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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. It looks like xeeb Marka ku taalo, not Xamar. Daa'uud Waraaqle, do you know where the original source is, beside the shared imeem site? And did it mention which city it was?
  2. Sidii laga rabay ayaa laga gaaray the liberation groups fighting the Xabashi occupation -- bitterly divided. Labada Shariif and their allies in ARS siriqdii loo dhigay ku dhaceen. Still, though, we will await waxa meel ku ogyihiin dadka kale ogeyn ay soo wadaan.
  3. Last time I knew I was a nomad in this section, so are you. Dad baa moderatornimo moodo wax weyn balaayo ah, kii la arkaba moderator, moderator lasoo boodaayo if aragti yar la dhiibto. Easy on it, yo'. Eesh caleeg Carabta dhahaan markaan camal, again.
  4. Xasan, I see you are a newbie, but this site has clear rules, so let us not habaar one another. We need to respect one another as fellow members of this forum, regardless how some viewpoints offends one.
  5. Originally posted by Gediid: ^^^^U make sh!t up faster than anyone I know.AW DAL kulahaa waar 1986 ayaa AW DAL aabo siyaad sameeyey from carving up waqooyi galbeed.I guess since aad magaca soo sameysey kan ku darso markaas.Abu Aw Dal(Waqooyi galbeed) Intaadan degdegin, you need to check your comprehension since it seems you have a problem with it. You do seem to lack understanding a little paragraph. Buug iyo qalinlaabis soo qaado aan kuu kala dhig dhigee. One, I did not claim the name Awdal itself was officially known that place. I wrote this special word was bestowed -- loogu wanqalay (or should I make it bold) -- officially to that region in '80s because of its historical significance it has in Soomaali history. That region has some deep history that is relevant to Soomaalis. Yes, the word Awdal was unofficially known in that area (some called it Adal), but the word Awdal did exist in everyday use. [The Cambridge History of Africa (1975)] Secondly, every laba afar iyo shan jir soo dhigtay a kindergarten school in Soomaaliya knew when and how Awdal, the present-day official region, along with Gedo and later Sool, was created . Then again, perhaps, not everyone had the privilege uu kindergarten kusoo dhigto in Soomaaliya. Now casharka intaasha noogu ekaado, and know meeshaan is not tolkaville, where facts are fiction and fiction are taken as facts. Not at here, heed that.
  6. Awguuriyo, hambalyo iyo boggaadin to the brother. Qeyr iyo mid wanaagsan oo sahlan Eebba haka dhigo guurkooda.
  7. So, Jacbaro, you have finally admitted you live in Soomaaliya. Did the delusion gone today? Good for you. Alas, it only took, though, one mere thread by a newbie foreign man to crush that delusion. Ma anagaa na iska kee gadeysay all this hoopla of living in separate "country" all this time? Eesh caleeg.
  8. What is even more ironic is that, the given name of that region, Awdal -- the ironic part is that what this particular name stands for. Few people do know, however, this name does indeed relate to its historical significance it has in wider Soomaaliya context and history. Awdal [aw-dal] simply means the "father (source) of dal (nation, country)." It was bestowed the honourary word "aw" due to that region's importance in Soomaali history and what it had contributed.
  9. Originally posted by Red $ea: Opposing the SNM is one thing, opposing somaliland is another. Same analogy can be said and used -- opposing and fighting against Siyaad Barre's last regime is one fact, dismembering the country for this sake is another, however. The SNM jabhad you are honouring did not even advocate the dismemberment of the country.
  10. Waa lagaa qaaday, abaayadiis. Soo dhawoow wacan mar kale. Haye, sidii maa dabagaab u gishataa, dhagaxa u tuurtaa, oo wiil wiil camal iskaga dhigtaa, mise waa dalacday now dirac iyo baati isku taagtaa, oo aqiyaarad noqotay?
  11. Sangub xaa saas ugu ceebeynee, waraa. Iska daa odeyga yaaqeey. About other young men, it is an unfortunate inay already most wanted yihiin in that state. I am sure some of them dalkeena ku raaxeysanoyaan, waa hore dhoofeen.
