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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. And ever wonder all those negative naaneyso are male-oriented ones? Magacyada qalafsan nimanka kaliya la dhahaa, qof dumar oo naaneys xun loogu yeeraayo waligey ma arkin. Sahro Gaabeey ma maqleysid or Caasho Luggeey or Sacdiyo Jiiseey mise Istaahil Afleey ama Xaliimo Bidaarleey. No way.
  2. Yea, I am glad, seriously growing in Xamar. I would not give up that for everything. That was the best in my life, and I don't think I will have a life like that again ever. About neighbours raising the neighbourly kids as well, waxaa xasuustaa islaan daris ahayn oo maskiimad dhaaftay. So kind ciyaalkeena noogu ahayd that gurigeeda hortiisa bugle game ku ciyaari jirnay, sometimes in the searing sun of mid noon. Markaas ee na waanin jirtay, "Eediyaal, qoraxda waa kulushahay ee bal mar neefsada oo markee qabowdo soo noqda ciyaara..." See, the bugle game wuu dhibi jiray maadaama gurigeeda oo gaaban ku dhici jiray all the time and we used to bother her. God. She never used to complain, noo dulqaadan jirtay.
  3. Ducada ku dar midnimada Soomaaliyeed, oo Soomaali isku timaado iyo tan Islaameed waliba. Aamiin to ducooyinkaaga.
  4. Dad badan ee la siibatay. Easy, biibol. Ninkaas duke mise dude midna ma'aha. Igaarkaan waa ku qafiifteenee.
  5. A/C shido, duqa. Meeshaan anigana freeze ku noqday. Ar amuu kii la dhahaaye David Suzuki, Mr. Environmentalist, ii imaadaa.
  6. So their master Sanaawi did not accept his fawning little stooge Max'ed Dheere in jagada laga qaado. Not a surprsing news.
  7. Awwww, waa ii qabeysee. Anigana Crest iyo Aquafresh saa iskugu rugaaye ilkihii i daalay. Taloow maxaa talo eh, bahashii lagu luq luqanaaye?
  8. Badanaa masaakiintaas dhaamanayo waa Oromo and oppressed men xoog lagu soo qafaalay, who have no choice but to fight for their lives since ogeyn even meesha ee ka dagaalamayaan. Tigre madaxda sarsare ee hoggaanka lee waaye.
  9. Reer Koronto dhafar jeclaa. War intaa luq luqatiina afkiina hurda raadsada socda, wah. Inaa qulhuwalaahu aqrisatiina ha iloowina yaah, maandheeyaal.
  10. Ayuub, is this one of your usual nac nac arguing for the arguments' sake? If you are sincere and not in your usual hoity-toity, frivolous of futile arguments, you should have known by now. Soomaali lessonkaa ka hadlaaye waaye, this is the lesson kuu sheegaaye. Aw title only means a pious one, aha? So Awkoombe and Awkuuku are pious men in their respective fields, aha? Sharaxaad ayaa u baahantahay, my friend, about the little grammatical implications of Soomaali iyo micnaheeda ka dambeyso when it comes to aw/oow of masculine iyo ay/eey of feminine. The aw and ay of prefix an honourary waaye, where a lesser degree oow and eey suffix u yihiin, but with a far less degree of implications -- being the same meaning of honoured, but much, much lesser degree. Awfaarax iyo Faaraxoow camal. Or Aymaano or Maaneey. Aw/ay, however, do have more honour and prestige in meaning than 'oow/eey' again. Aw/ay also have other nuanced meanings and interpretations. And who bestowed the name Awdal to that region? Soomaali people bestowed and honoured to that region with that title. It is a region rich in history. Ma waxaa sugeysay inaa ku dhaho it was honoured and bestowed by the last regime, which only made more official, sida one of the dudes here earlier suggested? Aha? Waaba yaabee, ma ciilaa idinka haayo idinka isku soo shirwacdee marba mid soo baxaayee that region has a rich history than your own tuulooyin? Waxaasaa maseer la dhahaa. Heey, you should have been proud of it since it is part and parcel of Soomaaliya, a one region part of our land. Ar waaka baxay this thread, intaan lagu soo noq noqonaayo ha noogu filnaato.
