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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar
Noble Travel Agency Gets Ethiopian Airlines Contract
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in General
Why is this in the Politics section, xaaji? -
Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Do you really wanna what some people are imagining? I knew Che and Duceysane would be in this thread the moment I posted. Is this how (in)famous are you guys on SOL when it comes to this kind? What a reputation you guys uphold on this site. Ma idinla soo join gareyn karaana? Che, nala share garee what 'some people are imagining' nooh. Our sister Maleyka iyadaba inay kula ogtahay u maleynaa, will you too share what you are imagining too, sister?
Originally posted by chocolate & honey: My Goodness! Only a man can think of such invention,me thinks. Nope: "A few years ago, I began to notice the appearance of wrinkles in my cleavage area. No matter how much I used creams or exercised, the creases didn’t go away. So I began to research the cause and learned a lot. Because I sleep on my side – like millions of women do – I learned that gravity and the pressure of my breasts resting on top of each other while sleeping was the culprit. I consulted several physicians and found that there were no products available in the market that support a side-sleeping woman’s breasts, without the use of a bra, adhesives or restrictive clothing. My quest had begun. The more that I learned, the more I was inspired to develop a product that would not only offer beauty benefits, but support the needs of side-sleeping women. While health care professionals recommend side-sleeping for proper spine alignment, a woman’s breasts often make sleeping in this position uncomfortable. And women everywhere can benefit from a good night’s sleep! After researching, designing and carefully testing my product, I’m very pleased with the results – and I hope that you will be, too. Not only does Kush offer more natural rest for the breasts for a more comfortable sleep, it helps to prevent the appearance of cleavage lines and wrinkles. I sleep better at night and I feel better about my appearance during the day. Kush is a dream come true." Sincerely, Cathinka Chandler CEO Kush
Are qabqabliyaasha now 'vindicated' too? Argagaxiso caalami ayaa Soomaaliya ku sugan ayee sheegi jireen. Dad shisheeye ayaa u dagaalami jiray Maxkamadaha, as they claimed.
Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: MMA, Which which website where u browsing EXACTLY when u found this ? ,,, Igaarka, wadaad ahee, waxaas camal ma raadsado. I was on Toronto Star's website, browsing when I stumbled on it. Nuunka, wax qac ah. Waraa ani breast.com ma galo. Twins.net aan galaa, if I want.
Originally posted by The Zack: ^Hamdi qeybo kale oo qarsoon mey qabtaa? Aniga hal leen arkay taasna wey ila yareed. Maybe I am used to seeing huge Somali restaurants here in the US. Lakin meeshaas cuntadeed caadi ma aheyn last time I was there. Etob-taan la sheegayo maba arkin wali, I am going to check it out next time I am there insha'allah. P.s. How are you going to watch a game in a restaurant? Haa, Xamdi qeybta dumarka jirto oo iska yar. Not many sisters, especially non-Soomaali ones, use it. Laba irid leedahay Xamdi. Probably tan badanaa dadka isticmaalaan ka gishay. Haddaa taas ka gishay, meesha tarmuuska weyn shaaha saaranyahay horeyo usii dhaaf, irida kale kaa hor imaaneyso fur and qeybta dumarka waaye meeshas. But as I said, dadka ma jeclo somehow meeshaas. Don't know. Haddaa sawirka fiirisid, ma yaro runtii, oo waliba usii dheertahay laba meel dadka fariistaan ka muuqan sawirka: I sometimes watch games on Iitob restaurant because waa iska xaafadeyda, kuwa ka shaqeyana, including the owner Mr. Iitob kor iska isnaqaanaa. Plus, it is better to watch with others than alone and bored at home. I don't know saa ku arki weysay if you had seen Alcuruba. Weyba isa saaranyihiin, only the convenience store u dhaxeeyo. Waa ku soo sawiri doonaa, probably waa aragtay laakiin ma aadan u maleynin. Juxa, dhuuniiyaal ma nihinee dhaqankeeda Reer Koronto iska noqday saas. Late night aroos iyo ruwaayado too dhaqan Reer Koronto waaye. Come to think of it, runtaada waayeba, every few steps drive-thru of Tim Hortons ku jiraan Soomaalida ama fadhiyaan, and if it isn't on drive-thru maqaayadahaas iyo biibitooyinkaas wax kasoo gadanayaan. And we play banooni a place that is a few yards away from Alcuruba, and some of us usually markaa dhameysano ciyaarteena mango shakekeena horey kasii aadnaa ee Alcuruba lagu gado. Xiligaan camal weyba shidantahay Alcuruba banaankeeda. Abkey marax Reer Mareykan dhan wada taagan with their out of the country car plates iyo see kuu fiirinayaan. What do they think it is? Minnesota or Ohio? Fiiris xumaa. So are the Reer Yurub wada kuus kuusan iyagana. Ar bar yaraa Reer Yurub wiilashooda.
