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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. He is supposed to hold (s)elections at the end of this year. But now sanad kale ayuuba helayaa if horudhaca shirka qarankaan socdo run yahay. All maamul goboleed agreed to hold (s)elections at the same time in Nofeembar, 2024. Will mucaaradka Qoorqoor, Laftagareen, Axmed Madoobe iyo Guudlaawe accept this? I don't think so. About Shabeellaha Hoose, he actually cleaned many moooryaans from it. All degmooyinka dadka u dhashay maamula with their own local ciidamo. Kuwa shaatiga 'ciidamada qaranka' gishan ayaa joogo, but that will soon change after deegaanka laga ciribtiro kuwa afka duuban.
  2. There were some rumours after Xasan's caleemasaar a year ago that he wants a la Carab-style strongman in Soomaaliya. Mahad Qalaaye ayaa la qabo saas. He thinks he can use force to make Soomaalis submit, especially those in Xamar and around. Ruling Xamar = Soomaaliya. Xamar iyo Soomaaliya ayuu isku qaldaayaa, wuuna ogaan doonaa.
  3. The guy is a true RRA veteran, ku xigeen u ahaa Shaatigaduud. Plus wax ayuu bartay, unlike qaa'inka Shariif Xasan.
  4. Plus laba urur siyaasadeed lama yeelaayo. Afar waa inay ka dhigaan.
  5. How is this constitutional, that is replacing ra'iisul wasaaraha position to madaxweyne kuxigeen. Regardless if this current baarlamaan accept and approve it, Soomaalis need afti (referendum) for major changes like this. I personally support replacing ra'iisul wasaare to madaxweyne kuxigeen in order isqabqabsiga u yaraado; however, that needs a constitutional approval. We don't even have permanent axdi/constitution.
  6. Laftagareen iyo Qoorqoor jidka saxda ee qaataan.
  7. Honestly, what was Turkiga before him two decades ago other than a perennially broke, prone to coups, forever begging E.U. for admittance. Greece was more powerful and influential than them. Heck Liibiya's Qadaafi was. I remember seeing a family friend who came back to Nayroobi in 1994 after several years in Istanbuul. The guy looked like a homeless, Turkiga meel ma'aha ku haaye. Now Turkiga has one of the top airlines in the world. Biggest airport in Yurub, with one of the most visited countries. All these mega infrastructures and projects, an economic and military powerhouse. And much respected in the ummah.
  8. Oo aan la sheekeynin dalka uu daljire ka ahay. Secessionists iyo naftooda beenta u sheegaan kama daalaan miyaa. And the tweet from safaaradda Ingiriiska ee Soomaaliya:
  9. Qoftaan lahjad Reer Nugaal malaha. Reer Mudug u cod adagtahay. Juxa Boosaaso muu ka dhiibtay coskiisa see leedahay?
  10. Waa maafiyadii Axmed Madoobe iyo kuwii afka duubaa la shaqeyn jiray, Jubbooyinka ka dhigay dhul saxaro. Jeebkooda ayaa u darnaa.
  11. Treasury Designates Terror Operatives and Illicit Charcoal Smugglers in Somalia May 24, 2023 WASHINGTON — Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) targeted 26 individuals and entities connected with the terrorist group al-Shabaab, including 15 financial facilitators and operatives, four charcoal smugglers, and seven of their associated companies. This action targets key regional leaders, affiliates, and members of the terrorist group in Somalia who are involved in a wide range of activities in support of al-Shabaab, including financial facilitation, business activities, collection of funds on behalf of the terrorist group, proliferation of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), and illegal charcoal smuggling from Somalia, all of which have exacerbated local conflicts and suffering. “Today’s designations highlight al-Shabaab’s reliance on networks of regional and international actors and entities, who provide funds, direct attacks, and enable the group’s malign activities, including the manufacturing and planting of explosives in local communities and fostering corruption,” said Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian E. Nelson. “The United States remains committed to leveraging our authorities in support of our partners, such as the Federal Government of Somalia, in their efforts to counter terrorist threats, which undermine both national and regional stability and security.” These OFAC actions are taken pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13224, as amended, which targets terrorist groups and their supporters, and E.O. 13536, as amended, which targets actors who directly or indirectly threaten the peace, security, or stability of Somalia. Concurrent with Treasury’s designations, the U.S. Department of State designated five al-Shabaab leaders pursuant to E.O. 13224, as amended, for their leadership roles within al-Shabaab. SOMALI CHARCOAL SMUGGLING NETWORK The four charcoal smugglers designated today have operated primarily between Somalia and the Persian Gulf, engaging in the illegal export of charcoal from Somalia. Charcoal smuggling has contributed to local conflicts and revenue generation for groups like al-Shabaab, as well as causing deforestation and other environmental damage. The illicit charcoal trade has previously generated the equivalent of more than $20 million in revenue per year for its associated smugglers, traffickers, and al-Shabaab. Due to its role in fueling instability in Somalia and serving as a source of revenue for criminal and terrorist organizations, the export and import of Somali charcoal after 2012 was banned pursuant to United Nations Security Council Resolution 2036. Ali Ahmed Naaji Ali Ahmed Naaji (Naaji) has been a supplier and coordinator for the illicit Somali charcoal trade since at least 2013. Naaji has facilitated the export of charcoal from Somalia to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), involving up to 