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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Maxaa iga danbeeye? If Aamir is pissing off enough, he must be doing something right. Sax. Amiin Caamir waa nin bartay maskaxda maryooleeyda iyo siyaasadooda, their predictable never-ending squabbles. Since 1991 having been following his sawirgacmeed, I for one labada suul u taagay ninkaan. His political cartoons are invaluable contribution to farcical Soomaali political scene.
  2. Maxaa lagu deydaa meesha yaalo? Soomaali dhan isma dhaanto iyo dhasheed idilkood ah.
  3. Qofba wax ayuu ku qafiifay. Ninkaan buufis Waqooyi Galbeed ku dhacay. Mid kalena buufis Garoowe.
  4. Asked about whether he was he referring to Abdillahi Yusuf in his song “Habartaa ninkii qabo ee aan hadana ku dhalin muxu kuu yahay adeer I dheh”, Maki Haji Banadir said he was not referring to Abdillahi Yusuf. Qaabdaranaa su'aashaan.
  5. Adi meeqo meel iska dhiibtay naftirkaa. Run sheeg. Hadda kahor anoo Landhan joogo ayaa walaalahey yiraahdeen iska dhiib. Funny surprising face ayaa u dhiibay. Of all places la iska dhiibo, Landhan? Meel haddaa iska dhiibaayo, Switzerland iska dhiibi lahaa. Dalkaas si ayaan u qadariyaa, don't know.
  6. Originally posted by Mostapha Dualeh: quote:Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar: And after bishaan barakeysan what happens? Back to one's routine, without the slightest irony of understanding bisha soonka micnaha ka dambeyso oo loo soo dajiye. I never understood dadka caabudo kaliya bisha soonka, qaas ahaan dadka caayda iyo afxumada kaliya joojiyo ama try to only in this particular month, then meesha kasii wado waxee ku dhex jireen after bishaan. Ramadaan after Ramadaan. War 11 bil kaleba buugga dambiga lagu qoro ama ajirka waa furanyahay hala ogaado. Are you so perfect that your ramadan routine is the same as all the other times. Ramadan is a special month and this is why i cut down on my many habits so that i can find the strength to cut it during the rest of the year. Qof kaamilnimo ka hadlaayo iska yar. You wrote: "Music, going out to bars and clubs and Chewing every other Friday night." The tone of that sentence can be interpreted you are ready to go back to those activities once this month passes. You are only 'sacrificing' those activities, and I may assume, ready to go back to that lifestyle once Ciid day passes. Eniwey, kuligeenba Eebba ha naga wada aqbalo soonkeena iyo salaadeena, jidka toosana ha nagu toosiyo, whether this month or next. Aamiin to that. Soon wanaagsan.
  7. at iskaashatada. Smokers has a union miyaa, mid waliba solidarity ah ku dar. No, I don't isqarxi myself. Too bad, I guess, I can't join this iskaashi.
  8. Horta emotionalism yee na qaadin. Let us separate facts from fiction. Fact I: Xabashi army do cross that phantom 'border' whenever they decide, whether a man called Shariif is in Filla Soomaaliya or a man called Xuseen Caydiid claims that place. Xabashi violated, violates and still continuously is violating xuduud ku sheega since mid '90s. It is the result of our disunity. We don't have to blame Xabashis. Dad Soomaaliya iyo Soomaali meel ka gaari la' oo xaasidnimo ku darsaday ayaa nagu dhex jiro, oo magaca Soomaaliyeed rabana jaraanjar in meel lagu gaaro inay u noqoto, haddee socon weysana wax walba qash qashaad banad ah. Ciyaalnimo mentality. Dad saas ah ayaa magaca Soomaali nala share gareeyo, qaarkood this very Xabashi keeno dalkeena, una horseedo. Fact II: Xabashi army does not care who claims to be a Soomaali president when they are crossing that xuduud ku sheeg. Their incursions occasionally go any of these following degmooyin that shares border with or close to Soomaali Galbeed: Luuq/Dooloow (Gedo), Yeed/Ceelbarde (Bakool), Feerfeer/Kalabeyr (Hiiraan), Balanbale (Galgaduud), Goldogob (Mudug) iyo Buuhoodle (Togdheer). These degmooyin, in fact, are a de facto Xabashi territory, a part of an extended Soomaali Galbeed. These latest Xabashi incursion is just like what they used to do, regardless if Shariifka protests or not. He is powerless to do anything, as powerless as kan sheegto inuu ka arrimiyo Waqooyi Galbeed ama kan kale equally sheegto in uu ka arrimiyo Waqooyi Bari when Xabashi army crosses from Soomaali Galbeed and into Buuhoodle. Neither the leaders of Waqooyi Galbeed and Waqooyi Bari raise hal far. Cabsi baa saas u geysatay. But iyaga ciidamadooda markee midkood tagaan that degmo, all is lost. Qeylo dhaan iyo balaayo yeereyso. But all is mum when it is Xabashis. This is how badly low our disunity descended to and have reached. And it says more about, again, our disunity iyo qabyaalad sun ka buuxdo dad maskaxda iyo maanka ka gishay. Having written this, the difference between the latest incursions and the infamous one of 2006 was clear: A so-called Soomaali 'president' called for them, led them to Xamar, xudunta Soomaaliya, while boarding and in a Xabashi military helicopter. Lived in Xamar, protected by those Xabashis. That was unforgettable and ill-famed, an offense to any Soomaali dalkiisa jecel's conscience. That was too painful to witness.