  11. Me, something sinister is at hand. Somehow Soomaalida meel walba waa laga heystaa, nothing ka fakan la'nahay. Habaar xun na wada helay, oo ibtilo miiran. Lily and Dabshid, I know about sokor and how dareenkaaga kor u qaadaa, yacni being higher active than normally. But waxaa la yaabanahay back home we used to eat sokorta itself, waxaana nama heli jirin, oo hadalka waa maqli jirnay, dadka naga waa weyna waa ixtiraami jirnay. Not kids raised at here. Probably the kids raised here exercise less, and devour more sugary products. Probably. Waxaaba kaaga daran xataa masaajidka taraawiixda ma laga tukan karo hadalkooda iyo quuqdooda, and wax yar ma dhihi kartid, adigaaba laguugu baxaa. A few years ago xasuustaa iimaamka masaajidka ku dhex jiray ciyaalka meesha ku or ordaaye during taraawiix prayers, oo ul heystay. Mid waalan usha ma kula dhacaayoo, meeshii dhan fak yuu, don't hit me la wada maqlay. Yax yax. Waa cunug yar toban jir ahaa. I am sure iimaamkii kud isku yiray, totally unexpected. More about the topic: Welcome to America! – Hope you like the Autism! They come to America in search of a better life. Their children get autism. I wonder if they wish they’d just stayed home. As reported by Elizabeth Gorman in the Minneapolis Post and David Kirby in the Huffington Post, there’s something unusual going on with immigrant Somali children in Minnesota and autism. It might also be happening with other immigrant groups. According to Gorman’s article, about 6 percent of Minneapolis’ students are Somali-speaking, but “more than 17 percent of the children in the district’s early childhood special education autism program are Somali speaking.” (It’s estimated that 15,000 to 40,000 Somalis live in Minnesota, the largest Somali population outside of East Africa.) She later goes on to quote Dr. Chris Bentley, the director of a nonprofit in Minnesota that assists children with autism and their families as saying, “We’re definitely seeing it, and something is triggering it.” In the meantime, the Minnesota Department of Health is struggling to put together a study to determine if there is an unusual pattern of autism among the Somali children. Anne Harrington, an early childhood special education coordinator for the Minneapolis district is also sounding the alarm. “We have a number of families who have two children on the spectrum and sometimes more.” Harrington adds that she knows of one apartment building “with Somali residents in which every family has at least one autistic child.” She also noted that immigrant children are given more vaccines than regular American children and they’re often doubled up to make up for lost time. They may also receive some vaccinations in Somalia, but then are re-vaccinated when they enter this country. Curiously, the Somalis don’t seem to have this problem in their native country. According to David Kirby, the Somalis refer to this as the “American disease.” Somali immigrants to Sweden are also noticing an increased autism rate, which has some experts in that country suggesting it may be a result of the Somalis dark skin and the differing amount of sunlight in Sweden, affecting the amount of vitamin D they receive from the sun. It’s ironic that the CDC notes that those most likely to delay or refuse vaccinations are the well-educated because of concerns abut a link to neurological problems. Immigrant Somalis are asking similar questions about the vaccines they’re receiving. It’s like that old saying that if everybody says your haircut looks bad, you should probably wear a hat. Experts in the United States have been able to portray our concerned citizens as ignorant of their family histories, or as one relative put it to me, “it used to be in the old days that if a doctor saw something wrong with a kid, well, they’d just...” and drew a finger across her throat. (Okay, she’s a kooky cousin, but I’ve heard that sentiment expressed more than once.) However, like many urban legends, I don’t believe my forefathers and foremothers were more likely to murder disabled children than our currently enlightened citizenry. But if there is a kernel of truth that Americans have in the past been more likely to conceal medical conditions, I really don’t see how that applies to Somali society. East Africa is the area in which the human race began and the tribal societies there have preserved the wisdom of generations past. Knowledge in these societies is passed on through oral tradition, rather than the written word. Pulitzer-prize winning author Jared Diamond (Guns, Germs, and Steel) is well-known for his observation that while tribal people may not have written language, their knowledge of the local environment is extensive. It's the reason so many pharmaceutical companies consult local elders about the possible medicinal properties of plants in their area. But apparently the Somalis have never seen anything like autism in their own land. It's something they seem to have picked up on their journey to the west. It’s something which should get everybody talking Xigasho
  12. Aaliya, I was in kaftaming, sister. Kuusha and Dabshid understood my kaftan. I hope the sister finds a better way to have a family and children. And of course sperm banks are xaaraan, qof walba waxgaranaayo ayaa og taas.
