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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. What was this, and this? [so far, I am engaging you as a reasonable person that will and can understand.]
  2. "Iyadoo" hadleyso ma maqashay. I am putting quotation marks 'iyada' word because qoftaan iyo gabarnimo kala dheer. Cod, jirkeeda iyo wax walbaba meel gabar kaga egtahay ma arkin.
  3. Originally posted by Ina_Gaweto: Miskin, It is totally sad when you can't even celebrate the statehood of your origin without people attacking you. I am damn proud to be from Puntland and if that hurts you go see dr phil!!! I clearly display my evidences and don't talk thru thin air like some of the nomads here!!'! It's like saying for example the kikuyu people can't be proud of their history without offending others in kenya. Really it is total madness at best!!! You and the other troller that spews ad nauseum on here can believe in, firmly I might add, whatever cause you would like to propagate on here -- be it a Siberian cause or an Eskimos issue. That is fine. It is wholly another matter, though, to inflame by posting inflaming and spamming threads that insults other Soomaalis and other regions, from left to right. That will not achieve anything other than wishing an inflaming cyber warfare on this forum. That is an inflammatory and is no-no. SOL rules does not allow that. Read the rules, it was there before you signed and it is still there.
  4. Muxuu ula jeedaa inay 'saafi' tahay gabadhaas? Their definition kasii daranba, defining saafi as 'clear.'
  5. Soo mood, oo soo dhaaf, Ina Sarkaal.
  6. Eebba ha u naxariisto Sayidka iyo halyeydii kale dalkeena Soomaaliyeed u halgamay. Eebboow waa soonee janadaada Fardowso adoomahaaga ka waraabi -- aamiin.
  7. Why is Haiti, a country that is said to be independent more than 200 years, as poorly managed as your typical Afrikan dal? Hopefully this question itself will answer your question.
  8. Welkam, and no, I am not studying that. That field, international relations, mostly leads to into a diplomatic life or an NGO career, methinks.
  9. Some are single-handedly trying to lower the known quality of this forum. Trolls like this do indeed lower the quality and integrity of this site. But it won't be that long. Hopefully. Folks like those two fellas above did try to do that before and wixii ku dhacay waala ogaa.
  10. The anchors are mostly from Somaliland because they have training in Media and speaks standard and proper Somali. Koow. Haye meesha kusoo qor oo keen Afsoomaaligaas 'standard and proper' ah aan wada aragnee. C/salaan Hareeri waan ogahay in uu Reer Waqooyi yahay, laakiin kaligiis maa anchorperson ka ah? I didn't know C/qaadir Nadaara was a Reer Waqooyi, too iyo gabadha kale Xamar kasoo host gareyso.
  11. Haddii laguu keeno xaa ku sameyn lahayd? Ma farfareen lahayd mise waa dhuuq dhuuqi lahayd?
  12. One only did, well according to the news media. No wonder, too, he was the one kept under guard by kuwa la baxay Ururka Islaamka. Kan kale waxaa heystaan kuwa la baxay Dhalinta, kaas in uu soo baxsado iska dhaafee, meel qorax ka iftiimeyso uu arko that day loo gacangiliye kuwaas Dhalinta la baxay ugu dambeysay u maleynaa.
  13. Inta saan loo murmaayo, inta saan dood micnodarro ah ee ku socoto labaatan sano dalkiiba waxba uma harin. Uultimana uma hari doonaan. Dad, dugaag, dhir, duurjoog, bad -- wax haray oo nadiif ah maleh. Dhulkii waa wada abaar, kasoo biloow Soomaali Galbeed ilaa Gaarisa iyo inta ka shisheeso iyo ka hooseysaba waa wada abaar. Dadkii wada dhamaaday. Dadkii waa wada qaxeen, inta hartay qaxar, qaxootinimo nafaqo daro ah, dagaalo dhamaad lahayn iyo gaajo iyo abaar xun heyso. Ciyaalkii dhashana deformation ku dhashaan, waxyaabo horey loo arkin. Baddii sun ayaa laga buuxiye. The two rivers either completely dry up, or if a few meager rain days come, bust and flood more frequently because there are no banks to speak of that kept them stabilized, no tree roots on the shores of the banks that kept them in check. Dhirtii waala wada jaray, complete deforestation, hence why more frequent abaars than the norm our country is experiencing the last few years. Haddaan dalkaan u talin karin, dad kale shisheeye ah u taliyo aan deemino, anaga si nabad aan ku noolaano maadaama anaga isku diidnay wada noolaano, wadatashano, isku wada talino. Xabashi this, jihaad that. It won't work again. One can be reluctantly duped once using the nationalist card, but no, no, no. Never again. Dad dano iyo qorshe shisheeye kale wato, dalkeenana axsaan ka lahayn, dadkaas would be the last to protest other shisheeye soo faragaliyo Soomaaliya. Dalka iyo dadkiiba iyo dhirtiiba intii ka hartay iyagi sii burburinooyo.
