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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Tuujka, qooleey camal ayaa waq waq waq ugu heysaa gabadhee, maalin caddeey waliba. Xee tahay saan? NNC, Reer Kamloops maa tahay mise waa iskaga qoratay meesha. Ma Soomaali ayaa degan in Kamloops? Intee kale joogaan taloow, Whistler? Vancouver lee ku ogaa.
  2. Cowke wuxuu qoro xataa isma oga miyaa. Wuxuu his thread ku qoray iyo waxa inta ku qoran ismaba lahee. Ma hubsado iga dheh.
  3. Prof. Dalxa: “Ma jirto cid isku soo sharxi karta guddoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee Baarlamaanka” Guddoomiye ku xigeenkii koowaad ee baarlamanka KMG Soomaaliya Prof. Max’ed Cumar Dalxa ayaa sheegay in uu wali yahay guddoomiye ku xigeenkii koowaad ee baarlamaanka KMG Soomaaliya. Kadib shir jaraa’id oo maanta magaalada Muqdisho uu ku qabtay Max’ed Cumar Dalxa oo ahaa gudoomiye ku xigeenkii koowaad ee Barlamanka KMG ee Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa uu ku sheegay shirkiisa jaraa’id in uusan iska casilin jagadiisii guddoomiye ku xigeenimo islamarkaana aysan jirin wax xil ka qaadis ah oo ay ku sameeyeen mudanayaasha Baarlamaanka. Waxa uu sheegay Prof. Dalxa in uusan jirin wax sharci ah oo ogolaanaya in uu qof kale isku soo taago jagada guddoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee Baarlamaanka, isagoo intaasi ku daray in uu wali hayo xilka guddoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee Baarlamaanka. Dhinaca kale guddoomiyaha Guddiga Dastuurka iyo Arrimaha Federaalka baarlamaanka KMG Soomaaliya C/laahi Sheekh Ismaaciil ayaa sheegay inaysan dastuurka ku jirin in xil qofkii hayay uu noolyahay uu isku soo taago qof kale Hadalkaani ayaa ku soo beegmaya xili dhawaan xildhibaan Mowliid Macaane oo isku soo dharaxay guddoomiye ku xigeenka Baarlamaanka KMG ee Soomaaliya. Xigasho ______________ Mid walba kursiga uu ku fadhiyo wuxuu u maleeyaa in kursigaas yahay mid habartiis u sameysay oo laga kicin karin. Yaab.
  4. Good to see you, old man. How is nolosha? All good dheh. Soori, I can't comment on the article since I didn't read after until Descartes iyo Soltaire, err Voltaire. Dadkaas philosophers lagu sheego magacyadooda markaa maqlaba madax xanuun igu qabto, let reading about what they write or about them.
  5. Originally posted by NNC: maalina cunto ii kari, maalina kuma aqaano waa sheeko aan fahmin...islaanta waxaas ku jirta aan la sii yaabey. Ma ninba aduunka laga waayey. Low self esteem iga dheh. qashin fooqal qashin. Yaa saliid macsaro kulul madaha uga shubo...sheemoyiinkaas...uf Yaa kaa xanaajiye. In uu inkiro xaasaskiisa dambi weyn waaye. Wax kale ha sheegee in uu inkiro ma ahayn. Haddana on the top of that to claim them to be his 'mistresses' kasii daranba. That would make caruurta ku dhashay guurarka uu inkiraayo inay yihiin, well, garacyo. Diinteena ma dhigeyso in uu inkiro, waana dambi weyn, siiba qof u eg in uu ku dhaqmaayo diinteena suuban. Worse waa kuwa leh he needs to be stripped off his French nationality. What the faabaruutonimo in that. The midget French president in office meeqo naagood isku wadi jiray while married. Asaga ha laga bilaabo in dhalashanimada laga qaado. Tuujka, waxaan camal waliba wey ka buuxaan miyaa mise wey ku dhal dhaleen Soomaalida. Iimaan malaha, ciyaalkooda ayee aabahooda u deny gareeyaan, claiming 'boy friend' ka dhalay iimaan la'aannimo. Ciyaalkii dhan laga wada dhigaa weçelo. Saaxiibkaa filinkiisa waa qarxay.
