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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar
Hiiraan Online Salutes Somalia’s Unknown Soldiers
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Che -Guevara's topic in General
The title of that article is kinda wrong. Daljirka Dahsoon already halyeeyo horey usoo jiray la yiraahdaa. They probably should have used or called the qoraalka invisible heroes, kaas ayaa more appropriate u eg. -
A stable Somalia is in your interet
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Where was this new found national "interest" you write of when you were so ardently against this dowlad? Mise that adminstration the stooge Xabashada u adeego ma hoggaamin jirin? So a stable Soomaaliya was not your kinda of interest then, aha? -
30 sanno kadib oo C/laahi Yuusuf wali Adisababa looga yeerayo
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Dhubad.'s topic in Politics
Originally posted by Alfa: Morgan aduunkii ayaa ciriiri ku noqday oo guri ayuu maxbuus ku yahay xabsi-guri isagu is gashay. Intuu joogaa horta? -
Why did you edit, sister? Dad waaniyo oo waanadaada camal wey u baahanyihiin aqiyaartaan. How is Imaaraadka? Kuleel iyo basteeda? I don't know how people can fast during the soon in that place. Oh, well, again, maalintii dhan waala jiifaa, I guess.
War dambigaan aad galeysiin maa iska yareysiin. Qof dhan Muslimadiisa banaanka ugu bixin in lagu sheego wax kale waa dambi weyn, aad u weyn waliba. Siyaasadiisa qaabka daran oo qalafsan iyo diintiisa hala kala saaro, aqiyaareey. Dambiguu galay Eebbahiisa iyo dadka kumanaanta ah uu ka galay ayee u taalaa maalinta la isxisaabin doono, oo taas anaga nooma taalo hadda. Siyaasadiisa qalafsan inaa kasoo horjeesano, haa, taas noo taal.
Oh, waa u bartay writing that way, sister. I hope inaa fahantay the main story. Oobis, I am already doing it. See, waa u bartay. Qajaanka, magac kale maa weysay, mise waaba tahay miyaa waxaa la baxday? Yaa wasqaan maku dhihi kariyee.
Amazing stories you hear about Soomaalida qurbajooga ah. The wonders and surprises never seem to cease. There is this man, in this city of Toronto, nin weyn ah, lix caruur loo haayana xaaskiis u dhashay. So far, nothing wrong in this picture. Alas, the problem is, this same family man tried to revive the age-old tradition, with a new twist: Guur qarsoon with another woman in Toronto. Quite sometime ago, he secretly married a single mother with two children. Still not all bad, you would think; however, si qarsoodi ayee isku guursadeen, oo qof walba ka qariyeen ka ahayn labadooda and the Bakistaani "iimaam" who facilitated the nominal ceremony. So far still waa iska caadi, one would be opt to think. Alas, sheekadii la isku ogaa or not, qoftii kale uu guursaday uur ayee qaatay. She told him uur ayee leedahay. He suggested to her to have an abortion. Yep, an abortion. Still waa qarsoodi labadooda ah and would not have been public had she not insisted not to abort the child. Since uurkii sii weynaanooyo, banaankana usoo baxaayo, she could no longer qarin karto the marriage, runtii ayee u sheegtay reerkeeda. Upon hearing that, wuu xanaaqay and insisted nothing ever ka dhaxeeye between them, not even a salaan isla mareen waligood. He denied the whole nine yards, not even knowing her as a person, let alone fathering with her an innocent child. "Iimaamkii" Bakistaaniga ahaa ayee u tageen reerkeeda and odeyaal kale. The "iimaam" was asked if he knew the man was married when isku daraaye. Iimaamkii markuu saan maqlay, asagii ayaaba sheeko kale keenay, that he does not even remember he performed the marriage and would consult with his files to see if any. The iimaam has to deny it now because he realized baxar weyn ayuu ku jiraa, if he knowingly [and secretly] isku daray laba qof mid ka mid ah naag kale qabo in this country. He would lose his licence to begin with. War wixii dhan isku kacsan, the poor lady is said maalin walba ooyin la fadhisaa. She finally gave a birth to a boy. Why is he denying, you are wondering? The answer is two-fold: Same like the iimaam, the Canadian law ayuu mid ugu cabsanaa, tan kalena xaaskiisa uu hadda qabo waxee keeni doonto ayuu ugu cabsanaa. He also refused his DNA taken, insisting unless a court forces him to, not any Soomaali maryooleey.