I also realized timaha markee kor madaxa ka gurtaan meel aan la sheegi karin isku badalaan inay kasoo baxaan.
Happy Somali/canada independece day...
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Aaliyyah's topic in General
Cimri dheer iyo cibaado, caafimaad suuban, sister. SOL will miss you. And happy Kowda Luulyo to you too. -
Originally posted by The Zack: Nuune LOOOL@kushiinka agteeda, I agree that they have good food but the place is just very small. It can barely fit 20 some people. I am referring to the on Rexdale Boulevard. Space ahaan, Xamdi ma yaro, ee dadka ku badan. Maqaayad Soomaaliyeed oo weyn wey jirtaa, a few blocks west of Xamdi -- it is called Karuur. Still somehow sida Xamdi looma aado, ma'ogi waxa ugu wacan. I guess brand and recognition does that. Xamdi shisheeye ku nacayba, non-Soomaalis. War yaa naga qabto. Once in the blue moon tagaa, still wey tuban yihiin. I've realized, though, to avoid that place on the weekends. Then again it is the weekend when you go out. Iitoobna (Etob) saas ma ugu heli, not because of cuntada ee kariyaan, for raashinkooda waa iska heersare. That place just iga hor imaatay. Meeshaa deganahay u dhow, oo waa u luggeeyaa even, oo waa iga bad badatay. In fact beri the final soccer game kasoo fiirsanaa probably and another bariis/suqaar soo cunaa, probably. Last time I at least tried sabaayad iyo chicken suqaar. I will ask inay soor kariyaan beri. Will love to see Mr. Iitoob's reaction. No more lame bariis iyo suqaarkiisa nooh (be it chicken suqaaar or suqaar caadi).
Sheekooyin nafaqeysan - goos goos ah
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to nuune's topic in News - Wararka
Originally posted by Gheelle.T: Affar.. quote:Waxaa la yiri afar gabdhood baa reerkoodi ka tagey and "kululaa kama naallee!" "naa ma kaadsan karnee inoo kala goo" bey tiri tii labaad "naa kor saar ha kanfafee" bey tiri gabadhii sadexaad. Tii affaraad eey maa cunay? Waa qabatee. Anigaba waa wareersanaa, oo indhaheyga moodayba. Saas i dheh. -
You can watch a demonstration clip on here. Kush Support -- "A Natural Rest for the Breast." I don't want to know what else will need 'support' at night.
Nuunka, wali mid ma duulisay? Kaligaa, solo ka wadaa. Xataa mid saqiir ah oo garbaheeda yaryihiin? I was reading this on the paper the other day. Fatuurad duuleyso. Waa wareey.
What to Do With Somalia and Somaliland ?
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Originally posted by somalipride: Can you produce the link to this article? Riix inta. Scroll down. And the title is misleading. If the initiator of this thread wanted to copy the original title, at least use the same title: What to do with Soomaaliya. And the writer of that bungled article, as his pen name implies, is indeed confused. -
What "interest of Soomaaliya" that is left? The so-called kuwa la baxay Dhalinta has the interest of the nation, aha? Ismiidaamin, isqarxis, subjugation, argagax acts, scaremongering -- all in the name of Soomaaliya's interests? Heck, they don't even use the Soomaali flag, its anthem and every symbol that stands for Soomaaliya and its cause -- it is secularly abhor-some for them. What nation are they fighting for then, if they can't the least use its flag, the Soomaali flag, the paramount symbol of our nation?
