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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Somebody is lacerating and was rattled from his cuckoo nest, bedazzled. That brief responding post of mine was the equivalent of firing a pistol. Imagine mid u dhiganto a hoobiye or shilke. Taloow maxaa la sameyn lahaa? I guess somebody would've fallen from his nest bilaa hoosgundi la'aan oo wax xishood ah ma reeban lahayn. Originally posted by Ducaysane: If someone else would insult Maskiin Macruuf like duke did, He would ban in a second. but Duke ma taaban karo. Fear not my good friend. Insults iyo aflagaadada are welkam from my side, uma arki wax weyn ka ahayn some rattled individual's last grasp to make a pointless post. It is a child-like behaviour and children are sometimes, after all, allowed to behave like children, including airing their petulant, insult-laden frustrations. Adults are not. The expectations are much higher. Big difference. PS -- I don't ban people, never did.
  2. Copy and paste the pictures' links. Right-click them and copy and paste into browser.
  3. Nala share gareey, duqa. Soo daa ku iri sheekooyinka, siiba dadkeena xabsi waligood arkin.
  4. more than 60% of somalis had no education before and now alxamdulilah almost every somali who is not in Somalia is educated and understand meaning of life alot better. Intee ka keentay this figure? Waxbarasho ma'aha having rudimentary reading iyo writing skills. Kuwa simple diplomas heysto oo at the same time ignorant ah ayaa jiro, who cannot write a simple, structured sentence, mid wax aqrin karina street smart qualities leh jiro. It is not all black and white. Qof Soomaali wax bartay oo dadkiisa iyo dalkiisa u tareynin ugu jirin niyadiisa -- qof qorshaha ugu jirin in uu wax u qabto dalkiisa baaba'san waa qof fikirkiisa iska gaabanyahay. And if Kanada dan ka leedahay "citizenshipka" ama dadkiina mooday inay balaayo tahay, just look at Bashiir Makhtal's sad, unfortunate case. That poor, innocent brother dal u gurmado jirin, Xabashidana torturing him maalin walba. And he is "Canadian."
  5. Ninyaaban, bal nukliyeer iyo haraadkiisa dagaal hanoo dambeeyee, maa noogu sheekeysid xabsiga aad experience kusoo qaadatay. Suu ahaa? Ma minimum ayuu ahaa? Noogu waran, anything interesting kusoo aragtay kusoo dar xabsigaas.
  6. There is a 'senior nomad?' Maanta ii koow ah aan arko. Since when la sameeye this?
  7. Originally posted by LT-QA: I think most of us live by pascals gambit, we cannot logically prove that god exists, but probability wise, we have less to lose from just believing than not believing in god. I think that's how I've been reasoning for a long time, but that is a flawed reason, and it suggests that god is petty god that rewards hypocrisy and not genuine goodness. Naftaada ayaa u been sheegeysaa and not to Eebbe. "Believing" while not really believing in the true faith -- Rabigagagaa wuula socdaa beenta nafsadaada u sheegeysid. Faith is not about calculations and one's limited rational reasons. It is not either about taking chances and drawing lots. You either fully believe in it or waaka socon kartaa. So all those rituals oo dadka lagu tusinaayo and at the same time not sure about how true one believes in, to me, is a waste of time and crime against one's true self.
