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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. Absolutely fantastic to see that. Keynaan waa ogaa in uu ahaa qof dalkiisa aad iyo aad jecel. He was waving the Soomaali flag long before he sung this celebratory song. He used to bring our beautiful flag at his concerts. I wish all the best for the brother.
  2. NNC, ciyoowba cabsi kaa muuqato. Afraid not, sister. Anaa kaala hadlaayo Tuujka. U fuuti oo ka qalee gabadha dhahaa.
  3. That smell waaba lagu sii lab laboonaa, instead of making one hungry. Then again waa iska fat redneck Americans qashin walba iska cuno.
  4. Nice song. Has East African beats in it. Plus, the words 'waka waka' sound more like buraanbur's wakaa, wakaa.
  5. Originally posted by NNC: Bishaarooy iska baashaal barwaaqo aan kugu duceeyee! quruxdaadana yaa lagu cayuumin! Xaasid lagama waaye dunida. Bishaaro is a wonderful person with a personality and labis to go with. Her mischievous smile alone ayaaba a little cajiib ah. Daa'uud, broer, her name is Bishaaro. Raxma intee ka keentay? A lot of people call that show because of her being a host. There was this dude who once called the show to suggest she needs 'inay isasturto.' Her response was yaa salaameysaa since the show is about Salaamaha. Si fiican ayee ugu qabatay. I tried to watch as much of her show as I could while in Islii. It came on Friday nights. My good companion lady even felt jealous of her sometimes. It is only a TV show ku dhahaa, so relax.
  6. Indhamadoowe koox uu ku biiray oo hagaagay waligey ma arkin. Wax luu qash qashaa. Qabqabliyaashii xulufadiisa ahaa magacooda meesha waaka dhacee maxaa asaga wali soo istaajiye meesha. Wali waa taaganyahay. Soon or later, he was going to be sacked, marka ka hortag waaye sheekadiisa.
  7. Cowke, you don't have to post every new thread in the Politics section. The topic discussed needs to be relevant to politics. This obviously isn't. Will move to General section.
  8. Cowke, you don't have to post every new thread in the Politics section. The topic discussed needs to be relevant to politics. This obviously isn't. Will move to General section.
  9. Tuujka, shoowga waxaa ka bilowdaa wareysigiisa sister NNC. Waxba ha u reebin yaah, u lafa gur.
  10. Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye: U see nerds dont understand when a lady does 360. Here is a description of the events that take place when a xalimoo does 360. Plz understand no math instruments or formulas are involved. Kabish 1- several quick eye blinks. 3- 3 consective thumb snaps. 4- earthquake head shake. (movement of head side to side rapidly) Oh, got it.
  11. Brother Daa'uud waxaa helay toddobaadyadaan... What is up, broer? Are you in love? Out of it?
  12. Haddana Reer Dinka maa rajo laga sugoyaa? Hayeba. Berina iyo beridambena waxaa rajooyinka laga sugi doonaa aqoonsiga la aqoonsado Abkhazia, no?
  13. Yaa yiri I don't have my own one now? Hubso hee, sister. [Adopted one can be claimed, right? ] I just happen to like Soomaali kids ku labisan dhaqankooda iyo hiddahooda.
  14. Jidka Warshadaha maa saas u ekaaday. "Wax yar kadibba waxaad maqleysaa Mujaahidiinta Shabaab oo buundo hebel dhisaya ama iyagoo wadada isku xirta Jowhar & Beledweyne dhisaya..." Also, too, waxaa la maqlaa had iyo jeer munaafiqiinta Barbaar ku sheega oo isku qarxiye jid hebel iyo goob hebel. Waxaa kale la maqlaa iyagoo meel ku garaacay madaafiic si naxariisdaro la'aan ah ama iyagoo miino jid ku aasay intaas iyo intaas ku dileen.
  15. I am not listening caawa. I am watching this in...no shock. . [ :confused: , aha?]
  16. Originally posted by The Zack: These kinds of things happen in Somalia, I don't think it has any thing to do with being in Canada or even other country. Hooyo ciyaalkeed mindi ku durdureyso. Intee ka dhici jirtay in Soomaaliya? Soomaaliya aan ogaa waxaan kama dhici jirin. The Soomaaliya of pre-war, of course. Hooyadaan Eebba ha u sahlo xaalkeeda. Waa dhacdo aad loogu naxo. Nuunka, xaaku geeye Winnipeg? Yaa Calibeesteen ah kuu joogay mahaas?
  17. Originally posted by Cawaale: Amiin Caamir see ka noqotay. Waw. N.B. - Rajabeetooyinka meesha suran suu ugu ekeysiiye iigu daran.
  18. Shaxaarinimo qaraxday. Horey loo yiri qooq ma jabee ninkiisa ayaa jabo and this is a classic case that revalidates this old maahmaah. Ninkaan waala jabtay. Eebba asaga iyo reerkiisaba ha u sahlo.
  19. He seems to be a professional smoker, aad isku qarxinooyaa. Hadduu saan ku socdo mar dhow wadnaha in uu ka istaago ka cabsanaa maskiinka.
  20. He was the new Maxamed Sahnuuni. He will be missed. Soomaali dad dhagaha kala hadlo ka war maqlaan oo runta u sheego. He should have stuck around.
  21. "Most of the people are corrupt"(?) Do you agree with him about that? I personally ma jecli when a wadaad gets emotional. Kuma fiicno. Qof degan ayaa ku fiican wadaadnimo oo iscelin karo, dadka kalena dajiyo.