  9. This will affect some of us maryooleeys who cannot stick with one place and one country. The average SOLer probably have lived two or three Western countries, probably iska dhiibay/dhiibtay two of the said average three at least. Probably. US, EU and New Zealand will probably join this initiative as well. Soomaali inter-West iska dhiibi jirtay waa u dhamaatay then. How many I know live in Toronto alone kasoo guuray Scandinavia in late '90s oo haddana baasabooro Kanada wada heysto. Anecdotes are endless. There is this guy I personally know who Holland kasoo guuray in early '00s, Mareykanka u guuray, lagana aqbali waaye; markii laga aqbali waayena xagaas Kanada usoo wareegay eventually. Now Canadian ah, oo dibadaha wareegooyo. Mid kalena inta ka guuray, Ingiriiska u guuray for the sole reason of endless jaad sessions. Of course London iska dhiibay, though he was back safely in Kanada eventually. Midoo kale, my sister's childhood friend, who iska soo dhiibtay Ingiriiska, guri laga soo siiye, her brother, who had already lived in UK, soo dajisay gurigaas. She came back to Toronto, where she owned her own home. Last time I knew, she went back and forth anytime dowladda xagaas u wacaan. Ar Soomaalidaa, socod jeclaa iyo isdhiibid. _______________ Canada plans to share fingerprint database with U.K., Australia OTTAWA — Calling asylum seekers a "vulnerable group," Canada's privacy commissioner expressed concern Friday about a new government plan to share fingerprint information with Britain and Australia to combat immigration fraud. The three-country agreement was announced Friday with little fanfare, with Canada and the two countries providing assurances that no one's privacy would be violated and that no database for the prints would be created. A lawyers' group in Australia also raised privacy concerns about the plan, which the United States and New Zealand were expected to join later on. The offices of Immigration Minister Jason Kenney and Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan made the announcement Friday along with their counterparts in London and Canberra, calling it a "landmark initiative" that would "improve our ability to identify foreign nationals who are seeking to enter Canada and who are trying to hide their past from authorities." The new agreement allows countries to check each other's fingerprint databases but doesn't give them unfettered access. The measure was touted as a way to better detect bogus immigration and refugee claimants. To allay privacy concerns, the countries said that no central database of fingerprints would be created and all inquiries would be done anonymously. If a set of fingerprints did not produce a match, they would be destroyed. This information sharing is part of a broader government initiative to introduce biometrics into Canada's immigration and refugee screening system. The Immigration department, in Friday's news release, also said that it had done a privacy impact assessment. But the spokeswoman for Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart told Canwest News Service on Friday that it asked Immigration on July 20 to give more details about that assessment. Though Immigration had "demonstrated its legislative authority" to go ahead with the plan, privacy commissioner spokeswoman Anne-Marie Hayden said, "we nevertheless expressed some concerns, we had some questions, and made a number of recommendations." This included asking Immigration to explicitly explain its rationale or need for the "high-value data-sharing." In an e-mail, Hayden said: "Highly sensitive information such as fingerprints should be safeguarded with a correspondingly high level of security safeguards. Though threat and risk assessments (TRA) were completed, we were not provided with any details on the assessments, to demonstrate that business and IT controls are adequate, and were not informed whether action has been taken to address risks identified in the TRA — so we asked for more information on this front." The privacy commissioner also asked for a further explanation of how the government plans to use biometric information in the future and what weight it plans to attach to the data when making an assessment of a particular application, said Hayden. "We very much look forward to receiving further clarity and information from CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada) to ensure that this initiative is respectful of the privacy rights of what may be considered quite a vulnerable group," wrote Hayden. "We understand this is just one of several biometrics initiatives being considered by the CIC and we've made CIC aware of our concerns with respect to what seems to be a general trend toward an increased collection of biometric information — so we will definitely be monitoring these issues closely and look forward to being kept informed by the department(s) involved." The president of the Australian Lawyers for Human Rights told the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper that the new agreement was disquieting. "I'd really like to see the justification for this and see it implemented in a culturally sensitive manner," the group's president, Susan Harris-Rimmer, told the newspaper. Alykhan Velshi, the spokesman for Canada's immigration minister, said all countries involved had implemented "rigorous privacy protocols" to address such concerns. "But ultimately you can't allow hypothetical concerns about this to get in the way of tangible concrete benefits for the security and safety of Canadians," Velshi told Canwest News Service. In a 2007 trial, Canada shared the fingerprints of 343 refugee claimants with the United States and found matches in 124 cases, or 36 per cent. Of those, five per cent had a criminal history in the U.S. while 32 per cent had been ordered removed from the U.S., said Velshi. In a similar 2008 trial with Britain, Canada checked 2,000 refugee claimants' fingerprints and got 72 matches, or four per cent, he said. Velshi also gave the anecdotal example of a Somali who claimed asylum in Britain. He had been fingerprinted in the U.S. while travelling on Australian identification. His fingerprints established that he was wanted for rape in Australia, where he was subsequently convicted and is in prison. "It's a personal priority of Minister Kenney to focus on the security elements in immigration programs." Xigasho
  10. The lightbulb dance ayaaba ka helay. Darn, I just realized after posting I am in women's section. Daa'uud, why did you post in the women's section. War naga tag.
