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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Ma qoslooyi, duqa. It is dhoolacaddeyn lee. ______________ "Waxaan garan karnaa ujeedada Mukhtaar Rooboow, wuxuu wado diin ma'aha, ma qaadan karno Jihaad aan ka jirin Bay iyo Bakool oo lagu barakicinaa qaxootiga maskiintaa ee Galgaduud, sida la ogyahay adeer hore ayuu noloshii ugu diiday, hadana colaad ayuu ka dul furay, Waxaan ugu baaqeeynaa ninkaas inuu ka baxo dhulka *****, haduu iska dhega tiro,waxaanu nahay reer la yiraa *****, hadaan ilaaheey laga waayin, waan iska celineynaa," ayuu yiri Nabadoon Ahmed Diiriye Cali. Ahmed Diiriye wuxuu wax laga xishoodo,oo Islaamnimada ka baxsan ku sifeeyay in rag aan u dhalan ***** oo isugu jira *****, ***** iyo ***** maalin walba gumaadaan Haweenka iyo Caruurta *****. "Beelweynta ***** waa inay taageertaa shirkii Jabuuti lagu gaaray,waa inay u midoowdo sidii la isaga celin lahaa cadawga horarkaa ee Mukhtaar Rooboow ka mid yahay, waana naga dhamaaday dulqaadkii," ayuu si caro leh u yiri Afhayeenka ******. Ahmed Diiriye Cali wuxuu sheegay in Abuu Maansuur yahay nin cadaawad u qabo *****,wuxuuna caqli yari ku sheegay inuu maalin walbo bartilmaameedsado Culumadda, Waxgaradka iyo rayidka *****. "War ***** waxaad isweydiisaan xagee maanta xabada ka socotaa, Somaliland waa nabad, Puntland waa nabad, Jubooyinka waa nabad, Bay iyo Bakool waa nabad,maxaa..." ayuu Diiriye caro ku yiri. Waxaas run miyaa, saas muu ku hadlay ninkaas "nabadoonka" la baxay? Waaw.
  2. He was on Aljasiira's Talk to Aljasiira program the other day and today. Asagoo lahaa maqlaaye meel walba ayaa si sharaf leh ugu tagi karaa oo anoo xor u leh. I guess wuuba isku aaminsanyahay waxaas.
  3. Can you make canjeero, Daa'uud Waraaqloow? Or what about malawax? She is a good for a non-Soomaali. Ninkeeda wax badan ayuu baray. I have to say the way Soomaali bariis loo kariyo is one of the best, if not the best. Foreigners can attest to that, iyagaaba laga marin meel once they discover our version of bariis.
  4. I used to believe the first-born January people that qurbaha imaaday a bit exaggerated. Sure, they were a few here and there, but not that many. That is until I had seen online a published suspected criminals, many of them young Soomaalis from an American county. God, more than half of them were born first Janaayo. Some as young as who were said to be born in 1984/5.
  5. Poet, tufaaxa iyo liimada balbeelmada kala saar. Soomaalis are fighting among themselves, a useless prolonged civil war that is. Reer Falastiin are not. If Xamaas iyo Fataax ahayd dagaalka, then that would be the case, but it is not. It is not even about Muslinimo or Islaanimo, but caddaalad, xaq iyo sinnaan. Waxa ka dhacaayo Falastiin qof bini'aaden oo damiir leh uma dulqaadan karo, qofkuu yahay ama diintuu rabo ha heystee.
  6. Xulka Soomaaliya sidii hore ma'aha, oo wey isbadaleen. The whole organization changed. Kasoo biloow kuwa u ciyaaro ilaa tababaraha wada isbadalay habkooda. A lot of qurbo-based players u safto the team the last year or so. Some of them are Reer Koronto. Hopefully the rest ayee beat gareynaayaan, if not to tie with them. They are still a team in progress and changing. Mahadsanid for sharing with us warkaan, Garaad.
