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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. When we thought Soomaaliya finally was on its way a feasible and recoverable dowlad la xishmeeyo oo dadkeeda wax u qabaneyso, then this happens. When we hoped and prayed we finally have had a decent, capable people leading Soomaaliya with aqoontooda iyo waxgaradnimadooda, once again our dreams and hopes for our country is squashed. Squashed by despicable, corrupt men. Spoiling for all. Spoiling Soomaalida ku dhibaateysan gees ka gees dunida, in order to fatten calooshooda aan dhargeynin. We have had Farmaajo, a decent, fitting leader if one Soomaaliya ever needed. He and along with his admistration had given us a high hope, a hope we thought we were finally on our way of achieving that elusive nabad iyo horumar. Not to labada Shariif, the corrupt Shariifs, oo ku heshiiye the biggest xaqdaro ever was. Should they ku heshiiyeen inay Farmaajo iyo dowladiisa ka tuuraan, they will lose any little support they have had to begin with. Jaahiliintaan loo talinaayo yaa u taliyo taloow. Shariif, Shariif ayeeba la baxeen dad awliyo ismooday camal. Wax ka aqoon iyo ayaandarana waligeed masoo marin on the top leadership of Soomaaliya if ay ku heshiiyaan waxa la isla daba maraayo in Kambaala these days. Jaahil, waxmagarata isbiirsatay.
  2. Ma Wiiladii la yaqaanaa mise waa gabadheeda oo soo kortay?
  3. Do any of you watch Soomaali National Television (Telefashinka Qaranka Soomaaliyeed) based in Xamar? Waayo, waayo lasoo xasuusanaa. Meelahee qabsadaana isla markii soo saaraan. Xamar burbur xoog la haray runtii, wixii la qabsado ama aan la qabsaninba Shiirkole haddeeba saas u egtahay.
  4. Today's blog: Makiinadaha Cajiinka Seeing makiinadaha cajiinka in Islii was a bit surprise for me. Not that surprised, it was expected, but still. Same old makiinado cajiinka aan ku arki jiray Suuqa Bakaaraha ayaa yaalo, same old women hor fadhiyo, same strong, young men shiidaayo cajiinka. Inaa Suuqa Bakaaraha pre-war dhex joogo ismoodayba. I will take their pictures soon.
  5. Valenteenah, oh, sister, they do make a lot of money. For example, our building consists in six stories with 36 units. And each unit pays 500 shillings. That is 17,500 shillings. That is around $215. This just in our building alone. Some units in our building do pay each room that has a TV, say two to three TVs in a unit and that is 1,500 shillings. The reason is that reerkahaas, mostly iskaabulo wiilal iyo gabdho ah, qol qol u kala deganyihiin, though same flat unit isla deganyihiin. And there are a lot of buildings in each block. The guy aan ka qaadano cable rules three to four streets/blocks. I can imagine he easily getting around $3,000 a month minimum, if not more. This is Afrika, waa lacag badan qofkii intaas ku sameeyo inta a month. Baashi, widaaygiis, ma nooleed. Looooooooong time, indeed. Ileen waa joogtay. Isliina waa u bogtay, I see. And I can guess the restaurant you met Sophist at is the Soomaali owned cafe/restaurant located in the prime area of downtown. Soomaali-Canadian Reer Ottawa ah leh. Mahjabaad with full niqab and hijab gear on doing stuff that lady ga ga might frown upon. Ar Baashi aad ugu yaabiyeen. By the way, saaxiibkaa, the classmate from Xasan Qariidi, my brother, ayaa Nayroobi joogo now. Daraad ayuu ka yimid UK. Pauper, waa runtaa, garoobyada yar yar gabdho ah aad iyo aad ugu badanyihiin. Intaa arkay waa ka yaabayba. Aad u badanyihiin, badankoodana hal heystaan ama waxba ma dhalin. Laakiin garoobyada aan arkay Soomaaliya ka wada imaadeen, oo reerahooda soo diray inay nafsadooda badbaadsadaan.
  6. Soomaali Fruit headquarter in Xamar Soomaalita Garoonka Aaden Cadde
  7. Today's blog: Cable system When it is said Islii is truly 'a city within a city,' it is darn right. Even down its own isbitaalo, bankiyo and cable system. Islii got its own cable system. It costs around $6 to $8 per month, but with a twist. Since Islii got its own xaafado called 'sections,' then the cable guys have their own blocks. Qofka leh cable wuxuu leeyahay some blocks, lama isku saqajaamo. They have their own monopoly. Sadexdii ama afartii jid yar yarba qofaa u qaabilsan the cable. Should you happen to live, say, in 10th Street and want to have a cable, hal qof bas la xiriireysaa, asagaa kuu soo gilinaayo. Kuwa kale xaafadaha kale kuuma imaan karaan. About the cable, the owner of the satellite dish has access to all international channels, but he chooses about 30-35 channels. Wuu kuu kala bad badali karaa even. Markuu banooni live socdaan, wuu soo wada deynaa, up to six channels. Haddee ka baxaana he changes the channels to movies and other stuff. Kuwa banooniga iyo filimaanta bas isku bad badalaa. Kuwa kale waa permanent, mana taabto, like both Aljasiiras. And then there are Soomaali channels. There are seven of them -- One from Xamar called Telefashinka Qaranka, laba from Hargeysa la kala yiraahda Horn Cable iyo mid kale, laba from London la kala yiraahda Universal iyo Soomaali Channel. And then there are the two Islii-based minor channels: Mid heeso Soomaaliyeed muuqaal iyo maqal ah bas soo wada saaraa, midka kalena filimaanta Hindida oo Afsoomaali lagu turjumay.