  11. Sambuus is overrated. Can't stand that thing. Now malawax. Now that is another story. Malawax kulul, oo malab lagu bilbilay, shaah caddeys ahna ku agyaalo. Xaax. Konton xabo xataa waaka cuni karaa.
  12. And after bishaan barakeysan what happens? Back to one's routine, without the slightest irony of understanding bisha soonka micnaha ka dambeyso oo loo soo dajiye. I never understood dadka caabudo kaliya bisha soonka, qaas ahaan dadka caayda iyo afxumada kaliya joojiyo ama try to only in this particular month, then meesha kasii wado waxee ku dhex jireen after bishaan. Ramadaan after Ramadaan. War 11 bil kaleba buugga dambiga lagu qoro ama ajirka waa furanyahay hala ogaado.
  13. Originally posted by Kashafa: quote: Kuwa Dhalinta isku magacaabayna Xabashi ma maqli karaan cabsi daraadood, orodka ee isdaayaan degmada ugu soo sokeeyso istaagaan iyagoo neeftuuraayo Caku iyo jaahil qalin(ama keyboard) loo dhiibay. This is the problem when dhooc-ka-yeer'kasta la daho: fikradaatha dhiibo. MMA markee aa aragtid, sida dhoocil af-baratay oo afka uu kala taaga with smears against Mujahideen'ta and Islaam. By his 'reasoning'(if it can be called that): - Khalid bin Walid and the Companions were cowards when they retreated from the Battle of Mu'tah. - Salaah-ul-diin Al-Ayoubi was a coward for refusing to engage the Crusaders, constantly retreating(or in MMA-speak carar'ing), until he fought the enemy at a time and place of his own choosing, which resulted in the historic where the Crusaders were annihilated, jab ay weligood kaso kabsanin. But waa ku kaas caqli dameer'eed. Waxaa uu malaysaa jaahil'nimo inay dugsi aga soo baxaeen. I wonder what these newly-ilbax Flight 13s want the Resistance to do. Stand bare-chested in front of Ethiopian T-72s ? Line up in perfect formation and wait to be strafed by Ethiopian Mig-21s ? Just so that they can be called 'brave' by Flight 13s oo welfare Toronto ama Scandinavia ku qaato ? Hate it or love it, the Somali thoroughbreds are waging a classic guerrilla campaign that has resulted in unprecedented success in record time. Not even Sayyid-ka or Axmed Guray managed to consolidate the sheer breadth of territory that the Xoogaga Muqaawamda Soomaliyeed liberated and now govern. That's a fact, and testament to the enduring staying power of the Sons of Somalia. Expect the Mujahideen to retreat from even more towns in the coming days. Their strategy is clear to any discerning eye: Consolidate their forces, draw the enemy(TFG, Ahlu Poison) deeper and deeper, far away from their supply lines(Doolow, AU base) so that they can't call on Mother Ethiopia and Papa Uganda to ride to the rescue. Ethiopia has been arming, funding, and directing clan militia since the '80s. This latest round of Moooryaan la soo hubeeyay is nothing new. Waxaana la marsiina jid'ka ay mareen their predecessors inshallah. MMA, have you read Mao's treatise ? Sun-tzu ? Che Guevara ? Have you read any book on guerrilla warfare and insurgency ? No ? So why don't you educate yourself before you open your mouth with dhooc-ka-yeer hadal ? The cure of jaahil'nimo(ignoranc e) is waxbarasho. Go the library, abti, pick a book on the nature of war, especially as it relates to successful guerrilla campaigns(Clausewitz is a good start, he says that is almost impossible for a state to suppress a motivated insurgency, no matter how powerful that state maybe), and start reading. Your current diet of Toronto Star, Tim Hortons, and H&M isn't working. Your mind is malnourished. Intellectual nutrients oo badan aa ka maqan, causing you to bacaaac bacaac markee isfiilito Al-Shabaab kuugu kacdo. Sida isu dhaan, abti. Nin wayn aa tahay, not a dhoocil. Speak and reason accordingly. Nothing personal, kaligaa maahan, dad badan aa jaahil'nimada kula wadaago, my advice is directed to them as well. Haye, maxaa kale? Dhareerka masii wadee mise waa kaa tirtiraa? Diinta aad sheegatid waxee tahay ma'ogiyee, ani diintaas la iguma soo korin, hooy loogu dhaqmana kuma soo korin, including aflagaadeen dadka. Guri sheekhna waa kusoo koray, a sheekh konton sheekhyaal ku sheeg aad aamisantahay oo 'jihaad, 'jihaad' ku qafiifay ka tacliin iyo cilmi wanaagsan, not to mention akhlaaqdiisa. Waa Eebbe mahadiis. That same diin aad afka ka sheeganeysid includes not to aflagaado dadka, one of the pillars of akhlaaqda dadka loogu dhaqmo. Kuwaas Dhalinta sheegto aad aaminsantahayna waa iska waxmagarate kale kaliya ka maqlay ereyga 'jihaad, jihaad' kii ka hor imaadana madaxa ka gooynaayo in the name of their perverted version of 'jihaad.' Micnaha jihaadba xataa ma yaqaanaan. Eebboow noo naxariiso.