90,000 bags of charcoal in 2016 alone. As part of Naaji’s role as a smuggler, he has coordinated between charcoal suppliers, traffickers, and al-Shabaab, to include facilitating payments for moving the charcoal to al-Shabaab. Naaji has also brokered a revenue sharing agreement between the charcoal producers and al-Shabaab, as well as traffickers, and has facilitated revenue payments to al-Shabaab. Additionally, Naaji is an al-Shabaab financial facilitator and has maintained a relationship with the terrorist group since at least 2011, when he stored and distributed al-Shabaab’s petroleum supplies in Somalia. Naaji has also been identified as a former al-Shabaab revenue collector for mandatory donations. Naaji is the owner and Chief Executive Officer of Jamame Brothers Company, a Somalia-based company that has business ties to the UAE, Kenya, Djibouti, China, India, and Pakistan. As recently as mid-2022, Naaji transferred nearly $1.2 million to Jamame Brothers Company to finance al-Shabaab. Naaji has additionally purchased nearly 2,500 metric tons of gasoline and 2,000 metric tons of gas oil for a business linked to the Jamame Brothers Company. Naaji is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13536, as amended, for having engaged, directly or indirectly, in the import or export of charcoal from Somalia on or after February 22, 2012. Jamame Brothers Company is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13536, as amended, for being owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by Naaji. Bashir Khalif Musse and his UAE- and Djibouti-based Companies Since at least 2013, Bashir Khalif Musse (Musse), a businessman based in Dubai, UAE, has been involved in the illicit charcoal trade out of Somalia. Musse has facilitated the transshipment of charcoal through Iraq and Iran ultimately to the UAE. In addition, Musse has used fraudulent charcoal shipping paperwork, such as certificates of origin and bills of lading, to facilitate his charcoal smuggling operations. As recently as 2022, Musse has continued to engage in the illicit charcoal trade, having illicitly shipped approximately 4,400 metric tons of charcoal from Somalia to the UAE. Musse owns or controls the following UAE-based companies also designated today: Sitti General Trading LLC, Kismayo General Trading LLC, and Bushra Bachir Shipping and Logistics Services L.L.C. Musse additionally owns or controls Djibouti-based companies Red Sea Transit & Transport Service and Royal Shipping Agency. Sitti General Trading LLC was the consignee and Bushra Bachir Shipping and Logistics Services L.L.C. was the charter party of the 2022 charcoal shipment from Somalia to the UAE, in which Musse was involved. Since at least 2013, Kismayo General Trading LLC has been involved in the production of fraudulent paperwork and repackaging of charcoal cargoes to disguise their origin to facilitate its import to Persian Gulf countries. Musse has similarly used Red Sea Transit & Transport Service to obtain false bills of lading. Naaji was also responsible for a shipment that used both Red Sea Transit & Transport Service and Kismayo General Trading LLC. Musse is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13536, as amended, for having engaged, directly or indirectly, in the import or export of charcoal from Somalia on or after February 22, 2012. Sitti General Trading LLC, Kismayo General Trading LLC, Red Sea Transit & Transport Service, Royal Shipping Agency, and Bushra Bachir Shipping and Logistics Services L.L.C. are being designated pursuant to E.O. 13536, as amended, for being owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by Musse. Mariam Barreh Mariam Barreh (Barreh) is the director of Bushra Bachir Shipping and Logistics Services L.L.C., which was implicated in the 2022 shipment of Somali charcoal in which Musse had an interest. Barreh is a partner and investor in Bushra Bachir Shipping and Logistics Services L.L.C., however the business is ultimately controlled by her spouse, Musse. Barreh is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13536, as amended, for having engaged, directly or indirectly, in the import or export of charcoal from Somalia on or after February 22, 2012. Abdiwahab Noor Abdi As of 2014, Abdulwahab Noor Abdi (Abdi), also known as “Tomato,” had brokered the charter for a charcoal delivery to Oman from al-Shabaab-controlled territory in Somalia. Abdi’s operations have been referred to by locals as “Iskaashatada Yaanyo,” or the “Tomato Association.” Naaji, Abdi’s business partner, has sent funds to Abdi totaling approximately $200,000. Both Abdi and Naaji have also previously collected funds for al-Shabaab. Abdi is a five percent shareholder in and has been the General Manager of Al Nezam Al Asasy General Trading L.L.C since 2017. Abdi was also previously the Director of Al Nezam Al Asasy General Trading L.L.C since 2012. Al Nezam Al Asasy General Trading L.L.C has separately received nearly $200,000 from Naaji. Between 2020 and 2022, Al Nezam Al Asasy General Trading L.L.C and Jamame Brothers Company have been involved in receiving at least ten Somali charcoal shipments in the UAE. Abdi is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13536, as amended, for having engaged, directly or indirectly, in the import or export of charcoal from Somalia on or after February 22, 2012. Al Nezam Al Asasy General Trading L.L.C is being designated pursuant to E.O. 13536, as amended, for being owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by Abdi. U.S. Treasury
  12. Inuu ka bilaabo ahayd, 'Inkastoo Deni naga diiday doorasho qof iyo cod ah ka hirgalino dhammaan deegaanada Soomaaliya...' Laakiin Farmaajo waa iska maskiin waxaas kama suurowdo.
