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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Laakiin sanad walba kuwa cusub soo baxaayo, senators and governors. Bahalkooda ma celin karaan miyaa. Then again, Mareykanka waa dal very contrast ah. Waxyaabahaan camal in some European countries, like Faransiiska iyo Talyaaniga, caadi ayee ka tahay, oo news maba ka aha. One more reason iska guursadaan laba iyo sadex. Wey kasoo horjeedaan this way of life, then again mid walba mistress meel u joogto. Those are high-profile politicians, imagine waxee sameynayaan kuwa agaasimayaasha iyo maareeyaasha ah ee shirkadaha oo xaasas leh, laakiin suuq madoow ku tumanaayo with their mistresses.
  2. Originally posted by Malika: quote:Originally posted by me: I do not see what is wrong in this situation other then that you disagree with those that are bringing justice to those that need it the most. Playing the devil's advocate must have a limit!! This is bloody ridiculous that a child whom is a product of the chaos that is Somalia is today prosecuted in such a harsh manner just BECAUSE he stole what??? And WHERE in OUR Sharia Laws does it permit such an act on a minor? :mad: I am actually physically disgusted,and those whom support such action are imbiciles too... Waxyaabo badan wali maqlin ayaa jirto. Indoctrinating sisters, those sisters who attend their classes in the towns they rule, totally imbued with their ideologies, where they are brainwashed. They are asking them to divorce their "coward" husbands because they do not fight in their "jihaad." You do not also either hear that they call in advance, warning the little clinics (and few hospitals that can be found in the area) of the towns they are going to attack, that they are going to massacre "murtads" and should be ready for the casualties, regardless who is going to die in those towns, innocent or not. Just to make fear into their hearts. These are not my stories. It is by a dhaqtar ka shaqeeyo those deegaano they rule (and ruled) in central Soomaaliya.
  3. I knew he was famous, but did not realize he was this famous. Was watching CNN earlier, the anchors wax yar ugu dhinaa inuu dhareer iyo baroor isku jiro ka imaado, including Larry King.
  4. Tuujiye: xamar itoobiyaan ma joogaan Kashafa: wey imaan doonaan Tuujiye: markaas la dagaalan Kashafa: hadaan sii bilaabayaa Tuujiye: oo shacabka iyo masaakiintaad dhameeni Kashafa: waan ku sii tababaran Tuujiye: isbitaal baan ku geyni waad jirrantahayee Kashafa: bistoolad ayaan dhafoorka kaa saari Tuujiye: iiga bax showga now get outttttt Kashafa: buufkaaga u sheeg Tuujiye: saan maa sheikh ku tahay sheydanayahow la kor dhabay Kashafa: maxaad iigu yeertay Tuujiye: gettt outttt NOW sambacyahow Shoowga kac iyo kud luu ku dhamaadaa yaah. Yaa la isku kaa e-miidaamin hee.
  5. They should have known, laakiin, it is waxbarasho and not 'wax barasho.'
  6. Siyaasad waaye waxaan, duqa. Qofba isku aragti ma noqdo all the time. I still have my hats off for you, albeit your infatuation (for lack of a better word) of Dhalinta. Seriously, though, kuwaas if you knew dadka see u galaan haddaa ogaan lahayd maalin maadan amaanteen. A lot of their victims -- all of them innocent ahaayeen -- Nayroobi kusoo arkay, maba maqli karaan runtii.
  7. LoL. Lambar wan maala raadinoyaa. Ee marka haddee saas tahay, we can also be considered to be #1 as the largest African diaspora. One fact I sometimes wondered was, if a Soomaali commits a crime, the Western media usually mention the Soomaali noun. If it is a Ghanaian or Senegalese, it is 'African.' It is usually like that.
  8. Duqa, I am not denying Xabashi army's presence in our country. Dooloow in Gedo ayee joogaan. Ceelbarde of Bakool ayee ku suganyihiin. Kalabeyrta Hiiraan bee joogaan. Balanbale ka tirsan Galgaduudna wey fadhiyaan. Taasna ma deny gareynooyi. That is a fact, qof deny gareynaayana jirin. Xabashi army conveniently crossed into those deegaano since mid '90s. What I am against, however, is the pure propaganda against Shariif Sh. Axmed requesting Xabashi army. I don't see any news source he is specifically asking Xabashi army. Waligeyba shaqsiyaadka Soomaaliyeed ee siyaasada ku rafanaaye ma raacin, including Shariifka, but blatant been against him and others kasoo horjeedaa. The empty hot wind laga raadinoyaa taas ula jeeday, that Shariif made a plea for them to come back.
