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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Qof walba waa hadli karaa, iska hadal looma hadlo, though. Another spamming thread, with no purpose whatsoever.
  2. And two decades ago, a kid like that. What a breakdance. Taloow that kid intuu ku dambeeye now. Fast forward it to 2:05, he is the one Saado Cali brings to the centre stage.
  3. This life, indeed. What a life. Look at their faces, how they are enjoying carelessly. Such a gathering of a heavyweights of stars. Xasan Aaden Samatar, Magool, Cumar Dhuule (Eebba ha u naxariistee both marxuum), Daleys, Khadro Daahir, Faadumo Qaasin, Saado Cali, Sangub, Sheekh Abuukar and others whose names escape me. They gathered to celebrate Cabdi Bille Cabdi's triumph at athletics and welcoming him back to Soomaaliya. Such a gathering to welcome him, how fitting. Indeed, weeraroow dooyoow waniini.... And I never thought marxuumadda Magool could move like that. Eebboow u naxariiso walaasheen.
  4. Kuwa la baxay Ururka Islaamka do have a bit soft spot for Soomaalinimo still -- they still have a bit of Soomaali nationalism in them. Kuwa kale ma kala jeclo, Soomaaliya iyo waxaasna dantooda siyaasadeed ma'aha. Shisheeye baas ayaa dabada ka wato.
  5. Waligaa jaay maku kor ciyaartay? Isla jaaygaas cidiyaha faraha hoose makaaga siibmeen adigoo isleh banooniga darbee laakiin jaayga qaaday instead? How I used to hate jaayga inaa ku ciyaaro, but luckily waligey cidiyo ma iiga siibmin.
  6. “This is Somali al Shabaab. I will kill you tomorrow,” says a man in English. “How will that solve your problem?” Ba-Hoku asks. “Can I bring myself so that you don’t waste your time looking for me?” The caller, clearly confused, switches off. Within seconds, a message comes in. “Peace of Allah be upon you, Barigye-Bahoku,” it reads. “In reality, we are very sorry you are staying in Somalia. If Allah says, we shall kill you as we are the soldiers of Islam.” The next caller is a woman. “Go, go, go!” she shouts. “Go (to) your country! Gal (infidel)!” “Do you know how many Somalis are in Uganda?” Ba-Hoku asks calmly. “We have never bothered to chase them away because they are our brothers.” She switches off. Two messages roll in almost simultaneously. One says: “You are going to lost (lose) you life very soon.” The other reads: “I believe I will one day be strong Somali president and I shall make all Ugandan people our slaves! God curse Uganda! God delete Ugandan existence!” Ba-Hoku shrugs when asked if they don’t wear him down. “They must have bad instructors,” he simply says. Desperados, sida wanaagsan loo hadla xataa garaneynin, asluubnimana ha sheeginba. Markaas diinteena suuban inay ku dhaqmaan kuu sii sheeganayaan.
  7. He is talking about Cumar Shooli's song: Dumar kale ma caashaqin. Don't you read his 'scratched in the back' ( ) -- Dusha ha iga xaganinee, la dabaalo, la dabaalo caashaqa.
  8. Taas dhexda ku jirto shaf dheeraa. Bisinka. Taas mid 20 ka yar uma arki.
  9. Originally posted by nuune: Innaa Lillaahi Wa Innaa Ilayhi Raajicuun, Ilaahay dhamaantood ha u wada naxariisto. quote: Hooyada iyo carruurta dhimatay waxy degganaayeen dabaqa shanaad, kuwaas oo markii ay arkeen guriga hoostooda ku yaala ee gubanaaya is yiri hoos u degga oo wiishka raaca. Kadibna waxaa ku xirmay wiishkii ay soo raaceen, waxaana qabsaday qiiq iyo holac. It is the responsibility of the owners of the apartments to let the people dwelling there know more about the health and safety in case of emergency or fire. It is a BIG no to take wiishka even if there is a false alarm, always da stairs. The Somali community in Stockholm specially in Ringkbey waa iney xil iska saaraan sidey ugu sharxi lahaayeen qoysas badanoo sidaas oo kale apartmentsya dagan balse aan waxba ka aqoon health and safety in case of emergency. Tii Ilaah baa qorneed laakinse. Nuunka, anigaba waa yaabanaa see wiish ku raacee iyada iyo reerkeedaba ku jiraan sar holceyso, adduunkaba lagama ogalee. Laakiin tan ayaa horey u aqriye: "The 42-year-old and her family had attempted to escape the fire and smoke via the stairs and were found in the stairwell of the six-story building, police said." Kan warka Soomaaliga qoray amee wax ka qaldanyihiin koley, mise others are downplaying that wiishka ku geeriyoodeen. If it is, baaritaan weyn imaaneyso. Eebba ha u naxariisto hooyada iyo barbaarteedaba. Samir iyo iimaan reerkeedana.
