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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Igu sawir by Madoobe. Waligiisa ma soo hadalqaaday waxa Laascaanood ka socda horta? Laftagareen ayaaba dhaamay who called them early in the halgan, back in Febraayo.
  2. Muuse Muqayil yuu ka gadi karaa waxaan oo maangaaban? Waxaa maqli jiray 'gadaal ka gaar goob dumis ahaa.' Wiilkaan yar shilimaan yar heybadiisa mustaqbal dhan ku beelay.
  3. Maxaa wali loogu sahlaayaa inay isticmaalaan qadka internetka? Siimanka dhaadheer meesha ku yaala ugu dhow maala jaro. I thought Reer Laascaanood are using Golis now, marka Telesom hilfaha ha loo qaado. Mise deegaanada kale Sool ku xiriiro?
  4. Waxa kaliya aan hubno is gabadhiisa iyo tuu adeerka u yahay raacaan now always. The rest we can only gather from sawiradda laga qaado since meesha isa soo safaan si loo arko. We can't file access to information requests since meesha waxaas ka jirin. Heck, several trips waaba la qariyey.
  5. Gooni oo adeerkiisa u xiisay. Say after me, towradatan barakeysan.
  6. LOL, are you gsthering a dossier against Xasan Socdaal? Even his wafdi to anywhere don't know how many they are. Dad badan la raacsiiyaa, including kuwa tahriib ah, depending the destination. However in the last ten trips or so, gabadhiisa xoghayaha weyn ah. Awal Abshir Mukhaari ahaa, who himself usurped agaasimihii guud ee madaxtooyada's job, who is Xuseen Sheekh Maxamuud. Laakiin maanta Abshir asagaaba baalaha laga rifay oo gabadhii la wareegtay and stays back. Also wafdigiisa mar walba waxaa raacdo tuu adeerka u yahay Hinda Culusoow
  7. Isbaariste mentality is aniga dhisan maayo, adigana dhisan meysid. Aniga dowlad ma sameysanaayi, adigana waa ila joogeysaa ma sameysan kartid. Qalalaase iyo qas kaliya in wax lagu helo iska dhaadhacsiiyeen. It started markuu Caydiid Xamar soo galay Janaayo, 1991. Instead of securing, he allowed his militia to freely bililiqo Madaxtooyada, wasaaradihii, goobihii xirooyinka, safaaradihii, hoteelladii, anything. Markee shacabkii saan arkeen, iyagana waa bilaabeen. Xamar was under his absolute command, yet chose that wrongful path. Cali Mahdi wasn't even an issue then.
  8. ...at the progress seen below images shown in Baraawe today. Waa yaab. What was their thinking, that Baraawe will forever be occupied by Dhuxuloow and his isbaariste moooryaan as they did from late 1990s to 2000s? If Dhuxuloow was still there, hal geed kuma yaalin lahayn aagaas dhan oo dhuxul laga wada dhigi lahaa as Axmed Madoobe ka dhigay Jubbooyinka. Waxee ka xunyihiin arkaan horumarka deegaanada iyo awood yeelashada Koonfur Galbeed; waxee ka sii xunyihiin isku duubnida hoggaanka Koonfur Galbeed ka soo jeedo. The images that bothered them are these, dhagaxdhigga dekedda Baraawe oo Reer Koonfur Galbeed rabaan dhistaan, including the native locals Reer Baraawe. Sheekadooda waa teyda ma dhisanaayi, taadana ha dhisan. Jug jug bilaa horumar iyo isbaariste hala iska ahaado.
  9. Nayroobi-based group of mostly failed siyaasiin issue a baaq:
  10. His confidante is welcoming this, too, even the two-party system. I think Farmaajo doorasho qof-iyo-cod ah soo dhaweynaayaa. I think Farmaajo will comment major issues from now on since he said he will give Xasan Socdaal a year of non-commenting. The year ended this month.
  11. Warar la isla dhexmaraayo are saying ra'iisul wasaare ku xigeenka tried to block the madaxtooyada meeting. This ra'iisul wasaare ku xigeen is openly secessionist, bilaa xishood. Waa qof shaqo caadi u soo doontay aanan mabda' Soomaali midnimo aaminsaneen. I knew since jagada u keenay odeygii Xaashi, a Muuse Muqayil close agent.