  12. Bulshada shiid waaye indeed. Maki Xaaji Banaadir lee iga dheh.
  13. Condoma Afsoomaali xaa lagu dhihi jiray horta? Sabaltiibo? Sasansiino?
  14. Che, there is a reason why half million views under each Soomaali niiko clip on Youtube u tahay. Most viewed clips are always niiko by Soomaalida. Yaab lee. Either perverts, shaxaari or doobyaasha ka wada buuxo Youtube oo Soomaali ah.
  15. Waraada shaxaari ma'ihi ee iga wareegsada yaaqeey. Baas banooni la ii salaaxay lee gool ka dhalinaaye.
  16. Duke, baliis stop calling others what they are not. He said he is not Olol. Do you have an evidence on the contrary and he, in fact, is Olol? If not, baliis jooji the accusations.
  17. Ever heard of Digiiran? Guinea fowl is digiiran. Who can guess waxa deero lagu dhaho Afingiriis? Deer? And who can take to know what antelope in Afsoomaali? Or orygx? Isku tijaabiya.
  18. Dankis for your welkam. I feel like at home. Who else ku cusub here, ka ahayn Che? I guess it is about time shaatigaan nagu baaray, mirirayna aan u siibno igaaryaashaan cusub. Soo dhaafa, soo mooda kuligiin ciyaal kuni kuni, kuleel lagu dhalay.
  19. Dhubad [ninyahoow Dubad anoo ku leh lee arkaa, ma maqashay Reer Dubad waligaa?], labadaan modelka ah u dambeeyo hadda soo caanbaxay waa Soomaalida Kanada kaaga daranteed. Yaasmiin Warsame iyo Ubaxdaan ka wadaa. Soomaalida Kanada inay falnaayeen waa ogaa oo wax walba u horseed ah Soomaalida kale qurbaha ku nool, laakiin still we Reer Kanada are outdoing ourselves. Malika, maxaa jiro, jaamacyaasha ma model gareyaan maa mooday? What kind of jaamac would model oo geesinimadaas leh? Honestly, though, gabdhaha nala dhashay Soomaaliyeed ma gaarno. Laakiin ogaada laba Soomaaliyeed iska dhalay quruxdaas ka keeneen.
  20. It is only a magac, and not that big deal. In the interest of paramount unity of all Soomaalis who live there, having that in mind ayaa fiican in magac neutral ah, nothing to do with qabiil loogu waco gobolkaas, sida Soomaali Galbeed. Gobolada magacyada qabaa'ilooyinka gumeysidoonkii Reer Yurub u bixiye, sida Jabuuti kii la dhihi jiray, Waqooyi Bari kii kale asagana loo yaqaanay iyo midkaan Soomaali Galbeed. Kuligood Soomaali in lagu kala gooyo loogu tala galay, qabiilooyinka kale dego goboladaasna lagu diro kuwa ku badan. It just creates unnecessarily isqabqabsi.
  21. Titleka i dilay. Ninkaan Istakiin la yiraahdana xaa laga raadinaa, asagaabaa bastiisa ahee. Indhayar, duqa, Ciyaal Xamar maa ahaan jirtay waayadii Xamar Xamar ahayd, pre-war ka wadaayee?
  22. Your genes kaama daba haraan, duqa. My niece isoo xasuusisay, whose xijaab almost ilaa iyo suniyaheeda soo gaaraayo. I asked her why is she putting in that way, thinking a new style waaye. Waxeeba tiri my "huge" forehead qarinoyaa, abti. What the... She doesn't even seem to have that big forehead, an average one lee waaye. Nice letters until I read this part: I have the honour to be, Sir, your obedient servant. Waa yaxyaxay markaa that part arkay. I know xiliga la joogay in waxaas camal caadi ahayd, laakin still I don't know Halyey C/qaadir Sakhaawadiin see ka noqotay, Eebba janadiisa fardowso haka waraabiyee.