  8. A very relevant news article from Globe and Mail published yesterday. Somali-born doctor Cadigia Ali has carved out a successful new life here as a community volunteer, public servant and now aspiring politician, but is living proof of the findings of a new report released Wednesday on the low presence of visible minorities in leadership posts in the Toronto area. Ms. Ali, 59, a live-wire personality who arrived here with her family in 1991, learned a harsh lesson when she plunged into local politics in 2006 and tried to pull off the unlikely feat, for anyone, of knocking off an incumbent city councillor. At the door, she recalls, some voters told her “ you guys just came here and you want to get to the top ” while others taunted “ you guys are better off on welfare .” But she was thrilled to win support and votes from others, turning in a second-place finish that only stoked her desire to run again in north Etobicoke in 2010. Wednesday's report by the Maytree Foundation and the Toronto City Summit Alliance, based on research by Ryerson University, is the first “snapshot” from a three-year study to measure the diversity of top leaders in the region. “Diversecity Counts,” which relied on publicly available data, found visible minorities account for only 13 per cent of 3,257 leaders identified in Toronto, Mississauga, Brampton, Markham and Richmond Hill – which collectively make up 72.5 per cent of the region's population, of which 49.5 per cent are newcomers. Across the whole region, minorities are 40 per cent of the population. The education sector was the most diverse, with minorities holding 20 per cent of top posts in schools, colleges and universities. The corporate sector was the least diverse, with minorities making up only five per cent of the most senior executives and three per cent of board directors. Toronto businessman Bahadur Madhani, chairman of the YMCA of Greater Toronto and former head of the board for the United Way of Greater Toronto, said he has seen progress for minorities on business boards since he arrived here in 1982. “But the progress is not keeping pace with the demographic changes that are going on,” he warned. “There are people like me who have been in senior positions in the not-for-profit sector that cannot get a foot in the door in the corporate sector.” Among elected officials in Toronto and four suburban municipalities in the study, minorities accounted for 16 per cent school trustees, municipal councillors, provincial and federal politicians. Among Toronto and Ontario agencies, boards and commissions, minorities accounted for 19 per cent of the total, compared to 8 per cent among municipal and regional government officials and their bureaucratic counterparts in regional police services and the province. In the volunteer sector, 14 per cent of board members were from diverse communities compared to eight per cent of non-profit agency heads. Researchers caution against assuming either a single cause or cure for the problem. “It is complex,” warned one of the lead researchers, Wendy Cukier, associate director of the Diversity Institute at Ryerson University. “The bigger issue is not overt racism or discrimination, the bigger issue is systemic discrimination – the practices and policies and the approaches we use to recruit and promote people that are invisible.” Informal networks and traditional hiring, she said, “are not intentionally exclusionary, but, in effect, exclude people.” Globe & Mail
  9. Soomaali ayaan ahay, waana ahaanaa intaa ka tagaayo ifkaan. My allegiance rests solely in Soomaaliya. Inta kale waa been iyo kumeel gaar. Baasaboorkaan Reer Kanada ah i siiyeena waa iska xaanshi oo meel lagu maro, dareen iyo qiiro midna ma iga galin. Waana kumeel gaar asagana. Wey ku mahadsanyihiin dowladda Kanada, laakiin iyagaba wey ogyihiin inaa waligey qaxooti ka ahaanaayo xagooda. Waa kaas meeqo baasaboorkaan heysato oo asalkooda qaxooti ahaa, qaarkoodna inta ku dhashay, haddana ku rafaadsan dunida gees ka gees. Kiiska Abuusufyaan C/risaaq kamid ah. See ula dhaqmeen maskiinkaas Reer Suudaan ah oo Canadian ismooday. Waa kaasna cunugaas ee dhalinta ahaa ee Cumar Khadar ku dhibaateysan sanadooyin xabsigaas Kuuba ku yaalo ee Guantanamo Bay. Waa kaas Max'ed Cabdille Warsame oo lagu ku xiran xabsi ku yaalo Minnesota. Sidii loo ciqaabaaye ayuu maskax beelay, wax walbana iska ogaaladay. Baasaboorkaan yuu idin sirin. Once a qaxooti always a qaxooti.
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: ABWAN & MMA the two arch fake nationalists in SOL, one till this day supports Gen Aydeed’s genocidal policies and clan induced madness that has killed or maimed millions of Somali’s. The other is in deep love with the illiterate Sharif Xasan who orchestrated the selling of the sea to Kenya. Now are we to take lessons in patriotisam from such individuals? Also Yusuf has retired, the problem for ABWAN & MMA is not an individual but a whole population and regions, Puntland is 1/3 of Somalia, prosperous and thriving and before Yusuf there were Kings and Kingmakers and after Yusuf there is the state of Puntland, its leaders and its central role in the progress of the Somali race. Now Faroole is here and compare him to Shiekh Hotel, Sharif Xarif Sakin? Waxaan maa kaa daacad ah horta? I always ignored your frivolous, repetitive accusations of postings about Shariif Xasan. Do you like to type his name, especially in bold, once in a blue moon? Is it a sort of ritual therapy for you, that is typing his name occasionally on SOL? Laakiin what does he has to do with me? Supporting him? Since when? Ninkaas hadduu wax kaa galabsaday raadso, oo aniga ha igu quuqleen. Shariif Xasan, walaa Shariif Xuseen oo aad eed u qabtid, raadso dadkaas, not to calaacal to me. Then again qof macquul ayaa wax loo sheegaa; ignoring those accusations maalin walba lasoo shirtagtid emboldened your accusations miyaa.