  12. This secessionist troll's obsession with 'laan' is on next level. What an incel oo ku waashay laan, laan, laan. Soco gabar raadso, not that you will find one. Also reminded me what a Reer Xamar lady in berisamaadkii said to a new neighbour who moved to her xaafad. Waqooyiga ka timid oo ku waalatay 'laandheere, laandheere.' Maalintii dambe loogu jawaabay, "Ninkaaga ku dhib qabo laankaaga dheer." From that day, ma dambe laandheerenimo lagama maqlin.
  13. Garaadkii Muuse Muqayil ugu dhawaa oo ka soo tagay ayee Xamar u soo direen garaadada. Very smart move.
  14. Soomaalis meel walba ee joogaan are motivated codkooda dhiibtaan for a genuine doorasho since 1969. Heck, Reer Xuddur, Waajid iyo Diinwoor golaha deegaanadooda iyagaa isdoortay. Golaha iska dhex doortay guddoomiyaha degmada oo ah wiilal dhalinyaro ah.
  15. Türkiye elections: World leaders congratulate Erdogan on 'historic victory' World leaders have extended their congratulatory messages to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan following his victory in the presidential runoff. Erdogan secured a commanding win on Sunday, amassing over 27 million votes in the face of opposition candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu’s showing over 25 million votes. As international leaders join in extending their felicitations to Erdogan, Qatari Emir Tamim bin Hamad was the first world leader to congratulate Erdogan, writing on social media. "My dear brother Recep Tayyip Erdogan, congratulations on your victory - I wish you success in your new term - I wish for our strong relations to further our countries' development & growth." Under Erdogan, Türkiye was one of the first countries that aided Qatar after a blockade was imposed by its Gulf neighbours in 2017. Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh also issued a congratulatory message to Erdogan and the Turkish people for the president's election victory. Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the election victory "was a natural result of your selfless work" of Erdogan as leader of Türkiye. "We highly appreciate your personal contribution to the strengthening of friendly Russian-Turkish relations and mutually beneficial cooperation in various areas," Putin said. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban also sent his message, praising, Erdogan's "unquestionable election victory". In a lengthy message posted on Twitter, Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif called Erdogan's victory "historic". "He is one of few world leaders whose politics has been anchored in public service. He has been a pillar of strength for the oppressed Muslims & a fervent voice for their inalienable rights." "I keenly look forward to working with him to further deepen our strategic partnership in line with the excellent brotherhood between our two peoples." Meanwhile, Somalia's President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was the first African leader to congratulate Erdogan. In a social media post, he wrote, "It’s a true testament to your great leadership. As such, I join billions world-wide who prayed for you & the people of Türkiye towards this success." Videos posted on social media also showed celebrations in Syria and Azerbaijan after it Erdogan's victory became clear. Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev also congratulated President Erdogan on reelection in a phone call, inviting him to visit Baku in the near future. - TRT World
  16. It is shame Axmed Madoobe never, ever attempted freeing whole Jubbada Dhexe since reerkiisa ku badneyn. The only whole gobol kuwa afka duuban heystaan.
  17. He can do it since almost all KG districts are free from kuwa afka duuban. Only Kunturwaareey heystaan.
  18. When reer-ku-qabso-ku-qadi-meydidee afaaraha Shabeellaha Hoose soo qaadan, I just ask a simple question - why Afgooye is called af-gooye? Kuwooda wax og wey ogyihiin oo wey aamusaan iyo taariikh hore waaye keenaan. Laakiin kuwooda moooryaanta ah jawaabta wey ku wareeraan. Afgooye sababta loogu bixiyey degmadaas waa meeshee Afmaayga iyo Afmaxaaga ku kala bixi jireen. North of wabiga Afmaay land officially ahaa.
  19. Xalay dhan hoteelka uu Laftagareen ka deganyahay Xamar ku noqnoqonaayeen ergo ka socotay Xasan Socdaal, desperately asking to drop that position. I am surprised Lafta insisted this long, since it is not something major. I guess qadiyadiisa ayaa adag, plus he wants to do doorasho deegaan in Koonfur Galbeed.
  20. It is official now. Maamul goboleedyada waa loogu wada daray xilkooda ilaa dhammaadka 2024. I don't think it will work. Next few days meelo badan ayaa soo qeylin doonaa. Garoowe, Baydhabo, Beledweyne, Garbahaareey iyo Dhuusamareeb.