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Everything posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar

  1. But you consciously typed 'Somalia' when entering this site, right? And just to tell me you have no 'linkage' with it. How many other countries' sites that you have no 'linkage' do you visit and comment that you have no linkage with it?
  2. Malika;761921 wrote: MMA, I heard of similiar qiisoo - islamuhuu wexee yiradaan, there are a number of places and situation one should never allow another woman to enter. One of them is serving your husband - never allow another woman in your house to serve your husband, there is something 'sexy' about the act apparently - go figure! Or otherwise, hire a house help man. There is this Soomaali lady I know (she owns the new apartment we live in Islii) that lives in South C that has a male maid. Waa Sansibaari sidaa maqlay. He cooks, cleans and does everything a maid is expected from. Quite few others ayaa jiro like her who hired males, laakiin kuwa Oromo female house helps hire gareeye thinking that would be safe. It wasn't. Sheeko kale ayaa jirto about Oromada booyaasada ah iyo Soomaalida isguursado. There was a man visiting from Mareykanka to his his sister and her family in South C. He was guurdoon. Marba mid loo keeni jiray, gabdho wada yar yar, qaarkood wey diidi jireen kuwana asagaa diidi jiray. Intii mid loo raadinaayeyba gabadhii Oromada guriga ka shaqeyneysay hoos ka shukaansaday, kuna qabtay, iyagoo leh waa isguursaneynaa la arkay. It was said said his sister wasn't happy about it. C/qadar, I will check that ruwaayad.
  3. Valenteenah.;761779 wrote: So is that a private jet that Qatar sent for the PM? LoL...what a photo opportunity. Bet they were giddily running around before they started posing like serious men at work.
  4. Binyamin Netanyahu attacks Arab spring uprisings Israeli PM claims 'Islamic, anti-western, anti-liberal, anti-Israeli, undemocratic wave' vindicates tough stance with Palestinians Binyamin Netanyahu has launched a scathing attack on the uprisings in the Middle East, saying that Arab countries are "moving not forward, but backward" and support from the US and European countries was naive. The Israeli prime minister said the Arab spring was becoming an "Islamic, anti-western, anti-liberal, anti-Israeli, undemocratic wave". Speaking to the Israeli parliament amid renewed protests and violence in Egypt, Netanyahu said concessions to the Palestinians were unwise in a period of instability and uncertainty in the region. "In February, when millions of Egyptians thronged to the streets in Cairo, commentators and quite a few Israeli members of the opposition said that we're facing a new era of liberalism and progress … They said I was trying to scare the public and was on the wrong side of history and don't see where things are heading." But, he told the Knesset, events had proved him correct. When he cautioned Barack Obama and other western leaders against backing the revolt against Hosni Mubarak's regime, he was told he failed to understand reality. "I ask today, who here didn't understand reality? Who here didn't understand history?" Those calling for a swift resolution of Israel's conflict with the Palestinians in the context of regional upheavals were misguided, he said. "Israel is facing a period of instability and uncertainty in the region. This is certainly not the time to listen to those who say follow your heart … I remember many of you urged me to seize the opportunity to make hasty concessions, to rush to an agreement. "We can't know who will end up with any piece of territory we give up. Reality is changing all the time, and if you don't see it, your head is buried in the sand." The foundations of stability and security were essential for any peace deal with the Palestinians, he said. Israel has been monitoring renewed confrontations between protestors and security forces in Cairo and other Egyptian cities, and has concerns about the outcome of elections next week. It fears Islamist parties will be a pivotal bloc in the next parliament, will strengthen ties with Hamas in Gaza and may seek to renegotiate parts of the 1979 peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. "It's expected that the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist parties will dominate the government, and we are concerned that their success will encourage other Islamic radical parties in the Middle East to act more openly to achieve their goals," said Eli Shaked, a former Israeli ambassador to Egypt. Diplomats have so far failed to persuade Israel and the Palestinians to return to talks. Israel says the Palestinian effort to win recognition of a state at the UN was a "unilateral" move which it rejected. It refuses to negotiate with a Palestinian unity government which includes Hamas, which is possible should reconciliation talks between the two factions make progress. The Palestinians say they will not return to talks while Israel continues to build and expand settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Guardian
  5. Somali nationalism as most people know it has died a long time ago. Wounded by clannism, corruptiion, war, diictatorship. And it has delivered 0 for the people. It may have 'died' on you, but certainly not to me and those who I associate with. We all still believe firmly in Soomaalinimo and Soomaaliweyn. As a great children's t-shirt slogan went by in '90s: Soomaaliya is my country, no matter what happens.
  6. Che, for someone who have been to both continents, I will take Yurub any day than Mareykanka. Ingiriiska, at least to me, kun jeer ayee dhaantaa Mareykanka. It is the same Mareykan that produces 'tea party' members marka waala kala daranyahay.