  11. Howlgalo ay sameeyeen Ciidamada Amaanka Maamulka Islaamiga ah ee Kismaayo oo ay ku soo qabqabteen alaabo bagaash ah oo ay ku sawirnaayee waxyaabo ay san diinta Islaamka ogaleen Howlgaladaam oo ay sameeyeen ciidamada amaanka maamulka Islaamiga ah ee magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxa ay ku soo qabqabteen alaabo bagash ah oo ay ku sawiranyihiin waxyaabo aysan ogaleen diinta Islaamka oo ay kamid ahaayeen naago qaaqaawan. Howlgaladaan oo ay ciidamada maamulka Islaamiga ah ee Kismaayo ayaa waxa ay bilaabeen abaarihii 10:00am ee saaka ayaa waxa ay ciidamadu kusoo qab,qabteen allaabta ay ku sawiranyihiin naago qaaqaawan, waxan ciidamada u suurta gashay inay gacanta ku soo dhigaan 160 allaab ah oo isuga jira tooshash iyo waxyaabo kale. Alaabtaan ayaa waxa ay waraka sheegayan inay ka yimaadeen oo ay kasoo dageen marsada caalamiga ah ee Kismaayo kadibna waxa ka war helay ciidsamada amaanka ee kismaayo taasooo ay u suuro gashay inay gacanta ku soo dheegaan Qaar kamid ah alaabtii soo gashay gudaha magaalda Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka Jubbada Hoose. Waxaana marka ay ciidamada amaanka Kismaayo fulinayeen howlgalada horkacaayay madaxa amniga gobalka Jubbada Hoose Sh. C/raxmaan Fiiloow iyo mas’uulyiin kale ayaa waxa lagu arkaayay iyagoo sameenayo baaritaan xoog badan oo ay ku soo qabqabanayaan allaabta la sheegay inay timid magaalada Kismaayo. Madaxa Guud ee Amniga maamulka Islaamiga ah ee magaalda Kismaayo Sh. C/raxmaan Fiiloow oo maanta la hadlaayay idaacad maxali ah oo ku taalo gudaha magaalda Kismaayo ayaa waxa uu sheegay inay jiraan alaabtasi isla markaasina ay soo qabqabteen qaar kamid ah alaab la sheegay inay soo gashay gudaha magaalda Kismaayo waana alaab aan u fiicneen dadka muslimka ah oo ay san shareecada Islaamka ogaleeen,’’ ayuu yiri madaxa amniga guud ee maamulka Islaamiga ah ee Kismaayo. Xigasho Taloow maxee dadka iska shaqeysanaayo kasoo aruuriyeen? Naag jilbaabka ee aaminsanyihiin versionkiisa wadan haddee ku sawirneen waa xaaraan in la iibiyo waxaas ama waa qaawantahay naagtaas. I think xagjirka ugu mayalka adag waxee iskugu tageen Kismaayo. Hala arko meeshee gaaraan again.
  12. Finally a Soomaali president with a presidential-looking office. Protocols qof yaqaano ayaa u design gareeye. Very neat and uncluttered presidential office. I like it.
  13. Ee aniga I never said I was a fashion stylist nooh. You registered back in '06 and you only have four posts? LoL. Eniwey, belated welkam.
  14. Originally posted by Dhubad.: quote:Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar: Dhubad, isbishaal jihaad ku qaad kuwaas. Your hometown ayee ku amartaagleynoyaan. Jameecadii Baardheere aawey yaaqeey, wax ka nool ma joogaan miyaa. MMA wax jihaad lagu qaado way istaahilaan kuwaan. I have always said that these Al-shabaab guys have some Takfiiri elements in them, it looks like they are provoking the people of Baardhere to take up arms and fight them. Since they have been in Baardhere they have introduced some strict rules: 1 - No Qat in the town 2 - Closing shops during the prayer times 3 – Flogging people in the streets during the prayer times 4 - Destroying graves 5 - No Mowliid 6 - And now banning sports of all kind They have done all these in a manor of months what is the rush ? why can't they educate people and take it slowly? Soomaali dhan, safe a few misguided boys, ayaa ku sanifsan saansaanka ee ku socdaan. Laakiin meel ma gaarayaan, believe me. Meelna.