  6. They are angry and still mad after all those years because they mistakenly think he is the one behind the ouster of Old Stooge and the forcing retirement exile in desert Yeman. I wish that was the case. It would have been more shameful a non-Soomaali diplomat ousting a so-called sitting president. Walad Cabdalle ku qafiifeen.
  7. Shaleemo Ikwatoore ayaa i dhaweed aiga..carwada agteeda.... Ciyaal Hodan shimee aheed adiga? War lee maa wadeynaa. Meeqo mar kuu sheegaa inaa deganaa meeshee degmada Hodan ka bilaaban jirtay, waa Isgoyska Bakaarahee. Mise adiga Hodan inay ka bilaaban jirtay Bashiir Lugey moodaa miyaa? Suuqa Siigaale wada makiinado cajiin ahaayeen, oo biyo wasaq ku wareegsanaa. Aad ayaan u xasuustaa.
  8. Sax, waa kugu raacsanahay. Waa jaaliyad aad iyo aad dalkooda iyo dadkooda u jecel.
  9. "Muqdisho today is the most war-torn, dilapidated city I'd ever seen." Every visiting foreign wariye's mantra. So sad to know it is the truth, though.
  10. Well, what that person means is that both are fugees, no? A 'fugee president and a Fugees group member nooh.
  11. Guddoonka baarlamaanka uu rabaa. Yaa u qoray dadkaan asaga camal horta? They do think this particular seat belongs to them. I hope inuunan helin, wax badso wax beel haku dhacdo. I hope so.
  12. It makes me to list waxee wada mamnuuceen. Aad ayuuba u dheeryahee. It makes me to bring out my tusbax tomorrow in support of tusbax users in Xamar. I have a few.
  13. Eebboow, Tuujka, Suuqa Siigaale hal makiinad cajiin maku yaalinee see camaleeto? Saa u qortay waxee igula ekaatay in kaliya hal makiinad cajiin ku taalay suuqaas. Waligaa ma gishay Shaleemo Hodan horta? Waxee u dhawayd Siigaale oo Isgoyska Dabka ayee ku agtaalay. Yaraantey ayaa naloo wadi jiray weekends mar mar. Mar marka kalena badda Liido. Sigh, such a memorable childhood.
  14. I kinda don't like to post threads like this since they are too many Islamophobics out there that like to take a shot at diinteena suuban of every given chance, laakiinse this has to be on SOL for the record. This issue has so many wrongs you would be confused to know who is not wrong. _________________ Many wives' tales WHEN police stopped a woman driving with a full face-covering Islamic veil, little did they know what they would uncover. It turned out that her husband, a halal butcher, practised polygamy, which is illegal in France—or, rather, he was living with four women, one of whom he was married to. Brice Hortefeux, the interior minister, wildly overreacted, demanding that he be stripped of his French nationality. The affair has exposed both the reality of polygamy and the difficulty of doing anything about it. France considers polygamy “a grave infringement of the principle of equality between men and women”. The practice was forbidden in 1993, when immigration laws were tightened to stop husbands bringing extra wives into the country. Yet there are an estimated 200,000 people, including children, living in 16,000-20,000 polygamous families in France. Most are of African origin, particularly from Muslim parts of the Maghreb and Sahel, where polygamy is accepted. Over the years, notes Sonia Imloul in a study for the Institut Montaigne, a think-tank, the authorities have turned a blind eye to what she calls life “like a prison for the wives”, many of them forced into marriage. Polygamy is widely blamed for social ills ranging from school absenteeism to street violence. Politicians say it is exploited to maximise welfare and housing benefits. Such fraud is hard to detect, since polygamists “marry” various wives under Islam, all of them claiming single-parent payments, while officially being married to just one. In a comic twist, Lies Hebbadj, the husband who came under attack from Mr Hortefeux, tried to turn his case against his accusers by declaring that “if one is stripped of French nationality because one has mistresses, then many Frenchmen could be.” The French official organisation representing Muslims this week denounced Mr Hebbadj’s comments as “offensive and insulting” to Islam, stressing that it recognises only official marriages. Even so Eric Besson, the immigration minister, concedes that there are unlikely to be any grounds for stripping Mr Hebbadj of his French nationality without changing the law. Women’s-rights lobbies have welcomed this debate. Chantal Brunel, a deputy from Nicolas Sarkozy’s ruling UMP party, and a campaigner against domestic violence, describes wives in polygamous marriages as living in “semi-slavery”, subject to violence, and their daughters to female circumcision. France is keen on classic women’s issues, she observes, such as equal pay and promotion at work, or women on corporate boards, but less interested in the grim reality of polygamy on French soil. Economist