  7. Waxaa la yaabay the most die-hard, extremist goosashodoon folks are the most who advocate against Sool iyo Sanaag or even Awdal inay ka kasoo horjeestaan their unrealized dream. It is so weird of them not realizing they are against their own beliefs.
  8. Soomaali, Turkiga hadduu Soomaaliya dan siyaasadeed ka leeyahay kuma soo dhuunteen deeq iyo caawinimo. Soomaaliya qof walbaa faragalin ku haayo, marka Turkiga waxee isku qarineyso iska yar. Turkiga waa dalka kaliya u naxaaya Soomaaliya, wax dhaamana ma arkin. And that, today, danteena noogu jirto, interest or not. Wax sida Turkiga Soomaaliya u soo gurmaday ma arkin waligeed in two decades of war, drought and famine. Not a single country did what Turkiga has done and is doing. Closest you can say was UNOSOM in early '90s, but kuwaas dano loo wada jeeda wateen. Viva Turkiga ayaan leeyahay mar kale. From now on, I will fly Turkish Airlines, Rabi ha idmo. It is the least I can do.
  9. Sawiro aad iyo aad kaaga farxinaayo waaye. Aad iyo aad ayuu u mahadsanyahay ra'iisul wasaare ku xigeenka Turkiga iyo dowladda Turkiga iyo dadweynaha Turkiga dhamaantood. Turkiga abaalkooda abaal la gudi karo ma'aha, abaal weyn ayee nagu leeyihiin. Mahadsanid adigana, Gaacuur. Sii wad sawirada.
  10. As always, there would be a dispute about that. And if Qadaafi was alive (Eebba ha u raxmadee), it might have been on Monday. Sanad cusub wanaagsan oo wacan. Cimri dheer, cibaado suuban iyo caafimaad wanaagsan.
  11. Cali Mahdi Maxamed iyo xeeb. Aah. Ma the same bad uu sumeeye, uuna u aaba yeelin ayuu rabaa in uu ku baashaalo. Mr Ali Mahdi, who then controlled north Mogadishu and who worked closely with the UN during its disastrous 1992-95 humanitarian mission to the country, has always refused to discuss the issue even though an Italian parliamentary report subsequently confirmed many of the allegations. His legacy.
  12. At least xarafka 'kh' Afsoomaali meel uu kaga jiro ma jirto, whereas 'q' Afsoomaaliga indigenous ku yahay. Hal erey oo Afsoomaali isir u ah keen oo 'kh' ka bilowdo ama dhexda ugu jirto. And don't say 'khuuro' like last time. Waa quuro, for Eebbe's sake.
  13. No wonder I remembered this thread when I read this. I was welcoming my sister to facebook and her daughter is joking waaka baxaa ciyoowba.
  14. Probably your sister is mentioning that gang group only because, I think, they were in the news in the past few days. They killed a 'jokore' boy with baangad. And there were some riots, looting in Islii because of it. Kuwa badan ayaa la qab qabtay sida la yiri. Is your sister staying in Islii? Yes, it is safe to go. I believe so. Yes, everything is heightened and some are frightened to their dear lives, but still I believe it is relatively safe to go. My two brothers from UK are there, so is another brother-in-law who went there two weeks ago from Toronto. They are all fine. It is a bit qalalaase in NFD (some explosions and attacks happened there in the past few days), though. Rawla, thanks, abaayadiis.
  15. Showqi;761098 wrote: Nuune, I was thinking gabadha in uu Jinni u adeegaayo. Lakiin si fiican baad noogu caga wareejisay markaat tidhi raashinka makhaayada ayey ka soo dal dashaa.. Anigaba jiniyadiisa jacburiska in uu soo wado sugaaye. Sheekooyinka Nuunka boolalka ka jilicsan badankooda, laakiin waa macquul haddii boolalkaas la dhuujiyo.
  16. Carafaad, by far, you are the most rational secessionist I had seen in my ten years of SOL. In person, face to face, most I come across as reasonable and believe in unity in the end, but kuwaan online ku jiro hoosgundida ayee dhigtaan, oo maba xishoodaan qaarkood. You, on the other hand, are not like that. Keep doing that.
  17. In that name of Barbaarta and how their fear of them got hold of them illogically, they are destroying buildings that are 35, 40 years old, all because it was built on 'illegal' land close to a military airbase in Islii and is not very safe security wise now. Poor people. Sarahaan Soomaali malaha, though. Badanaa Kiinyaatigaas ayaa leh, iyagaana degan. Waa Segshan 3 (Section 3). Soomaalida waxee deganyihiin badankooda from 3rd Street to 14 Street and inta u dhaxeysa.
