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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Haa, hadduu Eebba idmo. Adoo jilbaab jiideysid la arko. Amaaba kusii qurxoonaan doontaa?
  2. Haye, Kuusha, waxaa maqlay the little princess inaa sifaleeti u xirtid, oo training jilbaab ah ku jirto maxaa ka jirina? About the thread, ilmaha hala iska dhaafo, ha iska leer qaataanee. Dadka ciyaalkooda xirxiro, saas u xirxiro dhaqankaas kale meel ka keensadeen. Dhaqan Soomaaliyeed ma ahayn waxaan, wax dhaqan Carbeed u eg waaye, oo ciyaalkooda xataa wiswis ka qabo iska dado because cawra' la qarinaa. Cunug gabar yar Soomaaliyeed oo sideed jir ah cawra' maashee ku taalo laga qarinaa markii jilbaab loo xiraayo? Kuwaa leh training waaye, well iyaga markee yaraayeen masoo gishan jirin. Mise waagaas "badownimo" lagu jiray as they believe it?
  3. Laaluushkii hore loogu soo qaatay naftirkiisa la isku qab qabsan jiray, ee Sacuudigaan goormee Soomaalida baran doonaan, mise they don't care waaye warkooda? Sh. Shariif iyo xirtiisa isku siyaasadda yihiin haddii iyagana baddaan laaluushdoonka ah ka qeybqaataan, oo kamid noqdaan siyaasi dhab ayuu noqon doonaa oo lagu yaqaanay waxaas, heybadii uu dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed u haayena meesha wey ka bixi doontaa.
  4. When the USC overthrew Siad Barre, she became disillusioned with the Aideed and Ali Mahdi and joined the Red Cross. Now she is part of the civil society and is well known in Mogadishu. She advocates for peace and human rights issues. What a journey! and what a let down! But she is good at adapting to her environment and political realities. when the Islamic courts were in power, she showed a religious side to conform to the dictates of the radical elements. When they overthrown, she conformed to Ghedi and Yusuf's warlordism to the point she took part the fake reconciliation conference held in Mogadishu. As for now, under the Ethiopian occupation, insurgency and all of that craziness, she is inventing herself working with the business community, hospitals and clinics. She has an NGO that is trying to open a kitchen soup for the displaced. recently she sent me an email to edit a proposal to solicit funding from some organizations based in Nairobi. Caasho Shaacuur ka hadleysaa u maleynaa. Iyada, Maryan Xuseen Max'ed Awreeye iyo marxuumad, the late Madiino Maxamuud Cilmi [Madiino Jeneraal, Eebba ha u naxariistee] sadexda tiir ee haweenka Banaadir u taagnaa ahayeen intii dagaalada sokeeye socdeen, waa kuwii horseedka u ahaa in dib loo furo Isbitaal Banaadir.
  5. Ibraahin Suuleey nin af gaaban waaye, oona ahayn dadka spotlightka [waa warbaahintee] jecel. Hadduu saan yiri war la aamini karo waaye marka.
  6. Originally posted by Red Sea: quote:Originally posted by Adam Zayla: what's abufaas? like Vicks? Abufaash stems from the logo of one of the brand which had a hand holding hammer on it. You know hammer in somali is call faash, so it's abufaash. So yeah kinda like vicks. Hammer is burus, duqa. Reer Waqooyiga ayaa 'faas' dhahaan miyaa? Faas Koonfurta waxaa loogu yaqaanaa bahalka geedaha lagu gooyo.
  7. The only known stooge prisoner of Xabashi is this senile octogenarian lackey:
  8. Nicholas Carr started noticing the change in the way he thinks a few years ago, starting with his decreased ability to focus while reading books. I don't know about the internet and whether its result of my using is the cause for this, but myself I had noticed that as well. I cannot read the books the way I used to, long-winded articles as well.
  9. If "Israa'iil" has it and papers like Washington Post don't waste ink and downed trees to even bother about it, maxee ka rabaan dadka kale? Oh, yea, waa dalal Muslim ah. It is a Western exaggeration about rivalry between Sacuudiga and Iiraan. Iska horkeen jeclaa. Dabshid, ma nooleed duqa?