  14. Originally posted by Kashafa: quote: Kuwa Dhalinta isku magacaabayna Xabashi ma maqli karaan cabsi daraadood, orodka ee isdaayaan degmada ugu soo sokeeyso istaagaan iyagoo neeftuuraayo Caku iyo jaahil qalin(ama keyboard) loo dhiibay. This is the problem when dhooc-ka-yeer'kasta la daho: fikradaatha dhiibo. MMA markee aa aragtid, sida dhoocil af-baratay oo afka uu kala taaga with smears against Mujahideen'ta and Islaam. By his 'reasoning'(if it can be called that): - Khalid bin Walid and the Companions were cowards when they retreated from the Battle of Mu'tah. - Salaah-ul-diin Al-Ayoubi was a coward for refusing to engage the Crusaders, constantly retreating(or in MMA-speak carar'ing), until he fought the enemy at a time and place of his own choosing, which resulted in the historic where the Crusaders were annihilated, jab ay weligood kaso kabsanin. But waa ku kaas caqli dameer'eed. Waxaa uu malaysaa jaahil'nimo inay dugsi aga soo baxaeen. I wonder what these newly-ilbax Flight 13s want the Resistance to do. Stand bare-chested in front of Ethiopian T-72s ? Line up in perfect formation and wait to be strafed by Ethiopian Mig-21s ? Just so that they can be called 'brave' by Flight 13s oo welfare Toronto ama Scandinavia ku qaato ? Hate it or love it, the Somali thoroughbreds are waging a classic guerrilla campaign that has resulted in unprecedented success in record time. Not even Sayyid-ka or Axmed Guray managed to consolidate the sheer breadth of territory that the Xoogaga Muqaawamda Soomaliyeed liberated and now govern. That's a fact, and testament to the enduring staying power of the Sons of Somalia. Expect the Mujahideen to retreat from even more towns in the coming days. Their strategy is clear to any discerning eye: Consolidate their forces, draw the enemy(TFG, Ahlu Poison) deeper and deeper, far away from their supply lines(Doolow, AU base) so that they can't call on Mother Ethiopia and Papa Uganda to ride to the rescue. Ethiopia has been arming, funding, and directing clan militia since the '80s. This latest round of Moooryaan la soo hubeeyay is nothing new. Waxaana la marsiina jid'ka ay mareen their predecessors inshallah. MMA, have you read Mao's treatise ? Sun-tzu ? Che Guevara ? Have you read any book on guerrilla warfare and insurgency ? No ? So why don't you educate yourself before you open your mouth with dhooc-ka-yeer hadal ? The cure of jaahil'nimo(ignoranc e) is waxbarasho. Go the library, abti, pick a book on the nature of war, especially as it relates to successful guerrilla campaigns(Clausewitz is a good start, he says that is almost impossible for a state to suppress a motivated insurgency, no matter how powerful that state maybe), and start reading. Your current diet of Toronto Star, Tim Hortons, and H&M isn't working. Your mind is malnourished. Intellectual nutrients oo badan aa ka maqan, causing you to bacaaac bacaac markee isfiilito Al-Shabaab kuugu kacdo. Sida isu dhaan, abti. Nin wayn aa tahay, not a dhoocil. Speak and reason accordingly. Nothing personal, kaligaa maahan, dad badan aa jaahil'nimada kula wadaago, my advice is directed to them as well. Haye, maxaa kale? Dhareerka masii wadee mise waa kaa tirtiraa? Diinta aad sheegatid waxee tahay ma'ogiyee, ani diintaas la iguma soo korin, hooy loogu dhaqmana kuma soo korin, including aflagaadeen dadka. Guri sheekhna waa kusoo koray, a sheekh konton sheekhyaal ku sheeg aad aamisantahay oo 'jihaad, 'jihaad' ku qafiifay ka tacliin iyo cilmi wanaagsan, not to mention akhlaaqdiisa. Waa Eebbe mahadiis. That same diin aad afka ka sheeganeysid includes not to aflagaado dadka, one of the pillars of akhlaaqda dadka loogu dhaqmo. Kuwaas Dhalinta sheegto aad aaminsantahayna waa iska waxmagarate kale kaliya ka maqlay ereyga 'jihaad, jihaad' kii ka hor imaadana madaxa ka gooynaayo in the name of their perverted version of 'jihaad.' Micnaha jihaadba xataa ma yaqaanaan. Eebboow noo naxariiso.