  15. Al-Shabaab bans use of prayer beads MOGADISHU, Sunday Al-Shabaab and Hizbu Islam, the two Islamist groups vehemently opposing the Transitional Federal Government in Somalia, have prohibited the use of prayer beads in the areas controlled by the movements. They assert that the practice of using beads is bid’a (new introduction to Islamic ways). Although never declared, residents in areas ruled by Al-Shabaab and Hizbu Islam admit that hundreds of people were apprehended, warned or harmed for having and using the device. In Bakara market, the largest trading centre in Mogadishu and a stronghold of the rebel Islamist groups, militiamen are on the lookout for users of prayer beads. Meanwhile, fighting between Islamist al Shabaab rebels and Somali troops in the capital Mogadishu has killed at least 20 people and wounded 30 this weekend, a human rights group and medical officers said on Sunday. Residents said al Shabaab insurgents have sought to advance towards the presidential palace for the past four days but government troops and African Union peacekeepers have been trying to repel them. Xigasho
  16. Damaashaad ayaa ku jirtaa miyaa, maadaama dhoolacaddeynta (" ") ka bixi la dahay. Ogoow laakiin meesha dad aan waxba galabsan ku dhamaanooyo, wax qof Soomaaliyeed walba oo damiir leh ka naxaayo ah.
  17. Warka madaxdiis maa lagu siiyaa mise asagoo kooban oo sii fidsan? Ii waran, abaayadiis? Ma faaydaa?
  18. at 'yes, he is Muslim.' Armaan maa Muslimnimadiisa la isku heystaa? I used to read his qoraalo, nin caqli gal ah waaye oo jagada loo magacaabay u qalmo. Eebba ha u garabgalo. __________________ Somali Christian has every right to be in the Somali government!!! Maykal Maryama dowladii horeba waaku jiree marka wax cusub ma'aha. Laakiin I think our forefathers were a lot more tolerant than we are, or perhaps maadaama ninkaas dalkeena u soo halgamay ayee sidaas daraadeed ugu dulqaadan jireen his religious beliefs.
  19. Ina Cali Waraabe should have started his shareeco at home, especially his son's wedding in last summer in Koronto, when Saado Cali Warsame, C/jibaar Alkhaliiji and other participants were singing and shaking like there was no tomorrow.
  20. Let's just take and substitute a noun here and there and see how the quote goes. Original quote: The current incidents involving The capital of Cayn, the continued plight of the city of LA. Has greatly shamed us. Faroole stance is wrong and out of step with the needs of the people of Puntland. How this quote should have been in 2006: The (then) current incidents (late 2006) involving The capital of Muqdisho, the continued plight of the country has greatly shamed us. [Old Stooge] stance is wrong and out of step with the needs of the people of Soomaaliya. When you were cheerleading and alalasing for Xabashis in 2006, you should have realized and should have occured to you this belated dawning of yours.
  21. Daa'uud Waraaqle xaa ku helay taloow? These days caadi ma tihid, xaaji. What is in the world is in Dutch water? Wat is er mis, broer? Speaks of Dutch, I was in Amsterdam airport not that long ago and I had some seven idle hours to kill being in transit. Only a transparent single gate separated me from going inside the city. I should have done it, sight-see the city on those few hours. But then again, I think the airport, Schiphol, is far from the city centre, no?
  22. Waa ayaandaro ugu weyneyd in wali Xabashi Soomaalida baac baacsaneyso. Kala qeybsanaanta keentay. Kuwa waxmagaratada Soomaali isku sheega ah oo haddana Xabashi u soo horseedaayo inay Soomaalida kale ku xasuuqaan, ha ogaadaan inay waligeed Xabashi Soomaali ka adkaan doonin. Waa yaab in wali Xabashi Soomaali kale loo adeegsado dulmigooda in this day and age still.
  23. Qabyaalad waa sida daacuunka oo kale. Rabi ha naga qabto, inta jiradaas isku keenayna Eebbbahooda hasoo hanuuniyo, wax kale ma dhihi karnee.
  24. Centric, your Afsoomaali is fine. Waxba dhag jalaq ha u dhigin kuwaan. Keep writing in it, sister.