  9. Ileen weyn iyo yariisba hadduu jaceyl yar galo isku si wax u qoraan. Waayo, waayo kusoo xasuustay those exchanged emails. Don't know. Those are emails exchanged by Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina and his alleged Argentinian mistress. American governors and their never-ending struggle of keeping their pants up. ________________ From: Mark Sanford To: Maria Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2008 03:09:44 +0000 Dearest, You are glorious and I hope you really understand that. You do not need a therapist to help you figure your place in the world. You are special and unique and fabulous in a whole host of ways that are worth a much longer conversation. To be continued ... Have been having a few email problems as I am getting email through an aircard at the farm, where access to computer world is more than tough. Please let me know if you have gotten my last two eamils (sic) so I know it is working in getting to your part of the world ... Another glorious day outside. Hope you are doing well, and am anxious to hear about your week. Know that I miss you. Unbeleivably (sic) hard to imagine it has been a week. Please also send your mailing address as I want to send you an insignificant something next week when I am back in civilization that I think you might find interesting given our conversation. Want to write an indepth note with some thoughts on our visit when I know you are getting these emails. Hugs and much love. M ------------- From: Maria Sent: Friday, July 04, 2008 4:26 PM To: Mark Sanford Subject: RE: My beloved, (hope you also change the dearest ...) I’am (sic) reading your last two mails sitting outside with a great seaview here in Ilhabela, a beautiful island near Sao Paulo. Have been thinking of you while watching the beautiful blue sea (a) great part of my day and remembering with a great smile on my face, the time we had spent together. As I told you before, you brought happiness and love to my life and (I) will take you forever in my heart. I wasn’t aware till we met last week, the strong feelings I had for you, and believe me, I haven’t felt this since I was in my teen ages, when afterwards I got married. I do love you, I can feel it in my heart, and although I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to meet again this has been the best that has happened to me in a long time You made me realized (sic) how you feel when you realy (sic) love somebody and how much you want to be beside the beloved. Last Friday I would had stayed embrassing (sic) and kissing you forever. Don’t know why you think you bore me with the description of your farm. I am an urban girl but that doesn’t inhibit me from loving other things, specially if they are the ones you love. I was able to imagine the place with every single detail you wrote and had trassmitted (sic) me the love you have for your farm. It sounds to be a great and peaceful place and loved you had shared it with me. Thanks for your beautiful words, I don’t know if I do need or not therapy but I have to find my new place in this new stage of my life. Life has been very generous with me and I want to return at least a little bit of what I have been given. I have time and think helping others who haven’t been as lucky as me will do me fine. My address is ( deleted by The State ). It will be great finding at home once I am back, whatever you send me, I’ll keep it near my bed so as to feel you nearer. Miss you so much... love you from the deepest of my heart. Sweet kisses. More
  10. And someone dares to accuse others being in 'denial' now. 'Motivational prank' indeed. How fitting in this title of the other thread now, initiated by the same member in 180 degree change of principle. Xabashi kaariyaashooda ku socdo ayaa la deny gareynaaye, haddana iyagoo joogin in empty wind laga raadinoyaa. If only some had principles. Eebboow.