  13. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: MMA & Dabshid, hashoo sperm mushakal eh utuura hee, halmar a set of triplets buc haka soo siisee... On a serious note, siphoningdilemma (qandho magac dheer), don't give up on men just yet...I am sure there is a beautiful out there for you, inshalaah aad wax xalaal ah u dhali doonto...Waa haduu qeyr kugu jiro...Hadii kalena ku duceyso inuu ale kaa dheereeyo...Good luck sis... Igaarkaas safka ku jiro iga horeeyo aa u daaye. Ani waaka retire gareeye, see waaye. Again tabarba ma u haayi, waa isdhiibay waa hore.
  14. Ma awal ayee banjarsanaydna? Xee la dhaqaaqi weysay awal hee.
  15. The pro Somaliwayne unionists were chased right out of town in broad day light. kkkkk Waaba dhoolacaddeyneysaayee, oo dagaaladaas magaaladaas ka dhacay wax caadi ka dhigtee. I don't think it had to do with pro- or-anti anything. Qabiil wars uu ahaa. Cigaal was not more pro or anti Soomaaliweyn than Tuur, Eebba ha u wada naxariistee marxuumada. -------------- Ayuub, without going further into it, you need to know the Soomaali grammar, siiba meesha "aw" and how lagu apply gareeyo. Awkuuku iyo Awkoombe waa maqashay, I am sure. So are Awmaar [Raage Awmaar, though he spells it Oomaar] and Awfaarax. My own great-awoowe was called Awxuseen. It is an honourary title. That is your own Soomaali lesson and what they mean, and how that word is applied without going into far again.
  16. Ani tabar ma u haayi, duqa, ee adiga isbiimeey yaaqeey. Gal safka hore, you never know if you are 'suitable' or not.
  17. What is this? Waqooyi version of wajigiis maka taqaanaa...?
  18. That is why the sperm banks are for you. No hassles needed. In and out, and voila a little cutie or cute baby within nine months. No madax xanuun, either. PS - Want a baby? No pain, no baby. I am sure there are some faaraxs out there who can be 'suitable' of what you want from and in him.
  19. Guess where this island is located at? Antigua? Barbados? Fiji? Bahamas? No, not any of them, but our own Baajuuni Island of Jubbada Hoose. It was probably taken in 1993 by a Talyaani soldier. What a perfect azure island. I hope it is still not spoiled or contaminated by maryooleys yet.
  20. They are "defended" from liberation of the Xabashi occupation. Wey shireen kulahaa. Dagaal'oogiyaal shiraayo oo hungurigooda u daran dadka difaacaayo sheegayaan. Waxa isku keenay has to do the mass resignation of so-called officials in many degmooyin in Baay lately. Dadkaas ayee rabaan inay encourage gareyaan.
  21. Turaabi wuxuu la soo shirtagay fikrad ah in Islaamka la hormarinkaro! Wuxuu fikraddiisa sal uga dhigay sheeko ay caan ku ahaayeen qaar ka mid ah ururka Ikhwaanka oo ah: xoreynta haweenta muslimka ah. Cilmaaniyiintuna waa qabtaa arrintaas. Iska daa ka hadalka dhaxalka iyo jagada dumarku qabankaraane... Maxaa ka qaldan tan? Dad, not diinta itself, ayaa ku takrifalo xuquuqda haweenka ku leeyihiin diinteena suuban. Dad ayaa allergy ku qabo haween hoggaan iyo wax lamid ah sheeganaayo, ma'ogi inay kalsooni la'aan iyaga ku saabsan mise wax kale u keeneyso.
  22. bulasiyoone iyo rigoore kaste ku gantay nooh... Mayee, shaafto lagu dilay ninkaas iyo xabad xabad gool loogu dhaliye. Haye, Tuujiyaha, adi nooba haddaa ahayn, oo diyeeshe ahayn, oo difaacii dhexda ee jiinkuwahana ahayn, intee ka ciyaartaa hee ciyaarta shukaansiga? Taree geeska mise duwe geeska kale? Maya, sate iyo ote oo weearar iyo difaac ah isku wadaa dheh.
  23. Naag la kala tuuray iyo waxaas la yaabantihiin. "Qoftii aan soo kala waraa" waligin ma maqlin miyaana? Bar iskeerso. Dhar miyaa. Taloow gabdhahana iyo dumarka kale xee iskugu sheekeyaan? "Kii ayaa soo kala daadinaa ee ii suga(?)" Maya, maya, waxee isdhahaan u maleynaa, "Kii ayaa soo kala siib siibaa..." Hilib oodkac xariga laga soo qaadaayo miyaa, wiiw.