  10. MMA: You are closer to Mogadishu than I am sxb. Clan-wise I'm from Hiiraan so please do not misintrepret the notion Mogadishu society as something clannish. I am not closer to Muqdisho. I am a real Reer Muqdisho. Waa meesha aan ku dhashay, kuna koray, ku caqliyeystay, kuna sii barbaaray, waxbarashadeyda ugu horeysayna kusoo dhigtay. I would never trade for any other place. It had, has and will always have a dear, special place in my heart. I was also saying you can defend any group, clan, place you would want to. If it be a clan, wax weyn uma arko. And remember, I wrote earlier too a big 'if,' which meant I didn't say you were defending your clan per se. Their interpretation of Muqdisho Society ayaa interpret gareeye, meaning even if you want to defend your clan, wuuxuu yahayba, nothing wrong, just a misguided priority u arkaaye. Dad ayaa maalin walba toorbino qabyaaladeed kaga soo fiiriyo wax walba oo inta tuban, laguna qoro.
  11. Originally posted by chocolate & honey: The last two pictures match. It is her, only ehem..lighter, how you say more refined? Some people do suffer from inferiortiy complex wallee thinking that if they side with the west a 100%, then some 'intelligence' might rub off on them. Yaa allah! I don't think inay iscaddeysay the sister. Sawirkaas u egtahay inay madoowdahay sawir ahaantiisa on that particular picture in uu yahay laga yaabaa, oo indoor laga qaaday, neither natural light or artificial light from the camera jirin. Qof iscaddeeye uma eko koley aniga saa u arko.
  12. One more reason why Toronto Star is my favourite paper in this city. Passing the lips test A stiff upper lip is often needed when dealing with Canadian officials. But when Suaad Hagi Mohamud, a 31-year-old Toronto mother, was apparently blocked from returning to Canada from Kenya because an official didn't believe her lips matched those in her passport photo, she needed more than ordinary fortitude. After two months of fear and privation in Nairobi, Mohamud finally got an agreement, via her lawyer, that Ottawa would do DNA testing to allow a definitive identification. Ottawa will also ask Kenya to postpone criminal proceedings against her on identity fraud charges until the vital evidence is presented. But the test results will take up to two weeks to confirm. Meanwhile, the now-broke Mohamud is living in a rundown Nairobi hotel room where she is holed up, in fear of street criminals and police who might detain her because she is not carrying the passport that Canadian officials summarily cancelled. Given that there are filed affidavits testifying to Mohamud's identity and that Mohamud herself pleaded for a DNA test, it is almost certain that she is who she says she is and that the officials bungled in denying her entry to Canada. Accordingly, the Canadian government should pay her expenses in Nairobi while she awaits the DNA test results. Koronto Istaar Mohamed Abscir (Abshir), 12, sits outside Tim Horton's at Lawrence Square Mall in North York, a place he and his mother used to frequent. His mother, Suaad Hagi Mohamud, has been marooned in Nairobi for two months.
