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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Soomaali yaa maamuli karo Eebba na lahee. Banooni ciyaareyno ugu yar kuma heshiin karno, marmarna garsooraha lala dagaalamaa. Marka baarlamaan intuu joogaa, xataa lixdameeyadii saas camal isku qabqabsan jiray.
  2. Gaaroodi, let us not go that far. No need to insult Soomaali sisters. If you are against the policies or whatever about Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle, state so, but insulting our sisters looma dulqaadan karo.
  3. Some rednecks in Mareykanka are some of the worst moronic dimwit groups I had ever seen. They don't even know what is good for them, what is in their interest, blindly and droolingly following like a programmed automatons whatever Fox News feeds them endlessly. Probably a whole junk of them don't even have a healthcare plan at all and they dare to oppose this reform that will be good for themselves in the end. Like automatons or robots, they are not even aware the basic necessities they need and what is good for them.
  4. I saw that video on youtube too. When he went back to Xamar recently, he was shaking a Soomaali woman's hand oo safka dadka soo dhaweynaaye ku jirtay.
  5. Aawey Che, asagaa "suqaarkaas" ka neefsan lahaynee. Sheekadii "kooy gaal dilaana" ayee suqaar u badashay xaajiyada.
  6. Originally posted by AfricaOwn: Which one of you Garowe boys is behind this character? I want some answers dammit. Ninkaan buufis Garoowe la yiraahdo kusoo socoto. Isaayar oo isdabaqabo intee kugu fogaan, igaarka. And about this thread, another spam, another waste of bandwidth.
  7. Originally posted by Warrior of Light: Great post. Was wondering can someone recommend a good book to keep ? Reason why Im asking coz Im not a native speaker. Dont want to end up saying the wrong word. My library holds only holds this book. English-Somali phrase book of common and medical terms by: Wayne F. Peate Mahadsanid. This book just does that. I got it from public library some weekends ago and read it. It is great, though it is written in Soomaali-Ingiriis than Ingiriis-Soomaali, which would have been much easier to non-Soomaali speakers. ______________ Depression means murugo, so Salmaan has a point. Niyadjab too would be fine.
  8. Carab maxaa keenay now? Sadex Suufi kala nooc lee Soomaalida kala ahaayeen: Qaadiriya, Axmediya iyo Saalixiya. Laakiin dagaalkii sokeeye dhacay laga faa'ideystay, oo abkoow mid walba iska soo xaadiriye meesha. Walaa Tabliiq, walaa Salafi, walaa Salafijadiid, walaa Wahaabi -- kooxdaa aragtid Soomaaliya waa iska soo wada xaadiriyeen. Sadexdii hore ayaaba boos loo waayee kuwaana intee joogaan. Eebbe ha u naxariisto mar kale wadaadadaas.
  9. Yes, Canjeex, brother. As brother North wrote, I might even be there at the airport to welcome her arrival, if possible. But seriously, this could have been me or any Soomaali-Canadian who travels to Nayroobi. Walaahi it is sobering and bit scary too. And I applaud the Toronto Star, no wonder it always have been my favourite paper that I read daily. I also wrote to their reporters thanking them for keeping this story in the limelight and in public consciousness.
  10. Is citizenship now defined by the colour of your skin? The DNA tests Suaad Hagi Mohamud was forced to undergo last week proved not only that she is who she says she is, but also that she is Canadian. The point seems lost on the current federal government, which has been content to let her twist in the Kenyan wind for three months while it did everything possible not to sort out the details of a case of mistaken identity. But it is a point worth remembering, especially in the face of mounting evidence that Prime Minister Stephen Harper's regime is determined to create different categories of citizenship. According to the administration's new meaning of Canadian citizenship, the main qualification is not residence, place of birth, oath of allegiance or passport – it's the colour of your skin. And in Canada today, God help you if you're not white, because the federal government sure won't. Indeed, that government creates these problems in the first place. Mohamud's case is a perfect example; her nightmare began when a functionary in the Canadian High Commission in Nairobi agreed with a Kenyan airport official and decided she wasn't the woman whose photograph appears in her passport. We were told, incredibly, that it had something to do with her lips. She was immediately declared an "imposter" and Kenyan authorities were asked to prosecute her. Although she produced all kinds of identification – including a driver's licence, OHIP card, social insurance card and a Canadian citizenship certificate to boot – her fate was sealed. The poor woman even spent time in a Kenyan jail, the horror of which one can only begin to imagine. Meanwhile, her 12-year-old son – clearly another figment of her imagination – languished in Toronto, wondering if, not when, his mother would be able to return home. Months after Mohamud's ordeal began and even now that its falsity has been exposed, no one in Harper's government has said a word, let alone apologized. This isn't just another political scandal; this is cause for deep national shame. This smacks not just of prejudice, but of apartheid. The whole episode, don't forget, began and ended with Canadian officialdom. Even if one accepts that bureaucrats in a far-flung posting make ****** mistakes such as this, the elected government's response has turned that error into something wholly different, namely a matter of policy. Whether that policy is official or not, it's now clear that only certain Canadians can count on the protection of the federal government. Had Mohamud been a white mother from Leaside, you can rest assured that Harper himself would have led the charge to have her repatriated. And we're not talking about the Omar Khadrs, or the Maher Arars, men suspected of real or imaginary ties to terrorist organizations. We're dealing with a single mom who produced her Shoppers Drug Mart Optimum card and even receipts from a local dry cleaners. But Canadian High Commission first secretary Liliane Khadour wrote to Kenyan immigration authorities, saying: "We have carried out conclusive investigations including an interview and have confirmed that the person brought to (us) on suspicion of being an imposter is not the rightful holder of the aforementioned Canadian passport." Well – guess what? – Khadour couldn't have been more wrong if she tried. Even yesterday, after the results of Mohamud's DNA tests were made public, not a syllable on the subject was uttered by anyone in government. Their silence speaks volumes. And what it says isn't pretty: Canada, that bastion of tolerance, that refuge of civility, that exemplar of multiculturalism, no longer belongs to its citizens. It is not ours, it's theirs. We just live here. The Star