  11. Originally posted by Fabregas: quote:Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar: C/raxmaan Ibbi meel uu ka yiri maleh Xabashi hala keeno dalka, neither labada Shariif. Find a news article ka codsanayaan dalka la keeno Xabashi. . Either you are not very clever or you are just trying to find excuses; I think it is the latter. The man accepted the request of his " parliament" to call for neighbouring and other international troops. He( your beloved Somali wadani) even stated that these troops would come from IGAD( Ethiopia and Kenya) and the Arab league( yeah right). He also said that they were not coming to inflict suffering on the population. You think the troops are coming from Czech Republic and Polan, lol? In any case, he is the leader of this entity Nacnacda laguugu yaqaanay iska dhaafee, bring a link Shariifka and others mentioned in this thread specifically requesting Xabashi troops. "Ciidamo ka socda caalamka" Xabashi kaligood kuma bilaabato, kumana dhamaato. Meesha kala tag hunqaacda. This is what they are quoting: Islamarkaas Sh. Shariif waxa uu aqbalay dalabkii guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka DFKMG uu ku dalbaday in Soomaaliya la keeno ciidamo shisheeye oo ay ku jiraan ciidamada Itoobiya, isagoo arrintaas ka hadlayayna waxa uu yiri "Ciidamada la dalbanayo ma ah kuwo ujeedadooda ay tahay inay dhibaato gaarsiiyaan shacabka, ujeedadooda waa in ay badbaadiyaan shacabka." The writer wishes it was Xabashi troops, afkana u gilinaayo Shariifka by "aqbalin" wuxuu yiri guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka. I don't hear once again mentioning him Xabashi troops. Sh. Aaden Madoobe inay Xabashi xiriir ka dhaxeyso qof walbaa ogaa, and he was among kuwii usoo horseeday waagii horeba. If he requested that, nothing surprising. The other accusations la isla dhexmaraayo tahay Xabashi troops dalka soo galeen. Is this new news? Since 1996 ayee Xabashi kasoo tilaabsan jireen xad beenaadkaas ee Soomaali Galbeed, degmooyin xad beenaadkaas ku agyaalana waligood iyagaa u talinaaye since early '90s, among them Dooloow (Gedo), Yeed, Ceelbarde (Bakool), Feerfeer, Kalabeyr (Hiiraan), Balanbale (Galgaduud), Goldogob (Mudug) iyo Buuhoodle (Togdheer). Midnimo la'aanta Soomaalida iyo dowlad iskaashi la'aaneed dhigtay inay ku xaarxaaraan Xabashada any degmo they see fit. And your heroic Dhalinta cannot dare to liberate those degmooyin, qaas ahaan Dooloow and Ceelbarde, where their indoctrinated kids militia u jiraan a few kilometres away. Yet weey ka cabsadaan inay tagaan those degmooyin. Xabashi, Xabashi ku haayaan, yet they cannot dare liberating those degmooyin. What are they waiting for? Mee aadaan and liberate those degmooyin? Eesh caleeg. Mise markee Xabashada Xamar soo gaaraan ayee geesi noqdaan? Eesh caleeg again.
  12. Afsoomaali lama yaqaano siyaasadda Soomaaliyana waa lagu qiribmay. Waala wareeray ifkaan.
  13. At least he got a visa, waa if he is travelling in his Soomaali one. Probably his Australian baasaboor ku socdaa, like Awmaar who in all likelihood ku socdo his British one.
  14. Folks, don't fall the blatant propaganda of this thread and its likes around. The Xabashi stooge, whom the initiator of this thread day in and out cheered, miserably failed with his Xabashi masters around. His cheerleader wishes the whole country to fail only because the Xabashi stooge couldn't lead. Xaasidnimo waxaas la yiraahdaa oo dalkii laga hormarsiinaayo danta shaqsi. Then again nothing is new what is being spewed by the initiator of this thread. C/raxmaan Ibbi meel uu ka yiri maleh Xabashi hala keeno dalka, neither labada Shariif. Find a news article ka codsanayaan dalka la keeno Xabashi. Sh. Aaden Madoobe did that plea, who himself is a senior remnant of Xabashi stooges from dowlad ku sheegii that failed. Aaden Madoobe is not Ibbi, nor is he labada Shariif. Marka do not fall for the propaganda this threads reeks of.
  15. Duqa, Albion the team kama wadin, ee Albion meeshaa ku ciyaaro xaafadda ka waday.
  16. Originally posted by Somali Pirate: MMA, sharif's time is finished. unless he accepts the opposition demands. You will realise that soon inshallah Aragaane, igaarka. NB -- Shariifka is an individual. Beri ayuuba amar Rabi ugu geeriyoon karaa, like us. Soomaaliya's interests is not Shariifka, neither Shariifka's interests is Soomaaliya. He came on the political scene shaley, and he will, of course, leave tomorrow, whether it is 10 years from now or tomorrow as tomorrow. Hana isku qaldin individuals with country's national interests. What is at stage is Soomaaliya's national interests. Shariifka's adminstration just happens to be the one who is steering that for now.