  15. dadkeyga miyaa la garab rogi ciidaydu miyaa dhamaataa dhulka soo anigu malihi dalka soo anigu malihi gumaysiyaa nacayaa yee geeridu dhibaysaa waqtigii dhamaayoo kuu dhaqaaqi doonaa ninkii dhoof ku yimidaa geeridu dhibaysaa... Heestaan maaba muran gishay maanta. Heesaha dadka xaadda qaadi jirtay kamid tahay. Ciyaalkeena jeclaa, siiba ereyada kamid ahaa: Dhulka soo anigu malihi -- haa, haa, haa Dalka soo anigu malihi -- haa, haa, haa. Of course dagaalkii Xabashada iyo Soomaaliya la alifay ee Toddobaatanmeeyadii. Laakiin ereyga waa "gumeysiga dhacaya...," not "gumeysiga nacayaa..."
  16. Now because the sister's unfortunate plight and subsequent national media coverage, this poor brother's predicament finally got a media attention he deserved and is receiving his passport as well after three long years of ordeal. _____________ Stranded Canadian to be given new ID A second Canadian stranded in Kenya while diplomats questioned whether he was an imposter will get a travel document to return to this country. Abdihakim Mohamed, a 25-year-old autistic man of Somali origin, has been unable to get a passport to return to Canada because his mother, Anab Mohamed Issa, could not convince Foreign Affairs officials he was really her son. Now, after another Somali-Canadian marooned in Kenya for months because of allegations she was an imposter returned home Saturday, Mr. Mohamed is to receive his own travel documents when his mother turns in a new application. “Once the application is submitted, we're going to proceed with issuing the travel documents,” said Nathalie Sarafian, a spokeswoman for Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon. The recent case of Suaad Hagi Mohamud, accused by Canadian diplomats of faking her identity, brought new attention to the case of Mr. Mohamed, and new hope to his family. “We are three years and more into the same situation and nobody can help us,” Ms. Issa said from Ottawa's Carleton University, where she works as a cleaner. “So I get happy she got help soon. It give me a big hope.” The Ottawa woman and her friends had struggled for years to bring attention to the case of her son. “Before Suaad, nobody was really taking it up,” said Mohammed Dalmar, a friend and manager at the Catholic Immigration Centre in Ottawa. The cases of Ms. Mohamud and Mr. Mohamed open a window to the difficulties of those who have origins in one of the most infamous failed states of the day. Somalia's lack of a functional government means the only papers of identification Somalis possess today are issued by outside governments. Many Somali-Canadians don't have birth certificates, and can only use documents from Canada. “If those with big passports from Western countries are being treated like this, can you imagine how the refugees, fleeing from conflict, trying to cross borders, seeking asylum, how they are being treated?” said Hassan Noor, Oxfam's humanitarian co-ordinator for Somalia. “Some have been attacked in airports and thrown in jail. Coming into another country is almost an illegal act.” Mr. Mohamed's stay in East Africa began in 2004, when his mother brought him to live with relatives in the Somali port town of Bosaso. He had been struggling in Canada, and a doctor felt that being around his extended family might do him good. Ms. Issa stayed with him for several months as he settled in, then left, taking his passport with her because she feared it might be stolen. When she arrived in Toronto, Canadian officials confiscated the passport because it was not her own. In 2006, Mr. Mohamed's grandmother in Bosaso died and Ms. Issa decided it was time to bring him home. When she contacted the Canadian High Commission in Nairobi about getting him a new passport, she was asked to go for an interview with her son, and later informed she was under investigation for applying for a passport for an imposter. She was told her son did not resemble a picture of him taken in 1996 when he became a Canadian citizen at age 11. They asked for more pictures of Mr. Mohamed then and since, but his mother didn't have any. Mr. Dalmar said some Muslims do not get photographed unless it's really necessary, but she offered to provide DNA for a test – an offer the Canadian government never accepted. Ms. Sarafian declined to comment on why Canadian officials did not accept that offer, or to explain the delay in proving his identity, citing privacy concerns. Eventually, Ms. Issa was forced to leave her son with relatives in Nairobi so that she could return home to work, taking a second job to support her son. Like many young Somali men in Nairobi, Mr. Mohamed was picked up by the police several times. “They catch him many times and they take money.” Ms. Issa said. “Sometimes you care safety and you don't care money. If you don't pay money, maybe they put him in jail.” Xigasho