  7. They have taken over South B/C where they are living in gated community as shown on below pics. I went there Feb 2008 and I was taken aback to see the mount of money being exchanged, they are doing very well. Dhubadoow, Soomaalida wey degnaan jirtay xaafadaas back in '90s, with those same gated houses. I think even masaajidkaas wuu ku yaali jiray. Hal mar ayaa tagay xiligaas, don't know with one it was, probably South C. Guryaha sidooda u egyihiin, inkasoto la cusbooneysiiye. This time wey gateen guryahaas u maleynaa, waala tujaaray dheh. Other gated houses degnaayeen was Nairobi Dam iyo Southland in Langata, which our family lived back then. The other booming sector is housing and hotels, everywhere you look there is a new hotel being built (by the Somalis) the demand outweighs the supply, its hard to get a room after 9 pm. Maxee kuugu taalaa hee, as the prosperity went up, so was sabuubnimada. Inequality widened very much. Waagii hore dadka soo wada qaxay waa wada simanayeen oo dad iska ladan u badnaayeen. But now Nayroobi some got uber-rich, some went way down, ciyaal jokoro ah iyo gabdho Soomaaliyeed jirkooda ka ganacsanaayo iyo hooyo iyo cunugeeda qashinka cunaayo ayaa ku arkeysaa Islii. It is very sad to witness that. Waxaas laguma arki jirin back in '90s. _______________ About the subject, of course nabad la'aan meelna horumar ma gaareyso, still laakiin dhaqaalaha Soomaalida ku spend gareynayaan between those two cities, while our cities back home need them really -- it is just sad. Those two nations saan ayaa faa'ido ugu jirto, I think.
  8. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: ^^^ Mr Miskiin : Tacsida noo taala maalin dhow waanu ka kici doonaa, ee adigu weli miyaad ku fakartay inaad xooga doolar ah ugu sadaqaysid hayadaha samafalka ah-- oo waa dhow-- si aan caadi ahayn, uga shaqa-gali doona Baidoa iyo cariga la siman. Hadaadan wali waxba aadan donate-garayn, bal halkaan riix oo xogaa nimanka u tuur! Lord knows, howl aan caadi ahayn ayaa kusoo fool-leh, ee ina-adeerow haka bakhiilin arintaan! Wabilahi Tawfiiq dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California Hayeba. Laakiinse inkaarta iyo habaarka beeraleyda waxba galabsan aad u saadaalineysid adiga lee yee kugu soo noqon, oo Kalifoorniya kugu imaan iyadoo dab ah meeshaas dabkeedaba badanee these days.
  9. Duqa waa iska kaa dhiboyaa, inkastoo naga bad badisay shabakadaas, ee meesha kasii wad dadaalkaaga. Teeda kale qof Afsoomaaligaaga daba galaayo oo ereyadiisa iyo naxwihiisa cusub ka helaa tahay. Dad yar inta ku jiro saas ah, oo Nuune kamid ah iyo aniga. Marka nagu soo biir dhiig cusub waa u baahneen.
  10. Abwaan, hala yaabin dadka qaarkood, duqa. Tacsi iyo ciil ayaa waxaas ka keentee. Their mind ma joogo, time sii tacsida ugu baxaan. Forty days mee ahayd asaayda?
  11. Taariikhdu markay ahayd 46 CH (Ciise Hortii) ayuu Boqorkii Rooma ee Julius Caesar (Juuliyas Qaysar) markii ugu horraysay 1da Jannaayo ka dhigay Maalinta Sanadka Cusub. Janus (oo ay ku magac darsan tahay bisha Jannaayo) wuxuu ahaa ilaaha Roomaanka ee albaabbada iyo ganjeellooyinka, lahaana labo weji oo midna uu gadaal eegayo midna horay. Qaysar wuxuu is tusay in bisha loogu magac daray ilaahaas in ay tahay midda ku habboon in ay noqoto “albaabka” laga galo sanadka. Cawaaniintii Rooma waxay sanadka cusub ku calaamadayn jireen khamri cabbid iyo faaxishooyin kale oo rabshado wata oo tiro badan si ay ugala mid dhigaan sidii uu adduunku u kharribna intii aanay ilaahyadu isku duwin. Dad badan "happy new year" ku qafiifay u baahan taas inay ogaadaan. Sabab loogu dabaaldego waaba la yaabanahay. Waa maalin kale lee, waliba qaboob badan. Haye, adigana xayirsiinta shabakadaada intee mareysaa? Meel heersare dheh.
  12. The "Soomaali Republic" jeebka maa lagu wataa mise boorsada, oo meeshii boorsada lagu furo ka noqonee miyaa? Waxaasaa wareer la dhahaa.
  13. Originally posted by Xaq: this is embarrassing. i can imagine the tigres sitting in their office laughing and shaking their heads, saying "these somalis are so easy". Of course. It says and reflects much about us average Soomaalis than that single qabqable. Wuu u qalmaa kaas iyo wixii lamid ah waxaan iyo wax ka daran lool dhaqmo, laakiin Xabashi inay a Soomaali man saas yeesho -- and he is a Soomaali dalkiisa u dhashay after all -- uma qalanto, he is Soomaali and Soomaalis should deal with him and his ilk, not Xabashis.
