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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. "Sheffield" -- and not Xamar where your so-called jihaad you advocate supposedly is at -- last time aan maqlay was a "filthy kuffar" town. Should those "filthy kuffar" town dwellers expel you from their city? Adoo poor refugee ah kugu soo dhaweeye to their "filthy kuffar" town, giving you a shelter, a sharci and some education. Should they too rescind your sharci as well and expel you again? "Filthy kuffar" waa kuwaa dhulkooda nabad ugu nooshahay now, baahina kugu heynin, habeenkiina meel aad u hooyatid ku heysatid, unlike hundreds of thousands poor, miserable Soomaalis wax ee cunaan la' xabbadna ka fakan la', the same xabbad and destruction you comfortably support from your very comfortable "filthy kuffar" Sheffield town.
  2. And what does UNPOS stand for? Hmm... I thought the splittist (to borrow a favourite Chinese political word) clique that rules Waqooyi Galbeed were allergic anything to do with Soomaaliya. Hmm, again.
  3. It puts a new perspective in life and how so much we have, yet we seek so many more. We are never fully content, it seems. Laakiin waa xaal bini'aadenimo. Bini'aaden waxba kama dhargo, they always want something more. The wealthiest wants to get more rich; to get healthy; to be young; to be intelligent; to have great family; to have prestige; to have... Bini'aaden ma dhargo, waa iska xaalkooda.
  4. Dad wareersan. In the meantime, once again, one needs to remind: Intee Soomaali isku wareersanyihiin ayaaba dhulkii iyo dadkii hoostooda ka baxoyaa. What calan hadduuba dhul nabadeed iyo dad magan ku nool jirin?
  5. Maaka joogtid. I've your top, eyes-only, classified secret cookbooks of wax karis on here. Sadly, sambuus ingredients or recipe is not included.
  6. Haye, any leftover sambuus? Maba karin kartid, I guess.
  7. Originally posted by Laba_Xiniinyood: quote:Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiy aar: Axmedoow Walad Cabdalle Soomaali ku sheeg badan ayuu dhaamaa la isku wada daro. Ma maantaad tiri gaal xun baa idin dhaamaa MMA-ow? Lagaama filaneyn taa sxb! mise miyaad is bedeshay? Those non-Soomaali men do see what is beyond the immediate future -- our very survival and the future independence of our nation. It is sad reflection of us when a non-Soomaali always happens to see that, then trying kiciyo Soomaalida to realize that, to see our shared common interests. Dad, albeit minority they are, ayaa always rabana jilaafo u dhigo those men in the name of clanism. ...If the entity that this man represents, the UN and US, can bring about change in Somalia and lead her to peace and prosperity while all her women ululate and dance, then you are too naive in your thinking sxb MMA. Waa wareey. Dambigaas maaba saas u raadsanee. Gaalnimadiisa intee kusoo ogaatay. Seeflaboodnimada iska daa ma fiicnee. Haye, dowladaan Shariifka hoggaamiye is 'rotten, currupt, problematic' -- you name it. Laakiin who else meesha joogo that can bring Soomaaliya forth into its peaceful, prosperous future? Kuwa aad difaaceysid Soomaali interests mee haayaan? They don't even get their hues from Soomaalis, but nin buuro hoostiisa ku jiro ayee isku raacsanyihiin. Miiska soo saar dad quman oo dalkeena nabad u keeni karo, not dad isqarxinaayo, kii wax isku maagaana qoorta ka goynaayo, not to mention their eagerness to eradicate once and for all our dhaqankeena suuban. Kaaga sii daranee they answer to non-Soomaalis meelo kale degan. Dadkaas ha ii sheegin ani, ima soo maraan. _______________ Originally posted by Saaxil: Ninka Mikiin isku magacaabay, waxaan ugu dari lahaa Miskiin yaa saaxibul jahal, Muxuu qabtay Maxamed Sahnuun, please share with us. Yes, its true that Somalis are to blame but that doen't mean we should not pay attention to scavengers out there such as Ould Abdalla who is taking an advatage of the Maryoolay. The even can't even put two sentences together I can't comprehend how he is qualified for such a complex post. So Yaa Miskiin Yaa Saaxibul Jahal. keep dreaming. In la isaflagaadeeyo ma fiicno, taas waa lagaaga roonyahay. Wuxuu Max'ed Sahnuuni qabtayna ani kuuma sheegaaye, you can simply google under his name.