  8. Haa, widaay, wuu soo noqonaa, taas isweydiis maleh. Isla sanadkaan waliba. Che indhaha ayaa u furmee.
  9. Ahahaha, 'gun' kulahaa. Of course, not all children have or born with guns. Dah. Kuwa are born with sawaariiq iyo gantaalo gadaal kasoo rogaal kacaayo nooh.
  10. You are not the only one who says that. Welkam back hee.
  11. Haye, masoo noqonee? Waa u bogtay waa arkaayee. Just ask Nuune, who can't resist being away from Islii more than a year.
  12. Wax walba magac iska raadinaayaan. Well, what was on his birth papers were written? And the 'his' part is intentional, I believe it is a he. Magac iska raadis u aqaan waxaan camal and it will soon fade away as soon as this child gets not even to school. Will they force the teachers, doctors, et cetera, to call him 'Storm' and not him/her?
  13. Loling at Suge Knight. Doorashada dib ayaa loo dhigay, courtesy of amar kasoo baxay maxkamada hoose. A minor candidate challenged the election's date since his nominee paper's were late and thus disqualified. He went to court and for that, dib ayaa loo dhigay until the middle of June, I think. Haye, ma nabad tagtay?
  14. More Landmarks Popping Up in Rejuvenated Eastleigh Nairobi's Eastleigh suburb has in the recent years become a sudden hot spot for real estate, attracting huge investments. Rapid constructions in the area are partly driven by insatiable demand for space, and developers here seem to be competing on the basis of putting up ultra-modern residential or commercial structures for sale or rental. Even with its kind of laissez-faire ambience, Eastleigh has gradually but steadily dwarfed estates formerly regarded as prime destinations for property investments such as Buru Buru. Old buildings are coming down fast as property developers replace them with skyscrapers. The influx of moneyed Somalis looking for investment opportunities has exerted continued pressure for space and demand has seen prices skyrocket. Land prices here range from Sh100--200 million per block of 1/4 and 1/2 acres, which has seen a new mode of financing take root among the community. Dr Faisal Guhad of Al-Bushra Properties Ltd, a developer in Eastleigh, says communities here have adopted the 'build-operate-transfer' model to enable them finance housing."This model didn't exist in Kenya initially though the government should be doing this like Tanzania does through its housing corporation. But expensive financing has pushed the community turn to this model because it allows them to pool resources and partner with poor land owners," says Dr Guhad."The B-O-T model now elimnates the need for raising money to buy land which is far beyond reach. People can now own a share of the structures coming up as, say, one can purchase shares for as little as Sh100,000. "This method has opened up the area for investment and land owners are not left dry since they get monthly incomes as part of the agreement as they wait for their investment to mature, maybe after 20-25 years." Al-Bushra Properties put up the latest commercial building in Eastleigh, Madina Mall. which has just opened its doors. The modern multipurpose building, along First Avenue, consists of a supermarket, a 99-room modern hotel, hospital facility, offices and shop stalls, conference hall, a mosque and gym. Just across Madina Mall, another huge shopping mall Mecca Plaza is under construction. Along Gen. Waruinge road which intersects First Avenue, Yare Business Park is coming up, besides Eastleigh Mall. A project is also underway in what used to be the main market grounds. Mohamed Shakuul, MD Al-Bushra Properties, says developers still find it hard acquiring approvals owing to lengthy bureaucratic processes. Other challenges cited include lack of trunk infrastructure services, insecurity and constant police harassment, and financing. Xigasho
  15. When will SOL (Somaliaonline) u sheegi doontaa inay isdiiwaangeliyaan on right here dadka goonidoonka ah, midnimadana kasoo horjeedo?
  16. Dhagaxtuur Kuliyadda Lafoole Kuliyadda Lafoole Xalwo Nuurshe iyo Xalwo Macloow - Xamarweyne, Xamar Baraawe Baraawe
  17. Dahljirka Dahsoon gadaal ka muuqata Arbaca Rukun Guriga Ummadda Jidka Howlwadaag aadaayo from dhanka Sayidka
  18. Today's pictorial blog: The booming housing business. Habka loo dhisi doono an apartment flat my cousin in Mareykanka bought. Of course, sida sawiran looma wada dhisi doono, si u egna looma dhisaayo, nevertheless the three bedroom flat costs around $55,000 and the four bedroom one is around $64,000. Half pre-construction la shubaa and the other half after la dhameeye dhismaha la bixinaa.