  13. Woman's DNA test delayed Foreign affairs minister says there is 'no proof' that the person stranded in Kenya is Canadian Suaad Hagi Mohamud will take the first step to proving who she is on Monday when she gives her DNA sample in Nairobi. That's two days later than what was initially agreed to by the federal government, but Raoul Boulakia, her Toronto lawyer, says he is willing to wait until then before approaching the court again. "I'm concerned we're adding two more days to her separation from her son," Boulakia said yesterday. "It's not fair to her." But yesterday, in Ottawa, Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon – until now silent on the matter – suggested Mohamud has no one but herself to blame. "The individual has to be straightforward, has to let us know whether or not she is a Canadian citizen," Cannon said. "She's saying so, but there is no tangible proof to the effect. All Canadians who hold passports generally have a picture that is identical in their passport to what they claim to be." Mohamud has been marooned in Nairobi for more than two months. The 31-year-old was on her way back to Toronto when she was detained at Nairobi's Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on May 17 for not looking like her four-year-old passport photo. The Canadian High Commission in Kenya later said she was an imposter and cancelled her passport. The federal government, which agreed to a DNA test Wednesday, promised her lawyer it would be done by today. But the Somali-born Mohamud was told yesterday her DNA sample will be taken Monday, said her lawyer. "There was no explanation for the delay," said Boulakia. A spokesperson for the Canada Border Services Agency declined to comment yesterday on the delay. Mohamud's lawyer in Nairobi, Lucas Naikuni, will be present when the DNA sample is taken. Meanwhile, a Kenyan court agreed to postpone criminal proceedings against her at Canada's request yesterday. She's charged with "unlawfully being" in Kenya, and for attempting to use another person's passport under the Kenyan immigration law. If found guilty, she could be imprisoned or deported back to her native Somalia, a country that has been embroiled in chaos for more than 15 years. Yesterday's hearing at the Nairobi court lasted only a few minutes. Mohamud, wearing an orange floral patterned head scarf, stood as the judge quickly agreed to put off the next hearing until Oct. 16. Two Canadian consular officials who attended yesterday's hearing refused to speak to the Star, give their names or even shake hands. The Toronto woman said the adjournment came as a big relief. "I couldn't have handled being in jail again," said Mohamud, who spent eight days in a Nairobi jail. "I feel in pain, to be honest, I feel really sick," Mohamud told the Star in the packed Nairobi courtroom. "My country let me down – that's what really makes me mad." Mohamud, an overnight supervisor with ATS courier in Etobicoke, said she just wants to be with her 12-year-old son. "I have done nothing illegal. I'd do anything to be with my son." She said she's taking one step at a time in getting through the "nightmare," staying in a rundown hotel and afraid to go outside. When she does go out, an employee of Ecoterra International, a German-founded human rights organization with an office in Nairobi, accompanies her everywhere, including when she goes to the Canadian High Commission. In an email to the Star, Ecoterra's Aina Seering said: "(She is) heavily traumatized and (the employee) even has to watch her that she doesn't run into cars while crossing the streets. She only thinks permanently on her son and the injustice her new homeland does to her." The Star
  14. These days dadka this cursed drink cabo waa u yaabeysaa, walina isla sii quman, waxna u arkin cabitaankooda. Adigii la yaabnaa qamri cabkooda ayee kusii yaabayaan yaabkaaga. Adduun dhamaadkeeda soo dhow. Eebba noo maqan lee isdhaheysaa. Wali ilaa hadda ma fahmin qof Muslim, Soomaali ah asagoo/iyadoo weyna ku qaangaaray/qaangaart ay hoy ama guri qamri yaalin inuu/inay gadaal ka barto/barato cabitaanka qamriga. Lord.
  15. Wiilkii yaraa ayaa si deg deg ah u qabsaday Koobkii Caanaha lagu siinayay isagoo durba qurquriyay Qurquris. Waa hore igu dambeysay ereygaas aan maqlo ama arko. Dhalinta wax ciyaal lagu cabsiiyo wey istaahilaan; waa dadqalatada cusub. Soomaaliya dadqalato inay ku noolyihiin lagu sheegi jiray, laakiin wey caddaatay uultimo dad dadqalato inay joogaan dalkeena, waliba si muuqaal iskaga duubaayo iyagoo wax qalaayo ama gowracaayo.
  16. Typical jaamac. I can almost heard ciyaalka baska ku jiro ku qeylinaayo, "waryee, waryee..."
  17. British editorial cartoons waa fearless, unlike their timid counterparts in North America. Sometimes the political cartoons the Guardian newspaper publishes waa u yaabeysaa. ______________ I had seen those two the other day:
  18. Dabshid, anaga maa nagu cabee. Adiga, Nuunka iyo anigaba Jidda ka wada shaqeyn jirnee, oo iskaabulana ku ahayn markee dhacday dhacdadaas. Reer SOL u been guur, not to us. Nuunkana meeshuu dhalashadeeda kusoo ogaaday la yaabayba. Waraa Isbitaal Banaadir maa joogtay that day, duqa?
  19. Originally posted by Indhoos: quote:Originally posted by Ducaysane: quote: Indhoos posted: my eyes are my best assets, Somali girls normally pick another part of their body to be their best asset. your choice of asset makes more sense What part? Allah...Parts xataa ma'ahan yaah. ar adigaa...mashaqo. Only in Duceysane's mind. Duqa, nala share garee, what are those 'parts' nooh. I assume they are 'parts,' not one part kaliya.