  8. Originally posted by The Zack: ^What is your problem adi? LOOL Half feminist aan ahay nooh.
  9. Salaams, abaayadiis. See tahayna. Hope all is good with you. Nice to have you back. Soo dhawoow mar kale. Soon wanaagsan.
  10. Originally posted by Nabaddoon: You know, the world is a funny place. Where I live non-Muslims are becoming Muslims by the day. There is hardly a Friday prayer when someone new is not accepting Islam. Now the people that I are becoming Muslims are educated Americans who have a good understanding of not only science but also other religions. and you know what, they are better Muslims than we are for the most part. For example, I met a guy about 6 years ago and he told me then that he has been a Muslim for 2 years. I saw the same guy couple weeks ago with a degree is Islamic Sharia and Arabic from the University of Medina. He is now a sheikh!! So when I see someone claiming to be a Somali (and therefore a former Muslims) saying they no longer believe, I wonder who is missing out. Quraanka Kariimka, Suurada Maxamed (NNKH), Aayadda : But Allah is free of all wants, and it is ye that are needy. If ye turn back (from the Path), He will substitute in your stead another people; then they would not be like you.
  11. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: ^^adigu naag maleedahay hadaad leedahayna col miyaad tihiin misa heshiis? Naagaha ma'aha miyaa dad, see loo lahaanaa, shey miyaana? Waa wareey. Sexist waaye afkeena, kaaga sii daranee, dumar mala weydiin karo "nin ma leedahay." Same with guurka, it is always, for dumarka, "ma lagu guursaday." Nin ku dheh ma lagu guursaday. Furitaanka waa saas camal: Heblaayo waala furay, not hebel waala furay. Tan ugu roon la dhahaa, "wey iska furtay..."
  12. War maad iska qabataan kuwa maatadiina ku kor dagaalamaya, kuwa aan idin cafineyn xitaa bisha barakaysan ee ramadaan. And what makes you not being part of "them?" Ma iska saareysaa dhibka jiro, aha? Just another Soomaali maryooleey baa tahay.
  13. Axmedoow Walad Cabdalle Soomaali ku sheeg badan ayuu dhaamaa la isku wada daro. He is the second Max'ed Sahnuuni, the former tireless UN envoy of early '90s, without whose efforts hundreds of thousands more might have perished and UNOSOM might not have arrived. Always Soomaali waxmagarato and their needless, endless and useless shenanigans where, alas, non-Soomaali feel more about the dire plight of Soomaalis than so-called Soomaalis. It was the Masri, Kamaaludiin Saalax, in '50s (who was shamelessly murdered by a so-called Soomaali working for foreign occupying entity); it was Max'ed Sahnuuni, the Algerian UN special envoy to Soomaaliya in early '90s; and now Axmed Walad Cabdalle, the fine Mauritanian diplomat. Those fine men did and do seem to get unwarranted criticism from some mindless Soomaali isku sheeg, who cannot see beyond the clan prism, whether it was in '50s or '00s. Maskaxdooda, it seems, maba korto. Those non-Soomaali men do see what is beyond the immediate future -- our very survival and the future independence of our nation. It is sad reflection of us when a non-Soomaali always happens to see that, then trying kiciyo Soomaalida to realize that, to see our shared common interests. Dad, albeit minority they are, ayaa always rabana jilaafo u dhigo those men in the name of clanism.
  14. How could an intelligent human being, let alone a Muslim, be focused instead on the "my-tuulo-will-starv e-last" contest, with scores marked by some visit by an obscure Westerner delegation? Aawey dadka tuulooyinkaas ku faantamo, mee ka jawaabaan this.