  11. Whose fault is it? (And why her plight 'is not as uncommon as people would think') Suaad Hagi Mohamud's ordeal is almost over. But outrage is growing that officials didn't help her when she was detained in Nairobi and had to fight to prove her identity Nothing in Canadian law stops the government from "picking and choosing" which Canadians it will help and who it will abandon, a former senior diplomat warns. In the case of Suaad Hagi Mohamud, a Toronto woman who was detained in Kenya for 12 weeks, "overzealous" civil servants chose to abandon her, said former consular services chief Gar Pardy. What's worse, he said, is that Ottawa could just say, "`Sorry it happened' and that's the end of it" unless somebody ensures there is a "protection of Canadians act." Such an act would turn "Crown prerogative" – meaning Canadians are at the mercy of the government for anything not spelled out in law – into something that gives overseas Canadians some protection. Mohamud's ordeal was closer to being over yesterday after Ottawa agreed to issue travel documents so she could return home. But other Canadians are still vulnerable. "This is an issue that is not as uncommon as people would think," said Toronto lawyer Lorne Waldman. "If it weren't for the fact she had supporters here she would probably have gone to jail for six months or a year for using a false document. Clearly that's problematic. "There are lots of other cases where people don't get all the publicity because people aren't interested or they don't have advocates in Canada and they get stranded." Many people are just assumed to be guilty, he added. The Conservative government has clearly tried to stay away from Mohamud's case. Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon and Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan avoided comment even when a legion of supporters, family members and even Mohamud's Toronto employer came forward to verify her identity. Pointing to a case in contrast, Pardy discussed the plight of Brenda Martin, who was jailed in Mexico, rescued by a minister's intervention and flown home in a government plane. "I'd like that same level of service for everyone. It shows how this is a matter of discretion and discrimination" the way different Canadians are treated. In another case, Justice Russell Zinn ordered the government to bring Abousfian Abdelrazik back from his Kafkaesque nightmare in Khartoum, where he received permission to travel but was denied a passport until he somehow disproved terrorism allegations. "The only basis for the denial of the passport was that the minister had reached this opinion; there has been nothing offered and no attempt made to justify that opinion," Zinn said. Pardy agrees that the litany of abandoned Canadians, from Maher Arar, tortured in a Syrian jail, to Abdelrazik and Mohamud should force someone in government to weigh the consequences. "We get brown stuff on our faces every time this happens. There must be a better way of doing this. "This is going on week after week. There should be some learning, some political will somewhere in the system to fix it." Mohamud's ordeal started in May when airline KLM and Kenyan authorities flagged her as suspicious, saying her lips and eyeglasses didn't look like her Canadian passport photo. Then the staff at the Canadian High Commission in Kenya not only failed to help her as a citizen but also sent her passport to Kenyan immigration authorities for criminal prosecution. That step astonishes Pardy. "You would think they would bloody well have made sure their judgment was based on something more than thick lips," he said. "The ministers should be insisting on a proper investigation. "Ministers have been getting a free ride. They are more and more sliding away from direct responsibilities when things go wrong. If ministers aren't responsible, then nobody is responsible." When Mohamud's lawyer pleaded her case to federal court, the Tories refused to comment because the case of mistaken identity was now a legal matter. One of the few remarks came from Cannon, who said she would have to try harder to prove that she was the person pictured in the passport. All the crucial decisions in Mohamud's frustrating tale of a trip gone wrong were actually made in an office building overlooking the Ottawa River, where bureaucrats in the Consular Services and Emergency Management Branch of Foreign Affairs have the power to help or hinder Canadians in need of their government's help. "The buck stops with them, and the advice they give to the minister," said MP Dan McTeague, a former parliamentary secretary responsible for Canadians abroad under former prime minister Paul Martin. "When these matters become political, it's entirely the discretion of the minister responsible in the case and they're often told not to speak." The overriding lesson, said Pardy, is "we need to make sure nobody forgets this." Koronto Star
  12. Originally posted by AYOUB: ^^ I dare you translate you screen name to Somali. quote: Originally posted by Juje: Congratulation to brother Abwaan and his wife for the birth of their beautiful daughter this morning. Illah ha ugu dhigo mid diinteda, dalkeeda iyo ummadeeda anfacda...amiin! Amiin to that. Haye, ma isla badalanaa labadeenaba? Ayuub magac Soomaaliyeed ma iigula ekee. Waagaa magacaan la baxaaye online, some sagaal sano ago (it was before SOL), I think waa yaraa oo Soomaalinimo iyo waxaas ma iga heynin waagaas. Not now.