  15. Awright, Ms. Unique, no problem. Let us see your portfolio first, hokey?
  16. C/LLAAHI TEG SOONA NOQON MAAYO! <------Get the Message. Codbaahiye qaado ee ku celceli, Abwaanoow. Tag, tagay, tagyey. Hala barooro ama wax kale ha lagu marmarsiyoodo. His notorious, unparalleled record in Soomaali history will never change, however alleged bad policies Shariifka is said to have made.
  17. Widaayoow Awtuujiye, mee sheegaasa? Doogaaga duleel iyo warsheeba ma goroda.
  18. Originally posted by Adam-Zayla: Hi Somalia, welcome to the forum. Aawey? A little fashion style ah u baahantahay inta iyo xaga ah u sheegi lahaayee.
  19. Ma'ogi Gabeyre's military rank, laakiin some have said he was Brig. General, while others dhihi jireen Major General. Afsoomaalina amaa lagu dhihi jiray Sareeyeguute, though its military equivalent is General. Sawirkaas in uu ku jiro iyo in kale ma'ogi. On a related note. On the historical image below, you can see both the military and civilian leaders (the future leaders) oo training Talyaaniga u aaday. Besides the named ones, sawirka waxaa also ka muuqdo C/rashiid Cali Sharmaarke, Salaad Gabeyre Kediye, founders of SYL oo aan ka recognize gareyn karo Daahir Xaaji Cismaan [Dhagaweyne) iyo dad kale gadaal kasoo shaac bixi doono.
  20. Shilimaanta qeybteeda waa bixinaa as long as Isgoyska Bakaaraha oo xaafadeena ku taalay lagu dayactiraayo iyo sidiisa hore lagu soo celinaayo. It had two jardiino with its beautiful flowers and flowery shrubs on both sides, which already nin iska dhistay qeyb ka mid ah. Jidka kale gurigeena hormaraayana haddii lagu dayactiraayo waxba kama qabo. Each one xaafadiisa/xaafadeed a ha u qaaraamo/qaaraanto.
  21. Waxmagarato ayaa ka cararto afkooda hooyo iyo aabo, iyo waxee dhaleen waxmagaratadaas. Barbaarta waa lagu tarbiyaa, sida qowmiyadaha kale u bareen dhalintooda afkee ku hadlaan. Dad daciif ah nagu dhex jiro oo afkooda ku kalsooneen.
  22. With Jamaal C/naasir With the Xabashi Emperor, Xeylasalaase [At the back, in military dress, is Xuseen Kulmiye Afrax (Eebba ha u naxariisto).] With Jomo Kenyatta, the former Kenyan president With former Ghanaian president and pan-African leader, Kwame Nkrumah With Marxuum C/rashiid
  23. More images of Md. Marxuum Aaden Cadde. His swearing-in inauguration Easily relaxing at home With Marxuum C/rashiid (Eebbe ha u naxariistee, on his right) and Jamaal C/naasir, former president of Masar {Eebbe ha u dambi dhaafee) Marxuum C/rashiid (Eebba ha u naxariistee) at his right again. The smiles, the happiness. Waayo waayo, waayadee Soomaalida heybad lahayd. On his left, I think, is Max'ed Cawaale Liibaa (Eebba ha u naxariisto), the creator of Soomaali flag. At Cumra in Makka. [The circled face behind him is my old man, who I can easily recognize even as the image being small. We had many pictures of our own like this, some we unfortunately have lost, being a casualty of civil war.]
  24. I think Xuseen Kulmiye Afrax (Eebba ha u naxariistee) was his then personal bodyguard, his Cabdi Madoowe. You can see him standing behind Aaden Cadde on many photos, some not shown on this thread. __________________ Is that C/llaahi Ciise beside him in the car? Ar Eebba hu naxariisto Aaden Cadde iyo C/llaahi Ciisaba.
  25. is one the most melodic national anthems out there, if not the most melodious. And I am not biased. That and the elegant light blue flag -- only marax people would not appreciate it. I never get tired hearing about it.