  17. 2nd Canadian stranded in Kenya Members of Canada's Somali community say their relationship with the Canadian High Commission in Nairobi, Kenya, is strained following a second case of disputed identity. Abdihakim Mohammed, a 25-year-old Somali-Canadian, has been stuck in Kenya for three years, accused by Canadian diplomatic officials of being an imposter. Mohammed is autistic. His mother took him to Somalia five years ago because doctors believed being around extended family could help him. After leaving Mohammed in Somalia with his grandmother, his mother returned to Canada. However, when she tried to bring him back to Canada three years ago, she was told the person travelling with her was not her son because he didn't look like his passport photo. In an earlier case of disputed identity, Suaad Hagi Mohamud, 31, had been unable to leave Kenya since May, when local authorities said her lips did not look the way they did in her passport photo. Canadian consular officials voided her passport and urged Kenya to prosecute her. After a DNA test proved Mohamud was who she said she was, a Kenyan judge agreed to drop identity fraud charges. Mohamud recently returned to Toronto where she was reunited with her son, Mohamed Hussein, 12. The latest case remains unresolved despite offers by Mohammed's mother to undergo DNA testing. "I was upset with them, the Canadian Embassy, they didn't want to give me my passport, my Canadian passport — I don't know why," Abdihakim Mohammed told CBC News. Mohammed Dalmar, a family friend and a manager at Ottawa's Catholic Immigration Centre, said the federal government has a problem at the High Commission in Nairobi. "The relationship between the Somali community and the High Commission in Nairobi is damaged and we need to repair it," Dalmar said. No embassy Canada has no embassy in Somalia, so people from that country must travel to Nairobi for consular services. Dalmar said people travelling to Somalia through Kenya are targeted by corrupt Kenyan border agents. "If you go through the airport, they will target you," he said. "They will say you have to pay some money as a bribe. Otherwise, they make life difficult for you." When bribes aren't paid, the traveller can be accused of using a false passport. Now in at least two cases, it seems Canadian consular officials have sided with the Kenyans when this has happened. Not drawing conclusions Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon isn't willing to draw any conclusions yet, but he said senior officials are looking into what happened. "We're not looking for anything else than the truth," Cannon said. Xigasho
  18. Diplomat's recall does not clear air The Canadian diplomat at the heart of the uproar over Ottawa's indefensible treatment of Suaad Hagi Mohamud is suddenly back home. But Liliane Khadour's recall from Kenya to Ottawa doesn't begin to clear the air. If her political masters hope to shield themselves by scapegoating her, Parliament shouldn't let them get away with it. Khadour is the official at Canada's high commission in Nairobi who sent a letter to Kenyan authorities saying that "conclusive investigations" had confirmed – wrongly, as it turned out – that Mohamud was an imposter. The letter said the high commission was "releasing" her passport to the Kenyans so she could be prosecuted. As Canadians have learned, Mohamud is who she claimed to be. She returned to Toronto on Saturday. Now Ottawa must explain the indefensible. It rejected Mohamud's proofs of Canadian identity, denied the Somali immigrant's Canadian citizenship, seized her passport, blocked her right to return home, and turned her over to a foreign government. Then it took months to sort out the mess with a DNA test. Is it credible that Khadour, a mere official, wreaked such havoc without her superiors eventually knowing? Hardly. Is it credible that "conclusive investigations" didn't include consultations with Ottawa officials? No. If higher officials didn't know, they should have. At Prime Minister Stephen Harper's demand, Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon (who faulted the victim) and Public Safety Minister Peter Van Loan are conducting probes. Canadian High Commission to Kenya Ross Hynes, too, should shed light on this fiasco. But it's not reassuring that Mohamud's lawyer Raoul Boulakia has had to launch proceedings in Federal Court to obtain Mohamud's disputed passport and case file. What does Ottawa have to hide? The Harper government has just a few weeks before Parliament resumes in mid-September to explain how a Canadian traveler could be treated so shabbily after seeking consular help. Absent a credible explanation, the Liberals and other opposition parties should use their majority in Parliament to force an inquiry. As well, they should press for legislation requiring Ottawa to go to bat for citizens who get into trouble abroad. At present, Ottawa isn't bound to help. Ministers and bureaucrats can pick and choose. That can leave new Canadians such as Mohamud feeling the sting of official indifference. Since 9/11, Muslims especially have suffered. The Federal Court in several cases has sharply criticized Ottawa for neglecting citizens. This is not the Canadian way. If the government won't assume its responsibility to stand up for every citizen, Parliament should take up the cause. Ibid