  17. "Bitter" uu leeyahay la yaabayba. He really does think it is personally affecting me. Igaarka, Koronto kuu joogaa, kuleel iyo qaboob ma igu heyn lahayn if it weren't the sad reality of my country iyo dadkeyga. And if you really do believe inay meel gaarayaan with this emotional investing you have, murugo badan ayaa ku sugi doonto. I hope inay lasting psychological problem noqon. Again, alas, if it weren't the unnecessary shedding of Soomaali people's blood, wax lagu qoslo ahaan lahayd. Waxa dhimanaayo, even kuwaas la soo siray barbaarta, kuwa wada dhimanaayo waa wada Soomaali. And unlike you, dhiiga Soomaaliyeed daadanaayo wey i dhibtaa, xataa kuwaas foolka wada duubtay cabsi daraadeeda, lana soo siray -- still waa barbaar Soomaaliyeed oo dad waalid dhalay, badanaa la brainwash gareeye. ____________ Waranle, duqa, Baydhabo, Kismaayo iyo Beledweyne iyo Xamar iyo Jowhar iyo Balcad iyo Baardheere iyo Baraawe iyo Jilib -- they were all peaceful in 1990. Why? Dowlad baa jirtay, albeit dadka ka cabsan jireen dowladaas. Why loola dagaalamay that dowlad? Sabab? Nabad baa ka jirtee degmooyinkaas iyo magaalooyinkaas. After 19 years, haddii sidii hore si ka daran lagu soo noqonaayo, kalitalisnimo iyo authoritarianism, why loo ridaaye that dowlad? A dowlad waliba that had Soomaali and Soomaaliya's interests at heart all the time, which those jaahililiintan la baxday Dhalinta lack? Kuwaan waliba waxee kusii darsadeen barbarism and their primitive, perverted so-called justice they carry out. I am mentioning and reminding you this because Soomaaliya does not need kalitalisnimo again. It does not need primitive men running amok, either. Been maa isku sheegeynaa mise run? And since this Shariifka accepted and is going to implement shareecada, why still loola dagaalamoyaa? Mise their only version ayaa sax ah. You and I know inay been ka tahay taas, marmarsiyo ka ahaydna. Dadkaan dano iyo afaaro shisheeye ayee wataan and nothing for the interests of Soomaaliya. Meel kale ayaa loogu soo taliyaa, oo iyagii qirtay taas. I am glad the vast majority of Soomaali people had realized this.
  18. Hopefully, kuwaas la baxay Dhalinta meel ma gaarayaan. I have yet to see a sane, thinking Soomaali person supporting them and their twisted ideology. And this includes some of my friends who were their apologists, who used to defend their actions all the time. No longer now.
  19. Nuunka, ciyaarta Masar iyo Mareykanka ma fiirsan ka ahayn daqiiqadii u dambeysay, laakiinse kooxda Mareykanka mar mar iyagoo laga filaneynin ayee balaayo soo dhigaan. Talyaaniga ciyaartooda la yaabay fiirsanaaye aniga. Maba kala jecleen, weyba iska xaragoonayeen, siiba goolhayahooda iska qosqoslaaye markii u dambeysay. Si fiican loo garaacay. And maxaa ku dhacay Madaale Maquuste mala ciyaarsiininee? Is he injured? I am referring, of course, Gattuso. Ninkaas maba daalo -- horey, gadaal, gees iyo dhexda oo booskiisa ah waa taaganyahay mar walba.
  20. Originally posted by Goodir: Is Mars on the hit list? quote: “ If you attack us(Kenya), we will launch suicide attacks in Nairobi and we will destroy the tall, glass buildings in Nairobi,” said sheik Hassan Yacqub Ali. Toban jirrada xataa saan uma hadlaan. Perhaps his caqli doesn't exceed that of a third grader. Labada sara dhaadheer ee Nayroobi ku taalo cajiib la noqotay. Haddii Hong Kong la geyn lahaa baabuurta dili lahaa filaa suu sarahaas wada dhaadheer u fiirinaayo jidka iska goyn lahaayee.
  21. "Vacancy" iyo "senator" ayaaba i dilay. Maba ogeyn Soomaaliya had senators. Garteeda waaye Bari ayee joogtaa. Ha ogaato dhalinta kuwa la baxay inay meeshaas imaanayaan beri haddee Xamar qabsadaan, hopefully which wouldn't happen. Will she also plead Faroole to resign and meesha u baneeyo? Will she do that then?
  22. Originally posted by Resistance: quote:Originally posted by Hannibal: Psycho talk! ^ by the Hanibal, Inaa fiirsado waaye filimaantaas ninkaas ku saabsan mar horta. Dadqalato uu ahaa u maleynaa.
  23. Geeri waa xaq, ee samir iyo iimaan reerkiisa iyo qoyskiisaba iyo asxaabtiisaba. Eebba naxariistiisa haka waraabiyo marxuumka.