  20. Nairobi court grants woman time for DNA test NAIROBI – A Kenyan court decided Friday to postpone the case of Suaad Hagi Mohamud, the Somali-born woman who was accused of faking her Canadian citizenship because she did not look like her passport photo, so she and her son in Toronto can undergo DNA testing. Mohamud, who said she speaks to her 12-year-old son almost every day, will submit to DNA testing on Monday in Nairobi in hopes of ending what she says has become a nightmare. She should get the results in 10 days. Friday's court hearing lasted only a few minutes. Mohamud, wearing an orange floral patterned head scarf, stood as the judge quickly agreed to put off the next hearing until Oct. 16 so that the Canadian government can study the DNA tests, which it has agreed to pay for. "I feel in pain, to be honest, I feel really sick," Mohamud told the Star of her ordeal after her hearing was adjourned on Friday. "My country let me down – that's what really makes me mad." Mohamud, 31, was detained at Nairobi's Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on May 21 after spending nearly a month visiting her mother in Kenya. Mohamud was told that while most of her features matched those of her passport photograph, her lips and the glasses she wore were not the same. The Canadian High Commission in Kenya later decided that she was an impostor and cancelled her passport. High Commission officials have not explained their reasons, saying only in a letter to Kenyan immigration officials that the determination was made after "conclusive investigations including an interview." Two Canadian consular officials who attended Friday's hearing refused to speak to the Star, give their names or even shake hands. Mohamud is charged with using another person's passport and being in Kenya illegally. If found guilty, she could be imprisoned or deported back to Somalia, a country that has been embroiled in chaos for more than 15 years. After her court hearing on Friday, Mohamud's Nairobi-based lawyer, Lucas Naikuni, said he was optimistic that Mohamud would get to go back to Canada. He said he felt frustrated because while the Canadian government said she was travelling under someone else's passport, it hadn't tried to track down the real Suaad Hagi Mohamud or to identify who his client really was. "They are saying she's hiding her name," Naikuni told the Star. "So my question is, if she's hiding her name, what's her actual name? I've been with her now for the last two months. It would be very easy for me to detect if she were lying, I interact with her a lot." According to Naikuni, the Canadian government ought to have kept the fingerprints that Mohamud gave when she applied for Canadian citizenship. "I would imagine that being a government of a developed country such as this, you just touch the computer and get the information," Naikuni said. "So we are only left to conclude that this case is one of malicious prosecution, it's only intent is to inflict pain and punishment to our client. We do not understand why they would want to do that." Mohamud, a supervisor with Andlauer Transportation Services, says she has been aching to see her 12-year-old son and hopes that the DNA testing will bring her back to him. "There are rights and freedoms in my country and they took that away from me," Mohamud said. "I've been here two months from the day that I was supposed to go back to him. I'd do anything to be with my son." "I have done nothing illegal," she said. Today's Star
  21. Tuujka, waraa London u socotaa la yiri ee iska jir garoonka diyaaraha Heathrow mid sahlan ma'aha. Your return ticket, the address you are staying at sii diyaarso, hana iswaalin. Hindi kibir badan oo British ismooday kuu fadhiyo at the customs in that airport. They might even call the phone number(s) you provided, though that never happened to me of the three times ka dagay that airport. Originally posted by Cadaan: Do people honestly think this kind of thing wouldn't happen if Canada had a Liberal or NDP gov't? It wouldn't be any different. It could've happen under any government. What is surprising is how the right-wing clique in Ottawa is dragging their feet under this case. This smells their classic style of not helping minorities stranded abroad, in which case, however, wouldn't have happened were an NDP government in power. Just remember the recent case of Abuusufyaan Cabdirisaaq. Don't forget also Soomaalis are in Ontario because the generous immigrant policies of provincial NDP government of early '90s. Peasant, that happens numerous times, ku dhacdo too to the so-called 'caddaanka' Canadianka ah, walaalkaa kaligiisa ma'aha. Somehow dadka safaaradahaas fadhiyo 'holiday' u joogaan filaa, markee 'hyphenated' Canadian arkaana that needs help weyba kasii daraan.
  22. What is wrong with Muqdisho Society horta? Ninka waa daba dhigateen. If he is rooting for his clan, nothing new, dad ka daran ayaa tuban on here who give more fancy terms to the regions they think their grandfathers hail from, maalin walbana bombard the site with ridiculous bandwidths of barabagaandha. He has every right to root for his clan, he is not alone and won't be alone. Just another Soomaali lee waaye with wrong national priorities, perhaps. Kuraaska waa weynaa. Dadkiiba wey ku dhex dhaceen.
  23. This world is full of countries falling into chaos which is mainly due to super powers sticking their noses where they dont belong. They stick because our hands are very busy with ourselves. The left hand is fighting against the right, the right against the left. If we have had a free hand to defend against those 'superpowers,' waxaan ma dhaceen to begin with. Same with our minds.