  15. Maxaa u furay boggaan. Lablabo badanaa.
  16. Wax la cilmibaaro ayaa la waaye. Yaa maalgeliyo qarashka ku baxo those kinda of 'researches' and 'studies.' It kinds reminds me this that I've read weeks ago on the paper: Feeling old? Hold your nose and spend $98 Experts scorn perfume's claim that you will smell younger If worrying about weight and wrinkles isn't taking up enough of your time, a U.S. entrepreneur is marketing a new insecurity – a perfume that promises to make women smell younger. Eight years younger, to be exact, according to the results of a clinical trial conducted for Harvey Prince, the company that makes Ageless Fantasy anti-age perfume. It's a claim that has won Ageless worldwide press, including articles in Elle, Vogue, WWD, and a passing mention in The Economist, the newsmagazine of the intelligentsia. The perfume sells for $98 a bottle at the Bay, and Harvey Prince founder Kumar Ramani, 50, has been so encouraged by its success that he's launching an eau de parfum women can slip into their purses. Ramani says a clinical trial involving 75 men aged 20 to 60 found they judged women wearing Ageless – a blend of pink grapefruit, mango, pomegranate, jasmine and musk – to be eight years younger than their actual age. "Bunk," according to Luca Turin, the New York Times perfume critic and author of Perfumes: The Guide, which reviews and rates 1,500 perfumes. "The whole idea is sad." He calls the perfume a "boring floral," and the idea that young women smell different from older women a male fantasy. "In this industry, it's all about hype and hope and marketing. The science behind it is pretty weak," says Joe Schwarcz, a chemistry professor and director of McGill University's Office for Science and Society, dedicated to demystifying science. Body chemistry changes with age, and some illnesses and medications can alter a person's scent, says Schwarcz, but if masking smell is a concern, any perfume will work. He says the clinical trial cited by Ramani does not account for psychological factors, including whether the men in the study were simply being polite. Alan Hirsch, head of the Smell and Taste Research Foundation in Chicago, not only thinks the idea is sound, he says he came up with it first. He conducted a trial in 2005 that found that simple, single note odours, like pink grapefruit, could not only mask the odour of aging, but could also change the perceived age of the person wearing it. He says if women want to smell younger, it would be a lot cheaper to dab some pink grapefruit juice behind their ears. Hirsch's lawyer, Kristine Strodthoff, has sent notice to Ramani that Hirsch has a patent pending and asking him to cease and desist from citing Hirsch or his study in all promotions of Ageless. Ramani says his lawyers have told him he is not violating Hirsch's patents and he has a patent pending himself. "My formulation is different and my tests were different," wrote Ramani in reply to an email question about the patent dispute. "For example, we use jasmine and pineapple and mango and apple and musk. Dr. Hirsch does not." What's next? Ramani already has another plan in the works, based on a scent shown in clinical studies to increase penile blood flow. "I prefer you not say, `Viagra in a bottle,'" says Ramani. Cue the press.
  17. How many 'sheekhs' soo baxday the last few years horta? Kii la arko waa sheekh. Wax naga sheekh badan oo naga aqoon diimeed darana ma jirto. Magac sheekh ixtiraan lahaan jiray ee waa lagu dheel dheelay.
  18. Jidadkaas oo labaatan sano la dayactirin, qaarkoodna nus qarni dhisan, saan in loo sii galo maala gaaray. Dhufeysyadaan ee galeen hadduu run yahay cabsinimo maa u geysay.
  19. Originally posted by Abwaan: Juje...horta malaga yaabaa xitaa Admin...double magac leh inay jiraan oo dhinacna keep the noise down ka leh, dhinacna civil war kaga jira!...Ilaahoow Hanna Ceebayn! Kamoon, duqa. Buufisnimo uultimo ah waayee waxaas. Teeda kale people are given chances, qaarkood horey loo ban gareeye. Obviously, though, some cannot reform oo the same drivel loogu buriye inta wali meesheedii kasii wadaan. If saas ku socdaana meel ma gaarayaan, believe me. SOL is clean, has clear rules and we just like the way it is. Few have had tried to disrupt this tii ku dhacdayna wey ogyihiin. However, easy with accusations and counter-accusations. It is not befitting to anyone.
  20. Saan maa kuu dambeysa, duqa? This humbling person? Soon maa saan kaa dhigay mise nin wax arkaa tahay. Soon wanaagsan, duqa.
  21. Another 'fail' of epic failure. People like this do still live on this earth. He reminds me a typical Reer Mudug.
  22. Those are not mouth-watering enough. Kuwaan hoos ku yaalo haa laakiin.
  23. Miskin if you are reasonable person, then those threads i posted that you are referencing are 1. United nations compensation Treaty 2. New york post news piece from 1905. Do you read what you've written? This is from the first thread I linked: This document proves that puntland are the most patriotic somali and are listed in this document the most!!! however what is more interesting is that majority of the usc and majority of the smn clans are totally absent from this compensation!!! Why is that? Did they welcome the colonizers into their homes and didn't put up a fight?... That is a starting a flame war, which was your intention. If it wasn't, you could've simply posted what you are claiming now, the original sources and left at it. No, you didn't. You intentionally mentioned by downplaying and ridiculing other clans just to take an offensive shot at them. We are not two-year olds, waraa. Eniwey, enough explanation. Just stop this flame wars you are intending to create. Stop this drivel. And about the Sayid thread, there was a reason why your first post was edited by the Admin., no?