  14. Faransiiska wax walba ka filo, dad ee dhaafaan maleh. Maskiinka kale ayee surunka ka goyn doonaan hadda marka.
  15. Magaca meesha inay ahaato soo ma'aha Beerta Duurjoogta? Maxee tahay "Beerta Xayawaanka?" Dalkeena masiibo weyn ayaa ku dhacday. Dhirtii wada baaba'day, geed ha sheegin. Duurjoogtiina haba sii sheegin. Geri, maroodi, jeer, dameerfarow, wiyil, jibiso iyo asxaabtooda kale waa hore wada qaxeen, dadkiiba ka horeeyeen. Inta yar hartayna, waa yaxaas, libaax, daanyeer iyo shabeel, mar dhow iyagana sii qulquli doonaan.
  16. Yet amid the exoskeletons of banks and cathedrals and luxury hotels overlooking a glimmering coastline that once buzzed with pleasure boats, an awful truth dawns. Mogadishu was never like other African cities. Mogadishu was a spectacular city . Even in its disfigurement, the beauty is still there — above all, in ghostly Hamarweyne, where photographer Pascal Maitre and I stand in the empty boulevard and squint out at the sea until a call to prayer from a nearby mosque reminds us it is almost five in the afternoon, after which all outside activity ceases. Anyone on the streets of Mogadishu by evening is inviting misadventure. From the top floor he sees the ruins of his neighborhood in the once illustrious Hamarweyne district. He can see the remains of the former American Embassy, the posh al Uruba Hotel, the Shangaani district, once teeming with gold merchants and perfume emporiums—all now blasted away. That was Xamar. Nin arkaa arkay; qof kusoo koray ayaa kusoo koray. Inta kale waa iska hadleen.
  17. Eebboow. From this below to that above: Officially cawaano nahnay haddaan Soomaali nahnay.
  18. The Universal kanaal I had seen had more Waqooyi coverage than meelaha kale, except Xamar, which the latter because of wars and destruction. Kursiga anchorman waxaaba u fadhiyo C/salaan Hareeri. Sadexda anchorpeople weyba isku wada egyihiin -- Hareeri, C/qaadir Nadaara iyo gabadha kale Xamar kasoo host gareyso. The owners of Universal should take advantage the fact of its popularity, wide reception and for once modernize that channel, which currently looks and sounds more like a haphazardly programmed than a professionally controlled one.
  19. Originally posted by Juje: quote:Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: all I have to do is get the most popular stories on Somali news websites in a single day, and compose a picture or two on Illustrator with a few corny exchanges between the characters in the story, and kaboooooom-- I can give homeboy a run for his money... Go ahead do it, you might succeed you will never know. Habar fadhida legden la fududa..! Any id1ot can draw pictures with a computer drawing tool such Adobe illustrator and there will many dimwits around who will confuse that for talent. Lol... And to think, you actually believe these pictures are "sawirgacmeed", is quite hilarious, if I may add The above are few Amin Camir made before VHS were popular let alone a PC and forget about Adobe. The man has got talent and you cannot deny that - say you are against his opinions which are illustrated in his images but never question his talent U sheeg, Amiin Caamir hadda ayuu maqlee, oo maba oga waaguu dhaybarka xirnaa in uu ninkaas sawirgacmeedka sawiri jiray. Then again micnaha sawirgacmeed maba laguu yaqaano.
  20. Topickaan iga daayee, sawirkaaga meesha kuu suran ayaanba weyneeye, Buuxeey. Waaq. Qatari cadiim. Meesha Soomaali Galbeed waaye filaa. Cirkana suu u egyahay ka helayba, oo onkod soo socdo laga arkaa.
  21. Wacdaraha, duqa, xuduud ku sheeg ayaan leeyahay because ma aqoonsani inuu xadka Soomaaliya ku dhamaado meesha Soomaali Galbeed ka bilaawato. Soomaaliweyn ayaan aaminsanahay, marka xadkeyga waa Xarar iyo agagaarkaas. And Shariif is different from kii ka horeeye. Xabashi uma wacan, kii ka horeeye did. He is not protected by Xabashi in Xamar. Kii ka horeeye was. Haddee Xabashi kasoo tilaabsadaan xuduudkaas awalba beenaadka ahaa as they continuously violated since mid '90s, he has no power to speak dalka ku difaaco, plus kuwa cadowgiisa kasoo horjeedo his dowlad maalin walba daan daansado Xabashada, markee soo galaana ka cararo fuleynimo daraadeed.
  22. Originally posted by Cadaan: quote:Teknooloji Insaykalobeedhiya Teleefishinka Elektaroonig Kumbuyuutarada Fiisigis Bayoloji Kimisteri I really don't know why, but the way that Somali words are spelled which are borrowed from the english language just crack me up! Ingiriis itself borrowed them, most being Greek.
  23. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Maxaa iga danbeeye? If Aamir is pissing off enough, he must be doing something right. Sax. Amiin Caamir waa nin bartay maskaxda maryooleeyda iyo siyaasadooda, their predictable never-ending squabbles. Since 1991 having been following his sawirgacmeed, I for one labada suul u taagay ninkaan. His political cartoons are invaluable contribution to farcical Soomaali political scene.