  19. Her case is far from over. It is just a tip of what happens in Nayroobi office of Canadian embassy. Waa dad isla waa weyn, Soomaalida aadna u yaso dadka ka shaqeeyo safaaradaas Kanada. On today's paper. _____________ Government `mindset' blamed for abuse of our Muslims abroad You remember Liliane Khadour, don't you? She was among those at the Canadian high commission in Nairobi who caused Suaad Hagi Mohamud all that grief. Well, the diplomat's tour of duty has "concluded" – as in, terminated. But she clearly was not alone in creating the mess. What's being done about the other officials? And what's Ottawa doing about the chorus of complaints about the attitude of Canadian immigration officials in Nairobi toward Somalis, including visiting Somali Canadians? And what of Stephen Harper? After refusing for weeks to tend to the case, he has been cleverly distancing his government from this shameful episode. He shouldn't be allowed to get away with it. He began last Thursday with the innuendo that Mohamud's was "not an easy case," implying there was more to it than meets the eye. If so, let's hear it, Prime Minister. The next day, he urged Canadians to be cautious when abroad, implying that she hadn't been. Fact: she had done nothing wrong, except to visit her sick mother. He then made a particularly misleading statement: "We do our best to aid those in various forms of difficulty, but ultimately we're not the sovereign government once people leave our territory." Fact: it was not Kenyans, but Canadian officials who were the main culprits. This week, Harper said: "When we became aware last week ..." Is that the royal "we"? Or is he referring to his office? In either case, it's not reassuring that the Prime Minister and/or his entourage didn't know what most Canadians did. ON SATURDAY , about 50 Somali Canadians waited nearly two hours at Pearson airport for Mohamud to emerge from immigration upon her return from Kenya. They were eager to talk. Shukri Abdi lives in the same building as Mohamud and had gladly looked after the single mom's son, though she has seven children of her own. "I said, `sure,' since Suaad had to go see her mother." Abdi said stories of Somalis being harassed by Kenyans at Nairobi airport for bribes and being ill-treated at the Canadian embassy are common. Her brother, Abdi Dirshe nodded. The last time he was there, in the spring, "I couldn't get past the security, even though I showed my Canadian passport." Mohamed Dahir has a radio program on CHIN Radio and a TV show on OMNI. "There are lots and lots of complaints about our embassy there. They don't treat people properly. For them, there are two tiers of Canadian citizens. If you are Somali, tough luck." His colleague Ahmed Yusif: "Many Canadian embassies have an assumption of who's a Canadian. The colour of your skin still plays a role, even when you have a Canadian passport. I was happy when Brenda Martin was brought back from Mexico in a government jet. But we should help not just those who might look like the government's idea of a Canadian but, rather, all Canadians." Faduma Mohamed, president of the Somali Canadian Diaspora Alliance, said: "We do not have two-tier citizenship in Canada, but there is in the way Harper is acting." MOHAMUD'S LAWYER , Raoul Boulakia, has a pretty good idea of what went wrong in the Mohamud case. Detained at Nairobi airport May 21, Mohamud had the Kenyans call the Canadian embassy. A day later, Khadour and "a white male officer" arrived. "What might have pushed the (Canadian) immigration officer was that she, having lived in Canada for some years, talked to him in a way he's not used to from the Somalis there. She said she had some rights as a Canadian. But the Canadian officers there expect Somalis to suck up to them." When Mohamud was taken to the embassy May 25, she offered her fingerprints and urged the officials to phone her employer. "But they just wouldn't listen. Which is how they normally treat Somalis over there. People keep telling us stories that the embassy staff are dreadful. And every experience I've had with them has been dreadful." By May 28, Khadour had sent Mohamud's passport to Kenyan officials, "telling them, `You prosecute her.' Can you believe that?" Darryl Huard, second secretary, immigration, sent a detailed list of questions to Suaad's employer: Her date of employment? Hourly wage? Hours of work? Days absent from work? etc. "It's clear what the purpose of such questions is," Boulakia said. "Once they get the answers, they'd ask her and see if she gives the exact same answers. The slightest deviation, and `she's lying.' "The simplest thing would've been to put her and her employer here on Skype, and say, `Does this woman work for you? Show us her employee ID picture, her file.'" Meanwhile, the government was fighting Boulakia in court. "Can I have her file? No. Her passport? No. Why don't you do a DNA test? No. I said the government has done it in 8,000 cases. The court agreed. Once the DNA came, they were screwed." Boulakia's experience is that when "Canadian officials make mistakes, they never, ever admit to their mistake. They close ranks. That seems to be the same behaviour in just about every case I litigate. And what they really, really hate is a lawyer turning up to question them." As for the Harper government, he said, "it has an attitude toward Muslims abroad, a mindset, like they are dealing with second-class citizens. With Mohamud, their attitude was similarly dismissive: `This woman, what can she expect?'" The Star
  20. This thread is closed. Ka kala yaaca meesha. Dad waa weyn la daba edit gareynaayo had iyo jeer. You can take your personal threats of one another anywhere but on SOL.
  21. Nacam, Sheekh Nuunoow. Mahad alle, Eebboow. Another 'fatwa' manoo heysaa. Sanadkaan kuleel baas kusoo aadooyaa soonkaan. Waa iska caadi, more ajir lee waaye.