  13. Safarada Xasan Socdaal ee dalxiiska ah: Imaaraadka - 10/06/2022 Turkiga - 03/07/2022 Eritareeya - 10/07/2022 Kiinya - 15/07/2022 Jabuuti - 16/07/2022 Masar - 24/07/2022 Ugaandha - 08/08/2022 Tansaaniya - 15/08/2022 Kiinya (2nd time) - 12/09/2022 Mareykanka - 15/09/2022 Ingiriiska - 18/09/2022 (rushed back from Mareykanka for the islaantii aaskeeda) Mareykanka (2nd time) - 20/09/2022 (back to Mareykanka for Qaramada Midoobay sessions) Itoobiya - 28/09/2022 Ugaandha (2nd time) - 08/10/2022 Jabuuti (2nd time) - 22/10/2022 Suudaan - 01/11/2022 Aljeeriya - 02/11/2022 Masar (2nd time) - 06/11/2022 Eritareeya (2nd time) - 10/11/2022 Jabuuti (3rd time) - 08/12/2022 Sacuudiga - 09/12/2022 Mareykanka (3rd time) - 12/12/2022 Talyaaniga - 08/02/2023 Imaaraadka (2nd time) - 22/02/2023 Qadar - 04/03/2023 Eritareeya (3rd time) - 13/03/2023 Jabuuti (4th time) - 15/03/2023 Ugaandha (3rd time) - 18/03/2023 Itoobiya (2nd time) - 14/04/2023 Ugaandha (4th time) - 27/04/2023 Qadar (3rd time) - 17/05/2023 Sacuudiga (2nd time) - 18/05/2023 Imaaraadka (3rd known time) - 21/05/2023 ______________ Updated.
  14. Imagine hadduu Farmaajo saan sameyn lahaa and what this dude would have tweeted. He is denying what we had seen on our own eyes. Kursiga daljiraha fadhiisan lahaa gabadhiisa xoog ku fadhiso, using his kaar aqoonsi. Tii kale adeerka u ahaana meesha taagantahay. These two gabdho now must travel with him to everywhere. Rumour has it tan uu adeerka u yahay carries his daawooyin. Xanuun aan la shaacin ayuu qabaa la leeyahay.
  15. He has secretly being there for a few times, namely for: To get his regular health checkup; to debrief his Imaaraad handles; to deposit and withdraw from his secret Imaaraad accounts; and to see his second wife and family, who moved there immediately after his selection at the suggestion of Imaaraad handles because they can hold them hostage should he not listen and follow their orders.
  16. Xasan Socdaal aad u af macaanyahay, waana sadexwajiile. Garaads will soon learn this, weyna ka shaaleyn doonaan as many have this shaleyn/regret now. Just ask Debi, Muuse Suudi, Badbaado Qarankuwii la baxay kuwii hoggaaminaaye, Reer Hiiraan...
  17. Never ending corruption and nepotism. Kursiga uu daljiraha Sacuudiga fadhiisan lahaa gabadhiisa fadhiso as seen from this picture at shirka Jaamacadda Carabta:
  18. Xamar maxaa ka jira garaadada? Shirqoolka Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle iyo Xasan Socdaal u socdaan? Garoowe ama Laascaanood kula kulmi karaan wafdi ka socda dowladda dhexe. I guess wasiirkii iyo xildhibaanadii toddobaadkaan tagaaye ayaa ka soo dhacdhacsiiye inay Xamar tagaan. War ka jooga.