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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Rabiyoow raxmaan. Eebba ha u naxariisto marxuumka iyo marxuumada kale gacan ka gardaran dishay.
  2. Sheekadaan in la isku aad aadiye u egtahay inkastoo dhacdooyinka ka socdo Soomaaliya maanta wax walba laga filan karo. Eebbaa og.
  3. Originally posted by Muhammed: ^So you'd support a junion politician deep down south who can't roam outside of villa Somalia without the protection of armored Amisom vehicles and guards..really that man. What about Faroole who is relatively more suitable state leader? So instead you chose Sharif. This Just goes to show you how out of touch with reality reer Maakhir really are. They dont know what to think. This is your President and for this is your flag. Baddacas, your ideas are flawed these days. I tried inaa kaa wareegsado, oo kaa gambisto maadaama qof aqiyaar tahay, but your ideas stink, sir. It is too irresistible not to refute. At least Shariifka is welcomed in the corridors of power in Washington, the headquarters of United Nations in New York and the central, modern-day meesha Yurub laga xukumo Brussels. All with open arms and official diplomatic recognition, welcomed by the top officials. Tell me Md. Riyaale dadka soo dhaweeyo? Waaba if he ventures out from the former aqal of Moorgan, sidii qof private citizen camal ah u baxaa, una soo noqdaa. Kamoon, admit, if one was indifferent about this issue, whom would the person choose his or her leader to be? Taas isweydiis maleh, duqa.
  4. Maxaa ku faraxday? Gaarisa maa satellite ku aragtay finally? Gaarisa goormee kugu dameysay horta? Arag sawiradaan sanadkaan bilowgiis kasoo qaaday: Baskaan Nuunka ayaa dabakafuul ka ah. Isbitaalka Gaarisa. The sawir's quality is not good because baabuur socdo anoo ku jiro qaaday sawirka, not to mention it was at dusk.
  5. LoooL, Hatu. Wax baas. I clicked ka waran. Meel baas la i geeye. What the... I guess that is what a seven years later would make links go that wild. I am glad Che didn't click it, too.
  6. How can I have that 'phobia' when I am in fact wadaad myself? No, no need to be phobic about some people. I am not anti-wadaad, either. Just many so-called sententious 'wadaado' in the last two decades dadkii wareeriye, oo lagama amaan heli karo. Kuwaas ima soo maraan again.
  7. Saudi livestock move boosts Somaliland economy Misplaced title. It says right on the beginning of the news article: "Days after Saudi Arabia lifted a nine-year ban on livestock imports from Somalia..." So the lifting of this ban boosts overall Soomaaliya economy, not only Waqooyi Galbeed, because same can be said in Boosaaso port.
  8. Wadaadadaan cusub kuwaan sheeganaayo ummadda wada wareeriye. It just reminded me what happened on the weekend at this Soomaali restaurant. My friend related to me later. The owner was telling to my friend, a wadaad gardheer, what happened earlier. "Wadaad" like him maqaayadda soo galay, saw gabdho meesha fadhiyo wearing pants and downright went to lecture in the most embarrassing way. "Maad Illaahiin ka cabsatiin, maad isdadiin, aawey waalidiintiina, maxee tahay saan..." He kept repeating that and more while others can overhear him. The owner was there, waiting his order. The owner said he couldn't further tolerate the 'wadaad's' abuse against his customers. Saan wax looma sheegee ku yiri, yaaba ka war maqlaayo, though. Marka dadkaas camal wadaado sheegto these days. Dadkaas ima soo maraan.
  9. Baddacas, your logic is still flawed, xaaji. Afti haddii la qaado aad leedahay, and you say the majority opinion matters, then let it take in overall Soomaaliya. Let the same plebiscite be held in Soomaaliya oo dhan, concerning the issue about separation. Mar waxaa leedahay Waqooyi Galbeed bas tan laga qaado shaqeyneyso oo Soomaalida kale degan gobollada kale ee Soomaaliya do not matter, yet Reer Sool iyo Sanaag waa u diideysa the right la siiyo, their own referendums in their own regions, the same right you allowed to give the separatists. Same can be said Reer Waqooyi Galbeed has no right to vote in their own, since they are a minority and overall opinion, which are for pro-unity, should matter. Marka wax daacad la imoow haddii kale naga kale yaree bahasha, duqa.
  10. Afarta gees adduunka Soomaali ku dhibaateysan. Eebboow.
  11. They call me 'aboow heeloow.' First impressions? Hmm... Probably, waa dheertahay lasoo boodaan. They might add, I may guess, that I am reserved too in the initial contact. As Soomaalida dhahdo, too, barasho horteed ha i nicin. Marka first impressions do matter, but hardly.