  14. I think if the conditions they found in Nairobi and Dubai were available in somalia, somali business men/women would instantly relocate them selves back home. A business man/woman regardless of nationality has single thing in mind and that is were his/her business can prosper and international boundaries mean nothing to them in most cases. I know, still laakiin what is spent in leisure and business-wise in those two cities by Soomaalis mind-boggling. Awdhubad, adigaa Nayroobi noogu dambeysee ka waran meesha? Ar Gaarisa Looj yaa xasuusto, back in '90s. I don't think Hindidaas inay si fudud ku baxayaan, though. Ar maxee kibir badnaayeen oo Keenyaatiga u hanjabi jireen. Taas la yaabi jiray. Xataa afkooda Sawaaxiliga inay kula hadlaan ma u quuri jirin, Ingiriis kula hadli jireen. Shuud. Ka waran in contrast the few that used to live in Xamar, mostly Bakistaanis iyo sidee masaakiin u ahayeen. I always wondered how come almost all iyaga lee wada lahaa dukaamadaas. It probably dates from racist colonial policies, still inay wali ganacsiga dhan iyaga wada lahaadaan ma'aha. The few here and there left oo iska yar yaraa Kuukaayada [Kiikuuyada] lahaa.
  15. Originally posted by Abdinasir Kadawo: quote:Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Maleeshiyaad-ka *********** oo intooda badani ay qaab dhuumaalaysiya kaga baxeen Muqdisho ayaa la filayaa inta hadhayna in la mariyo oo laga dhoofiyo dhinaca Badda, inkasta oo ciidamada Ethiopia .... Admin and moderators, what is the point of banning clan names, when the technique used above is as good as naming the whole clan name? I thought the censorship bot took care of it. You've got a point. Let me edit the rest.
  16. Marxuumka qoyskiisa iyo reerkiisaba samir iyo iimaan, asagana Eebba ha u dambi dhaafo una naxariiso -- aamiin, aamiin.
  17. I always wondered if a quarter of dollars Soomaalis spend on those above-mentioned cities, if only that quarter ku spend gareyn lahayeen in our country, it would have made a tremendous difference to those who live in our country. Almost everyone who goes to Soomaaliya, and those are few of the many, pass those two cities. The rest stay put and remain in those two cities, and spending their "tourist" dollars, not to mention the millions business-transactions that are exchanged there weekly. A hard cash Soomaaliya desperately needs. If only we were as savvy and compromising in politcs as we are in business. ________________ Roads are a mess, but memories of good times linger Once a preserve of elite Africans and Asians, Eastleigh now looks like a Somali city Razia Abdulhaq has watched with dismay as the serene, well-laid out neighbourhood of her childhood has disintegrated into a chaotic estate where trees are largely a thing of the past. “Things are just not the same any more. It seems like this is another place. We don’t have roads any more. Buildings come up with each rising sun. I think this is the only place that one cannot distinguish where the road ends and where the pavement begins,” said Ms Razia, 49, who has never lived outside Eastleigh. According to Nairobi City Council records, Eastleigh acquired its name in 1921 when it was made a township by the colonial government. Under the colonial master plan that segregated the population according to race, the estate was earmarked for Asians and elite Africans who were clerks, builders or shoemakers. As you approach Eastleigh from Kariakor, past the Starehe Boys’ Centre on General Waruinge Road, the tarmac gives way to large potholes that have eaten into the once smooth roads that would empty by late evening, and the only sounds to be heard were the muezzins’ calls to evening prayers. Radio station “You would not go out of your house after 7 p.m. There was nothing to do back then,” said Mohamud Abdullahi Sheikh, a businessman who runs a radio station that broadcasts in Somali. “Shops and kiosks were closed, but now even at 3 a.m. it is business as usual; the official banking hours in this part of the city extend to 8.p.m.” Mr Sheikh also misses the old neighbourhoods with paved roads and tree-lined streets well-lit with security lights. Extensive grasslands surrounding the area prevented dust from getting into houses. Today, the only vegetation visible are trees planted during one of the city council’s sporadic attempts at beautification efforts. Now a thin layer of dust from never-ending construction projects covers everything; the only time it does not is during the rainy season when the dust turns to mud, and waterlogged sewers burst, pouring effluent into the streets. “It is not about having a home here any more. Everything has become business. Everyone who comes to Eastleigh comes on business,” Mr Sheikh said in his fourth floor office in Eastleigh Mall. The multi-storey mall houses Star FM, numerous electronic and furniture shops and restaurants. There is a mosque on the top floor. A decade ago A decade ago, the plot occupied by Eastleigh Mall was a garage belonging to the Kenya Bus Service. The conversion of empty plots into multi-storeyed buildings has become a permanent feature of the area. “Eventually we will not have any open spaces, and all buildings will be business premises. Residential houses might soon disappear,” said Sylvanos Asanga. The tearing down of buildings by developers may be erasing the memories of the area’s past but, of greater concern to remaining residents, is