How many years Xamdi inta ku amaanaaye, on SOL. Darn. Waligeyna a free meal ma helin. From now on bas waaye, no more amaan bilaash ah. Taas adaa kuu daaye, Ms Shareholder.
Just pulling your arm, err should I say your leg? That would be more inappropriate nooh, wadaad ahee. Xamdi goormaa kugu dambeysay horta? I should check out their other location at downtown, though. Maba arkin waligey kaas. Ever been to that one?
Yea, sisters Juxa and Dhudhuc wareyso as well, Tuujka. Hilfaha u qaad, ee aniga iyaga iga hormarsii nooh, waa ogtahee waa isku leenahay. Iga wareegso ee ga iga sii igaarka.
Xamdi waa difaaceysaa caawa, iyaah, iyaah. Meesha shareholder maa ka tahay. Hmm.
Shabaab to BEHEAD all Michael Jackson Somali fans
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Oromali's topic in General
That is ciyaal-like talk. Unbecoming, too. Oromo hadduu yahay iyo wixiisa kaleba, he is marti. -
Uma ekeyn wax frequent ah. Kuwa meesha loo soo amaanay u ekaayeen. They were dressed in AE dhar, college brats u ekaayeen. Probably even were expecting beers to be served as well, who knows. Ar huge disappointment sugeysay kuwaas.
Garowe: Puntland regions celebrate 26 June
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Saak is right. Some Soomaalis have accepted the 7-like qaarad. Thought I like how it looks markee seven u egtahay, laakiin it is wrong. Darn dhulka ugu balaaran deganahay in Afrika, stillna waxba ma isku ogolin. Soomaaliweyn all the way. Then again, even if aan dhulkaas soo wada ceshan lahayn, dhibaatada iyo qaxarka Soomaaliyeed in the last 19 years ku jirno wey sii kordhi lahayd, I believe. Jaahil waxmagarato ah ayaa naga buuxee. -
I guess dhaqan Soomaaliyeedkii iga siibanoyso miyaa, oo waa ilooway. Still sidii lagu yaqaanay wey dhaafeen maanta. Kaligey ma ahayn dad badan yaabanaa. I was grinning markaa soo baxaaye. Three caddaan dudes were at the door, waiting to be served. After a few minutes taagnayeen, finally asked the cashier if any miis to sit is available. Knowing how crowded the place was and how uninterested the cashier was, wax badan ayee meeshaas taagnaan doonaan filaaye, iyagoo taagan kasoo tagee. Maba oga meesha inay serving ka jirin, oo waala iska fariistaa miisaska. First come, first helo.
Garowe: Puntland regions celebrate 26 June
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Mars xaa u geynee u fogeyna. Meel Buurkaroole la yiraahdo la geynaa. Markii laba niiko loogu dhufto, dhac laga siiyo, usugaaba iska iloowaayo walaxaas wareerka ah dalkiisa kala goynaayo. Hambalyo to all dalkooda iyo dadkooda jecel dhabta ka ah. Mar kalena Eebba ha u wada naxariisto dadkii usoo halgamay xoriyadaan. -
Xamdi restaurant ayaaba kusoo xasuustay. Maqaayadaas ayaan joogay maanta, which I hadn't been for a while. I know it can get very busy during maalmaha weekends, siiba jimcada, laakiin kamoon. Kabalyeeriyaal ciyaal in their teens ka shaqeynaaye meesha kuligood, and I do admit meesha busy ayee ahayd, still they should have been trained. Qof wax dalbanaayo waala iska iloowaa. Wuxuu dalbaday looma keenaayo, wuxuu dalbadayna qof kale loo geynaa, then markuu farta u fiiqo, implying it was his, ayee qofkii kale laga soo qaadaa lana soo hordhigaa. What the... Xamdi wey kibreen mise waxaan kuma ogaan jirin. I know again meesha waala buuxay oo wareer ahayd, still. Haddana then your order markii laguu keeno, waaba if you are lucky, qaadadii iyo fargeetadii kaalay adiga keen hee. Waligey ma arkin meel cuntada ka hormareyso qaadada. Anigaa doontay, like many. Xamdi xishmad gaar u ahaaye and I still do, and that I do know some of their old-time waiting staff left and opened a rival restaurant just a few blocks away, laakiinse maanta wey iga jajabiyeen, I and others.