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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar
Ahmedou Ould-Abdalla Arrives Somaliland
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Wefti u hogaaminayo Ergayga gaar ah ee qaramada midoobay u qaabilsan Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya Misleading. Waa ergey u qaabilsan arrimaha Soomaaliya, which includes Waqooyi Galbeed, not as a separate entity. ______________ War ninka isjeclaa. Yaa ogaado this very picture will be put on somewhere on that clustered wall. -
Best aroos ever. What a reliable malxiis guy.
NB -- Gathering what happened the other day on here, I don't think this public plea will work on Admin. now. Just my gut feeling.
Sadexda qof aad jeclaan laheed in aad kala kuulantid inta.
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Nin-Yaaban's topic in General
Tuujka, Landhan iiga waran, abaabiina. Cariirigeeda maka soo heshay. Ninyaaban, iskeen Koronto waa laguugu soo dhaweynaa, Reer SOL badan waa kusoo dhaweeyee inta, including a recent one a few weeks ago and a few visiting ones we couldn't meet waqtiga xumaa daraadiisa. Ila soo socodsii markaa imaaneysid. -
I am sure gabar yar oo da'daada jirto ayee leedahay ee yaa lagaaga hormarin, Mr Dutch. And in the meantime, act like a combination of Ruud Gullit (Guuleed) and Rijkaard coolnesses. Speaking of them, I was watching this the other day. What a classic, tension-filled game it was. My man Voller, my kinda of guy, being red-carded, so was Rijkaard. Ar kooxda Jarmalka maxaa ka dambeeye. Voller iyo Matiyoos (as Soomaalis used to spell his name that). Adi ma xasuusan kartid ciyaartaas, that World Cup game being played in 1990, probably dhaybar kuu xirnaa.
why somali men go to india to marry poor illiterate girls?!!!
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to kyz's topic in General
Originally posted by Abyan: quote:Originally posted by Fabregas: All thoroughbred Islamic, Somali tribesmen of noble cushitic and Arabian origins Adi kaaley, xaad noogu celcelinee "All throughbred islamic,somali tribesmen of noble cushitic and arabian origins". Waaba noogne bee. ps, there is something wrong with that quote,it makes me feel uneasy..... Someone had finally to say this, unfortunately. "Noble Carab origins?" My gadaal. -
Runtii ninka wuxuu dhaho waaye, oo meesha 'runtii' ku dhameeye. Cajalkaan horey u arkay, mar walba aan arkana waa depressing.
Daa'uud, that link mentions a Soomaali businesswoman by the name of Aamina Xirsi Mooge. Waaba qof power ku leh Ugaanda: Uganda President, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni (left), flanked by Oasis Mall Developer, Amina Hersi, and Nakumatt Holdings MD Atul Shah (right), inspects the new Nakumatt Oasis hypermarket during its official launch in Kampala City [August 07, 2009]
Soomaalida ma aaminsanyihiin a 'special' number horta? The closest is number toddobo, methinks. Toddobaadka labada isguursado ka baxaan, ciyaalka la banaanbixiyo markee dhashaan, et cetera.
And I used to hear don't shower during the later part of the day of fasting, that it might break your fasting. Sheeko huuhaa.
Reer Waqooyi wey dhaamaan Reer Koonfureedka, been been, prolonged qash qashaad iyo buuq buuqna ma yaqaanaan, waxooda waa straight, banaankana ku kala baxaayaan. Whether it is politics or banooni waa saas dadkaas. This political conundrum too hopefully will pass smoothly, Rabi ha idmo.
Why wasn't 08/08/08 special? And why wasn't 07/07/07, 06/06/06, 05/05/05 special either? Tan ayaaba ugu fiican, being two complete digit numbers each: 10/10/10. Bababa, perfect score too. So next year Eebba hana gaarsiiyo.
Sadexda qof aad jeclaan laheed in aad kala kuulantid inta.
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Nin-Yaaban's topic in General
Soo dhawoow, Ninyaaban. Yaabkana waa lagaa bixinaa, iskeen Koronto. Goormaa kugu dambeysay magaaladaan, koley qof horey u timid u egtahee. By the way waxaa ka tagtay our sisters Xaniifa (Haneefah) iyo Aaliya, inkastoo the former Reer Koronto ahayn. Cool, decent Reer Kanada sisters they are. N.B. I assume Reer Virginia ayaa tahay. Fairfax iga dheh. I've been there waa meel shidan. Alexandria too ma xumeen. -
why somali men go to india to marry poor illiterate girls?!!!