  13. Fanka Soomaaliyeed dhibka iyo duruufaadka Soomaalida soo gaartay la qabaa labaatankaas sano lasoo mooday. Sax, horumarka fanka hoos ayuu u dhacay, dalkiiba burburee maxaa badbaadaayo. Kahor taas fanka Soomaaliyeed horumar weyn ayuu gaarsiisanaa, hal noocna ma ahayn, oo kala nooc nooc ahaa. Haddaa fiirisidna xilligaan kooxo iyo dhalin cusub kusoo biiray waa jiraan, keensadayna muusiko casri ah, sida Waayaha Cusub.
  14. My brother-in-law works for them in Nayroobi. Their pay-grade is really good.
  15. Boggaadin sare iyo hambalyo dheerba adi iyo xaajiyadaba. Awguuriyo mar kale. Hopefully magac Soomaaliyeed jiro loo bixinaa cunugta, sida Siman ama Istaahil camal.
  16. I don't think that definition was the definition Che would've provided.
  17. Originally posted by Fabregas: There is nathin wrong with a lil peaceful warnin, sxb. The brother in the video is simply telling Sheikh Primark Diddy and the Notorious Sharmarke Baasto Smalls to stop attacking them, as the latter always end running back the Amisom bases. Actually hadalkiisa waa hadal quman oo toosan. Laakiinse kooxda uu u hadlaayo dad aragti quman wato uma eko, which puts his hadal to a boosaneero.
  18. Kan sameeye that 'poll,' he was probably an Itoobiyan or Koonfur Afrikan, biased towards to those two countries. Itoobiya iyo Koonfur Afrika ayuuba u hormariye, which aligned the poll's results. It wasn't based alphabetical list of the countries' names. Eniwey, I can't believe we SOLers are discussing this, as irrelevant as the subject may seem, even more the poll's date of being three years past.
  19. I hope she sues this xenophobic Stephen Harper regime. They are now dragging their feet because in la sue gareeyo ka cabsanooyaan, which will be inevitable. It is scary it can be like this, iyadoo cunug leh waliba. Ka waran qof single ah haddee ahaan lahayd. What would those neo-cons excuses would have been? I thank the Toronto Star keeping this case in the limelight.
  20. Ma'ogi ninkaa ku qaldoysid ninkaas. Ninkaas waa Dalai Lama, a Tibetan. Baafin:
  21. Dowlad Soomaaliyeed ayee sheeganayaan, qeyb afka Soomaaliyeedna loogu tala galayna kuma taalo shabakadooda. Mise caalamka laga rabaa labada shilin, shabakadoodana aims to those non-Soomaalis. Even Xasan Abshir Faarax's individual website looks visually much, much professionally designed, not to mention Afsoomaaliga lagu qoray too.
  22. Waxyaabaha ee ka dhigaan jidgooyinka u yaalo gobollada koonfureed waa u yaabeysaa. Ilig la iska siibaayo would be a child's play. Wax walba waaka filan kartaa dadkaas aan maankooda fiyoobeen.
  23. ...laga waayo, soo jiif ayaa laga helaa ayuu yiri waa hore Awkoombe. Dagaal dhaafi weysee, adiga iyo kuwa kula aragti ah, xaa la calaacaleysaa hadda, Awcaraaloow? .