  18. I don't know what cilmibaaris 'daraasad' ah ay isticmaaleen, but I remembered sheeko ka dhacday xaafadda South C ee Nayroobi. Nin Soomaali ah iska ladnaa dhaqaale ahaan ayaa wuxuu deganaa xaafadaas aan kor ku sheegay, with his xaas iyo caruurtiisa. Also house help la joogtay oo Oromo ahayd. Every morning it was the maid who woke up first, ciyaalka quraac u diyaariso, u labistana, iskoolna u diyaariso. Then quraacda ayee u sii diyaarisaa xaajiga intuu sii qabeysanaayo, markuu soo labistana quraacdoo miiska saaran ayuu arkaa. Waxee also ogaatay quraacda uu jecelyahay. Nooca uu kala jecelyahay hadba maalin walba u sameyn jirtay. Qado wey ugu dari lahaydee laakiin qado uma imaan jirin guriga shaqadiisa Islii ahayd uu dukaamo waa weyn kulahaa. If you are wondering, aawey xaaskii. Well, she is in her dreamy hurdo, kama qasna subax walba. Sidii saan loo ahaa, waxaa la ogaaday lee suddenly ninkii oo mehersaday gabadhii booyaasta la joogtay. Ha mehersadee ma xumee, wuxuuba dajiye another house kasoo horjeeda their old house xaaskii kale degantahay, a whole estate for herself. Islaantii kale yaa celinaayo hee, qaracan sida la sheegay. Sida la sheegay wey burisay but markii dambe soo ceshatay. I just remembered dhacdadaan aan Nayroobi ku maqlay markaa aqriye maqaalka kor ku xusan.
  19. Haweenka Hurdada Badan Furiin Ayey Kasbadaan Haweenka kuwooda hurdada badan waa kuwa ugu furiinka badan, inkastoo haweenku simneen hadana Alle dabeecadaha muusan ka dhigin kuwa ay ka wada simanyihiin dhamaantood waxaa la xaqiijiyey daraasad dhawaanahan lasameeyey in haweenka hurdada badan ka kasbasha fududyihiin furiinka kuwa kale. Daarasad gaaban oo lasameeyey ayaa lagu ogaaday in haweenka lasoo furo ubadan yihiin kuwa waqtiyada qaar iska hurda daraasadan oo xaqiijisay arinkan ayaa ka hadashay in hurdada badan ay dhaafineyso waxyaabo muhiim u ahaa dhisnaanta gurigaaa. Subaxdii oo hurdada lagu daahaa waxay sababtaa in haweeneydu ka caajisto abaabulka agabka guriga sida quraacda iyo kala hagaajinta guriga waxayna ugu danbeyn sababsataa in muran badan ka dhasho hurdadaas dabadeedna lagu kala boodo gurigaas. Waa talo cajiib ah, dumaroow iska yareeya hurdada badan waxay sababi kartaa in aqalkiinu si sahal ah ku burburo waana daaqad dhaxani kaasoo gali karto hadii aadan ka taxadarin. Xigasho
  20. Bad kaamira. Maxaaba fiirsanaa it blinds you. Too iftiin. Nomad is Nomad,,,,,It is in our blood.... Farming has nothing to do with nomadism. Geeljire folks in Soomaali context do not farm at all. Other xoola dhaqato laga yaabaa, which is pastoralism and different from nomadism.
  21. Well, ciyaal xaafadnimo kuma soo marin. So you never understand. Waa loo baahanyahay ciyaalkaa lasoo kortay inaa aragtid ama la xiriirtid mar kale, regardless however long it took. Facebook facilitates that.
  22. Soomaali dhan ayaa isku baahan, kan jooga Jabuuti ilaa kan jooga Gaarisa, tan joogta Raaskambooni ilaa tan joogta Raascaseyr -- kuligood wey isku wada baahanyihiin, la iskama maarmo. Iskaashi, isbiirsi, isbaheysi, midnimo, wadajir iyo walaaltinimo Soomaaliyeed inuu ka dhaxeeyo waa laga maarmaan. However, few cuqdad dishay ayaa isku diraayo Soomaalida, qabyaaladnimadana colaadda jirta ka faa'ideysanaayo. Soomaalinimo lama kala goyn karo, kii ku riyoonaayo taas yeenan nightmare ku noqon.
  23. Aaliya, for someone who says who does not like facebook, yet you spend quite a lot of time searching any article, video, et cetera, that disses facebook. Is it love-hate relationship miyaa? Facebook wax weyn ma'aha. It is just another social portal and anaga haddaa Soomaali nahnay, especially Soomaalideena scattered around the world, it certainly helps and makes it easier to keep and stay in touch. Dad badan ayaa ciyaal xaafadooda aynan ka war maqlin in 20 years ka helay facebook.