  22. Originally posted by Abwaan: quote:Originally posted by Captain Warya: Ahlu Sunnah captured balad xawo without a fight but Alshabab retook it forcefully. It is clear who is stonger. lol...and what was Shabaab doing in the first time? Were they on a picnic or you mean it was a tactical withdrawal? I think they both carry guns so we will see kuwa meesha ku hara ugu dambayntii! Probably Xabashi la socotay kuwaas Ahlusunnada sheeganaayo. Kuwa Dhalinta isku magacaabayna Xabashi ma maqli karaan cabsi daraadood, orodka ee isdaayaan degmada ugu soo sokeeyso istaagaan iyagoo neeftuuraayo.
  23. Originally posted by Abwaan: quote:Originally posted by Captain Warya: Ahlu Sunnah captured balad xawo without a fight but Alshabab retook it forcefully. It is clear who is stonger. lol...and what was Shabaab doing in the first time? Were they on a picnic or you mean it was a tactical withdrawal? I think they both carry guns so we will see kuwa meesha ku hara ugu dambayntii! Probably Xabashi la socotay kuwaas Ahlusunnada sheeganaayo. Kuwa Dhalinta isku magacaabayna Xabashi ma maqli karaan cabsi daraadood, orodka ee isdaayaan degmada ugu soo sokeeyso istaagaan iyagoo neeftuuraayo.
  24. This is a start. Heads already rolling. Her name, though, sounds like a Carabi one. Iyadoo Carab ah ayee saas u dhaqmeysaa. A minority mistreating another minority. ________________ Diplomat's tour of duty in Nairobi 'is over' Liliane Khadour is back in Ottawa after passport bungle that stranded Toronto woman in Kenya The Canadian diplomat who officially disowned Suaad Hagi Mohamud as an "imposter" has been recalled from Kenya. Liliane Khadour has "concluded" her posting, a consular official at the Canadian High Commission said yesterday from the capital, Nairobi. "Her tour of duty is over," he said, explaining that Foreign Affairs employees rotate posts every two or three years, and Khadour had been in Nairobi for two. "I am not very sure where she went." Khadour is now in Ottawa. Although she owns a condominium apartment there with her partner, Jason Joyce, the two are staying at a downtown hotel. Both had been working at the commission in Nairobi as first secretaries. When reached by cellphone yesterday, Joyce hung up almost immediately. Neither answered the phone in their hotel room or returned messages. The Canada Border Services Agency has opened an internal investigation into the handling of Mohamud's case. The Somali-born Canadian citizen, an employee of an Etobicoke courier company, had been visiting her mother in Nairobi when she ran into trouble. On May 21, a Kenyan employee of KLM airlines challenged Mohamud's passport photo at the Nairobi departure gate as she was trying to board a flight home to Toronto and her 12-year-old son, she has said. Canadian consular officials interviewed her at the airport on May 22 and sided against her. On May 25, Mohamud appealed to the high commission to take her fingerprints. And on May 28, Khadour sent a letter to Kenyan authorities that sealed Mohamud's fate. "Please be advised that we have carried out conclusive investigations including an interview," Khadour wrote, signing herself vice-consul, first secretary (consular). "And (we) have confirmed that the person brought to the Canadian High Commission on suspicion of being an imposter is not the rightful holder of the aforementioned passport. "The Canadian High Commission is releasing the passport to your office for the purposes of prosecution," Khadour wrote to Michael Ojwang, director of Kenyan immigration services. The letter alleged Mohamud was carrying a passport not her own and was in Kenya illegally. These are serious charges that could have led to a Kenyan prison sentence or deportation to her native Somalia. Mohamud was arrested and held for eight days in a women's prison before friends were able to post her bail. But, it turns out, there was no conclusive Canadian investigation. Mohamud was no imposter. And although it took her three months and a DNA test to prove her identity to Canadian consular officials and two federal departments, Mohamud was in fact the rightful holder of the Canadian passport she was carrying. Last Friday, after conclusive DNA results, the Kenyans dropped all charges against the 31-year-old single mother and the next day she returned to her son, Mohamed Hussein, and a hero's welcome at Pearson International Airport. Since then, she has been undergoing tests for a persistent cough and weight loss, symptoms that have nagged her since her eight-day stay in Nairobi's Langata Women's Prison in June. Chest x-rays have ruled out any serious lung illness such as tuberculosis or pneumonia, her lawyer Raoul Boulakia has said. "She's extremely relieved to be in Canada and to be with her son," he said yesterday. Legal proceedings have begun in federal court to obtain Mohamud's disputed passport and case file, Boulakia said, adding the case is expected to be heard next month. Asked whether his client plans to sue, Boulakia said: "I'd like to see her get compensation. She deserves it ... but I'd rather see her not go to court." Toronto Star ______________ North, that soccer game was unmissable.