  10. Baddacas, waa kacsantahay -- and this is literally -- because hashii adigoo heynin ayaa laba hal dhagax ku soo qabatid rabtaa. Isdaji ninyahoow, hasha meel ku hubi horta, oo soo aragba. Doob dareen baa dilay la dhihi jiray, ee horta dareenka kistoo daji markaas mid kale warkeeda ka hadal. Adoo hal meel kusoo aqal xirin inaa mid kale ka hadashid wareer iyo nus waaye.
  11. Maya saxariir. Unuga gabay ma naqaano but waa shiribnaa, shirib fadaaseen? Aan ka bilaabo: Minii fatuuro fiiq tiraa Ninkii fadhaaya maa fayoow ...
  12. Waala soo wada nuugay, oo runtaa waaye. Laakiin saa u isticmaashay aflagaada u ekeyd. Kuna soo dhawoow shabakadaan.
  13. Dhashiike, baliis let us not go there and respect other members of the forum. Ceeb weyn waaye inaa saas ku hadashid.
  14. Deja vu? Redux? Ar Soomaali goormee ka daali doonaan watching this same filin, same version, same scenes year in and year out for almost 18 years. 6 POLITICAL GROUPS AGREE ON CEASE-FIRE FOR SOMALIA Six political movements from Somalia announced agreement yesterday on a cease-fire in their war-torn country in the Horn of Africa. Meeting in neighboring Djibouti, the groups also named Ali Mahdi Mohamed, leader of the United Somali Congress, which controls the capital Mogadishu, as head of an interim government for the whole country. The six groups announced their decisions at the end of a week-long conference in Djibouti. The meeting was not attended by representatives of the Somali Published on July 22, 1991, Page A07, Philadelphia Inquirer I hope to Eebbe as any peace-loving Soomaali would inay wax waxtaraayo kasoo baxaan, laakiinse intaas shir la qabtay, siiba kaas Jabuuti ugu horeeyo ee la qabtay 1991 ilaa hadda. Kan Jabuuti ma ahaan doonaa kii ugu dambeeye "shir dib u heshiin" Soomaali loo qabtay same as kuu ka bilowday? Will be seen.
  15. Maxee ku kala duwanyihiin labada gabdhood? It seems like you don't want to mention that dreaded word -- qurux. It seems taa rabtid inay ka qurxoontahay tan kale ku rabto, saas ka dhandhansaday sheekada. Haddee dabeecad iyo meel walba ka hagaagsantahay, tan ku rabto ayaa kuu dhaanto taa rabtid, run ahaan haddii loo hadlaayo. Su'aal kalena taa rabtid saa u rabtid makuu rabtaa? Ha luggoyn gabadhaan ku rabto oo filin been ha u jilin. Si walba ha ahaatee runta u sheeg inay dooqaaga ahayn, waa haddaa tan kale ku adkeysatid.
  16. Waraaqda seems mid fabrication ah, even more so by kuwa soo daabacay, the tabloid site waagacusub.com, a site not known to be credible.
  17. It seems her eight years of wearing it was futile exercise, bilaa qasaaro if she didn't have faith in it. She wore it because of cabsi, societal pressure or whatnot, laakiinse bilaash isku madadaalineysay all those years.