It is a very interesting video to behold. C/qaasin Salaad Xasan iyo Xasan Abshir Faarax oo joobano wada ah in 1986, oo waagaas xataa isagfadhiyo in celebration marking the bogus "doorasho" of Awsiyaad. Ileen dad kala hara maba ahayn waligood. Their image on the video comes in 6:36. Ar dad ladan oo aanan ka qasneen maxee meesha fadhiyaan. Soomaali saas ahayeen, maxaa u dambeeye. Again, dad wada tagay oo geeriyooday ayaa ka muuqdo. ______________ In the seventh minute, Faadumo Qaasin, Seynab Cige, Qamar Harawo iyo kooxdooda Waaberi ka muuqdaan meesha. [Who can guess and name others?]
Shaxaad kudhashe, Shaxaad Kunool iyo Shaxaad Raadis
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Che -Guevara's topic in General
Odey dhaqameedka helped a lot in our culture in so long, that we took them for granted. Marka maanta markee soo baxeen kuwa caloooshood u shaqeystiyaal siyaasi sheeganaayo, oo hoggaana kusii darsaday magacooda, kuwaas ayaa undermine gareeye both their respective community's [clan's] support and, since siyaasi ku sheegaas been socoto yihiin, less trust of about anything ku saabsan politics, including odey dhaqameedka's involvement. They still have a place in Soomaali society, and can be accommodated. -
Wax laga hadlo la waaye, maxee dadna dambi kasbanoyaan in this thread. Nuunka, noo sheegba kutiri kuteenka ninkaas kuu sheegay. Wax extra ah already la ogeyn miyuu kuu sheegay?
Meet new Management of Daallo Airlines
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Suldaanka's topic in General
Jubba Airlines ka faa'ideysan doonto, by marketing it as a purely Soomaali-owned company, I guess. Daalo owners miscalculated by selling it, lacagta yar u muuqato u carfeysee. -
30 sanno kadib oo C/laahi Yuusuf wali Adisababa looga yeerayo
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Dhubad.'s topic in Politics
Magacaas madaxweyne ku sheeg ee Soomaaliyeed uu sheeganaayo ayuu heybadda ka qaaday. -
Qofta Reer Jabuuti ahayd caawa ordeysay yaa arkaaye in the 100 metre heat. Wiiw. The sister did try her best, laakiin meel wax murqo waa weyn oo wada kuus kuusan inay u dhawaan karto iska dhaafee... She even received a yellow card for a false start. Farxiyo Cali Buraale was her name.
Kuusha, ma nooleed? Intee ka dhacdayna, and how is iskoolkii? I hope in uu madaxa kaa qabsan, oo aad iska dhicineysid, iskooleey baranbaro fiimtooy maku dhihi kariyee. Shabaabkaana markaa maqlo ereygaan Dubai airport soo xasuusanaa anoo joogo back in 2003. Ha isoo xasuusin, Eebboow.
Strangeness and the Strangers; random thoughts
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to xiinfaniin's topic in General
Dhaqanka meesha ku xirantahay, ha ahaadaan Muslim mise non-Muslimee. One of the few aspects of Galbeedka's way of life is ixtiraamka nolol bulshadeedkooda. Like lining-up, following the line, respecting others in public, ixtiraamka, kala dambeynta iyo waxaas camal. Muslims ka koow ugu eg, though, ixtiraam la'aantaan of social disorders. Shiineeska Olombikada hadda lagu qabanaayo wararkooda ka aqrinaaye a few weeks ago that they banned jidka candhuufta iyo xaaqada lagu tufaayo, which dadka xaga dego caadi la ahayd, in order not to offend some sensibilities of those who are visiting. -
Meel ma gaarayaan ee iska dhaafa. Who is gonna bet who faaska la dagi doonto soon, banaanka loo bixin doono, though?