  12. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: hehehehehe ,,, anigu ilaa aan ka Laas-qoray weliba cuno iima noqotaba. The good think about it is they put "Laas-qoray, Somaliland" on the cover ,,, Nayroobi ayaa ku cunay. It says right on the cover "Laasqorey, Soomaaliya." Inay kala qeybiyaan ma ahayn. __________________ Seccesion is not a issue which will be discussed with small timers like yourself. Somaliland already considers maakhir as regional under its authority whether you agree or not, and even if referendum was to be held you'd still be included in it. Again, seccesion is a nation matter, so you better hope the combine forces of the south to come to your rescue otherwise you are needle in the dark or in the ocean such is your odds in Somaliland my dear maakhiri, puntlander or fellow Somaliland citizen. Change a word here and there, what do we got? We would get this: Secession is not an issue which will be discussed with small timers like yourself. (Soomaaliya) already considers (Waqooyi Galbeed) as regional under its authority whether you agree or not, and even if referendum was to be held you'd still be included in it.
  13. Kamoon, Geelka. I just don't believe he admitted, even if uu uureeye iyada. I don't believe their sheeko sheeko that he "confessed." Qofkee qabtaan, kuna ridaan xukunkooda deg dega ah always "admits" the said alleged crimes against him or her, don't you agree? Mida kale, again my su'aalo I already asked are relevant. Was he a married? According to this article, it doesn't mention. On another article, in Afsoomaali, waxee leeyihiin in uu kufsaday, which brings another whole matter, not to mention if she is the same person la "kufsaday," why iyadana loo dilaayaa markee dhasho? It doesn't make sense. Wax la isku dardarooyo waaye.
  14. North and Nuune, rage see ah? Xamar Caddeey waa hore la iga xumeeye, and the rage I had about that long disappeared. Dadka xumeeye ayaa rage u qabi lahaa, not folks on here claiming my tuulo is bigger than yours. Tuujka, labadaasba mundulkey haddaa arki lahayd ka weynba. Laakiin meeshaba looks like semi-saxaro. I never thought Kismaayo would look like that. Ma geedihii ku hareersanaa laga jarjaray? Shuud. I should claim Baydhabo, the only 'green' town I can see from the satellite in those images. Difooso difaac Baydhabo noqonaa bas waaye.
  15. Originally posted by nuune: quote:Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Ninkaan Muriidi Abanuur Abati la dhahaa. Meesha kasii wad, Muriidiyoow. Ani for one aad ula socdaa casharkaan. Inaa akhrisato waaye where he called you an imaam of Masjid abaa nuur muxuyidiin mowlaanaa, fiiri Islamic sectionka Meel aan aniga iimaam ka ahay, masaajid noocee waaye kaas? Rakacada u horeyso, suurada Baqara u qabsan lahaaba, dad badan fadhiisan lahaa daal daraadiis. Nuunka, awguuriyo hee. Waxaa maqlay guddoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir in lagaa dhigay. See camal laakiin, xalwada celebrationka waa naga qarsatee. Saas la iskuma ogeyn nooh.
  16. LoL. What a thread. Seven years and so later, some are still debating about it miyaa? I can't believe I rolleyed then.
  17. Naag afar laga soo tuuray, walina usoo taagan in cashar leyli koow ah la baro rabto, kuna marmarsiyooneyso afarta laga soo tuuray si kadis ah in loogu keenay. Waxaas ima soo maraan. Mise rigoore haku dhaliyo, mise bilisiyoon, still afar ayuu ku shubay, kana soo riday. Dhagax ma ahayn meesha iska yaalo. Waxaas ima soo maraan, again. Nice sheeko baraleey, though.
  18. Ninka ma xaasla uu ahaa? Qoraalkana 'girlfriend' ku qoran, marka either kan soo qoray wax ka qaldanyihiin mise qof single ah gabar uureeye ahaa. Hadduu single yahay, waaba qalad xukunkaan. Hadduu xaasle yahayna, waa lagu deg degay. I don't believe their "admission." Qofkee karbaashaan, dilaan iyo wax u geystaanba, the victims always "confess" to their alleged crimes. Iyagii dambiga kusoo rogaayo, iyagii ayaa qaaliga ah, isla iyagii ayaa fulinaayo maxkamadda markee xukunto oo isla iyagii ah again. Badowyaashaan runtii yaa dadkeena ka qabto.
  19. Tanaa sugaaye laakiin. Ayaa ma disgoo dhaansaa by Mutun. That is the way it sounded waagaa yareen. Say dhiii Say aaay Say eees Say siii Say ooo
  20. Why would one limit the movement to the capital and the state only. One should also move the people to Bari as well. If diidaan, by force then.
  21. What is wrong fishing? Now the noun 'fisherman' is an insult? Who would one rather like to be? A geeljire who mindlessly follows wherever his herd decide to roam in the semi-desert or a fisherman who goes by his own account a place he wants to fish at? One wouldn't hesitate, I am sure, which group one would rather be in. Plus, malaay maxaa ka macaan oo ka jilicsan. Geeljire mentality has to stop.
  22. Meeshaan yaryaruuracii kusoo batay. Every other thread seems like some new member is attacking a Soomaali region and its people. Folks, I am sure SOL wasn't made for that. War Soomaali la wada yahay ee wax hala isku reebo. Dadka waa Soomaali, waa dadkeena -- your people, my people and our people. The land is our land, too.