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to kyz's topic in General
why somali men go to india to marry poor & illiterate girls?!!! Gabdhaha xaga degan la guursado meherka iyagaa bixiyo, according to their dhaqan. So, to jaamacs, it all comes basically to saving some shilin, and it is globalization after all. On a serious note, however, a jaamac qof Hindi (not diin-wise) ah qabo ma arkin. -
Confessions of a True Somalilander
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to MAXIMUS POWERS's topic in Politics
I hope the poster sees his sudden unbecoming ways and redeems himself. If kusii socdo wuxuu soo qoraaye already, this thread will be closed and other actions will be taken. Such a hatred against a certain Soomaali group should not and will never be tolerated on SOL. This is the only chance it is not already closed now. -
AU Endorses AMISOM to Attack Islamic Militias
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Norfsky: ^That town is not filthy!!! But I see what you're getting at and fully agree. Fabre, still waiting for your pro AS write up saxib. Was just borrowing his words. I am sure Sheffield is a great city, as great as its famed football teams, Wednesday and United. Whatever happened to those teams horta? I remember they were part of the Premiership in mid '90s, Nayroobi ku fiirsan jiree. -
Confessions of a True Somalilander
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to MAXIMUS POWERS's topic in Politics
Because of Xiddigo and her endless one-person halgan in SOL, I would love to see and visit Awdal one day, Eebba ha idmee. -
They keep changing the words, but each numbered category of fours is practically the same, filling with different words with same meanings in each round.
Marka Reer British isku dhaqan ayaa tihiin because many Soomaalis speak afkaas Ingiriiska and do travel there? What does that have to do with waxa inta aan kaga hadleyno? Dadka Soomaalida ugu dhow ka hadleynay, speaking or traveling one place taas waa another reason, for economical or asylum reasons. Oromo land is as poor as Soomaaliya marka meel la aadaba ma'ahee maxee tahay. Afkooda ma aragtay maa maqashay adi waligaa? Inta erey aan wadaagno ma aragtay? Dhaqankooda ma aragtay?
What peace doesn't realize is, Somalis are much closer to Arabs (think diin, dhaqan) than we are to any other group Actually, if you really want to do know of all people who are closer to Soomaalis, it is Oromos and Canfars, especially Oromo people like Boorana. Pre-Islaamic period xataa same God called "Waaq" ayaa isla caabudi jirnay. Some of them still do. Our language is as closer to Oromo as any. Dhaqan too. Dad aan ugu dhawnahay noo egna iyaga waaye.
Nomads, sailors and refugees: A century of Somali migration
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Paragon's topic in General
How come I keep hearing those 'seafaring" elder Soomaalis in Cardiff? I've been to that city, magaalo qadiimi ah waaye, kumana soo arkin dadkaas. It has a beautiful stadium, though. And a nice castle across from it. -
AU Endorses AMISOM to Attack Islamic Militias
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
"Sheffield" -- and not Xamar where your so-called jihaad you advocate supposedly is at -- last time aan maqlay was a "filthy kuffar" town. Should those "filthy kuffar" town dwellers expel you from their city? Adoo poor refugee ah kugu soo dhaweeye to their "filthy kuffar" town, giving you a shelter, a sharci and some education. Should they too rescind your sharci as well and expel you again? "Filthy kuffar" waa kuwaa dhulkooda nabad ugu nooshahay now, baahina kugu heynin, habeenkiina meel aad u hooyatid ku heysatid, unlike hundreds of thousands poor, miserable Soomaalis wax ee cunaan la' xabbadna ka fakan la', the same xabbad and destruction you comfortably support from your very comfortable "filthy kuffar" Sheffield town. -
SRSG welcomes UNPOS visit to Somaliland
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
And what does UNPOS stand for? Hmm... I thought the splittist (to borrow a favourite Chinese political word) clique that rules Waqooyi Galbeed were allergic anything to do with Soomaaliya. Hmm, again.