Originally posted by qundur: Asc wr wbt Masjid ma ahayn mesha la bam gareeyay horta waa meel Ah Mawlac yar Goormay takfiir gaadheen inay furtaan Masjid Wadaadka war bixinta soo qoray Si buu u bun buuniyay nimankaas Dadka Islaamka ah Gaalaysa waligood ba madax mataagaan haday so taagaan wa la baabi'iyaa ilaa iyo samankii saxabada Nimankaas ninka dilay wuuba ku janno tagi wuu Liibaanay NInka iyaga dila ama ay Dilaan ayuu ahaa xadith nabiga laga waryiy Macnihiisa Tir tir ilaahayow Baraka beelooyinka Adaaba ka dartay iyaga camal see u dhaqmaan u qoraal eg. Dalkeena noqday dal qof walba iyo koox walba iska imaaneyso, mundul iyo waab walba ay doonaan ka furanaayo. Irid iska balaqan, indeed. Dariiqyadii qaadiriya, saalixiya iyo axmediya aaba nagu badnaa, haddana waxaan oo dhan. Taloow reer dariiqyo intee ku dambeeyeen.
Man stabbed, beheaded on Greyhound bus
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Aaliyyah's topic in General
A man accused of beheading his girlfriend after stabbing her to death is in a critical condition after being shot by police, officials on the Greek island of Santorini said Witnesses said the 31-year-old had been walking around with the severed head when police tried to arrest him, sparking a car chase. The man was apparently shot five times but still managed to run over two women doctors who were on a motorcycle before he was caught, police said. The suspect, Athanassios Arvanitis, a cook at a local restaurant, has been undergoing surgery at a hospital on the Greek island, said Chrysanthos Roussos, head of the Santorini district on the island. Neighbours said that, following a heated argument, Arvanitis beheaded his girlfriend's dog with a butcher knife, then killed and beheaded the woman. The victim, 25-year-old Adamantia Karkali, worked as a teacher at a local village, Angelos Roussos, the mayor of Thira, the island's main town, was quoted as saying by TV station Antenna. Initially, Arvanitis roamed the village of Vourvoulos exhibiting the woman's head, neighbours said. Townspeople said they locked themselves in their homes and called the police. When a policeman tried to handcuff him, the suspect knifed the officer and flung the victim's head into a patrol car, Mr Roussos said. The policeman was only slightly injured. Arvanitis then made off in a second patrol car and ran over the motorcycle before he was caught. One of the two doctors reportedly suffered multiple fractures. The other was uninjured. As the police fired at Arvanitis to stop him, a stray bullet hit a woman bystander, injuring her slightly, police said. The case represents one of the most gruesome in Greece in recent years. Xigasho -
And what does this thread have to do with this part of section? Will be moved to General section.
Bosaso and Garowe in Pictures
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to K15's topic in Developement | Projects
And what does this thread have to do with this part of section? Will be moved to General section. -
I hadn't seen much, only some swimming ciyaaro. Seems a bit more than watchable and good to watch, siiba qeybta gabdhaha. Jineestikada iyo orodka dhaqsaha ah (100-400 metres) ka heli jiray, though I hadn't watched any so far. And I don't mind watching beach volleyball, of course women's one.
Weli wuu qaylinayaa ,,,, weli cumaamaduu ruxayaa ,,, colaad buu u yeedhayaa ,,,, This far iyo sida wax loo qoray seems very familiar with qof inta wax ku qore's one. [Hello ,,,,.] Xee sheekada ka hadleysaa, ee sheegeysaa? Yaa aqrin karo oo waqti u haayo qoraalkaas.