Yaab.
  13. Welkam to the daldalan club, Xaniifa, walaashiis. Kun taano oo dalac bilaash oo hadal ayaa kasbatay. Hoo koobkaaga isbarmuuto for your efforts. See in your laba kun oo kumi ah efforts.
  14. According to Abu Mansur, the Ethiopian government wants to eradicate the Somali Shilling and replace the country's currency with the Ethiopian birr. Feeri, feeri plausible. When you thought Xabashi have had done everything there is in their limited power to possibly suppress, subjugate, quash, extinguish, repress or even trying to annihilate the Soomaali spirit, Soomaali nationalism, Soomaalinimo, they try bring wax aanan xataa iyaga a new page u ah. Xaasidnimo Soomaaliyeed ay u qabaan heerkaas ayee taagantahay. Xabashoow, caddowga Soomaaliyeedoow, meel aad ku dambeysiin waala arki doonaa. Hadhoow yaanan ka shaleynin. Soomaalis do have indeed face tremendous challenges in current times, waa laga bixi doonaa hadduu Eebbaa weynee idmo, though. Qashinka magaca Soomaali sheegto, maadaama dhibic dhiig Sooamaliyeed ku jirin iyagoo u kabanadiifinaayo, u dabanaageenaayo, meeshee kusoo hari doonaan bal waala arki doonaa, iskaba dhaaf waxee taariiqda ka qortee. About the thread, again wixii xaqdaro lagu dilo Eebba ha u wada naxariisto. Kii Soomaaliyeed daraad, shaley, maalin hore, saa hore, maanta iyo kii beri ama saa dambe gacan ka gardaran dili doonto -- kuligood Eebboow u naxariiso adigaa weynee waaxid ahee -- aamiin.
  15. Another weekend, another Soomaali teen shot. It just happened a few hours ago, so the news is still a breaking news. ----------- Teenage Boy Reportedly Shot In Etobicoke Police were called to the area of an Etobicoke community housing project near Albion Road and Weston Sunday, after reports a teenage boy had been shot as many as five times. The victim was apparently hit in the stomach, though his condition is not yet known. There are reports two suspects were seen running from the area west on Albion Road. Xigasho
  16. Nuune, heestaa ka hadleysid tan baroon baa ka qeybgalay ee ku heeseyso miyaa, oo rasaasta dhawaaqa baroonka dhaceyso laga maqlaayo? Taas ee u qaadeyso after the infamous dhacdo ka dhacday Istaadiyuum Muqdisho, after baroomada soo galeen garoonkaas?
  17. Dad waa weyn ayaa tihiin ee naga daaya afxumada. It is unbecoming of you, let us all isxishmeyno and ixtiraan. ------------ I don't get how some people can continuously break the SOL rules by posting things litter with specific clan names and get away with it. :rolleyes: Who did post or mention any clan name? I double-checked this thread, and I hadn't seen any.
  18. The government nominally in power, fractious to begin with, is more fragile than ever. More than 60 government employees have resigned in the past year after receiving death threats—many of them broadcast live on Mogadishu's privately owned Radio Simba. An estimated 40 senior officials and intellectuals have been assassinated by insurgents in the past year and a half. A group of Shabaab fighters recently called up Mogadishu Mayor Mohammed Dheere on his cell phone and threatened to kill him, too. (They recorded the exchange: "I'm sure you're not a Muslim," the caller taunts the mayor. "You're just talking, it's not in your heart." Dheere shouts back: "F––– your mother!") Hooyooyinka maxee galabsadeen? Shuud. Cajalkaasna run miyaa, wax la rumeysan karo ma u ekeen, too much caay iyo afxumo ka buuxdee.
  19. Heestaan waxaan xasuustaa walaalkeena maalin guriga keenay, baabuurkiisana ku shiday, iyadoo la qarinaayo. Ar maxee Soomaalida kasoo horjeedeen rijiimkii kaligii taliska jiray waagaas. Ayaandaro jabhado aan meel u socon ku dheel dheelay taageernimadii ay Soomaaliweyn u haayeen isbadal maamul in uu dhaco, arintiina qabiil qabiil iyo ugaarsi dad aan waxba galabsan u badalay.
  20. Originally posted by Geel_jire: nothing against cadaan ppl or black ppl .... but only a xalimo would do for me .... something about the way they smell i don't know what it is ... uunsi or something but it is pleasant (not that i go around smelling ppl) ..... this is not based on some stereo type but what ive seen in my limited sampling some cadaan women kamkam.com Caasho oo musqusha kasoo baxday, soo qabeysatay, oo shaambo iyo doobishaambo kusoo dhaqatay timaheeda oo wali qooyan, timaheeda udgoona dhabarka u saaran oo qooyan, dirac fresh carfaayana soo gishatay, mid la iska dhex arkaayo waliba, not to mention uunsina isku soo bilbishay. Ooooh, xaaax, neefta aa kugu dhageyso caraf iyo xaraarad daraadeeda. Wax laga hadli karo ma'aha. Xaada ku kaceyso yaaqeey. Ar caashooyinka ha noo noolaadaan, la'aantooda abaar iyo nus.
  21. Originally posted by Jimcaale: ^Yuu tuu rimaan mii of Wanda Sykes jook abowt waman deetaajing aan laaking deer istaaf in sayf. Ay dhoont andha'istaandh, isbiik Ingiriis nooh. Remind me kulahaa. Balaayo kula detach gareyso. Meesha deposit miyaa, in safe kulahaa. Ameeba ka boloshaa. Who is Wanda Sykes, though, duqa?
  22. "Countries tell us: `We won't be the first but we'll recognise you second," Kahin said. Also dukaan owners back home in Xamar used to say, "Deen maanta maya, beri haa." If only tomorrow came. Madadaalada caalamka kuu haayaan meesha kasii wado Ina Kaahinoow.
  23. Another kutiri kuteen. No, waxaas camal odeygaas Xabahada u adeego waa laga filaa, but Dayniile waxee qorto badanaa lama aamini karo, marka kutiri kuteen ayee ila tahay.