  18. Awal baan waalnaa oo weel foorara wax ku shubtay Aadaada aada. Ee laakiin amee sheekada tahay baaquli fooraro in uu wax ku shuban ee wax budo ah uu awalba meesha ku haaye. Marka ninka saas dhahay, asagee heysaa ibtilada, iyada inay ahayn laga yaabaa. ------------ In badan baa waxaa isaga khaldan carabnimada iyo islanimada. In aan yarayn baa xataa aaminsan in Carabtu diinta nooga dhowdahay. Taqwo keliya baa Carab iyo Cajami ku kala duwanaan karaan, sida uu nebigeenni suubana(scw) yiri. Niman badan baa ku hamminaysa in af Carabigu baddalo af Soomaaliga, oo aan oggolaynba in carruurta afkooda iyo dhaqankooda iyo hiddahooda suuban la baro!(‘sooma aroorin’ miyay ka tahay?). Xataa hooyooyin fara badan oo qurbajoog ah baan isku taxaluujin inay carruurtooda af Soomaaliga baran oo mooday mindhaa in waxbarashaduba tahay in af kale la barto oo keliya! Maadaama aan wada muslin nahay, waa waajib in af Carabiga la barto, laakiin inuu meesha ka saaro afkii hooyo caqli maahan. Dhar la qaato (sida qamiis cigaal ama cimaamad.iwm) ama magacyo lala baxo (sida Abuu Maxamed iyo ummul Sumaya!) ama Carabiga oo la bartaa keliya kaa dhigi mayaan qof muslin ah. Ilaahay baa quraankiisa ku sheegay inuu dadka carrabyadooda (afafkooda) iyo midabyadoodaba kala duwey. (fiiri Suuradda Ruum, Aayadda 22aad). Magacyadaan ka wada bilawda Abuu(ga) iyo ummul(ka), Islaamka ka hor bay jiri jireen. Dhaqan ahaan, waxay Carabtu ku muujin jireen in hebel uu ama hebla ay waarid noqotay. Dhanka kalena, waxay muujisaa awlaad ku faanka, Waxayna ka dhigan tahay ‘Hebel aabbihiis ama Heblaayo hooyadeed baan ahay’. Halkaasna waxaa mudnaanta koowaad la siiyay carruurta. Arrintaan markaan barbar dhigo dhaqankeena, waxaa ii soo baxday inaan Innagu dhankaas Carabta kaga fiican nahay. Sababtoo ah, waxaan mudnaanta koowaad siinnaa Waaridka. Tusaale ahaan: Ina Sugulle Geeddi, Ina Cabdi Gaab. Haddaad gashid paltalk(ga) ama internet(kaba), magacyo aad la yaabtid ama kaa qosliya baad ku arkaysaa. Matalan “Abuu Xinjir bin dhakafaar” – stop – kan anaa allifay!!! Tu kalena waxay tahay, qolooyinka carruurtooda ula baxay magacyo Kitaabiya. Qaar badanina iyagaa magacyadii iska baddalay.(Wasalat alfikrah!!!!!!) Muxuu la helay waxaan boqol jeer ku celcelin jiray. Dad jahwareeray ayaa wali saas aaminsan.
  19. Waaw, Khaalid maka yaabtay. Ninkaas in la dhaho Salaad Barakoow Buuloow jeclahay. Ar taloow manoolyahay. Waa kii kula jiray Daleys ruwaaydii Cilmi iyo Caado. Qofta jirkeyga, jirkeyga ku heysaa. Waaw. Labiskeeda istaaylka ah aaba i dilay, "goth" u egyahayba, siiba iskaalsadeeda saas u dheer.
  20. I will take back the warlord comment for I have not seen any evidence of this. Intaas lagaa rabay. Waxaadan ogeyn ha iska dhihin. And about his ministerial positions in the last regime, qof walbaa ogaa taas, no need for Wikipedia. Your little warlord comment ayaa aniga kasoo horjeeday. That was all. Nabadeey.
  21. Let it reach $200 even. Reer North America calaacal badanaa. Reer Eritrea, one of the poorest countries you can find in the map, pay more than double what Americans are paying a litre.
  22. Sheekooyinkaaga, Adeerkiis, waaba ku wareeraa aniga. Intee ka socotaa, una socotaa? Yaa soo dagay, yaana kacooyo? Wareer iyo laba lee iga dheh. But the old men, Aabo and Adeero, always delivered the last but most serious sermon at night. “ Sidaad moodi wadanku ma’aha. These people who are smiling for you at day are enemies. Iska ilaali. You must be careful of everybody. Don’t give them any money. Xoolo la baytimaaliyo ma hayno. Rer-Hebel nin bay inaga dileen. Agtooda ha marin. Kii xumaa ee luqunta dhuubnaa, Adan dheere, was saying he wants to invite you. We are not sure what his intentions are. You know, he is Midgaan. Don’t eat anything from his house.” The first few years, I listened to them. The next years, I challenged and disobeyed their orders. Can I afford not to be with Shamsuddin? Ah! There is no one like him. But they call him Midgaan. This misanthropic society of mine! They are all sinners. Ereygaas -- waa kan "m"ka ahee -- ma fiicno in la isticmaalo in this age and time. I know inay sheekada ku dhex jirto, laakiin si kale u sheegi kartay without using that derogatory word.