  19. Soomaalina, waa runtaa, abaayadiis, abaar ba'an ayaa ka jirto NFD. Inta maalmahaan aad ayaa loogu qaaraamooyaa. Suuqyada jidadka dhexdooda teendhooyin loogu qaaraamaayo laga furay. Aaliya, war lee maa wadeynaa, sister. Waxyaabahaas kale inta ma lagu faafinaayo see camal nooh. Wax la sheegi karo ma'ahee. Nuunka, ar wali waa joogaa, xiligaa sheegeysidna inaa gaarin laga yaabaa. Adiga goortaa imaatidba let me know. Che asagana wuu noqday, dhoor jeer kulanay. Asagoo Islii la yaaban yimid, asagoo xoogahoo meesha u bogayna noqday. Wuu soo noqonaa fiiri lee mar dhow. Pauper, doorashada inay maanta dhacdo la sugaaye laakiin dib ayaa loo dhigay. Mid tartanka u sharaxnaa ayaa waraaqdiisa la daahay filaa oo kuma qorneen tartanka doorashada. Qofkaas ayaa maxkamada eed u dhiibtay, maxkamadiina dib ayee u dhigtay doorashada inta laga xalinaayo ninkaas sharaxan eedda uu sheegtay. Dhalinyarada intana waa isla kuwa qurbaha oo kale, siiba dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed ku nool Reer Yurub. Xataa sida Reer Yurub u labistaan qaarkood dhalinyaradaan, dharkii ku dhag dhaganaa oo midabyadooda isku wada eg waliba la wada gishanaa. Ciyaal Yoyo loo bixiye kuwaas. Kuwa diinta ku dhaqmo waa jiraan, kuwaan ku dhaqmina waa jiraan. Waxbarashadana dhalinyaro badan iskoolaad dhigto, kii aan dhiganina wuu shaqeyaa. Dhalinyarada badankood labadaas u dhaxeeyaan.
  20. Hargeysa wider avenue kuma yaalo miyaa? Jidka lagu gaardinaayo jid gaardis iyo wax la mid ah loogu tala galay ma'aha. I see privately owned guryo, and there is no space between kuwa gaardinaayo iyo guryahaas. Hargeysa also needs officially planned and planted trees. Those naturally grown haphazard, qurac-like geedo waa too wild for a town, let alone an aspiring city.
  21. Biyaha tubada lama cabo, wax cabana ma arkin. Badanaa biyaha caagaga ku jiro la gado la cabaa, qaarkood lagu sameeyo Islii itself and of course owned by Soomaalida. Anaga gaar ahaan biyaha guriga tubada waa cabnaa maadaama sartaa deganahay ceel leeyahay and biyaha ceelasha waa saafi. Mar marna kuwa caagaga ku jiro oo la gado iska gadanaa. Haye, biyo business biloow maa islahayd. Soori, dad badan kaaga horeeye, too many competing shirkado down here.
  22. Today's blog: I don't think there is another Soomaali area with as many dibadjoog Soomaalis as in Islii. Talaabadaa qaadid another dibadjoog Soomaali arkeysaa: Mid ganacsi u furan, mid wax kale raadinaayo, mid guurdoon/to ah, mid booqasho u joogo, mid qoraxda Afrika socod usoo raadsaday, mid guryo gadanaayo ama dhisanaayo, mid dhaqancelis u joogo... It is on and on. Lacagta dadkaas dibadaha, siiba dalalka Galbeedka, ka imaanaayo ee ku qarash gareynaayaan Islii and wilder Nayroobi dalkeena iyo dadkeena Soomaaliyeed ku sugan Soomaaliya ayeeba aad iyo aad wax ugu tari lahayd. Runtii. Dalkugalka kaliya ee Nayroobi lagu soo galo ayaaba wax u tari lahaa dowladda Soomaaliyeed. Nabad saas ayee muhiimad u leedahay.
  23. Aaliya, opening businesses iyo waxaas is so 90s and early '00s. Waa laga baxay waxaas. Waxyaabo kale la dhex walaaqooyaa. Soomaalina, waa chicken sandwich waxaa aragtid. And waa runtaa qudaar kale kuma jirin ka ahayn dooro la isku dhex kar kariye. Those sandwiches cost a fortune, though, especially for a two. Haa, aniga iyo qof kale cuneynay. Why? Valanteenah, waaku sugeynaa, abaayadiis.
  24. A timely reminder, especially to the new newbies.
  25. Since when la ogalaaday naming qabiil names? Waaba lagu taraaraxay. Wah. This thread is closed. Don't blame us moderators. Blame yourselves for not resisting magacaabida qabiilada and repeatedly breaking the site's rules. Wax yar lagama maqnaan karo, sidii ciyaal camal waala isku dhexyaacaa and not respecting the simple rules of the site. Had iyo jeer in lagu dhex jiro ayee doonayaan, oo la kala cel celceliyo. To the newbies, please do read this Ogeysiis thread.