the growing pressure on limited available housing caused by the steady influx of Kenyan Somalis from the northern part of the country into the estate. Ms Razia said that businessmen often buy up entire residential plots, pull the buildings down and put up shopping malls whose popularity was fanned by the famous Garissa Lodge of the late 1980s. That building, which has survived two major fires, is today dwarfed by newer malls. Although residents may recall quiet, orderly streets, Eastleigh estate has for a long time been associated with all sorts of shady businesses from illegal trade to smuggling to drug and human trafficking. Get addicted “Only a few people dare to venture into Eastleigh. Those who do get addicted to it and in most cases never find the strength to leave,” said Moses Makona, who spent most of his childhood in neighbouring Pumwani. “Even the lucky ones who manage to move out of the area leave a part of themselves behind; they never forget the place.” Unlike the deteriorating social infrastructure, business in Eastleigh estate is booming. Minutes of meetings of the city council’s town planning department obtained by the Sunday Nation point to a burgeoning population as well as the failure to implement government policies to improve the area. “Eastleigh should not have all these problems. The city council planning department has always had master plans for the area from as far back as the 1980s. But they either take too long to implement or are never implemented,” said John Barreh, the council’s assistant director of planning. Among the problems Eastleigh residents have is the sewerage system. Recent maintenance work by the Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company revealed that most drainage outlets had been blocked by plastic bags and water bottles making it hard for the already burdened system to function. “Here manholes have no covers so they offer a convenient location for people to dump their garbage,” said Mr Makona. High-rise complexes dealing in everything from clothing and perfume to new and retread tyres dominate the skyline of the city within a city. The modern malls border alleys that have been converted into miraa kiosks and hawkers’ stands. “They say one can get anything in Eastleigh,” Ms Razia said. “People say if you look hard enough — and for the right price — you can even buy a human heart.” In Eastleigh it is said you can buy a gun and ammunition wrapped up like a package of meat from the butcher. According to Mr Asanga, the apparent ease with which firearms can be obtained has contributed significantly to the rise of crime in the area and beyond. “Anyone can get a gun. It all depends on how urgently you need it,” he said. “The shorter the notice to the dealer the more expensive the cost. These days people are robbed at gunpoint by children barely out of their teens.” Like many other estates in the city, Eastleigh has its fair share of urban legends. In the early 1990s, a story went round that there was a band of robbers who went by the name of 42 Brothers. “The 42 Brothers were ruthless in their operations and mostly travelled in groups of 10 or more. They did not bother to hide their guns once they ventured out for an operation,” Mr Asanga said. “It was a dangerous time, but they never killed anyone over a wallet or a handbag. They’d just take it from you and walk away,” Star FM’s Mr Sheikh said. The popularity of the area with both Kenyan Somalis and those from Somalia has grown so much over the years that Somali MPs in town for peace conferences prefer to stay at hotels in the estate. “(Kenyan) Somalis started coming to these areas in the early 1980s in search of business opportunities. Since they like living close to each other, they kept pouring in,” said Mr Sheikh. “Eventually they formed investment groups and began buying or leasing land to set up their own businesses.” The city planning department estimates there are more than 100,000 Kenyan Somalis in the area. “They have bought almost everything in the area. We now feel like minorities,” Ms Razia said. “They buy whole plots and put up apartments for themselves. When they don’t buy, they rent premises at high prices for periods of up to one year, forcing the rest of us out.” Daily Nation
  18. Originally posted by Malika: ^Are the so called Puntland forces not Somali Forces?? You make them sound as if they are from a neighbouring country or miyaad ujeeda in terms of clan lineage? Ma yaabtay? Dadka qaarkood isma arkaan heer ee qabyaalad ka gaartay. Even the madaxweyne ku sheega that was forced to resign claimed to be "happy" to be back in his "country" and among his "people" when he landed in Garoowe. I guess the Baydhabo he resided the last few years and flew from a mere hours earlier wasn't in his "country." Haba sheegin even Filla Soomaaliya he so much loved in Xamar.
  19. Goodness. Wali baroordiiqii ma socdaa? Wali tacsida ma socotaa? Wali asaaydii si fiican ma loo saartay? Gracious. Dowlad ku sheeg ayee ahayd awal, walina tahay. Dadka qaarkood I don't know inay fiyoowyihiin or something.
  20. Switzerland ayaa iloowdeen. Of all nations, of all people, Switzerland??!!?? Jabaan iyo Jarmalka ayaa la yaabanaa, who do not even have "official" army, save "defensive" ones, sending navies, but Switzerland again? Darn it. Since when ayba navy qabaan horta waabaa yaabee. And when was the last time this nation fought in a war?