  23. Originally posted by Thierry.: Adeer MMA if I replaced the word president that would mean I would have to call yey a president too, otherwise I will fall in Duke Category praising only those in my bandwagon and condemn those who are against my views. Let us not forget A Qaasin was a very corrupt leader in his past. His crimes might not be as bad as treachery which the current stooge is stained by, but no way is Abdi Qaasin a saint in Somali affairs. MMA you are even more naïve than an adamant ICU supporter like me if you believe A Qaasin is not associated with warlords and didn’t explicitly condone the isbaaro days in Xamar It seems that you were – and are – easily influenced by crap posted on here, particularly in this thread. You allege Md. C/qaasin "might" have been a warlord, on what evidence do you have to corroborate what you are alleging? And do you realize or have you realized the classical definition of what a warlord is? Your answer of if the other madaxweyne ku sheeg 'president' – in this case, the Xabashi lackey – can be considered to be a warlord, then C/qaasin must be another. That is not an intelligent answer, duqa. Before, however, you answer my two questions, I think you seem a person who has no idea who C/qaasin was; actually, no, you’ve no idea who he is right now as well. If this name is new to you, C/qaasin Salaad Xasan was a minister who held different portfolios in the last regime. From 1991 to 2000, he and his family did live in Masar, did not participate any clan wars, which he could easily if he wanted to. He resurfaced in the Carta [Jabuuti] conference in 2000 and was selected to be the transitional leader of then Transitional National Government. C/qaasin was and is not a warlord because he never behaved a day what your typical calooshiis u shaqeysto does in his hunguri doon day. C/qaasin never did command any clan militia. C/qaasin never did defend his so-called clan lands. C/qaasin never did initiate any clan wars. C/qaasin did not come being into presidency by using the barrel of the gun. C/qaasin, if he was desperate for that power, he could have been another Caydiid Sr., another Cismaan Caato, another Cabdi Qeybdiid, another Max’ed Dheere, another Max’ed Qanyare Afrax, another Muuse Suudi and those were only the Muqdisho-based warlords. If he was that determined again to seek for power, he wouldn’t have stepped down when the current Xabashi-installed so-called 'president' was selected in Nayroobi. And if he was a warlord, he would have sabotaged the dowlad ku sheegaan from the start. No, C/qaasin did not behave in any way like those animalistic warlords’ actions. People accuse him his nascent TNG government did not achieve much. What would he achieved exactly, when he had to overcome numerous barriers and obstacles. He tried to win over the Muqdisho-based warlords without firing a single shot. In fact, he did win and brought over within his dowlad several of them, including Max’ed Qanyare Afrax and Max’ed Dheere. But when you have Xabashi regime, trying every possible trick under their disposal to sabotage that infant transitional government, then C/qaasin did achieve much more than generally acknowledged to. To begin with, he didn’t let the Muqdisho residents suffer more than they already were by not engaging into warfare with Muqdisho-based warlords, who were as eager to start another clan war as their Xabashi-supplied weaponry. Instead, he did not play into their game. This alone is a mighty achievement considering how trigger-happy the warlords were. C/qaasin also raised into international spotlight how Xabashi faragalis ugu heysto dalkeena. He used to piss them off by raising this issue at international gatherings by how flagrantly Xabashis meddled into Soomaali affairs. Why did he do this? Because of his unquestioned fierce patriotism and loyalty to our country. Remember, he could have been just another Xabashi lackey and did whatever they told him, just as the current stooge is doing. No politician is a perfect individual. No politician is blameless. However, C/qaasin did his best considering how numerous problems he had to overcome. C/qaasin is far from a warlord, far being even associated with a warlord. Marka before you are that easily and naively swayed by unsubstantiated crap posted on here, know what you are talking about. N.B. -The intend of this thread waxa loo furay by its initiator in uu ka raadiyo dood aan meel yaalin, dadkana lagu jahwareeriyo. We don't need to dwell C/qaasin wuxuu yahay or ahaa because wax aanan la arkin, la maqlin ayaa dalkeena ka socdo now.
  24. Tiibada hee. Anigaa? Yareey, ani maa saas i dhahee. Grararararara. Runtaa waaye, though, basbaas, not liin, la'aan wax ma cuni. Iyo ketchupna ku dar. How is the little princess horta? Hope she is fabulously fine.